OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Grant us, Lord our God, that we may honor you with all our mind, and love everyone in truth of heart. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS INSTITUTION You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) 2015 ARCBHSHOP’S APPEAL LETTER FROM ARCHBISHOP On Mon, Jan 26, a letter from Archbishop was sent out asking for your gift/pledge to support the ministries of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. This mailing gives the registered parishioners an opportunity to contribute to the Appeal, especially those who may be unable to attend Mass. Please give prayerful consideration to your level of support to help fund the essential ministries and services supported by the Appeal. To learn more about the appeal, visit www.archsaappeal.org. 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL PRAYER Holy Spirit, Counselor and Helper, as a people consecrated to you, we seek to be a light for the world and salt for the earth. Grant that we may boldly proclaim the Gospel, and draw many souls to Christ. Lord of Hope, transform us so that we may Transform the Future. Unite us as the Body of Christ, strengthen us with your grace, and embolden us to reach out to the discouraged with hope, to the lost with Truth, and to the suffering with love. Giver of life, make us grateful for our many blessings, and help us to share generously with those in need. Bless and multiply our gifts to the 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal so that they may bear much fruit. Amen. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS Contribution statements for 2014 have been mailed out to parishioners who contributed a minimum of $250 during 2014. Some of the statements were incorrect. This past week, we mailed out CORRECTED statements to those who were affected. If you did not receive a CORRECTED statement by January 31, 2015, your original statement is accurate. For questions, please contact Maryanne Burns: (210) 695-8791, ext. 29. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your understanding and continued support of our parish! THE NEW EVANGELIZATION “The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel.” Faith is a lifelong process. This week’s sharing: the Epiclesis (Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church; “Beyond First Communion” by Fr. J. Driscoll) Do you hear the altar server ring the bells during Mass? The first time the bells are rung is at the Epiclesis. “Epiclesis is a Greek word that means “to invoke”. This is one of the parts of the Mass (during the Eucharistic prayer) when we kneel … the culminating moment of the Eucharistic celebration… “The presider stretches out his hands over the gifts of bread and wine brought by the people. … In the epiclesis, the Church asks the Father to send his Holy Spirit … on the bread and wine so that by his power they may become the body and blood of Jesus Christ so that those who take part in the Eucharist may be one body and one Spirit …” Attention to the words, signs, rituals and symbols used in the Eucharist will help us to understand the Mass more fully. (Our New Evangelization page is now on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OLGHNE or call: 695-8791 x 13 for more information) FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Jan 31/Feb 1—Parish Capital Campaign (projects on our Annex Property on FM 1560) Feb 18 (Ash Wednesday)—Church in Central & Eastern Europe Feb 21/22—Archbishop’s Appeal Volunteer Service Hours Needed for Grant Submissions REMINDER: All parish ministry volunteers and all volunteers participating at any parish event, please continue to record hours in volunteer service forms and turn in to parish office, the drop box outside parish office or locked box in church foyer. Refer to brochure for volunteer service criteria and instructions. Questions, contact Roxana Vargas, 210-684-0628 or Tomas Cisneros 210-902-9100. SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS The Archdiocese of San Antonio is committed to the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults. All adults (18+) who minister to these persons are required to: 1. Complete a Criminal Background Check Form every 3 years. Processing fee is $6. Forms are available in parish office and our parish web site. 2. Complete Safe Environment Training every 3 years. The training is also offered through the Archdiocese Wed, Feb 11, 6-7:30pm, at the Office of Victim Assistance & Safe Environment, St. Paul Community Center Annex, 1201 Donaldson (red building). See the archdiocesan web site for more info at www.archsa.org/to_protect. Contact Tracie Enriquez, 210-734-7786, [email protected] to reserve your seat on your desired date. 3. View Sexual Misconduct Video once. The video may be shown by appointment at the parish office. It is the goal of our parish to offer this valuable training to all adult parish volunteers. If you are unsure of what you are required to do for your particular ministry, contact your Ministry Leader. Ministry Leaders, if you need guidance, contact Maryanne Burns, 210-695-8791, ext 29, [email protected]. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS COMMUNITY Where two or more are gathered in my name there I am in their midst. (Matthew 18:20) The Altar Society meets on Wed, Feb 4, 7pm, Guadalupe room. New members are welcome! We will discuss upcoming activities. Join us for an evening of faith, fun and fellowship! MARRIED COUPLES “What God has joined, let no one separate" Mark 10:9 Do you resolve to stay committed to your marriage? Make the resolution that really counts in God’s eye. Bring your spouse to the Couples Shared Prayer Retreat!! February 6–8, 2015 This special weekend takes place in the beautiful hill country at Mo Ranch, nestled in Hunt, Texas. The retreat begins at 5pm on Friday and ends at 2pm on Sunday and will include Sunday mass. Total cost for the retreat is $295 per couple which includes your room, all your meals and an unforgettable weekend!! A deposit of $135 will reserve your spot. We only have space for 6 couples so don’t wait, reserve your spot today. Please contact Felipe and Marcela Guzman at 210-695-9639 for more information. Our Lady of Guadalupe Men’s ACTS Brothers Fellowship Gathering, Jesus called to himself those he desired, and they followed.’ [Mark 3:13] Saturday, February 14 8am Mass in Chapel 8:30am Breakfast 9am Faith Sharing in Guadalupe room Attention all men and men of ACTS You are invited! Welcome all men to our fellowship gathering. We will hear from one of our Christian brothers. We will hear about serving and glorifying God We will start promptly at 8am followed by sharing a small meal and faith gathering. If you have a name badge please bring it or we can provide you with one. RSVP so that we may properly plan by EMAILING your conformation to: [email protected] or by TEXTING to Joel at 210-392-3287, Rick at 210-216-3257, Orlando at 531-6984, or Sam 415-6397, Sorry for those who cannot attend, we will be gathering the 2nd Saturday of every month, hope to see you then. YBIC BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, February 15, 8am-1pm sponsored by Knights of Columbus. Each donor should call to schedule donation time in advance. Contact Marcus Garcia 210-219-1458. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CYO REGISTRATION for TRACK through February 2, 2015 Register online at: http://www.olgyouthathletics.org Boys and Girls: ages 4-14, Fee: $40, (track shirt inclued) Track Meet to be held Sat, March 7, 2015 at Central Catholic High School. Requirements: OLG parishioner at least 6 months or live within Our Lady of Guadalupe boundaries; Contact: Rudy Cervera, 210-617-3260, 210-325-9157, or [email protected] 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother’s of Munchkins: MOM's is a support and ministry group for All mothers with children of all ages. We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month (Sep-May), 9-11am, in the Guadalupe room to share and support each other in our ministry as Christian mothers. We would love to see you at our next meeting! Please join us and bring a friend. Questions? Contact Melanie Tawil @ [email protected], 210-323-9382 or Beth Thompson @ [email protected], 210-543-7409. ACTS COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CYO REGISTRATION FOR BASEBALL, T-BALL & SOFTBALL now through March 2, 2015 Register online at: http:// www.olgyouthathletics.org. *Early Registration Fee: $125 now til Feb 8, 2015 *Fee: $135 Feb 9 - Feb 22, 2015 *Fee: $140 Feb 23—Mar 2, 2015 ~Uniform included~ • T-Ball: Co-ed, ages 4-5 • Baseball: Boys, ages 6 - 14 • Softball: Girls, ages 6-14 Contact: Rudy Cervera, 210-325-9157 or email: [email protected] for more information. The Our Lady of Guadalupe ACTS community is offering two $500 college scholarships. To be eligible for the scholarship students must belong to a registered parish family at Our Lady of Guadalupe and a senior in high school planning to attend College. This scholarship will be awarded to an individual who has distinguished themselves academically and/ or served actively within the Our Lady of Guadalupe Community. For more information please contact Denise Becerra [email protected] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Scholarship applications must be submitted by March 1st. Parish Book Program...Have You Started Reading? ACTS Retreat for Women in Spanish Retreat Home Cordi Marian 12 - 15 of February 2015 “Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sin is covered.” (Psalm 32, 1) Women, you are invited to assist the retreat hosted by Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Helotes Texas. If you have any questions, please contact: Martha Sáenz (210) 467-5711 Sara Peña (210) 393-3491 Esperanza Macias (210) 844-5171 Over the last few Sunday's sign up sheets have been available to join study groups for the book Rediscover Catholicism by Mathew Kelly which was handed out at Christmas to each of our parish families. Study groups are beginning to meet, but it's not too late to join, or start a new group. For those who cannot make one of the group meetings, questions from the book's study guide will be printed in the bulletin each week, so they are available for reflection as you read. If you need more information about the book, study groups, or the study questions, please contact: Matt Alexander hm 210-679-6247; cell: 210-639-4600; email: [email protected]. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS SACRAMENT He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation. (Colossians 1:15) ST. BLASE BLESSING OF THROATS will be offered immediately following our daily Masses on Tue, Feb 3. Schedule of Masses: 8am in Spanish and 7pm in English. St. Blase, pray for us! MARRIAGE PREPARATION typically requires a minimum of six months. An ORIENTATION SESSION for couples interested in a Catholic wedding is available by appointment. Both Bride & Groom must be present. Evening or weekend appointments available. Contact Laura Brill, 210-695-8791, ext 24, [email protected]. SACRAMENTS RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS ASH WEDNESDAY is Feb 18! SCHEDULE OF SERVICES All include distribution of ashes. 7:00am 8:00am 12:15pm 3:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm Liturgy of the Word Mass (English) Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Word (English) (English) (English, Children’s) (English) (English) (Spanish) I understand that Catholics ages 18 to 59 should fast on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, but what exactly are the rules for these fasts? Fasting on these days means we can have only one full, meatless meal. Some food can be taken at t he ot h er r egul ar me al t im es if necessary, but combined they should be less than a full meal. Liquids are allowed at any time, but no solid food should be consumed between meals. Are there exemptions other than for age from the requirement to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday? Those that are excused from fast and abstinence outside the age limits include the physically or mentally ill including individuals suffering from chronic illnesses like diabetes. Also excluded are pregnant or nursing women. In all cases, common sense should prevail, and ill persons should not further jeopardize their health by fasting. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (0 months- age 6) Pr epar ation classes for Par ent s & Godparents Tuesday, Feb 3, Church, 6:30pm-8pm. Families need to be registered in parish prior to attending this class. Parents & godparents are required to attend class before scheduling baptism date. Please refer to our website: www.olghelotes.org for further requirements for the sacrament of baptism. Childcare is available for children 18 months and older. Contact: Anna Alvarado, 695-8791 ext 23, [email protected] or Nancy Baize, ext 28, [email protected]. Are you interested in joining the Church or completing your sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation or eucharist? Contact Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]. BAPTISM for adults, youth and children 7+: Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]; for Children <7: Anna Alvarado, 210-695-8791, ext 23, [email protected]. FIRST EUCHARIST & RECONCILIATION for Elementary: Anna Alvarado, 210-695-8791, ext 23, [email protected]; for Middle & High School: Lisa Pena, 210-695-8791, ext 27, [email protected]. CONFIRMATION for Youth: Jon Lamers, 210-695-8791, ext 26, [email protected]. MARRIAGE Laura Garcia Brill, 210-695-8791, ext 24, [email protected]. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Father Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. HOLY ORDERS Father Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY We are looking for Ministers of Hospitality to serve at our Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Men, Women and Youth are most welcome to join us! Contact Adela Trujillo, 951-316-2785, [email protected]. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays, 8:30am-9pm, Chapel. All are welcome to stop by and pray anytime. Can you commit to a regular hour of adoration on Thursdays? Let us know. Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. (Psalm 95:6) Contact Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 MUSIC MINISTRY Singers and instrumentalists are needed. Contact Cheryl Chladek, 210-6958791, ext 10, [email protected]. Our next rehearsal is Wed, Feb 4, 7pm, Church. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS SERVANT Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters that you do unto me. (Matthew 25:40) THE NOCTURNAL ADORATION SOCIETY would like to cordially invite men, women and their families to a special devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, by way of reparatory adoration at night. Our next night vigil begins Sat, Feb 7, with 7pm Mass and ends on Sun, Feb 8, 5am. All are invited! Please, keep the Nocturnal Adoration Society in your prayers. Contact Ruben Martinez, 210-777-2414. M I S S A L E T T E S W A P O U T Mark your calendars for our next swap out Mon, Feb 16, 4pm, Church. Contact Laura, ext 24, [email protected], if you can help. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS HERALD Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15) CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Children ages 3 years old (must be accompanied by a parent), pre-kinder, kinder, 1st-5th graders are dismissed before the 1st reading, led to Parish Hall. CLW is not Religious Education but a way for children to celebrate God’s word at their level and enable them to participate and respond as children. CLW meets: Sat, Feb 7, 14, 21, 5pm Mass; Sun, Feb 8, 15, 22, 9am, 10:45am, 12:30pm Masses. Contact Nancy, 210-695-8791, ext [email protected] for more information. 28, THE EDGE [MIDDLE SCHOOL] GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN Many grandparents today are stepping up to raise their grandchildren due to various circumstances and situations. In fact, the 2000 US Census reports over 2.4 million grandparents have responsibility for their grandchildren. Would you like to connect with other grandparents raising grandchildren? Join us for a light breakfast, resources and support: Mon, Feb 9, 10am-12n Brauchle Elementary, 8555 Bowens Crossing Contact Mercedes Bristol, 210-912-0004. Can’t make it? Let us know what other days and times might work for you. PRISON CORRESPONDENCE MINISTRY Prayerfully consider joining this ministry to provide hope and share your Christian faith with those who are incarcerated. We currently have over 100 persons who have requested pen pals and are on our waiting list for someone to write them. Contact Loretta Lang, 210-688-3454, Minnie Vigil, 210-6802556 or Sandra Archey, [email protected]. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE LITTLE FLOWER ROSARY MAKERS All are welcome! 2nd Tuesdays of the month, (Sep—May), 10am-12n, Guadalupe Room. Contacts: June Anderson, 372-1240, [email protected]; Sylvia Esquivel, 520-0244. Mon, Feb 2, 6:30pm, Hall Mon, Feb 9, 6:30pm, Hall Mon, Feb 16, NO EDGE Contact Lisa Pena, 695-8791, ext 27, [email protected] LIFE TEEN [HIGH SCHOOL] Sun, Feb 8, 5:30pm, Hall Sun, Feb 22, 5:30pm, Hall Sun, Mar 1, 5:30pm, Hall Contact Jon Lamers, 695-8791, ext 26, [email protected]. Concédenos, Señor, Dios nuestro, amarte con todo el corazón y, con el mismo amor, amar a nuestros prójimos. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO INSTITUCION Tu eres Pedro, y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi iglesia; los poderes de la muerte jamás la podrán vencer. (Mateo 16:18) 2015 LA CAMPAÑA DEL ARZOBISPO FIN DE SEMANA DE COMPROMISO 21 y 22 de Febrero La meta total de la campaña es de $4.5M y la meta de nuestra parroquia es de $155,830. A traves de la Campaña, podemos asegurar la cotinuidad de muchos programas importantes que ayudan a miles de personas en nuestra Arquidiocesis cada ano. Entre estos programas esta la educacion de nuestros hijos y de los seminaristas, la asistencia a los enfermos y a los necesitados. Por favor, respondan generosamente cuando se les pida hacer un compromise de donacion anula. Visite el sitio en internet de la Campana en www.archsaappeal.org. 2015 ORACIÓN DE LA CAMPAÑA DEL ARZOBISPO Espíritu Santo, Consejero y Consolador, como un pueblo consagrado a ti, buscamos ser una luz para el mundo y sal para la tierra. Concédenos valentía para anunciar el Evangelio, y atraer a muchas almas a Cristo. Señor de la Esperanza, transfórmanos para que podamos Transformar el Futuro. Unifícanos como el Cuerpo de Cristo, fortalécenos con tu gracia, y anímanos a llegar a los desalentados con la esperanza, a los perdidos con la verdad, y a los que sufren con amor. Dador de la Vida, haznos siempre agradecidos por nuestras muchas bendiciones. Y ayúdanos a compartir generosamente con los necesitados. Bendice y multiplica nuestros donativos a la Campaña del Arzobispo 2015, para que puedan dar mucho fruto. Amen. PROXIMAS COLECCIONES Enero 31/Feb 1—Campaña Capital de la Parroquia (proyectos en nuestro Propiedad Anexo en FM 1560) Feb 18 (Miércoles de Ceniza)—Iglesia En Europa Central y Oriental Feb 21/22—Campaña del Arzobispo LA NUEVA EVANGELIZACION La Nueva Evangelización nos llama a cada uno a profundizar nuestra fe, creer in el mensaje del Evangelio y proclamarlo, a dar testimonio de manera simple y directa. La fe es un proceso de formación continuo. Compartimos esta semana: La Epíclesis (Pasajes del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica; “Mas allá de la Primera Comunión” del Padre J. Driscoll) Escucha algunas veces los servidores del altar cuando usan las campanas? La primera vez que la tocan es durante La epíclesis. “Epíclesis” es una palabra griega que significa “invocar.” Esta es una de las partes de la Misa donde nos arrodillamos… es un momento culminante de la celebración Eucarística. El sacerdote estira sus manos sobre los regalos de pan y vino…“En la epíclesis, la Iglesia pide al Padre que envíe su Espíritu Santo sobre el pan y el vino, para que se conviertan por su poder, en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesucristo, y que quienes toman parte en la Eucaristía sean un solo cuerpo y un solo espíritu…” Dando más atención a las palabras, signos, r ituales, y símbolos durante la Misa, desarrollará nuestra comprensión de la Misa. (Nuestra página de la Nueva Evangelización ya esta en Facebook: www.facebook.com/OLGHNE o REQUISITOS DE AMBIENTE SEGURO (SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS) La Arquidiócesis de San Antonio esta comprometida a la seguridad y protección de los niños, jóvenes adolescentes y de los adultos vulnerables. Todos los adultos (18 años+) asignados a actividades ministeriales de los grupos de personas mencionadas requieren lo siguiente: 1. Someter un Formulario de Verificación de Antecedentes Criminales cada 3 años. La tarifa de procesamiento de el formulario es de $6. Los formularios están disponibles en la oficina de nuestra parroquia y en nuestra pagina de internet. 2. Completar Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro cada 3 años. El entrenamiento esta disponible por el arquidiócesis también miércoles el 11 de febrero, 6-7:30pm, en la Oficina de OVASE, St. Paul Community Center Annex, 1201 Donaldson (edificio colorado). Para reservar su asiento, contacta a Tracie Enriquez, 210-734-7786, [email protected]. 3. Ver el video titulado Mala Conducta Sexual una vez. Puedes hacer cita para ver el video en la oficina parroquial. El objetivo de nuestra parroquia es ofrecer este valioso entrenamiento a todos los voluntarios adultos. Si no estas seguro de los requisitos necesarios para algún ministerio en particular; contacta a tu Líder Ministerial. Si eres un Líder Ministerial y necesitas orientación, contacta a Laura Garcia Brill, 210-695-8791, ext 24, [email protected]. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 INTENCIONES DEL SANTO PADRE FEBRERO 2015 UNIVERSAL: ENCARCELADOS. Para que los encarcelados, en especial los jóvenes, tengan la posibilidad de reconstruir una vida digna. EVANGELIZACIÓN: CÓNYUGES SEPARADOS. Para que los cónyuges que se han separado encuentren acogida y apoyo en la comunidad cristiana. Necesitamos Sus Horas de Servicio Voluntario Para Solicitar Becas RECORDATORIO: Todos los miembros de diferentes ministerios y voluntarios que participen en algun evento de la iglesia “sin pago”, favor de continuar llenando su formulario de horas voluntarias y entreguelo en la oficina de la iglesia o depositelo en la caja que esta en el vestibulo de la iglesia. Favor de referirse al folleto de instrucciones de horas de servcio voluntarias a beneficio de la Campana Capital. Si tiene preguntas puede comunicarse con Roxana Vargas, 210-684-0628, Tomas Cisneros , 210-902-9100. DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO COMUNIDAD Pues donde están dos o tres reunidos en mi nombre, allí estoy yo, en medio de ellos. (Mateo 18:20) Retiro de ACTS para Mujeres en Español Casa de Retiro Cordi Marian 12 - 15 de Febrero 2015 “Dichoso el que es absuelto de pecado Y cuya culpa le a sido borrada.” (Sal 32, 1) Mujeres, están invitadas a asistir al retiro que auspicia la parroquia Our Lady of Guadalupe en Helotes Texas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con: Martha Sáenz (210) 467-5711 Sara Peña (210) 393-3491 Esperanza Macias (210) 844-5171 DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO SACRAMENTO El es la imagen del Dios que no se puede ver, y para toda criatura es el Primogénito. Colosenses 1:15) SAN BLAS BENDICION DE GARGANTAS se ofrecerá inmediatamente después de las misas diarias el martes 3 de febrero. Horario de Misas: 8am en Español y 7pm en Ingles. San Blas, ruega por nosotros ! 7:00am 8:00am 12:15pm 3:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm MIERCOLES DE CENIZA 18 DE FEBRERO HORARIO DE LITURGIAS CON DISTRIBUCION DE CENIZA Liturgia de la Palabra (Inglés) Misa (Inglés) Liturgia de la Palabra (Inglés) Liturgia de la Palabra (Inglés, para Niños) Liturgia de la Palabra (Inglés) Liturgia de la Palabra (Inglés) Liturgia de la Palabra (Español) SACRAMENTOS RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA para convertirte en católico/a o completar los sacramentos de iniciación, adultos: Elena Munis, 210-325-7320. BAUTISMO edades 7+: Elena Munis, 210-3257320; niños <7: Adela Vigueras, 210-760-2558. PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y PRIMERA CONFESIÓN para Niños: Susie y Martin Palacios, 210-315-9302; Alejandra Palacios, [email protected]. CONFIRMACIÓN para jóvenes: Jon Lamers, 210-695-8791, ext 26, [email protected]. MATRIMONIO Preparación matrimonial tiene una duración mínima de 6 meses. Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. ORDENES Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PREPARACIÓN DE MATRIMONIO typicamente requiere un mínimo de 6 meses. ORIENTACION para parejas interesado en una boda catolica está disponible por cita. Tanto la novia y el novio deben estar presentes. Citas disponibles de noche o fin de semana. Contact Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, [email protected]. MINISTERIO NUEVO DE HOSPITALIDAD Estamos buscando Ministros de Hospitalidad para asistir en las Misas del Sábado en la noche y las Misas del Domingo. Hombres, Mujeres y Jóvenes, todos están invitados! Por favor de contactar a Adela Trujillo, 951-316785, [email protected]. ADORACION DEL SANTISIMO todos los Jueves de 8:30am-9pm en la Capilla. Se les invita para que vengan y oren a la hora que mejor les convenga. También avísanos si puedes ayudarnos con venir a orar a una hora específica. ¡Entren, inclinémonos para adorarlo! ¡ Doblemos la rodilla ante el Señor que nos creó! (Salmo 95:6) Contacto Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, [email protected]. AMIGOS EN CRISTO GRUPO CARISMATICO DE ORACIÓN todos los martes, 7-9pm, Salón HORA SANTA DE ADORACION Cada primer martes, 7pm, en la Capilla Contacto Martha Vásquez, 210-682-6440, [email protected]. LA SOCIEDAD ADORACION NOCTURNA cordialmente invita a todos hombres, mujeres y sus familias que se consagran a una devoción especial a Jesucristo Sacramentado, por medio de la adoración reparadora en la noche. Nuestra próxima adoración nocturna empieza Sáb 7 de febrero, con la Misa de 7pm, y se termine el Dom 8 de febrero, 5am. ¡Todos son invitados! Contactos: Ruben Martinez, 210-777-2414. MINISTERIO VIRGEN PEREGRINA Que nada te aflija o te asuste, ni temas enfermedad, ¿no estoy yo aquí, que soy tu madre? Quien desee recibir la visita en su hogar de la imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, comuníquese con Jaime y Yolanda Mora, 210-371-3252. APOSTOLADO EUCARÍSTICO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Hijo mío, no tengas miedo de los sufrimientos puesto que yo estoy contigo. Deseo que conozcas más profundamente el amor que arde en mi corazón por todas las almas. Apela a mi misericordia. Para los pobres deseo su salvación. La familia que desea recibir la visita de la imagen de la Divina Misericordia, comunicarse con Simón o Juanita Ramírez, 210-680-3527, 210-410-9451. DESCUBRA LA IGLESIA COMO SERVIDOR Cuando lo hicieron con alguno de los más pequeños de estos mis hermanos, me lo hicieron a mí. (Mateo 25:40) CAMBIO DE LOS MISALES Necesitamos su ayuda para actualizar nuestro nuestros nuevos misales en la Iglesia. ¡Adultos, jóvenes y niños, los necesitamos! Únase a nosotros el lunes 16 Feb, 4pm, Iglesia. Póngase en contacto con Laura, ext 24, [email protected] ABUELOS CRIANDO NIETOS Muchos abuelitos hoy en día están criando sus nietos por varias circunstancias y situaciones. El Censo de 2000 reporta mas de 2.4 millones de abuelos con la responsabilidad de sus nietos. ¿Te gusta conectar con otros abuelos que están criando nietos? Acompáñenos para unos refrescos y apoyo. Abra materiales y recursos que les podría ayudar. lunes 9 de febrero, 10am-12 medio día Brauchle Elementary, 8555 Bowens Crossing Llamar a Mercedes Bristol, 210-912-0004. ¿No puedes asistir? Díganos que días o tiempos eran mejor para ustedes. FABRICANTES DE ROSARIO DE LA PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE Abierto a todo el público. Se reúnen el segundo martes de cada mes de 10am-12 del día, en el Salón Guadalupe. Comuníquese con June Anderson, 210-372-1240, [email protected]. MINISTERIO DE CORRESPONDENCIA PARA LOS ENCARCELADOS Si está interesado en escribir y enviar cartas de esperanza y aliento a las personas que están recluidas en las prisiones llame a Minnie Vigil, 210-680-2556. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS Saturday, January 31 / sábado 31 de enero 8am +Raymond Hoffman 5pm +Alberto & +Petra Fuentes, Thiago Callas 7pm +Ehmarosa Julcamoro, +Herminia Salazar Sunday, February 1/ domingo 1 de febrero 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:15am +Ignacio & +Carmen Cazarez, +Karl A. Weber 9am +Gladys & +Eugene Walding, +Dr. Alice De Rosa 10:45am +Rudy Lerma De La Rosa, +Yolanda Lopez 12:30pm +Wendi Voutour, +Adelide De La Garza 4:30pm Living & Deceased members of Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:30pm Miembros Vivos y Difuntos de la Parroquia Monday, February 2 / lunes 2 de febrero 8am +Jerry Kleffner Tuesday, February 3 / martes 3 de febrero 8am +Andrea Muro 7pm Jason Watts Wednesday, February 4 / miércoles 4 de febrero 8am Gary Brouillette, Priests & Staff of Our Lady of Guadalupe Thursday, February 5 / jueves 5 de febrero 8am +Sidney & +Rita Brouillette, an intention in thanksgiving to St. Joseph Friday, February 6 / viernes 6 de febrero 8am Living & Deceased members of the Kopecki family Saturday, February 7 / sábado 7 de febrero 8am +Nestor Trevino 5pm +Arthur Grothues 7pm +Mauro “Chito” Rodriguez, +Maria “Jechu” Rodriguez 210-695-8791 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Sunday, February 8/ domingo 8 de febrero 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:15am +Juanita M. Reyes, a intention of the donor 9am +Colin Monaco, +Ryan Jonas, +Leroy Jonas 10:45am +Rosendo Gonzales, +Rudy Lerma De La Rosa 12:30pm +Sonny Bauml 4:30pm Living & Deceased members of Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:30pm Miembros Vivos y Difuntos de la Parroquia READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Sunday, Feb 1 / domingo 1 de febrero Deut 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk/Mc 1:21-28 Monday, Feb 2 / lunes 2 de febrero Mal 3:1-4; heb 2:14-18; Lk/Lc 2:22-40 Tuesday, Feb 3 / martes 3 de febrero Heb 12:1-4; Mk/Mc 5:21-43 Wed, Feb 4 /miércoles 4 de febrero Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk/Mc 6:1-6 Thur, Feb 5 / jueves 5 de febrero Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk/Mc 6:7-13 Friday, Feb 6 / viernes 6 de febrero Heb 13:1-8; Mk/Mc 6:14-29 Saturday, Feb 7 / sábado 7 de febrero Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk/Mc 6:30-34 Sunday, Feb 8 / domingo 8 de febrero Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk/Mc 1:29-39
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