Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church

Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
796 West 48th Street - San Bernardino - California - 92407 - 909-882-2931 - Fax 909-883-4851
E-mail: [email protected]
Mission Statement
We, the faith community of Our Lady
of the Assumption Parish, humbly
proclaim with our beloved Virgin Mary,
that we are the servants of the Lord.
Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
we value and celebrate the diversity of
our cultures and strive to be of loving
support to one another. We are
committed to the sacramental life and
Traditions of the Church through
worship, prayer, study, and service.
We seek to become true evangelists by
continuing to nourish and strengthen
our Roman Catholic Faith.
Declaración de la Mision
Nosotros, la comunidad de fe, de la
parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la
Asunción, proclamamos humildamente
con nuestra amada Virgen Maria, que
somos siervos del Señor. Enraizados en
el Evangelio de Jesucristo, valoramos y
celebramos la diversidad de nuestras
culturas y nos esforzamos
amorosamente a darnos apoyo el uno al
otro. Por medio del culto, la oración, el
estudio y el servicio, estamos
comprometidos con la Iglesia.
Buscamos ser verdaderos
evangliezadores nutriendo y
fortaleciendo nuestra fe Catolica
Marriages / Bodas
Arrangements require a six month
period of preparation. Please call the
Ministry Center Office. / Reservaciones
se requiren seis mese de anticipacion
para los preparativos.
The scheduling for Quinceañeras
should be made at least one year in
advance. / La reservacion de la fecha
para una Quinceanera debe ser
hecha por lo menos un año de
Funerals / Funerales
Please call the Parish Ministry
Center Office. / Favor de llamar a la
Oficina Ministerial.
Wills/Bequests - Testamento/Legado
Please call the Diocese. / Por Favor
llame a la Diocesis: 909-475-5300.
E-mail Bulletin Submissions to: [email protected]
December 13, 2015
Rev. Henry Sseriiso
882-2931 x29
[email protected]
OLA Website: olasanbernardino.org
Mass Schedule
Horario de las Misas
Saturday 4:30 pm Vigil Mass
8:00 am, 10:00 am
12:00 pm en espanol
4:30 pm Youth Mass
6:30 pm
Wednesday 8:15 am
Thursday 8:15 am
8:15 am
First Friday 6:30 pm
Sacred Heart & Santo Nino Devotions
Sacrament of Reconciliation,
Benediction and Exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament
9:00 am-10:30 am
Sacramento de Reconciliación,
Veneración y Exposición
del Santísimo Sacramento
9:00 am-10:30 am
Dan O’Camb
[email protected]
Mark Weber
[email protected]
R.C.I.A. & Adult Confirmation
Clare Colella
882-2931 x34
[email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Confirmation and Music
Kathleen Estrella
882-2931 x16
[email protected]
Coordinator of Religious Education
Maria Rivera-Mena
882-2931 x22
[email protected]
Susan Doyle
882-2931 x15 or x28
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Ana Gurule
882-2931 x32
[email protected]
Parish Office Reception
Lucia Godoy
882-2931 x10
Sisters of Mercy
882-2931 x18
Pastoral Council
[email protected]
Ministry Center Office Hours
Horario de la Oficina Ministerial
Sunday / Domingo: 10am to 12pm
Monday through Friday: 9am to 3pm
Saturday / Sabado: closed / cerrado
Visiting of the Sick/Home Blessings
If you’d like our priest to visit and
anoint a sick family member, or to
bless your home, please contact the
Parish Office. He will call to arrange
a date and time.
Visitas a los Enfermos
y Bendicion de Hogares
Si necesita que nuestro sacerdote
vaya a dar la unción a un familiar
enfermo, o a bendecir su hogar, por
favor hablar a la oficina parroquial.
El sacerdote se comunicara con usted
para acordar la fecha y la hora.
Baptisms and Baptism Preparation
Bautizos y Preparacion 909-882-2931
OLA SCHOOL Principal
Sue Long
[email protected]
School Secretary
Rina McNamara
Delila Vasquez
[email protected]
After School Day Care
OLA School Email & Website
[email protected]
This Week’s Mass Intention’s
Mass Time
Mass Intention
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Las Mañanitas
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass
Robert Sherrier-Rest in Peace
Mass for the People
Dinah Mc Donald-Rest in Peace
Mim Pestrella
Mc Donald Family-Special Intention
Mim Pestrella
Juan Umaña-Rest in Peace
Umaña Family
Blake Boggust-Rest in Peace
OLA Community
Lin Anthony Ibarra-Rest in Peace
Deacon Dan & Pam O’Camb
Penance Service
Requested By
Sherrier Family
Oscar Jauregui-Rest in Peace
Jauregui Family
Moises Tony Figuereo-Rest in Peace
Jauregui Family
Denise Perraza, Martha Pinedo, Fr. Paul Prince, Virginia Wellington,
Luz Camas, Cel Good, Jaime & Jess Marquez, Sandy Lent, Ofelia Scott, Edward
Thomson, Charlie Baca, Martha Garrett, Gabriel Tisnado, Luis Angel Castro, Ruben Castro, Deangelo
Rocha, Efrain Castro, Luz Garcia, Max Brokaw, Lou Pappas, Cathy Mess, Ken Sousa, Don Brimmer,
Michelle Acevedo, Egor Lisizin, Diana Fitzgerald, Marihna Monroe, Pam O’Camb, Lee Walker
and Ellen Molina
Light of Christ
December 13th–19,
Blake Boggust
Rest in Peace
Requested by:
The Gurule Family
This Week’s Events
After the Morning
Food & Fellowship:
High School Religious Education/Confirmation
Mandatory Meeting - Student/Parents/Sponsors
for 3rd Year Confirmation
Cleaning of Parish Hall
RCIA/RICA for Children
First Year First Communion-Spanish
Grades 1-4
Boy Scouts
Choir Practice for Candles & Carols
AYM Para Cristo Youth Night
Penance Service
Cleaning of Parish Hall
Parish Hall Kitchen Side
OLA School Classrooms
Parish Hall
OLA School Classrooms
OLA School Classrooms
OLA School Library
Mercy Ministry Center
Parish Hall Stage Side
Parish Hall
Religious Education for Children with
Special Needs (K-4 Grades)
Religious Education (K-4 Grades)
Family Faith Formation for Rel. Ed. Parents
8:00 AM - Choir Practice
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos
Religious Education (5-8 Grades)
Family Faith Formation for Rel. Ed. Parents
El Coro
AYM 4 Christ Youth Night
Festival of Candles & Carols
Festival of Candles & Carols Reception
Cleaning of Parish Hall
Sacrament of Reconciliation/
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Pastorela Practice
After the Morning
Food & Fellowship:
Blood Pressure Testing
Grupo Coordinador Hispano
Parish Hall
Parish Hall Kitchen Side
High School Religious Education/Confirmation
La Posterela & La Posoda
OLA School Classrooms
Parish Hall
OLA School Classrooms
OLA School Classrooms
OLA School Classrooms
Parish Hall Kitchen Side
Parish Hall Stage Side
OLA School Classrooms
OLA School Classrooms
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
Parish Hall Stage Side
Parish Hall
Mercy Ministry Center
"Pope Francis has declared a Year of Mercy beginning Dec. 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. To celebrate this momentous event, OLA
School's Director of Religious Affairs, Ian Cordova and his
mom, Miss Myrna have arranged for a matching grant. This
grant will match every single penny donated to the Missionary Childhood Association during the month of December,
up to $1,000.00! We thank our donor for this generous gesture, especially as all our students will be reviewing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy which call on us to see to
the spiritual and physical needs of our brothers and sisters. We ask our parishioners to join with us during this Advent season as we support those in need. Please drop off
your donations in our school office, give them to Sr. Camillus, our Missions Moderator, or simply drop your check in
the Offertory basket made out to Missionary Childhood
Association. We appreciate your support!"
"El Papa Francisco ha declarado el Año de la Misericordia a
principios del 8 de diciembre, día de la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción. Para celebrar este importante evento, el Director de Asuntos Religiosos de nuestra Escuela OLA, Ian
Córdova y su madre, la señorita Myrna han organizado una
donación de compartida. Esta donación coincede con cada
centavo donado a la Asociación de la Infancia Misionera en
el mes de diciembre, hasta $ 1,000.00! agradecemos a nuestro
donante por este generoso gesto, especialmente como todos
nuestros estudiantes estarán revisando las obras Corporales y
Espirituales de Misericordia, que nos llaman para ver las
necesidades espirituales y físicas de nuestros hermanos y
Pedimos a nuestros feligreses a unirse con nosotros durante
este tiempo de Adviento para apoyar a los necesitados. Por
favor deje sus donaciones en nuestra oficina de la escuela, o
puede entregarlas a la hermana Camillus, nuestra Moderador
de Misiones, o simplemente pongan su cheque en la canasta
de las ofrendas a nombre de Asociación de la Infancia
Misionera. Apreciamos su apoyo! "
Banns of Marriage
Let us pray for the following couples who will be receiving the
Sacrament of Marriage:
Amonestaciones Matrimoniales
Oremos juntos por las siguientes parejas que recibirán el
Sacramento de Matrimonio:
Thomas & Linda Cunningham - 1/17/16
Terrance Davis & Megan Doyle - 4/2/2016
Matthew Flexen & Erica Danielle Flexen - 5/7/16
Jose Pacheco & Isabel Archuleta Pacheco - 5/25/16
Saul Morales & Sylvia Morales - 6/11/16
Christopher Estrella - Alejandra Flores - 6/25/2016
Communal Reconciliation Service for Advent
Come receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this
Advent season, and be healed by the loving forgiveness of Jesus.
Our Penance service is scheduled for this Tuesday, December
15th at 6:30 pm .
Servicio de Reconciliación Comunal del Adviento
Ven a recibir el Sacramento de la Reconciliación durante este
tiempo de Adviento, y sana por medio del amoroso perdón de
Jesús. Nuestro servicio de Penitencia está programado para este
martes, 15 de diciembre a las 6:30 pm.
Annual Migration Mass
January 10, 2016
The Diocese of San Bernardino and the Social Concern’s Jus ce for
Immigrants Ministry would like to invite you to the 2016 Migra on
Mass at Our Lady of Soledad in Coachella on Sunday, January 10th
beginning at 1:00pm. A relic from St. Toribio Romo will be present!
Please join us as we come together to journey with all the refugees
and migrants that make up the Diocese of San Bernardino. For more
informa on please contact: Hilda Cruz at 909.475.5469 or
[email protected].
Misa Anual de Migración
10 de enero de 2016
La diócesis de San Bernardino y el ministerio de Jus cia para Inmigrantes de la Oficina de Pastoral Social les invitan a la misa de migración del 2016. La misa se llevara a cabo el domingo, 10 de enero a
la una de la tarde. ¡Se tendrá presente una reliquia de Santo Toribio
Romo! Acompáñenos a unirnos en oración e hermandad con todos
los refugiados y migrantes que forman parte de la diócesis de San
Bernardino. Para más información favor de contactar a: Hilda Cruz al
909.475.5469 o [email protected].
El Papa Francisco eligió inaugurar el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia el pasado martes porque el 8 de diciembre marca el
quincuagésimo aniversario de la clausura del Concilio Va cano
II. El Papa Francisco nos recuerda que el Concilio inauguró una
fase en la historia de la Iglesia. El Espíritu llamó a la Iglesia a
derrumbar muros que la habían hecho una fortaleza por mucho empo, y a proclamar el Evangelio en un modo nuevo y
más accesible. El Papa Francisco cita a san Juan XXIII declarando la“preferencia por la medicina de la misericordia” de la
Iglesia, y al beato Pablo VI proponiendo “al Buen Samaritano
como nuestro modelo de discipulado” (Misericordiae Vultus,
4). El Papa Francisco añade: “la misericordia de Dios es el corazón palpitante del Evangelio” y que esa misericordia debe
“alcanzar la mente y el corazón” de cada discípulo (MV, 12).
En el Evangelio de hoy, tres veces se pregunta “¿Qué tenemos
que hacer?” El Papa Francisco diría: Imita a Jesús, quien vino
no empuñando el juicio de fuego que Juan el Bau sta anunciaba, sino en su lugar sanando, siendo compasivo, perdonando
A pro-life prayer group has been formed, and we meet at
10:30 am Saturday morning (right after adoration) to pray
the Rosary for Life.. 10:30 to 11:00 am, in the sanctuary
(church) provided no other activity is going on.
Stop Assisted Suicide in CA before it’s too late! Earlier this
year, through a Special Session, the CA legislature passed assisted suicide, allowing doctors to prescribe overdose medicaon to terminally ill pa ents. Join a coali on of physicians,
nurses, disability-rights organiza ons, and people of all faiths
to stand for the lives of our elderly and dying and oppose assisted suicide! On the weekends of December 12/13, & 19/20
pe ons will be available for signature outside of Masses.
Signers must be registered to vote in California and can only
sign once. Why Oppose Assisted Suicide? Sends the Wrong
Message: Legalizing suicide for the terminally ill, while discouraging it for the rest of the popula on, teaches that the
lives of the ill and disabled do not ma er to our society. Will
Worsen Pa ent Care: Pa ents in other states, like Barbara
Wagner in Oregon, are being denied treatment prescribed by
their doctors, and instead offered drugs for assisted suicide.
Will Increase Non-Terminal Suicide Rates: Suicides skyrocket
when assisted suicide is legalized. Oregon's suicide rate for
non-terminal people increased 49% a er assisted suicide became legal.
Have you been away from the Church for a
while? Have you ever thought about returning? If so, we would like to welcome you
back to Our Lady of the Assump on Parish.
We have a special ministry for people just
like you who have been away from the
Church. Please join us for a six-week series
that begins Thursday January 7 from
7:00pm to 8:30pm in classroom 7. We
would like to address your ques ons and
make you feel at home once more in the
Catholic Church. For more informa on,
please call Terril Bauer at 909 800-2570.
¡Detenga el suicidio asis do en California antes de que sea
demasiado tarde! Este año, a través de una Sesión Especial, la
legislatura de CA aprobó el suicidio asis do permi endo que
médicos prescriban sobredosis de medicamento a pacientes
con enfermedades terminales. Hágase socio de una coalición
de médicos, enfermeras, organizaciones para derechos de
discapacitados, y personas de todas las religiones para apoyar
la las vidas de nuestros ancianos y moribundos y ¡opóngase al
suicidio asis do! El 22 de noviembre, domingo de Cristo Rey,
habrá pe ciones disponibles para firmar afuera de la Misa.
Quienes firmen deben estar registrados para votar y solo se
puede firmar una vez. ¿Porque Oponerse al Suicidio Asis do?
Manda el Mensaje Equivocado: Legalizar el suicidio para
personas con enfermedades terminales, mientras disuadimos
al resto de la población, enseña que las vidas de los enfermos
y discapacitados no importan en nuestra sociedad. Empeorara el Cuidado del Paciente: A pacientes en otros estados,
como Barbara Wagner en Oregón, se les está negando tratamiento recetado por sus médicos, y en su lugar se les está
ofreciendo medicinas para asis r el suicidio. Aumentará el
Índice de Suicidios sin enfermedades terminales: Los suicidios
suben cuando el suicidio asis do es legalizado. El índice de
suicidios de Oregón para personas sin enfermedades terminales incremento un 49% después de que el suicidio asis do
se legalizo.
December 13th-School
December 20th-FCCW/FCCM
December 27th-Young at Heart
Adult Faith
© Clare Colella
“Gaudete Sunday” is the name given to
this Sunday, marking our progress to the
half-way point of Advent season. “Rejoice in the Lord
always” is the beginning of the Entrance antiphon, a
mood-setting prayer that opens the Mass in our
missals, even though we do not hear that prayer at Mass.
“Gaudete” -- from the Latin for the first word of the
opening prayer at Mass “Rejoice” and the Scripture
proclamation, this is the spirit of not only this Sunday but
the days ahead, as we prepare more immediately for the
three-fold celebration of faith at Christmas – remembering
the birth of Christ, Jesus present with us now, and the
glorious coming of the Lord at the end of time. Having just
celebrated two feasts of Mary, we focus again on another
aspect of the anticipation and preparation for the
Messiah: the proclamation of John the Baptist to those
who come to him with a spirit of repentance. So, too, for
us – with the parish celebration of our Penance service on
Tuesday evening.
Our Liturgical catechists for this Sunday are the prophet
Zephaniah, Paul and the prophet John the Baptist. Their
message: Live faithfully with hope, trust in God, with
generosity and joy!
Many stores, companies and groups have already been
celebrating Christmas even though we are still in the
season and spirit of Advent. In the midst of a culture of
accumulation and materialism, we hear a message that is
counter-cultural: a timely message for us also: Share
what you have; be honest and diligent in your work, be
satisfied with what you receive. When we take this
aspect of preparation for the Lord seriously, we try to live
each day getting our hearts ready to welcome the Lord –
who is already among us – and live as disciples. The
spiritual meaning of this season of holy days (holidays)
deepens within. We find that when we live in the spirit of
discipleship, we not only prepare to celebrate the birth of
Jesus, we also are ready for the presence of the Lord in
our hearts and for the final coming of the Lord.
How are we serving others, paying attention to the
message of John, living the good news of God’s great
love and mercy? Yes, the holy days are near at hand. Let
us make ready the way of the Lord! Let us celebrate the
great love and mercy which are God’s gift to all God’s
children during this Jubilee Year of Mercy.
December 16: Christmas Customs and their Meaning
January 6: Epiphany Party: The Spirit of Giving
January 13: Introduction to the Sacraments
On this, the Second Sunday of Advent, our parish
community is preparing in a very special way for the
Jubilee Year of Mercy. Building on the a en on given by Pope
Francis to the family as the basis of faith-building, each family
will be invited to receive a small gi from the parish to help
your family remember and prac ce the Works of Mercy. A
magnet, placed on the family center – the refrigerator – can
be a reminder to everyone what the Holy Father is asking us
to be mindful of during this year. They will be available in English and Spanish and will be given out at the Masses so that
we are ready for the formal opening of the Year of Mercy on
the Feast of the Immaculate Concep on, December 8.
Throughout our lives we have many opportuni es to
help others, some mes in simple ways that call us to awareness and generosity – with our me and a en veness, probably more than anything else. Especially these hec c days of
December, take me to open a door for someone, to smile, to
say thanks, to pray quietly for those who seem stressed. Just
about every day at home there is someone who could use a
smile, a grateful comment, apprecia on for who they are and
what good they do. WE tend to take one another for granted.
One of the quota ons of Pope Francis can be a sort of mo o
for us: “Wherever there are Chris ans, everyone should find
an oasis of mercy.” Let us work together to be that oasis for
one another! God bless!
Pope Francis chose to inaugurate the Jubilee Y ear of Mercy
last Tuesday because December 8 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II. That council, Pope
Francis reminds us, inaugurated a new phase in the
Church’s history. The Spirit called the Church to tear down
the walls that for far too long had made it a fortress, and to
proclaim the gospel in a new, more accessible way. Pope
Francis quotes Saint John XXIII in declaring the Church’s
preference for “theme medicine of mercy,” and Blessed
Paul VI in proposing the Good Samaritan as our model for
discipleship (Misericordiae V ultus, 4). Pope Francis adds
that God’s mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel,” and
that mercy “must penetrate the heart and mind” of every
disciple (MV , 12). Three times today’s Gospel asks, “What
should I do?” Pope Francis would say: Imitate Jesus, who
came not wielding the fiery judgment that John the Baptist
had threatened, but instead imparting healing, compassion,
forgiveness—mercy!—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S.
Paluch Co., Inc.Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria
Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.