Holy Rosary Cathedral RICHARDS & DUNSMUIR STREET, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2016 ARCHBISHOP: Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, CSB RECTOR: Very Rev. Stanley Galvon ASSISTANT PRIESTS: Rev. Federico Buttner • Rev. Anicet Pinto • Rev. Denis Flores • Rev. Pablo Santa Maria IN RESIDENCE: Rev. John Eason (Seaports Chaplain) • Rev. Terry Larkin 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 Tel.: 604-682-6774 / Fax: 604-331-8406 / Email: [email protected] / Web: www.holyrosarycathedral.org HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG C ONTACT INFORMATION Cathedral Parish Office Office Email [email protected] Office Address 646 Richards Street, Vancouver BC V6B 3A3 M ASS S CHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday 5:10 pm anticipated Mass Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm, 6:30pm in Spanish; 8:00pm Weekday Masses Monday to Friday 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm, 5:10pm Saturday Rector Fr. Stanley Galvon [email protected] Parish Secretary Email Office Phone Fax Angela Burghard [email protected] 604-682-6774, ext. 5 604-331-8406 Pastoral Associate Bertilla Watanabe Email [email protected] R EADINGS - EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 7:15am, 8:00am, 12:10pm CONFESSIONS Monday to Friday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:45pm Saturday 7:45am, 11:45am, 4:00 to 5:00pm -First Reading: Isaiah 60.1-6 The glory of the Lord has risen upon you. -Responsorial Psalm: -Second Reading: -Gospel: Morning Prayer Rosary 4:00pm Mon to Sat 8:30am Monday to Saturday 11:40am, 4:40pm Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Fridays 3:00pm Prayers to God the Father Tuesdays at 4:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday 12:45pm to 5:00pm Ephesians 3.2-6 Now the m ystery has been revealed; now the Gentiles have becom e fellow heirs of the prom ise. DEVOTIONS & ADORATION Sunday Vespers Psalm 72 R. Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. Matthew 2.1-12 W e have com e from the East to pay hom age to the king. WEEKDAY READINGS - EPIPHANY Monday January 4 # St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 1 Jn 3.22-4.6 / Mt 4.12-25 Tuesday January 5 # St. John Neumann 1 Jn 4.7-10 / Mk 6.34-44 Wednesday January 6 # Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 4.11-18 / Mk 6.45-52 Thursday January 7 # Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 4.19-22 / Lk 4.14-22 Friday January 8 # Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 5.5-13 / Lk 5.12-16 Saturday January 9 # Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 5.14-21 / Jn 3.22-30 Sunday January 10 # Baptism of the Lord Is 42.1-7 / Acts 10.34-38 / Lk 3.15-22 -2- January 3, 2015 EPIPHANY OF THE LORD DEAR PARISHIONERS and VISITORS: PRAYER on the Feast of the Epiphany This year the Catholic church in Canada celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord on Sunday January 3rd. The Catholic scripture scholar Scott Hahn says about the Epiphany, “. . it signals the salvation of the whole world and the restoration of the cosmic order, which had been disturbed with the fall of humanity and of the angels.” GOD OF LIGHT, GOD OF GLORY the babble of infants declares your strength and the wise of the world pay homage to the holy child. Reveal your glory, The great Scripture scholar of the 3rd century, Origen of Alexandria, described the meaning of the gifts that the Magi brought to the Christ child: clothed as it is in the humanity “Gold, as to a king; myrrh, as to one who was mortal; and incense, as to God.” as we behold the light of the nations This symbolism makes sense because the Christ child was at once king, man and God. Jesus the Christ, Try to plan some quiet time with the Lord on Epiphany day or in the next few days and ask Him to let you know what gift that He would like you to bring Him. Perhaps it is a special time of adoration prayer each day, or some self denial to deepen your prayer for someone else, or some act of stewardship with the gifts that He has given to you. We can be sure the Holy Spirit will help us to recognize and humbly present our gift to the Lord and thus imitate the Magi at the Epiphany. Fr. Galvon of Jesus of Nazareth. May we have cause to rejoice and the glory of your people Israel, who is Lord for ever and ever. Alleluia! The Word of God dwells among us! God is one with humankind! Amen PARISH NEW S & EVENTS SUNDAY SOCIAL: Please join us at Holy Rosary Hall for coffee, tea and light refreshm ents after the 9:30am & 11:00am Masses. Com e, have fun and visit with fellow parishioners and visitors to the Cathedral. W eekly Programs for Adults 50+: • Bible Sharing will resum e Tues. Jan. 19, 10:30 to 11:30am . • Gentle Chair Yoga will resum e Thurs. Jan. 21, 10:30-11:30am . • For m ore info, please call Shirley 604-879-8295. 2016 Envelope Boxes are ready for pickup in the vestibule of the church. Please check to make sure your address is correct, and let us know if there is any change. Please call the office for envelopes if needed. As an alternative choice - you m ay consider the convenience of m aking your Sunday offerings by Direct Debit - request a brochure from the parish office. 2016 SUNDAY MISSALS are for sale at the Gift shop or parish office, $3.50 each. Devotional Prayers to God the Father: Every Tuesday at 4:00pm VOLUNTEERS FOR THE GIFT SHO P: Dedicated volunteers are needed to help with the sale of religious articles at the cathedral gift shop. If you are interested, please contact Anne at annehighmore.@ co.uk. . Chaplet of the Divine M ercy: Friday at 3:00 pm . All are welcom e. Prayer booklets are provided. -3- HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | BAPTISM PREPARATION for parents who have a child to present for Baptism or who are expecting a child in the next few m onths, and for Godparents. Session 1: Sat., Jan. 9, 10:00 to 11:00am in Holy Rosary Hall Session 2: Interview with Fr. Pablo to be arranged after having attended the Saturday session . Please call or em ail the parish office to register. ++++++++ Sunday & Holiday Parking for Holy Rosary Cathedral Holy Rosary Cathedral parishioners will now get special rates for underground parking at 401 W est Georgia on Saturdays, Sundays and selected holidays (except game days & special events): $3 for two (2) hours or $4 for three (3) hours. Select the “Holy Rosary” option at paym ent kiosks and use code “1983" to access. Paym ent by credit card only. Parkade is open 8:00am to 12 m idnight on Sundays and Holidays. Entrance is on Hom er St, (across from post office). Special rates will be in effect on New Year’s Day (8am to1pm ). Many thanks to Advance Parking System for extending this parking privilege to our parish. WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG THANKSGIVING M ASS Celebrating the 23rd . year Anniversary of the Life in the Spirit Sem inar W ed. Jan. 8, 7:00pm at Im m aculate Conception Parish, Delta . Main celebrant Bishop David Monroe. After Mass laying on hands for healing followed by fellowship at the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited to com e. Theology of the Body Course Com e and discover God’s original design for us, our call to holiness, and our destiny with him in heaven. Instructor: Fr. Alan Boisclair, BA, MDiv, STL (Marriage and the Fam ily). · Jan. 11 to April 4, from 7 to 9:15pm at St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Vancouver · Jan. 13 to April 6, from 7 to 9:15pm at St. John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Vancouver · Early registration with download of class notes (by Jan. 6) is $75; after $85. · Early registration with printed notes (by Jan. 6) is $85; after is $95. · For those who’ve taken the course before, cost is $25. To register, visit www.rcav.org/TOB or call 604-683-0281 ext. 50246 for m ore info. UNIVERSITY M ASS IN THE YEAR OF M ERCY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 AT HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL Confessions start at 6:30pm , Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller begins at 7:00pm . PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Fr. Peter Chiang, Joan Pan, Diana Marcela Ulloa Ramirez, Antonie Gabriel, Donna Hossack, Emilsen Calderon, Wendy Vazquez, Ruth Leon Solana, Maria Rosa Lopez, Julio Esponda Solana, Yvette Simon, Melvyn Thomas Lee, Julie Sanderson, and all who are ill, recovering from surgery, and are in need of our prayers. A Special Thank You from the Seafarers Dear parishioners, thank you for providing Christm as gifts for our sailors spending their Christm as in Vancouver, away from their fam ilies and loved ones. About 2,300 presents were given out. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Holy Rosary Cathedral 2016 Concert Series presents CANADIAN VIRTUOSO ORGANIST KEN COWAN Friday, January 29, 2016 at 8:00pm Tickets: $25 / Students & Seniors $20 W e welcom e one of North Am erica’s finest concert organists, praised for his dazzling artistry, im peccable technique and im aginative program m ing by audiences and critics alike. For tickets call 604-682-6774, ext. 5 or em ail hrc@ shaw.ca . Donations to Catholic Charities M en’s Hostel Clothing Room - The Men's Hostel has a Clothing Room which is used every day by our guests. There is particular need for new m en’s underwear and new socks. To donate, please send item s to the Men’s Hostel at 828 Cam bie St, Van or for m ore info plase call us at 604-443-3292. M ARK YOUR CALENDAR W ORLD DAY OF THE SICK - FEBRUARY 11, 2016 on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Mass of Anointing celebrated by Archbishop Miller at 11:00am at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 555 Slocan. W HAT’S ON AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE ST. AUGUSTINE’S SCHOOL: Annual Meeting for prospective New Families Jan 7 at 7:00pm. For more info call the school (2154 W . 7th Ave) at 604- 731-8024. -4- JANUARY 3, 2016 ¡Bienvenidos feligreses de habla hispana y visitantes a la Catedral del Santo Rosario! EPIPHANY OF THE LORD † M USIC N OTES † Cathedral Organist & Music Director Denis Bédard 604-322-5995 Assistant Organist/Music Adm inistrator Catherine W alsh 604-222-8072 Servicios _ CONFESIONES en Español con el Padre Federico Buttner. Mier, Jue y Vier 11:45am y 4:45 pm. Sábado - 11:45 am y de 4 a 5 pm. ¡Pregunta por él! _ ROSARIO EN ESPAÑOL: Domingos 6:05 pm _ EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO Primer sábado de cada mes, 6:30pm. ¡Jesús resucitado te espera! _ Participa como voluntario de la tienda de artículos religiosos de la Catedral. _Escríbenos a nuestro email: [email protected] M usic Programme for the 11:00 am M ass Sunday, January 3, 2016 Organ Prelude: 1. Pastorale 2. Entrée en form e de Carillon www.facebook.com/comunidadhispanahrc Directorio de Coordinatores: # Sacerdote: P. Federico Buttner # Coro: Adrian Calabuche # Lectores: Alex Frias # Hospitalidad: Vanessa Tapia y Clare McCormick # Eventos: Vanessa Tapia # Ministros Ext. de Comunión: Julio Longoria # Apoyo Gral. a la Com. de Base: Edna Gpe. Diaz Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei: Missa Brevissim a Gregoriana Offertory: Cantate Dom ino (Choir) Que te adoren, Señor, todos los pueblos ¡ Magos del oriente adoran a Jesús ! El pasaje de este dom ingo presenta escenas llenas de m ovim iento y colorido. El prim er capítulo de este evangelio responde a las preguntas: " ¿ quién es Jesús y cóm o nació ? "; tam bién a: " ¿ dónde y cuándo ? " San Marcos no se preocupa por narrar las circunstancias del nacim iento de Jesús. Lo tom a com o un hecho: fue en Belén de Judá. Con esta festividad celebram os la universalidad de la Iglesia, la llam ada de los paganos, representados por los Magos, a form ar parte entre los seguidores de Jesús. ¡ Cuan consolador y esperanzador ! En el periódico, The B.C. Catholic con fecha 7 de Diciem bre del 2015, viene en prim era plana que S.S. el Papa Francisco abrió la puerta santa en un tem plo en Bangui, República Central Africana el 29 de Noviem bre. Siendo que el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia se iniciaría hasta el 8 de Diciem bre, pero Su Santidad quiso abrir dicha puerta com o signo de solidaridad con dicho país. No cabe duda que Dios en su infinita Sabiduría y Misericordia nos da la oportunidad de sentir m uy de cerca su Am or por m edio del Vicario de Cristo. ¡ No desaprovechem os la oportunidad de crecer día a día de m anera integral ! - K. TEN HOOPE - H. L. HASSLER Communion: 1. Chorale Lo, how a Rose e’er bloom ing (Organ) - J. BRAHMS 2. Kings in Glory (Choir & Soloist) - M. SHAW +++++ ¿ Cuál es la actitud de los sacerdotes y escribas ? Ellos que conocen las escrituras, pues hasta son consultados por Herodes acerca del lugar del nacim iento del Mesías y responden correctam ente. Ellos son " personas de saber ", adem ás podrían ser capaces de indicar a los demás el camino para encontrar a Jesús; pero ellos no se m ueven. No van a la carrera a Belén, com o se esperaría de personas que esperaban la venida del Mesías. Ellos perm anecen cóm odam ente en sus casas. ¿ A quiénes representan ? Seguram ente a m uchos de nosotros. - DOM P. BENOIT - T. DUBOIS Organ Postlude: Marche-Sortie - T. DUBOIS ††††††††††† M usic Preview for January 10, 2016 Organist: Catherine W alsh Missa Brevis II - DENIS BÉDARD Laudate Nom en Dom ini - C. TYE Panis Angelicus - F. LAMBILOTTE O Sacred Feast - H. W ILLAN Agradecimiento Prim eram ente Dios, la Com unidad Hispana en la Catedral de Ntra. Sra. del Sto. Rosario cum plirá 10 años de beneficiarse con la celebración de la Eucaristía en Español los Dom ingos. Muchísim as gracias Excm o. Rvdm o. Sr. Arzobispo J. Michael Miller. Hacem os extensivo nuestro agradecim iento al Padre Stanley Galvon Rector de la Catedral así com o al Padre Federico Buttner. ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY!! THANK YOU to our current advertisers and all of our parishioners and visitors who frequent their businesses. If you or your company are interested in placing an ad on the back of the Holy Rosary Cathedral Bulletin please contact Max Madrussan for information at 778-899-6388 or email [email protected] . -5- HOLY ROSARY CATHEDRAL PARISH | P ARISH L IFE WWW.HOLYROSARYCATHEDRAL.ORG S TEWARDSHIP IN OUR P ARISH Baptisms Sundays at 2:00pm. Preparation classes are held on the second Saturday of each month. Please contact the parish office to find out more. Marriages - Appointments should be made at least six months in advance. Couples please contact the Parish Office for information. Altar Servers - The Cathedral has a team of dedicated servers who are scheduled to help at specific Masses. Help is needed at weekday Masses too. Contact: Bertilla Watanabe 604-682-6774 ext. 6 Cathedral Bell Ringers - A skilled and dedicated team of bell ringers rings our eight bells by hand. New ringers, experienced or not, are welcome always. Practices are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Visit www.vscr.ca Email: [email protected] Cathedral Gift Shop -The Gift Shop aims to be open before & after the noon & evening weekday Masses, as well as Sunday morning & evening Masses, and is staffed by a crew of dedicated ladies. Thank you for your support. Catholic Women’s League - The CWL is rooted in gospel values and calls its members to holiness through service. They organize and support a wide range of spiritual and social events in the parish and diocese and good works in the community at large. We meet in Rosary Hall on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm. Women of all ages are welcome. Contact: Sarah Parry at [email protected] Church Care & Cleaning - The sanctuary is given a thorough cleaning every Tuesday morning, 9 - 11am, and on the last Saturday of each month. More hands are always welcome. Contact the parish office at [email protected] Choirs - Three choirs offer a variety of music repertoires to enrich our prayer and worship experience. If you would like share your talents, find out which of our choirs is right for you. Contact: Catherine Walsh 604-222-8072 Development & Peace - D & P is the official international development organization of Catholic Church in Canada. It helps the world's poor and disadvantaged by advocating policy change in government and corporations and by donating time and money to support development efforts. Contact Bertilla Watanabe: Email: [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - If you are a regular at the parish and live by the principles of a faith-filled Catholic, this ministry may be your calling. Lay members help with the distribution of the Eucharist when additional help is required. Contact: Shirley Wang 604-879-8295 Handmaids of the Lord - This is an all-women ministry of the Couples for Christ. It aims to provide Christian pastoral support for personal renewal. By sharing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the members grow as witnesses to the faith through continuing conversion, service and evangelization work. Contact: Grace Inonog, Email: [email protected] Hispanic Community - The weekly Spanish Mass now caters to the Spanish-speaking community in our parish. The Genesis Group reaches out to young adults within this community. If you would like to serve as an usher, lector or in any other way please let us know. [email protected] , www.facebook.com/comunidadhispanahrc Stewardship Profile of the Week CHUCK and SHIRLEY Have been coming to the Cathedral for 5 years. Serve on the Saturday cleaning crew and the Welcoming Committee. Chuck also serves as Eucharistic Minister and on the Stewardship Committee. Motto: “It’s a feeling you get while you are serving and after you are giving.... It’s about giving. You receive from giving. Thanks, Chuck and Shirley for your loving and joyful acts of inspired service. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Today we hear Saint Paul proclaim that he exercises stewardship of “God’s grace” for the benefit of the Christian com m unity. Earlier in this letter to the Ephesians, he prayed they would com e to realize the actual value of “these riches” of God’s grace they inherited. This letter was written to rem ind, encourage, and spiritually m otivate this Eucharistic com m unity to appreciate just how im m easurably wealthy they had becom e to inherit a life in Christ. W hat value do we place on our life in Christ? If som eone asked us to put a price on this life in today’s currency, how would we respond? $100 m illion? $100 billion? Priceless? Do we live as though our life in Christ is priceless? www.catholicstewardship.org PARISH LIFE continued..... Knights of Columbus - The K of C a fraternal benefit society founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. Fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational and charitable and social welfare works. Contact: Grand Knight Sean Fox, 604-608-1326. Email: [email protected] or Deputy Grand Knight James Faulkner [email protected] Legion of Mary - This is a well-established organization in the parish. The women and men of the Legion serve in all areas of parish life as greeters, ushers and prayer leaders. They also make house visits to visit the sick, pray the rosary and evangelize. A number of praesidia meet during the week in the Parish hall. Contact: Rufina Armandiz, 604-3259921 or the Parish Office. Lectors - The sacramental celebration of the Word of God is a proclamation which must enlighten the minds of the listeners and inspire them in the journey towards God. New lectors are welcome. Attendance at a Lector’s Workshop is compulsory. Contact: David Cuan, [email protected]. Project Advance - Project Advance is an annual diocesan appeal beginning in Spring. If you can help at the launch and follow-up, it would certainly be appreciated. Contact: Bertilla Watanabe Email: [email protected] RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from Sept. to May, 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Holy Rosary Hall, 650 Richards St. Call the office for info and registration. 50+ and Seniors - f you are 50 and older, join this group for a range of activities - Bible Sharing on Tuesdays 10:30 -11:30am, Gentle Chair Yoga on Thursdays 10:30-11:30am as well as short excursions and lunch gatherings. Contact Shirley Wang at 604-879-8295. Ushers & Greeters - Help is needed to distribute bulletins, take up the collection, welcome all who come to Mass and generally be ready to serve with a smile! Contact: Gilda Penfold, Email: [email protected] -6- Holy Rosary Cathedral—BC 1101 Cancom Media Inc
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