April 26 2015 - St. Ann Catholic Church

Ap ri l 2 6 20 15
Fourth Sunday of Easter
St Philip the Apostle
120 Westover Street
107 Hirsch Street
110 Church Street
Lake City, SC 29560
(843) 394-8343
St Ann Catholic Church
St Patrick Mission
Kingstree, SC 29556
Johnsonville, SC 29555
(843) 355-5234
Diocese of Charleston
We Invite You to Celebrate
St. Ann
8:30 am
St. Philip
10:30 am (English)
St. Philip
12:00 pm (Spanish)
St. Ann
7.45 am
St. Philip
6.00 pm
St. Ann
6:30 pm
St. Ann
8:00 am
St. Patrick
4:30 pm (Vigil)
Te invitamos a celebrar
Del domingo:
Santa Ana
San Felipe
San Felipe
Santa Ana
San Felipe
Santa Ana
Santa Ana
San Patricio
8:30 am
10:30 am (ingles)
12:00 pm (Española)
7.45 am
6:30 pm
8:00 am
4:30 pm (Vigil)
Fr. Mathew Bulala (M.A) -Administrator <[email protected]>
120 Hirsch Street, Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone 834-536-0440 / 843-355-5234
Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Sunday Mass or by appointment.
The Rosary is prayed each Sunday morning prior to Mass.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Engaged couples must notify the Parish
Office at least six months before the desired wedding date.
Father Mathew Bulala
Harold Jackson
Francene Taylor
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to receive a
pastoral visit when you or a family member is seriously ill or admitted
to the hospital.
St. Ann Website:
Felician Center:
Sr. Susanne Dziedzic
Sr. Johnna Ciezobka
Sr. Jackie Benbenek
Sr. Trina McCormick
Sr. Theresa Linehan, SND
Jacquelyn Hailes
Deacon Jackson
Deloris Scott
Judy Cherinko
Ginger Headley
Dr. Trefny
Leroy Henryhand and Ex- Sr. Trina
Paul Headley, Bob Cherinko and Jacky Hailes
Ginger Headley and all Finance members
Sr. Jackie Benbenek
Sacrament of Baptism: Parents or expectant parents should contact the Parish Office at least one month before the Baptism to complete a preparation class.
New Parishioners: Please see father after Mass and complete a new
parishioner form.
El sacramento de la Reconciliación (confesiones): 30 minutos
antes de la Misa del domingo o por cita.
Unción de los Enfermos: Llame por favor a la Oficina de la Parroquia, para recibir una visita del Párroco, cuando usted, o un miembro
de la familia, esté gravemente enfermos o para confesarlo en casa o en
el hospital.
El sacramento del Bautismo: Los padres o los padrastros deben
contactar la Oficina de la Parroquia por lo menos un mes antes del
Bautismo para completar una clase de preparación.
Nuevos Feligreses: Vea por favor al padre después de Misa para
llenar una forma de Registración como nuevo feligrés
Diocesan Offices
Safe Environment (Mary Jo Fann)
Child Protection Services
Victim Assistance Minister
Tribunal: Marriage Cases
Finance Office Parishes (Terri)
St. Patrick Website :
Finance Committee :
Parish Committee:
843-853-2130 ext 209
1 D 800 D 921 D 8122
402-9115 ext 48
Robert Jordan
Donna Papito
Gil Cosme
Springbank Retreat:
Religious Education:
Altar Servers:
Parish Council Pres:
Parish Council Sec:
Parish Council Members:
Finance Committee:
Renovation & Construction:
Altar & Environment:
St. Philip Website:
Pastoral Associate
& Hispanic Coordinator
Outreach :
Liturgy/Altar Servers
Music :
Maintenance :
Evangelization :
Religious Education :
Finance Chairman:
Finance Members :
Ex-Officio Member :
Parish Council Pres :
Parish Council Sec:
Parish Council Members:
536-0440 / 355-5234
Deacon Asuncion Valadez
Reveley Thomy
Billie Thomy
Karen Floyd
Edie Solis
Deacon Asuncion Valadez
Reveley Thomy (Eng). & Mauricion Solis (Spanish)
Gregory Thomy
Terrie Bryant
Deacon Asuncion Valadez Novella Valadez
Catherine Spring Alma Rosa-Ochoa Mary Jo Fan
Jim Thomy
Samuel Ochoa
Alan Pate
Hilario Rivera
Steve Lewicki
Greg Thomy
Karen Floyd
Dec Asuncion Valadez
Billie Thomy
Reveley Thomy
Terry Bryant
Christian Gonzalez
Alan Pate
Alma Rosa-Ochoa
Teodora Rivera
Ex- Dec. Asuncion Valadez
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Fourth Sunday of Easter offers us the figure of the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep: he calls them, he feeds them and he guides them. For over fifty
years the universal Church has celebrated this Sunday as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In this way the church reminds us of our need to pray, as
Jesus himself told his disciples, so that “the Lord of the harvest may send out laborers into his harvest” (Lk. 10:2).
Jesus command came in the context of his sending out missionaries. He called not only the twelve Apostles, but also another seventy-two disciples, two by
two, for the mission (cf. Lk 10:1-6). Since the Church “is missionary by nature” (Ad Gentes, 2), the Christian vocation is necessarily born of the experience
of mission. Hearing and following the voice of Christ the Good Shepherd, means letting ourselves be attracted and guided by him, in consecration to him; it
means allowing the Holy Spirit to draw us into this missionary dynamism, awakening within us the desire, the joy and the courage to offer our own lives in
the service of the Kingdom of God.
To offer one’s life in mission is possible only if we are able to leave ourselves behind. Pope Francis articulated that the Book of Exodus is the book, which
contains the true history and vocation of the people of Israel passing through the dramatic period of slavery in Egypt, the calling of Moses, the experience of
liberation and the journey toward the Promised Land. Such story is parallel to our modern period when we pass from the slavery of the old Adam to new life
in Christ, which give us redemption through faith (Eph. 4:22-24). This Passover is a genuine “exodus”; it is the journey of each Christian soul and the entire
Church, the decisive turning of our lives towards the Father.
At the root of every Christian vocation we find this basic movement, which is part of the experience of faith. Belief means transcending ourselves, leaving
behind our comfort zones and the inflexibility of our ego in order to center our life in Jesus Christ. It means leaving, like Abraham, our native place and going forward with trust, knowing that God will show us the way to a new land. This “going forward” is not to be viewed as a sign of contempt for one’s life,
one’s feelings, and one’s own humanity. On the contrary, those who set out to follow Christ find life in abundance by putting themselves completely at the
service of God and his kingdom. Jesus says: “Everyone who has left home or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake,
will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life” (Mt 19:29).
From the call of Abraham to that of Moses, from Israel’s pilgrim journey through the desert to the conversion preached by the prophets, up to the missionary
journey of Jesus, which culminates in his death and resurrection, vocation is always a work of God. He leads us beyond our initial situation, frees us from
every enslavement, breaks down our habits and our indifference, and brings us to the joy of communion with him and with our brothers and sisters. Responding to God’s call, then, means allowing him to help us leave ourselves and our false security behind, and to strike out on the path which leads to Jesus Christ,
the origin and destiny of our life and our happiness.
For More detail of the letter, you may take a printed copy on the side table of the entrance door.
Three-Parish News
Tres Noticias De
May 2015, Second Collection
10 May 2014, For the Catholic Charities and 17 May 2014, For the Seminary Sunday
Annual Mission Appeal: May 3, 2015
Misión Anual de Apelación: May 3, 2015
The office for the Propagation of the Faith for the Diocese of Charleston, assigned
the Diocese of Geita in Tanzania to participate in the Missionary Cooperation
Plan (MCP) in 2015 at St. Ann Church in Kingstree, St. Philip Church in Lake
City, and St. Patrick mission in Johnsonville. The Diocese of Geita in Tanzania is
the home diocese for Father Mathew Bulala, the administrator of these parishes. The letter said, “although the parishes you minister are small, we assign your
parishes to cooperate in the MCP this year as a way for the people to grow and
connect with your mission in your homeland as a way of solidarity and option for
the poor.” This was a remarkable statement for me.
La oficina para la Propagación de la Fé en la Diócesis de Charleston, asignó a La Diócesis
de Geita en Tanzanía, para participar en El Plan de Cooperación Misionera (MCP) del 2015
en las Parroquias de Santa Ana en Kingstree, San Felipe en Lake City, y San Patricio Misión en Johnsonville. La Diócesis de Geita en Tanzanía, es la Diócesis a la que pertenece el
Padre Mathew Bulala, quien es el administrator de estas Parroquias. La carta dice: " aunque
las Parroquias qué usted administra son pequeños, las hemos asignado a cooperar en el
MCP esté año, para cooperar como una vía de crecimiento y conección de la gente local,
con su Misión en Africa, para mostrarle nuestra solidaridad y opción para los pobres." Esto
es un acto remarcable para mí.
As you all know, I have been going out for missions on behalf of the diocese of
Geita since I moved here. However, the diocese of Charleston had not assigned
me to do mission appeal in these parishes except this year. I am very glad and
excited that this year I will tell you the many projects we do in Tanzania, as a
means of evangelization to our people. It is a coincidence that this year my home
diocesan bishop will be making a pastoral visit in the United States. For this reason, I decided to invite him at our parishes and celebrate with us on Sunday May
3, 2015. My home diocese bishop is Most Reverend Renatus Nkwande.
Como todos ustedes saben, desde qué llegué aquí, yo he ido muchas veces a misiones para
ayudar a la Diócesis de Geita, sin embargo, la Diócesis de Charleston nunca había asignado
estas Parroquias a la Misión de Apelación, sólo hasta esté año. Me siento muy feliz de
poderles contar todos los proyectos qué tenemos en Tanzanía, para la evangelización de
nuestra gente. Y coincidencialmente, el Obispo de la Diócesis de Tanzanía, estará visitando
esté año los Estados Unidos. Por está razón he decidió invitarlo a qué célèbre con nosotros
aquí en nuestras Parroquias el 3 de Mayo del 2015. El nombre de mí Obispo es Excelentísimo Reverendo Renatus Nkawande.
Bellow are the goals for the MCP 2015: Faith formation/evangelization, Education for Seminarians in Philosophy and Theological Studies, Education for Orphans and other children, Construction of Saint John Paul II High School, and
Healthcare program for HIV/AIDS Victims. Details information about these
mission projects will be given on Sunday May 3.
Aquí les menciono las metas para la MCP 2015: Fe, formación/evangelización, educación
para los Seminarios en Filosofía y Estudios Teológicos, Educación para los Huérfanos y
otros niños, Construcción de la Escuela de Bachillerato San Juan Pablo II, Y el Programa
de Salud para las víctimas del SIDA. Detalles e información de estos proyectos de la Misión se les dará el Domingo 3 de Mayo.
There will be a second collection, and we kindly ask each and every one to be as Habrá una segunda colecta, y apreciaremos mucho qué cada uno de ustedes sea lo más
generous as possible to support the Diocese of Geita in the Missionary work to the generoso posible para ayudar a la Diócesis de Geita en su trabajo Misionero en favor de la
gente de Tanzanía, Africa.
People of Tanzania, Africa.
Memorial Day / May 25 2015
Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
Christopher Reeve
Announcements– St. Ann
The St Ann’s Sunday Collection
Apr 2-4 2015: Collected $90..00
Apr 05 2015: Collected $569.00
Apr 12 2014: Collected $707.00
Apr 19 2015: Collected $212.00
Parish Council Meeting
All Parish council members of St. Ann Church are invited to attend a
meeting on Thursday May 7 at 6pm.
Birthday Wishes to St Ann’s Parishioners
Rafael Plenos
St Ann Birthday
Prience Robert
St Ann Birthday
St Ann Birthday
10-May Madeleine Ward
St Ann Birthday
28-May Erma Cooper
Announcements– St. Philip
The St. Philip and St Patrick’s Collection
St. Philip's (English)
St. Philip's (Spanish)
St. Patrick's
Capital Campaign
We are very grateful for all parishioners who have pledged to the
One Faith, One Family Capital Campaign. Currently we have
pledged $64,395.00, with cash total amount of $42,229.00;
from 73 families of our Parish.
Birthday Wishers & Happy Anniversaries to St. Philip’s
2-May Aiden Tanner
St. Philip Birthday
3-May Yadira Segura
St. Philip Birthday
4-May Sergio Alvarez
St. Philip Birthday
5-May Melanie Fajardo
St. Philip Birthday
9-May Cecilia Rivera
St. Philip Birthday
13-May Connie Collie
St. Philip Birthday
14-May Osvaldo Gaytan
St. Philip Birthday
14-May Asher Lanzendorfer
St. Philip Birthday
15-May Yaretzi Espinoza-Sern
St. Philip Birthday
19-May Michael Garcia
St. Philip Birthday
19-May Warren Wells
St. Philip Birthday
20-May Sherilyn Maldonado
St. Philip Birthday
22-May Carolina Segur
St. Philip Birthday
26-May Jamely Maldonado
St. Philip Birthday
26-May Christopher Solis
St. Philip Birthday
30-May Kaylee Martinez-Lope
St. Philip Birthday
31-May Patrocinia Gomea
St. Philip Birthday
8-May Travis & Krista Lanzendorfer
St. Philip
Birthday Wishes to St Patrick’s Parishioners
16-May Eileen Papitto
St. Patrick Birthday
all Mothers
the LOVE and
HAPPINESS they so richly
deserve on this day…
Happy Mother’s Day!
10 May 2015
Three Parish News
Corpus Christi Sunday
We appreciate the commitment of Religious Education teachers to teach our children! This year, we will have 6 first communion
Children on Corpus Christi Sunday, June 7/2015. In honor of the
Blessed Sacrament, we will have a solemnly procession after the Spanish Mass around our church facilities. We invite everyone to attend the
procession of the Blessed Sacrament, which will end up with benediction in the Church. We will have four stations representing the four
communities of our parishioners who live in Lake City, Pamlico, Scranton and Coward. Parishioners who live in other cities, which are not
mentioned, may join the neighbor city.
On that day each community will have to prepare and decorate
the Altar to put the Blessed Sacrament, prepare special prayers and offerings for the success of the “One Faith One Family Capital campaign.”
We ask each community to prepare creative prayers that reflect your
family needs, like the sick, deceased, employment, etc. When we reach
to each station we will read scripture reading about the Eucharist, then
a leader will read those prayers. After that we will invite each member of
the community to offer generous gifts. Remember the way we did last
year 2014, and we would like to repeat again, as it was very successful. Please plan all to attend.
On Saturday May 2/2015, beginning at 11am, an interview with all children preparing for Confirmation will be at St. PhilipChurch hall.
Confirmation has planned this year to be at our parish. This year the
bishop will be visiting us on Sunday September 6/2015. We have 23
children in confirmation preparation: Ivet Santos, Yanel Martinez, Locero Popoca, Lura Popoca, Daisy Lopez, Giselle Dominquez, Ana San
Juan, Hilario Rivera Jr,Jasmin Rivera, Fidel Lopez, Anthonio Lopez,
Arnoldo Lopez, Amber Garcia, Cruz San Juan, Crystal Dominiques,
Melan Fajardo, Irvin Fajardo, LeslieFarel, Branden Cardina, Miguel
Espinoza, y ,Taylor Reed, Anna Schaff, and Amanda Lynn.
All 1st Communion children and their parents or guardian's are invited
to Confession on Saturday June 5/2015 at 7pm. The gospel calls us to
turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ. As we offer ourselves to
him in penitence and faith, we renew our confidence and trust in his
mercy .
First Communion:
We have 6 children preparing for the first communion this year on Corpus Christi Sunday, June 7/2015: Asher Lanzendorfer, Michaela La
Fontaine, Edwardo Barrena, Yasmil Barrena, and Christopher Seguro,
Please keep all these children in your prayers.
Congratulations to the Newly Baptized
Congratulations to Jannet Riande, Karina Riande, Jennifer Riande, and
Esmeralda Popoca, we are blessed to have you as part of our Church.
Tres Noticias De
Primera Comunión
Tenemos 6 niños que se preparan para la primera comunión este año el
Corpus Christi Domingo, junio 7/2015: Asher Lanzendorfer, Michaela
La Fontaine, Edwardo Barrena, Yasmil Barrena, y Christopher Seguro.
La confirmación ha previsto este año para estar en nuestra parroquia.
Este año, el obispo visitará nosotros el domingo septiembre 6/2015.
Tenemos 23 niños en la preparación de confirmación: Ivet Santos, Yanel
Martínez, Locero Popoca, Lura Popoca, Margarita López, Giselle
Domínguez, Ana San Juan, Hilario Rivera Jr, Jasmin Rivera, Fidel
López, Anthonio López, Arnoldo López, Ámbar García, Cruz San Juan,
Crystal Dominiques, Melan Fajardo, Irvin Fajardo, LeslieFarel, Branden
Cardina, Miguel Espinoza, y Taylor Reed, Anna Schaff, and Amanda