First Sunday of Advent - November 29, 2015 Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston Holy Mass Schedule Weekday Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston Mon. ‐ Fri. 5:30 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Wed. School Mass 8:30 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Miércoles ‐ la capilla de Ste Claire 7:00 Thur. Nursing Home 10:00 Sat. Morning Mass 8:00 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Parish Clergy Rev. Gregory B. Wilson Pastor Sunday Rev. Arturo O. Dalupang Parochial Vicar Sat. Vigil 5:00 ‐ Church 8:30 , 11:15 ‐ Church Spanish 12 ‐ Capilla de Santa María 5:00 ‐ Church Rev. José Hugo Ruiz Hispanic Ministry Rev. Jeffrey F. Kirby Priest in Residence Confessions Dcn. Robert Pierce Dcn. Patrick Mongan Dcn. Robert Waters (re red) Mail: P . O . B o x 4 3 8 A i k e n , S C 2 9 8 0 2 Mon. ‐ Fri. 4:45 ‐ 5:15 Sat. 3:30 ‐ 4:30 803.649.4777 Locations: St. Mary’s Church: 138 Fairfield St. SE ‐ Old St. Mary’s ‐ Church www.stmarys‐ Old St. Mary’s: 125 Park Ave. SE Ste Claire Chapel: 125 Park Ave. SE St. Angela Hall: 118 York St. SE Welcome to St. Mary’s We welcome all who are visi ng. If you a end St. Mary’s regularly and consider this your parish, please register at the parish office or print a registra on form from the web site under the Parish tab, join us. Nursery Available during the 11:15 Mass in the Kindergarten room located in Oswald Hall (adjacent to St. Angela Hall). No Nursery on Sunday, November 29 St. Vincent de Paul Society In need of food or financial assistance? Call 803.642.3211 Parish Office 803.649.4777 parishoffice@stmarys‐ Mon. ‐ Fri. 8:30 ‐ 4:30 Mailing address: PO Box 438 Aiken, SC 29802 Loca on: 203 Park Ave. SE Aiken, SC 29801 Parish Personnel Contact by email at www.stmarys‐ Sacramental Information More informa on about the Sacraments can be found on our parish website. Holy Baptism To have a child bap zed at St. Mary’s, at least one parent must be a prac cing Catholic, regularly a ending Holy Mass, and registered at St. Mary’s at least six months prior to the Bap sm. Parents must also a end a Bap smal Prepara on Class prior to the Bap sm. The next class is Wednesday, January 13 at 6:00 in Smith Hall. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. First Holy Communion & Confirmation Sacramental Policy: Parents and children must be registered and faithfully a ending Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obliga on. For a child not enrolled in our Catholic school, he or she must a end, at the very minimum, two full years of Chris an Forma on classes (Sunday School) and sa sfy the a endance policy. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. Holy Matrimony St. Mary’s wedding policies and guidelines can be found on our parish website under Holy Matrimony. Diocesan guidelines require at least six months prepara on before se ng a wedding date. Not all dates at the church may be available due to parish events or other conflicts. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. Anointing of the Sick Are you seriously ill, facing surgery or of advanced age? Receive grace and strength from the Sacrament of Anoin ng of the Sick. Contact: Mary Ellen Jackson at mejackson@stmarys‐ /803.649.4777. Mrs. Janet A. Morris, MIBS Director of Administra on Mrs. Marguerite B. Wertz This Week’s Scripture Readings Principal of St. Mary’s School 803.649.2071 Monday Saint Andrew, Apostle Rom 10:9‐18 Ps 19:8‐11 Mt 4:18‐22 Ms. Phyllis Waters Tuesday Business Manager Is 11:1‐10 Ps 72:1‐2,7‐8,12‐13,17 Lk 10:21‐24 Mrs. Regina M. Kvartek Parish Secretary Wednesday Is 25:6‐10a Ps 23:1‐6 Mt 15:29‐37 Ms. Priscilla A. Estrada, M.A. Director of Chris an Forma on Thursday Saint Francis Xavier 803.642.2676 Is 26:1‐6 Ps 118:1,8‐9,19‐21,25‐27a Mt 7:21,24‐27 Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson Assistant to the Director of Chris an Forma on Friday Dr. Maureen A. Simpson Is 29:17‐24 Ps 27:1,4,13‐14 Mt 9:27‐31 Director of Music 803.649.3057 Saturday Is 30:19‐21,23‐26 Ps 147:1‐6 Mt 9:35‐‐10:1,5a, 6‐8 Mrs. Joan LaBone Director of Youth Ministry Sunday Second Sunday of Advent 803.649.3049 Bar 5:1‐9 Ps 126:1‐6 Phil 1:4‐6,8‐11 Lk 3:1‐6 Reserva ons reserva ons@stmarys‐ Page 1 Pastor’s Corner + JMJ + Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Ste Claire Chapel, 125 Park Ave. SE Perpetual Adora on of Jesus truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament is available in Ste Claire Chapel 24 hours a day. All are encouraged to spend me with our Lord. Come, let us adore Him! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Advent means “coming near,” and every Advent begins focused on the glorious Second Coming of Christ, when “He will come to judge the living and the dead” (Creed). In addi on to the Advent candles and other devo ons individuals and families have, our parish is offering Straw for Jesus. Ushers will be distribu ng kits this weekend (completely free! – please one per household), which include a heart‐shaped crib, since Christ must be born into our hearts. For each act of kindness or prayer, a piece of straw is placed in the crib so that, by the end of Advent, our Lord will have a C J ? “so bed.” These acts and prayers should go beyond the . 8 Urgent Need: Mon. 1 ; W . 1 ; T We are always looking for subs tute adorers. Please call one norm. More sugges ons are: Donate to a favorite charity; of the Division Leaders below if you can help. visit a parishioner in a nursing home; volunteer; par cipate in There are also many hours in need of partners. If you can an Angel Tree; make homemade gi s; more prayers for the spend one hour with Jesus on a weekly basis, please contact Faithful Departed, our loved ones, or our enemies; forgive. one of the division leaders or the lead coordinator, Ivy Tuesday, December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Monahon at 803.649.4157 or [email protected] Concep on of the Blessed Virgin Mary – a Holy Day of Obliga on. All Masses for the Holy Day will be in the new Tom Henry 12 ‐6 803.642.6893 church: 12/7 (vigil) at 5:30 ; 12/8 at 8:30 (with St. Mary’s Jackie Langner 6 ‐12 803.643.3159 School); 12 ; and 5:30 . Janice Suhrer 12 ‐6 803.648.1747 Carole Schaumann 6 ‐12 803.648.7519 The feast of the Immaculate Concep on also begins the If you cannot make your hour, please talk with your partner first, then call your hourly coordinator (phone numbers are listed in the rear of the chapel), and then the division leader. Pastoral Care Ministry Contact: Parish Office at 803.649.4777 St. Elizabeth Ministry Please pray for all expectant & New mothers If you are pregnant or have recently given birth, and would like to be added to our prayer list, please call the Parish Office. This list can be found on our website under the tle “Parish” then “Prayer Requests.” Holy Hour of Adoration Join us on Wednesday, December 2nd for a Holy Hour to be held from 7:00–8:00 in Ste Claire Chapel. This hour is open to everyone. Let’s pray together for world peace, religious liberty and our loved ones Latin Mass First Friday La n Mass in extraordinary form Friday, December 4 in Old St. Mary’s at 2:00PM. Cenacle of Prayer Our Lady calls us to gather for prayer as the first Apostles gathered with her in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awai ng the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will begin immediately a er Mass on Thursdays from 6:15‐7:15PM in Old St. Mary’s. We will meet every week for rosary, prayers for Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, reading of messages from the book “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” and consecra on to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Books are available. Please join us! Jubilee Year of Mercy. “The Church is commissioned to announce the mercy of God, the bea ng heart of the Gospel, which in its own way must penetrate the heart and mind of every person” (Pope Francis). On this day the Pope will open the Holy Door of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome, his cathedral church. The following Sunday, 13 December, all the cathedrals of the world will open a Holy Door as well. In addi on, Bishop Guglielmone has established in each deanery a Door of Mercy for obtaining a plenary indulgence throughout the Jubilee Year. In the Aiken Deanery, the Door of Mercy will be at Old St. Mary’s Church. On the evening of December 13, all parishes of the Aiken Deanery are invited to assemble in front of our new church on Fairfield St. for a candlelight procession up Park Ave. to Old St. Mary’s. We will solemnly open our Door of Mercy and enter for a celebra on of God’s Divine Mercy. A Holy Door has been used since the 15th century as a ritual expression of conversion. Pilgrims and penitents pass through it as a gesture of leaving the past behind and crossing the threshold from sin to grace, and from darkness to light. O en these rituals are associated with prayer, pilgrimage, sacrifice, confession, and indulgences. But a Holy Door finds meaning only when the believer associates the door with Christ. Jesus is the Door! In the words of Pope Francis, “There is only one way that opens wide the entrance into the life of communion with God: this is Jesus, the one and absolute way to salva on.” More informa on to follow. Let us prepare well for this Jubilee Year of Mercy. Father Wilson Page 2 CHRISTIAN FORMATION This is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. ‐ Jn 17:3 ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Introduction to Catholicism Classes “RCIA” School of Christian Formation (CCD) Grades 4K-5 Contact: Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson mejackson@stmarys‐ Are you interested in becoming Catholic or just learning more about Catholicism? RCIA meets on Tuesdays from 6:00‐7:30 . For more informa on contact Priscilla Estrada at 803.642.2676 or pestrada@stmarys‐ Chris an Forma on classes are offered from August through April for children in Grades 4K‐5. Classes meet from 9:45 ‐11:00 in the parish school. All children Lunch & Learn Book Club who do not a end St. Mary’s School are encouraged to We meet on Mondays from 12 oon to 1:00 in Smith Hall. a end. Currently we are reading My Sisters the Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell. All are welcome. Bring your lunch and join us! Contact: Kathy Monahon at kmonahon@atlan Sunday Morning Youth Ministry Grades 6-12 Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone Wednesday Adult Bible Study We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 ‐11:00 in Smith Hall. Morning Youth Ministry will meet in St. Angela Hall this Please join us Dec. 2 as we discuss Weak Leaders & Schism 1. Contact: Martha Whi ngham 865.599.8473 or year, 9:45‐11:00 . Please complete our registra on whi [email protected] form, found online or at the church office. No Session on December 27, Christmas Break. We will Men’s Bible Study - Thursday Evenings meet on January 3. Calling all men! Are you wan ng to learn more about Sacred Scripture and go deeper in your faith with other men Sunday Evening Youth Ministry Middle School (GR. 6-8) or Life Night (GR. 9-12) Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone jlabone@stmarys‐ or 803.215.7040 cell All high school youth in Grades 9‐12 are invited to a end our Sunday Evening Youth Ministry from 6:15‐8:00 in Smith Hall for High School and 6:00‐8:00 in St. Angela Hall for Middle School. November 29 ‐ No Youth Ministry, Thanksgiving Break Dec 5 and 6 ‐ Cookie Sale, please bake cookies to sell a er Mass. Dec. 6 ‐ Life Teen of the parish? We meet on Thursdays at 7:00 in St. Mary’s School, CH 2. Contact: Brian Hennessey at 803.641.1966. St. Mary’s Parish School Contact: Marguerite Wertz, Principal 803.649.2071 We, the St. Mary’s School students, thank you for providing a parish school. Your spiritual, moral, and financial support are greatly appreciated and help make a quality Catholic educa on available to us. Dec. 13 ‐ Chill night for High School, take a break from exams and come by for dinner, conversa on and games. Dec. 20 ‐ Middle and High School ‐Movie Night, Smith Hall Be sure to check our parish website for up to date informa on on special events, youth retreats, service projects and a current calendar. Page 3 Weekly Stewardship Weekly Calendar S M T W T F S , N 29 S A C S 9:45 ‐NO M Y M 9:45 ‐NO S C F 1:00 ‐K ‐S H 6:15 ‐NO H S Y M , N 30 6:30 ‐M ’ P G ‐S H 9:30 ‐P S M ‐S H 12:00 ‐L L ‐S H 3:30 ‐B .‐S . A H 6:00 ‐L M ‐S H 6:30 ‐K ‐C 7:00 ‐B ‐K C H 7:30 ‐S C C I‐S H , D 1 3:30 ‐B ‐S . A H 3:45 ‐L M ‐S H 6:00 ‐RCIA‐U S H 6:30 ‐S A C M .‐S H 7:00 ‐B S ‐C 7:00 ‐E ‐ .‐C , D 2 8:00 ‐P P ‐S H 9:30 ‐A B S ‐S H 1:15 ‐F , C F ‐S H 4:00 ‐B G ‐S . A H 6:15 ‐P : S N C ‐O S . M ' 6:15 ‐L M ‐L M .‐S H 6:30 ‐H C 7:00 ‐C H H ‐S C C 7:00 ‐E ‐ C .‐C 8:00 ‐H C ‐S H , D 3 6:15 ‐C P ‐O S . M ’ 6:30 ‐S , S A ‐S H 6:30 ‐F . W ’ P ‐S . A H 6:30 ‐K ‐C 7:30 ‐M ’ B S ‐S CH‐2 , D 4 8:00 ‐B ‐O S . M ’ 2:00 ‐L M ‐O S . M ’ 5:30 ‐V M N ‐S . A H 6:00 ‐H C ' C ‐S H 6:00 ‐H A B S ‐O S . M ’ ‐S H 7:00 ‐H A C 7:30 ‐H M G ‐S H , D 5 8:00 ‐S F G ‐S H 8:00 ‐W ’ R ‐S . A H 8:30 ‐N M ‐O S . M ’ 4:00 ‐7:00 B D ‐ B F S FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 TOTALS AS OF SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERING WEEKLY BUDGET NEEDS YEAR TO DATE TOTALS YEAR TO DATE BUDGET NEEDS OVERAGE TO DATE $ 27,835.00 $ 28,500.00 $ 574,531.07 $ 570,000.00 $ 4,531.07 C D $ 3,057.25 St. Mary’s is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through me, talent and treasure. For all that you do, Thank You. Capital Campaign C C N P P F $ 4,491,259.00 $ 4,823,626.54 553 If you have any ques ons about the campaign, your pledge or making a contribu on, please call Phyllis Waters at the Parish Office at 803.649.4777 or capitalcampaign@stmarys‐ Holy Mass Intentions Saturday, November 28 8:00 Joseph Welsh (L) 5:00 For the People Robert Patchan (L) Wednesday, December 2 8:30 Anna Maria Mathew (L) 5:30 Joan Craw (D) 7:00 No Mass Sunday, November 29 Thursday, December 3 8:30 Carl Joseph Rowland, Jr. (D) S O N 10:00 Nancy P. Har gan (D) 11:15 The Wade Rodger Family (L) (D) U H N H 2:00 For the blessings of a 12:00 Available favor 5:00 Evelyn Bendot, (D) 5:30 Louise Lythgoe (D) Monday, November 30 6:30 St. Mary Help of Chris ans Friday, December 4 2:00 L Priests & Deacons (L) (D) The Wade Rodger Family (L) (D) 5:30 Nancy Drannon (D) 5:30 Linda Gacad (L) Tuesday, December 1 5:30 Vincenzo DiPietro (D) Prayers Requested Deaths: 11/16/15 Karen Busser Page 4 Parish & Community Events Advent Candle Sale Parish Directory The Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts of St. Mary’s will be selling Advent Candles a er all Masses on the weekend of November 28‐29. Cost: $10 per set. Don’t forget to sign‐up for your photo to be taken for the new Parish Directory. Life Touch photographers will be at St. Mary’s on: Dec. 9‐12 and Dec. 17‐19. Sign‐up early to have your family photo back by Christmas! Call the Parish Office for more informa on and to schedule your session. KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS The Knights of Columbus are selling "Keep Christ in Christmas" magnets a er all Masses the weekends of Dec. 5/6. This is a great way to spread an important message as we enter the Christmas season and a way to support all of the good work the Knights do. The durable and a rac ve magnets will last for years and can be displayed on your car or any metal surface. The cost is $5 each. The magnets will be available a er Mass. For more informa on, or to purchase magnets, please contact Dennis Godbee at 648‐4711. Poor Clare Sisters The Poor Clare Sisters are a contempla ve order of Catholic nuns. They live a life of prayer in community and joy. A small group of Poor Clare Sisters live in a home in Nazareth (Israel) that is in need of major repairs. They need financial help to make these repairs to the home, to replace the AC unit and furniture. If you are able to help with a contribu on to the Poor Clare Sisters, please send a separate check payable to: St. Mary Help of Chris ans with Poor Clare Sisters on the memo line. Mail it to the Parish Office at PO Box 438, Aiken, SC 29802 or drop it in the collec on basket. This must be a separate check from your regular contribu ons to the parish. Thank you. The University of South Carolina and the University of Chicago present John Haldane, “Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life” December 14, 2015, 7:00PM. University of South Carolina Law School Auditorium 701 Main Street, Columbia, SC 29201 Renowned Catholic philosopher, John Haldane will discuss the growing consensus among psychologists that virtues are the cornerstone of happy and meaningful human lives. John Haldane is professor of philosophy and director of the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of St Andrews, and the J. Newton Rayzor, Sr., Dis nguished Professor in Philosophy at Baylor University. He is a scholar with the "Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life" project. The lecture will be followed by a light recep on. FREE & open to the public. Registra on is requested; for more informa on or to register, visit Stewardship of Prayer The Columbia Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul have requested our support for their program to aid the flood vic ms in Columbia, SC. Their focus is on furniture needs. Checks should be made payable to “SVDP Charleston Council Disaster Fund” and mailed to Russell Jones at 240 Brookwood Forest Dr. Blythewood , SC 29016. Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2562 Prayer as covenant Where does prayer come from? Whether prayer is expressed in words or gestures, it is the whole man who prays. But in naming the source of prayer, Scripture speaks some mes of the soul or the spirit, but most o en of the heart (more than a thousand mes). According to Scripture, it is the heart that prays. If our heart is far from God, the words of prayer are in vain. Young Adult Ministry Play and Pray Columbia Flood Relief On Saturday, December 12, please join the Young Adult Ministry for an Advent Day of Reflec on from 8:00 ‐ 11:45 in Smith Hall. We'll begin with Mass in Old St. Mary’s and breakfast a erwards, followed by talks and group discussions with Deacon Bob Pierce. Please RSVP to Kandice Hunt at 803.609.7548 and also please let us know if you have any diet restric ons. A group for moms and their li le ones ages 5 and under. We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 9:30 ‐ 11:30 in Smith Hall. For more informa on contact Sheila Salomone at 803.295.3511 / [email protected] or Laura Lake at 317.945.2721 / [email protected] Sisters in Christ Monday, December 7. Dorothy Spaulding, the owner of WBPI‐TV 49 located at 1750 Knox Ave, North Augusta, SC will be our featured speaker. You are invited to be part of the audience at the live showing of Club 36, 10:00 ‐ 12:00 , featuring “Friends & Neighbors,” straight from WATC‐DT TV, Atlanta: a show of “humor & heart!.” Following the show there will be lunch with Dorothy’s tes mony then and a tour of the sta on. Lunch will be $12.00. You must RSVP to Ellen Page 5 Mongan @706.833.3529, li or our Facebook page “Sisters in Christ Augusta.” Parish & Community Events Christmas Cookie Sale From the Organ Bench The Catholic Women’s Associa on (CWA) and St. Mary’s We turn the corner from Christ the King Sunday, regal Youth will host a Christmas cookie sale a er all Masses on pon fical trumpets, majes c full organ sound, to our first Sunday in Advent together in our new church. Welcome Saturday, December 5 and Sunday December 6. home college students and other visi ng family members. All cookies will be homemade and packed in half dozens or If you’ve not visited the choir lo to explore the new in 8‐10 if the cookies are small. organ, you are invited! Climb the stairs or ride the elevator. Women and families are asked to bring three dozen I’d love to meet you or renew the acquaintance. cookies ready to sell. Please mark if there are nuts or Today’s organ prelude music transi ons us from gluten free. Put cookies in small gi cellophane bags or medita on to an cipa on, using one of nine medita ons Ziploc baggies. When you bring them they should be ready inspired by the birth of Jesus, “Desseins éternels” (Eternal to put on the table to sell. $3 per bag of six or four bags designs) from La Na vité du Seigneur (The Na vity of the for $10 Lord), by French Catholic organist, Olivier Messiaen, in The composer indicates that the music should be 1935. All proceeds will be split between the chari es of the CWA experienced, “Extrêmement lent et tender,” extremely and Youth Ministry Retreats. slow and contempla vely. Shepeard Community Blood Drive Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Saturday, December 5 4:00 ‐ 7:00 on Fairfield Street Sunday, December 6 7:45 ‐ 2:00 on Fairfield Street Donors should drink plenty of water prior to dona ng! You will need a picture ID, driver’s license or donor card to donate. Each donor will receive a T‐Shirt and a Free Lipid Profile a er your 3rd dona on in a calendar year. Please donate to help save lives! Daughters of St. Paul Book Fair Good books inspire ‐ and make great Christmas gi s! Prepare your hearts and fill your stockings with books from the Daughters of St. Paul Book Fair at St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School, 1220 Monte Sano Ave., Augusta, GA on November 30 & December 1 from 8:30‐2:30 . For more informa on call Ruth Prohaska at 706.447.8669 Habitat for Humanity With your generosity, St. Mary’s is currently helping to sponsor the 100th Habitat House in Aiken County. Now it’s me to plan the next Habitat House. Our goal is to Raise $5,000. Make your dona on to “Habitat for Humanity” and mail it to: Dick Frushour, 3941 Wood Valley Dr, Aiken, SC 29803. Thank you! Prayer for Peace Lord, of heaven and earth, of all na ons and peoples, all faiths and no faith, reveal Yourself to those who are suffering, reveal Yourself to all who are refugees, reveal Yourself to those who are powerful, reveal yourself to all who are powerless, reveal Yourself to ordinary people in their everyday lives, that this world might reflect Your love, peace and Your glory. Amen. Prior to offering this music preceding Mass, I will have centered my thoughts on one of the greatest mysteries of all, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” (Jn. 1:1) I invite you to do the same, and allow the ethereal sounds of the organ transport your heart, mind, and soul to a different place, leaving behind the distrac ons of the day. Those distrac ons will s ll be there for you when you leave Mass, I promise. Brad Cunningham, Organist Fostering the art of music and liturgy, and robust and meaningful singing... Become a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner The Diocese of Charleston will host its fi h Creighton model Fer lityCare Prac oner Educa on Program in Greenville, SC for those interested in teaching others how to use the natural family planning method. Applica ons are currently being accepted for the 13‐month prac oner program. Making it easier for students to leave jobs and families for the training, Educa on Phase 1 will be conducted over two, 4‐day weekends: Fri., Feb. 26‐Mon., Feb. 29, and Fri., Mar. 18‐Mon., Mar. 21. Educa on Phase II will be held from Thurs., Sept. 22‐Tues., Sept. 27. For more informa on or to request an applica on, please contact Kelli Ball, Diocesan NFP Coordinator, at [email protected] or 803.807.0158 or Nancy McGrath, Program Director and Educator at [email protected] or 864.292.0475. ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE ◊ St. Mary Help of Chris ans Church Thursday, December 10 from 6:15‐7:30 ◊ St. Gerard Catholic Church Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30 ◊ Our Lady of the Valley Friday, December 18 at 5:30 Page 6 Ministerio Hispano Bienvenido a Santa María Damos la bienvenida a todos los que están visitando. Si asisten con regularidad y considerar esta su parroquia, por favor registrarse en la oficina de la parroquia o en el si o web. San Vicente de Paúl Necesita Ud. alimentos o asistencia financiera? Llame al 803.642.3211 Rev. José Hugo Ruiz Sacerdote hispano [email protected] 803.649.4777 Our Lady of Peace (803) 279‐0315 [email protected] HORARIO Nuestra oficina está abierta cada miércoles 9:00AM ‐ 4:30PM. Las misas y las confesiones Misa del domingo en Santa María An gua 12:00 mediodía Misa del miércoles en la capilla Ste Claire 7:00 de la tarde Las confesiones son media hora antes de la misa de los domingos Bautizos Para bau zar un niño en ésta parroquia, llévese uno de los volantes que encontrará a la salida del Templo, donde está toda la información referente a los bau smos. Preparación pre‐bau smal: domingo 7 y 14 de febrero a las 8:00 de la mañana en la escuela ‐aula MH6. Primera Comunión y Confirmación Póliza Sacramental: Los padres y los niños deben ser inscritos y asis r fielmente a la Santa Misa los domingos y días de precepto. Para un niño que no está inscrito en la escuela católica, él o ella debe asis r, por lo menos, dos años completos de clases de Formación Cris ana (Escuela Dominical) y sa sfacer a la polí ca de asistencia. Póngase en contacto con Priscilla Estrada 803.642.2676 / pestrada@stmarys‐ La Virgen Peregrina Primer Domingo de Adviento Un rabino preguntó a sus estudiantes: ¿sabe alguno de ustedes cuándo termina la noche y comienza el día? Un estudiante respondió: “Cuando ves un animal en la distancia y sabes si es una oveja o un chivo. Otro dijo: “Cuando ves un árbol en la distancia y sabes si se trata de un cerezo o una mata de plátano” Cada uno de los estudiantes iba dando ingeniosas respuestas hasta que el rabino les dijo, dejen que les dé yo mi respuesta. La noche termina y el día comienza cuando miras a la cara de cualquier ser humano y ves la cara de tu hermano o hermana. Si no puedes hacer esto, no importa la hora del día, todavía vives en la noche. Adviento es empo de dis nguir a Jesucristo, Príncipe de la luz, rostro del hermano, entre los demás príncipes de este mercadillo humano. Muchos años atrás, había un anuncio que decía: “Un libro ayuda a Triunfar”. Nosotros, hoy, al comenzar el año litúrgico abrimos el Libro, nuevo ciclo de lecturas, y decimos:” Un Libro nos puede ayudar a Cambiar.” Este Libro no nos ayuda a triunfar en los negocios, ni nos salva. Sólo el Señor Jesús salva. Y Jesús no es un libro. Pero con este Libro puede comenzar un cambio y una aventura hacia la vida. Todos hemos visto, alguna vez, uno de esos pintores que hacen retratos rápidos de las personas en la calle. Un día posó un borracho sucio, sin afeitar y con ropas malolientes. A pesar de su aspecto desastroso fingió gran dignidad. El pintor le dedicó más empo del normal y cuando terminó le presentó al hombre su retrato. “Ese no soy yo” dijo, sorprendido, el borracho cuando se vio bien ves do y sonriendo en el retrato. Y el pintor le contestó: “Pero ese es el hombre que usted todavía puede llegar a ser”. Al comenzar este empo de Adviento, en que preparamos la venida del Señor, la Palabra de Dios nos dice a todos y a que no estás preparado para el retrato porque eres prisionero de las mil trampas de este mundo, que estás sucio, desilusionado, sin esperanza, sin amor, que buscas soluciones a tus problemas en el periódico, en el horóscopo o en nuevas aventuras. La Palabra de Dios te dice: Tú puedes cambiar. Tú puedes llegar a ser otro. “Tú eres nuestro Padre, nosotros somos la greda y tú eres el alfarero. Todos nosotros fuimos hechos por tus manos”. Este alfarero te dice, ponte en mis manos, déjate modelar y yo te enseñaré lo que puedes llegar a ser. ¿Quieres cambiar? ¿Quieres estar preparado para la venida del Señor? ¿Quiere vivir este empo de espera, de Adviento, sin miedo? Yo sé que son muchos los que no quieren, los que no se ponen a ro de la Palabra de Dios, los que no enen empo, los que viven abrumados por el trabajo, el cansancio, los hijos..., los que piensan que es imposible. La Iglesia nos ofrece a todos nosotros un empo nuevo, un empo de espera y de esperanza: ADVIENTO. El Adviento nos recuerda que nosotros no tenemos el control de la historia ni de la vida. Dios ene el control y nosotros, los creyentes, dependemos de Dios, de su poder, de su acción y de su amor. Una Hora Santa ante el Santísimo Cada mes el miércoles segundo antes de la misa acompañamos a Jesús sacramentado durante una hora. Puedes venir a cualquier hora de las 24 horas que está expuesto el San simo. Las personas que deseen tener la virgen Peregrina Misa Tradicional en Latín en forma extraordinaria. El primer en su hogar, contactar: Legión de María al viernes de cada mes , el 4 diciembre a las 2 de la tarde en la Santa 803.295.6232 María An gua. Page 7 Holy Happenings at St. Mary’s! November 1 Life Teen Night October 25 ‐ Saint progressive dinner, here teens sample cheese and bague es with the Newly canonized couple Mr. and Mrs. Mar n and their daughter St. Terese November 7 ‐ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton High School ground breaking with Bishop Guglielmone & Fr. James LeBlanc, Myrtle Beach, SC November 11 ‐ CWA Social and Zumba party A JOURNEY FROM CALVARY TO COMPOSTELA Father Wilson Presents on His Sabbatical Pilgrimage All are invited to Father Wilson’s presentation on his sabbatical pilgrimage! Father will speak about his experiences at all the holy sites in Jerusalem and his 600 mile journey on the Camino de Santiago. After the presentation, Father Wilson will be available to give practical advice to anyone considering making all or part of the Camino de Santiago. Th e re w i l l b e a l i g h t reception of wine and hors d’oeuvres. We hope you can join us for this special evening at St. Mary’s! Thursday December 3rd 6:30pm-8:00pm St. Angela Hall
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