Bond improvements arrive on Ray Ellison Drive

5 de julio de 2015
Autoridades advierten sobre peligros de fuegos artificiales
Por Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
La celebración del 4 de julio
y los fuegos artificiales comúnmente van de mano en mano,
pero para festejar de una manera
segura es importante tomar en
cuenta ciertas advertencias.
El Departamento de Bomberos
de San Antonio le recuerda a
la población que la compra, el
uso y el transporte de los fuegos
artificiales en la ciudad de San
Antonio es ilegal y una violación
podría resultar en una multa de
hasta $2,000.
“No solamente es ilegal, pero
también es peligroso”, destacó
Christian Bove, vocero del Departamento de Bomberos de San
Según la Asociación Nacional
de Protección contra el Fuego
(NFPA, por sus siglas en inglés),
el uso de fuegos artificiales ha
ocasionado 17,800 incendios en
la nación desde el 2011. Dichos
incendios han causado aproximadamente $32 millones en daños
de propiedad.
Aún más allá de los daños a
propiedad, cada año miles de
personas son heridas a raíz del
uso de fuegos pirotécnicos.
“Aproximadamente 5 mil personas en los Estados Unidos acuden a la sala de emergencias cada
4 de julio debido a lesiones ocasionadas por fuegos artificiales”,
indicó Carl Wedige, subdirector
del departamento de bomberos.
Para demostrar los peligros
asociados con el uso de fuegos
artificiales, Bove incendió artefactos de pirotecnia y los colocó
sobre una sandia, un pollo rostizado y sobre salchichas. Al
estallarse, trozos de la sandia, el
pollo rostizado y las salchichas
salieron volando.
Bove advirtió que una mano,
un brazo o una pierna podrían
tener el mismo destino este cuatro
de julio.
Hasta los fuegos pirotécnicos
que parecen inofensivos podrían
ocasionar lesiones serias.
“A las personas les gusta darle
Vea Fuegos artificiales
en la pág. 3-A El uso de fuegos artificiales está completamente prohibido en la ciudad de San Antonio. (Foto, Natalie Bobadilla)
Obama administration opens The portrait of an American hero
door to Cuban diplomacy
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
The definition of a hero is one
that usually includes someone
who wears a uniform. A hero’s
mission is to save people, and
sometimes the world, from catastrophe.
Retired veteran Val Martinez
explains that heroes must take
risks. “A cat lives more than nine
lives. [While on duty], I prayed
to God to not let me die out here.
God was always here to save me
from death,” confessed Martinez,
aware that his life could be taken
at any time.
His life journey began here in
See American Hero Retired Major Val Martinez living his dream as a hero. (Photo,
on page 3-A Val Martinez)
Cuban President Raúl Castro (left) and President Obama shake hands to commemorate a new
phase in the relationship between the two nations. (Photo, courtesy)
By Kristian Jaime
[email protected]
For the first time in over 50 years,
the United States will officially recognize the Cuban government in a
formal diplomatic capacity.
Speaking from the Rose Garden
at the White House, President
Obama noted it was time to change
the isolationist policy that has defined the relationship between the
two countries.
“More than 54 years ago, at
the height of the Cold War, the
United States closed its embassy
in Havana,” said President Obama.
“Today, I can announce that the
United States has agreed to formally
re-establish diplomatic relations
with the Republic of Cuba, and reopen embassies in our respective
countries. This is a historic step
forward in our efforts to normalize
relations with the Cuban government and people.”
The announcement came after
over a year of speculation that Presidents Obama and Raúl Castro were
coming to an agreement to revisit
discussions on human rights, economic embargoes and stemming the
tide of refugees to the United States.
Negotiations seemed to arrive
at a mutually beneficial juncture in
recent months, which led to a letter
by the Cuban President formally
acknowledging the opening of a
fully staffed embassy on the island
as well as a designated Cuban envoy
to the U.S.
“Consistent with the announcements made on December 17, 2014,
and the high level discussions between our two governments,” wrote
President Castro in an official letter
to the United States. “I am pleased
to address this letter to you in order
to confirm that the Republic of Cuba
has agreed to re-establish diplomatic
relations with the United States of
America and open permanent diplomatic missions in our respective
countries on July 20, 2015.”
He went on to extol traditionally
American virtues while hinting at
a historical point in time where the
United States used more clandestine
means to subvert the Fidel Castro
“Cuba is likewise inspired by the
principles and purposes enshrined in
the United Nations Charter and International Law, namely, sovereign
equality, the settlement of disputes
by peaceful means, to refrain from
any threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or the political
independence of any State, noninterference in matters which are
within the domestic jurisdiction of
States, the development of friendly
relations among nations based on
respect for the principles of equal
rights and self-determination of
peoples, and cooperation in solving
international problems and in promoting and encouraging respect for
human rights and for fundamental
freedoms for all,” wrote Castro.
President Obama decried the
politics that gave way to the icy relationship between the two nations,
citing the real victims of such policies were the Cuban people themselves. This new era of diplomacy
will be marked by cooperation.
The extent of the talks are not
yet known, but the opening of an
embassy at least opens the door
for a more direct conversation with
the Cuban people about issues like
economic and social inequality.
“Instead of supporting democracy and opportunity for the Cuban
people, our efforts to isolate Cuba,
despite good intentions, increasingly had the opposite effect,” said
the President. “It has cemented the
Bond improvements arrive
on Ray Ellison Drive
and capital improvements bond
“Back in 2012, the voters came
passed two years ago.
to the polls for a bond and allowed
The comprehensive plan is aimed us to invest half a billion dollars in
at alleviating anticipated traffic [San Antonio’s] streets and drainSouthwest San Antonio is about needs as well as flooding concerns
See Ray Ellison Drive
to see the fruits of a transportation in the areas.
on page 5-A
By Kristian Jaime
[email protected]
Rey Saldaña, City Councilman for District 4 (center), joined by senior engineer, David Pulido (second from right), and Razi Hosseini, director of Transportation and Capital Improvements (TCI)
for San Antonio (far right) and members of TCI for the official groundbreaking on Ray Ellison
See Cuba on page 5-A Drive. (Photo, Kristian Jaime)
Comentarios... México bronco
que el verdadero México
es un país con
una constitución y leyes
Jorge Ramos e s c r i t a s , t a n
justas en general y democráticas como las
nuestras; pero donde ni la
Constitución ni las leyes se
cumplen”. Esto lo escribió en
1911 el periodista estadounidense
John Kenneth Turner en su libro
“México Bárbaro.” Más de 100
años después, la frase todavía
se sostiene.
Desde luego, mucho ha
cambiado en México desde
el Porfiriato y el inicio de la
revolución. Pero entre los mexicanos aún existe la sensación
de que siguen existiendo dos
Méxicos: uno, pequeño, el de
los gobernantes, los ricos, los
privilegiados y sus amigos; y
otro, el más grande, donde los
abusos, la falta de justicia y de
oportunidades son la regla.
Un dato: En el 2013 los mexicanos sufrieron 33.1 millones
de delitos, según la encuesta
de ENVIPE. La mayoría de
esos crímenes, 31 millones
de ilícitos, no fueron siquiera
investigados. Esto quiere decir
que la impunidad en México en
el 2013 fue del 93.8 por ciento,
cifra superior a la del 2012
Si se suman los más de 37
mil asesinatos desde el 2012,
las masacres de Ayotzinapa y
Tlatlaya, y las acusaciones de
corrupción por la compra de
la llamada “Casa Blanca” a un
contratista del gobierno (entre
muchos otros conflictos de
interés), es fácil entender por
qué tantos mexicanos quieren
un cambio. No hay nada raro
en esto, ni se trata de ninguna
conspiración internacional para
enlodar la marca México. Las
cosas no están bien.
Por eso en las pasadas elecciones ganó el candidato independiente, Pedro Kumamoto,
de 25 años, para el Congreso
del Estado de Jalisco. Por eso,
también, Jaime Rodríguez,
alias El Bronco, se convertirá
en el primer gobernador independiente del Estado de Nuevo
León. “Hay un enojo con los
partidos políticos”, me dijo
en una entrevista antes de la
votación. “Hay un enojo por el
tema de la corrupción”. (Aquí
está la entrevista de televisión: )
Sí, es cierto. México está
El PRI, el partido en el poder
que controla la Presidencia
y el Congreso, ha tenido que
ajustarse a las enormes presiones de cambio en México. Obtuvo apenas el 29 por ciento del
voto en las pasadas elecciones.
Atrás quedaron los días en
que el candidato del PRI podía
“ganar” el 100 por ciento de
los votos en 1,762 casillas
como lo hizo el expresidente
Carlos Salinas de Gortari en el
mayúsculo fraude electoral de
1988. Pero aún hay una enorme
resistencia y se nota. El viejo
PRI no ha desaparecido y sigue
dando coletazos: con moches,
con abusos de autoridad, con
presiones a la prensa y una
bien aceitada maquinaria de
Esta resistencia la explica
perfectamente el Premio Nobel
de Economía, Daniel Kahneman, en su magnífico libro
“Thinking, Fast and Slow”. Su
teoría es que las personas y los
sistemas tienden a regresar al
promedio, a lo normal, a lo que
están acostumbrados. Aunque
un corredor haga un tiempo récord en una competencia, eventualmente regresará a correr
en sus tiempos habituales. Lo
mismo pasa con las naciones.
México necesita un cambio
urgente. Alguna vez hasta
llegué a pensar que estaba
listo para un revolcón social
(como en Guatemala, donde la
vicepresidenta fue obligada a
renunciar y las investigaciones
de corrupción están llegando
hasta las puertas de la presidencia). Pero ese cambio no acaba
de concretarse a nivel nacional. Los tres partidos políticos
tradicionales obtuvieron la
mayor parte de los votos en las
pasadas elecciones.
A pesar de las protestas, de la
presión de las redes sociales y
de la creciente crítica al incierto
rumbo del país, el cambio está
ocurriendo muy poco a poco.
Es decir, un Bronco por aquí
y un Kumamoto por allá. Pero
el sistema se mantiene casi
intacto. Por eso lo que escribió
Turner en 1911 suena tan cierto
¿México bárbaro versión
2015? ¿México bronco? No, no
por ahora. Más bien un México
enojado e inconforme pero aún
acurrucado en lo que conoce.
Sin embargo, los indignados
son tantos que nadie puede
dormir tranquilo. Y eso está
Así de inquieto debe estar un
país que se quiere deshacer de
lo que apesta.
(Jorge Ramos, periodista
ganador del Emmy, es el principal director de noticias de
Univisión Network. Ramos,
nacido en México, es autor de
nueve libros de grandes ventas,
el más reciente de los cuales
es “A Country for All: An Immigrant Manifesto”).
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico
a [email protected].
Por favor incluya su nombre,
ciudad y país).
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico
a [email protected].
Por favor incluya su nombre,
ciudad y país).
Just a Thought: Hispanic Journalists Gala
It is that
time again
for the San
Antonio Association
of Hispanic
(SAAHJ) to
Steve Walker a w a r d l o cal students
scholarships at the 17th Annual
Scholarship and Awards Gala
on Friday, July 10.
This year’s extravaganza will
once again be held at the San
Antonio Marriott Rivercenter
located downtown at 101 Bowie
As an active member of SAAHJ for a number of years, I also
have the honor to officially
cover the gala once again for
the Walker Report. The chapter
will be awarding $40,000 in
scholarships, up from $30,000
from last year, to deserving
Bexar County students pursuing
careers in communications and
Last year’s gala was a special
event to also acknowledge the
National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) 30th
Anniversary, as NAHJ held
its annual convention in San
Antonio the same weekend as
SAAHJ’s gala for the first time
in its 30 year history. I was especially thrilled to photograph
recipient ABC News Reporter
John Quiñones of “What Would
You Do?” fame who was also
the Grand Marshal for the
Fiesta Flambeau Parade this
past year.
This year’s scholarships will
once again be presented to deserving recipients at the gala.
Since inception, SAAHJ has
awarded more than $200,000
over the years by raising money
for the scholarships.
Former SAAHJ President and
La Prensa Assignments Editor
Joe Sandoval, who recently
passed away, will be recognized
for his contributions to the association at the gala and to the
field of journalism. His absence
will be sorely missed as he attended the gala every year since
he served as the president.
According to the outgoing
president, Francisco Vara-Orta,
a past recipient of a SAAHJ
scholarship himself, scholarships are awarded to a variety
of students from the local areas who aspire to be the next
generation of journalists and
communicators. As one who
sponsored the McCollum High
School Yearbook in the nineties, I hope some of my students
went on to pursue a career in
journalism-related activities.
The scholarships are open
to all students to provide true
diversity and ensure that people
of all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds have
a fair shot at ending up in our
nation’s newsrooms.
Besides the scholarships to
aspiring young journalists, the
organization also honors local
Hispanic leaders for their contributions to the community.
Michael Quintanilla will be
honored with the Henry Guerra
Lifetime Achievement Award
for Excellence in Journalism.
He is a feature writer with the
Express-News with a focus
on fashion and its intersection
with pop culture. I have taken
numerous photos of Michael
at various events in the past,
including Fiesta.
He earned his journalism degree from San Antonio’s Trinity University and is a Burbank
High School grad. He grew up
on the city’s south side.
MALDEF will also be honored with the SAAHJ Community Service Award. Each year
it is given to recognize an exemplary community servant —
individual or group — that has
made significant contributions
to San Antonio and/or South
Texas in a wide range of fields
including media, education,
government, business, arts and
culture, politics, science and
technology and philanthropy.
In 2011, SAAHJ awarded Mexican journalists killed in the line
of duty the prestigious award.
San Antonio Native and nationally-known singer Vikki
Carr will also be honored with
the “Corazon de Oro” Award.
This award honors an individual
in the arts whose work and leadership reflects positively on the
U.S. Latino experience and/or
who explores Latino perspectives that impact on the U.S.
Latino community philanthropically, politically, culturally,
educationally, or socially.
Vikki Carr is considered one
of the best-loved and most accomplished entertainers in the
United States, Latin America
and Europe. She is celebrating
her fifth decade of a career in
which she has won four Grammy Awards and has released
over 60 best-selling recordings.
She represents San Antonio
well. In 2007, I covered her
when she was presented the St.
Therese award for helping keep
Holy Cross High School afloat.
She is a very gracious lady, to
be sure.
Tickets are still available for
the gala.
As always, I write “Just a
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
Solo un ego maniático como
Trump –creyente que puede
hacer lo que quiere— duda de
su identidad y amenaza con
enjuiciar a un comediante por
difamación por un chiste que,
aparentemente, le causó un
daño irreparable.
Si los orangutanes tendrían
la capacidad de protestar, es
muy probable que se sentirían
ofendidos por ser comparados
con un personaje tan barato
como Trump. Estos animales
pertenecen a familia de los
homínidos y, después del hombre, son los más inteligentes de
su clase.
La cadena de televisión Univisión sentó un precedente muy
importante en la comunidad
latina después de los abusos
verbales de Trump. Inició un
boicot contra sus intereses
económicos; no van a transmitir
el certamen de belleza Miss
USA y Miss Universo, y no
van a permitir que ninguno de
sus trabajadores tenga alguna
relación con los negocios de
Asimismo, Roselyn Sánchez,
Cristian de la Fuente, Cheryl Burke y Thomas Roberts,
maestros ceremonias de dicho
certamen, decidieron apoyar
el boicot y no participarán en
el evento. El cantante rapero
colombiano J. Balvin y otros
artistas también cancelaron y
no van a actuar.
Por otra parte, la cadena de
televisión NBC, que también es
dueña del certamen de belleza,
sintió la presión de más de
200,000 personas que firmaron
una petición para que rompan
los contratos con Trump y
dejen de transmitir los eventos
de Miss USA y Miss Universo.
MACY´S, cadena preferida
de los latinos de clase media
alta, también objetó la irracionalidad de Trump y está tirando
a la “basura” su marca de vestir.
Ahora el turno de todos los
países latinoamericanos, especialmente las organizaciones
encargadas del certamen de
belleza, de boicotear el evento
Miss Universo.
México fue el primero en
hacerlo y no va a enviar a una
representante este año. Es
necesario que todos los países
latinoamericanos no participen
hasta que Trump se desligue
totalmente de este certamen.
El año pasado, Donald Sterling, ex dueño del equipo de
basquetbol de Los Clippers, se
refirió en forma peyorativa de
la comunidad afroamericana.
Creó una crisis interna dentro
de su organización y tuvo que
no solo renunciar a su cargo
sino también a la propiedad de
su equipo.
El caso de Donald Trump
es algo similar. La ofensa
contra la comunidad latina fue
mayúscula. No podemos dejar que un hombre intolerante
haga millones de dólares con el
sudor de los latinos. Tenemos
que boicotear todo lo que está
asociado con Trump.
Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es
profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move.
Boicoteando a Donald Trump
Por Humberto Caspa, Ph.D
Los comentarios incendiarios
e intolerantes de Donald Trump
despertaron al Fantasma Latino,
personalizado en más de 54 millones de habitantes –17% de la
población total—. El fantasma
latino se moviliza por las calles
de Estados Unidos y empieza a
bloquear uno a uno los negocios
del intolerante rojizo.
Los latinos van por el bloqueo económico; los latinos
no quieren nada relacionado
con los negocios de Trump; los
latinos sienten en carne propia
su racismo; los latinos claman
por justicia.
Unos años atrás, el comediante
de HBO Bill Maher hizo un
comentario picaresco sobre la
complexión física de Donald
Trump. Mostró la imagen de un
orangután y la del expresentador
de The Aprentice y sonrientemente
aseveró: Se parecen. Trump es
descendiente de los orangutanes
rojos (de Sumatra).
5 de julio de 2015
Calendario de la comunidad
VINTAGE CAR SHOW – Taking us back to a time when LBJ
was President and gas was 31 cents a gallon, Sea Island Shrimp
House will have a handful of classic cars from 1965 exhibited as
part of the company’s 50th anniversary celebration. Music from
the 1960s will transport guests back in time, while charbroiled
skewered shrimp and ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. The community is invited to attend this free event. Guests
can snap a photo with their favorite vehicle and reminisce with
local antique car enthusiasts about the glory days of 1965, the
year when Sea Island opened its doors at that same location, as
well as recall what a burgeoning San Antonio looked like at the
time. Sunday, July 5th at 10 a.m. at Sea Island Shrimp House,
322 W. Rector St.
FREEDOM FEST - Celebrate our nation’s independence with
three days of live music, arts & crafts, food booths and activities for the entire family. More than a dozen musical acts are
scheduled to perform. No cover charge. There will be plenty of
delicious Tex-Mex cuisine, cold drinks, children’s activities,
and much more for everyone to enjoy. Friday, July 3 through
Sunday, July 5 from 12 to 8 p.m. at Market Square-El Mercado,
514 W. Commerce St.
Force Independence Weekend is a family event for both adults
and children. On all four days, historic combat World War II- era
combat airplanes and vintage cars are on display. Attendees may
register for flights on the “Texas Raiders” B-17 Flying Fortress,
the B-25 “Yellow Rose,” the C-47 “Bluebonnet Belle,” as well as
the U-3A “Blue Canoe.” Individuals can register with the Commemorative Air Force to fly aboard the historic airplanes during
this spectacular weekend. On Sunday there will be Aircraft tours
and registered flights from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, July 5 all
day at Stinson Airport, 8535 Stinson Rd.
SCOBEE SUMMER SHOWS - The Scobee Planetarium hosts
a series of weekday matinees throughout the summer months,
featuring the programs Black Holes and The Little Star That
Could. The planetarium is open to the public Monday through
Thursday for matinee. The center is not open on weekends,
except for special events. Check the matinee schedule for the
weeks our day camps are programmed as there are no matinees
during these periods. Children must be age six and above to
attend. Price: $2-$5. Monday, July 6 and Tuesday, July 7 at 2
p.m. at The Scobee Planetarium at San Antonio College, 1300
San Pedro Ave.
OSCAR SHORTS– Texas Public Radio’s Cinema Tuesdays
start in July with a presentation of 15 short films nominated for
Academy Awards in their respected Animated, Documentary and
Live-Action categories. The lineup includes the three winning
shorts from each group: Feast (animated), Disney’s tale of a Boston terrier puppy who develops a bond with his owner through an
insatiable taste for the food they share; Crisis Hotline: Veterans
Press One (doc) about the staff working at the U.S. Department
of Veteran Affairs suicide hotline; and what could be considered
a companion piece to Crisis, The Phone Call (live-action), about
a suicide counselor (Sally Hawkins) attempting to dissuade a
depressed stranger (Jim Broadbent) over the phone from killing himself. Other favorites include the Polish doc Our Curse,
about a family’s emotional struggle with their newborn’s rare
disease, as well as French-Israeli live-action drama Aya, about
a woman who picks up a stranger from the airport pretending
to be his driver. Tuesday, July 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Santikos Bijou,
4522 Fredericksburg Rd.
join us on the children’s stage as we feature classic children’s
stories from the 1960s. We’ll read “Where the Wild Things Are”
and also “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” at this event. Thursday,
July 9 at 11 a.m. at Barnes and Noble, 15900 La Cantera Pkwy.
ART AT THE JALAPEÑO – Hosted by High Wire Contemporary Art Gallery, Art @ the Jalapeño will host an extravaganza.
There will be a Group exhibit from some of San Antonio and
south Texas finest artists along with Live Music, Live Painting,
Body Painting, BlueMoon, Food, Fun and much more. The Art @
the Jalapeno is a grass roots art event which celebrates the deep
culture of Art and Music in the San Antonio and South Texas
area. Artwork by a collection of San Antonio and South Texas
Finest Artists will feature over 30 artists in the gallery portion
of the show. There will also be a large group of live painters and
Graffiti Artists displaying their talents throughout the art show.
Live body painting will be provided by our good friends from
the Death by Brush organization. Come out and join us for a
night of art. Admission is free. Friday, July 10 from 6-10 p.m.
at Highwire Contemporary Art Gallery, 326 W. Josephine St.
OFRENDA: A RETROSPECTIVE OF LILIANA WILSON’S ART- As part of her recent book release tour, Liliana
Wilson presents a new exhibit which will feature many works
highlighted in Liliana’s recently published book as well as new
works never before seen. There will be a small reception and
copies of the book will be available. Wilson belongs to a group
of Chilean artists who were intimately shaped by the political
turmoil and repression in Chile during the 1970s and 1980s.
Through metaphorical drawings, Liliana’s artwork touches upon
issues such as abandonment, innocence, and dreamlike states.
For Liliana, her drawings represent ofrendas or offerings of hope
and beauty. Saturday, July 11 at 7 p.m. at Esperanza Peace and
Justice Center, 922 San Pedro.
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5 de julio de 2015
LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Fuegos artificiales...
Wounded veterans
combat child exploitation
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
Ill and injured veterans are
using their skills and mindset to
hunt the enemy in a battlefield
much closer to home.
Through the Human Exploitation Rescue Operative (HERO)
Child-Rescue Corps, wounded
veterans are given the opportunity
to chase the bad guys and save
lives once again. Only now instead of carrying rifles, they carry
laptops and external hard drives.
The HERO program is a joint
project of the National Association to Protect Children, Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI) and U.S.
Special Operations Department
of Defense.
HERO Corps. was created as
a pilot program in 2013 with the
primary goal of training wounded
veterans in forensic analysis, digital media and law enforcement
techniques to help fight against
child sexual exploitation.
On May 29, the program was
authorized through Senator John
Cornyn’s (R-TX) Justice for Vic-
tims of Trafficking Act.
“We should all celebrate the
fact that Republicans and Democrats can come together to
help defeat human trafficking,”
Cornyn said.
The senator met with local law
enforcement leaders to discuss
the program. HSI Acting Special
Agent Harry Jimenez pointed out
that advancement in technology
and social media makes it’s easier
for predators to go after children.
“Thousands of criminals participate globally in child sexual
exploitation every day, they have
a market place and their product is
nothing but child pornography,”
Jimenez said. “Research shows
that at least 55 percent of these
predators are hands-on, meaning they can touch the children,
they’re close to them and they live
in your neighborhoods.”
As criminals become more
sophisticated in their methods
of victimizing and exploiting
children, Assistant Chief of San
Antonio Police Department Jose
Bañales said they too must adapt
their tactics.
“The HERO program is the
latest weapon we are proud of,”
Bañales said. “Who better to de-
fend our children from predators
than members of our military?”
Once accepted into the HERO
program, veterans go through
four weeks of training on child
exploitation, a six-week computer
forensics training course and then
participate in a 10 month internship at an HSI field office.
According to Jimenez, once the
veterans graduate they are completely embedded in the program
and there is no difference between
a special agent in computer forensics and a HERO graduate.
One of those graduates is Roxanne Fregoso, who served in the
navy fleet and was deployed to
the Middle East during Operation
The wounded vet said that being in the Navy equipped her with
the mental fortitude to go through
the HERO program.
“In the military we learn how
to adapt and how to cope in different environments,” Fregoso
said. “Knowing that I was going
to save children is what prompted
me to say I wanted to do this
In 2014, HSI was able to identify 1,036 victims on a national
level and arrest 2,151 predators.
Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), flanked by Assistant Chief of SAPD, Jose Bañales, and Bexar County
Sheriff Susan Pamerleau, spoke about the HERO program. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla)
Three Texas High School Students Win Don’t
mess with Texas® College Scholarships
currently attending public, private Texas starting in the summer or fall.
or home school who plan to pursue
The scholarship program is a
a two- or four-year degree at an partnership between Keep Texas
While members of Generation Z accredited university or college in
See Scholarships on page 5-A
and Millennials (16 to 34 year olds)
continue to litter more than any
other age groups, three Texas high
school students are doing their parts
to keep their communities trashfree and have been recognized for
their efforts as this year’s recipients of Don’t mess with Texas®
The Don’t mess with Texas®
Scholarship program recognizes
the achievements of high school
seniors who have taken leadership roles to prevent litter in their
schools and/or communities. The
contest awards one $6,000 grand
prize scholarship and two $2,000
scholarships to high school seniors
By Anthony Barranco
(viene de la pág. 1-A)
Christian Bove, vocero del Departamento de Bomberos de San
Antonio, estalló un artefacto de pirotecnia en una sandía para
demostrar el daño que podría causar si se estallara en una persona.
(Foto, Natalie Bobadilla)
las estrellitas a los niños, pero pueden
El Departamento de Bomberos
ocasionar quemadas de 3,000 gra- de San Antonio le urge a la comudos”, expresó Bove.
nidad que celebre el Día de la Inde-
American Hero...
San Antonio “en el barrio” on the
Westside. He came from a family
of nine children. There were many
hardships growing up for Martinez, but he reached a solution to
work hard on the goal he set for
himself: wear a uniform.
Martinez explained that he began wearing a uniform as a young
boy, “I first joined the Boy Scouts,
and eventually I was a Scout
Master for Troop 68. I was in the
ROTC at Burbank and Lanier.
Then, the Texas Army National
Guard for 12 years, U.S. Marine
Corps for 12 years, U.S. Air Force
for three years, U.S. Army for 12
years, and the Texas State Guard
for 14 years, a total of 55 years
in uniform. I served in Vietnam,
Korea, and in the Cuban crisis. I
retired with the rank of Major. To
win a war, it takes all branches
of services to work together as
a team.”
Having a uniform for fifty-five
years has opened many doors
for the veteran. The power and
pendencia en el evento organizado
por la ciudad de San Antonio. El
evento gratuito se festejará de
las 8:30 a.m. a las 11:30 p.m. en
Woodlawn Lake Park, ubicado en
1103 Cincinatti Ave.
La celebración contará con
un desfile patriótico, clases de
zumba, comida, música en vivo y
diversión para toda la familia. Los
juegos pirotécnicos alumbraran el
cielo iniciando a las 9:30 p.m.
“Deje el uso de fuegos artificiales a
los profesionales”, aconsejó Wedige.
Para reportar el uso de fuegos
artificiales en la ciudad de San
Antonio marque al (210) 207 –
0202. La línea telefónica estará
disponible de las 7 p.m. a las 11
p.m. el 4 de julio.
El año pasado el departamento
recibió aproximadamente 250
(continured from page 1-A)
strength to survive many years in
the military gave him time to carry
more responsibilities.
“I had two jobs. One was military police officer and the other
was military infantry. When I was
not working on one, I was working
on the other. I have my peace officer’s license, since I was on active
duty. I made Sergeant on October
1, 1983. Later, I transferred to the
Bexar County Sheriff’s Department where I have been more than
20 years, and I continue to serve.”
As a man who does not want to
slow his career down, he informs
reader that to achieve goals, he
takes life one day at a time.
“God only knows when my time
will be up. I continue to work as
a volunteer at the American Red
Cross. I have already donated over
3,600 hours. I also volunteer to
improve in hard work, respect, to
have fun, learn and grow.”
Although a majority of his work
is done through uniform, Martinez
wants to take off the uniform and
show us the man who has been
through it all- in writing. Martinez
is now writing a memoir called
“God. Duty. Honor. Country- Justice for all.”
Martinez explained his story
will cover, “My personal life experience growing up in the barrio,
fist fighting with boxing gloves,
and working on cotton fields from
sunrise to sunset. All the hardships
people went through after the depression, the discrimination, and
how the military was the answer
to all of my goals.”
He expects to have his story to
be published in the near future.
Throughout his life, Val Martinez
has shown that a hero who earned
his uniform must understand that
to work hard, you must take risks.
Some risks can be as minor
as taking two jobs or more that
involve life-or-death experiences.
This Fourth of July, let us honor
heroes like Mr. Martinez who
have made America what it is
5 de julio de 2015
Inversores traen oportunidades laborales a San Antonio
Por Saani Fong
Traducción por La Prensa
La Alianza de Libre Comercio
de San Antonio organizó un almuerzo
en Ciudad de México para que
las empresas en México están
consiente de las oportunidades
de inversión disponibles en San
El evento ocurrió a finales de
junio. German Rico, de Puerto
San Antonio, y Rubén Medina,
del Puerto de Corpus Christi, participaron en el viaje.
La sesión se llenó y fue celebrada
en la popular Hacienda de los
Morales. Participaron más de 38
empresarios de la alimentación y
bebidas, fabricación, logística y
las industrias de transporte.
“Desde que empezamos a tener
estas reuniones hace casi dos años,
hemos visto un aumento del 35%
en el número de empresas que se
instalan y que invierten en San
Antonio. Este tipo de reunión
realmente funciona para crear conexiones entre nuestras empresas
e inversionistas mexicanos”, dijo
Carlos Jarquín, vice presidente
de Exportaciones e Inversión
Extranjera en la Alianza de Libre
Comercio de San Antonio.
La sesión de almuerzo, llamado
Grupo San Antonio, empezó en
octubre del 2013. La organización
es una manera de dar oportunidades a las empresas mexicanas
interesadas en hacer negocios en
San Antonio.
Y también dar la oportunidad
de conocer mejor a la comunidad
empresarial de San Antonio.
Alianza de Libre Comercio de
San Antonio, en colaboración
con la Casa San Antonio Ciudad
de México, comenzó Grupo San
Antonio como un programa de la
hermana de la popular Reunión
Grupo México en San Antonio.
Las reuniones han ofrecido
presentaciones sobre oportunidades en el servicio, así como en
alimentos, la energía y los sectores
de información tecnológica, con
presentaciones especiales por
parte de empresas locales como
Lulu’s Desserts, North American
Participantes de Grupo San Antonio disfrutaron un almuerzo en Hacienda de los Morales en la ciudad de México. (Foto, cortesía)
Development Bank, Geekdom y
Daymon Worldwide.
Grupo San Antonio ofrece la
plataforma para mostrar lo que
San Antonio tiene que ofrecer a los
inversionistas mexicanos y los ser-
vicios disponibles para asegurar su
inversión en la ciudad es un éxito.
La reunión también ha permitido a la Alianza promover las
exportaciones regionales, trayendo
más negocios para las empresas
que viajan a México con la Alianza
y ofreciéndoles grupo o misiones comerciales personalizadas.
Tambien la creación de redes de
oportunidades con los contactos
El próximo evento Grupo San
Antonio se realizará el 2 de septiembre. Si está interesado en
más información de Grupo San
Antonio, visita el sitio en www.
Corner Store celebrates Hill Country Bakery to host
job fair on July 18
heroes this Fourth of July
By Leslie Komet Ausburn
Come celebrate Military Mondays July 4 through Memorial Day. (Courtesy photo)
By Melissa Ludwig
Corner Store is celebrating
the Fourth of July holiday with
Military Mondays and the Share
A Hero campaign aimed at recognizing our military and personal
“Between Memorial Day, the
Fourth of July and Labor Day,
summer is a great opportunity to
honor our heroes. That includes
our military heroes who keep
our nation safe from harm and
the everyday heroes who make a
positive impact on our lives,” said
Kim Lubel, President and CEO of
CST Brands, parent company to
Corner Store.
Every Monday through Veterans Day, San Antonio and Killeen
stores will offer a free medium-
sized Cibolo Mountain coffee
or Coca-Cola Freestyle fountain
drink to all active and retired
military members. Customers can
show a military ID at the register
to get their free beverage every
Monday at more than 121 San
Antonio-area and 11 KilleenTemple-Belton locations.
“With the significant military
presence in San Antonio and
Killeen, Military Mondays gives
our Team Members the opportunity to personally thank those
men and women for their service
to our community and country,”
Lubel said.
In addition to rewarding military heroes, Corner Store is asking customers to share stories
about their personal heroes with
the Share A Hero sweepstakes.
Customers simply take a selfie
pointing to a Coca-Cola product at
a Corner Store and share it on Instagram, Twitter or at ShareaHero.
com with the hashtag #shareahero.
One hundred people will win a
$100 Corner Store gift card over
the 100 days of summer. Customers can enter three times per day,
once on each social network, and
the entry will have a chance to
win every day for the duration of
the contest.
Customers can feature CocaCola cans in their selfies labeled
with the names of every day heroes
such as “Mom,” “Dad” and “Better
Half.” Coca-Cola is not an official
sponsor of the contest.
To learn more about our stores,
our brands and career opportunities in the U.S., go to or download our free
mobile Corner Store app.
Usted puede recibir hasta
> Iglesia St. Mary Magdalen
Junio 25 • 5-7pm
1710 Clower St., 78201
> Iglesia St. Margaret Mary
Julio 9 • 5-7pm
1314 Fair Ave., 78223
Llame al 353-CASA (2272)
c a s a v e r d e e s u n p r o g r a m a d e c p s e n e r gy
Hill Country Bakery is a thriving San Antonio company who is
putting out an enticing call: Come
work for us.
They will host a job fair on
Saturday, July 18 from 9 3
p.m. at the company’s San Antonio headquarters, located at 146
E. Zavalla Street. The top-shelf
commercial bakery is adding approximately 100 new jobs thanks
to recent expansion––with more
growth on the horizon.
“Right now, we’re looking
for about 100 people,” says Hill
Country Bakery co-founder Steve
O’Donnell. “As we continue to
grow, we’ll probably add even
more. The majority of those immediate new hires do not need any
experience in a bakery or manufacturing. We can take them and
give them on-the-job training.”
Headquartered at E. Zavalla
Street, just off of Nogalitos Street,
Hill Country Bakery has manufactured premium-quality baked
goods since its establishment in
1997. The company specializes
in baking products that ultimately
feature the packaging of the store
selling the goods, making Hill
Country Bakery a go-to partner
for many of the largest retailers in
the country. For almost 20 years,
consumers across the United
States and Canada have enjoyed
Hill Country Bakery’s premiumbaked coffee cakes, loaves and
muffins sold at their clients’
in-store bakeries, restaurants,
convenience stores and other
food service businesses .While
that will continue to be the case,
consumers will also soon be more
directly familiar with the Hill
Country Bakery name thanks to
the introduction of Coffee House
Café, the bakery’s own brand of
premium-baked goods which will
Hill Country Bakery has manufactured premium-quality baked
goods, like this iced lemon pound cake, since its establishment in
1997. (Courtesy photo)
hit San Antonio store shelves in
the coming months.
Such long-term success has
allowed O’Donnell and his business partner David Nolan to create
distinct company culture that values people and community. “One
of the things people enjoy most
about working with us is we’re
not a big corporation, even though
most of our management team has
that experience,” O’Donnell says.
“We’re entrepreneurs, and we try
to treat people well.”
The company feels like a big
family, and for good reason:
numerous husbands and wives,
as well as parents and children,
work at the bakery alongside one
In addition to its own staff, Hill
Country Bakery is also committed to the surrounding Lone Star
neighborhood, where so many
of its more than 420 employees
also live. “About 40 percent
of our workforce either walks
to work or takes the bus,” says
O’Donnell. “So a big chunk of
our team is very local, and that
was by design.”
Since the bakery set up shop in
the Lone Star District, just south of
Southtown, nearby businesses, in-
cluding restaurants and dry cleaners, have seen markedly higher
profits and upticks in foot traffic,
which has resulted in a stronger
local economy as a whole. The
community’s schools and other
organizations are also a priority
for the bakery, which invests and
gives back as much and whenever
possible. “This neighborhood reminds me of where I grew up in
Queens, New York––they’re very
diverse, multi-cultural neighborhoods,” O’Donnell says fondly.
Through the job fair this month,
O’Donnell and the Hill Country
Bakery team hope to add more
hard-working locals––especially
from San Antonio’s west and
south sides––to its already strong
ranks. “We have done a good job
of recruiting up until this point,”
explains O’Donnell. “And we
have more good jobs with benefits
and good working conditions
available. We’re just trying to get
the word out to as many people
as possible.”
The details: Hill Country Bakery Job Fair will be held at 146
E. Zavalla Street on July 18, 9
a.m. – 3 p.m.
For more information, visit
5 de julio de 2015
Perry tackles economic inequality,
race in Press Club address
By Kristian Jaime
[email protected]
It did not take long for former
Governor and current Presidential
candidate, Rick Perry to address the
divisive issue of race and economic
inequality in the United States.
In a recent address to the National
Press Club in Washington D.C., the
conservative Texan explained the
challenges and causes of economic
inequality, especially with minority
Perry took this opportunity to
take aim at the Obama administration’s policies that he contended
only exasperated the problem of
income inequality.
“The specific policies advanced
by the President and his allies on
the left amount to little more than
throwing money at the problem and
walking away,” said Perry.
The recent decision by the Supreme Court to uphold a key provision of the Affordable Care Act
(ACA) was also cited by Perry as
a costly boondoggle for the middle
Returning to his stump speech
rhetoric on healthcare reform, Perry
noted that Medicaid was never
truly fixed before the ACA was
“We spend 450 billion dollars a
year on Medicaid, and yet health
outcomes for those on Medicaid are
no better for those with no insurance
at all. Instead of reforming Medicaid, the President expanded it under
Obamacare,” Perry explained.
Perry turned his attention to
minorities saying they are disproportionately disadvantaged when
costs like healthcare are allowed to
The task now, he contended was
to expand the American dream so
candidates took aim at the President’s much-lauded announcement.
“President Obama announced
today he is continuing his policy
of unconditional surrender to Fidel
and Raúl Castro by rewarding one
of the most violently anti-American
regimes on the planet with an embassy and an official representative
of our government,” said Senator
and current presidential nominee,
Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
Noting that whoever should take
the post of Ambassador to Cuba
must survive the gauntlet of Senate
approval, Sen. Cruz was already
tipping his vote.
“I will work to disapprove any
new funds for embassy construction in Havana, unless and until
Ray Ellison Drive...
Jaclyn Muniz of William J. Brennan High School in San Antonio, won one of the three Don’t Mess With Texas $2,000 college
scholarships. (Courtesy photo)
applications submitted. Throughout
its history, the scholarship program
has provided more than $60,000
in college scholarships to Texas
high school seniors. Winners were
awarded at the Keep Texas Beauti-
ful Conference held in Fort Worth
on June 17, 2015.
Information on the program and
recent scholarship winners can be
found at www.dontmesswithtexas.
(continued from page 1-A)
status quo and isolating the United
States from our neighbors in this
hemisphere. The progress that we
mark today is yet another demonstration that we don’t have to be
imprisoned by the past.”
The decision from the White
House did not come without conservative backlash, but the President
was quick to condemn that mindset
with harsh criticism of his own.
“Yes, there are those who want
to turn back the clock and double
down on a policy of isolation. But
it’s long past time for us to realize
that this approach doesn’t work. It
Former Governor and Presidential candidate Rick Perry recently hasn’t worked for 50 years. It only
addressed the National Press Club in Washington D.C. to discuss makes life worse for the Cuban
people,” President Obama argued.
economic inequality and minorities. (Courtesy photo)
It was not long before Republican
that recent transplants to states like political football.
Texas can experience that same
“There’s a lot of talk in Washprosperity.
ington about income inequality.
“In the cities where the left-wing But there’s a lot less talk about the
solutions have been tried over and inequality that arises from the high age areas,” said Rey Saldaña, City
over again – places like Detroit and cost of everyday life,” he continued. Councilman for District 4. “This is
Chicago and Baltimore – AfricanPerry returned to his root mes- one of the city’s biggest projects on
Americans are moving out, and sage that small government is Ray Ellison Drive. It’s not far from
moving to cities like Dallas and effective government, and that Lackland Air Force Base and [Port
Houston,” Perry continued.
overregulation is the enemy of San Antonio].”
The total price tag for the full slate
To no one’s surprise, Perry progress. Aside from being costly,
improvements is in response to
credited his efforts as Governor as he argued, it increases the governthe growing community around the
a catalyst for curtailing minority ment to bloated proportions.
major thoroughfare. With new subpoverty. Yet he stopped short of
“We know what Democrats will divisions sprouting up around the
claiming its eradication.
propose in 2016—the same things two-lane street, signs of impending
“Let me be clear. We haven’t Democrats have proposed for de- construction are already visible with
eliminated [African-American] cades: more government spending orange cones and caution fences
poverty in Texas. But we have on more government programs,” lining the street.
made meaningful progress,” Perry said the former Governor.
“We have $22 million to upgrade
Perry also decried social pro- a two-lane street to four complete
The fight to end income inequal- grams that he claimed only failed lanes with sidewalks and bike paths.
ity, also, has become en vogue for those they were designed to help. It will also include features for
the gaggle of Republican candiWhile he noted they do have a water flow. This is an area where
dates. Many note that while the place in the federal budget, it creates there was terrible flooding some
White House is claiming a win with a slippery slope for all entitlement years ago,” continued Councilman
every positive job report, the sala- programs.
Improvements to area locations
ries of jobs added to the economy
“There is a proper and important
also in the works to accomare still far from sufficient for many role for government assistance in
modate the influx of new residents.
keeping people on their feet. But
Many of those relocating to the
Perry echoed their sentiment, but few presidents have done more to
area are military personnel and
was quick to distance himself from expand government assistance than transplants from outside the city
those he claimed use the issue as President Obama,” he argued.
that were lured by new economic
“We have two schools along Ray
Ellison Drive, a fire station and a
(continued from page 3-A)
Beautiful and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
and is sponsored by real estate
and oil and gas company Forestar.
Scholarship applications are judged
based on student essays detailing
creative and/or sustainable solutions to prevent litter, encourage
anti-littering behaviors and to build
awareness of the Don’t mess with
Texas® initiative.
“We’re proud to support the efforts of Texas high school seniors
who have made a difference in their
communities to prevent litter. Giving back through the Don’t mess
with Texas Scholarship program
helps make the higher education
dreams of our state’s most creative
and dedicated young people a reality,” said Jim DeCosmo, Forestar’s
President and Chief Executive
This year’s scholarship recipients include:
• Marisol Martinez of Collegiate
High School in Corpus Christi,
who won a $6,000 scholarship,
• Jaclyn Muniz of William J.
Brennan High School in San Antonio, who won a $2,000 scholarship, and
• Charlotte Lichtenheld of McCallum High School in Austin,
who won a $2,000 scholarship.
After learning that sea turtles die
from ingesting plastic bags and debris littered by humans, scholarship
winner Jaclyn Muniz, of William
J. Brennan High School in San
Antonio, organized a student group
to pick up litter on Texas beaches.
She started a chapter of Tidy up the
Tides at her high school, adopted
a mile of beach on South Padre
Island, and brought together 95
volunteers to pick up 75 bags of
trash. The organization continues
to grow within her San Antonio
community, reducing trash and
inspiring new members to become
lifelong conservationists.
“Winners of the Don’t mess
with Texas scholarship exemplify
not only hard work in the classroom but a commitment to litter
prevention in their communities,”
said De J. Lozada, Travel Information Division director for TxDOT.
“These three students are helping
build awareness among their peers
about the importance of keeping
our state and our environment
This year marks the 12th year of
the Don’t mess with Texas® Scholarship contest with a record 1,456
the President can demonstrate that
he has made some progress in alleviating the misery of our friends,
the people of Cuba,” Sen. Cruz
Not to be outdone, fellow Republican candidate Rick Perry echoed
his dissent, noting the economic
hardship largely cultivated by President Castro and his brother Fidel
during his time at the helm.
“The Cuban people today are not
any freer politically or economically,” said Perry. “President Obama
has failed to account for what the
Castro regime has done in the last
several years that warrants such an
enormous shift in a longstanding
U.S. policy of economic embargo
and diplomatic isolation.”
(viene de la pág. 1-A)
few other community amenities that
will all see a huge upgrade that has
been lacking for a long time,” said
Councilman Saldaña.
Census data confirms San Antonio is poised for growth for its
combined low cost of living and
positive job market report.
For city leaders, that means getting ahead of the curve as best they
can. That usually means major
investments to infrastructure funded
by sweeping proposed bonds such
as this one.
“The Southwest side is one of
the fastest growing parts of the city.
By 2040, [San Antonio] will have
a million more people and we’re
already seeing that growth all over
the city. We are getting ahead of
that growth by providing expanded
access ways,” explained Councilman Saldaña.
Completion dates for the improvements are not yet known,
but there is a projected year when
roadway expansion, bike lanes and
flood prevention structures will be
ready for the public.
“I wish it was two months from
now, but since it’s such a large
project, it will take about two years.
We’re not going to block traffic
and we ask for the patience of the
residents in this area,” said Councilman Saldaña.
One of the main reasons the bond
was proposed was because of the
lack of water retention methods
along many of the roads in San
The proposed Low Impact Development (LID) structures will
not only make the streets safer, but
also make the water beneficial to the
“The features we are building will
capture the water and use the runoff.
It improves the quality of the water
that’s draining into the creek in this
area. It provides a real improvement
to the people living in this area,” said
Razi Hosseini, director of Transportation and Capital Improvements
(TCI) for San Antonio.
Hosseini echoed the Councilman’s sentiment concerning the
timetable for a project. Thus, he
noted the vigorous work schedule
residents can expect.
“Any construction takes time. We
have asked the contractor for six
days a week, sun up to sun down.
Therefore, we are trying to not affect the budget and the quality of the
construction,” Hosseini explained.
5 de julio de 2015
Un 4 de julio sin accidentes Traveling and vacationing
y con platillos saludables
Alzheimer’s Association
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Este 4 de julio todos tenemos la
responsabilidad de que los festejos
se desarrollen con responsabilidad
para evitar sucesos que lamentar.
Este 4 de julio marca 239 años de
la Independencia de Estados Unidos.
Esta fecha federal de asueto nacional
la estaremos viviendo con fervor
patriótico y con un sinnúmero de actividades, entre ellas desfiles, ferias,
carnavales, reuniones familiares,
conciertos musicales, cocinas en el
exterior-picnics, juegos de béisbol.
Los políticos también darán vuelo
aprovechando los festejos patrios
para dar discursos y asistir a ceremonias patrióticas. La comunidad
se dará a la tarea de acudir a lugares
propicios donde se estarán presentando coloridos y tradicionales
festejos con la quema de fuegos
Los juegos pirotécnicos son prohibidos dentro de los límites de la
ciudad de San Antonio si se queman
de forma domiciliaria, esto para
prevenir accidentes físicos por quemaduras e incendios en la propiedad. Quienes sean sorprendidos
quemando fuegos pirotécnicos de
forma ilegal en la municipalidad de
El Álamo, los agentes del SAPD los
remitirán a los separos policiacos,
bajo cargos por violación al código
municipal en la compra y quema de
fuegos artificiales, pena que lleva
una clasificación Delito Menor C
(Class C Misdemeanor), con multas
sobre los $2,000.
Por otra parte, la presidencia
municipal, mediante la agencia SA
Parks Foundation, el sábado 4 de
julio tendrá su festejo anual en el
Woodlawn Lake Park (1103 Cincinnati Ave.) con entrada gratis.
La celebración beneficiará a San
Antonio Parks Foundation. Las actividades tendrán duración de todo
el día comenzando a las 8:30 a.m.
“H-E-Buddy”, mascota oficial de la cadena de supermercados HE-B, estará presente en los festejos del 4 de julio en el Woodlawn
Lake Park, donde se instalará el H-E-B’s Pet Place. (Foto, cortesía)
Los fuegos pirotécnicos están
programados a las 9:30 p.m. para
concluir las festividades a las 11 p.m.
Durante la gran fiesta asistentes
podrán disfrutar de juegos, paseos
en el carnaval, música en vivo,
desfile, un Zumbathon y el H-E-B’s
Pet Place.
Les recuerdo que los festejos del
Día de la Independencia se pueden
disfrutar sin salirse de la tangente,
tal y como lo indican las leyes municipales, lo que –como beneficioso
resultado– en los últimos años se
ha registrado menos accidentes
por quemaduras por los fuegos
La ley es clara y no queda más que
obedecerla. Eviten ser sancionados
o acusados por delitos improvistos
por haber causado accidentes o
incendios en la propiedad.
Comer sano
Si tienen fiesta familiar procuren
elegir un menú saludable controlando el alto consumo de calorías. Claro
que no pueden dejar de cocinar el
tradicional BBQ, siempre y cuando
la acompañen con ensaladas, fruta y
agua natural.
En caso de que opten por incluir
bebidas de contenido alcohólico,
tómenlas con moderación y sin arriesgarse a tomar el volante.
Recuerden que los fuegos pirotéc-
nicos y la gasolina no se llevan bien.
Por igual, para evitar la congestión estomacal procuren cocinar
bastante las carnes, ya sea de res,
porcina, avícola y mariscos.
El 4 de julio nos deja buenos
recuerdos, especialmente si lo
festejamos en la grata compañía de
familiares o amistades que hicieron
el esfuerzo de viajar de su lugar de
origen aprovechando el “puente vacacional”. Pero también deja oscuros recuerdos cuando se vive una
tragedia por accidente manejando
en estado de ebriedad o por causar
quemaduras o incendios.
Este 4 de julio seamos prudentes
en los festejos. Sigamos paso a paso
los acontecimientos. Disfruten todo
lo posible dentro del margen de la
ley. No seamos una estadística más
en cuanto a fatalidades. Seamos
una estadística más en lo positivo.
Durante esta fecha hay que honrar
el legado de la Independencia, y
a hombres y mujeres quienes estarán al tanto aportando su valioso
tiempo en los departamentos de
policía, bomberos, paramédicos y
hospitales. Hagámosles su tarea y
turnos más fáciles y amenos. Ellos
también tienen derecho de compartir
los festejos.
Que pasen un feliz y saludable
4 de julio. Hasta la próxima D.M.
When traveling with a person
with dementia, consider the
stage of the person’s disease,
any impairments that may affect
traveling and what adaptations
can be made to make traveling
more enjoyable.
Traveling with someone who
has dementia
• It’s important to remember
several things to ensure a positive, calm traveling experience:
• Avoid very loud restaurants
and places with a lot of people if
the person is overly tired.
• Learn to recognize warning
signs of anxiety and agitation.
• Do not move too quickly or
appear too hurried.
• Do not overload the person
with many directions or too much
• If behavior becomes difficult:
• Do not attempt physical restraint or to lead the person away.
It may be better to step away
or out of reach and monitor the
person or call for help.
• Don’t take it personally.
Speak calmly and do not become
drawn into an argument.
Visiting with family or
• Be sure to prepare friends
or family members for the visit
by explaining dementia and the
changes it may have caused. Go
over any special needs, and explain that the visit may be short
or that you may need to change
activities on short notice.
• Some additional considerations:
• Request in advance any
necessary preparations, such as
having certain foods in the refrigerator or bedroom space set up.
If it would be helpful, ask your
hosts to label important areas,
like the bathroom and bedroom,
with signs.
• Stay as close to a normal
routine as possible. For example,
bathing and eating times should
be on a similar schedule to what
they are at home. Eating in familiar settings, such as a dining room
table, may be less confusing than
eating at a crowded restaurant.
• Be realistic about abilities
and limitations. Allow for extra
time when scheduling activities.
When making travel plans
• Travel during the time of
day that is best. For example, if
the late afternoon is a time of increased agitation, avoid traveling
at this time.
• Stick with familiar modes of
transportation and destinations
— if the person traveled by car
before onset of disease, travel by
car rather than by airplane. Visit
places that the person has visited
before and may remember.
• Keep travel/vacation plans
simple — choose a trip with
few changes versus a fast-paced
sightseeing tour, and avoid having to change planes or dealing
with layovers. All of these could
overwhelm the person.
• Avoid planning a trip where
emergency health services and
pharmacies to refill prescriptions
are not easily accessible.
• Have a backup plan in case
the trip needs to change unexpectedly. This may mean
purchasing traveler’s insurance
if flights or hotels were booked
ahead of time.
• It can help to create an itinerary that includes details about
each destination, and then give
copies to family members or
friends at the destination and/or
to emergency contacts at home.
The caregiver or traveling companion should keep a copy of
your itinerary with him or her at
all times.
• Remember to pack necessary
medications, up-to-date medical
information, a list of emergency
contacts and photocopies of important legal documents.
• Allow plenty of time for rest.
Don’t over-schedule.
• Learn if there are services
available at your destination by
contacting your local Alzheimer’s Association.
• If traveling involves too
many risks for the person with
dementia, call the Alzheimer’s
Association to help you find an
alternative plan that allows the
person to remain at home.
Special considerations for
air travel
• Airports are full of things that
will require attention. At times,
so much activity can be distracting, overwhelming or difficult to
understand. Here are a few things
to keep in mind if you’re traveling by plane:
• Avoid scheduling flights
that require tight connections.
Ask about airport escort services
that can help you get from place
to place.
• Inform the airline and airport
medical service department ahead
of time of your specific needs to
ensure they can be prepared to
assist you. When requesting assistance, most airlines ask for at
least 48 hours advance notice.
• Do not hesitate to remind
airport employees and in-flight
crew members of your needs.
• Even if walking is not difficult, consider requesting a wheelchair so that an airport employee
is assigned to help you get from
place to place in the airport.
Consider the needs and the
safety of the person
• Changes in environment can
trigger wandering. Be sure to enroll both the person with dementia
and the caregiver in MedicAlert®
+ Alzheimer’s Association Safe
Return®, a 24-hour nationwide
emergency response service for
individuals with dementia that
wander or who have a medical emergency. The enrollment
phone number is 1.888.572.8566.
Those already enrolled should
notify MedicAlert + Safe Return
of travel plans.
• Have the caregiver or traveling companion advise airlines,
hotels and tour operators that
he or she will be traveling with
a person who has Alzheimer’s.
• Educate service/hospitality
professionals about disease and
person’s behaviors and special
• Maintain daily routines (e.g.,
accommodate eating and bathing times and routines as much
as possible.
• Avoid busy places — big
cities or amusement parks may
cause overstimulation, confusion,
or anxiety in person.
• If the trip involves staying in a
hotel, caregivers may inform the
staff ahead of time of any specific
needs so they can be prepared to
• Have a bag of essentials with
the caregiver or travelling companion throughout the trip that
includes medications, a copy of
the travel itinerary, a comfortable
change of clothes for the PWD,
water, snacks and activities in
case of waiting time.
About the Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association
is the world’s leading voluntary
health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide
and enhance care and support for
all affected; and to reduce the risk
of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is
a world without Alzheimer’s. For
more information, call 800-2723900 or visit
Sine Die has come and gone, but the
work to protect children never stops
By Anais Biera Miracle,
VP of External Affairs
The Children’s Shelter
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Sine Die signals the end of the
Texas legislative session and June
1 was the end of the 84th Texas
lege session. During the 140 days
of policy making, we saw a litany
of bills, but only a small percentage made it to the Governor’s
desk. Of the over 1,000 bills that
passed, 46 were related to child
protection, foster care, child
abuse/neglect prevention, Health and Human Services, and
the Texas Department of Family and
Protective Services.
A few bills that
passed the Governor’s pen were
House Bill 781,
authored by Texas
House of Representative Cindy Burkett,
which is “relating to
caregiver screening and training
by substitute care providers for
children in the conservatorships
of the Department of Family and
Protective Services. The bill was
signed by Governor Greg Abbott.
The bill requires a minimum of
35 training hours for families
to become licensed foster care
families. The Children’s Shelter
foster care and adoption program
requires 56 training hours.
The second bill that will take
effect September 1, is Senate Bill
125 authored by Senator Royce
West. The policy is relating to
certain assessments for children
in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective
Services. The bill would require
that every child who enters the
conservatorship of DFPS would
receive a developmentally appropriate comprehensive assessment
within 45 days. The assessment
would include a trauma screening. The Children’s Shelter KCI
Residential Treatment Center
administers CANS (Child and
Adolescent Needs and Strengths),
a comprehensive screening tool,
which provides the basis to identify the specific level of care per
Senate Bill 830 authored by
Senator Lois Kolkhorst was
signed by the Governor and is
relating to the creation of an independent ombudsman for children
and youth in foster care. During
the legislative session, a number
of foster care alumni testified in
committee hearings to describe
their experiences in the child
welfare system. As a result of the
testimonies, the Senate Health
and Human Services Committee and House Juvenile Justice
and Family Issues committee
voted to have an independent
ombudsman serve as a liaison for
foster care youth and the Department of Family and Protective
Services. The ombudsman will
review complaints from foster
care children and youth and take
appropriate action and identify
any systemic trends or complaints
and will serve as a neutral party in assisting
children and youth in
the conservatorship
of the department.
In the end, the
State of Texas is
the legal guardian
of children who are
removed from their
home due to maltreatment and if we
continue to see major
investments such as
the one made by Governor Abbott
in the amount of $40 million for
child abuse and neglect prevention, then maybe we can see the
number of child abuse/neglect fatalities decrease and child abuse/
neglect cases wane. In the interim,
it will be our charge as advocates
to provide the services needed
for vulnerable families in an effort to prevent abuse and neglect
and help heal children and youth
who have suffered prolonged
5 de julio de 2015
Cuba es el primer país en eliminar la Guía para piscinas saludables
transmisión del VIH de madre a hijo
EFE - Cuba se convirtió en
el primer país del mundo en
recibir la certificación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud
(OMS) por haber eliminado la
transmisión del virus del sida
(VIH) y de la sífilis de madre
a hijo.
El anuncio de ese logro lo
hizo el ministro de Salud Pública de Cuba, Roberto Morales
Ojeda, en la sede en Washington de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/
OMS), cuyos estados miembros
se comprometieron en 2010 a
lograr esa meta como muy tarde
en 2020.
“Todo ha sido posible por
nuestro sistema social y por
la voluntad política desde el
más alto nivel. Eso es lo que
ha permitido que un país con
escasos recursos haya hecho
estos logros”, dijo el ministro
Ojeda achacó ese hito al
sistema de salud establecido
tras el triunfo de la revolución
cubana hace más de medio
siglo, un modelo que definió
como “gratuito, accesible, regionalizado e integral”.
La directora de la OPS, Carissa Etienne, coincidió con
el diagnóstico del ministro y
destacó el papel clave que ha
tenido en esos resultados el
“robusto” sistema de salud de
Cuba, un país con “una larga
historia de sanidad pública
universal basada en la atención
“Hemos demostrado que en
países como Chile, Brasil o
Costa Rica hemos sido capaces
de reducir el nivel de transmisión a menos del 5% a medida
que se amplía la cobertura sanitaria. Lo que ha logrado Cuba es
posible”, añadió Etienne, para
subrayar que el hito de la isla
caribeña es “inspirador” para
la región y el resto del mundo.
Cada año, alrededor de 1,4
millones de mujeres con VIH
quedan embarazadas en el
Si no reciben tratamiento,
tienen entre un 15% y un 45%
de posibilidades de transmitir el
virus a sus hijos durante el embarazo, el parto o la lactancia.
Sin embargo, ese riesgo se
reduce a poco más del 1% si se
suministran antirretrovirales a
las madres y a los niños en las
etapas en las que puede producirse la infección.
En cuanto a la sífilis, casi un
millón de embarazadas en todo
el mundo se infectan anual-
El ministro de Salud Pública de Cuba, Roberto Morales Ojeda.
mente, lo que puede derivar en
muerte fetal, muerte perinatal o
infecciones neonatales graves.
Esas consecuencias pueden
evitarse con mecanismos simples y económicos de detención
y tratamiento de esta enfermedad durante el embarazo, como
la penicilina.
Entre los pasos que Cuba ha
dado para eliminar la transmisión vertical de estas enfermedades destaca el acceso garantizado a la atención prenatal
y a las pruebas del VIH y la
sífilis para las embarazadas y
sus parejas.
Además, la OPS señala los
tratamientos que la sanidad
cubana ha proporcionado a las
mujeres que dan positivo y a sus
bebés, así como los programas
de prevención de estas enfermedades antes y después del
El ministro de Salud cubano
ofreció ayuda a otras naciones para exportar ese modelo
de éxito: “Estamos en total
disposición de ayudar a otros
países”, dijo, para indicar que
ya ha recibido solicitudes de
otras naciones, por ejemplo de
países africanos.
“Imagino que el nuevo tiempo
político entre Cuba y Estados
Unidos solo puede ayudar a
conseguir este logro, pero Cuba
también ha trabajado con otros
miembros de la organización
para incrementar el acceso a la
salud”, comentó la directora de
la OPS.
La OMS considera que un
país ha eliminado la transmisión vertical del VIH cuando
se registran menos de dos bebés
infectados por cada 100 nacidos
de madres portadoras del virus.
El baremo para la sífilis es
de menos de 1 caso por cada
2.000 nacidos de madres con la
En Cuba, solo dos bebés
nacieron con VIH en 2013, y
solo tres nacieron con sífilis
En mayo de 2014, se creó un
comité regional para certificar
la eliminación de la transmisión
vertical de estas enfermedades,
con 14 expertos independientes que son los encargados de
evaluar qué países pueden ser
recomendados para obtener esa
Cuba fue el primer país en solicitar la evaluación, un proceso
que ya han iniciado Barbados,
Jamaica, Anguila y las islas
vírgenes. También se ha establecido un primer contacto con
Guatemala, El Salvador y Chile.
Seis países de la región
cumplen las condiciones para
solicitar la validación de la
OMS: Anguila, Barbados, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Montserrat y Puerto Rico.
En el continente, según datos proporcionados por los
países (no certificados por la
OMS), hasta ahora ocho países
eliminaron solo la transmisión
del VIH de madre a hijo y 14
solo la transmisión de la sífilis
El certificado de la OMS, que
hay que solicitar y para el que
hay un proceso de evaluación
independiente, se entregará a
las naciones que, como Cuba,
eliminen la transmisión vertical
tanto del VIH como de la sifilis.
Se estima que el número de
niños que nacieron con VIH en
el continente se redujo un 45%
entre 2010 y 2013, con un total
de 2.324 casos ese año.
El número de niños que nacen cada año con VIH en el
mundo se ha reducido casi a la
mitad desde 2009, al pasar de
400.000 a 240.000 en 2013, una
cifra lejana al objetivo de que
haya menos de 40.000 nuevas
infecciones infantiles por año
para 2015.
Innovations in the treatment
of advanced prostate cancer
By Catherine Duncan
More than 220,000 men in the
United States will be diagnosed
with prostate cancer this year;
more than 27,000 will die from
it. It’s the most common cancer
to strike men, but new treatments
are available for even advanced
prostate cancers.
Two leading oncologists from
the Cancer Therapy & Research
Center at the UT Health Science
Center San Antonio will speak on
these innovations and take questions from the audience in a free
public presentation on Thursday,
July 9, at the CTRC.
“Emerging evidence from our
work and that of others is that for
high-risk prostate cancers, combinations of treatments are much
more effective in helping control
cancers,” said CTRC Director Ian
M. Thompson Jr., M.D., “We’re
proud to have helped develop and
lead these studies, and it’s our goal
to share this information with the
community so that people can educate themselves on the options.”
Dr. Thompson will be joined
by Devalingam Mahalingam,
M.D., Ph.D., an oncologist at the
CTRC and associate professor in
the School of Medicine at the UT
Health Science Center, who will
talk about advances in immunotherapy and hormone therapy.
“The treatment standard for
patients with castration-resistant
prostate cancer is changing,” Dr.
Mahalingam said. “Apart from
chemotherapy, now we have a variety of novel hormonal therapies,
immunotherapy and radioisotopes
that gives patients more options in
fighting their cancer with fewer
side effects.”
The presentation will be Thursday, July 9, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at
the CTRC, 4th Floor Grossman
Building, 7979 Wurzbach Road,
San Antonio. For more information call (210) 450-1152.
Hay pocas cosas más refrescantes que nadar en una piscina
con agua fresca y transparente en
un día sofocante.
La natación es una excelente
forma de hacer ejercicio: tiene
poco impacto en las articulaciones, incorpora entrenamiento de
resistencia de manera natural y le
permite mantenerse fresco mientras hace que su corazón trabaje.
A petición de departamentos
de salud locales y estatales y de
la industria acuática, los CDC
lideraron un esfuerzo nacional
para elaborar un Código de Salud
Acuática Modelo (MAHC, por sus
siglas en inglés) a fin de mantener
los beneficios de la natación al
tiempo que se reducen los peligros
que puede haber en las piscinas y
otros lugares acuáticos.
¿Qué es el MAHC?
El MAHC es un recurso gratuito
para hacer que la natación sea más
saludable. Es una serie de directrices voluntarias, no una ley federal.
Esto quiere decir que las agencias
del gobierno pueden elegir si
adoptan todas las directrices, algunas o no adoptan ninguna. Pueden
usar el código para lo siguiente:
• Crear o actualizar códigos
existentes para las piscinas.
• Incorporar los avances de la
ciencia a la inspección de las piscinas y los programas de seguridad.
Los líderes de la industria
acuática no tienen que esperar
a que una agencia del gobierno
adopte el MAHC. Ellos pueden
implementar elementos clave del
MAHC ahora para empezar a mejorar la salubridad y la seguridad
en sus instalaciones.
¿En qué consiste el MAHC?
El MAHC incluye directrices
voluntarias para los siguientes
• Piscinas públicas
• Piscinas, bañeras de hidromasaje y espás en hoteles, complejos
de apartamentos y vecindarios
• Parques acuáticos
• Otras instalaciones acuáticas
Las directrices abordan lo
• El diseño y construcción,
como los sistemas de desinfección secundarios para eliminar los
organismos tolerantes al cloro y reducir los brotes de enfermedades.
• Las operaciones y el mantenimiento, como los estándares para
los salvavidas a fin de reducir los
• Las políticas y la administración, como la capacitación para
los encargados de las piscinas para
reducir los accidentes con sustancias químicas para piscinas, el
cierre de piscinas y otros asuntos.
El MAHC también incluye un
resumen de la base científica de
cada directriz.
¿Cuáles son los beneficios del
Los beneficios de usar el MAHC
son que es gratuito, voluntario y
basado en la ciencia. A corto plazo,
puede ayudar a reducir los cierres
de piscinas. A más largo plazo, los
CDC esperan que el MAHC lleve a
reducciones en lo siguiente:
• Ahogamientos, una de las
principales causas de muerte relacionada con lesiones en niños
de 1 a 14 años; la segunda causa
después de los choques de vehículos motores. Los ahogamientos
que no causan la muerte pueden
provocar daño cerebral que lleve
a problemas de aprendizaje o
incluso a pérdida permanente de
funciones básicas.
• Brotes de enfermedades
transmitidas por el agua y asociados a las piscinas, los cuales
han aumentado de un promedio
de 12 a 41 brotes al año. Un solo
brote puede enfermar a miles de
• Lesiones por sustancias
químicas para piscinas, las cuales
causan cerca de 5,000 visitas a las
salas de emergencia al año. Los
niños representan casi la mitad de
esas visitas.
5 de julio de 2015
5 de julio de 2015
World Cup Final Rematch
Week In
USA will take on Japan in the Women’s World Cup Final. USA seeks to
avenge their nail-biting loss to Japan
in the 2011 World Cup Final. Japan
was the first asian team to capture
the World Cup. They will defend their
crown at 6 p.m. today.
By Jose Arredondo
“The Claw” is
here to stay
July 1 is the date every NBA
player, team and fan looks
forward to after the season is
over. This is the day in which
NBA teams’ futures look bright
and some look destined to be
Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich was being typical Coach
Pop when he told the media to let
everyone know, “I’m not calling
anyone at midnight. I’ll be in
bed. And if that’s the difference
in someone coming or not coming, then I don’t want them.”
The Spurs will be making more
noise in the league during this
free agency than ever before. The
team has been consistently good
at finding small deal players who
play big, so much so that they
have never had the need to make
a big pitch to a superstar.
At midnight though, the Spurs
announced a deal that seems to
have been made before being
allow to announce it. One of the
biggest NBA free agents this
summer is staying right here in
San Antonio.
The Spurs announced late
Tuesday night that they signed
Kawhi Leonard to a five-year,
$90 million contract with a max
extension. Not only will we have
Leonard next year, but also we
don’t have to worry about him
leaving for four years after that.
Many questioned the Spurs’ decision to not re-sign during the
season but wait until the summer.
Either way, the Spurs have
decided that Leonard is the future of the Spurs. To free up cap
space, they traded center Tiago
Splitter to the Atlanta Hawks
and signed Danny Green for less
money than projected, helping
this Spurs team build an NBA
Star point guard Tony Parker
is ready to pass the torch down
to Leonard as he has proven to
have the tools to be a great leader
for the Spurs. He joins a long list
of great Spurs leaders; David
Robinson to Tim Duncan, who
then passed to Manu Ginobili,
and Tony Parker, and now onto
Kawhi Leonard.
Kawhi is coming off a great
year even though he was dealing
with injuries. He isn’t nicknamed
“The Claw” for nothing. He was
awarded the Defensive Player of
the Year this season. While having the stealing ability of Gary
Payton and the perimeter defense
of Bruce Bowen, Kawhi is a
force on both ends of the court.
Next season should be one
every Spurs fan can look forward
to as they look like they will be
a great force with which to be
reckoned. Move over Golden
State, we look to be the “Best
in the West” again and will
be holding up the trophy next
season. To all Spurs fans, go
buy Kawhi Leonard and Danny
Green gear, they’re here to stay.
Go Spurs Go!
Yadier Alvarez and the Los Angeles
Dodgers will agree to a deal worth
$16 million. Alvarez is a right-handed
pitcher whose fastball is in the high 90s
and was clocked as high as 99 mph. He
will join a team that has star power at
the pitching position.
NBA enters free agency frenzy
By Jose Arredondo
[email protected]
By Jessica Duran
[email protected]
19-year old Cuban prodigy
to sign with the Dodgers
Day one of the 2015-2016 NBA
free agency has gained more attention than the NBA Finals.
NBA fans are currently stalking the Twitter account of Adrian
Wojnarowski, an NBA insider for
Yahoo sports, who has over 1.6
million followers. Wojnarowski
has released all types of trade
Before free agency started, it
kicked off with Anthony Davis
and the New Orleans Pelicans
agreeing to a five year extension
worth $145 million. Davis averaged 30 points and 10 rebounds
in his first four playoff games;
those numbers placed him in
elite company as Kareem AbdulJabbar, Wilt Chamberlain and
Bob McAdoo are the only other
players to do so.
The Pelicans have Davis aka
“The Brow” for four years. After
the fifth, Davis will have the option to test free agency.
Day one featured an estimate
totaling one billion dollars worth
of contracts.
Kawhi Leonard agreed to a five
year, $90 million contract with
the San Antonio Spurs, including
a fifth year player option. Along
with Leonard, Danny Green confirmed he will return to the Spurs
with a four year, $45 million deal.
Green’s deal seems a bit much,
however, considering the amount
of money other teams offered
him, the Spurs received him at a
With the Spurs’ two best perimeter defenders returning, it will
difficult for guards and forwards
in the perimeter for years to come.
The defending Eastern conference champions, Cleveland Cavaliers, will have two key players
returning. Kevin Love will sign a
five year deal worth $110 million.
Iman Shumpert will return with a
four year deal worth $40 million.
The Cavaliers await Lebron to
resign with the team.
In contrast, the defending NBA
champions, Golden State Warriors, have locked in their defensive player of the year runner-up,
Draymond Green to a five year
deal worth $82 million. With
Green returning, the Warriors
perimeter defense will still be
a thorn in western conference
teams’ sides.
While younger players agreed
to large contracts, some of the
veterans have agreed to long term
deals as well. Surprisingly, Tyson
Chandler signed a four year deal
worth $52 million with the Phoenix Suns. The Suns will also sign
Lob City victim, Brandon Knight,
to a five year $70 million deal.
Moreover, Paul Pierce will
sign a three year $10 million
contract with the Los Angeles
Clippers. The third year being a
team option. Pierce will reunite
with coach Doc Rivers and exteammate Glen Davis. After
Spurs lock up small forward, Danny Green, to a four year $45 million contract. (Photo, Franco)
blowing a 3-1 in the western
conference semifinals, the Clippers were in desperate need of
a championship-veteran leader.
Pierce brings that to the table as
well as the ability to finish in big
Some teams have locked in
their long-term investments while
others are trying to lure in big
name free agents. Free agency
is where teams thrive or wither.
Nevertheless, it should keep NBA
fans busy until the 2015-2016
season commences.
Stars superadas por Mercury
en el primer cuarto (28-11), y
en los tres restantes tiempos no
perdieron la delantera pese a que
en el segundo periodo ambos
Nada bien les fue a las chicas
equipos encestaron 15 puntos
del equipo Stars de San Antonio
cada uno.
en su segunda visita a la TalkEl tercer tiempo finalizó eming Stick Resort Arena, casa de
patado 26-26.
Mercury de Phoenix, que –con
El cuarto periodo estuvo a
su victoria de 85 a 78– les tomó
favor de Stars 20 a 16, lo cual
la delantera en su serie a jugar
no fue suficiente para borrar el
déficit de 7 puntos en su contra.
Mercury bajo la dirección de
Sandy Brondello tuvo toda su
alineación completa, entrando
a la rotación estelar la delantera
Brittney Griner, quien, tras
cumplir suspensión de 7 partidos
impuestos por la WNBA, tuvo
destacada actuación durante 33
minutos de juego pues aportó
23 unidades. Griner estuvo
apoyada por sus compañeras, las
aleras titulares Candice Dupree
que, en 30 minutos, hizo 19 puntos. DeWanna Bonner aportó 13
puntos en 37 minutos de juego.
La guardia Leilani Mitchell en
31 minutos se discutió encestando 16 puntos.
Por Stars del entrenador en
jefe Dan Hughes no tuvieron
acción Jia Perkins, la poste
Jayne Appel, la central Alex
Montgomery, y la escolta Brittany Hrynko, por lo que tuvo
que echar mano de la novata
alera Dearica Hamby, que en 22
minutos aportó 6 puntos, la alera
Kayla McBride en 27 minutos
fabricó 18 unidades, seguida por
la delantera Sophia Young-Malcom, que jugó gran defensiva y
Momento inolvidable fue la primera victoria de Stars en la temporada, tras haber dado cuenta ofensiva en 34 minutos con 18
del visitante Mercury de Phoenix. La guardia Jia Perkins (abrazada por la alera Danielle Adams) puntos anotados.
La guardia estelar Danielle
con cinco puntos anotados en el cierre del partido recibió los respectivos honores por parte de sus
en 31 minutos fue
compañeras. (Foto, Franco)
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
4 partidos en el rol regular de la
temporada 2015 WNBA.
Stars en la apertura de temporada en calidad de visitantes
perdieron con pizarra de 76-71.
En su segunda cita, que fue el
pasado jueves 25 de junio en el
Coliseo Freeman, Stars con sorpresivos encestes de la guardia
Jia Perkins empataron la serie
1-1 con sorpresivos encestes de
la guardia titular Jia Perkins.
Sin embargo, poco les duró la
felicidad, porque al pagar visita
fueron superadas por 7 puntos
de ventaja.
Mercury se encuentra defendiendo su título 2014 en la
WNBA con el retorno de la
poste Brittney Griner, producto
de Baylor University. Tuvieron
temprana ventaja de 11 puntos
limitada en 9 unidades, la suplente Kalana Greene, guardia,
vio acción en 21 minutos en los
que aportó 4 puntos. La poste y
alera Danielle Adams hizo bueno
1 de 2 disparos triples sumando
12 puntos en 23 minutos.
“Pude jugar enfocada a lo
que es mi estilo de juego. No
tuve prisa por descolgarme a lo
largo y ancho de la cancha, solo
me dediqué a jugar unida con
mis compañeras. El triunfo se
dio y no queda más que seguir
trabajando para salir adelante
en lo que resta de la temporada”,
dijo Griner.
“Con esta victoria se puede
decir que retomaremos nuestro
sistema de juego: ser más competitivas en cada partido, solo
así podremos lograr retomar un
mejor lugar en el oeste”, afirmó
Por su lado, el entrenador
Hughes, sin descartar que el
equipo tiene que superar cada
partido jugado, hizo énfasis en
continuar con su plan de juego.
“La posesión de rebotes es
nuestra prioridad en cada partido. Esa estrategia nos ha venido
dando buenos resultados por lo
que se tiene que seguir adelante
con nuestro sistema de juego. El
equipo sigue firme. Los últimos
resultados nos mantienen con
gran optimismo. Se ha jugado
ante rivales de gran calibre y ello
es bueno para seguir armando
nuestra defensiva y ofensiva”,
apuntó el estratega Hughes.
Stars el miércoles 8 de julio
serán anfitrionas del partido
contra Sparks de Los Ángeles a
jugarse en el Coliseo Freeman en
el horario de las 7 p.m.
La Prensa de San Antonio
5 de julio de 2015
NBA to play first game in Survey predicts pro hoops
team to reign supreme
Africa on August 1
Special to La Prensa
The National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National
Basketball Players Association
(NBPA) announced that the
NBA’s first game in Africa will
take place August 1 at Ellis Park
Arena in Johannesburg, South
NBA Africa Vice President
and Managing Director Amadou
Gallo Fall, Honorable Minister
of Sport Fikile Mbalula, and
U.S. Ambassador to South Africa
Patrick S. Gaspard made the announcement at a press conference
in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The game will feature a Team
Africa vs. Team World format
and will be played in support
of Boys & Girls Clubs of South
Africa, SOS Children’s Villages
Association of South Africa and
the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Team Africa will be comprised
of players from Africa and second generation African players,
and Team World will be comprised of players from the rest of
the world. The game will air live
in Africa on SuperSport.
Eight-time NBA All-Star and
NBPA President Chris Paul of
the Los Angeles Clippers will
serve as Team World’s captain
and two-time NBA All-Star Luol
Deng of the Miami Heat, born in
South Sudan, will serve as Team
Africa’s captain.
NBA executives, coaches,
general managers and legends
will also participate, including:
2014-15 NBA Coach of the
Year Mike Budenholzer of the
Atlanta Hawks, Brooklyn Nets
Coach Lionel Hollins, Brooklyn
Nets General Manager Billy
King, NBA Global Ambassador
Dikembe Mutombo, NBA Africa
Ambassador Hakeem Olajuwon,
San Antonio Spurs Coach Gregg
Popovich, NBA Commissioner
Adam Silver, Boston Celtics
Coach Brad Stevens, Toronto
Raptors General Manager Masai
Full rosters of players, coaches
and legends, along with ticket
information will be announced at
a later date. The game will take
NBA’s first came in Africa will be on August 1. (Courtesy photo)
place following the 13th edition
of Basketball without Borders
(BWB) Africa, the NBA and
FIBA’s global basketball development program that has reached
1,000 campers from 31 African
countries since 2003.
The NBA family led by the
current and former players and
coaches will also be participating
in extensive community outreach
efforts throughout the week
including the creation of places
where kids and families can live,
learn or play in partnership with
Boys & Girls Clubs of South
Africa and the SOS Children’s
Villages Association of South
Africa that will leave lasting legacies in the community.
More than 35 players from
Africa have played in the NBA
since Hall of Famer and twotime NBA Champion Hakeem
Olajuwon was drafted in 1984.
The league has hosted events on
the continent since 1993 and in
2010 opened its first office in
Johannesburg. NBA Cares has
built 38 places to live, learn or
play on the continent.
Goalrilla®, America’s leading
brand of residential in-ground
basketball hoops is already looking ahead to the excitement of the
2016 season.
The company recently announced the results of a new nationwide survey, which predicts which
team will win it all in 2016 as well
as the player that perceived to have
the most intense training regimen.
According to a new online survey of 2,090 U.S. adults ages 18
and older, conducted by Harris Poll
on behalf of Goalrilla, the training
equipment brand that replicates the
in-game experience, one third, or
33 percent, predict that Cleveland
the runner up team at the 2015 NBA
Finals, will win the championship
in 2016.
Roughly one quarter, or 26 percent, selected Chicago, followed by
Houston with 15 percent, Atlanta
with 13 percent, while less than 10
percent each predicts Washington,
eight percent or Memphis, six percent. Geographically, 38 percent
of U.S. adults from the northeast
selected Cleveland, followed by
37 percent from the mid-west, 30
percent from the west and the lowest percent, 29, from the south.
“When it comes to the success
of their favorite teams, sports fans
[have aspirations]. We wanted
to look ahead to find out which
squad fans predict will win the
championship next season,” said
David Vogrin, director of marketing, Goalrilla. “Additionally, while
talent is certainly necessary to
win, the skill that players develop
through training is a key aspect to
delivering when the game is on the
line. Understanding the aspirations
of athletes, with the goal to help
them take their game to the next
level, we also thought it was appropriate to find out which player
fans believe has the most intense
training routine.”
In a landslide victory, Americans
believe the most intense training
regimen belongs to LeBron James,
with 61 percent of the vote- followed by- in a distant secondcurrent league MVP Stephen Curry
with 13 percent. Less than 10 percent each say the following: James
Harden, nine percent, Kyrie Irving,
seven percent, Kawhi Leonard,
6 percent and Mike Conley, four
Of those who selected LeBron
James, 68 percent were from the
calidad beisbolera. Los equipos ga- northeast, followed by 61 percent
nadores avanzarán a la final, por lo
que vamos confiados de poder hacer
buen papel y representar dignamente
a San Antonio”, afirmaron los esposos Garza.
Este torneo originalmente lo comenzó en el año 2012 el beisbolista
Gonzalo “Chalo” Carramán, presi- Por Reid Spencer
dente de Liga Regional Veteranos Nascar Wire Service
Carramán. Y en el mismo formato
El piloto Kyle Busch ganó la
se estará jugando en los estadios
carrera Toyota/Save
Moncada y Fort Duncan.
Mart 350 que con éxito se corrió
en el autódromo Sonoma Raceway,
donde –de forma espectacular–
Hernández “El Ranche”, jugador logró resucitar su temporada y
utility (juega todas las posiciones). se acercó un poco más a la comTuzos S.A. irá bajo el mando de petencia Chase por la NASCAR
José Luis Hernández apodado “El Sprint Cup.
En el primer 1-2 de los hermanos
Picho”, beisbolista de gran poder,
en la historia de la NASquien se ha encargado de conformar
menor de ellos superó a
una alineación ideal para represu
Kurt por solo .532
sentar a San Antonio en el torneo
su quinta caque reúne a una gran mayoría de
las graves
oriundos de la región carbonífera
de Palaú, Coahuila.
inaugural de la temporada en una
carrera de la XFINITY Series en el
Daytona International Speedway.
“Mamá y papá seguramente
están muy orgullosos”, dijo Busch
a través del radio de su auto tras
cruzar la mete.
La victoria se fraguó cuando
Busch superó a Jimmie Johnson
en la vuelta 106 de 110, camino a
su segunda victoria en el circuito
mixto de 1.99 millas, y la número
30 de su carrera en la Sprint Cup.
Johnson eligió no entrar a pits
durante la última bandera amarilla cuando el Chevrolet de Casey
Mears perdió parte del eje trasero
Broncos de Reynosa S.A.
en torneo de Eagle Pass
Por La Prensa
El club de béisbol independiente
Broncos de Reynosa de San Antonio, propiedad de los esposos Linda
y Roberto Garza, este sábado 4 de
julio, estarán cumpliendo con invitación para ser parte de los eventos
deportivos que se estarán realizando
en la fronteriza ciudad de Eagle Pass.
Los señores Garza llevan un
seleccionado conformado por beis-
bolistas de categoría veteranos con el
que tienen probabilidades de traerse
el trofeo de campeón y ganar la bolsa
económica de $500.
El señor Manuel Olivares es el coordinador de este evento deportivo
denominado Torneo Internacional
de Béisbol 4 de Julio en el que
estarán participando Broncos, El
Paso Toyos, un seleccionado de la
ciudad de Piedras Negras y el equipo
anfitrión Eagle Pass.
“El torneo promete ser de bastante
Tuzos S.A. a defender título
Por La Prensa
El club de béisbol Tuzos S.A. en
su calidad de campeón defenderá su
título en el tercer “Torneo 4 Gigantes de Palaú” a jugarse este fin de
semana 4 y 5 de julio en la ciudad
petrolera de Port Arthur, Texas,
con la participación de los equipos
Tuzos de Kaufman, Selección de
Palaú, México, Tuzos S.A. y el
anfitrión Tuzos de Puerto Arturo.
Tuzos S.A. en el primer torneo
ganó el segundo lugar.
“El 2014 se ganó el primer
lugar, por lo que vamos decididos
a defender con todo nuestro título.
El equipo más duro será el combinado de Palaú, Coahuila (México),
ya veremos cómo le haremos para
darles la sorpresa”, dijo Tony
By Amanda Danella
Like us on
Facebook for
updates, local
news and weekly
According to Goalrilla® Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard (2),
belongs in the group of six NBA players with the Most Intense
Training Regimen. (Photo, Franco)
from south, 59 percent from the
west and 57 percent from the midwest. Since LeBron James was
“awarded” as the player with training honor, it is a natural conclusion
that Cleveland was selected as the
team fans predict to win the 2016
Goalrilla’s durable and longlasting basketball systems and
sports training equipment were created to give serious competitors an
edge. Unlike alternative products,
Goalrilla provides unparalleled
authenticity ensuring that every
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Goalrilla hoops and sports training
equipment, visit www.Goalrilla.
com, call 1.888.USA.GOAL or,
become a fan on Facebook, www.
Headquartered in Evansville, IN,
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goods and leisure time activity
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Escalade Sports products are
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Over the last 5 decades, Harris
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With comprehensive experience
and precise technique in public
opinion polling, along with a proven
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The Harris Poll offers a diverse
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services, media, retail, restaurant,
and consumer packaged goods.
Kyle Busch resucitó su temporada
con victoria en Sonoma
durante la vuelta 99 y al final sufrió
las consecuencias.
El piloto del Chevrolet No.
48 líder de la mayor cantidad de
vueltas (45) no pudo contener el
ataque de los autos que salieron de
pits con llantas nuevas para el final.
Detrás de Kurt Buschm el Top
5 se completó con Clint Bowyer,
Kevin Harvick y Joey Logano.
Kyle Busch reinició desde el séptimo puesto y adelantó a Bowyer.
Tras superar el tráfico en la curva
2 arrebató la punta a Johnson y la
conservó hasta cruzar la meta.
Fue la primera victoria de Kyle
Busch en 46 carreras de la Sprint
Cup, incluyendo las 11 que se
perdió por su accidente sucedido
en Daytona, de donde salió con
fracturas en ambas piernas.
Busch había ganado en Fontana
el 23 de marzo de 2014 y con la
victoria prolongó su racha de 11
temporadas consecutivas en las
que gana por lo menos una carrera.
Quizá lo más importante es la
posibilidad de avanzar al Chase,
aunque todavía tiene que sumar
puntos para terminar dentro del Top
30 de la Clasificación de Pilotos al
final del calendario de 26 carreras
de la temporada regular.
Con su victoria en Sonoma,
Busch quedó en el puesto 37 a
136 puntos de Cole Whit cuando
restan 10 carreras en la temporada
“Tenemos mucho trabajo por
delante”, dijo Busch. “Sabíamos
que íbamos a estar lejos en los
puntos y fue muy desafortunado
que tuviéramos un par de accidentes
(Dover y Michigan), pero vamos a
hacer todo lo posible para lograrlo.
“Esta fue nuestra primer victoria
con Adam Stevens (como Jefe
de Equipo), así que es algo muy
Kurt Busch, quien lideró 43
vueltas, no tuvo tiempo suficiente
para alcanzar a su hermano tras
superar a Bowyer en las últimas
vueltas, pero la decepción de no
poder ganar se transformó en
alegría por lo logrado por Kyle.
“Fue emocionante”, afirmó Kurt
Busch. “Ha pasado por muchas cosas…sufrir fracturas en las piernas
es algo cuyo dolor desconozco, pero
tras trabajar con Tony Stewart, sé
lo difícil que es la rehabilitación
y además es un reto mental. Estoy
muy orgulloso de lo que ha hecho
Kyle para poder regresar tan pronto
a la acción, ser tan competitivo y
usar su pie izquierdo para cruzar
la meta”, comentó Kurt, quien de
cualquier modo reconoció que le
hubiera gustado ganar la carrera.
“Ojalá hubiera podido tener un
par de vueltas más, pero sé que él
no hubiera disfrutado una vuelta
5 de julio de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio
Águilas ganó el clásico a Desperados Partidos de exhibición en Colt 45
Por Sendero Deportivo
El reforzado equipo Águilas
de La Sauceda, bajo la dirección
del timonel Benito Martínez y el
coach Juan “Pachín” Martínez, con
el pitcheo combinado del abridor
Ryan Maldonado y el relevista
Chris Pacheco (quien se agenció el
triunfo con pizarra de 8 a 6 carreras),
se adjudicaron el clásico dominical
contra Desperados y su lanzador
abridor Danny Carlin.
El manager y jugador Elías Contreras, de los Desperados, tuvo un
buen acierto en las primeras entradas tomando la delantera. Con esto
parecía que se podría sostener así
hasta el final del concurrido partido
dominical en Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League, con sede en
el estadio Rosedale Park, que el
pasado domingo dio por comenzada
la segunda vuelta de la temporada de
verano en honor de Elías Contreras.
En otros resultados, los Marlins
dieron la sorpresa derrotando 8-2 a
Danny Carlin, lanzador del equipo Desperados.
los Juggernauts, que nada pudieron
hacerle al hermético pitcheo de Nick
Jones, quien los maniató en dos
Los Tecolotes del presidente
Gilberto Rodríguez consiguieron
su sexto triunfo al hilo doblegando
a High Sox del Marine Eddy Rodríguez.
La victoria fue para Keith
Vázquez con relevo de Tyler Cales
y Sergio González.
Por los derrotados lanzaron Kyle
Ramón, Joseph Loera y Eric Granado.
Por Tecolotes el héroe del partido
fue Danny Pérez Jr., quien con las
bases llenas pegó imparable que se
fue hasta la pradera central remolcando tres carreras y anotando él
para sumar 4 carreras producidas.
“Se jugó buen partido. El imparable con bases llenas nos tomó por
sorpresa. Tecolotes es un equipo
bien acoplado”, afirmó Eddy Rodríguez.
Rol de juegos domingo 5 de julio
en Rosedale Park: 9 a.m. Desperados vs. Rough Riders.
12:30 p.m. High Sox vs. Marlins.
4 p.m. Juggernauts vs. Águilas.
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
La renovada liga de béisbol categoría veteranos Colt 45 Baseball
League, que preside el beisbolista
Jaime Guerrero, este sábado 4
de julio estará jugando su última
jornada de partidos de exhibición
comenzando a las 12:30 p.m. con
el partido entre Tuneros de San Luis
y Red Sox.
En el horario de las 3:30 p.m. se
enfrentarán Colt 45 vs. Cachorros
de Nava.
El presidente Guerrero, quien
además es el manager y jugador del
club Colt 45, dijo estarse preparando
para ofrecer una colorida ceremonia
de apertura en su primera temporada de verano, la cual comenzará
el próximo sábado 11 de julio con
partidos programados a jugarse en
los horarios de las 9, 12, y 3 p.m.
En la pasada fecha sabatina los
aficionados disfrutaron de las espectaculares acciones del rey de los
El primer partido fue entre Colt
45 y Red Sox, con victoria para
los “Calcetones Rojos” que dirige
Pedro Espinoza. La derrota fue para
la gente del presidente Guerrero.
Lupe Guerrero, receptor de Tuneros, dirigió con éxito a sus compañeros lanzadores que se impusieron ante Broncos de Reynosa
S.A. El bateador es el utility César Muñoz, quien se quedó anclado
en la segunda base esperando anotar la carrera del honor. (Fotos,
Sendero Deportivo)
El lanzador derecho George
Freeman se agenció la victoria superando al duro rival Chris Lee, que
cayó con pizarra de 8 a 4 carreras,
Por su lado, el debutante Tuneros
de San Luis del manager, jugador
y patrocinador Macario Rosas con
blanqueada de 3-0 ante Broncos
de Reynosa S.A. celebró el exitoso
trabajo del pitcheo combinado de
Noé Pech, Ernesto Velázquez y
Oscar Márquez, que se impuso ante
los experimentado lanzadores Jorge
Morales, Luis Arredondo y Gilberto
Rodríguez, que en cuatro entradas
solo aceptó par de imparables.
El club Broncos de Reynosa S.A.
de los esposos Linda y Roberto Garza en la próxima temporada tendrán
de manager al ganador timonel y jugador Tomás Muñoz y los coaches,
Efraín Cruz Franco y Jaime Reyna.
Los Tuneros estarán bajo el mando de Rosas y los coaches Miguel
Rodríguez y Saúl Navejar.
“Por este conducto le enviamos
nuestro sentido pésame a la familia del señor Gonzalo Carramán
(presidente de Liga Regional Veteranos Carramán) por el deceso
de su mamá (QEPD). Broncos en
la temporada de verano estará bien
representado en el pitcheo y bateo”,
afirmó la señora Garza.
Jonathan Cisneros, nuevo refuerzo de Águilas de La Sauceda, en su primer turno al bate contra Óscar Márquez, lanzador relevista de Tuneros de San Luis, con sus valiosos lanzamientos pudo
Desperados pegó imparable remolcando par de compañeros para dos carreras producidas en el salvar el partido ante el bateo rival de los Broncos de Reynosa S.A. Al fondo aparece el corredor
clásico dominical de Tex-Mex IBL. (Fotos, Franco)
César Muñoz que no pudo ser remolcado con la carrera del honor.
Titanes blanqueó a los Piratas
El campeón Piratas, bajo la dirección del manager Sergio Luna, no
le ha podido rendir buenas cuentas
a su legión de fans y al coordinador
general Daniel Guerrero; ya que en
su última salida en el circuito del
Torneo Dominical Potranco, que
preside el beisbolista Juan Sánchez
no pudo ni tan siquiera anotar la
carrera del honor cayendo con blanqueada de 12-0 ante Titanes, que
fue su rival en playoffs del primer
Aun y contando con su as del
pitcheo, el lanzador derecho Moisés
Montalvo, los Piratas no pudieron
salir adelante en el clásico jugado
en el estadio Coach Arthur Bain
Diamond, ubicado en el complejo
deportivo Rusty Lyons.
En cuanto al partido entre Bravos
y Westsiders los espectadores vieron
un buen partido en el que sobresalió el bateo del fortachón toletero
Maury Esparza, que bateó 2-2 con
3 carreras producidas para los Westsiders. Esparza espera ayudar a su
equipo con su bateo en los partidos
que restan del torneo.
Los Tucanes de Saúl Navejar con
su lanzador derecho Adrián Picón
no tuvieron problema para doblegar
a Lobos, victoria con la que se declararon listos para darle pelea este
domingo a los Titanes.
“Todo va bien después de varias
jornadas canceladas por la lluvia.
Este domingo se estarán jugando dos
partidos pendientes de la primera
vuelta”, dijo Sánchez.
El club Diablos es el único equipo
que ya terminó la primera ronda en
la que obtuvo 6 victorias y un partido
empatado, marca que lo tiene como
el equipo a vencer en la segunda
ronda del torneo dedicado a los
beisbolistas Jesús Carrera y Jorge
Calderón “Shamu”.
Rol de juegos: 12 p.m. Bravos
El lanzador derecho Adrián Picón, de Tucanes, con alto lanzavs.
miento dominó a Bobby Elliott, quinto bateador del equipo Lobos.
p.m. Titanes vs. Tucanes.
(Foto, Franco)
Recordando el legado de Dolores Salas
La comunidad deportiva el próximo jueves 9 de julio estará honrando
el legado de la señora Dolores Salas,
con motivo del segundo aniversario
de su fallecimiento.
Su viudo, el beisbolista Guillermo
“Memo” Salas, quien escribió su
propia historia durante la época dorada del béisbol en el sur de Texas
y norte del vecino estado de Coahuila, dijo sentirse orgulloso por la
noble labor que su esposa realizó
apoyando el deporte del baloncesto
y béisbol.
“Mi esposa Dolores siempre
estuvo activa llevando el score
con equipo que su papá dirigió. Y
desde la llegada de los Spurs a San
Antonio, ella se convirtió en una
gran fanática. Siempre decoraba el
frente de nuestra casa con los colores
de los Spurs y gustaba compartir sus
emociones con amistades en cada
partido de Spurs, ella armaba toda
un fiesta”, dijo el señor Salas.
La señora Salas, orgullosamente
vio jugar a sus hermanos Richard,
Bobby y Johnny, que jugaron bajo la
dirección de su señor padre Ricardo
Villanueva, manager del equipo
Club Aztecas, el cual ganó varios
campeonatos City Championships.
“Mamá, cuando nos llevaba a los
partidos de béisbol, gustaba preparar sándwiches, los cuales compartíamos con otros niños menos
afortunados. Cuando mamá estuvo
en centro de rehabilitación y en
cuidado de adultos de la tercera
edad, mi hermana Cynthia y yo
le llevamos bocadillos para que
los compartiera con sus amistades
durante los partidos de los Spurs.
A ella le gustaba siempre compartir
momentos alegres con familiares y
amistades”, comentó María Leticia
La señora Salas fue reconocida
en las ligas de béisbol independiente
Span-Am, Alamo City League, Colt
45, Liga Panamericana, Roberto
Señora Dolores Salas y su esposo Guillermo “Memo” Salas. (Foto, Quiñones Baseball League, Liga 3
Sendero Deportivo)
La Prensa de San Antonio
Rachel Campos-Duffy calls for Catholics
to enter public life for positive change
Rachel Campos-Duffy spoke at a recent Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (CALL) event on
the campus of St. Mary’s University. (Photo, Sandy Salinas)
By Sandy Salinas
Today’s Catholic
Consider the constantly evolving
and diverse notions about topics as
broad-ranging as gender, marriage,
entertainment, immigration, the
economy, the environment, etc.
What is a faithful Catholic’s approach to all these? Some might
claim that avoiding popular culture
as much as possible, insulating
oneself from all the perceived negative influences, is the only way to
go. Others hold that since it is an
uphill, virtually impossible battle
to win, the only option is to go
with the flow. But there is another
view, one gaining momentum in
recent years among committed
Catholics of all ages and millennials in particular: be catalysts for
positive cultural change by becoming informed and involved.
Recently, the local chapters
of the Catholic Association of
Latino Leaders (CALL) and The
LIBRE Initiative partnered to bring
Rachel Campos-Duffy, a strong
proponent of this approach, to
St. Mary’s University. Her talk,
“Why Catholics Can’t Give Up On
Culture,” highlighted the essential
role that family and faith play in
culture. Those not familiar with
Campos may wonder what she has
to offer on the subject and why her
words resonate with many beyond
Catholic circles.
The petite 43-year-old Campos
is a powerhouse of intellect and
acumen, much of it acquired over
the last two decades as an author,
popular television personality,
and political pundit. In 1994, she
was cast in MTV’s The Real
World: San Francisco and later
the network’s game show Road
Rules: All Stars where she met her
husband (and current Wisconsin
Republican congressman) Sean
Duffy, with whom she has seven
children. Campos has made nu-
merous appearances on a variety
of programs including the Dr.
Phil Show, NBC’s Today Show,
ABC’s The View, and Fox News’
These experiences have afforded
Campos a front row seat to many
of the most compelling events and
trends, motivating her to share
the importance and urgency of
engaging in and with the culture.
As she shared with her St. Mary’s
audience, it is a process which
first begins at home. Emphasizing
that the family is the cornerstone
of society, Campos noted that it
must become a priority in order
to better prepare its members to
assume their rightful place in the
culture at large.
“It’s our responsibility as Catholics to protect the primacy of
families and to make sure that
nothing encroaches on that sacred
relationship…We must be deliberate and intentional about parenting
and family life.” She observed that,
sadly, making family first a priority
is no longer the norm; it may even
be construed as “countercultural.”
Still, when Catholics strengthen
familial bonds and do so within the
context of their faith, the impact
cannot simply be contained to the
home; it migrates to the political
and cultural arena. For many Latinos, this is a plus as they have traditionally been stalwart fortresses
of family. They can have particular
efficacy should they choose to
become engaged, but this does not
happen without parental involvement and commitment.
Campos was passionate in stating that “our nation will be better,
freer, more just, more prosperous,
if more Catholics enter public
life.” Why? As she put it, they
can then be “salt and light” to
the world, really impacting and
effecting change in the culture —
even more so than politicians. As
she explained, “The truth is that
while politics and policy matter...
elections are lagging indicators
of what’s already happened in
the culture… They tell us where
we already are.” Instead, it is that
which occurs in the family, and
subsequently, in the culture, that
really drive politics — and drives
Rachel Campos-Duffy as well.
The LIBRE Initiative is a national organization that advances
economic empowerment in the
nation’s Hispanic community. To
learn more, visit
The Catholic Association of
Latino Leaders (CALL) is a national organization dedicated to the
growth and spiritual formation of
the Latino leaders of this country
in their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith. To learn
more, visit
“Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas”
Salmo 119:27
5 de julio de 2015
“Cuando alguien nos ofende”
Por Carlos Rey
En este mensaje tratamos el
caso de un hombre que “descargó su conciencia” de manera
anónima en nuestro sitio www. y nos autorizó a
que lo citáramos, como sigue:
“Desde hace mucho tiempo
tengo problemas con mi carácter. Me enoja mucho que una
persona, aunque se dé cuenta
de que está equivocada, no lo
reconozca.... Todos nos equivocamos, pero ¿por qué no decir:
“Lo siento; me equivoqué”, e
inmediatamente corregir? También me enoja mucho cuando
me ofenden, y aunque no ataco
a nadie físicamente, sí lo hago
verbalmente, (pero) no con
palabras vulgares o soeces sino
más bien muy exaltado.
“¿Cómo puedo controlar esto?
¿Cómo puedo hacer para dominarme? Necesito ayuda”.
Este es el consejo que le dio
mi esposa:
“Estimado amigo:
“Usted ha dado el primer
paso, que es reconocer sus
propios defectos, y el segundo
paso, que es pedir ayuda. Lo felicitamos por querer superar su
tendencia a enojarse y arremeter
contra otros.
“Usted se enoja cuando una
persona se niega a reconocer
que está equivocada, y cuando
lo ofenden. Pero a usted mismo
le conviene reconocer que el
enojo que siente no afecta a esa
persona. Solamente lo afecta a
usted. Lo carcome por dentro, y
es evidente que está consciente
de eso, ya que por eso está pidiendo
“Observe el ejemplo de alguien que tenía todo el derecho
de sentirse tal como se siente
usted. Jesucristo dejó que lo crucificaran hombres que eran culpables de toda clase de pecados.
Él se sometió voluntariamente a
que lo azotaran y lo mataran, a
pesar de que no era culpable de
nada. No pecó ni una sola vez,
y sin embargo llevó la culpa del
pecado de cada uno de nosotros.
¿Qué habrá sentido cuando lo
acusaban de cosas que no había
hecho? ¿Por qué no arremetió
contra ellos? ¿Por qué no dijo
nada en su defensa? ¿Acaso no
estaba enojado?
“Para responder a esas preguntas solo podemos especular, basados en algunas de las
palabras que Jesús pronunció
cuando lo crucificaron. “Padre,
perdónalos —dijo—, porque no
saben lo que hacen”. No suena
como si estuviera enojado,
¿verdad? Suena más bien a
compasión y amor. Jesucristo,
el único que jamás pecó, nos ha
dado ejemplo de cómo tratar a
quienes nos maltratan e incluso
nos acusan injustamente. Debemos rogar a Dios por ellos tal
como lo hizo Cristo.
¿Es fácil? ¡De ninguna manera! Solo es posible cuando
tenemos la costumbre de comunicarnos a diario con Dios
mediante la oración. No se
trata de las oraciones que hacen
las personas antes de tomar
un examen o cuando afrontan
una situación peligrosa. Ni se
trata de repetir algo que hemos
memorizado. Es, más bien,
como hablar con un amigo por
teléfono, tratando acerca de
nuestros quehaceres diarios y de
nuestros sentimientos. A medida
que cultivemos nuestra relación
personal con Cristo a través de
la oración, poco a poco cambiarán
nuestras actitudes. Cuando alguien nos ofende, aunque nos
sintamos lastimados, podemos
reaccionar con compasión en
vez de enojarnos”.
National Symposium on Hispanic Leadership
and Philanthropy for a 21st Century Church
Special to La Prensa
The June 25 Catholic leaders
meeting called for greater investment to support leadership development of those in Hispanic ministry. Archbishop Jose H. Gomez
of Los Angeles called the historic
gathering of great importance to
Hispanics, to the Church and to
the country. Over 120 leading
Catholic philanthropists, bishops,
educators, Hispanic ministry leaders and business leaders committed
themselves to acting upon the recommendations that resulted from
the Symposium.
The first-of-its-kind Symposium
was co-sponsored by Foundations
and Donors Interested in Catholic
Activities (FADICA), the National
Leadership Roundtable on Church
Management (The Leadership
Roundtable), the Mexican American Catholic College (MACC),
and the University of the Incarnate
Word, San Antonio.
Each of these organizations
plays a key role in helping the
symposium leaders spread the
word about their cause and what
they plan to accomplish with the
establishment of a new church.
FADICA is community organization that is committed to Catholic
values. Members of this group
desire to use their philanthropy in
an impactful way by addressing
church needs.
With hopes of also making a
positive impact and helping better
spread the gospel and ministry of
Hispanic Catholics, University of
the Incarnate Word has also joined
forces in this cause. Having a faith
based mission of serving others and
the community, educators at UIW
are partnering with other leaders
and philanthropists to support the
Hispanic ministry.
The Mexican American Catholic
College, an institution of higher
learning, empowers and teaches
leaders to serve and make a difference in the lives of others in a culturally diverse church, through the
use of their educational programs.
The courses taught at this college,
prepare students to respond and
contribute to the needs of multicultural and Hispanic communities.
Dr. Arturo Chavez, President
and CEO of MACC called on the
Catholic Church to “recognize the
blessings and opportunities of the
growing Latino youth and young
adult population. At the same
time, we must recognize Latinos
will most likely lead the Catholic
Church in the near future, so we
must form relationships which
engage them as active members
of the community and future leaders,” he said.
Kerry A. Robinson, Executive
Director of the Leadership Roundtable celebrated the extraordinarily
diverse collection of people, organizations, and interests represent-
ed, all of whom share a common
mission grounded in the Gospel
and a commitment to Hispanic
Catholics who offer the Church
many gifts on multiple levels.
“UIW is really proud to have so
many leaders and philanthropists
here to talk about a subject that is
very important to the life of our
country,” said Dr. Louis Agnese
President of the University of the
Incarnate Word. “We are very
hopeful that this symposium will
bear great fruit for the future.
Archbishop Gustavo GarciaSiller of San Antonio welcomed
the symposium as a great opportunity to better understand the
gifts and challenges presented by
the growing Hispanic population
in the U.S. “It is a great challenge
but important for us to address how
we are going to pass on our faith
and values to future generations of
Hispanic Catholics in the U.S.,”
said Archbishop Garcia-Siller.
“This gathering helps us see different points of view and different
attempts on how to respond to this
Alexia K. Kelley, President and
CEO of FADICA said “Our hope is
that the new partnerships and creative opportunities identified today
will bear much fruit for Hispanic
leadership and engagement in our
Church and in our communities,
and will contribute to new models
of collaboration and innovation
that support a vital Church.”
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
5 de julio de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio Bexar County Flood Control
proposes a new project
Ground Broken on New District 2 Library
Special to La Prensa
have come to expect. Print and
electronic books will be available,
along with a public computing
lab, free WiFi and laptops available for check out. Professional
librarians will provide reference
and research assistance and programming for children, teens and
adults will be available.
“Libraries are community hubs
with over five million annual
visits last year alone,” said City
Manager Sculley. “They provide
free, accessible and safe environments for our children and
families while encouraging creativity and knowledge. Libraries
provide educational enrichment
for all visitors through their print
and digital collections, as well as
through their programming.”
The Schaefer Branch Library
will be welcoming with communal learning spaces, individual
study spaces and lounge areas.
The building will house a large
community meeting room for
civic activities. The project will
also include a public art piece
designed by local artist Cakky
Brawley. The entire project is
funded with $6 million from
the voter-approved 2012-2017
Bond Program. An additional
$100,000 is funding the public
art component.
“It is the San Antonio Public
Library’s goal to provide access
to information and resources to
build the community’s prosperity,
to respond to community challenges and to serve as a welcoming community gathering place,”
said Ramiro Salazar, Director of
the San Antonio Public Library.
“We had a number of successful
input meetings to gather the community’s thoughts on the design
and functionality of this new
library, and we look forward to
seeing these ideas come to life.”
The Schaefer Branch Library
project is managed by Transportation & Capital Improvements for
the San Antonio Public Library.
The library was designed by LPA,
Inc. and will be constructed by
Davila Construction, Inc. The
project should be complete in the
fall of 2016.
Councilman Alan E. Warrick,
II, was recently joined by City
Manager Sheryl Sculley and officials from the San Antonio Public
Library, the Department for Culture and Creative Development
and Transportation & Capital
Improvements in celebrating the
start of construction on a new
District 2 Library.
The new facility will serve
residents in the far East side of
San Antonio and will be named
after its land donors, the Sam
Schaefer family.
“Empowering today’s young
people means putting resources
in front of them,” said Councilman Warrick. “The new Schaefer
Branch Library will create opportunities for discussions, generate powerful ideas and foster a
greater vision for District 2.”
The project will build a new
11,600 square foot library with
Bexar County Commissioner Paul Elizondo proposes the Woodlawn at 36th St. Project as a slippery- all of the traditional and modern
resistant zone. (Photo, Christina Acosta)
resources San Antonio residents
the area.
culverts, big drainage pipes,
Elizondo expressed, “We re-route the water in a way that
By Christina Acosta
also have an elementary school comes straight out there down
[email protected]
there, mothers and grandparents to the entrance to St. Mary’s
If you are tired of being sur- take kids to school and that is a into the creek there,” Elizondo
rounded by flooded areas during danger to them too. The value went on.
All of these convincing opheavy rain in San Antonio, then for their home resale is very
you are probably ready to see low; they can’t sell it if it’s in tions would lead to failure and a
changes made in your neigh- the flood zone because there future of continuous flood probare rules and regulations. One lems during the rainy weather.
The Bexar County Flood of the important compartments Bexar County Flood Control
Control has proposed a project of this plan is to remove 124 decided to take a risk and initiate
in the area of Woodlawn at 36th homes from the 100-year flood the project even though it had a
street. The project has been in plain and to improve the public preliminary design.
safety along Belfair Avenue,
Although the Bexar County
the works for a long time.
“This has been 10 years in which currently floods go high Flood Control has more steps to
go until construction, Elizondo
the making. The estimated cost as three feet.”
This scared many that went proved that San Antonio has pre- The library rendering shows the final look once the project is completed in fall of 2016. (Photo courtesy)
for this project will be around
18 million dollars,” said Bexar to the community meeting after viously built successful projects.
“The bridge on Ingram Rd…
County Commissioner Paul not understanding which homes
Elizondo when going into detail will be removed. After looking at that connects one part of the
the map, some were not pleased northwest to the other part of
about the project.
The project includes con- with the proposal. One attendee the northwest, west of the Instructing an underground sys- asked, “What is the point of this gram park mall… The retaining
tem to be built below Hillcrest meeting if you are not covering pond now called the Old Span- Special to La Prensa
ish Walk and Trail where the
Drive beginning at Apache the whole area on the map?”
Elizondo explained that there Northwest Shopping Center use
Creek north of Woodlawn. It
BBVA Compass and LiftFund,
will continue down to 36th could have been other routes to be. We bought it, a 30 million the nation’s largest nonprofit small
street under Globe Ave., ending taken in order to fix the prob- dollar project, and we are hoping business lender, celebrated the
at Apache Creek near St. Mary’s lems. They could have bought all the same for Woodlawn Lake.” grand opening in San Antonio
those homes or even bulldozed
Elizondo gave his word that Tuesday of the BBVA Compass
There have been many ongo- them to the ground. After knock- the project will be beneficial LiftFund Lending and Learning
ing problems in this area when ing the houses down, they could to the city of San Antonio. The Center, named in honor of the
project is planned to start con- BBVA Compass Foundation’s $1
it comes to rain and flooding. have made a park.
“A cheaper alternative is struction in August 2016 and to million gift to assist in the develop- Manuel “Manolo” Sánchez and Janie Barrera. (Courtesy photo)
Elizondo expressed concern for
those who live or even pass by to put drainage in and larger be completed by February 2018. ment of entrepreneurs and small microlending for small businesses their communities.”
In 2014, LiftFund served over
and entrepreneurs.
“We are both honored and grate- 1,600 individuals, providing nearly
As one of the nation’s leading
Small Business Administration ful for BBVA Compass’ support 6,000 hours of technical assistance
lenders, BBVA Compass has a and financial commitment to our through business advising and edulong-standing commitment to mission,” said LiftFund President cational services. To date, LiftFund
small businesses and maintains and CEO Janie Barrera. “Being able has made over 16,000 loans totaling
a cooperative partnership with to provide capital to small business more than $190 million.
runs through July 31, encourages August 4. Voting will take place LiftFund, which has developed a owners is imperative; however, giv“Small businesses are the founSpecial to La Prensa
fans to design and submit a Stars- August 4-19 online at nationally recognized, innovative ing them the opportunity to learn dation of strong, thriving communithemed medal to be produced and
The winner will receive four and proven program for entrepre- about achieving entrepreneurial ties,” said BBVA Compass ChairThe San Antonio Stars recently sold for 2016 Fiesta® San Anto- tickets to the Stars-Phoenix Mer- neurial success.
success is an essential part of who man and CEO Manolo Sánchez.
announced that proceeds from nio, with all proceeds benefitting cury game on September 5, a fan
The BBVA Compass Lending we are as an organization. Because “Our $1 million gift to LiftFund
fan-designed medals are going the Silver & Black Give Back experience including Co-Captain and Learning Center, one of the of BBVA Compass’ generosity, allows us to team up with this great
to benefit Silver & Black Give foundation.
of the game with an in-game spot- main buildings at the city’s Lift- we have an opportunity to increase organization to empower small
Contest entries must be sent to light, a customized San Antonio Fund Lending and Learning Cam- our capacity to fund loans, educate businesses to move themselves
The San Antonio Stars are [email protected] by July 31. Stars jersey, an SBGB swag bag pus, will be the hub for LiftFund’s entrepreneurs and positively affect and their neighborhoods forward.”
looking for creative fans for their
Fans can vote on their favorite and 10 Fiesta® medals.
first-ever Fiesta® medal design design from a group of five finalSubmitted artwork should be
contest. The competition, which ists, which will be announced on the entrant’s original creation and
should not depict nor name any
WNBA players, legends, coaches
Meet Annalee! She is a 5 year old Chow
or personnel. Entrants must be US
Chow mix looking for a family to love. This
residents and live within 75 miles
close to 70 lb pup is a doll to be around and
of the San Antonio city limits. For
absolutely loves her daily walks. Annalee
a complete list of contest rules, go
would do best in a home with adults and as
the only furry companion, as she enjoys beThe winner of the Stars Fiing the center of attention. She has a calm
esta® medal design contest will
personality and enjoys lounging around
be announced on August 21,
with those she loves. This laid back gal
after which the medals can be
hopes to meet her forever family soon and
purchased for $10 each. Purchase
wants nothing more but to be adored. She
details to follow. The Stars medal
is heartworm positive, but after a few more
is the first in a planned series of
treatments she will be heartworm free. Come
2016 Fiesta® medals from the
by the SAHS today to meet sweet Annalee!
Spurs Sports & Entertainment
Please remember to spay/neuter your pets
family of teams.
Silver & Black Give Back is a to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society,
nonprofit partner of the Fiesta® Connecting Friends for Life.
San Antonio Commission. ProAdoption fees for Dogs:
ceeds from the medals sold will
25 pounds & under - $99
benefit SBGB programs like the
26 pounds & over - $65
Team Up Challenge and Future
*Adoption fees may vary
Stars League.
LiftFund celebrates BBVA Compass’
$1 million gift with naming ceremony
San Antonio Stars announce
fiesta medal design contest
Pet of the week
This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer,
flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of
adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch
Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San
Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., visit, or call (210) 226-7461.
provided plus $75
per day. Call (210)
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90. $600 mensuales
(07/14/15) y recibos pagados.
---------------------- (210) 430-7270.
Kohinoor Restau(07/08/15)
rant is looking for
kitchen help, a cook, SALE/VENTAS:
dishwasher, prep and
server. 9425 Freder- Crestwood Estates.
icksburg Rd. (210) Lotes para su mo605-4701.
bile home y mobile
(07/05/15) homes en venta, nue---------------------- vas y seminuevas, paFull-Time, Live-In gos accesibles. Angie
Housekeeper/Care- Rdz. (210) 716-9097.
giver to care for 3 el(07/26/15)
derly. Duties include ---------------------cooking, cleaning, Crestwood Estates le
medication admin- ofrece mobile homes
istration, bathing & de venta y lotes de
dressing. Some lift- renta. Los mejores
ing may be required. precios en el área.
Person must live in Abby Rubio (210)
the home and speak 719-7582.
some English. Ex(07/26/15)
perience preferred. ---------------------Room and Board Crestwood Estates
La Prensa de San Antonio
has mobile homes
for sale and lots for
rent. Call and ask
for our special. (210)
Maytag dryer, large
capacity $85. Call
after 6 p.m. Monday
thru Friday and after
1 p.m. Saturday or
Sunday (210) 5088085.
---------------------MOBILE HOME
½ acre, Bandera
Hill Country, water & sewer already
(210) 683-1121, NO
---------------------REPO, ¼ acre with
utilities installed, 23k
(210) 683-1121.
---------------------Beauty Salon for
sale: Must Sell. Text
(210) 473-0124.
LLAME A (210)
---------------------Pintura, pongo tile,
hago y reparo cercas
de madera y alambre,
plomería, sheetrock,
carpintería, pongo
puertas, ventanas y
roofing reparación.
Habla con Jesús Villa. Llame a (210)
---------------------Reparamos desde $49
lavadoras, secadoras,
refrigeradoras, estufas, A/C’s. Todas
marcas, garantizado.
Llame a (210) 6059418 o (210) 4890604 o (210) 4880779.
---------------------Movida e instalación de mobile
homes, conexiones
de plomería y electricidad, decks y faldón.
Llame a 3B’s Services. (713) 494-0084.
---------------------Le ayudamos a cambiar el título de su
mobile home. Si no
tiene título o lo tiene
perdido. Llámenos
(210) 628-1314.
---------------------Prestamos joyería de
oro, título de carro y
Bienes Raíces. (210)
---------------------Reparación de lavadoras, secadoras y
refrigeradores, estimado gratis. Trabajo
rápido, a domicilio,
garantizado, también
los compro y vendo.
(210) 324-9821.
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of jesus, in
the past I have asked
for many favours, this
time I ask for a special
one (mention favour).
Take it dear Heart
of Jesus and place it
within your own broken heart where your
Father sees it. Then
in his merciful eyes it
will become your favour not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for
3 days and promise
publication and your
favour will be granted
no matter how imposible
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore
you, I love you, and
with lively sorrow
for my sins I offer
you this poor heart
of mine. Make me
humble, patient, pure
and wholly obedient
to your will. Grant,
Good Jesus, that I may
live in you and for
you. Protect me in
the midst of danger.
Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus,
the Church honors
and invokes you universally, as the patron
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with God
for me that He brings
visible and speedy
help where help is
almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need
that I may receive the
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings,
particularly - (make
your request here) and that I may praise
God with you and all
the saints forever. I
promise, O Blessed St.
Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor
granted me by God
and to always honor
you as my special and
powerful patron, and
to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
deben de abrir en mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la
tranquilidad que ansío (tres peticiones
5 de julio de 2015
difíciles). Súplica que
te hace un corazón
afligido por los duros golpes del cruel
destino que lo han
vencido siempre en
la lucha humana, ya
que sin tu poder divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho.
Confío en Dios Padre
y en su misericordia
divina, por eso pido
a Él que ilumine mi
camino y me otorgue
la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publi-
Príncipe de la Milicia
Celestial, con el poder
que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a
Satanás, y a los demás
espíritus malignos que
vagan por el mundo
para la perdición de
car y observe lo que las almas. Amén.
ocurrirá el cuarto día. R.V.
Novena Los tres
Oración a María
Novena Los tres ángeRosa Mistica
les Protectores: San Oh María, Rosa MístiGabriel, San Miguel, ca, Madre de Jesús y
y San Rafael.
también Madre nuesPrenda 3 velas blancas tra! Tú eres nuestra
en un plato con agua esperanza, nuestra fory azúcar y haga su taleza y nuestro conpetición. A los tres suelo. Danos desde
días publique esta el cielo tu maternal
oración. Aunque no bendición en el nomcrea mire que pasa el bre del Padre, del Hijo
cuarto día.
y del Espíritu Santo,
San Miguel Arcángel, Amén.
San Miguel Arcán- Rosa Mística, Ingel, defiéndenos en la maculada Virgen ,
lucha. Sé nuestro am- Madre de la gracia,
paro contra la perver- en honor de tu Divino
sidad y acechanzas del Hijo, nos postramos
demonio. Que Dios ante Ti, para implorar
manifieste sobre él su la misericordia de
poder, humildemente Dios. No por nuestros
te lo pedimos. Y tú, oh méritos, sino por la
Invitation for Bids
its Affiliates request proposals for:
Resurfacing Services
Proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. (CST)
on July 21, 2015 and publicly opened at that time
at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204.
A pre-submittal meeting will be held on July 1,
2015 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at 818 S. Flores, San
Antonio, Texas 78204.
This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result,
contractors will be required to provide economic,
educational and/or training opportunities to very
low and low income individuals.
Specifications packages are available online at, or at, or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores, San Antonio,
Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: David Nisivoccia
Interim President and CEO
Invitation for Bids
its Affiliates request bids for:
Carpet Cleaning. Bids will be received until 3:00
p.m. (CDST) on, July 21, 2015 and publicly
opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA
Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal meeting will
be held on July 7, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (CDST) at
the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204
This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result,
contractors will be required to provide economic,
educational and/or training opportunities to very
low and low income individuals.
Specifications packages are available online at,,, or at
SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S.
Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling
(210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: David Nisivoccia
Interim President and CEO
5 de julio de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio 7-B
bondad de tu corazón
maternal, pedimos
ayuda y gracias, con
la seguridad de ser
escuchados. (Rezar un
Rosa Mística, Madre
de Jesús, Reina del
Santo Rosario y
Madre de la Iglesia,
Cuerpo Místico de
Jesucristo. Te pedimos para el mundo
destrozado por las
discordias, el don de
la unión, de la paz y
de todas las gracias
que pueden convertir
los corazones de tantos hijos tuyos. (Avemaría)
Rosa Mística, Madre
de los apóstoles, haz
florecer alrededor de
los altares eucarísticos, numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales
y religiosas, que con
la santidad de su vida
y el celo ardiente por
las almas, puedan extender el Reino de tu
Hijo Jesús por todo el
mundo. Derrama, Oh
Madre sobre nosotros
tus dones celestiales.
Salve, Oh Rosa
Mística, Madre de la
iglesia, ruega por nosotros.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos
del redentor, primer
vicario de Jesucristo
en su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo
a tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con tu
sombra se auxilia al
que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al
enfermo y a cuantos
te piden favor.
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor
tantos favores y tan
admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
Oración a Santa
Clara de Asís
Gloriosa Santa Clara
de Asís, por aquella
fe inquebrantable que
te hizo servirte de las
cosas terrenas buscando las del cielo,
por aquella esperanza
firme con que venciste todas las dificultades que se oponían
a tu santificación, por
aquella caridad pura y
ardiente que te movió
en todo los momentos de la vida, yo te
suplico con humilde
confianza que intercedas ante Dios y me
obtengas su favor en
lo que te pido (hágase
la petición) y esperanza firme y caridad
ardiente para con Dios
y el prójimo. Padre
nuestro, Avemaría y
Prayer to the Infant
of Atocha
You are the powerful
Savious of all people,
protector of the invalid and almighty doctor
of the infirm. Holy
Infant, we honor you.
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this day
I pray to you to answer
my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask
you with all my heart
to help me. Please be
with me in thought
and spirit when I find
my peace and that you
will be with me in the
Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén
a aquellos que casi
carecen de toda esperanza. Vela por mí.
Mi vida es una vida de
cruces, mis días son
días de tribulación y
mi corazón es un océano de amargura. Mi
alma está envuelta en
las tinieblas. El desasosiego, el desánimo,
la desconfianza, y a
veces, aún la falta de
esperanza, agobian
mi alma. La Divina
Providencia parece
perderse de mi vista y
la fe parece fallar en
mi corazón. Abrumado por estos pensamientos, pido tu ayuda.
No me abandones en
esta triste situación.
Apresúrate en mi ayuda. Te lo agradeceré
toda mi vida y te honraré como mi especial
patrono. Agradeceré a
Dios todos los dones
que te ha otorgado
y fomentaré tu culto
cuanto me sea posible.
San Judas Tadeo
¡San Judas Tadeo!,
pariente de Jesucristo, glorioso apóstol y
mártir reconocido por
tus virtudes y milagros. Fiel y puntual
intercesor de todos
los que te honran
y confían en ti. Tú
eres poderoso protector y auxilio en las
grandes aflicciones.
Te ruego, desde lo
más profundo de mi
corazón, que vengas
en mi ayuda con tu
poderosa intercesión,
Divino Niño
pues has recibido de Niño amable de mi
Dios el privilegio de vida, consuelo de los
socorrer con tu ayuda cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos,
Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré
a ti en vano, pues eres
el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado sin
tu auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza,
humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y
esperanza este favor
yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño Jesús,
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus,
the Church honors
and invokes you universally, as the patron
Invitation for Bids
its Affiliates request bids for:
An Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity
Shingle Roofing Repairs and Replacements. Bids
will be received until 2:00 p.m. (CST) on, July 16,
2015 and publicly opened at that time at the offices
of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S.
Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal
meeting will be held on July 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
(CST) at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores,
San Antonio, Texas 78204
This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result,
contractors will be required to provide economic,
educational and/or training opportunities to very
low and low income individuals.
Specifications packages are available online at,,, or at
SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S.
Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling
(210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: David Nisivoccia
Interim President and CEO
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a wine and beverage retailers permit and food and a food and
beverage certificate by Rosalinda Suarez dba
Plaza Garibaldi located at 1535 South Brazos,
San Antonio, 78207 Bexar County, Texas. Owner
Rosalinda Suarez.
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with God
for me that He brings
visible and speedy
help where help is
almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need
that I may receive the
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings,
particularly - (make
your request here) and that I may praise
God with you and all
the saints forever. I
promise, O Blessed St.
Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor
granted me by God
and to always honor
you as my special and
powerful patron, and
to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
car tu sagrado consuelo en mi difícil
situación, no me
desampares de las
puertas que se me
hacen de abrir e mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la
tranquilidad que ansío (tres peticiones
difíciles). Súplica que
te hace un corazón
afligido por los duros golpes del cruel
destino que lo han
vencido siempre en
la lucha humana, ya
que sin tu poder divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho.
Confío en Dios Padre
y en su misericordia
divina, por eso pido
Para los casos más a Él que ilumine mi
camino y me otorgue
Ante ti vengo con la la gracia que tanto defe de mi alma, a bus- seo. Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publi- tu Espíritu y todo será
car y observe lo que creado. Y renuevas la
ocurrirá el cuarto día. faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a los
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus corazones de los fieles
O most holy heart of con la luz del Espíritu
Jesus, fountain of ev- Santo, concédenos el
ery blessing, I adore don del mismo Esyou, I love you, and píritu seamos siempre
with lively sorrow siempre del bien y
for my sins I offer gozar de su consuelo.
you this poor heart Por Cristo nuestro Seof mine. Make me ñor. Amen.
humble, patient, pure
Oración a la
and wholly obedient
to your will. Grant, Virgen de Juquila
Good Jesus, that I may Madre Querida, Virlive in you and for gen de Juquila, Virgen
you. Protect me in de nuestra esperanza,
the midst of danger. tuya es nuestra vida,
Comfort me in my cuídanos de todo mal.
afflictions. Give me Si en este mundo de
health of body, assis- injusti­cias, de miseria
tance in my temporal y pecado ves que nuesneeds, your blessing tra vida se turba, no
on all that I do, and the nos abandones. Madre
grace of a holy death. Querida, protege a los
peregrinos, acompaAmen.
ñamos por todos los
caminos, vela por los
La sombra de
pobres sin sustento y el
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo, pan que se les quita rellena los corazones de tribúyeselos. Acompátus fieles y enciende ñanos en toda nuestra
en ellos el fuego de tu vida y libéranos de todo
amor. Envía, Señor, tipo de pecado. Amén.
The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local
Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown.
CSP 15C-020
Deadline: 7/23/15
A pre-proposal meeting and site visit will be held on July 7, 2015 at St. Philip’s
College, 1801 Martin Luther King Drive, San Antonio, TX 78203-2098 Campus
Center Building, The Heritage Room 102, promptly at 9:00 a.m. A tour of the project site will be conducted immediately, following the meeting. Safety equipment
(i.e. hardhat, safety vest) and a flashlight is required to enter the project site.
For more information, contact Asst. Director, Karen Gottfried, at 210/485-0122.
CSP 15A-025
Deadline: 7/23/15
For more information, contact Asst. Director, Jeremy Taub, at 210/485-0131.
Bids/proposals to be delivered as follows:
By U.S. Mail or Courier Service:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693
San Antonio, TX 78212
By hand delivery by Bidder/Offeror:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg. 41, Room 101
San Antonio, TX 78212
Bids/proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room
#401 at the hand delivery address. Specifications are available by visiting Alamo
College’s website
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio
personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté
interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave
que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Busco un hombre que sea sincero,
solo, que no tenga compromiso.
De 60-65 años, que sea mexicano,
que sea alegre, que le guste el baile,
cine o reuniones familiares. Yo
soy una mujer divorciada. Tengo
59 años. Soy muy alegre, buen
carácter. Soy blanca, mido 5.2 pies.
----------------------------Hola, soy una mujer sola y viuda sin
compromisos. Busco un hombre
que tenga más o menos mi edad,
de 68 a 70 años. Soy blanca, ojos
café, pelo café. Mido 5’5’’. No me
importa si el hombre es más bajo
que yo, no más que sea bueno y
le guste lo que a mí me gusta. Si
es moreno está bien, no más que
sea buena persona conmigo. Yo
ya tengo mucho de estar sola sin
compañero, por eso yo busco un
buen hombre. Yo sé que muchos
hombres están solos a la edad de
nosotros. Necesitamos un cariño de
verdad Si hay alguien que le guste
mi carta, pues conteste. Estaré
esperando una buena persona para
mí. Su amiga.
----------------------------Soy un caballero de 59 años solo.
Soy alto, mido 6 pies, pelo negro,
moreno claro. Peso normal. Soy
buena persona. Te ofrezco mi
atención, mi amor. Sé valorar. Te
doy toda mi alma. Busco una dama.
45 a 55 años, sola, sin niños, que
su talla sea 12 o 14, peso normal.
Que sea buena persona, cariñosa,
que desee una relación seria.
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Vivo
solo, tengo mi apartamento, mi
carro, estoy retirado y trabajo.
Busco una señora para una relación
seria, no importa el físico. No
juegos, ni pasatiempo. Si buscas honesta. Me gusta la música y las
lo mismo escríbeme. No te diversiones sanas. Me gusta la
verdad, la dignidad de las personas.
C-229 Deseo conocer un hombre de 68
----------------------------años, alto 5’8”, de peso entre los
Soy una mujer de 45 años de edad y 178 a los 185. Que sea: fiel, sincero,
soy divorciada, amable y cariñosa. honesto, de buenas costumbres,
Estoy en busca de un hombre buen carácter, digno, que hable
bueno de 45 a 50 años que busque como hombre y que no tenga vicios
algo muy serio. Si te interesa, con las drogas, atractivo, educado,
mándame tu carta. Te espero.
de buenos principios, respetuoso
D-230 y de buenos sentimientos. Que sea
----------------------------de Estados Unidos, de San Antonio
Me gustaría conocer a alguien para TX. Si hay alguien que tenga todo
amistad, entre los 49 a 60 años, esto: escríbeme, porque yo tengo
para mi cumpleaños, que es el 10 todo esto.
de octubre. Tengo 60 años, soy
de estatura media, me gustan las
----------------------------actividades al aire libre.
Caballero buscando una dama
C-231 de 63 para arriba. Quizás poder
----------------------------convertir un sueño en realidad. Mi
Soy una mujer de 68 años, Latina, salud: excelente. No fumo/tomo.
5’3”, 142 libras, morena clara. Yo Visiones: ir a la playa, fotografía,
tengo buenos sentimientos y soy viajes a ríos, la pesca, flora,
fauna, lugares históricos, leer un
buen libro. Soy adaptable. Speak
English? No un requerimiento.
Aquí esperando
----------------------------Saludos a dama sin compromiso.
Soy un hombre de 61 años y
divorciado por seis. He trabajado
para el gobierno federal por treinta
y dos años y pienso trabajar otros
cuatro. Soy blanco, mido 5’7”
y soy de peso normal. No tomo,
no fumo. Me gusta salir a comer
a restaurantes, cine y divertirme
sanamente. Busco dama de 40 a
55 años, no importa su estatura y
que sea de peso normal. También
que sea buena, sin compromiso,
cariñosa y sencilla. Espero tu
----------------------------Hola, soy una señora de 63 años,
chaparrita y gordita. Soy sincera,
honesta, alegre, romántica, sensible
y de buenos sentimientos. Deseo
conocer un hombre sencillo, noble
y sincero, que sea romántico y
detallista, sin compromiso. Para
entablar una relación seria después
de conocernos bien.
----------------------------Hola. Soy un hombre cristiano en
los 50’s en busca de una buena
mujer cristiana que le guste leer la
Biblia, ir a la iglesia para ir juntos
a buscar a los perdidos, que no les
de vergüenza hablar de Cristo, que
le guste predicar la palabra de Dios,
para que sea mi compañera ideal.
Sin vicios, ni tatuajes, que desee
unir su vida a un buen hombre.
Prometo amarla y respetarla todos
los días de mi vida. Escríbeme, te
aseguro que no te arrepentirás.
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio
Llegando a casi
todo el sur de texas
Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi
5 de julio de 2015
5 de julio de 2015
Canal 41 Univisión celebra 60 aniversario
Texto y fotos
por Roberto J. Pérez
La familia de Univisión Communications Inc. se reunió en
San Antonio para celebrar el
60 aniversario de esta empresa,
que nació en esta ciudad con su
primera estación KWEX Canal
41, transmitiendo sus primeros
programas el día primero de
junio de 1955.
La ceremonia de reapertura de
Univisión tuvo como escenario
la galería de arte de Texas A&M
University, ubicada en Market
Square, el viernes 26 de junio,
con asistencia del personal del
Canal 41, invitados y funcionarios públicos.
Durante el convivio los asistentes departieron momentos de
recuerdos y emotivos discursos
alusivos para dar marco al
tradicional corte de listón, que
proyecta a esta importante empresa hacia un futuro promisorio
informando y entreteniendo
al público de habla hispana.
Además de seguir siendo un
valioso medio de publicidad
para la industria y el comercio
Ceremonia para cortar el listón de re inauguración del Canal 41 (fundado hace 60 años) con Jorge Núñez, Lili Estefan, Dra. Cynthia
Teniente-Matson, Ivy Taylor, alcaldesa de la ciudad de San Antonio, y Henry Cisneros.
Ina M. Minjarez, State Rep. Dist. 124, presentó a Univisión una
proclama alusiva emitida por el Congreso del Estado de Texas.
Richard Pérez, presidente San Antonio Chamber of Commerce,
Mónica Sanford (Hispanic Chamber) y Amparo Ortiz.
y Carolina Vela.
Jessica Rodríguez, directora de mercadotecnia de Univisión.
Jorge Núñez, Antonio Guillén, Brenda
Jiménez y Chris Morris, General Manager
de Univisión para San Antonio y el Estado
de Texas.
Ivy Taylor y Mónica Navarro.
Mariana Veraza.
Francisco Navarro y Anuar Revuelta.
Henry Cisneros, Ivy Taylor, alcaldesa de la ciudad de San Antonio, y Jorge Núñez.
César Medrano, productor por de 36 años en el Canal 41.
5 de julio de 2015
La fundación de los Spurs, Silver & Black Give Back (SBGB), a través de sus programas comunitarios, eligió a varios estudiantes para que participaran en el partido del equipo Stars de San Antonio contra Storm jugado en el Coliseo Freeman, donde acompañaron a integrantes de la porra Star Squad, así como a conductores de promociones, anunciantes del sonido local, productores de
programaciones, y encargados de los medios sociales, entre otras actividades. Los alumnos de diversas edades aprendieron lo básico del programa ya que ellos serán los futuros presentadores y
formarán parte del selecto grupo de entretenimiento y recepción de espectadores, entre otras funciones dentro del programa y actividades de SBGB. (Fotos, Franco)
El popular coro musical IlluMen, por invitación del equipo Stars de San Antonio y su patrocinador
St. Philip’s College (asociado a Alamo Colleges), interpretó el Himno Nacional en el Coliseo Freeman
(teniendo de frente a las banderas de Texas y Estados Unidos) por lo que recibieron felicitaciones
de espectadores y de los equipos Stars y Storm de Seattle.
Una grata experiencia fue la que obtuvo este selecto grupo de fans que fueron invitados para que
presentasen balones a cada una de las jugadoras del equipo Stars de San Antonio, que celebraron
su segunda victoria consecutiva en la WNBA derrotando al equipo visitante Storm de Seattle. Cada
uno de ellos con orgullo vistió camiseta con el nombre de Stars.
Momento de la aplaudida promoción “Human Bowling”, patrocinada por la empresa SWBC, la cual con éxito se ha venido presentando durante intermedios de los partidos de Stars de San Antonio en el Coliseo Freeman. En la promoción participan cuatro
espectadores, elegidos al azar, quienes forman dos equipos: uno de ellos se sienta en una plataforma rodante mientras que su compañero lo impulsa para hacer impacto contra cinco “pinos”. El equipo que tumba más pinos es el ganador de premio especial. La
mascota The Fox, gusta animarlos y ayudarlos tumbando discretamente los pinos que no son impactados.
La gerencia general del equipo Stars de San Antonio con éxito
presentó su promoción denominada Silver & Black Give Back
Night, celebrada durante el espectacular partido que dieron las
Stars y las chicas visitantes del club Storm de Seattle. Los 4,067
espectadores asistentes recibieron como recuerdo coloridos lentes
oscuros alusivos al evento.
Durante el el intermedio del partido contra Storm de Seattle, en la arena del Coliseo Freeman, La comunidad Sikh de San Antonio y su grupo Kaurs Singhs fue presentada en el medio tiempo
casa de las Spurs de San Antonio, la fundación Silver & Black Give Back le dio la bienvenida a del partido Stars vs. Storm en el Coliseo Freeman, donde convivieron y presentaron sus costumselecto grupo de karatecas de la Academy for the Martial Arts, que dieron espectacular exhibición. bres. Stars cumplió con la importancia de honrar la diversidad cultural en la región de El Álamo.
5 de julio de 2015
Vans Warped Tour rocks San Antonio
Acts like August Burns Red, AtText and photos by Kristian Jaime tila, Moose Blood, Black Veil Brides
[email protected]
and Man Overboard to name a few,
rocked the Alamo City to kick off
The 2015 Vans Warped Tour summer. The 20 year-old music
came and went, but not before festival now moves on to Nashville,
nearly 100 bands hit stages across Tennessee before closing out the
the AT&T Center parking lot.
tour with a frenzy of shows.
YOSA and local musicians come together for one memorable night
stage to pay tribute to one of the
Text and Photos by Alyssa Bunting best albums in 90s, Radiohead’s
[email protected]
“Ok Computer” by playing it
from start to finish. The audience
Last weekend, different mu- was left in awe as each musisicals aspects from San Antonio cian brought their own rendition
came together in the Tobin Center to songs such as “Lucky” and
of Performing Arts for a once in a “Paranoid Android” backed by
life time opportunity.
the beautiful melodies of the
The Youth Orchestra of San philharmonic. YOSA will use the
Antonio (YOSA) philharmonic proceeds from the show for their
and local musicians shared the scholarship and music programs.
5 de julio de 2015
Fourth of July grilling tips
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
America’s birthday is right
around the corner and we bet
you’re getting ready to put hamburgers, hot dogs and sausages on
the grill.
If you want to be considered a
grill master, you must take precaution when barbequing. The
president of San Antonio-based
Kiolbassa Provisions, Michael
Kiolbassa, has provided safety
guidelines to follow.
Kiolbassa’s tailgating expertise
has even been featured on the Food
Network and is ready for readers
to keep safe while they grill this
holiday weekend.
The first thing you should look
out for is the location of the barbeque pit. Kiolbassa pointed out
that there are three things to figure
out when setting up your grill.
“Set up your grill in a safe place
that is generally away from buildings, especially dry leaves or brush
things because it might be able
to catch on fire,” said Kiolbassa.
“You also want to put it on a level
surface that is away from any low
hanging trees when you first start. It
is also not a bad idea to have a fire
extinguisher nearby, just in case.”
The next things to think about are
utensils and the appropriate dress
code for cooking.
“You want to use long-handled
utensils so your hands don’t get
over the coals too much because
that’s where the heat is. If you have
a loose shirt tail or something like
that make sure it does not get over
the coals,” he continued.
Another piece of advice Kiolbassa wants cooks to remember is
to never leave the grilling station.
“The one big thing that you
don’t want to do is don’t leave the
grill unattended when there are
kids around because little kids can
bump into it and knock it over and
get burned,” explained Kiolbassa.
“Make sure you don’t leave the
grill unattended especially when
kids are around. Obviously don’t
use any gasoline or kerosene to
help start the fire, that is not only
dangerous but it will make your
food not taste very good.”
Finally, when you are done cooking, take care of your grill.
“When you are finished grilling,
make sure to allow the coals to burn
out. You can cover the barbeque
pit with the lid and that will help
the coals burn out, well generally
speaking,” he concluded. “You
want to wait for 48 hours before
those coals are disposed of because
they are still burning inside. But if
you have to dispose of the coals
sooner than later, soak them completely in water and then you can
put them in a foil wrap and then
place them in a container that is not
going to be combustible.”
One more thing you can remember to become a grill master
is to have the right meat cooking
in your grill.
Kiolbassa explained that the
Michael Kiolbassa has proven that the company not only knows how
to make delicious sausage, but they also know how to take care of the
folks doing the barbequing on Independence Day. (Courtesy Photo)
most popular sausage is the smoked
all-beef because we live in a state
where we demand red meat. For
those looking to add spice and
flavor to your all-beef smoked sausage, try Kiolbassa all-beef smoked
sausage with jalapenos.
We hope you’ll use these guidelines to become a safe and knowledgeable grill master. You could
not have heard it better than from
the Kiolbassa President himself.
Have a happy and safe Fourth of
5 de julio de 2015
Mary Poppins soars to the Woodlawn Theatre this summer
By KeAnna Whisenhunt
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious nanny Mary Poppins
returns to the save the day in a
show stopping musical production this summer, directed by
Greg Hinojosa.
Based on the eight original
books written by Australian
novelist P.L Travers in 1934,
Mary Poppins has been a hit
classic around the world for
over 50 years. Released by Walt
Disney as a musical film in
1964, Mary Poppins is a story of
a magical nanny who is hired to
work for the family of a banker.
With her wisdom, guidance
and flying umbrella, it is up to
super nanny Mary Poppins to
plant a seed of that will nurture
the Banks family’s desire to
love one another, despite their
With its increasing success,
Mary Poppins fulfilled a spot on
Broadway on 2006 in theatres
across the country, including
the home of Broadway theatreNew York City. Now, Mary
Poppins is dancing and singing
its way into the heart of San
Antonio at the Woodlawn this
In preparation for upcoming
Mary Poppins plays and summer camps, the Woodlawn Theatre cast and crew set aside time
last week to host a presentation
and Q&A session at the Carver
Branch Library. Children of all
ages were able to ask the cast
questions about Mary Poppins
and get a glimpse of what the
play is all about. It is the production’s goal to not only teach
the youth about Mary Poppins
and its history, but to also help
them cultivate a love and appreciation for reading.
“The most difficult part about
putting together the Mary Poppins production is that it is a
very technically intense show.
Because people are expecting to
see Mary Poppins fly, just like
the movie, we have a flying system by ZFX that our technical
team had to put into place. With
the scene changes of trying to
build the set to accommodate all
the scenes, to give the audience
the vision… it’s a difficult task
to do all of that seamlessly.”
Having only so much space to
work with so that the audience
is getting the ultimate Mary
Poppins experience adds challenges to accomplishing technical obligations, while ensuring
the safety of the cast, crew, and
Despite the obstacles that
come with putting together a
live musical and making sure
Mary Poppins can soar across
the stage like a true magical
nanny, there are many highlights and joyful moments for
the cast and production team.
Woodlawn Theatre presents the Walt Disney classic, “Mary Poppins.” (Courtesy Photo)
Mary Poppins cast member
Melissa Gonzalez describes the
pinnacle moments in theatre,
stating, “What is so amazing
about live theatre is that you
start the very first day in a circle
sitting on fold-out chairs, reading the script for the first time.
Literally six weeks later, you
have a full story that is on stage
and it looks like a movie.”
“It’s all about family values.
Mary Poppins just appears out
Música y coloridos atuendos
en el festival BRAVO!
Por Roberto J. Pérez
[email protected]
San Antonio Parks & Recreation
Department invita al público local y
el turismo a las ocho presentaciones
del festival Bravo! An Evening of
Song and Dance que comprende
de ocho conciertos –miércoles y
jueves– durante el mes de julio
con entrada gratuita en el Teatro
Arneson de La Villita.
Los conciertos están programados a las 8 de la noche. A partir
de ese momento, jóvenes artistas
de 13 a 18 años de edad llevan
al auditorio a un viaje de música
y color con vistosos atuendos
interpretando bailables de música
folclórica mexicana, jazz, hip-hop
y latin style dance.
El Department de Parks & Recreations de la ciudad de San Antonio tiene una tradición de fomentar
la cultura a través de diversos festivales y programas educativos desde
1934. Uno de estos festivales es
BRAVO! Este ha sido acreditado
con diversos premios por Texas
Recreation & Parks Society, igualmente por National Recreation &
Parks Association.
Por cortesía de la administración
of nowhere. The family talks
about hiring a new nanny, and
two seconds later she’s there.
She is there to help fix their
family, and remind them of what
is important in life and how the
father’s job isn’t that important.
Family being together is what’s
important. She teaches the kids
lessons all through the story,”
Gonzalez says.
Family is such an important
aspect to Mary Poppins and the
message it conveys, that many
of the cast members are related
to one another. “There are a lot
of families in the cast, so brings
in family values that way too …
the director’s wife and son are
in the cast.”
Classic songs, family, friendship, lessons from a flying
nanny and a spoonful of sugar
are few of many things audience members can enjoy at this
summer’s Mary Poppins, live
at the Woodlawn Theatre. Mary
Poppins is on stage live every
Friday and Saturday at 7:30
p.m. and every Sunday at 3 p.m.
Tickets are on sale now with
prices as follows: $17 for students and children, $23 for
seniors and military, and $26
for adults. Free parking is also
available. Tickets can be purchased online at, or by calling
the box office at 210-267-8388.
Chingo Bling is ready to keep it real
in S.A. with upcoming comedy show
municipal la entrada es gratuita y
solo se pide donaciones voluntarias destinada a adquirir atuendos
folclóricos y cubrir otros gastos
para estimular a las niñas y jóvenes
bailarinas que cada noche de su
presentación entregan al público lo
mejor de su sentimiento de artistas.
Bajo la conducción de Elizabeth
Ruiz y el equipo técnico y artístico
de Parks & Recreation, presenta
cada noche a sus propias academias
de baile Alamotion, dirigida por
Alysya Pérez, y Fandango por
Sonya Jiménez con el fondo musical de la banda Take Note, bajo la
conducción de Javier García.
Get ready for a night of comedy at the Guadalupe Theater July 17 with the hilarious Chingo Bling.
(Courtesy photo)
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
Chingo Bling is a man of
many hats. And I’m not talking
about the snapbacks or vaquero
hats you’ll often find him sporting.
The Trinity University graduate and Houston native, born
Pedro Herrera III, is a rapper,
actor, designer, and entrepreneur, but above all, he’s a funny
man with a message.
“To me, humor is just straight
medicine and it’s a great way to
get ideas across and to communicate,” Chingo told La Prensa.
Although his humor and wit
have always been an integral
part of his persona, he just recently delved into the realm of
stand-up comedy.
“I stayed away from it because it’s kind of difficult and
it’s kind of scary,” Chingo
However, after his acting performance in the 2012 film “Filly
Brown” led to meetings in Hollywood with different networks
who encouraged him to pursue
a career in stand-up comedy, he
gave it some thought.
Chingo eventually took the
plunge in August 2014 and he’s
been getting laughs all around,
even selling out several shows.
El departamento de Parks and Recreation de la ciudad de San Antonio invita a la comunidad al
His online presence and large
festival BRAVO! An Evening of Song and Dance, que anualmente presenta en el Teatro Arneson
social media following had a
de La Villita. (Foto, Roberto J. Pérez)
thing or two to do with this new
“When I put a video out there
and people like it and they quote
it, it reassures me that people
know where I’m coming from,”
Chingo said. “It lets me know I
need to take it live and take it
to stage.”
As he will tell you though,
crafting entertaining content
and uploading it online is a
completely different experience from performing stand-up
“The beautiful thing about
stand-up is that it’s a pure art
form,” Chingo said. “It’s just a
guy with a microphone on stage,
you put a spotlight on him and
that’s it. You can’t hide behind
the back-up dancer, you can’t
hide behind the beat, you have
to bring it.”
Getting the crowd on your
side, he said, is one of the most
difficult tasks.
“You have to make them your
friends and just make them feel
like you’re barbecuing in the
backyard just having a great
time,” he added.
San Antonians willing to
mentally transport themselves
to a backyard carne asada with
Chingo are in luck.
His comedy tour will make a
stop on Friday, July 17 at 8 p.m.
and 10:30 p.m. at the Guadalupe
For Chingo, the experience
will be similar to that of a welcome home party. He began his
music career during his time at
Trinity University taking part in
the college radio station, DJ’ing
at frat parties and selling his
mix-tapes at the flea market.
“San Antonio has definitely
had my back the longest because
that’s where I started,” he told
La Prensa. “I look forward to
going and saying some real
In true Chingo Bling fashion,
he doesn’t just plan on making
people laugh, but he also plans
to make them think.
“I’ll address some serious issues, without being too
preachy,” he explained.
He’s passionate about promoting fitness in the Latino
community as well as increasing
the number of registered voters.
“At the end of the day I just
want to give the people the truth
and be a raw voice, something
you just can’t ignore,” Chingo
said. “The moment somebody
opens their mouth to keep it
real, people are going to pay
Tickets are $20 per person
and can be purchased at the box
office or online at
For a night of family bonding, be sure to bring la vieja, el
hermano, la cuñada, y la prima,
but you might want to leave the
kids with la suegra for this one.
Adamari López regresa
a “Un Nuevo Día”
5 de julio de 2015
Lionsgate to adapt popular board
game Monopoly for the big screen
EFE - Lionsgate Studios is all
set to adapt popular board game
Monopoly for the big screen,
the company said in a statement
The project, which has Hasbro
toy company on board, has roped
in screenwriter Andrew Niccol,
known for movies that include
‘The Truman Show’, ‘Gattaca’
and ‘The Terminal’.
“Andrew Niccol is the ultimate
world creator, responsible for such
disparate and imaginative films,”
said Erik Feig, co-president of
“He is an inspired choice to
develop this timeless property into
a big, crowd-pleasing event film
that will appeal to kids, families
and anyone who has ever played
the Monopoly game,” he added.
For Stephen Davis, executive
vice president of Hasbro, Monopoly “is one of the most popular
games of all time” and its film
adaptation will have “tremendous
global appeal.”
The story will revolve around
a child, who decides to make a
fortune in the housing market, and
set him up on an adventure full of
fun and obstacles that will teach
him the true meaning of being rich.
According to Hasbro, Monopoly
has been played by more than a
billion people in 114 different
countries and has been translated
into 47 languages.
Después de tres meses de ausencia por maternidad, la estrella puertorriqueña Adamari López
regresa al show mañanero “Un Nuevo Día” este lunes 6 de julio. (Foto, cortesía)
Por La Prensa
Adamari López regresa al show
mañanero de Telemundo “Un
Nuevo Día” a partir del lunes 6
de julio.
Después de tres meses de maternidad, la estrella puertorriqueña
volverá a formar parte del elenco
formado por Rashel Díaz, Ana
María Canseco, Daniel Sarcos y
Diego Schoening.
Telemundo anunció que prepara
grandes sorpresas por el retorno
de López y por su nuevo rol como
madre. Así que el show presentará
segmento de entretenimiento, invitados especiales y la anticipada
celebración “Todos somos tíos”.
Adamari López ha sido co anfitriona de “Un Nuevo Día” desde
2012. Hoy es día es una conocida
figura hispana en el mundo del
López nació en Humacao, Puer-
to Rico. En 2012 lanzó su libro
“Viviendo”, en el cual compartió
diversas experiencias personales
que la llevaron a convertirse en
una de las mujeres más influyentes A player holds toy money while fighting for supremacy on a ‘Monopoly’ game board during the
final of the German Monopoly Championships in Berlin, Germany. (EFE/EPA/TIM BRAKEMEIER)
en la televisión en español.
“Un Nuevo Día” se transmite de
lunes a viernes de 6:00 a 9:00 a.m.
Hora centro. El programa ofrece
una combinación de información
de entretenimiento, humor, salud,
belleza y cocina por el Chef
Dolores Huerta, “feliz” al inaugurar una
muestra sobre su vida en Washington
EFE - La líder sindical de origen mexicano Dolores Huerta se
mostró “feliz” en un acto previo
de inauguración de una exposición
sobre su vida, que podrá verse
desde el 3 de julio y hasta mayo
de 2016 en la Galería Nacional de
Retratos de Washington.
“Estoy muy feliz del reconocimiento. ¡Sí, se puede!”, señaló
en español en homenaje al lema
con el que se hizo famosa junto
a otro mítico activista sindical
hispano César Chávez en los años
sesenta y setenta.
Huerta, de 85 años, ofreció un
breve discurso al lado de una de
sus icónicas imágenes en blanco y
negro, en la que se la ve portando
un cartel con la palabra “Huelga”,
en español, en California en 1965.
“Una vida: Dolores Huerta” es
la primera exposición con una latina como protagonista de la serie
dedicada a influyentes personalidades de la historia de Estados
Unidos, en la que también han
sido retratados personajes como
el presidente Ronald Reagan y el
cantante Elvis Presley.
Por su parte, la directora del
museo, Kim Sajet, expresó su “orgullo” al reconocer la “inestimable
contribución de Huerta a la historia
de esta nación”.
A través de fotografías, objetos
y obras de arte chicano, la exposición hace un repaso completo
de la vida de la activista desde su
nacimiento en Dawson (Nuevo
México) hasta sus estudios en
Stockton (California) y su implicación con César Chávez en la
creación del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Campo Unidos (UFW,
en inglés).
Huerta jugó un papel decisivo
en la consecución de mayores
protecciones legales y un mejor
nivel de vida para los trabajadores
agrícolas, quienes -recordó- son
“en su gran mayoría inmigrantes”
y están “ahora en los campos de
Bakersfield (California) trabajando bajo el sol”.
La muestra coincide con la
conmemoración del 50 aniversario
de la huelga de uvas en Delano
Vea Dolores Huerta
en la pág. 4-D
5 de julio de 2015
Rita Moreno to be part of NBC Universo transmitirá la
Premios Platino ceremony atrevida serie “El Sexo Débil”
EFE.- Puerto Rico’s Rita Moreno, winner of a Best Supporting
Actress Oscar for her performance
in the 1961 American musical
drama film “West Side Story,” will
attend the second Premios Platino
of Ibero-American Cinema awards
gala on July 18 in Marbella, Spain,
organizers told EFE.
The 83-year-old Moreno is to
participate in the portion of the
ceremony in which Spanish actor
Antonio Banderas will receive a
lifetime achievement award.
Mexican singer and actress
Alessandra Rosaldo and Juan
Carlos Arciniegas, a Colombian
journalist for CNN en Español,
will host the gala along with Spanish actor Imanol Arias, while popular Mexican comedian Eugenio
Derbez will contribute his special
brand of humor to the proceedings.
Other Latin American film
celebrities invited to the gala include Mexicans Kate del Castillo,
Martha Higareda and Adriana
Barraza, Bolivia’s Carla Ortiz,
Venezuela’s Samantha Castillo,
Brazil’s Leandra Leal, Chile’s
Cristian de la Fuente, Argentina’s
Damian Szifron and Colombia’s
Marlon Moreno.
Spain’s Santiago Segura, J.A.
Bayona, Julio Medem, Maribel
Verdu and Oscar Jaenada also
will attend the awards celebration,
which will kick off on July 17 with
a welcome party.
“Relatos Salvajes” (Wild Tales),
an Argentine-Spanish black comedy film; and Spanish thriller film
“La isla minima” (Marshland)
received 10 and nine nominations,
respectively, and are the big favorites in the second edition of the
Premios Platino, which aspires to
be a key instrument in promoting
and supporting Ibero-American
In the inaugural Premios Platino awards gala, held last year in
Panama, Chilean director Sebastian Lelio’s “Gloria” was the big
winner, taking home prizes for
best Ibero-American fiction film,
best screenplay and best actress
(Paulina Garcia).
A total of 760 films from 23
countries are in the running for
awards in the second edition of the
Premios Platino, whose other main
categories include best director,
best actor, best original score, best
animated film and best documentary film.
After “Relatos salvajes” and
“La isla minima,” the mostnominated pictures were the Venezuelan film “Pelo malo” (Bad
Hair) and Cuba’s “Conducta”
(Behavior), each with eight nods,
and Uruguay’s “Mr. Kaplan,”
which garnered seven.
The Premios Platino of IberoAmerican Cinema are an initiative promoted by the Audiovisual
Producers’ Rights Management
Entity, or EGEDA, and the IberoAmerican Federation of Film and
Audiovisual Producers, or FIPCA,
and encompasses the motion picture industries of 23 countries.
FIPCA members from each country are responsible for submitting
films for consideration, and an
international jury then selects the
nominees in the different categories.
The Premios Platino gala will
be broadcast live by TNT Latin
America and RTVE and will be
available for viewing in more than
50 countries.
Mauricio Ochmann es uno de los protagonistas de la serie “El Sexo Débil”, la cual rompe estereotipos. (Foto, cortesía)
Por La Prensa
“¿Por qué todas me dejan?”,
se pregunta uno de los Camacho.
Pues la respuesta la encontrarán
los televidentes en la exitosa
serie mexicana “El Sexo Débil”,
que empezará a transmitirse por
el canal NBC Universo a partir
del lunes 6 de julio (de lunes a
viernes) a las 6:00 p.m.
NBC Universo es un canal de
cable dedicado a los deportes y
el entretenimiento para latinos.
“El Sexo Débil, que fue un
éxito en México y desató diálogo
social en Latinoamérica, gira
en torno a la familia Camacho,
formada por: Agustín Camacho
(Arturo Ríos) y sus cuatro hijos
Álvaro (Khotán Fernández), Julián (Mauricio Ochmann), Dante
(Raúl Méndez) y Bruno (Pablo
Cruz), todos doctores exitosos,
que parecieran tenerlo todo. Pero
en el debut de la serie, los Camacho descubren en poco tiempo
que el prestigio profesional, las
conquistas íntimas, el carisma y
el estatus económico no bastan
para evitar que las mujeres de sus
vidas los abandonen”, adelanta
NBC Universo.
“Una vez que los Camacho han
enfrentado sus inseguridades,
aparece Helena (Itatí Cantoral),
una mujer de carácter fuerte con
determinación, que justo tras
dejar a su novio plantado en el
altar, entra de golpe en la vida
de los Camacho. Conforme pasa
el tiempo, la serie muestra como
los personajes de ambos sexos
evolucionan y se adaptan a su
nueva realidad, y de paso rompe
con los estereotipos”.
Mauricio Ochmann, uno de
los protagonistas de la serie,
la define como una comedia
atrevida, divertidísima y súper
real “que expone el machismo
en los seres humanos… tanto en
hombres como mujeres. “Es un
programa de calidad que aporta
honestidad y realidad, la gente se
va a identificar con los hermanos
Camacho y con los personajes de
mujeres fuertes”.
Para Bilai Joa Silar, vicepresidente principal de programación
y producción de NBC Universo,
“El Sexo Débil rompe con los
típicos personajes de la televisión
en español. Esta es una serie provocativa que desafía los personajes tradicionales interpretados
por latinos, y logra presentarlos
en un contexto moderno,” añadió.
“Esta programación innovadora y
arriesgada representa el entretenimiento de calidad que NBC
Universo está comprometido
a ofrecerles a los televidentes
“El Sexo Débil” está compuesta por 120 episodios. La
serie es una producción de Argos Television y Sony Pictures
Los suscriptores de NBC Universo también podrán disfrutar
de los episodios en Video on
Demand, así como en y por el app NBC
iniciar la sesión.
Puerto Rican actress Rita Moreno during the presentation of her autobiography, “Rita Moreno:
A Memoir.” Moreno, winner of a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance in the 1961
American musical drama film “West Side Story,” will attend the second Premios Platino of IberoAmerican Cinema awards gala on July 18 in Marbella, Spain, organizers told EFE. (EFE/File)
Prince Royce lanza su primer álbum en inglés
Por La Prensa
“Double Vision” se titula el
primer álbum en inglés de Prince
Royce. El álbum ya se encuentra
disponible en todas las tiendas
digitales, anunció la disquera
Sony Music Latin.
El álbum se estrenará el próximo
24 de julio, pero quienes lo pre
ordenen podrán descargar el sencillo “Extraordinary”, y otros sencillos como “Back it Up” (versión
de video en el que Prince Royce
se hace acompañar de Jennifer
López y Pitbull). También estará
disponible “Stuck on a Feeling”,
con Snoop Dogg.
“Double Vision” tendrá dos
versiones: una de 12 canciones y
un “Double Vision Deluxe” con
Este álbum es el crossover al inglés de Prince Royce, quien suena
actualmente por el sencillo “Back It Up”, con Jennifer López y
Pitbull. (Foto, cortesía)
16 temas.
Para este, su álbum debut en inglés que marcará su “crossover”,
Prince Royce trabajó con grandes
creadores de éxitos, entre los que
se encuentran RedOne (Lady
Gaga/Nicki Minaj), Illya (Ariana
Grande/Jennifer López), Savan
Kotecha (Jessie J/Ellie Goulding), Jason Evigan (Jason Derulo/
Demi Lovato), Rob Knox (Justin Timberlake/T.I.), Hardwork
(Sean Paul, Damien Marley), The
Cataracs (Far East Movement,
Selena Gomez), ShonuFF (Fergie), Toby Gad (Beyonce/John
Legend), Pop & Oak (Britney
Spears/Drake), Roccstar (Chris
Brown/Jennifer Lopez), y Nasri
(Magic!/David Guetta).
“Back It Up”, el sencillo en
compañía de Jennifer López y
Pittbull, ha tenido gran éxito desde su lanzamiento. Ahora forma
parte de un nuevo comercial de
la marca de automóviles Honda.
Para verlo visite:
Y para apoyar el lanzamiento
de su primer álbum en inglés,
Prince Royce iniciará una gira por
la unión americana al lado de Ariana
Grande a partir del próximo 16 de
julio. La gira se extenderá hasta
mediados de octubre de este año.
Para las fechas de la gira, visite:
En los pasados cinco años,
la súperestrella latina y multiganador de premios Prince Royce
ha logrado colocar 10 canciones
en el número uno de manera
consecutiva y ha sido galardonado con 20 Premios Billboard
de la Música Latina, 16 Premio
Lo Nuestro, 18 Premios Juventud y 7 nominaciones al Latin
Las canciones que forman parte
de “Double Vision” son: “Stuck
On A Feeling” feat. Snoop Dogg,
“Handcuffs”, “Back It Up” feat.
Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull, “Lucky
One”, “Double Vision” feat.
Tyga, “Lie To Me”, “Dangerous”
feat. Kid Ink, “Extraordinary”,
“Seal It With A Kiss”, “There For
You”, “Paris On A Sunny Day”,
La edición Deluxe incluye
cuatro canciones adicionales:
“Lay You Down”, “With You”,
“Getaway”, “End Of My World”.
Dolores Huerta...
(viene de la página 2-D)
5 de julio de 2015
Mexican composer Erika Vidrio
dedicates rap to Donald Trump
EFE - Mexican composer Erika
Vidrio dedicated a rap to U.S.
businessman and presidential
hopeful Donald Trump, ridiculing
his racist comments on Mexican
immigrants in the United States,
two weeks ago.
On June 16, Trump, in a speech
announcing his nomination as
presidential candidate on a Republican ticket, made disparaging
remarks about the Latino community.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their
best,” he said. “They’re not sending [you]. They’re sending people
that have lots of problems, and
they’re bringing those problems
[with] us. They’re bringing drugs.
They’re bringing crime. They’re
Vidrio, a singer and a newsreader, who worked both in Mexico and United States, defended
her compatriots saying Trump
probably has a personal problem
with Mexico.
“Good and bad people are there
in all nationalities and colors.
Donald Trump’s ideology is
racist and he probably has some
personal issue with Mexico,” said
The rap song, with the classic ‘beat’ and trumpets in the
background, lasts two minutes
45 seconds and since June 18,
has gone viral on YouTube with
“Donald Trump tell me what
your problem is, we Mexicans
do not seek war,” raps Vidrio in
the video.
Another line goes: “You say
that the problem is immigration,
because an illegal trumps a fool.”
The singer, who was born
in Jalisco in western Mexico
said Mexican immigrants have
contributed positively to United
She said apart from Trump’s
comments, the rap was inspired
by “the life story of so many immigrants who despite difficulties
have become winners.”
Vidrio currently has a radio
program on La Raza station in
Los Angeles that airs daily and
is one of the most-listened shows
in Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Bakersfield and Phoenix.
Fotografía cedida tomada en 1976 en donde aparece la líder sindical de origen mexicano Dolores
Huerta sosteniendo una niña en la sede del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Campo Unidos (UFW).
(EFE/George Ballis)
(California) llevada a cabo por el
movimiento sindical del campo
en septiembre de 1965, uno de los
hitos de la lucha sindical agrícola.
En un recorrido con los periodistas en la sede de la Galería
Nacional de Retratos, Taína Caragol, la comisaria de historia y
arte latina del museo capitalino,
subrayó también la importancia
de la personalidad de Huerta como
referente para las mujeres.
“Huerta impulsó un nuevo
modelo de liderazgo femenino”,
aseguró Caragol, al recalcar que
rompió los esquemas de una época
en la que los sindicatos estaban
encabezados por hombres y las
mujeres de descendencia mexicano debían dedicarse a las labores
de la casa y el cuidado de los hijos.
A la activista se la conocía con
“La Pasionaria”, recordó Caragol,
por su dureza en las negociaciones
y su infatigable energía; y tuvo 11
hijos con tres parejas distintas, a
quienes crió en medio de su compromiso sindical.
La última fotografía de la exposición es la imagen del presi-
dente Barack Obama imponiéndole la Medalla Presidencial de
la Libertad en la Casa Blanca en
2012, acompañada de la propia
medalla cedida por Huerta.
De cara a 2016, la activista
ha anunciado ya su intención de
apoyar a la candidata demócrata
Hillary Clinton para las elecciones
presidenciales, en las que se escogerá al sucesor de Obama.
Sobre los actuales candidatos
republicanos a la Presidencia,
Huerta se ha limitado a tildarlos
de “equivocados”.
Mexican community members protest outside against the U.S. businessman and presidential
hopeful Donald Trump (not pictured) on June 29, 2015, in Chicago, U.S. (EFE / TANNEN MAURY)