Third Sunday of Advent - December 13, 2015 Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston Holy Mass Schedule Weekday Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston Mon. ‐ Fri. 5:30 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Wed. School Mass 8:30 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Miércoles ‐ la capilla de Ste Claire 7:00 Thur. Nursing Home 10:00 Sat. Morning Mass 8:00 ‐ Old St. Mary’s Parish Clergy Rev. Gregory B. Wilson Pastor Sunday Rev. Arturo O. Dalupang Parochial Vicar Sat. Vigil 5:00 ‐ Church 8:30 , 11:15 ‐ Church Spanish 12 ‐ Capilla de Santa María 5:00 ‐ Church Rev. José Hugo Ruiz Hispanic Ministry Rev. Jeffrey F. Kirby Priest in Residence Confessions Dcn. Robert Pierce Dcn. Patrick Mongan Dcn. Robert Waters (re red) Mail: P . O . B o x 4 3 8 A i k e n , S C 2 9 8 0 2 Mon. ‐ Fri. 4:45 ‐ 5:15 Sat. 3:30 ‐ 4:30 803.649.4777 Locations: St. Mary’s Church: 138 Fairfield St. SE ‐ Old St. Mary’s ‐ Church www.stmarys‐ Old St. Mary’s: 125 Park Ave. SE Ste Claire Chapel: 125 Park Ave. SE St. Angela Hall: 118 York St. SE Welcome to St. Mary’s We welcome all who are visi ng. If you a end St. Mary’s regularly and consider this your parish, please register at the parish office or print a registra on form from the web site under the Parish tab, join us. Nursery Available during the 11:15 Mass in the Kindergarten room located in Oswald Hall (adjacent to St. Angela Hall). No Nursery on Sundays, Dec. 27 or Jan. 3 St. Vincent de Paul Society In need of food or financial assistance? Call 803.642.3211 Parish Office 803.649.4777 parishoffice@stmarys‐ Mon. ‐ Fri. 8:30 ‐ 4:30 Mailing address: PO Box 438 Aiken, SC 29802 Loca on: 203 Park Ave. SE Aiken, SC 29801 Parish Personnel Contact by email at www.stmarys‐ Sacramental Information More informa on about the Sacraments can be found on our parish website. Holy Baptism To have a child bap zed at St. Mary’s, at least one parent must be a prac cing Catholic, regularly a ending Holy Mass, and registered at St. Mary’s at least six months prior to the Bap sm. Parents must also a end a Bap smal Prepara on Class prior to the Bap sm. The next class is Wednesday, January 13 at 6:00 in Smith Hall. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. First Holy Communion & Confirmation Sacramental Policy: Parents and children must be registered and faithfully a ending Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obliga on. For a child not enrolled in our Catholic school, he or she must a end, at the very minimum, two full years of Chris an Forma on classes (Sunday School) and sa sfy the a endance policy. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. Holy Matrimony St. Mary’s wedding policies and guidelines can be found on our parish website under Holy Matrimony. Diocesan guidelines require at least six months prepara on before se ng a wedding date. Not all dates at the church may be available due to parish events or other conflicts. Contact: Priscilla Estrada. Anointing of the Sick Are you seriously ill, facing surgery or of advanced age? Receive grace and strength from the Sacrament of Anoin ng of the Sick. Contact: Mary Ellen Jackson at mejackson@stmarys‐ /803.649.4777. Mrs. Janet A. Morris, MIBS Director of Administra on Mrs. Marguerite B. Wertz This Week’s Scripture Readings Principal of St. Mary’s School 803.649.2071 Monday Saint John of the Cross Nm 24:2‐7,15‐17a Ps 25:4‐5b,6,7bc,8‐9 Mt 21:23‐27 Ms. Phyllis Waters Tuesday Business Manager Zep 3:1‐2,9‐13 Ps 34:2‐3,6‐7,17‐19,23 Mt 21:28‐32 Mrs. Regina M. Kvartek Parish Secretary Wednesday Is 45:6b‐8,18,21b‐25 Ps 85:9ab,10‐14 Lk 7:18b‐23 Ms. Priscilla A. Estrada, M.A. Director of Chris an Forma on Thursday 803.642.2676 Gn 49:2,8‐10 Ps 72:1‐4b,7‐8,17 Mt 1:1‐17 Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson Assistant to the Director of Chris an Forma on Friday Dr. Maureen A. Simpson Jer 23:5‐8 Ps 72:1‐2,12‐13,18‐19 Mt 1:18‐25 Director of Music 803.649.3057 Saturday Jgs 13:2‐7,24‐25a Ps 71:3‐4a,5‐6b,16‐17 Lk 1:5‐25 Mrs. Joan LaBone Director of Youth Ministry Sunday Fourth Sunday of Advent 803.649.3049 Mi 5:1‐4a Ps 80:2‐3,15‐16,18‐19 Heb 10:5‐10 Lk 1:39‐45 Reserva ons reserva ons@stmarys‐ Page 1 Pastor’s Corner + JMJ + Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Ste Claire Chapel, 125 Park Ave. SE Perpetual Adora on of Jesus truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament is available in Ste Claire Chapel 24 hours a day. All are encouraged to spend me with our Lord. Come, let us adore Him! We come to Gaudete/Rejoice Sunday and have begun our Jubilee Year of Mercy! “We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. … Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness” (Pope Francis, Vultus misericordiae, 2). C J ? . 8 Urgent Need: Mon. 1 ; W . 1 ; T We are always looking for subs tute adorers. Please call one of the Division Leaders below if you can help. There are also many hours in need of partners. If you can spend one hour with Jesus on a weekly basis, please contact one of the division leaders or the lead coordinator, Ivy Monahon at 803.649.4157 or [email protected] Tom Henry 12 ‐6 803.642.6893 Jackie Langner 6 ‐12 803.643.3159 Janice Suhrer 12 ‐6 803.648.1747 Carole Schaumann 6 ‐12 803.648.7519 If you cannot make your hour, please talk with your partner first, then call your hourly coordinator (phone numbers are listed in the rear of the chapel ), and then the division leader. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Why just for one year? Perhaps it’s be er to think of it as a year of more intense prayer and study which will lead to greater fruits of mercy our whole life‐long. “At mes we are called to gaze even more a en vely on mercy so that we may become a more effec ve sign of the Father’s ac on in our lives. For this reason I have proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy as a special me for the Church, a me when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effec ve” (Ibid. 3). We can’t give what we don’t have; and we can’t talk about and prac ce an issue we haven’t really researched. Also, it should be remembered that the act of walking through the door isn’t “magical.” We are human beings who perceive the world through our senses. Every Sacrament includes an “outward sign” – i.e., something that can be seen, Pastoral Care Ministry touched, tasted, etc. The door itself symbolizes Christ, who Contact: Parish Office at 803.649.4777 said, “I am the gate” (John 10:9). The act of walking through the door – through Christ – symbolizes for the individual the St. Elizabeth Ministry leaving behind a life of sin or a achments to sin and Please pray for all expectant renewing the prac ce of mercy. “By crossing the threshold of & New mothers Are pregnant or have recently given birth? Would you like to the Holy Door, we will find the strength to embrace God’s be added to our prayer list? Please call the Parish Office and mercy and dedicate ourselves to being merciful with others let us know. This list can be found on our website under the as the Father has been with us” (Ibid. 14). tle “Parish” then “Prayer Requests.” On this Sunday as well, every deanery will solemnly open its Cenacle of Prayer own Holy Door. Our celebra on in the Aiken Deanery will Our Lady calls us to gather for prayer as the first Apostles begin at 6:30 in front of the church, 138 Fairfield St. SE. gathered with her in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awai ng the We will have a candlelight procession to Old St. Mary’s and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will begin immediately a er solemnly open our Door of Mercy. A er a Liturgy of the Mass on Thursdays from 6:15‐7:15PM in Old St. Mary’s. We will Word, we will bless the image of Divine Mercy and pray the meet every week for rosary, prayers for Our Holy Father, Pope Diving Mercy chaplet. (Please bring your rosary beads.) Francis, reading of messages from the book “To the Priests, Our Those who cannot make the walk may meet in Old St. Mary’s. Lady’s Beloved Sons” and consecra on to the Immaculate When the me comes, we will have people to assist others to Heart of Mary. Books are available. Please join us! pass through the Holy Door. ACTS of Aiken You may wish to make a pilgrimage this year to the other Show your thanks for all your blessings by giving back. Sign up Holy Doors in the diocese: Charleston – the Cathedral of this holiday season to become an ACTS volunteer. ACTS is in St. John the Bap st; Blu on – St. Gregory the Great; desperate need of volunteers to serve in our Resale Store and Columbia: St. Peter; Greenville – St. Mary; Myrtle Beach Client Room assis ng clients with their clothing vouchers. Shi s deanery – St. Michael in Murrells Inlet, St. Anthony in are available Mon.‐Fri. from 9:00 ‐ 4:00 . Commit to as few Florence, and the Shrine of Our Lady of South Carolina ‐ Our or as many hours and/or days as fit your schedule. It's not only rewarding but fun, as well! For more informa on e‐mail us at: Lady of Joyful Hope in Kingstree; Rock Hill – The Oratory [email protected] or call 803.649.3800 Carla W. Cloud, Chapel. Page 2 ACTS, Execu ve Director, 803.649.3800 Father Wilson CHRISTIAN FORMATION This is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. ‐ Jn 17:3 ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Introduction to Catholicism Classes “RCIA” School of Christian Formation (CCD) Grades 4K-5 Contact: Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackson mejackson@stmarys‐ Are you interested in becoming Catholic or just learning more about Catholicism? RCIA meets on Tuesdays from 6:00‐7:30 . For more informa on contact Priscilla Estrada at 803.642.2676 or pestrada@stmarys‐ Chris an Forma on classes are offered from August through April for children in Grades 4K‐5. Classes meet from 9:45 ‐11:00 in the parish school. All children Lunch & Learn Book Club who do not a end St. Mary’s School are encouraged to We meet on Mondays from 12 oon to 1:00 in Smith Hall. a end. Currently we are reading My Sisters the Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell. All are welcome. Bring your lunch and join Sunday Morning Youth Ministry us! Contact: Kathy Monahon at kmonahon@atlan Grades 6-12 Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone Wednesday Adult Bible Study Morning Youth Ministry will meet in St. Angela Hall this year, 9:45‐11:00 . Please complete our registra on form, found online or at the church office. No Session on December 27, Christmas Break. We will meet on January 3. Sunday Evening Youth Ministry Middle School (GR. 6-8) or Life Night (GR. 9-12) Contact: Mrs. Joan Marie LaBone jlabone@stmarys‐ or 803.215.7040 cell We meet Wednesdays from 9:30 ‐11:00 in Smith Hall. Please join us Dec. 16 as we discuss Weak Protestors & Defenders 1. No class on Dec. 23 or 30. Contact: Martha Whi ngham 865.599.8473 or whi [email protected] Men’s Bible Study - Thursday Evenings Calling all men! Are you wan ng to learn more about Sacred Scripture and go deeper in your faith with other men of the parish? We meet on Thursdays at 7:00 in St. Mary’s School, CH 2. Contact: Brian Hennessey at 803.641.1966. All high school youth in Grades 9‐12 are invited to a end our Sunday Evening Youth Ministry from 6:15‐8:00 in Smith Hall for High School and 6:00‐8:00 in St. Angela Hall for Middle School. St. Mary’s Parish School Contact: Marguerite Wertz, Principal 803.649.2071 Dec. 13 ‐ We will par cipate in the special ac vi es for the opening of the Year of Mercy beginning at 6:30 with a procession from the church to Old St. Mary’s and our Door of Mercy. Both teens and their families along with all parishioners are invited to take part in these prayers. Dec. 19 ‐ Living Na vity 3:00‐8:00 . Set up at 3:00 , staged post cards of the na vity from 4:30‐5:00 . Telling of the Na vity story 6:30 a er 5:00 Mass, young children are invited to par cipate. We will have extra halos and shepherd’s head pieces for young children to wear. The story will also be told at 7:00 . A er taking down props, cast members are invited for pizza. Dec. 20 ‐ Middle and High School—Movie Night in Smith Hall—Inside Out. We will also be decora ng gingerbread cookies. Dec. 27 ‐ No Session, Christmas Break. Parishioners are invited to “A Christmas Collage,” the 2015 Christmas program offered by students in kindergarten through grade 8, Thursday, December 17 at 7:00 in St. Angela Hall. Be sure to check our parish website for up to date informa on on special events, youth retreats, service projects and a current calendar. Also on the website—News and pictures from the Na onal Catholic Youth Conference. Come enjoy the music and celebra on! Registra on for the 2016‐2017 school year begins in January. Registra on materials may be requested in advance and will be mailed to families in January. Please call the school office if you are interested in ge ng registra on materials for a child or grandchild. Tours can be arranged, students can spend all or part of a day at school, or a mee ng can be scheduled with the principal. Please call 803.649.2071 if you are interested in ge ng informa on about St. Mary Help of Chris ans Catholic School. Page 3 Weekly Stewardship Weekly Calendar S M T W T F S , D 5:00 9:45 9:45 1:00 2:00 3:00 6:15 6:30 , D 6:30 9:30 12:00 3:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 , D 3:30 3:45 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 , D 8:00 9:30 6:15 6:15 7:00 , D 6:15 6:30 7:00 7:30 , D 12:00 5:30 7:00 , D 7:30 8:30 4:30 13 FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 ‐M ‐S . A H TOTALS AS OF SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2015 ‐M Y M ‐S . A H LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERING $ 23,712.00 ‐S C F ‐S WEEKLY BUDGET NEEDS $ 28,500.00 ‐S M ‐C YEAR TO DATE TOTALS $ 625,885.07 ‐O L G C ‐ YEAR TO DATE BUDGET NEEDS $ 627,000.00 S . A H SHORTFALL TO DATE $ 1,114.93 ‐B G S ‐C H ‐H S Y M ‐S Thanksgiving Collec on $ 2,139.00 ‐O D M P ‐ St. Mary’s is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners C through me, talent and treasure. For all that you do, Thank You. 14 Capital Campaign ‐M ’ P G ‐S H ‐P S M ‐S H C $ 4,491,259.00 ‐L L ‐S H C $ 4,830,280.34 ‐B .‐S . A H N P P F 572 ‐L M ‐S H If you have any ques ons about the campaign, your pledge or ‐K ‐C making a contribu on, please call Phyllis Waters at the Parish ‐K C H ‐B Office at 803.649.4777 or capitalcampaign@stmarys‐ ‐S C C I‐S H 15 ‐B .‐S . A H Holy Mass Intentions ‐L M ‐S H ‐RCIA‐U S H S , D 12 T , D 15 ‐P S ‐S . G ’ 8:00 James R. Smith (D) 5:30 Walter Schumacher (D) ‐B S ‐C 5:00 Rose Proie (D) ‐E ‐ .‐C W , D 16 Ruth Chelchowski (D) 16 8:30 Ronnie & Steven Walsh (D) Chuck Joseph (D) ‐P P ‐S H 5:30 Mac McIntyre (D) Lillian Hanks (D) ‐A B S ‐S H 7:00 Available ‐P : S N C ‐O S . M ' Fran Cichowicz (D) T , D 17 ‐L M ‐L S , D 13 T L ‐E ‐ C .‐C 8:30 Eugene Orwat (D) 10:00 Dcn. Charles Poole, Jr. (D) 17 11:15 For the People 5:30 Nunzio Romano (D) ‐C P ‐O S . M ’ 1:00 Available ‐K ‐C F , D 18 5:00 Lorinda Hutchins (D) ‐P P E O ‐S H 5:30 Penny Goergen (D) ‐M ’ B S ‐S CH‐2 M , D 14 6:30 James Baker (D) 18 ‐S . V P C 5:30 Ann Wi kamp (D) ‐S . A H ‐P S ‐O L V ‐H A C ‐S H 19 ‐S . V P C Prayers Requested ‐S . A H Deaths: 12/06/15 Leo Keys ‐N M ‐O S . M ’ ‐L N ‐C Wedding: 11/27/15 Joseph M. Mark & Katherine R Dwyer Page 4 Parish & Community Events ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE St. Gerard Catholic Church Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30 ◊ Our Lady of the Valley Friday, December 18 at 5:30 ◊ The University of South Carolina and the University of Chicago present John Haldane, “Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life” December 14, 2015, 7:00PM. USC Law School Auditorium 701 Main Street, Columbia, SC 29201 Christmas Mass Schedule THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 ‐ VIGIL CHRISTMAS 4:00PM 6:00PM FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 ‐ THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD 12:00 MIDNIGHT 10:00AM 1:00PM SPANISH All Masses will be held in the Church Renowned Catholic philosopher, John Haldane will discuss the growing consensus among psychologists that virtues are the cornerstone of happy and meaningful human lives. He is professor of philosophy and director of the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of St. Andrews, and the J. Newton Rayzor, Sr., Dis nguished Professor in Philosophy at Baylor University. He is a scholar with the "Virtue, Happiness, and Meaning of Life" project. The lecture will be followed by a light recep on. FREE & open to the public. Registra on is requested. To register or for more informa on, visit Thank You! The St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to sincerely thank everyone who had contributed dinners to our Thanksgiving Basket program this year. We were able to provide 101 Thanksgiving dinners to help those who were in need. Thank you to those who contributed by making a dona on so we may con nue our work with those who are less fortunate. Your con nuing generosity is always a blessing. Family Honor Inc. Providing and promo ng a family‐centered, Catholic approach to chas ty educa on St. Mary Help of Chris ans will be hos ng Family Honor’s truly unique program, Leading & Loving, for parents of young children, newborn through 5th grade. We will discuss ideas on being a good role model, look at how the virtue of chas ty is developed in our children, and to help parents to be be er able to answer some of your children’s challenging ques ons – all while cul va ng Catholic virtues and values. Here, one parent shares what he liked most about the program, “The celebra on of sexuality and the posi ve message. Quite different from the nega ve, fear‐based content we grew up with.” Leading & Loving will be presented on 3 consecu ve Tuesdays: February 23, March 1 and 8, 2016 in Smith Hall from 6:30 – 8:30pm in Smith Hall. There is no charge for this program (though dona ons will be requested) and childcare will be provided on site with advanced registra on. Deadline for registering is February 10th. Space is limited so register soon. To register or for more informa on visit Latin Mass First Friday La n Mass in the extraordinary form Friday, January 1, 2016 in Old St. Mary’s at 10:30AM. Poor Clare Sisters The Poor Clare Sisters are a contempla ve order of Catholic nuns. They live a life of prayer in community and joy. A small group of Poor Clare Sisters live in a home in Nazareth (Israel) that is in need of major repairs. They need financial help to make these repairs to the home, to replace the AC unit and furniture. If you are able to help with a contribu on to the Poor Clare Sisters, please send a separate check payable to: St. Mary Help of Chris ans with Poor Clare Sisters on the memo line. Mail it to the Parish Office at PO Box 438, Aiken, SC 29802 or drop it in the collec on basket. This must be a separate check from your regular contribu ons to the parish. Thank you. Hermanas Clarisas Las Hermanas Clarisas es una Orden Católica de Hermanas Contempla vas. Ellas viven una vida de oración en comunidad y alegría. Un pequeño grupo de hermanas Clarisas viven en una casa en Nazaret (Israel) que necesita reparaciones mayores, por lo mismo ellas necesitan ayuda financiera para hacer estas reparaciones a su casa, como reemplazar el sistema de aire acondicionado y muebles. Si tú puedes ayudar con una contribución para las hermanas Clarisas, por favor envíela en un cheque separado pagable a: St. Mary Help of Chris ne con Hermanas Clarisas donde dice Memo. Envíelo a la oficina parroquial a PO Box 438, Aiken, SC 29802 o déjelo en la canasta de la colecta. Este debe ser un cheque separado de la contribución regular a la Parroquia. Muchas gracias. Page 5 Parish & Community Events From the Organ Bench Engaged Encounter Find out how to cope with the cycles of marriage‐romance, disillusionment, and unity‐‐by a ending an Engaged Encounter Weekend. Weekends will be held Jan. 23‐24 at St. James Catholic Church in Conway and Feb. 27‐28 at Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church in Columbia. These are nonresiden al weekends, so lodging will not be provided. You do not need to be a parishioner of St. James or Our Lady of the Hills to a end. To register and for addi onal informa on please visit our web site www.cee‐ or call 864.232.1222. Stewardship of Prayer Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2564 Chris an prayer is a covenant rela onship between God and man in Christ. It is the ac on of God and of man, springing forth from both the Holy Spirit and ourselves, wholly directed to the Father, in union with the human will of the Son of God made man. Columbia Flood Relief The Columbia Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul have requested our support for their program to aid the flood vic ms in Columbia, SC. Their focus is on furniture needs. Checks should be made payable to “SVDP Charleston Council Disaster Fund” and mailed to Russell Jones at 240 Brookwood Forest Dr. Blythewood, SC 29016. Young Adult Ministry Please join the Young Adult Ministry at a Christmas party on December 19th at 6:00 at Brian and Shannon Lenz's house. Come dressed in your tackiest holiday best and please bring a food item to share and a $10‐$20 wrapped white elephant gi . Alcohol is welcome, so BYOB. To RSVP and to get direc ons, please email Shannon Lenz at [email protected]. Last week I was confessing being behind the wheel of an automobile, anxious to get around a driver in front of me who was not driving at the speed almighty ME thought they should be driving, passing them in a fit of anxiety, desiring to get on with where I needed to be, only to arrive at the next red light and have that same vehicle pull up behind me, or worse, next to me. One can sit there in a deep pot of embarrassment, and become even more angry (at oneself), or learn a lesson, in humility. “Really now, what difference in the scheme of the universe did it make that I tooted my horn and sped around the driver in front of me, only to meet that same drive at the next red light?” The singing of the Mass in our weekend me together is one of the most important things we do in prepara on for mee ng God. It is intended to be a taste of what we will experience in our new existence in the New Jerusalem. Part of the splendor and majesty in this Liturgy of the Mass is the recessional hymn. My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, where are you off to, those who rush into the aisles in front of the priests and altar servers? Relax, take it all in! Breathe in the air around you, use the recessional hymn to bask in the truly amazing thing that has just occurred, the real presence of Christ among us! O.K., so, legally, the Mass has ended, but in a real sense, it is only beginning. Like the driver who speeds ahead only to arrive at the same place with the slower driver, what real gain is there in being the first one out of the parking lot? We’ll all see one another at the Red Lobster, standing in the same lobby, wai ng on a table! Slow down. Let’s get there together. Brad Cunningham, Organist Fostering the art of music and liturgy, and robust and meaningful singing... ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Poinsettias This Christmas season St. Mary's is coordina ng the purchase of poinse as to be placed on the altar of the Church, Old St. Mary’s and Ste Claire Chapel to honor or remember a loved one. Everyone from our Parish is invited to make a dona on for each Christmas flower. Suggested dona on of $20. Please complete the form below and place it with your dona on in an envelope marked “C F .” Envelopes can be placed in the collec on basket at Mass or turned in to the church office. To ensure that your request can be accommodated, the forms and the dona ons must be received by the close of business on December 23rd . P “S . M ' ” “C F ” (P ) A Christmas Poinse a will be placed on an altar of our church during the Christmas season in memory or in honor of: (circle M for memory or H for honor) M or H:______________________________________ M or H:______________________________________ From:_______________________________________ From:_______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________ Page 6 Ministerio Hispano Bienvenido a Santa María Damos la bienvenida a todos los que están visitando. Si asisten con regularidad y considerar esta su parroquia, por favor registrarse en la oficina de la parroquia o en el si o web. San Vicente de Paúl Necesita Ud. alimentos o asistencia financiera? Llame al 803.642.3211 Rev. José Hugo Ruiz Sacerdote hispano [email protected] 803.649.4777 Our Lady of Peace (803) 279‐0315 HORARIO Nuestra oficina está abierta cada miércoles 9:00AM ‐ 4:30PM. Las misas y las confesiones Misa del domingo en Santa María An gua 12:00 mediodía Misa del miércoles en la capilla Ste Claire 7:00 de la tarde Las confesiones son media hora antes de la misa de los domingos La vida es insoportable, le decía un emigrante a su párroco. Estamos viviendo nueve personas en un cuarto. ¿Qué debo hacer? El párroco le contestó: meta la cabra también con ustedes en el cuarto, eso no puede ser, repondi el otro. Haga lo que le digo y venga a verme al final de la semana. El emigrante regresó el día indicado y dijo: No podemos aguantar. La cabra es sucia y el olor es insoportable. Vaya a casa. Saque la cabra y vuelva a verme al final de la semana. Cuando regresó, nuestro emigrante estaba radiante. La vida ahora es hermosa. No cabra. Sólo nosotros nueve. ¡Qué felicidad! [email protected] TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO La cabra le ayudó a aquel hombre y a su familia a hacer memoria de las bendiciones recibidas. Una pequeña dosis de sufrimiento nos ayuda a estar en nuestro si o, a ser humildes y agradecidos. Hoy, hemos prendido la tercera vela. Esperanza, paz y alegría. Cuando les pregunto a ustedes ¿cómo están? Muchos responden: con achaques mil, pero vivo, sin blanca, pero vivo, con deudas, pero vivo…Es fantás co estar vivo: respirar, tener una esposa e hijos, tener una casa… y tener una iglesia en la comunidad. Pero aquí venimos a celebrar otra manera de estar vivos. Vivos en el Señor. Pero aquí venimos a recuperar otra alegría: la alegría en el Señor. Pero aquí venimos a sanar otras enfermedades: las del corazón. Y a heredar la vida eterna con el Señor. Aquí venimos a preguntar a Juan Bau sta: ¿Y nosotros qué debemos hacer? La respuesta de Juan es sencilla, nada de grandes discursos abstractos, y hace referencia a la vida de cada día, al trabajo de Bautizos cada día, a las relaciones de cada día. "Él que tenga dos capas dé Para bau zar un niño en ésta parroquia, llévese uno una al que no ene. No cobren más de lo debido. No abusen de de los volantes que encontrará a la salida del la gente. No hagan denuncias falsas." Templo, donde está toda la información referente a los bau smos. Preparación pre‐bau smal: domingo 7 ¿Qué debemos hacer hoy? No podemos negar nuestros pecados. y 14 de febrero a las 8:00 de la mañana en la escuela Pero Dios los puede cancelar. No podemos ocultar las heridas ‐aula MH6. que nos han hecho los esposos, los hijos…pero, con la ayuda de Dios, podemos vivir con ellas y abrirnos a los hermanos. Hoy, debemos hacer obras buenas, obras de amor. Salir de nuestro Primera Comunión y Confirmación encierro y mirar al Señor que viene. Salir y encontrar al Mesías Póliza Sacramental: Los padres y los niños deben ser en los hermanos. inscritos y asis r fielmente a la Santa Misa los domingos y días de precepto. Para un niño que no Cenáculo de Oración está inscrito en la escuela católica, él o ella debe La Virgen nos llama a reunirse para la oración como los primeros apóstoles asis r, por lo menos, dos años completos de clases se reunieron con ella en el Cenáculo de Jerusalén, a la espera de la efusión del Espíritu Santo. Este nuevo Cenáculo de Oración comienza cada jueves de Formación Cris ana (Escuela Dominical) y inmediatamente después de la Misa, 6:15‐7:15PM en la Capilla de Santa sa sfacer a la polí ca de asistencia. Póngase en María. Nos reuniremos cada semana y oremos rosario, oraciones por contacto con Priscilla Estrada 803.642.2676 / nuestro Santo Padre, Francisco, la lectura de los mensajes del libro "A los pestrada@stmarys‐ La Virgen Peregrina sacerdotes, hijos predilectos de la Virgen" y la consagración al Inmaculado Corazón de María. Los libros estarán disponibles. Por favor, ruega con nosotros! Las personas que deseen tener la virgen Peregrina Misa Tradicional en Latín en forma extraordinaria. en su hogar, contactar: Legión de María al El primer viernes de cada mes , el 1 enero a las 10:30 de la mañana en 803.295.6232 la Santa María An gua. Page 7 Holy Happenings at St. Mary’s! Nov. 12 ‐ Teen Peer Minister dinner mee ng Nov. 13 ‐ Young Ladies Retreat Nov. 21 ‐ Teens helping SVDP with Thanksgiving baskets Nov. 19 ‐ Remembrance Mass Page 8 On December 19, 2015, a tradi on returns! A Living Na vity will be presented in front of and around our new church. 4:30‐5:00 Living postcards of na vity scenes 6:30 the Na vity Story will be told with Scripture readings, young children may join in as angels and shepherds. We will have extra headwear for them. 7:00 Repeat of the Na vity Story All Youth in grades 6‐12 are invited to par cipate, please contact : Mrs. LaBone at jlabone@stmarys‐ or at 803.215.7040, so that we may have enough costumes ready. Page 9
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