Fourth Sunday of Advent - December 20, 2015 Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston Holy Mass Schedule Weekday Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston Mon. ‐ Fri. 5:30 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Wed. School Mass 8:30 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Miércoles ‐ la capilla de Ste Claire 7:00 Thur. Nursing Home 10:00 Sat. Morning Mass 8:00 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Parish Clergy Rev. Gregory B. Wilson Pastor Sunday Rev. Arturo O. Dalupang Parochial Vicar Sat. Vigil 5:00 ‐ Church 8:30 , 11:15 ‐ Church Spanish 12 ‐ Capilla de Santa María 5:00 ‐ Church Rev. José Hugo Ruiz Hispanic Ministry Rev. Jeffrey F. Kirby Priest in Residence Confessions Dcn. Robert Pierce Dcn. Patrick Mongan Dcn. Robert Waters (re red) Mail: P . O . B o x 4 3 8 A i k e n , S C 2 9 8 0 2 Mon. ‐ Fri. 4:45 ‐ 5:15 Sat. 3:30 ‐ 4:30 803.649.4777 Locations: St. Mary’s Church: 138 Fairfield St. SE ‐ Old St. Mary’s ‐ Church www.stmarys‐ Old St. Mary’s: 125 Park Ave. SE Ste Claire Chapel: 125 Park Ave. SE St. Angela Hall: 118 York St. SE Welcome to St. Mary’s We welcome all who are visi ng. If you a end St. Mary’s regularly and consider this your parish, please register at the parish office or print a registra on form from the web site under the Parish tab, join us. Nursery Available during the 11:15 Mass in the Kindergarten room located in Oswald Hall (adjacent to St. Angela Hall). No Nursery on Sundays, Dec. 27 or Jan. 3 St. Vincent de Paul Society In need of food or financial assistance? Call 803.642.3211 Parish Office 803.649.4777 parishoffice@stmarys‐ Mon. ‐ Fri. 8:30 ‐ 4:30 Mailing address: PO Box 438 Aiken, SC 29802 Loca on: 203 Park Ave. SE Aiken, SC 29801 Parish Personnel Contact by email at www.stmarys‐ Sacramental Information More informa on about the Sacraments can be found on our parish website. Holy Baptism To have a child bap zed at St. Mary’s, at least one parent must be a prac cing Catholic, regularly a ending Holy Mass, and registered at St. Mary’s at least six months prior to the Bap sm. Parents must also a end a Bap smal Prepara on Class prior to the Bap sm. The next class is Wednesday, January 13 at 6:00 in Smith Hall. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. First Holy Communion & Confirmation Sacramental Policy: Parents and children must be registered and faithfully a ending Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obliga on. For a child not enrolled in our Catholic school, he or she must a end, at the very minimum, two full years of Chris an Forma on classes (Sunday School) and sa sfy the a endance policy. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. Holy Matrimony St. Mary’s wedding policies and guidelines can be found on our parish website under Holy Matrimony. Diocesan guidelines require at least six months prepara on before se ng a wedding date. Not all dates at the church may be available due to parish events or other conflicts. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. Anointing of the Sick Are you seriously ill, facing surgery or of advanced age? Receive grace and strength from the Sacrament of Anoin ng of the Sick. Contact: Mary Ellen Jackson at mejackson@stmarys‐ /803.649.4777. Mrs. Janet A. Morris, MIBS Director of Administra on This Week’s Scripture Readings Mrs. Marguerite B. Wertz Monday Sg 2:8‐14 or Zep 3:14‐18a Ps 33:2‐3,11‐12,20‐21 Lk 1:39‐45 Tuesday Ms. Phyllis Waters 1 Sm 1:24‐28 (Ps) 1 Sm 2:1,4‐8d Lk 1:46‐56 Business Manager Mrs. Regina M. Kvartek Wednesday Parish Secretary Mal 3:1‐4,23‐24 Ps 25:4‐5b,8‐10,14 Lk 1:57‐66 Ms. Priscilla A. Estrada, M.A. Director of Chris an Forma on Thursday: Vigil of the Na vity of the Lord 803.642.2676 Is 62:1‐5 Ps 89:4‐5,16‐17,27,29 Acts 13:16‐17,22‐25 Mt 1:1‐25 or 1:18‐25 Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson Assistant to the Director of Chris an Forma on Friday The Na vity of the Lord Dr. Maureen A. Simpson Midnight Is 9:1‐6 Ps 96:1‐3,11‐13 Ti 2:11‐14 Lk 2:1‐14 Director of Music Day Is 52:7‐10 Ps 98:1‐6 Heb 1:1‐6 Jn 1:1‐18 or 1:1‐5,9‐14 803.649.3057 Mrs. Joan LaBone Saturday Director of Youth Ministry Acts 6:8‐10; 7:54‐59 Ps 31:3cd‐4,6,8ab,16bc,17 Mt 10:17‐22 803.649.3049 Sunday The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Reserva ons Sir 3:2‐6,12‐14 Ps 128:1‐5 Col 3:12‐21 or 3:12‐17 Lk 2:41‐52 reserva ons@stmarys‐ Principal of St. Mary’s School 803.649.2071 Page 1 Pastor’s Corner + JMJ + Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Ste Claire Chapel, 125 Park Ave. SE Perpetual Adora on of Jesus truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament is available in Ste Claire Chapel 24 hours a day. All are encouraged to spend me with our Lord. Come, let us adore Him! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Jubilee of Mercy has begun. We will be offering numerous opportuni es for us as disciples of Jesus Christ to grow in the lived, everyday prac ce of the faith, especially the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. C J ? Urgent Need: Sat. 9 We are always looking for subs tute adorers. Please call one of the Division Leaders below if you can help. There are also many hours in need of partners. If you can spend one hour with Jesus on a weekly basis, please contact one of the division leaders or the lead coordinator, Ivy Monahon at 803.649.4157 or [email protected] Tom Henry 12 ‐6 803.642.6893 Jackie Langner 6 ‐12 803.643.3159 Janice Suhrer 12 ‐6 803.648.1747 Carole Schaumann 6 ‐12 803.648.7519 If you cannot make your hour, please talk with your partner first, then call your hourly coordinator (phone numbers are listed in the rear of the chapel ), and then the division leader. Pastoral Care Ministry Contact: Parish Office at 803.649.4777 Are you seriously ill, facing surgery or of advanced age? Receive grace and strength from the Sacrament of Anoin ng of the Sick. Call Deacon Pat Mongan at 321.626.4833 or e‐mail [email protected] to schedule an anoin ng. IN THE HOSPITAL If you have a family member in the hospital contact Deacon Pat Mongan: ⇒ At the parish office at 803.649.4777 (Leave a message) ⇒ Or 321.626.4833 ⇒ E‐mail at [email protected] ⇒ Or ask hospital personnel to call the parish office The hospital DOES NOT no fy us that you are there. Even if you register as Catholic when you are admi ed, the hospital may not inform the church office. Your hospital stay remains confiden al between the hospital ministry and our pastoral care staff. If you have a family member admi ed to a hospital in another city such as Augusta or Columbia, we can inform the Catholic Chaplain there as well ‐ just let us know! St. Elizabeth Ministry Please pray for all expectant & New mothers Are you pregnant or have recently given birth? Would you like to be added to our prayer list? Please call the Parish Office and let us know. This list can be found on our website under the tle “Parish” then “Prayer Requests.” This Jubilee of Mercy will bring us a new staff member. Beginning January 4, Mrs. Be e Ross will join our parish staff as Social Ministry Coordinator. This new posi on will focus on the corporal works of mercy. Our Social Ministry Coordinator will not replace any exis ng ministries, but will instead enhance these ministries even more. Be e will work with exis ng ministry leaders to integrate individual parish social ministry efforts into a more comprehensive parish social ministry program and will make necessary referrals to exis ng community resources. Be e’s efforts will provide opportuni es for members of the parish to share in these works by working to coordinate volunteers. Be e brings with her a wealth of experience and enthusiasm for this important work. May God’s great mercy shine through her efforts to bring the Light of Christ to all she serves. Of course, this Friday is Christmas Day. Please see the Mass schedule in this bulle n. Also, please note that the next Tradi onal La n Mass on Friday, January 1, will be at 10:30 (not 2 ) in Old St. Mary’s. I give a special welcome to all those who are visi ng. May the love of this parish inspire you to know and experience a greater Love. May it par cularly reach families, children, women, the elderly, the handicapped, and all who are o en helpless vic ms of selfishness and neglect by society. May this love especially inspire peace as we together celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. Below is a prayer from St. John Paul II, which I found beau fully appropriate for our mes. On behalf of all the priests, deacons, staff, and faculty of St. Mary’s Church and School, I wish you all a holy and Merry Christmas! – Father Wilson ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Wipe away, Baby Jesus, the tears of children! Embrace the sick and the elderly! Move men to lay down their arms and to draw close in a universal embrace of peace! Invite the peoples, O merciful Jesus, to tear down the walls created by poverty and unemployment, by ignorance and indifference, by discrimina on and intolerance. It is you, O Divine Child of Bethlehem, who save us, freeing us from sin. It is you who are the true and only Savior, whom humanity o en searches for with uncertainty. God of peace, gi of peace for all of humanity, come to live in the heart of every individual and of every family. Be our peace and our joy! Amen! Page 2 CHRISTIAN FORMATION This is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. ‐ Jn 17:3 ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Introduction to Catholicism Classes “RCIA” School of Christian Formation (CCD) Grades 4K-5 Contact: Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson mejackson@stmarys‐ Are you interested in becoming Catholic or just learning more about Catholicism? RCIA meets on Tuesdays from 6:00‐7:30 . For more informa on contact Priscilla Estrada at 803.642.2676 or pestrada@stmarys‐ Chris an Forma on classes are offered from August through April for children in Grades 4K‐5. Classes meet from 9:45 ‐11:00 in the parish school. All children Lunch & Learn Book Club who do not a end St. Mary’s School are encouraged to We meet on Mondays from 12 oon to 1:00 in Smith Hall. a end. Currently we are reading My Sisters the Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell. All are welcome. Bring your lunch and join Sunday Morning Youth Ministry us! Contact: Kathy Monahon at kmonahon@atlan Grades 6-12 Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone Wednesday Adult Bible Study Morning Youth Ministry will meet in St. Angela Hall this year, 9:45‐11:00 . Please complete our registra on form, found online or at the church office. No Session on December 27, Christmas Break. We will meet on January 3. Sunday Evening Youth Ministry Middle School (GR. 6-8) or Life Night (GR. 9-12) Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone jlabone@stmarys‐ or 803.215.7040 cell We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 ‐11:00 in Smith Hall. No class on Dec. 23 or 30. Please join us Jan. 6 as we discuss Weak Protestors & Defenders 2. Contact: Martha Whi ngham 865.599.8473 or whi [email protected] Men’s Bible Study - Thursday Evenings Calling all men! Are you wan ng to learn more about Sacred Scripture and go deeper in your faith with other men of the parish? We meet on Thursdays at 7:00 in St. Mary’s School, CH 2. Contact: Brian Hennessey at 803.641.1966. All high school youth in Grades 9‐12 are invited to a end our Sunday Evening Youth Ministry from 6:15‐8:00 in Smith Hall for High School and 6:00‐8:00 in St. Angela Hall for Middle School. St. Mary’s Parish School Contact: Marguerite Wertz, Principal 803.649.2071 Dec. 20 ‐ Middle and High School— Movie Night in Smith Hall — Inside Out. We will also be decora ng gingerbread cookies. The faculty, staff, and students at St. Mary’s School wish you a Merry Christmas. Dec. 27 ‐ No Session, Christmas Break. Visitors to Aiken who would like to find out more about St. Mary’s School are welcome to contact the principal, Mrs. Wertz, at 803.649.7868 to arrange a mee ng or a tour of the campus. Jan. 3 ‐ Epiphany Exalt Pizza Dinner for all 6:00‐6:45 in Smith Hall, 7:00 EXALT with We Three Kings acted out. All are welcome. Please bring a baby gi — a onesie or gown for a 0‐3 month old, diapers or other baby item. These will be given to our local Pregnancy Care Center. Jan. 9 ‐ SC Stand up for Life and SC Catholic Youth Rally for Life, Columbia, SC Jan. 10 ‐ Life Teen Be sure to check our parish website for up to date informa on on special events, youth retreats, service projects and a current calendar. Registra on for the 2016‐2017 school year begins in January. Registra on materials may be requested in advance and will be mailed to families in January. Please call the school office if you are interested in ge ng registra on materials for a child or grandchild. Tours can be arranged, students can spend all or part of a day at school, or a mee ng can be scheduled with the principal. Please call 803.649.2071 if you are interested in ge ng informa on about St. Mary Help of Chris ans Catholic School. Page 3 Weekly Stewardship Weekly Calendar S M T W T F S , D 9:45 9:45 6:00 6:15 , D S . M 6:30 9:30 12:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 , D 3:45 6:00 7:00 , D 9:30 6:15 6:15 7:00 , D 4:00 6:00 6:30 , D 12:00 10:00 1:30 , D 8:30 20 Y M ‐S . A H C F ‐S ‐S . A H S Y M ‐S H 21 ’ J . 1, 2016 H ‐M ’ P G ‐S ‐P S M ‐S H ‐L L ‐S H ‐P R ‐S H ‐K ‐C ‐B ‐K C H 22 ‐L M ‐S H ‐RCIA‐U S H ‐E ‐ .‐C 23 ‐NO A B S ‐L M ‐L ‐S N C .‐O S . M ’ ‐E ‐ C .‐C 24 C E ‐M ‐C ‐M ‐C ‐NO K 25 N L ‐M ‐C ‐M ‐C ‐S M ‐C 26 ‐N M ‐O S . M ’ FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 TOTALS AS OF SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2015 ‐M ‐S ‐P ‐H LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERING WEEKLY BUDGET NEEDS YEAR TO DATE TOTALS YEAR TO DATE BUDGET NEEDS OVERAGE TO DATE $ 36,514.00 $ 28,500.00 $ 662,399.07 $ 627,000.00 $ 6,899.07 St. Mary’s is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through me, talent and treasure. For all that you do, Thank You. Capital Campaign C C N P P F $ 4,491,259.00 $ 4,842,577.34 572 If you have any ques ons about the campaign, your pledge or making a contribu on, please call Phyllis Waters at the Parish Office at 803.649.4777 or capitalcampaign@stmarys‐ Holy Mass Intentions S , D 19 8:00 Brandi Camini Owens (D) 5:00 Erna Pfrögner (D) Maria Pfrögner (D) Michael Darr (D) Linda Lowry (D) Philip Finn (D) Henry Hudak (D) Mayo Hudak (D) S , D 20 8:30 Mr. & Mrs. Ma Kuhn (L) 11:15 Dorothy Krentz (D) 12:00 For the People 5:00 Jeannie McGee (D) T 5:30 , D 22 Ron Meditz (D) W , D 23 8:30 No Mass 5:30 The deceased members of the Grentzinger & Passage families 7:00 Available T , D 24 4:00pm Warren & Chet Hemenway (D) 6:00 For the People Christmas Mass Schedule T , D 4:00 6:00 24 ‐ V C M 6:30 5:30 F , D 25 ‐ T N 12:00 M 10:00 1:00 S , D 21 Krissy Dorthalina (L) Rose Proie (D) F , D 25 12:00 All the People who touch our lives (L) (D) 10:00 Ted Zahuta (D) 1:30pm Isabel Jiunnies (D) Prayers Requested All Masses will be held in the Church Deaths: 11/10/15 Patricia Smith Latin Mass First Friday La n Mass in the extraordinary form Friday, January 1, 2016 in Old St. Mary’s at 10:30 11/17/15 Jean Branson . Page 4 Parish & Community Events ACTS of Aiken Show your thanks for all your blessings by giving back. Sign up this holiday season to become an ACTS volunteer. ACTS is in desperate need of volunteers to serve in our Resale Store and Client Room assis ng clients with their clothing vouchers. Shi s are available Mon.‐Fri. from 9:00 ‐ 4:00 . Commit to as few or as many hours and/or days as fit your schedule. It's not only rewarding but fun, as well! For more informa on e‐mail us at: [email protected] or call 803.649.3800 Carla W. Cloud, ACTS, Execu ve Director, 803.649.3800 Family Honor Inc. Providing and promo ng a family‐centered, Catholic approach to chas ty educa on St. Mary Help of Chris ans will be hos ng Family Honor’s truly unique program, Leading & Loving, for parents of young children, newborn through 5th grade. We will discuss ideas on being a good role model, look at how the virtue of chas ty is developed in our children, and to help parents to be be er able to answer some of your children’s challenging ques ons – all while cul va ng Catholic virtues and values. Here, one parent shares what he liked most about the program, “The celebra on of sexuality and the posi ve message. Quite different from the nega ve, fear‐based content we grew up with.” Leading & Loving will be presented on 3 consecu ve Tuesdays: February 23, March 1 and 8, 2016 in Smith Hall from 6:30 – 8:30 . There is no charge for this program (though dona ons will be requested) and childcare will be provided on site with advanced registra on. Deadline for registering is February 10th. Space is limited so register soon. To register or for more informa on visit Poor Clare Sisters The Poor Clare Sisters are a contempla ve order of Catholic nuns. They live a life of prayer in community and joy. A small group of Poor Clare Sisters live in a home in Nazareth (Israel) that is in need of major repairs. They need financial help to make these repairs to the home, to replace the AC unit and furniture. If you are able to help with a contribu on to the Poor Clare Sisters, please send a separate check payable to: St. Mary Help of Chris ans with Poor Clare Sisters on the memo line. Mail it to the Parish Office at PO Box 438, Aiken, SC 29802 or drop it in the collec on basket. This must be a separate check from your regular contribu ons to the parish. Thank you. Cenacle of Prayer Our Lady calls us to gather for prayer as the first Apostles gathered with her in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awai ng the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will begin immediately a er Mass on Thursdays from 6:15‐7:15 in Old St. Mary’s. We will meet every week for rosary, prayers for Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, reading of messages from the book “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” and consecra on to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Books are available. Please join us! Lighthouse Catholic Media (CD’s) CD’s available a er all Sunday Masses. $3.00 suggested dona on. Do you want something more than the radio to listen to on the way to work or while out running errands that can help you grow in your faith and closer to Jesus? Check out the Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs! World renowned speakers and thought provoking topics are at your finger ps. CDs are located on a table in the church narthex. Dustbusters Join the St. Mary’s Dustbusters on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 . We meet in the new church. No charge! No experience necessary! Just able bodies to help with once a week light housekeeping. If you would like more informa on or to volunteer, please call Ginny Whitaker at 803.646.8344. Thank You to our Sponsor Advertisers! Will You Join Them? Are you a business owner or self‐employed and enjoy knowing you’re helping to support the Church? Please consider sponsoring our weekly bulle n by adver sing your business. It’s a great way to reach the folks who want to support your business too (Your Church Family)! Realtors, Physicians, Den sts, A orneys, Insurance Agents, Accountants, Restaurants, Stylists, Auto Dealers and Florists are examples of adver sers enjoying success in Church bulle ns. The revenue from sponsor ads allows St. Mary's to receive the bulle n printed and shipped completely free of charge. Please see the back of this bulle n for contact informa on for Messner Publica ons. We thank you in advance for your considera on and con nued support of the St. Mary's weekly bulle n. Hermanas Clarisas Las Hermanas Clarisas es una Orden Católica de Hermanas Contempla vas. Ellas viven una vida de oración en comunidad y alegría. Un pequeño grupo de hermanas Clarisas viven en una casa en Nazaret (Israel) que necesita reparaciones mayores, por lo mismo ellas necesitan ayuda financiera para hacer estas reparaciones a su casa, como reemplazar el sistema de aire acondicionado y muebles. Si tú puedes ayudar con una contribución para las hermanas Clarisas, por favor envíela en un cheque separado pagable a: St. Mary Help of Chris ne con Hermanas Clarisas donde dice Memo. Envíelo a la oficina parroquial a PO Box 438, Aiken, SC 29802 o déjelo en la canasta de la colecta. Este debe ser un cheque separado de la contribución regular a Page 5 la Parroquia. Muchas gracias. Parish & Community Events Engaged Encounter Stewardship of Prayer Find out how to cope with the cycles of marriage‐romance, disillusionment, and unity‐‐by a ending an Engaged Encounter Weekend. Weekends will be held Jan. 23‐24 at St. James Catholic Church in Conway and Feb. 27‐28 at Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church in Columbia. These are nonresiden al weekends, so lodging will not be provided. You do not need to be a parishioner of St. James or Our Lady of the Hills to a end. To register and for addi onal informa on please visit our web site www.cee‐ or call 864.232.1222. Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2565 In the New Covenant, prayer is the living rela onship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with his Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Kingdom is "the union of the en re holy and royal Trinity . . . with the whole human spirit."12 Thus, the life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the thrice‐holy God and in communion with him. This communion of life is always possible because, through Bap sm, we have already been united with Christ.13 Prayer is Chris an insofar as it is communion with Christ and extends throughout the Church, which is his Body. Its dimensions are those of Christ's love.14 St. Paul Radio Broadcas ng Christ’s Message to our community! Mission Statement – Saint Paul Radio Inc., a non‐profit corpora on, is dedicated to teaching the truth as defined by the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Through radio and internet communica on channels we seek to support pastors in their efforts to reach Catholics outside of Holy Mass and be a unifying organiza on, integrated with parish life, to bring people to our Lord Jesus Christ. Catholic listeners are 94% more spiritually engaged; 69% be er able to teach their children the Faith and 51% more involved and generous with their parish. You can listen to St. Paul radio on‐air at WKER 91.1 FM, at and on your smartphone with the TuneIn Radio App. Follow us on Facebook! For more informa on, contact St. Paul Radio at [email protected] or by phone at 762.218.3911. Columbia Flood Relief The Columbia Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul have requested our support for their program to aid the flood vic ms in Columbia, SC. Their focus is on furniture needs. Checks should be made payable to “SVDP Charleston Council Disaster Fund” and mailed to Russell Jones at 240 Brookwood Forest Dr. Blythewood, SC 29016. 12 St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Ora o, 16,9:PG 35,945. 13 Cf. Rom 6:5. 14 Cf. Eph 3:18‐21. Audrey Assad In concert Friday, January 8 | 7:00 | Free Admission Praise, Worship & Eucharis c Adora on Daily Mass at 6:00pm followed by concert at 7:00 Saturday, January 9 | 10:00 ‐ 1:00 | Free Admis‐ sion Music Ministers Day of Reflec on with sessions led by Fr. Dawid Kwiatkowski, Fr. Godfred Boachie‐Yiadom and Audrey Assad Main Sanctuary St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, Single, Single Again Red Pepper Evening with dinner at 7:00 . Entertainment, Mike Frost at 8:00 . RSVP by January 11 to Jeanne Shanks at 803.663.3839 or Carla Noziglia at [email protected]. Red Pepper is located at 452 Silver Bluff Rd., Aiken ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Poinsettias This Christmas season St. Mary's is coordina ng the purchase of poinse as to be placed on the altar of the Church, Old St. Mary’s and Ste Claire Chapel to honor or remember a loved one. Everyone from our Parish is invited to make a dona on for each Christmas flower. Suggested dona on of $20. Please complete the form below and place it with your dona on in an envelope marked “C F .” Envelopes can be placed in the collec on basket at Mass or turned in to the church office. To ensure that your request can be accommodated, the forms and the dona ons must be received by the close of business on December 23rd . P “S . M ' ” “C F ” (P ) A Christmas Poinse a will be placed on an altar of our church during the Christmas season in memory or in honor of: (circle M for memory or H for honor) M or H:______________________________________ M or H:______________________________________ From:_______________________________________ From:_______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Page 6 Ministerio Hispano Bienvenido a Santa María Damos la bienvenida a todos los que están visitando. Si asisten con regularidad y considerar esta su parroquia, por favor registrarse en la oficina de la parroquia o en el si o web. San Vicente de Paúl Necesita Ud. alimentos o asistencia financiera? Llame al 803.642.3211 Rev. José Hugo Ruiz Sacerdote hispano [email protected] 803.649.4777 Our Lady of Peace (803) 279‐0315 [email protected] CUARTO DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO Érase una vez un rey generoso y sabio. Trataba a los ricos y a los pobres del mismo modo y era muy bondadoso con los niños. Un año todos sus súbditos decidieron celebrar una gran fiesta en el día de su cumpleaños. Y lo hicieron de manera dis nta a los años anteriores. Como trataba a todos por igual decidieron que todos los regalos iban a estar envueltos con papel blanco para que parecieran iguales. Cuando llegó el día todos trajeron sus regalos blancos al rey. Unos eran un puñado de arroz pero envuelto en papel blanco. Otros regalos eran joyas o marfil pero estos también estaban envueltos en papel blanco. Todos parecían iguales y cuando el rey los abrió trató a todos por igual porque sabía que todos llevaban el mismo amor y devoción. Y los que no tenían regalos que ofrecer firmaban en un libro blanco para ofrecerle su empo y sus talentos. HORARIO Nuestra oficina está abierta cada miércoles 9:00 ‐ 4:30 . Las misas y las confesiones Misa del domingo en Santa María An gua 12:00 mediodía Misa del miércoles en la capilla Ste Claire 7:00 de la tarde Las confesiones son media hora antes de la misa de los domingos Bautizos Para bau zar un niño en ésta parroquia, llévese uno de los volantes que encontrará a la salida del Templo, donde está toda la información referente a los bau smos. Preparación pre‐bau smal: domingo 7 y 14 de febrero a las 8:00 de la mañana en la escuela ‐aula MH6. ¿Ya ha encontrado el regalo perfecto para esta Navidad? ¿Ya ha prac cado la elegancia social del regalo? Sus hijos no necesitan un nuevo juguete. Le necesitan a usted. Su esposa no necesita el úl mo perfume de Calvin Klein. Le necesita a usted. Sus padres ya mayores no necesitan guantes nuevos. Necesitan que usted les caliente sus manos con su calor. Dar cosas es fácil, darse uno mismo es lo di cil. Jesús es el regalo de Dios para todos nosotros y no necesita nada pero nos necesita a nosotros. ¿Le daremos un poco de nuestro amor, de nuestro empo, de nuestra vida? ¿Le haremos una visita al pesebre? ¿Le adoraremos como nuestro rey y Señor? Hoy, antes de la Navidad, Lucas nos cuenta el viaje de María a la casa de su prima Isabel. No sabemos si le llevó un regalo. Lucas no lo menciona. Sí sabemos lo que le llevó, la alegría y el gozo del Espíritu. Sí sabemos que las dos, María e Isabel, cantaron la grandeza de Dios que ha actuado en sus vidas. Sí sabemos que los niños, como el rey David ante el arca de la alianza, saltaron de gozo en el vientre de sus madres. Sí sabemos que María era la portadora de Dios, la nueva arca de la alianza, llena ahora, no con las tablas de la ley y el maná, sino llena de Jesús, llena del Espíritu. Hermanos. María e Isabel, son dos magníficos regalos para nosotros en este empo de Navidad. Ambas quedaron embarazadas por el poder de Dios y bendecidas para siempre porque Dios se acordó de su pueblo. Hermanos, las bendiciones de Dios no se agotaron aquel día. Dios ene bendiciones para todos nosotros: La iglesia, el culto, la eucaris a es el medio en el que seguimos bendiciendo a nuestro Dios y recibiendo sus bendiciones. Cenáculo de Oración Primera Comunión y Confirmación Póliza Sacramental: Los padres y los niños deben ser La Virgen nos llama a reunirse para la oración como los primeros apóstoles se reunieron con ella en el Cenáculo de Jerusalén, a la espera de la efusión inscritos y asis r fielmente a la Santa Misa los del Espíritu Santo. Este nuevo Cenáculo de Oración comienza cada jueves domingos y días de precepto. Para un niño que no inmediatamente después de la Misa, 6:15‐7:15 en la Capilla de Santa está inscrito en la escuela católica, él o ella debe María. Nos reuniremos cada semana y oremos rosario, oraciones por asis r, por lo menos, dos años completos de clases nuestro Santo Padre, Francisco, la lectura de los mensajes del libro "A los de Formación Cris ana (Escuela Dominical) y sacerdotes, hijos predilectos de la Virgen" y la consagración al Inmaculado Corazón de María. Los libros estarán disponibles. Por favor, ruega con sa sfacer a la polí ca de asistencia. Póngase en nosotros! contacto con Priscilla Estrada 803.642.2676 / pestrada@stmarys‐ Una Hora Santa ante el Santísimo La Virgen Peregrina Cada mes el miércoles segundo antes de la misa acompañamos a Jesús sacramentado durante una hora. Puedes venir a cualquier hora de las 24 horas que está expuesto el San simo. Las personas que deseen tener la virgen Peregrina Misa Tradicional en Latín en forma extraordinaria. en su hogar, contactar: Legión de María al El primer viernes de cada mes , el 1 enero a las 10:30 de la ma‐ 803.295.6232 ñana en la Santa María An gua. Page 7 Holy Happenings at St. Mary’s! December 2 Frances, Clare & Companions November 22 Middle School bowling Night at Strike House Bowl, Aiken Page 8 Items most needed by Birthright Baby Gowns and sleepers(newborn‐3 months) Diapers Baby towels Baby toiletries January 9, 2016 - SC Catholic Youth Rally Join us for Stand Up for Life and for the S.C. Catholic Youth Rally for Life! March for the sanc ty of all life, listen to na onally known speakers Steve Angrisano and Leah Darrow, a end Mass and help clothe the li le ones by bringing baby items to the rally for Birthright of Columbia. Youth rally begins at 2pm at the Township Auditorium, 1703 Taylor Street, Columbia, SC 29201 St Mary’s will sponsor a bus for events on January 9. All are welcome to a end. To reserve a seat please contact Joan LaBone at jlabone@stmarys‐ Youth Rally Sponsored by the Diocese of Charleston ‐ Offices of Youth Ministry and Family Life Page 9
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