Dallas County Commissioners Court MEETING AGENDA August 11, 2015 9:00 AM Administration Building Allen Clemson Courtroom 411 Elm Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Honorable Clay Lewis Jenkins Commissioner Dr. Theresa M. Daniel Commissioner Mike Cantrell Commissioner John Wiley Price Commissioner Dr. Elba Garcia County Judge District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 A. CALL COURT TO ORDER B. DECLARE A QUORUM PRESENT C. DECLARE LEGAL NOTICES POSTED AND COURT DULY CALLED D. MOTION TO OPEN COURT E. BAILIFF TO OPEN COURT F. INVOCATION Associate Pastor Mark Wingfield Wilshire Baptist Church Dallas, Texas G. RESOLUTIONS COMMISSIONER DR. THERESA M. DANIEL 1. Hamilton Park 60th Anniversary COMMISSIONER DR. ELBA GARCIA 2. H. Social Security 80th Anniversary PRESENTATION COMMISSIONER DR. ELBA GARCIA 1. I. Announcement of Winning City for Summer Blood Drive Challenge CONSENT AGENDA RECURRING BUSINESS 1. Register of Approved Checks, Authorized Claims Certification, Minutes of Requisitions, and Payroll Registers 2. Transfer of Funds 3. Collateral of Funds 4. Commissioners Court Agenda for Filing Only 5. Commissioners Court Correspondence 6. Personnel Actions 7. Bids to Open: August 13, 2015 - 2015-062-6514 Pleasant Run Road Waterline Improvements Phase 1, MCIP Project No. 31402, City of Lancaster and City of Wilmer, County of Dallas, Texas, District No. 3 August 17, 2015 - 2015-067-6521 Annual Supply Contract for PVC Fittings, Couplings and Valves (Opening extended due to addendum) August 17, 2015 - 2015-068-6522 Annual Supply Contract for Copper, Iron and Lead-Free Brass Fittings, Couplings and Valves (Opening extended due to addendum) August 17, 2015 - 2015-063-6518 Statement of Qualifications for Professional Construction Project Management Services and On-Site Project Representation for the Records Building Complex Renovation August 17, 2015 - 2015-069-6523 Annual Contract for the Purchase of Commercial Broadloom Carpet J. COURT ORDERS BUDGET 1. Additional Payments for Pest Control Services - Fall 2014 2. Vacancy Savings Transfer to DDA 3. DDA Plan - County Criminal Court 3 4. DDA Plan - County Criminal Court 4 5. Sheriff’s Office – Social Security Fraud Investigation Contract Extension #SS06-15-60001 Amendment 6. Clean Air Task Force – Clerk II, Grade 6 Position Addition 7. Sheriff - FY2015 STEP Traffic Safety Grant Amendment 8. North Texas Auto Theft Task Force FY2016 Texas Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ABTPA) Grant Modification Acceptance 9. HSEM - MOA with City of Dallas 10. Auditor's Office DDA Management Initiative 11. Dallas County Notice of Public Hearing on Dallas County Maximum Tax Rate 12. Parkland Notice of Public Hearing on Parkland Maximum Tax Rate COMMISSIONERS COURT ADMINISTRATION 13. Changing Commissioners Court Meetings to the First and Third Tuesday of Every Month 14. Appointment (District 4) to the Dallas County Hospital District Board of Managers (Parkland) 15. Appointment (District 1) to the Dallas County Hospital District Board of Managers (Parkland) DISTRICT ATTORNEY 16. Garrison Property & Casualty Ins. Co. Lawsuit Final Settlement ELECTIONS 17. Selection of Election Judges, Alternate Election Judges, Early Voting Presiding Officers, Early Voting Alternate Presiding Officers, and Appointments of Central Count Personnel for the 2015-2017 Term 18. Request for Payment of Wireless and Data Service ENGINEERING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 19. Architect/Engineer IDIQ Services Contract, Work Order No. 3 – Elections Warehouse A/E Programming, 1520 Round Table Dr., Dallas, TX 20. Architect/Engineer IDIQ Services Contract, Work Order No. 4 – Warehouse Slab Settlement Investigation, 2121 French Settlement Road, Dallas, TX HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 21. Dallas Legal Hospice - Removal of Medical Malpractice Insurance Clause from FY 2015 State Services Contract 22. Bio-Rad Laboratories Rental Agreement for BioPlex 2200 System 23. Vehicle Disposition and Release of Lien (2012 Toyota Sienna Van Health Services of North Texas) 24. Vehicle Disposition and Release of Lien (1999 Ford Van - Health Services of North Texas) 25. Health Services of North Texas, Inc. FY 2015 Ryan White Part B Supplemental Contract - Removal of Medical Malpractice Insurance Clause 26. 2015 Reliant Energy CARE Program Contribution Payment 27. FY 2015-2016 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Interlocal Agreement 28. Removal of Medical Malpractice Insurance Clause from the FY 2015 Ryan White Part B Formula and FY 2015 State Services Contracts 29. Removal of Medical Malpractice Insurance Clause from the FY 2015 Ryan White Part B Supplemental Contract 30. FY 2016 Department of State Health Services (State Services) Contract 31. 2015-2016 DOE Weatherization Assistance Program Contract - No. 56150002267 32. Request for Proposals Extension - Department of State Health Services HIV Ryan White State Contract Part B Formula, Part B Supplemental, and State Services 33. Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) IDCU/Flu-Lab Contract #2016-001095-00 34. Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) RLSS/Local Public Health System-PnP Contract No. 2016-000029-00 35. Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Immunization Branch-Locals, Contract No. 2016-001068-00 36. Texas Department of State Health Services Contract No. 2016-001112-00 Cities Readiness Initiative 37. Texas Department of State Health Services Contract No. 2016-00106500, CPS/LRN-PHEP 38. Amendment to the Department of State Health Services Contract No. 2015-001035-01, Refugee HUMAN RESOURCES 39. Request for Exception to Reemployment Policy – Deputy Constable I – Precinct #2 40. Request for Exception to Reemployment Policy – Deputy Constable I – Precinct #1 41. Step Correction – Employee # 12731 – Law Enforcement Pay Plan – Constable Precinct #1 42. Request for Exception To Compensation Policy – Facilities Department INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 43. Server Support - Personal Services Contract for Trent Schulz with Insight Global 44. Obtain Personal Services through Object Information Services, Inc. for Hui Bui, Senior Systems Analyst JUVENILE 45. Certification of the Letot RTC for Girls 46. Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program and Parkland Nursing Services 47. Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) Special Education Services Contract with Diagnostic Assessment Services (DAS) 2015-2016 48. Dallas Independent School District (DISD) Food Services Agreement and Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) 49. Request to Contract with Victoria County for Residential Services During FY2016 50. Youth Service Advisory Board Juror Fund Recommendation for Fiscal Year 2016 51. Ratification Grant Submission to the American Psychological Association (APA) 52. Academy for Academic Excellence (AAE) Special Education Services Contract with (Diagnostic Assessment Services) DAS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 53. FY2015 CDBG and HOME Project Funding 54. Allocating FY2014 and FY2015 ESG Funds PUBLIC WORKS 55. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 2542 Sunny Meadows Road, Lancaster, Texas Via Private Sale 56. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Real Property at 534 E. 4th Street, Lancaster, TX Via Private Sale 57. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 405 Francis Street, Lancaster, Texas Via Private Sale 58. PSA (R&B District #3) Pavement Marking of Danieldale Road & Various Roads, “Type B” Roadway Project – Pursuant to Master R&B Interlocal Maintenance Agreement with the City of DeSoto, Texas 59. Dalworth Soil and Water Conservation District (DSWCD) #519 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Dallas County for Annual Maintenance For Four (4) Regional Dams - Rowlett Creek and Ten Mile Creek Watershed Areas PURCHASING 60. Bid No. 2015-036-6490 Annual Contract for Courier and Delivery Services - Cancellation 61. Bid No. 2013-040-6321 Annual Contract for Transport, Set-Up and Disassembling of Elections Equipment, Machines, Carts and Related Items to and from Various Polling Sites - Final Extension 62. RFP No. 2010-069-5135 for Domestic Violence Battering Intervention and Prevention Counseling and Treatment Program Services – Temporary Sixty (60) Day Extension 63. Bid No. 2014-034-6416 Annual Contract for Infectious / Bio-Hazard Waste Removal, Pick-Up, and Disposal (1st Contract Extension) 64. RFP No. 2015-064-6517 Request for Proposal for Domestic Violence Battering Intervention and Prevention (BIPP) for the District Attorney’s Office, Family Violence Division - Authorization to Advertise 65. Dallas County Purchasing Code of Ethics 66. RFQ No. 2015-045-6498 Request for Qualifications for Financial Audits of Dallas County, Juvenile Board, and Community Supervision and Corrections Department - RFQ Cancellation TAX ASSESSOR - COLLECTOR 67. Property Tax Refunds over $5,000 K. TIME SENSITIVE COURT ORDERS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1. Title VI Plan and Annual Report HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 2. The Dallas Foundation / Fikes Family Fund Donation PURCHASING 3. L. RFQ No. 2015-XXX-XXXX Request for Qualifications for Financial Audits of Dallas County, Juvenile Board, and Community Supervision and Corrections Department - Authorization to Advertise BRIEFING SESSION PRESENTATION 1. DCHHS West Nile Virus Update 2. Dallas County Adult Intimate Partners Fatality Review BUDGET 3. Sheriff’s Office K94COPs 4. Clean Air Task Force – Fiscal Year 2016 Low Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program County Funding Amendment 2 (582-12-20270) COMMISSIONERS COURT ADMINISTRATION 5. Proposed 2016 Holiday Schedule ENGINEERING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6. Energy Performance Contract - Phase 2C for Deferred Maintenance Projects HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 7. Renewal Agreement with Dallas Metrocare Services 8. ATMOS Energy, Sharing the Warmth Program - Administrative Payment 9. Mosquito Control Interlocal Agreement 10. Food Establishment Inspections Interlocal Agreements 11. Interlocal Agreement for Coordinated Health Services 12. Amendment to the Department of State Health Services Contract No. 2015-000028-01, Hansen's 13. Amendment to the Department of State Health Services Contract No. 2015-001403-01, TB/PC-Federal 14. Department of State Health Services Contract No. 2016-001458-00, TB/State-AAP 15. FY 2015 Ryan White Part B Formula Contract Award - Your Health Clinic 16. FY 2015 State Services Contract Amendment - Your Health Clinic 17. Health Services of North Texas, Inc., Removal of Medical Malpractice Insurance Clause from FY 2015 Part A Formula and FY 2015 Part A Supplemental Contracts 18. FY 2015 Part A Formula Contract Award - Dallas County Hospital District DBA Parkland Health and Hospital System 19. FY 2015 Part A Supplemental Contract Award to Dallas County Hospital District D/B/A Parkland Health and Hospital System 20. FY 2015 Part B Supplemental Contract Award to Dallas County Hospital District D/B/A Parkland Health and Hospital System HUMAN RESOURCES 21. Minor Policy Revisions – Travel and Mileage Reimbursement Policy 86711 and Auto Allowance Policy 86-714 22. Policy Revision Lateral Transfer Policy 23. Approval of Additional Funds CPS Consulting – Purchasing Director Recruiting – Final Invoice 24. Life Insurance Rates with Reduction in Basic Life Rate PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 25. Request to Participate in City of Dallas Mall Redevelopment TIF District PUBLIC WORKS 26. PSA with the City of Sachse on Sachse Road – MCIP No. 22804 (SH-78 to Miles Road) 27. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 2607 Dinah Drive, Balch Springs, Texas Via Private Sale 28. Resale of Tax Foreclosed Property at 1 Taylor Street, Cedar Hill, Texas Via Private Sale PURCHASING 29. Bid No. 2013-034-6302 Annual Contract For Offset Printing And Copying Service – Final Contract Extension 30. Purchase of Customized Flatbed Trucks for the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department – BuyBoard Contract No. 430-13 BUDGET HEARING (11 A.M.) 31. M. FY2016 Parkland Budget MISCELLANEOUS BRIEF EQUIPMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRAVEL N. INFORMATION AUDITOR 1. Payment Holds-Contractual Non-compliance: Insurance as of August 5, 2015 BUDGET 2. Reserve Balance Report CRIMINAL JUSTICE 3. O. Jail Population Report PUBLIC COMMENTS P. EXECUTIVE SESSION For purposes permitted by Chapter 551, Open Meetings, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.075 and 551.076. The Commissioners Court reserves the right to exercise its discretion and may convene in closed/executive session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Section 551.071, et seq. on any of the items listed on its Formal or Briefing agendas. APPOINTMENTS 1. 2. 2015-2017 County Board, Committee and Joint Appointments Joint Appointment to Dallas County Hospital District Board of Managers (Parkland) CONSULTATIONS WITH ATTORNEY AND LEGAL ADVICE 3. Consultation and deliberation regarding proposed litigation to recoup overpayment of payroll to former employees DELIBERATION AND TAKE ACTION REGARDING REAL ESTATE 4. 5. 6. 7. Project: Cockrell Hill Road, MCIP 42301 – Parcel 3 Project: Spring Valley Road, MCIP 15801 – Parcels 3, 3-DE & 3-TE Project: Spring Valley Road, MCIP 15801 – Parcels 5-DE Project: Hickory Tree Road Extension, MCIP 31803 - Parcels 1 & 1-DE PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION AND ATTORNEY-CLIENT INFORMATION 8. 9. 10. 11. Civil Action No. 3:15-CV-00131-D; Anne Harding, et al. v. County of Dallas, Texas, et al.; in the United States District Court, Northern District, Dallas Division Cause No. 05-14-01305-CV; Todd Pruett v. Dallas County, Texas; in the Court of Appeals Fifth District of Texas at Dallas Cause Nos. DC-15-06891 (160th District Court) and DC-15-02922 (193rd District Court; AIDS Healthcare Foundation v. Dallas County, Texas, et al. Cause No. DC-07-03314; Lester Jon Ruston v. Armando Fernandez, et al. PERSONNEL 12. 13. Exception to Policy - Request for an Extension of Leave of Absence (LOA) Employee #14987 Request for Administrative Leave with Pay for Employee #131652 Q. RECESS R. RECONVENE IF REQUIRED S. ADJOURN Dallas County Code Sec. 74-71. Meetings. Código del Condado de Dallas Sec. 74-71. Reuniones. • • Ciudadanos y otros visitantes asistiendo la Corte de Comisionados preservarán el orden y decoro y ni por conversación o de otra manera, demorarán o interrumpirán los actos, ni se negarán a obedecer las órdenes del oficial dirigiendo la corte o reglas de la Corte de Comisionados. Cualquier persona que haga comentarios personales, impertinentes, profanos, difamatorios, o se agite mientras se dirige o asiste a la Corte de Comisionados sera retirada de la corte con la asistencia de seguridad por orden del oficial dirigiendo la corte. Si el oficial dirigiendo la corte falla en actuar, cualquier miembro de la Corte de Comisionados puede requerir un voto para ejecutar las reglas. El voto afirmativo de la mayoria de la Corte de Comisionados requerira al oficial dirigiendo la corte a actuar. • Declaraciones hecha sin autorización por el publico, pisoteos fuertes, silbatos, gritos o cualquier otra demostración similar no seran permitidos. El oficial dirigiendo la corte le dara la orden al oficial de seguridad de retirar de la corte a cualquier ofensor. Si el oficial dirigiendo la corte falla en actuar cualquier miembro de la Corte de Comisionados puede requerir un voto para ejecuar las reglas. El voto afirmativo de la mayoria de la Corte de Comisionados requerira al oficial dirigiendo la corte a actuar. • Nigun letrero, bandera, o pancarta sera permitido dentro de la Corte de Comisionados o cualquier otro cuarto donde los comisionados se juntan. Esto no prohibe demostraciónes o ayuda visual en presentaciones a la Corte de Comisionados. • Cualquier persona que sea retirada de cualquier Corte de Comisionados segun las provisiones de esta sección sera prohibida en continuar asistiendo esa session. Cualquier persona que sea retirada de cualquier Corte de Comisionados se le prohibira dirigirse o asistir cualquier corte por un periodo de hasta seis meses. Cualquier violación, dentro de un año de la primera violacion resultara en un año de suspension en poder dirigirse o asistir a la corte. • Cualquier persona que se encuentra en violacion de las reglas por orden del oficial que dirige la corte o por voto afirmativo de los comisionados puede ser detenido por desacato, como lo permite el V.T.C.A codigo de gobierno local §81.023. El castigo por desacato es una multa de $25.00 o 24 horas de carcel. Cualquier individuo que se haye culpable sera sometido a una multa a la primera ofensa, para todas violaciones adicionales el individuo sera sometido y procesado a la carcel. • Personas retiradas de la Corte de Comisionados por falta de obedecer las reglas seran detenidas por violacion de el V.T.C.A. codigo penal §§38.13, 42.01 or 42.05. • • Citizens and other visitors attending commissioners court meetings shall preserve order and decorum and shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings nor refuse to obey the orders of the presiding officer or rules of the commissioners court. Any person making personal, impertinent, profane or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing and/or attending the commissioners court meeting shall be removed from the commissioners' courtroom if security is so directed by the presiding officer. If the presiding officer fails to act, any member of the commissioners court may move to require enforcement of the rules, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners court shall require the presiding officer to act. Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells, and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted. The presiding officer may direct security to remove offenders from the courtroom. If the presiding officer fails to act, any member of the commissioners court may move to require enforcement of the rules, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners court shall require the presiding officer to act. No placards, banners, or signs will be permitted in the commissioners' courtroom or in any other room in which the commissioners court is meeting. This does not prohibit displays and visual aids used in connection with a presentation to the commissioners court. • Any person ordered to be removed from a commissioners court meeting under the provisions of this section shall be barred from further attendance of that session of the commissioners court meeting. Any person ordered to be removed from any commissioners court meeting may be barred from addressing and/or attending any commissioners court meeting for up to a six-month period. Any second violation within a year of the first shall result in a one-year suspension from attendance. • A person that is found to be in violation of these rules by order of the presiding officer or an affirmative vote of the commissioners court may be held in contempt as allowed by V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, § 81.023. The punishment for contempt is a $25.00 fine or 24 hours in jail. For an individual's first time to be held in contempt they shall be fined and for all additional times they will be subject to confinement in jail. • Persons removed from a commissioners court meeting for failure to adhere to these rules shall be subject to arrest and prosecution for violation of the V.T.C.A., Penal Code §§ 38.13, 42.01 or 42.05. (Admin. Policy Manual, § E(1.00--1.08); Ord. No. 98-2334, 12-8-1998; Ord. No. 2003-552, 4-1-2003; Ord. No. 2008-1336, 7-22-2008) (Admin. Policy Manual, § E(1.00--1.08); Ord. No. 98-2334, 12-8-1998; Ord. No. 2003-552, 4-1-2003; Ord. No. 2008-1336, 7-22-2008) LEGAL NOTICE 2~15 AUG - 7 PH 3: 00 CCL:N t '-( CLL~.r:~r\ lmi\Ll./1-'l CfliHHY Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of August, 2015, the Commissioners Court of Dallas County, Texas, will hold a Regular called meeting during the August Tenn of Court at 9:00 a.m. at the Commissioners Courtroom located on the 1st Floor of the Dallas County Administration Building, Elm at Houston Streets, Dallas, Texas, for purposes of * * SEE AGENDA * * If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice the Commissioners Court should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Commissioners Court or a consultation with attorney as authorized by Chapter 551 1 Open Meetings, Texas Government Code, will be held by the Commissioners Court at the date, hour and place given in the Notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this Notice as the Commissioners Court may consult with the Commissioners Court attorney, concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Chapter 551 including but not limited to Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075 and 551.076. Should any final action, final decision or final vote be required in the opinion of the Commissioners Court with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with the Commissioners Court attorney, then such final action, final decision or final vote shall be at either: (a) the open meeting covered by this notice upon the reconvening of this public meeting; or (b) at a subsequent public meeting of the Commissioners Court upon notice thereof; as the Commissioners Court may determine. On this 7th day of August, 2015, the original of this instrument was filed with the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas, and an original copy is being posted on the bulletin board in the lobby or foyer of the Commissioners Court - Dallas County Administration Building and on the Dallas County website at www.dallascounty.org at 3:00 p.m. on said date.
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