December 13, 2015—Third Sunday in Advent CATHOLIC CHURCH Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise. Luke 3:11 We are Catholic Christians striving to love beyond all boundaries and to continue the mission of Christ. 25511 Eshelman Avenue, Lomita (310) 326-3364 2 Pastor’s Corner: Fr. Paul O’Donnell: Y E A R O F M E RCY Dear Families and Friends of St. Margaret Mary’s, aving begun the Extraordinary Jubilee Year dedicated to God’s Mercy this past Tuesday, I would like to quote from Pope Francis’ apostolic letter, Misericordiae Vultus (The Face of Mercy): H “T he Holy Year (began) on 8 December 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This liturgical feast day recalls God’s action from the very beginning of the history of mankind. After the sin of Adam and Eve, God did not wish to leave humanity alone in the throes of evil. And so he turned his gaze to Mary, holy and immaculate in love (Eph 1:4), choosing her to be the Mother of man’s Redeemer. When faced with the gravity of sin, God responds with the fullness of mercy. Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive. I (had) the joy of opening the Holy Door on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On that day, the Holy Door (became) a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope. n the following Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Rome—that is, the Basilica of Saint John Lateran—will be opened. In the following weeks, the Holy Doors of the other Papal Basilicas will be opened. On the same Sunday, I will announce that in every local church, at the cathedral—the mother church of the faithful in any particular area—or, alternatively, at another church of special significance, a Door of Mercy will be opened for the duration of the Holy Year. … A similar door may be opened at any shrine frequented by large groups of pilgrims, since visits to these holy sites are so often grace-filled moments, as people discover a path to conversion. Every Particular Church, therefore, will be directly involved in living out this Holy Year as an extraordinary moment of grace “O and spiritual renewal. Thus the Jubilee will be celebrated both in Rome and in the Particular Churches as a visible sign of the Church’s universal communion. (chose) the date, December 8th, because of its rich meaning in the recent history of the Church. In fact, I (opened) the Holy Door on the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. The Church feels a great need to keep this event alive. With the Council, the Church entered a new phase of her history. The Council Fathers strongly perceived, as a true breath of the Holy Spirit, a need to talk about God to men and women of their time in a more accessible way. The walls which for too long had made the Church a kind of fortress were torn down and the time had come to proclaim the Gospel in a new way. It was a new phase of the same evangelization that had existed from the beginning. It was a fresh undertaking for all Christians to bear witness to their faith with greater enthusiasm and conviction. The Church sensed a responsibility to be a living sign of the Father’s love in the world…With these sentiments of gratitude for everything the Church has received, and with a sense of responsibility for the task that lies ahead, we shall cross the threshold of the Holy Door fully confident that the strength of the Risen Lord, who constantly supports us on our pilgrim way, will sustain us. May the Holy Spirit, who guides the steps of believers in cooperating with the work of salvation wrought by Christ, lead the way and support the People of God so that they may contemplate the face of mercy.” “I FRANCIS `xÇát}x wxÄ ctáàÉÜ 3 Queridos Amigos y Familias de Santa Margarita María H abiendo ya iniciado el ano jubileo dedicado a la misericordia de Dios, yo queria compartir con Ustedes unos pensamientos del Papa Francisco de su carta apostolica Misericordiae Vultus (La Cara de le Misericordia): “El Año Santo se (abrio) el 8 de diciembre de 2015, solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción. Esta fiesta litúrgica indica el modo de obrar de Dios desde los albores de nuestra historia. Después del pecado de Adán y Eva, Dios no quiso dejar la humanidad en soledad y a merced del mal. Por esto pensó y quiso a María santa e inmaculada en el amor (Ef 1,4) para que fuese la Madre del Redentor del hombre. Ante la gravedad del pecado, Dios responde con la plenitud del perdón. La misericordia siempre será más grande que cualquier pecado y nadie podrá poner un límite al amor de Dios que perdona. n la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción tuve la alegría de abrir la Puerta Santa. En esta ocasión será una Puerta de la Misericordia, a través de la cual cualquiera que entrará podrá experimentar el amor de Dios que consuela, que perdona y ofrece esperanza. El domingo siguiente, III de Adviento, se abrirá la Puerta Santa en la Catedral de Roma, la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán. Sucesivamente se abrirá la Puerta Santa en las otras Basílicas o Catedrales…La Puerta de la Misericordia podrá ser abierta también en los Santuarios, meta de tantos peregrinos que en estos lugares santos con frecuencia son tocados en el cora- “E zón por la gracia y encuentran el camino de la conversión. Cada Iglesia particular, entonces, estará directamente comprometida a vivir este Año Santo como un momento extraordinario de gracia y de renovación espiritual. El Jubileo, por tanto, será celebrado en Roma así como en las Iglesias particulares como signo visible de la comunión de toda la Iglesia.” e escogido la fecha del 8 de diciembre por su gran significado en la historia reciente de la Iglesia. En efecto, abre la Puerta Santa en el quincuagésimo aniversario de la conclusión del Concilio Ecuménico Vaticano II. La Iglesia siente la necesidad de mantener vivo este evento. Para ella iniciaba un nuevo periodo de su historia. Los Padres reunidos en el Concilio habían percibido intensamente, como un verdadero soplo del Espíritu, la exigencia de hablar de Dios a los hombres de su tiempo en un modo más comprensible. Derrumbadas las murallas que por mucho tiempo habían recluido la Iglesia en una ciudadela privilegiada, había llegado el tiempo de anunciar el Evangelio de un modo nuevo. Una nueva etapa en la evangelización de siempre. Un nuevo compromiso para todos los cristianos de testimoniar con mayor entusiasmo y convicción la propia fe. La Iglesia sentía la responsabilidad de ser en el mundo signo vivo del amor del Padre.” FRANCISCO “H BIENVENIDOS A LA PARROQUIA SANTA MARGARITA MARIA PASTOR: Fr. Paul O’Donnell PADRES ASOCIADOS: Fr. John Palmer, Fr. Marinello Saguin PADRE EN RESIDENCIA: Fr. Sebastian Venni DIACONOS: Cheto Mendoza, Craig Siegman, Richard Soria y Dan Wallace Horario de Misas y Servicios Sábado 5 PM, Domingo 6:45, 8, 9:30, 11 AM, 5PM, Español 12:30, 7 PM Lunes—Viernes 6:30, 8:15 AM, Sábado 8:15 AM Primer Viernes, Misa (Sagrado Corazón de Jesús) 7 PM Confesiones Viernes 5-5:30 PM; Sábado 3:30-4:30 PM; 7:30-8:30 PM 4 O U R F A I T H I N A C T I O N f{Éâà yÉÜ }Éç4 f|Çz }ÉçyâÄÄç4 Ux zÄtw tÇw xåâÄà4 g{x _ÉÜw? çÉâÜ ZÉw? |á |Ç çÉâÜ Å|wáà? t Å|z{àç átä|ÉÜA mxÑ{tÇ|t{ FMDG@DKt PENANCE SERVICE PRO—LIFE Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patroness of the unborn. Her image, showing her pregnant, carrying God Himself, converted millions of Aztecs. Today, this image is taken to abortion clinics, where human sacrifice is practiced, and turns the despair of those mothers and fathers into the hope that brings new life. Jesus, through Our lady of Guadalupe, may we spread Your hope everywhere. ~Fr. Pavone Many priests will be available to hear confessions. Tuesday, December 15th 7 PM in the Church Been a long time? Don’t worry. The priests will talk you through it! FORGIVENESS The best Christmas gift you can receive! MARK YOUR CALENDARS For the 2016 WEEKEND RETREATS AT MATER DOLOROSA WOMEN’S April 8th to 10th MEN’S April 29th to May 1st Information available at SMM Parish prays to end death by human hands: abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. ********* CORNERSTONE RETREAT AT St. Margaret Mary 26 Hour retreat June 17, 2016 OUR FAITH IN ACTION 5 ADULT CONFIRMATION Have you ever wondered why we do something at Mass or why the Church teaches what it does, but don’t know who to ask? Have you been away from the church for a while and are just coming back searching for answers? As a teenager, did you skip confirmations because your parents said it was ok, but now you want to get married or you feel a calling inside to receive the sacrament of Confirmation? “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” -St. Jerome The Thursday Morning Bible Study Group with Fr. John Thursdays, 10 to 11:30 AM, St. Joseph Center Next Thursday, December 17th, will be our last meeting until Thursday, January 14, 2016 Bring a Bible or buy one at first meeting for $10. Then we are offering you a wonderful opportunity to experience and understand more deeply the richness of our faith and journey toward the sacrament. Beginning Monday, January 11, 2016 we are offering an Adult Education and Confirmation Course. 7 to 9 PM, Good Shepherd Room It will culminate with Confirmation in June for those who wish to receive that sacrament. Adults only. High school students must register for the 2 year program offered in our parish. Contact the parish office (310) 326-3364 or Deacon Rick Soria (310) 325-1742 This monthly bilingual Mass followed by a social brings together those who have loved ones in prison. Through prayer and sharing, we open ourselves to God’s healing. ALL ARE WELCOME No previous Bible knowledge needed THIS Tuesday December 15th, 7 PM St. Joseph Catholic Church 11901 Acacia Ave., Hawthorne WELCOME TO ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH PASTOR: Fr. Paul O’Donnell ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Fr. John Palmer, Fr. Marinello Saguin PRIEST IN RESIDENCE: Fr. Sebastian Venni; SEMINARIAN: Danny Guinto DEACONS: Cheto Mendoza, Craig Siegman, Richard Soria and Dan Wallace Saturday 5 PM (Vigil), Sunday 6:45, 8, 9:30, 11 AM, 5PM, Español 12:30, 7 PM Monday—Friday 6:30, 8:15 AM, Saturday 8:15 AM only First Wednesday, Mass (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) 7 PM First Friday, Mass (Sacred Heart of Jesus) 7 PM PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Wednesdays, 7:30 PM (except 1st Wednesday) ROSARY (in Chapel) Monday through Friday 7 and 8:45 AM; Wednesday 6:30 PM, Tuesday 7 PM (Español) Confessions Friday 5-5:30 PM; Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM; 7:30-8:30 PM or call for appointment. 6 E S P I R I T U A L GAUDETE (ALEGRIA) Por Humberto Beltrán. Este domingo se denominó tradicionalmente domingo gaudete, o de la alegría. Por dos veces nos dice Pablo que estemos alegres. Alegres por la venida del Señor, por la celebración próxima de la Navidad, por mantener la esperanza, por situarnos en proceso de conversión y por compartir con los hermanos la cena del Señor. Invitación a la alegría. En este Tercer Domingo de Adviento recibimos, a través de las lecturas bíblicas, una clara invitación a la alegría. Este gozo no es la risa pasajera, ni la carcajada fácil, sino un sentimiento muy profundo que brota de la fe. Tanto el profeta Sofonías, como el Apóstol Pablo, nos invitan a una gran alegría y para ambos el motivo es el mismo: el Señor está cerca. Nos estamos preparando en Adviento a vivir una nueva experiencia de fe. Cristo ha nacido históricamente, pero debe nacer también en el corazón de cada cristiano. Cada Navidad que celebramos es una invitación de la iglesia a realizar este nacimiento por la fe y el amor. Si el tiempo de Adviento es comparable a la época de Juan Bautista, pues en ambos se vive la esperanza ante la proximidad del Salvador, es justo que hoy nos hagamos la misma pregunta que se formuló el pueblo entonces: ¿Qué tenemos que hacer? Esa frase sintetiza la buena voluntad y el deseo sincero del cristiano que quiere seguir con fidelidad al Señor. Esa fue también la pregunta de Saulo cuando se enfrentó con Cristo en el camino a Damasco: “Señor, ¿Qué quieres que haga? >Somos capaces de hacer hoy nosotros la misma pregunta? ¿Nos sentimos con fuerza para ponernos en una total disposición a la voluntad de Dios? ¿Aceptaríamos con docilidad seguir a Cristo, cualquiera que sea el lugar al cual quiera conducirnos? A la pregunta del pueblo Juan contesta con un programa de vida concreta y fundamental. Jesús viene al mundo para inaugurar una nueva era en la historia de la humanidad, una nueva civilización cuyo fundamento es el amor. Amar significa, ante todo, compartir nuestros bienes con los demás. Pero para amar hace falta desterrar del corazón el egoísmo que nos centra en nosotros mismos y desarraigar la ambición desmedida de poseer. No se abre la mano para dar si antes no se ha abierto el corazón. Juan Bautista responde a los soldados: “No hagan violencia a nadie, ni saquen dinero,; confórmense con su paga”. Estas recomendaciones encierran los deberes fundamentales del hombre y deben ser puestas como cimiento de toda vida cristiana. En vano intentaríamos edificar una nueva sociedad de amor, justicia y paz, sin el presupuesto de este comportamiento. Reflexión. Dios nos ha hablado muy directamente en el día de hoy. Se ha dirigido con una fuerza tal que no podemos dejar de responder. Nuestra respuesta puede ser un “si” generoso, o podemos continuar como antes el camino de nuestra vida. Decir “si” supondrá, tal vez, dejar muchas cosas que nos tiene atados o esclavizados. Pero es la única manera de comenzar a ser libres de verdad. Decir “si” es el único camino para vivir una vida profundamente feliz, aunque en la superficie haya penas y contradicciones. Ojalá hoy y cada día le preguntáramos al Señor con toda sinceridad de que es capaz nuestro corazón: Señor, ¿Qué tengo que hacer? SHARING OUR FAITH 7 Readings For The Week Monday, December 14 Saint John of the Cross Reading 1: Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17a Gospel: Matthew 21:23-27 Tuesday, December 15 Reading 1: Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32 Wednesday, December 16 Reading 1: Isaiah 45:6c-8, 18, 21b-25 Gospel: Luke 7:18b-23 Thursday, December 17 Reading 1: Genesis 49:2, 8-10 Gospel: Matthew 1:1-17 Friday, December 18 Reading 1: Jeremiah 23:5-8 Gospel: Matthew 1-18-25 Saturday, December 19 Reading 1: Judges 1:2-7, 24-25a Gospel: Luke 1:5-25 Sunday, December 20 Reading 1: Zephaniah 3:14-18a Reading 2: Philippians 4:4-7 Gospel: Luke 3:10-18 The Pregnancy Help Center thanks you for your generosity in the recent baby bottle campaign. Your financial gifts make a difference in the lives of women and their preborn babies. If you still have a bottle at home, please bring it to the church office by the end of December or bring to the Pregnancy Help Center, but please call first. (310) 320-8976. Your support saves lives. 2016 LOS ANGELES YOUTH DAY at the Religious Education Congress February 25th, Anaheim, CA OR Religious Education Office bâÜ f|v~ Noreen COURSELLE Victor CORTEZ, SR. Lupe DIAZ Monica FRANCO Joe GARZA Gregoria GONZALEZ Chris JOYA John KLINE Ed LEGG Estelia McKANE Joan MIELIWOCKI Lupe MORALES Diana ROMAN Norma SORIANO Marina TRINIDAD Mike WILLIAMS Dear Lord please bless these sick with comfort, courage, hope and enduring faith in your love and protection. Amen bâÜ Wxvxtáxw Gloria BLACKMAN Nicolosa FLORES Micaela HERNANDEZ Rita HUTTER Emilio IARAYA Favilano PAGADOR Cleotilde PLATA Carlota SADOVAL Enedino VALENCIA Aurora VILLANUEVA Paul WILLOUGHBY Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. N U E S T R A 8 F E E N A C C I O N SERVICIO DE PENITENCIA (CONFESIONES) MARTES 15 DE DICIEMBRE— A LAS 7:00PM POSADAS, 2015 Acompañemos a María y a José a caminar, celebrando las posadas: Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento Parroquial a las 6:30pm para ir a la dirección o puede llegar directamente a: Dic. 16 Josefina y vecinos. 1901 Lomita Blvd Sp # 6 Lomita CA. 90717 Tel 310 847-9381 VARIOS SACERDOTES ESTARAN DISPONIBLES PARA ESCUCHAR SUS CONFESIONES CONSEJOS DE SEGURIDAD PARA IR DE COMPRAS ESTA NAVIDAD Si deja que sus hijos vayan al centro comercial (mall) ellos solos para comprar regalos navideños, usted debe hablar con ellos sobre los peligros potenciales de los que ellos deben resguardarse. La navidad es la temporada más ocupada del año para las tiendas, lo que significa que los centros comerciales estarán más llenos y los niños más pequeños y los adolescentes que estén solos podrían ser un objetivo para secuestros u otro tipo de peligros. Platique con sus hijos sobre estar alertas de sus alrededores, y donde ir para recibir ayuda. Permanezca en contacto con ellos mientras estén de compras y tenga un lugar y una hora fija donde deben ir a reportarse si usted se separa de ellos. Para más información, por favor visite CLASE DE PADRES DE FAMILIA “Como Mantener la Felicidad en la Familia” Invitamos a las parejas a este taller de crecimiento familiar, que le ayudara a reflexionar, actuar y expresar sus sentimientos de una mejor manera con su pareja y con sus hijos. Los esperamos el lunes 14 de Diciembre a las 7:00pm en salón San José Dic. 17. Ujieres: Iglesia Santa Margarita Salón San José Dic. 18. Luz Toledo Y Flor García 1851 W Lomita Blv Espacio # 3 Lomita CA 90717 Tel: (310) 320-8717 Dic. 19 Familia Mejía 25429 W Frampton Ave Harbor City CA 90710 Tel 310 891- 6923 y Familias de Servidores del Altar Iglesia Sta. Margarita María. Dic. 20 Caballeros de Colón Knights of Columbus Iglesia Santa Margarita María. Dic. 21 Familias De Catequesis Iglesia Sta. Margarita María. Dic. 22 Breny & Nobeyba Ortega 24706 Abita Ave Lomita CA 90717 Tel 310 233-4367 Dic. 23 Familia Díaz Lucia 1622 W 226 St Torrance CA 90501 Tel: (310) 320- 8717 Celebremos nuestras tradiciones con la devoción del novenario de las posadas y prepararnos mejor para el nacimiento de Jesús. N U E S T R A F E E N A C C I O N 9 LOS ESPERAMOS EN EL PATIO DESPUES DE TODAS LAS MISAS. Cada ornamento que adorna nuestro árbol representa a un niño que necesita un regalo esta Navidad. Por favor tome un ornamento y compre un regalo. Para la mayoría de estos niños, su regalo donado será el único regalo que reciban esta Navidad. El año pasado, con su generosidad, pudimos repartil los juguetes a mas de 300 niños. También necesitamos “regalitos” como lápices de colorear, libros o cualquier juguete chico. Por favor regresen el regalo SIN ENVOLVER con el ORNAMENTO incluido. Los fines de semana del, 22 y 28-29 de Noviembre, 5-6 ó 12-13 de Diciembre estaremos en el área del patio recibiendo los regalos, o puede dejarlos en la Oficina de Servicio Cristiano o en la Oficina Parroquial durante la semana. LOS JUGUETES SERÁN DISTRIBUIDOS EL 14 DE DICIEMBRE Gracias, Que Dios los bendiga por su generosidad Lecturas de la Semana Jueves 17 de diciembre 1ra. Lectura: Génesis 49:2. 8-10 Evangelio: Mateo 1:1-17 Lunes 14 de diciembre San Juan de la Cruz 1ra. Lectura: Números 24:2-7. 15-17 Evangelio: Mateo 21:23-27 Viernes 18 de diciembre 1ra. Lectura: Jeremías 23:5-8 Evangelio: Mateo 1:18-24 Martes 15 de diciembre 1ra. Lectura: Sofonías 3:1-2. 9-13 Evangelio: Mateo 21:28-32 Miércoles 16 de diciembre 1ra. Lectura: Isaías 45:6-8. 18. 21-25 Evangelio: Lucas 7:19-23 Sábado 19 de diciembre 1ra. Lectura: Jueces 13:2-7. 24-25 Evangelio: Lucas 1:5-25 Domingo 20 de diciembre Cuarto Domingo de Adviento 1ra. Lectura: Miqueas 5:1-4 2da. Lectura: Hebreos 10:5-10 Evangelio: Lucas 1:39-45 10 O U R P A R I S Monday, December 14 8:15 AM: Mass in honor of these deceased Holy Name men: Ed ANDERSON, Louis GIANGRANDE and Fermin MONTOYA 6:30 PM Gathering and dinner, Hegarty Hall 7 PM Rosary in the church 7:30 PM General Membership Christmas Meeting in Hegarty Hall including the “Mother of All Raffles” This organization is open to all men of our parish and school. To find out more about Holy Name, visit PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN Shop Safely This Christmas If you let your kids go to the mall by themselves to buy Christmas presents, you should talk to them about potential dangers they need to guard against. Christmas is the busiest time of year for commercial retail, which means that malls and shopping centers will be more crowded, and younger kids and teens who are alone may be a target for kidnappers and other dangers. Talk to your children about being aware of their surroundings, and where to go for help. Be in contact with them while they’re shopping, and have a check-in place and time set if you’re splitting up. For more information visit: L. A. Archdiocese Assistance Ministry (213) 637-7650 See Protect The Children: H I N A C T I O N Council 7864 Sunday, December 20 9 to 11 AM Traffic Control Services Please confirm participation with Norman Guerrero (310) 534-5562 11 AM Family Together in Worship 7 PM Family Christmas Celebration with the Hispanic Community depicting the “Posadas/Panuluyan,” Hegarty Hall Wednesday, December 16 Please join for nine days of 6:30 AM Mass during the Advent Season (Dec. 19 at 8:15 AM) with FILCOM Ministry Thursday, January 28, 2016 First Degree Exemplification Please contact your sponsored candidates to confirm. MEMBERSHIP ADMISSION IS ON-GOING! Membership Sunny Quezon (310) 381-9931 Insurance Ernie Literto (310) 781-3048 The Women’s Society board extends their thanks to friends and parishioners for making the Christmas potluck a huge success. The Lady of Lourdes Guild sends their thanks to those who purchased Advent wreaths and candles. Proceeds will go to the Father Pat Thompson Scholarship fund for religious education. Have a blessed Advent! A New Guild is Forming! Time to join us for fun, fellowship and good works! No requirements. Call Pat (310) 539-8907 O U R P A BULLETIN DEADLINE: FRIDAY NOON, 9 DAYS BEFORE YOUR ARTICLE WILL APPEAR. [email protected] READ THE BULLETIN ONLINE EVERY FRIDAY St. Margaret Mary DIRECTORY Website: Email: [email protected] Telephones: (310) 326-3364 (310) 539-1570 (fax) PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Thurs, 8 AM—8 PM Fri, 8 AM to Noon & 5 to 8 PM Saturday, 8 AM—5PM (Monday—Saturday closed Noon to 1 PM) Sunday, 9 AM—1 PM STAFF Parish Administrator Deacon Dan Wallace, ext 42 Religious Education Joe Voigt, ext 17 Teresa Carbajal, ext 16 Youth Ministry Cheyenne Vasquez, ext 13 Christian Service Laura Nieto, ext 35 Religious Vocations Contact Parish Office for: All Sacraments Quiceañeras Anointing of the Sick Funeral Arrangements Registrations Volunteer Opportunities and all other questions PARISH SCHOOL Elisa Fernandez-Zimmerman, Principal (310) 326-9494 R I S H I N A C T I O N 11 Homeless Ministry Needs Your Help Blanket Drive December 19th and 20th The crowds asked John the Baptist, “What should we do?” He said to them in reply, “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” What better way to celebrate Gaudete Sunday as we prepare for the coming of Jesus than to live these words. Next weekend, December 19th and 20th, we will be having the second leg of our Winter Blanket Drive and be collecting blankets, jackets, sweat shirts, flannel shirts and Levi pants. If your last name begins with the letters A-H we are asking you to help us with your donation. Please remember that 90% of the people we meet on the street who need our help are men. Thank you for your generosity. Deacon Rick Soria Homeless Ministry Reflection By Seminarian Danny Guinto A couple of weeks ago, I went with our homeless volunteers here at St. Margaret Mary to serve the homeless in downtown Los Angeles. It reminded me of my time when I was volunteering to feed the homeless of Our Lady of refuge in Long Beach This was a ministry that was a stepping stone in my discernment to the priesthood. In serving the homeless, I am reminded that we all share a common dignity, as children of a loving God; children that were created in His image and likeness. It is not the outward appearance that matters. When I look into their eyes, when I hear them speak; when I shake their hands, when I feel their hug, I know that he or she is no less important than me; that he or she is my brother and my sister. In serving them, I am reminded that we share a common destiny. We will all pass from this world into the eternal kingdom that Jesus has prepared for us. In this sense, I too am homeless in this world. Like them, I too wish for a home where there will be no more crying and weeping. A place where there is perfect love and eternal happiness. Compared with our home in heaven, my life in this world is like the tent and the cardboard boxes that the homeless people live in. In serving the homeless, I am reminded of why I am being called to the priesthood: to be in persona Christi, to be as Christ to others, to serve and not to be served. ¿TE GUSTARIA SABER MAS DEL ANTIGUO TESTAMENTO Y EL NUEVO TESTAMENTO? CLASES DE BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL CON EL PADRE PAUL TODOS LOS VIERNES HORARIO: 7:00 pm A 8:30pm LUGAR: SALON SAN JOSE Las Iglesias Peregrinas en Año de la Misericordia El Papa Francisco ha declarado el año de La Misericordia, empezando el martes, 8 de diciembre, y terminando el domingo 26 de Noviembre, 2016, en la Fiesta de Cristo Rey. Varias Iglesias de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles han sido designadas por el Abp. José H. Gómez como Iglesias Peregrinas: San Gabriel Pastoral Región Resurrection – Los Angeles San Gabriel Mission – San Gabriel Immaculate Conception – Monrovia St. Lorenzo Ruiz – Walnut San Fernando Pastoral Región Our Lady of Lourdes – Northridge St. Mary – Palmdale Holy Family – Glendale Our Lady of the Holy Rosary – Sun Valley Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Región Christ the King – Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels – Los Angeles St. John Chrysostom – Inglewood St. Joan of Arc - Los Angeles San Pedro Pastoral Región St. Dominic Savio – Bellflower St. Mary of the Assumption – Whittier American Martyrs – Manhattan Beach St. Anthony – Long Beach Para más información acerca del Año de la Misericordia, favor de llamar individualmente a cada Iglesia para este evento, o entrar al website de Conferencia de Obispos Católicos a: index.cfm gtÜ}xàtá wx atä|wtw wxÄ ctwÜx ctâÄ El grupo Pro-Vida de SMM estará vendiendo hermosas Tarjetas Navideñas y pinturas enmarcadas hechas por nuestro Pastor, Padre Paul. Estas tarjetas pueden ser personalizadas. También estaremos vendiendo boletos a $1 para la rifa de una cobija con una imagen del arte del Padre Paul. Estos artículos hacen regalos incomparables en Navidad. Disponibles después de todas las Misas Los ingresos beneficiaran a organizaciones pro-vida. EARLY BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS DEADLINES: DECEMBER 27th Bulletin due DECEMBER 15th, 5 PM JANUARY 3rd Bulletin due DECEMBER 18th, NOON SMM YOUNG AT ♥CLUB Catholic Seniors ages 50 plus: Men, Women, Married, Single, Widowed or Divorced st 1 Saturday of the month—Bible Care and Share with social events planning. 3rd Saturday of the month— Social All meetings are at 6:30 PM usually in the Parish Lounge Social events may not be in the lounge. Watch the bulletin for announcements of these special events. We are taking reservations for the San Franciscan Restaurant for New Years Eve with dinner at 9 PM, featuring a DJ and Karaoke Call Mike or Lin (310) 756-5637 for more information. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS JOIN ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH LINC YOUTH GROUP TODAY Sunday, December 13 10 AM to 11 PM PCH and President 1608 W. PCH, Harbor City (310) 326-1682 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 6:15 PM Everyone is invited to join us for a wonderful evening of prayer and Posada followed by dinner, Christmas Carols and the traditional breaking of the piñata! BRING YOUR FAMILY AND A DISH TO SHARE! Participating fundraiser guests are REQUIRED TO PRESENT A VALID FUNDRAISER FLYER (hard copy or smartphone) with each order to receive credit for the fundraiser. Flyers may not be distributed inside or within vicinity of restaurant including without limitation to the restaurant parking lot before or during your fundraiser. Panda Restaurant Corp. reserves the right to cancel any and all fundraiser events for any reason and/or without payment of associated donation funds if the Panda Restaurant Corp Fundraiser Guidelines are not followed. Free Help with Your Enrollment Propiedades de Cementerio en desarrollo Medical, Medicare Health Plan, Pre-developed Cemetery Property Ahorre 40% Discount Medi-Cal and Group Insurance. Health Net, Anthem Blue Cross, LA Care, etc. Cristina Feingold Parishioner/Certified Insurance Agent (310) 698-2311 Llame Ahora-Call Today Una Cadena Con Tradicion y Buen Sabor [email protected] BUYYOUR YOURTAMALES, TAMALES. MENUDO BUY MENUDO CARNITAS DAILY CARNITAS&&MASA MASA FRESH FRESH DAILY Cell (310) 987-1104 Sal Correa Pre-Arrangement Counselor Check It Out Today! The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes Eat In or Take Out 300 E. Sepulveda, Carson La Bonita, Open 24 Hours (310) 834-4886 6035 Pacific BI., H.P. (323) 582-9222 16330 Pioneer Bl., Norwalk (562) 926-5802 2905 N. Durfee, El Monte (626) 444-0555 Diana’s Market 16529 S. Normandie Ave., Gardena (310) 329-7594 2040 Lomita Blvd Lomita CA 90717 310-533-9474 Mon - Fri 9am-9pm Sat 9am-6pm / Sun 10am-6pm PET SITTING • DOG WALKING Licensed • Bonded • Insured Pet CPR Certified 310-626-2279 Contact: Brigitte Parishioner mention this ad and get $5 off any hair services WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Courses Offered: ACLS, PALS, BLS (Healthcare Provider), BASIC EKG/PHARMACOLOGY, NRP Angelo Villanueva, RN Tel: 310.427.0883 Mobile: 310.989.3222 Low Stress Class, Cards/Certificates Given Same Day... 309 East Carson Street Carson, CA 90745 (Corner of Dolores St./Carson St.) If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! ✔Ambulance 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Police ✔Fire Solutions as Low as FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation racts nt NO Long Term Co $1a Day! CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513128 St Margaret Mary Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Following Jesus Every Day: Your ad GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! could be in this space! 800-566-6150 • FLORES WINDOWS &Best DOORS Best Replacement Price MIKE BOTELLO Attorney At Law Wills • Probate Trusts • Real Estate Torrance (310) 650-2815 316-6244 FELIPE FLORES CSL#933382 Moran Dental 310-539-9300 Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, $ Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening EXAM Kids Under 12 Braces, Gum Problems $39 & CLEANING 3600 Lomita Blvd. Suite 201-A • Torrance, CA 90505 49 • VINYL DUAL GLAZED • CALL FOR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY ABOGADA DE INMIGRACION Law Office of Alena Ray Conrad, P.C. (310) 987-7172 Harbor City Se Habla Español Consulta Gratis LOMITA PURE WATER & HAWAIIAN SHAVED ICE PARISHIONERS Purified • Ozone • Alkaline Ice • Accessories Always Hydrating, Always Delicious Closed Monday Tue-Fri 10am-7pm Sat 10am-6pm Harbor City, CA 90710 Sun 10am-2pm 1234 Lomita Blvd. Suite J (310) 707-6312 [email protected] FREE GALLON OF WATER (w/ad. Bring Your Own Container. Exp. 4/6/16) PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC. License # 990504 “A life well lived is worth remembering” 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Green Hills MORTUARY AND MEMORIAL CHAPEL Professional Drain Cleaning Tel: (310) 530-6290 RICK SORIA, E.A. Enrolled Agent/Tax Services Parishioner Offices of S. B. Guzman ■ Advanced Funeral Planning ■ Serving All Faiths 27501 S. Western Ave. | Rancho Palos Verdes 310.521.1353 | FD-1175 25322 Narbonne Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 (310) 325-1742 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal A. M. Gamby Funeral Home 25001 Narbonne Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 (310) 326-6343 • FD 716 FRANK LEÓN, Agent Se Habla Español Providing Insurance & Financial Services Auto • Home • Life Business • Workers’ Comp Health Insurance • Auto Loans Retirement Planning • College Savings Bus 310.518.8700 • 727 W. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY WILMINGTON, CA 90744 513128 St Margaret Mary Church (A) al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra If We Can’t Clean Your Designed to be Drain For This Price... Clean Any Drain Clean Sewer Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 $59.00 $79.00 Peninsula Pet Clinic, Inc. 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SUNDAYS Wrapping is DECEMBER 13 & 20 9 AM to 3 PM FREE However, all donations are welcome! “SIMBANG GABI” December 16-24 (Early Dawn Masses—’Misa de Gallo’) SMMC Schedule of Masses December 16-18 6:30 AM December 19 8:15 AM Panuluyan skit followed by Mass December 20 6:45 AM December 21-24 6:30 AM The Panuluyan skit depicts Mary and Joseph looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem. It will take place on December 19th before the 8:15 AM Mass. “Simbang Gabi”, a Filipino Christmas religious tradition, is a 9 day or novena of dawn Masses preceding Christmas Day. It begins on December 16th and ends on December 24th. This was introduced by the friars during the Spanish era in the Philippines to allow farmers to hear Mass before going to the fields early in the morning during Advent. Awaits you in the patio after all Masses. Each ornament adorning our tree represents a child who needs a gift this Christmas. Return your gifts UNWRAPPED with the ORNAMENTS attached THIS weekend, December 12-13 to the baskets in the patio area including after the Sunday evening Mass They will be distributed on December 14th Thank you for your caring. You will be blessed.
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