November 15, 2015 - Church of St. Stephen

Gospel Reflection, page 2
Thanksgiving Schedule, page 3
Middle and High School Youth Ministry Events, page 4
Bake Sale Donations Requested, page 5
Annual Craft Boutique Next Saturday, page 5
Welcome to New Members, page 7
Anuncios en español, paginas 8-10
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November 15, 2015 | 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
525 Jackson Street, Anoka, MN 55303 | 763.421.2471 |
‘Tis the Season of Thanksgiving and Giving
Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND
As we enter into this time of Thanksgiving and Giving we also consider how we might share with others.
There are many worthy causes to which we can contribute. As a member of St. Stephen’s parish we ask you to consider a contribution to the Christmas Basket project of our parish.
Families who find themselves needing assistance apply for a Christmas Basket and we distribute what we receive
from our generous parishioners.
Children in St. Stephen’s Catholic School and Faith Formation Programs will be coming home with suggested items to
donate. If you do not have children in those categories there are a variety of ways in which to contribute.
Perhaps you can adopt (or sponsor) a family. You can choose the size – small, medium, or large.
Many families have already applied. We give them food but we like to also provide other needs and
perhaps a few playful items. Adopting can be done by an individual, a couple, a family, a group of
families or friends or co-workers – however you would like to configure this. There is a form to fill
out if you are willing to sponsor a family. We will try to make the best match according to the size.
A person or family or group that adopts will be given the information (not the name) of a particular
family or person. This will include items suggested by the recipient.
There will be boxes in the Gathering Place for gifts – toys or personal care items or paper products –
keep all ages in mind – what might a child like? a teen? an adult? Please contribute only NEW items.
Please do not wrap your gifts. You may also contribute cash which will be used to fill out the supplies
still needed.
Families that are not adopted will receive food and have the opportunity to shop for a limited number of items
from our gift room which will contain what is provided by parishioners.
If you know of a family that could benefit from this giving event, please tell them about it and suggest that they
apply. If you are an individual or a family in need of assistance, please apply.
The actual date of the Christmas Basket giveaway is Friday, December 11.
The deadline for handing in applications is no later than December 1 – but earlier is definitely better.
If you wish to adopt/sponsor a family, please let us know by November 23.
Applications can be picked up at the parish office or printed from the parish website at
If you have questions, please contact the parish office at 763-421-2471 or email me at [email protected]. Thank you and God bless you!
Little Blue Books for Advent Available in the Gathering Place Today!
Advent is coming and so are the The Little Blue Books - back by popular demand! We will have copies of the books
available in the Gathering Place after Masses today. Cost is $1 per book. The books will be available in the parish
office and Stephen’s Marketplace after this weekend.
Pastor’s Page | Fr. Jack Long
A Reflection for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Directory
©Liturgical Publications Inc
PARISH OFFICE 763-421-2471
"But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor
the Son, but only the Father." It may strike us as odd that there are things
that the angels don't know. But it's even more surprising that Jesus--the
Son of God--would have been unaware of the divine schedule for the
end of the world. Given all of this, should it come as any surprise that
there are things that God chooses
not to reveal to us right now?
Director, Bernie Leach 763-712-7435
Associate, Barbara Ferron 763-712-7458
Associate/School Liturgy Coordinator, Terri Renner
In his wisdom, God knows when
the timing is right to reveal his
plans to us. The fact that we
don't know everything helps us
remember that we are not God.
We are his creatures, dependent
upon him for our existence, our
sustenance, and for the hour of our death too. In this era of instant Internet information, advanced diagnostic medical tests, and statistical surveys predicting future trends, it's hard to accept the fact that there are
some things we just can't know. But this reality should keep us humble,
reminding us that we don't have to know everything because we are in
the powerful hands of a loving God.
As much as we might want to know when the world will end, when our
dreams will come true, or when our problems will cease, we are called
to walk in faith, accepting what God chooses to reveal and trusting that
even our moments of uncertainty are part of his benevolent plan for us.
As today's psalm declares, "you will show me the path to life." What else
do we really need to know?
Director and Adult Formation, Katie Gebhard 763-712-7439
Early Childhood (Sun. School), Ann Ridder 763-712-7430
Elem. Formation, Children’s Sacraments, Emilie Bauer 763712-7430
M.S. Formation, Tammy Santander 763-712-7480
H.S. Formation/Confirm., Chantell Haider 763-712-7440
RCIA Coordinator, Pam Havel 763-712-7437
Youth Ministry, Troy Bauer 763-712-7456
Formation Asst., Mary Johnson, 763-712-7456
Deacon Ramón Garcia 763-712-7482
Suzanne Garcia 763-712-7464
Director, Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND, 763-712-7441
SCHOOL Main Office 763-421-3236
Principal, Rebecca Gustafson 763-712-7484
Administrator, Jay Gish 763-712-7434
Human Resources and Finance Director., Lynne Pinewski
Facility Manager, Chuck Wilson, 763-712-7474
Office Manager, Monica Freeman 763-712-7438
Admin. Asst., Facility Scheduling, Bulletin Coord.,
Julie Gerads 763-712-7485
Admin. Asst., Marketplace Coord., Eileen Howe
Admin. Asst., Cemetery Coord., Mary Jane Beberg
Admin. Asst., Renee Hogan 763-712-7442
Weekend Admin. Asst., Sharon Sroga 763-421-2471
Weekend Admin. Asst., Kathy Whittaker 763-421-2471
Weekend Admin. Asst., Mary Ann Caesar 763-421-2471
Parishioners Celebrate 70th Anniversary
Need Prayer?
Congratulations to Clem and Verena Kellner as they celebrate their
70th wedding anniversary November 15. May God bless them and their
family abundantly!
The Church of St. Stephen Intercessory Prayer Group will pray for any
of your needs: health, financial,
marital, spiritual. All requests are
confidential. If you have a prayer
request, please call Joan, 763-2705370 or Dolores, 763-421-0612.
“For Kids Only” Christmas Shop
The “For Kids Only” Christmas Shop will be held Sunday, December 6,
9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the School Gym. Children can shop for Christmas gifts for their loved ones in a fun and safe place. We will also have craft
stations where kids can make their own gift. Gift prices range from $1 to $5
each. Refreshments will be served!
We need volunteers who can help with shifts of 1-2 hours (or more if you
like) that morning. We are collecting donations of new and very gently
used giftable items. We are also collecting donations of wrapping paper,
gift bags, ribbon, gift tags, tape, and bows. To volunteer or to make a donation, please contact Eileen Howe in the church office at 763-712-7478
or [email protected].
The Church of St. Stephen is served
by the clergy of the Archdiocese of
St. Paul and Minneapolis
Priest Staff
Fr. Jack Long, Pastor
Fr. Kevin Manthey, Parochial Vicar
Fr. Joseph Kuharski, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Peter Bednarczyk
Rev. Mr. Charles Waugh
Rev. Mr. Ramón Garcia
Solemnity of Christ the King Next Weekend
Jesus came once, is still present among us, and is coming again in the
fullness of time. At the end of every church year the Solemnity of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
celebrates the Church’s belief in this second coming of Jesus, which will herald
the establishment of God’s “universal
kingdom: a kingdom of truth and life; a
kingdom of holiness and grace; a kingdom of justice, love, and peace” on this
earth (Preface: Christ the King). Pope Pius
XI introduced this feast in 1925 as a “most
effective weapon against the destructive
forces of the ages”. Belief in the second
coming of Jesus is so important to the
church that the church year begins by
focusing on it too. The First Sunday of
Advent for Cycle C begins in two weeks with readings that will begin a
new church year.
Book of Remembrance
The parish Book of Remembrance is placed on a stand by the Baptismal
Font and left there for most of the month of November every year. Parishioners are invited to record the names of any loved ones who have
died. Those who are listed in the book will be prayed for in the Sunday
Prayers of the Faithful.
Thanksgiving Schedule
Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, November 26. Please
note there will be NO 8:00 a.m. Mass that day.
The parish office will close at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 25. The
parish office will be closed Thanksgiving Day.
The Adoration Chapel will close at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November
25. It will re-open Monday, November 30 after 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration: A Time for Prayer and Peace
All are welcome to spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
We are especially in need of additional adorers Mondays
at 2:00 p.m., Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m., and Saturdays at
12:00 noon. Consider sharing an hour with a family member or friend; it allows flexibility if one of you cannot be
present. If you are interested in becoming a committed
adorer, please contact Joyce at 612-860-3830.
MASS Intentions
Monday, November 16
8:00 a.m. Ken Murphy
Tuesday, November 17
8:00 a.m. Michael Talbot
Wednesday, November 18
8:00 a.m. George and Therese Maidl
9:00 a.m. Jeffrey Maniak
Thursday, November 19
8:00 a.m. Ed Ghostley
Friday, November 20
8:00 a.m. Jean Steigauf
Saturday, November 21
8:00 a.m. Fred Marshik
5:00 p.m. John and Mary Ozakiewicz
Sunday, November 22
8:30 a.m. Clarence Chouinard
10:30 a.m. Rita Kovar
12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Clara and Helmer Johnson
6:00 p.m. Parishioners
Presider & Musician
Weekend of November 21/22, 2015
5:00 p.m. Fr. Jack Long
Adult Choir and Handbells
Accompanist - Nancy Furch
8:30 a.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski
Psalm 100
Accompanist - Barbara Ferron
10:30 a.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey
Adult Contemporary Ensemble and Brass
Accompanist - Marie Tomala
12:30 p.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey
Corazon Mariano
6:00 p.m. Fr. Jack Long
Bernie Leach
Accompanist - Marianne Nold
Readings for the Week
Sunday: Dn 12:1-3/Heb 10:11-14, 18/Mk 13:2432
Monday: 1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63/Lk
Tuesday: 2 Mc 6:18-31/Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday: 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31/Lk 19:11-28
Thursday: 1 Mc 2:15-29/Lk 19:41-44
Friday: 1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59/Lk 19:45-48
Saturday: 1 Mc 6:1-13/Lk 20:27-40
Next Sunday: Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37
Faith Formation
The Refuge
Last Friday Night Party
Who: Students in grades 9-12
Who: Students in grades 9-12
What: A time to drop in for games,
faith sharing, hanging out and learning from each other.
The theme is Gratitude: What is it
and where is it in your life?
What: There’s no better way to
spend a Friday night than the
Last Friday Night Party. Come chill
with other teens - food, games,
fun! Bingo with prizes!!!
When: November 18, 6-8:00 p.m.
When: November 20, 8-10:00 p.m.
Where: The Refuge
Where: The Refuge and FCC
Contact Troy with questions or for more information: 763-712-7456,
[email protected].
Contact Greg with questions:
[email protected].
Adult Faith Opportunity
Register for the High
School Mission Trip!
Remember the 7 Deadly Sins? Now, Bishop Robert Barron takes a deeper look at them and what he
terms the 7 Lively Virtues! Join us in FCC Room 10 on
Sundays, November 22 and December 6 after the
8:30 a.m. Mass. We will be enlightened by Bishop
Barron’s dvd and then have some time for discussion and
insights. Our priests and Katie Gebhard, Faith Formation
Director, will facilitate. Come for all or whenever you can.
Questions? Contact Katie at either [email protected] or
High school students are invited
to join us for the summer mission
trip to Washington, D.C.! The trip
is set for June 25-July 2, 2016.
Students will participate in service projects involving:
• Homeless Ministries
• Disabled Adult Ministries
• Elderly Centers
Middle School Students - Have a Blast this Winter!
• Urban Gardens
The WinterBlast 2015 lock-in is Friday, December 11 through Saturday December 12. On Friday at 7:00 p.m. we will depart by bus from
St. Stephen to go to St. Vincent de Paul in Brooklyn
Center for middle school Mass. Then we head to
the Maple Grove Community Center for a night and
morning full of movies, games, crafts, dancing,
praise and worship and so much more! Busses will
have us back at St. Stephen by 6:00 a.m. Saturday.
• Children’s Ministries
Registration is open to all sixth through eighth graders in the parish. Wanna bring a friend? Make sure they
fill out a registration form (available online and in the parish office) and return it to ANYONE on the Faith Formation
team. You are guaranteed a spot if you register by Monday, November 16. The cost is $35.
• Smithsonian Museums
We also need teens in grades 10-12 to volunteer as teen leaders
and some parents too! Teens, pick up a teen registration flier and turn
it in to anyone in Faith Formation. Parents, just sign up on your middle
school student’s registration form. We will contact you from there.
Questions? Just reach out to a member of the Faith Formation team.
Hope to see you there!
• Victims of Domestic Abuse
Possible activities:
• Monuments
• National Mall
• Arlington Cemetery
• Memorials
• Notre Day on the way to D.C.
• Free day activity in D.C.
Registration forms are available
at as
well as in the parish office. Registration forms and $100 nonrefundable deposit are due by
December 20, 2015. Contact
Troy at tbauer@ststephenchurch.
org or Chantell at [email protected].
Students Learned about the Rosary during the
Month of October Miss Rice, Fourth Grade Teacher
A Visit to Oliver Kelly
Farm Ms. Julkowski, First
St. Stephen’s students and teachers have been actively learning about
the Rosary. We recently participated in a Rosary Prayer Service in which
we invited Grandparents and Grandfriends
to join our students.
Back in our classrooms,
fourth graders created a ‘Pray the Rosary’
poster, something Pope
Francis asked us to do.
Their job was to use
different materials like
beads, sequins, markers, and braids to create
the outline of a Rosary
on a poster. The students worked in small groups and carefully counted to be sure they had
the appropriate amount in each decade. This was a great learning opportunity for our students and a wonderful way to recognize the beauty
of the Rosary.
Grade Teacher
Attention All Bakers!
St. Stephen School’s Annual Bake Sale will be held Saturday, November 21, in conjunction with the Craft Fair. Proceeds go directly
towards the school’s operating budget. We need lots of baked goods to
make this a successful event.
The more you BAKE, the more we MAKE!!!
In order for the Bake Sale to be a success, we need
everyone to participate. Students can help bake too!
First and second graders at St.
Stephen’s School had the opportunity to visit the Oliver Kelley
Farm in October. They witnessed
firsthand what it was like for
farmers back in the 1800’s. They
fed farm animals, worked in the
kitchen, dug for potatoes in the
garden, and built corn shocks in
the field, We had a super fun day
and we were blessed with beautiful weather!
Enroll with Confidence
From pre-school through eighth
grade, St. Stephen’s School offers a quality faith-based Catholic
Education. Come join our family
of believers. All are welcome! To
enroll, please call the school office at 763-421-3236.
Please bring your baked goods to St. Stephen’s
• Friday (11/20) from 7:45 a.m. - 5:30 pm. Bring baked goods to the
Parent Resource Room (please, nothing after 5:30 p.m. as this is dedicated to crafter set up).
• Saturday (11/21) from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 pm. Bring baked goods to
the Bake Sale Area inside the school.
Please label your items and have them packaged to sell. We will price items at the school.
Package in zip-loc bags, sturdy paper plates
inside a freezer bag, or securely wrapped with
saran wrap or disposable clear containers. Packages of 6-12 are recommended.
If you have any questions, please call Emily St. Peter (763-712-1546) or
Ellie Murphy (763-202-5384). Thank you!
Pastoral Care
A Reflection
Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND
We are entering into a beautiful time of the year – soon we will begin a
new liturgical year while at the same time celebrating the last weeks of
2015. The joys of this time of year inevitably bring forth memories from
past years. Hopefully there are wonderful and good memories. Often,
there are also sad memories. It is a time of peace and can be a time of
stress. Depending on what is causing the stress, it can be easier or more
difficult to cope. While we want to share joy with our families we also
need to take care of ourselves.
For those who have lost a spouse, a parent, a child, a friend during this
past year, there may be some special challenges. We may feel that we
have to do everything the same way we have always done it – to preserve the traditions, but we need to know that it is all right to do things
differently. It may be good to just receive the peace of the season as
best we can and not feel that we have to do it all.
When Jesus was born, there certainly was joy. But the joy was not based
on having lots of beautiful things around – not according to the Gospel
story. The joy and the peace were of a spiritual nature. Mary and Joseph
received the gift of their very special son. The shepherds, in their poverty, responded to the good news and went to behold the child. About
the only luxuries that we read about in the Christmas passages are the
gifts of the kings – and these were symbolic of both sadness and joy.
During this upcoming season of Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and
the beginning of a new year, let us give of ourselves in being attentive
to others, but let us also remember each day to receive the gifts God has
for us – to receive peace and joy and love – so that we can allow God
to give these gifts to others through us. And when another does not do
this as perfectly as we may expect, let us examine ourselves and check
on how we are doing.
May the love of Christ reside in our hearts.
All Are Invited to the Ecumenical Thanksgiving
Service at St. Stephen
Join us Tuesday, November 24, 7:00 p.m. for a community wide
ecumenical Thanksgiving Service. Saying that this service is ecumenical means that churches of several denominations from the Anoka area
(including Ramsey) will participate together in a
worship service of Thanksgiving.
The service is sponsored and celebrated by the Anoka
Area Ministerium Congregations: Advent Lutheran,
First Congregational UCC, Lord of Life Lutheran, St.
Stephen’s Catholic, Trinity Episcopal, United Methodist, and Zion Lutheran.
The event features an ecumenical choir composed of members from each
faith community’s choir. Following worship, we will gather in the Faith
Community Center for hospitality and refreshments! Please bring friends
to this sacred event. All are welcome!
Please Pray for...
Susie Abbott
Michael Abbott
Lynn Aker
Jo Alexander
Marie Amberg
Rosie Ancheta
Casanova Antonia
Geoff Arseneau
Donna Bajtosh
Rose Bartholomew
Pat Bednarczyk
Bruce Berg
Matt Berg
Sue Berg
Harlen Beyer
Judy Biermaier
Anne Blue
Jeffery Blue
Wayne Blue
James Boyce
Don Breyen
Julie Bright
Kenneth Bright
Sheila Brisbin
Jerry Brletich
Phil Brunt
Deborah Burkhardt-Cotter
Harold Burkhardt Jr.
Theresa Burns
Erma Butler
Dorothy Carver
Judy Chouinard
Shane Cotter Jr.
Linda Czech
Daniel Daly
Bernice Davich
Phyllis Day
Aeryn DeKrey
Samantha Rose DeLapp
Rosemary Donnette
Barb Dryden
Jami Ducharme
Richard Duclos
Roslyn Duclos
Jeff Eickhoff
Pam Eklund
Rachel Aykens Elliot
Charlie Evans
Sr. Catherine Fiegen
Liam Fields
Theresa Filkins
Richard Fillmore
Jeff Fox
Paul Gammelgaard
John Gobernatz
Sherry Goldenstein
Mila Gonser-McGill
Lynn Gravett
Cullen Groff
Gloria Guimont
Guthrie Family
Don Haller
Greg Harm
Cody Harmon
Sandra Hartmann
Khloe Hartnett
Mary Heie
J.C. and E.L.P. Hernandez
Jane Herr
Richard Hoelscher
Tatiana Huele
Katy James
James Januschka
Kathryn Jost
Tammie Kaslow
Janice Katnis
Kate Kempston
Justin Ketz
Bill Keyes
Jeremy Kletzin
Tom Kobelinski
Melissa Koscisko
Jeanette Lashinski
Edward LaTuff
Michael Lehn
Vernon Lieser
Joelle Lilly
Ellie Linn
Dolores Martinson
Shirley Masters
Ed Melnarik
Elissa Merritt
Janelle Merritt
Eileen Mevissen
John Mevissen
Madisyn Mevissen
Jane Meyers
Duane Michaelis
Chris Nocton
Bruce Novak
Jerry Odash
Kerry Offerdahl
Mary Olson
William Olson
Lucille Patchen
Barb Petschl
Bernadine Phillips
Gavin Pierson
Joe Pilon
Philip Pinewski
Russ Radloff
Rick and Leanne Rajtar
Linda Renstrom
Barbara Rivard
Jeff Roller
Gary Rose
Arnold Rudenick
Linda Sauve
Lynn Schaust
Matt Schaust
Dean Schenk
Tom Schinn
Eileen Scott
Jack and Millie Sigfrid
Carter Simonson
Roman Skowron
Molly Spang
Helen Stege
Paula Steigauf
Kathy Steinke
Hope Stewart
Chad Swanson
Jeni Thomas
John and Janet Tracy
Leo Vanyo
Janet Vittitow
Jeanna Wanczykiv
Steve Waterman
Sandi Weis
Kim Wennerlund Bents
Kathy Wojcehowicz
Isaac Yarmon
Alice Zappa
Dennis Zinda
Loaves and Fishes
Loaves and Fishes will be serving Tuesday, November 17
at River of Life Lutheran Church.
Calendar of Events
Monday, November 16
Church Cleaners: Church/Chapel/FCC 6, 8:30 a.m.
Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 17
Welcome to Members Registered in September
and October
Erika Akkerman
Dan and Allye Leavell family
Adrianne and William Barth family
Lucas and Mandy McCann family
Sabeniano and Marilou Cayetano
Aaron and Denette Moser family
Patrick and Patricia Doherty
Joshua Mueller and Holly Holm
James and Tricia Ernst family
Tim and Angie Patten family
Ronald and Mary Lu Flick
Tierney Peters
Crystal and Jason Hill family
Andrew and Kaitlyn Ruzicka family
Taylor and Philip Hohl family
Andres and Tammy Santander
Alex and Jonalyn Krzmarzick family
Maurice and Judy Kumenda family
Joe and Jill Laudenbach family
Bobby Schwark family
Chris and Jennifer Swanson family
Audrey Williams
Grs. 1-8 Faith Formation: FCC, 6:15 p.m.
Wedding Workshop II (Call 763-421-2471 to register): St. Paul Room, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 18
WHO Group: Archbishop Romero Room, 8:30 a.m.
Grs. 1-8 Faith Formation: FCC/School, 6:15 p.m.
Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 6:30 p.m.
Reconciliation: Chapel, 7:00 p.m.
Peace and Justice Committee: Library, 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 19
Mardi Gras Meeting: FCC 9, 6:30 p.m.
Bible Study: FCC 4, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 20
Saturday, November 21
Craft Fair: St. Stephen School, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
“Special Followers of Christ” Faith Formation:
The Refuge, 9:00 a.m.
Reconciliation: Chapel, 3:30 p.m.
Family Table Meal: FCC 1-6, 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, November 22
Adult Faith Enrichment: FCC 10, 9:30 a.m.
Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 7:00 p.m.
Intercessory Prayer Group: Bride’s Room, 7:00 p.m.
Weekly Collection Report
Stewardship Reflection
“And then they will see the Son
of Man coming in the clouds with
great power and glory.” (Mark
We will all have that day when
we are standing before God and
our life is played out like a movie.
When this happens and God asks each of us, “What have you done with
the gifts that I have given you?” How will you respond?
In October, the Stewardship Commission hosted a reception for new parishioners who had registered in the last year. It was a delightful evening
where we had the chance to officially welcome many new members and
for all of us to get to know each other in a very informal setting. Plans
are in the works to hold another new parishioner reception on March 5,
2016 for people registering from October 2015 through February 2016.
The Stewardship Commission invites and encourages those who have a
desire to serve to join us or any other Commission. If interested in learning more, please contact Monica Freeman (763-421-2471).
Week of November 7/8, 2015
Adult Stewardship
Automatic Offering $28,011.00
Plate (Cash and Checks) $9,987.39
Children’s Envelopes
TOTAL $53,483.19
Stephen’s Marketplace $191.33
Christmas Flowers
All Saints
All Souls
Immaculate Conception
TOTAL $1,073.33
World Mission
Campaign for Human Dev. $35.00
Share in Care/Relig. Retire. $5.00
Youth Mission Trip
Parish Charity Acct.
TOTAL $6,396.86
Ministerio Hispano
Anuncios en Español
La Noche de Las Mujeres Católicas
El viernes, 6 de noviembre, tuvimos La Noche de Las Mujeres Católicas
en nuestra Iglesia Católica de San Esteban. Es una noche en que las mujeres de todas partes de La Arquidiócesis se reúnen para orar, estar frente
al Santísimo, confesarse, convivir, comer una cena y conocer a nuevas
Más de 100 mujeres aprovecharon de la oportunidad de participar en el
evento, y había un espíritu de bondad, de alabanza y de alegría. Damos
gracias a Dios por las mujeres del equipo de la cocina por preparar la rica
comida, a las representantes de La Arquidiócesis por ayudar con la coordinación, a los Padres que vinieron para oír las confesiones, a las mujeres
del coro por proveer la música y a todos los que participaron.
Avisaremos en un boletín más adelante cuando habrá la siguiente Noche
de Las Mujeres Católicas.
Una Reflexión del 33o Domingo del Tiempo
Ordinario ©Liturgical Publications Inc
"Pero el día y la hora, nadie sabe, ni los ángeles del cielo, ni el Hijo, solamente el Padre." Tal vez nos parezca raro que haya cosas que los ángeles no saben. Pero es aún más sorprendente
que Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, fuera a estar fuera
del conocimiento del horario divino acerca del fin del mundo. Tomando en cuenta
todo esto, ¿nos debe sorprender que haya
cosas que Dios escoge no revelarnos en estos
En su sabiduría, Dios sabe cuándo es el momento correcto para revelar sus planes a
nosotros. El hecho que no sabemos todo nos
ayuda a acordar que no somos Dios. Somos sus criaturas, dependiéndonos de El para nuestra existencia, nuestro alimento y de la hora de nuestra muerte, también. En estos tiempos de la información del internet, los
análisis médicos para diagnosticar y los sondeos de estadísticas que nos
dan el pronóstico de lo que sucederá en el futuro, es difícil aceptar que
haya cosas que de por si no podemos saber. Pero esta realidad nos mantiene humildes, acordándonos que no tenemos que saber todo, porque
estamos en las manos poderosos de un Dios amador.
Entonces, cualquier acto para "ver el futuro", por medio de los sicicos, los
tarot o la astrología sugiere una falta de confianza en Dios. Como dice en
el Catecismo de La Iglesia Católica, estas prácticas contradicen el honor,
el respeto, y el miedo amoroso que debemos a solo Dios (2116). Como
quizás quisiéramos saber para cuándo se va a acabar el mundo, cuando
vamos a realizar a nuestros sueños, o cuando van a acabar nuestros problemas, somos llamados a caminar en la fe, aceptando lo que Dios escoge
revelar a nosotros, confiando que aun en momentos de incertidumbre, somos parte de su plan benevolente para con nosotros. Como dice el salmo
de hoy, “me enseñas el camino a la vida”, ¿qué más necesitamos saber?
En Español todos los
Domingos a las 12:30 p.m.
Horario de Oficinas en Español:
con el Diácono:
Domingo y Martes
de 10:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes:
de 1:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.
Sábados: de 11:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Tel. 763-712-7482
Fax. 763-421-4230
Iglesia de San Esteban
Oficina Parroquial en Inglés:
Tel. 763-421-2471
Padre Jack Long
Pastor Asociado
Padre Kevin Manthey
Tel. 763-712-7421
Ramón García
Tel. 763-712-7482
Preparación Matrimonial
Llamar seis meses antes
de la fecha deseada
Información para la preparación
Bautismos, Primera Comunión,
Reconciliación, Confirmación
Matrimonios y celebraciones
para Quinceañera
Lecturas de La Semana
Domingo: Dn 12, 1-3/Heb 10, 11-14. 18/Mc
13, 24-32
Lunes: 1 Mac 1, 10-15. 41-43. 54-57. 62-64/Lc
18, 35-43
Martes: 2 Mac 6, 18-31/Lc 19, 1-10
Miércoles: 2 Mac 7, 1. 20-31/Lc 19, 11-28
Jueves: 1 Mac 2, 15-29/Lc 19, 41-44
Viernes: 1 Mac 4, 36-37. 52-59/Lc 19, 45-48
Sábado: 1 Mac 6, 1-13/Lc 20, 27-40
Domingo siguiente: Dn 7, 13-14/Ap 1, 5-8/Jn
18, 33-37
Ministerio Hispano
Las pláticas pre-bautismales
se toman el primer sábado
de cada mes. Llamar a la
parroquia para llenar la registración para confirmar la
fecha de su asistencia para la
plática del bautismo.
1. La celebración del Bautizo
son los domingos dentro de
la misa de las 12:30 pm, o el
tercer o cuarto sábado del
mes a las 10:30 am.
2. En la Iglesia de St. Stephen
no hay cuota para el sacramento del bautismo.
3. Las pláticas las tomarán
papás y padrinos. Se recomienda que si los padres no
están casados por la Iglesia
Católica al menos los Padrinos si lo estén, o ser totalmente solteros, sin estar
conviviendo con ninguna
otra persona. Los padrinos
tienen que ser católicos.
4. Las pláticas bautismales
son los sábados (llamar para
las fechas exactas del mes),
de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm. en el
salón Romero.
Llamar para registrarse al:
Diácono Ramon Garcia: Tel
Fechas Próximas Para Las
Pláticas Bautismales:
llamar a la oficina.
Fechas Próximas Para La
Celebración de los Bautismos (los sábados):
llamar a la oficina.
Anuncios en Español
El Sacramento de La Reconciliación
El sacramento de la Reconciliación es uno de los tesoros más grandes
de nuestra fe católica, porque es por medio de la confesión que experimentamos la sanación y la misericordia de nuestro Señor, por todos
nuestros pecados. Es por esta razón que la Iglesia pide a todos los católicos que nos confesemos por lo menos una vez al año, y nos invita a frecuentar el sacramento aún más.
Las confesiones en español:
miércoles, 18 de noviembre, 7 p.m.
miércoles, 25 de noviembre, 7 p.m.
sábado, 28 de noviembre, 3:30 p.m.
miércoles, 2 de diciembre, 7 p.m.
sábado, 5 de diciembre, 3:30 p.m.
La Fiesta “Last Friday Night”
Quien: Los estudiantes en los grados 9-12
Que: Last Friday Night Party: Vengan a pasear con los otros jóvenes:
comida, música, juegos y diversión
Cuando: 20 de noviembre, 8-10:00 p.m.
Donde: The Refuge y FCC
Contactar a Greg con sus preguntas: [email protected].
La Corresponsabilidad
Y se verá al Hijo del hombre venir sobre las nubes, lleno de poder y de gloria.
(Marcos 13:26)
Tendremos todos el día en que estamos parados, frente a Dios, y toda
nuestra vida se ve como si fuera una película. Cuando esto sucede, y
Dios nos pregunta, ¿Qué has hecho con los dones que te dí? ¿Cómo vas
a responder?
En octubre, la comisión de La Corresponsabilidad tuvo una junta en que
se daba la bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses que habían registrado durante el año pasado. Fue una noche placentera, en que tuvimos la oportunidad de dar la bienvenida oficialmente a muchos miembros nuevos
y para todos a conocernos más, en un ambiente informal.
Ya estamos haciendo planes para tener otra recepción para los nuevos
feligreses el 5 de marzo, 2016, para las personas que se han registrado
desde octubre, 2015 hasta febrero 2016. La comisión de Corresponsabilidad invita a los que tengan deseos de servir a que nos contacten para
comenzar. Favor de llamar a Monica Freeman (763-421-2471).
Ministerio Hispano
Anuncios en Español
Noviembre: Un Tiempo Para Recordar
El libro de la parroquia para apuntar los nombres de nuestros seres
queridos que han fallecido está colocado cerca de la fuente bautismal
durante todo el mes de noviembre. Los feligreses están invitados a apuntar los nombres de los familiares y amigos que se han
fallecido. Los domingos, en la oración de los fieles, estas personas serán
incluidas en las oraciones.
Servicio Ecuménico del Día de Acción de Gracias
El 24 de noviembre, en nuestra parroquia, tendremos un servicio ecuménico para el Día de Acción de Gracias. La palabra “ecuménico” quiere decir
que iglesias de varias denominaciones van a participar con nosotros en
esta celebración. El servicio está siendo patrocinado por “Anoka Area
Ministerium Congregations”, e incluirá a: Advent Lutheran, First Congregational UCC, Lord of Life Lutheran,Trinity Episcopal, United Methodist
y Zion Lutheran, juntos con San Esteban. Habrá un coro ecumenico con
miembros de cada iglesia. Después del servicio, habrá hospitalidad en el
FCC. Bienvenidos a todos. El servicio se realizará en inglés.
El Horario del Día de Acción de Gracias
Se celebrará la misa del Día de Acción de
Gracias el jueves, 26 de noviembre, a las
9:00 a.m. Favor de notar que no habrá misa
de las 8:00 a.m. aquel día.
La oficina parroquial se cerrará a las
5:00 p.m. el miércoles, 25 de noviembre, y
estará cerrada el Día de Acción de Gracias.
La Capilla de La Adoración al Santísimo
estará cerrada desde las 5:00 p.m. el miércoles, 25 de noviembre, hasta el lunes 30
de noviembre, después de la misa de las
8:00 a.m.
La Adoración Perpetua en La Iglesia de
San Esteban
Todos están bienvenidos a pasar tiempo en la oración con el Santísimo.
Necesitamos a más personas comprometidas para la adoración cada semana, especialmente los lunes a la 2:00 p.m., los miércoles a la 4:00 p.m.,
y los sábados a la 12:00 p.m. Consideren pasar una hora cada semana,
a la misma hora, frente a nuestro Señor Jesús en la Adoración. Tal vez
planeándolo con un amigo o familiar facilite mejor, por si acaso que uno
de ustedes dos no podrían ir por un contratiempo. Favor de contactar
a Joyce a 612-860-3830 en inglés o al Diácono Ramón a 763-712-7482.
El Grupo de Mujeres
“Women of Wonder”
La Tienda “For Kids Only” es un
evento de cada año, donde los niños llegan para comprar regalitos
para sus familias para La Navidad.
Los regalos cuestan entre $1.00 a
$5.00, y los niños entran a la tienda con un voluntario, escogen sus
regalos para sus seres queridos,
pagan y ahí mismo los envuelven.
La Tiendita “For Kids Only” se llevara
a cabo el domingo, 6 de diciembre, de 9:15 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. en el
gimnasio de la escuela.
Necesitamos voluntarios que podrían ayudar con turnos de 1-2
horas aquella mañana. Estamos
aceptando donaciones de cosas
nuevas o usadas, pero en buenas
condiciones, que se puede vender
para la tiendita. Además, estamos
recibiendo donaciones de papel
para envolver regalos, bolsitas de
regalos, listones, yudex y moñitos.
Para ser voluntario/a o para hacer
donaciones, favor de llamar a Eileen Howe en la oficina parroquial
al 763-712-7478 o por correo
electrónico a [email protected].
La Escuela Católica de
San Esteban
Desde preschool hasta el octavo
grado, La Escuela de San Esteban ofrece una educación de alta
calidad, llena de fe, para sus hijos.
Hay becas disponibles para nuestra comunidad. Vengan a formar
parte de nuestra familia de creyentes. Todos son bienvenidos.
Favor de llamar a 763-421-3236
para más información, en inglés,
o con el Diácono Ramon o el Padre Kevin, para informarse en español.
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A 4C 02-0491