Dallas County Commissioners Court MEETING AGENDA September 8, 2015 9:00 AM Administration Building Allen Clemson Courtroom 411 Elm Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Honorable Clay Lewis Jenkins Commissioner Dr. Theresa M. Daniel Commissioner Mike Cantrell Commissioner John Wiley Price Commissioner Dr. Elba Garcia County Judge District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 A. CALL COURT TO ORDER B. DECLARE A QUORUM PRESENT C. DECLARE LEGAL NOTICES POSTED AND COURT DULY CALLED D. MOTION TO OPEN COURT E. BAILIFF TO OPEN COURT F. INVOCATION Pastor R. G. Davis Abundant Life Church Garland, Texas G. RESOLUTIONS COMMISSIONER DR. THERESA M. DANIEL 1. Suicide Prevention Week COMMISSIONER JOHN WILEY PRICE 2. Ryan White CARE Act - 25th Anniversary COMMISSIONER DR. ELBA GARCIA 3. Lucy Smith - Texas HOPE Literacy JUDGE CLAY LEWIS JENKINS 4. H. National Preparedness Month RECOGNITION JUDGE CLAY LEWIS JENKINS 1. I. Dallas County Wellness Program – FitBit Drawing Winner CONSENT AGENDA RECURRING BUSINESS 1. Register of Approved Checks, Authorized Claims Certification, Minutes of Requisitions, and Payroll Registers 2. Transfer of Funds 3. Collateral of Funds 4. Commissioners Court Agenda for Filing Only 5. Commissioners Court Correspondence 6. Rights of Way 7. Personnel Actions 8. Bids to Open: September 10, 2015 - 2015-064-6517 Request for Proposal for Domestic Violence Battering Intervention and Prevention (BIPP) for the District Attorney’s Office, Family Violence Division September 10, 2015 - 2015-071-6525 One Time Bid to Retrofit Secure Doors at Lew Sterrett Justice Center (Opening extended due to addendum) September 10, 2015 - 2015-074-6528 Request for Proposal for Financial Audits of Dallas County, IT General Controls, Juvenile Board, and Community Supervision and Corrections Department September 14, 2015 - 2015-070-6524 Contract to Relocate an Existing Emergency Generator and Purchase and Install Related Electrical Equipment at Youth Village (Opening extended due to addendum) September 14, 2015 - 2015-073-6527 Request for Proposal for Hyperion Financial Close Suite Implementation Services September 14, 2015 - 2015-075-6529 Annual Contract for the Purchase of Supplemental Routine Clinical Testing and Infectious Disease Testing on Post Mortem / Cadaveric Specimens September 14, 2015 - 2015-076-6530 Annual Contract for VanishPoint Syringes J. AWARDS BIDS 1. Bid No. 2015-065-6519 Annual Contract for the Purchase of Offset Printing - Award K. 2. Bid No. 2015-043-6497 Annual Contract for Personal Hygiene Products Award 3. Bid No. 2015-061-6516 Annual Contract for Kitchen Utensils, Cups, Shrink Wrap and Items Relating to a Kitchen Facility - Partial Award PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY AND DISTRICT CLERKS FY2016 ARCHIVE FEE PLAN L. 1. Motion to Open Public Hearing 2. Discussion and Request for Public Comment 3. Motion to Close Public Hearing COURT ORDERS BUDGET 1. Sheriff - FY2016 STEP Traffic Safety Grant Award 2. County and District Clerk FY2016 Archive Fee Plans 3. FY2016 Elected Officials Salaries 4. FY2016 Annual Contract - Hospital District 5. FY2016 Annual Contract - The Family Place 6. FY2016 Annual Contract - Dallas Child Advocacy COMMISSIONERS COURT ADMINISTRATION 7. Joint Appointment to the Dallas County Hospital District Board of Managers 8. Engagement of Carrington, Coleman, Sloman, and Blumenthal, LLP. to Provide Legal Services Regarding the Records Complex Project DISTRICT ATTORNEY 9. Law Library Criminal Trespass Policy ENGINEERING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 10. Energy Performance Contracting - Phase 2C 11. Architect/Engineer IDIQ Services Contract, Work Order No. 10 – Modification 4 for Design Services – Structural Engineering Services, Records Storage Office/Warehouse, 2121 Panoramic Circle 12. Architect/Engineer IDIQ Services Contract, Work Order No. 7 – Dog Park Development, Automotive Service Center/R&B 1, 715 Rowlett Rd., Garland FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 13. Authorization of CBRE Real Estate Services Work Order No. 18 for Workplace Strategies and Space Utilization Planning GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS 14. Continuing Education Requirements for Commissioners Mike Cantrell and John Wiley Price 15. Continuing Education Requirements for County Judge Clay Jenkins HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 16. FY 2015 Department of State Health Services - HIV-Ryan White Contract Amendment 02 17. Renewal Agreement for Subcontracting Child Immunization Services between the City of Richardson and Dallas County Health and Human Services 18. Texas Department of State Health Services, Contract No. 2015-047015001, (HIV-Perinatal Prevention) 19. Texas Department of State Health Services, Contract No. 2015-047008001, HIV Surveillance-FSP 20. Texas Department of State Health Services, Contract No. 2015-047005001, (STD/HIV) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 21. Server Support – Austin Ribbon & Computer Personal Services Contract for Rolando Chavarria JUVENILE 22. Youth Services Advisory Board (YSAB) Appointments 23. Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative Spending Plan 24. TJJD State Financial Assistance Contract 2016-2017 Biennium 25. Contract Renewal with Odysseyware and Academy for Academic Excellence 26. Faronics: Deep Freeze Licenses for Academy of Academic Excellence 27. ESPED.com, Inc. Contract for 2015-2016 School Year 28. Academy for Academic Excellence (AAE) Agreement with Region 10 Curriculum and Assessment Services Cooperative (CASC) TEKS Resource System 29. Academy for Academic Excellence Budget Amendment #6: Request of Additional State Aid 30. Academy for Academic Excellence (AAE) Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with Dallas County Sheriff’s Department PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 31. Recision of Court Order 2015-0908 and Approval of Corrected Amendment No. 3 to Household Hazardous Waste Program Interlocal Agreement PUBLIC WORKS 32. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 20 Rayburn Drive, DeSoto, Texas Via Private Sale 33. Grant Priority of Purchase of Struck Off Parcels to Qualified Non-Profit Organizations for Low-Income Housing TAX ASSESSOR - COLLECTOR 34. Property Tax Refunds over $5,000 TREASURER 35. Continuing Education ADDENDUM 36. PCCI's Sublease of 11,381 Square Feet of Parkland's Office Space at 8435 Stemmons Freeway 37. M. Parkland - Approve Lease of 8818 John Carpenter Freeway BRIEFING SESSION PRESENTATION 1. Dallas County Unified Truancy Courts BUDGET 2. FY2016 Annual Contract - Forensic Diversion and Staff Liaison Services ENGINEERING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3. Leased Space for the Dallas County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) at 1673 Terre Colony, Dallas, Texas FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 4. Authorization of CBRE Real Estate Services Work Order No. 19 for a Third Party Facility Condition Assessment of County Buildings to Assist in the Establishment of an Annual Capital Program GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS 5. Texas Conference of Urban Counties Policy Committee Appointment HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 6. Request for Insecticide Resistance Monitoring Services 7. Renewal Agreement with the University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing and Dallas County Health and Human Services 8. Reallocated FY 2015 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 Part A Formula Amendments 9. Reallocated FY 2015 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 Part A Supplemental Amendments HUMAN RESOURCES 10. 2016 Insurance Benefits INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 11. Extended Personal Services Contract for Preeti Shrestha 12. Extended Personal Services Contract with RedZone Resources for the Services of Sownjanya Venkatagiri PUBLIC WORKS 13. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 306 West Camp Wisdom Road, Duncanville, Texas Via Private Sale 14. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 607 Parkdale Lane, DeSoto, Texas Via Private Sale 15. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 1100 Sherry Lane, DeSoto, Texas Via Private Sale PURCHASING 16. Bid No. 2011-082-5627 Annual Contract for Full Service Elevator/Escalator Maintenance - Final Extension BUDGET HEARING (11:00 A.M.) 17. N. FY2016 Parkland Budget MISCELLANEOUS BRIEF TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRAVEL O. INFORMATION BUDGET 1. Reserve Balance Report CRIMINAL JUSTICE 2. Jail Population Report HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 3. P. HHS Updates PUBLIC COMMENTS Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION For purposes permitted by Chapter 551, Open Meetings, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.075 and 551.076. The Commissioners Court reserves the right to exercise its discretion and may convene in closed/executive session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Section 551.071, et seq. on any of the items listed on its Formal or Briefing agendas. APPOINTMENTS 1. 2015-2017 County Board, Committee and Joint Appointments CONSULTATIONS WITH ATTORNEY AND LEGAL ADVICE 2. Payment for Services Provided by Election Worker PERSONNEL 3. 4. 5. 6. Request for Exception to Employment Policy – Constable Precinct #5 Request for Exception to Employment and Underfill Policies – Shipping and Receiving Clerk – Facilities Department Deliberation Regarding Duties and Responsibilities of Position 3248 (Employee #20087) Request for Exception to Reemployment Policy – Deputy Constable, Precincts #2 and #3 R. RECESS S. RECONVENE IF REQUIRED T. ADJOURN Dallas County Code Sec. 74-71. Meetings. Código del Condado de Dallas Sec. 74-71. Reuniones. • • Ciudadanos y otros visitantes asistiendo la Corte de Comisionados preservarán el orden y decoro y ni por conversación o de otra manera, demorarán o interrumpirán los actos, ni se negarán a obedecer las órdenes del oficial dirigiendo la corte o reglas de la Corte de Comisionados. Cualquier persona que haga comentarios personales, impertinentes, profanos, difamatorios, o se agite mientras se dirige o asiste a la Corte de Comisionados sera retirada de la corte con la asistencia de seguridad por orden del oficial dirigiendo la corte. Si el oficial dirigiendo la corte falla en actuar, cualquier miembro de la Corte de Comisionados puede requerir un voto para ejecutar las reglas. El voto afirmativo de la mayoria de la Corte de Comisionados requerira al oficial dirigiendo la corte a actuar. • Declaraciones hecha sin autorización por el publico, pisoteos fuertes, silbatos, gritos o cualquier otra demostración similar no seran permitidos. El oficial dirigiendo la corte le dara la orden al oficial de seguridad de retirar de la corte a cualquier ofensor. Si el oficial dirigiendo la corte falla en actuar cualquier miembro de la Corte de Comisionados puede requerir un voto para ejecuar las reglas. El voto afirmativo de la mayoria de la Corte de Comisionados requerira al oficial dirigiendo la corte a actuar. • Nigun letrero, bandera, o pancarta sera permitido dentro de la Corte de Comisionados o cualquier otro cuarto donde los comisionados se juntan. Esto no prohibe demostraciónes o ayuda visual en presentaciones a la Corte de Comisionados. • Cualquier persona que sea retirada de cualquier Corte de Comisionados segun las provisiones de esta sección sera prohibida en continuar asistiendo esa session. Cualquier persona que sea retirada de cualquier Corte de Comisionados se le prohibira dirigirse o asistir cualquier corte por un periodo de hasta seis meses. Cualquier violación, dentro de un año de la primera violacion resultara en un año de suspension en poder dirigirse o asistir a la corte. • Cualquier persona que se encuentra en violacion de las reglas por orden del oficial que dirige la corte o por voto afirmativo de los comisionados puede ser detenido por desacato, como lo permite el V.T.C.A codigo de gobierno local §81.023. El castigo por desacato es una multa de $25.00 o 24 horas de carcel. Cualquier individuo que se haye culpable sera sometido a una multa a la primera ofensa, para todas violaciones adicionales el individuo sera sometido y procesado a la carcel. • Personas retiradas de la Corte de Comisionados por falta de obedecer las reglas seran detenidas por violacion de el V.T.C.A. codigo penal §§38.13, 42.01 or 42.05. Citizens and other visitors attending commissioners court meetings shall preserve order and decorum and shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings nor refuse to obey the orders of the presiding officer or rules of the commissioners court. Any person making personal, impertinent, profane or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing and/or attending the commissioners court meeting shall be removed from the commissioners' courtroom if security is so directed by the presiding officer. If the presiding officer fails to act, any member of the commissioners court may move to require enforcement of the rules, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners court shall require the presiding officer to act. • Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells, and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted. The presiding officer may direct security to remove offenders from the courtroom. If the presiding officer fails to act, any member of the commissioners court may move to require enforcement of the rules, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners court shall require the presiding officer to act. • No placards, banners, or signs will be permitted in the commissioners' courtroom or in any other room in which the commissioners court is meeting. This does not prohibit displays and visual aids used in connection with a presentation to the commissioners court. • Any person ordered to be removed from a commissioners court meeting under the provisions of this section shall be barred from further attendance of that session of the commissioners court meeting. Any person ordered to be removed from any commissioners court meeting may be barred from addressing and/or attending any commissioners court meeting for up to a six-month period. Any second violation within a year of the first shall result in a one-year suspension from attendance. • A person that is found to be in violation of these rules by order of the presiding officer or an affirmative vote of the commissioners court may be held in contempt as allowed by V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, § 81.023. The punishment for contempt is a $25.00 fine or 24 hours in jail. For an individual's first time to be held in contempt they shall be fined and for all additional times they will be subject to confinement in jail. • Persons removed from a commissioners court meeting for failure to adhere to these rules shall be subject to arrest and prosecution for violation of the V.T.C.A., Penal Code §§ 38.13, 42.01 or 42.05. (Admin. Policy Manual, § E(1.00--1.08); Ord. No. 98-2334, 12-8-1998; Ord. No. 2003-552, 4-1-2003; Ord. No. 2008-1336, 7-22-2008) (Admin. Policy Manual, § E(1.00--1.08); Ord. No. 98-2334, 12-8-1998; Ord. No. 2003-552, 4-1-2003; Ord. No. 2008-1336, 7-22-2008)
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