January 31, 2016 OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday: 10-11:30 AM 3-5 PM, 7:30 PM-8:45 PM Saturday: 10-11:30 AM, 3:00-4:00 PM Sunday, Holy Days and Holidays: No Office Hours ST. JOAN OF ARC 82-00 35 TH AVENUE JACKSON HEIGHTS, N.Y. 11372 SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday Evening: 6:00 PM (English) & 7:15 PM (Spanish) Upper Church: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12, 1:30 (Spanish) & 6 PM Lower Church: 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM (Spanish) 1:30 PM Third Sunday of the month (Tagalog) WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon-Fri 7:30 AM, 9 AM & 12 Noon Thursday 6:30 PM (Spanish)/ Sat 9 AM & 12 Noon MASSES ON WEEKDAY HOLY DAYS: (Except Saturday) Consult the bulletin. RECTORY PHONE: (718) 429-2333 Fax: (718) 672-5881 Email: [email protected] • MONSIGNOR OTTO L. GARCIA, PASTOR Rev. Felix W. Herrera Rev. Alexander Piñacué Rev. William K. Aguzey Deacon Jaime Pinzon Deacon Paulo Salazar In residence: Rev. Stephen Valdazo PAROCHIAL SCHOOL John S. Fruner, M.S.W., M.S. Ed., Principal (718) 639-9020 Fax (718) 639-5428 • OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Mrs. Noemi Fitzgerald, Director (718) 478-5593 Fax (718) 651-8485 OFFICE OF PASTORAL MINISTRY Sr. Maryann McHugh, CSJ (718) 533-9519 Email:[email protected] • Mr. Mark Kruczek, Director of Music (718) 429-2333 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Quarterly communal celebrations. See bulletin for details. For emergencies, please call the Rectory. CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES: Saturdays from 4 to 5:30 PM in the lower church or by appointment. Sábados de 4 a 5:30 en la iglesia de abajo. BAPTISM/BAUTISMOS: In English 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:00 PM. Arrangements must be made in the Rectory in advance. Instructions are the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:15P parents & godparents must attend. Godparents must be fully initiated Catholics who practice their faith. En español 2do y 4to domingo de mes a las 3:00 PM. Los preparativos han de hacerse en la rectoría con anticipación. La instrucción es el primer martes de mes a las 7:15 PM, los padres y los padrinos tienen que asistir. Los padrinos deben de haber recibido los sacramentos de iniciación y ser Católicos practicantes. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for adults who wish to receive the Sacraments. Contact Sr. Maryann at (718) 533-9519. MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made six months in advance. November 2011 January 31,6,2016 Thirty-second in Ordinary Fourth SundaySunday in Ordinary Time Time Wis 6:12-16/ 1 Thes 4:13-18 or 4:13-14/ / Mt 25:1-13 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/ 1 Cor 12:31—13:13 or 13:4-13/ Lk 4:21-30 Candlemas St. Joan of Arc ~ Holy Name Society Monday 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13 Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4 and Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Wednesday Memorial of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr Rom 5:1-5 Mk 16:15-20 Thursday 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12 Mk 6:3-13 On Tuesday, February 2nd, is the feast of thePresent Presentation of the Lord. Candles for use at home will be blessedFALL on this day at all the Masses will beDINNER available after each Mass—a CELEBRATIONandAND donation is expected. Sunday, November 13th in Ward Meehan Hall 3:00—7:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Admission: $20.00ofper The Holy Name Society St.person Joan of Arc by Ronof De Lapina Monthly meetinges is held on the second Sunday each month following 9:00elAM El martes, 2 de febrero, la fiesta deMusic la Presentación del Señor. Velas,thepara usoMass en el hogar, Meehan Hall.a la casa —contamos con una donación. serán bendecidas en todas las Misasiny Ward se pueden llevar Men of the parish are cordially invited to join us for light refreshments followed by stimulating conversation and fellowship. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- The Holy Name Society of St. Joan of Arc Monthly meeting is held of on the second Sunday of each month the 9:00 AM Mass Feast Saint Blaise, Bishop andfollowing Martyr Communal Anointing of the Sick in Ward Meehan Hall. Wednesday, February 3rd Saturday, November 12th by at stimulating 10:00 A.M. in WeMen willofhold Communal Anointing of the Sickus on the aparish are cordially invited to join for light refreshments followed The traditional blessing of throats will take place after all the Masses. the Upper Church. Please note, registration is required! conversation and fellowship. La rectory, tradicional bendición de latogarganta lugar Visit the during office hours, meet withtomará the priest on después duty so asde totodas make las the Misas. appointment to ———————————————————————————————————————————-receive the Anointing of the Sick. Communal Anointing of the Sick We will hold a Communal Anointing of the Sick on Saturday, November 12th at 10:00 A.M. in La Ceremonia Comunitaria de la Unción de los Enfermos the Ash UpperWednesday, Church. Please note, registration is required! February 201612 de noviembre a las sábado, Administraremos el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos el10, Visit the rectory, during office hours, to meet with the priest on duty so as to make the appointment to 10:00 A.M. en la Iglesia de Arriba. ¡Les comentamos que deben inscribirse! Miércoles receive de Ceniza - 10 of dethefebrero, 2016 the Anointing Sick. Por favor, visitar la rectoría durante las horas de oficina, para reunirse con un sacerdote e inscribirse para recibir el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. Ashes will be distributed ONLY after all the Masses and the 3:00 PMComunitaria and 6:00 PM de Bilingual Prayer Services: La Ceremonia la Unción de los Enfermos ———————————————————————————————————————————-- Administraremos el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos el sábado, 12 de noviembre a las Friday 10:00 A.M. en la Iglesia de Arriba. ¡Les comentamos que deben inscribirse! Masses and Prayer Services ~ Misas y Servicios de Oración Memorial of Por favor, visitar la rectoría durante las horas de oficina, para reunirse con un sacerdote e inscribirse St. Agatha, Virgin Mass para (English) A.M.de los Misa (Inglés) recibir el Sacramento de7:30 la Unción Enfermos. and Martyr Mass (English) 9:00 A.M. Misa (Inglés) 1 Cor 1:26-31 ———————————————————————————————————————————-Mass (English) 12:00 P.M. Misa (Inglés) Lk 9:23-26 Saturday Memorial of St. Miki and Companions, Martyrs Gal 2:19-20 Mt 28:16-20 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11 Lk 5:1-11 Bilingual Prayer Service -- Servicio de Oración Bilingue 3:00 P.M. and/y 6:00 P.M. Mass (Spanish) 7:30 P.M. Misa (Español) ~~ Iglesia de arriba The Holy Name Society of St. Joan of Arc Annual Valentine Pot-Luck Dinner On Sunday, February 14th in Ward Meehan Hall from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. $15.00 per person—Music: By John Weber You supply the food…(take-out acceptable) and we’ll supply desserts, soft drinks, Coffee, tea plus wine and beer. Tickets on sale after Mass on Sunday, January 31st and February 7th. MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK… Dear friends, As briefly as I can, I want to share information regarding the upkeep of our parish facility. The preliminary work on the replacement of the school roof is progressing. Estimate costs come to a bit more than $550,000. As we have made known, funds that we get back from the Generations of Faith campaign will be used for this purpose. I have already received permission from our Diocesan Bishop to proceed with the replacement, and we hope that work will begin once the weather gets warm. You all know that we had (and still have) some problems with the boiler that heats our churches. The issue has been temporarily resolved, but we will need to take the significant step to address the problem in a more permanent fashion. Thus, together with the appropriate personnel of the Diocese and other experts, we are looking into bids that have been presented to replace the boiler (average cost slightly over $ 100,000). I have also been informed that our magnificent pipe organ (which is irreplaceable) is in need of very necessary repairs. I am working with Mark, our talented organist, and other experts to decide what needs to be done (initial estimates are coming in around $ 80,000). There is no need for me to tell you that sizable expenses are involved in the maintenance of a parish plant such as ours. Neither of the last two projects had been “on the radar” (although the organ has been a concern for a while). I know that our generosity towards the Parish will help us to carry out these projects. Gratefully, Monsignor García ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Disciples on the Journey Lenten Program 6 weeks beginning the week of February 7 Sharing in small groups Sign-up on Saturday or Sunday in Church or at the Rectory during the week. More info: Sister Maryann—718-533-9591 ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Rave reviews greeted Jesus’ first hometown homily proclaiming a year of God’s mercy, but the mood turned violent when he went on to declare that God’s mercy embraces outsiders; it rejects distinctions between citizen and foreigner, acceptable and unworthy, even sinner and saint. Far from being anyone’s personal possession, God’s kingdom is open to everyone, God’s love unconditional, God’s mercy boundless. By this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis repeats Jesus’ challenge in today’s Gospel to broaden our horizons until our vision matches Jesus’ vision of every sinner as a potential saint, and each suffering stranger as our neighbor. Jesus, says Pope Francis, continually went beyond the law, keeping company with public sinners and even sharing meals with them to demonstrate that God’s mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel” (Misericordiae Vultus, 12). To be truly Jesus’ disciples, such unconditional love and boundless mercy must also be at the center of all we say and do. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. —————————————————————————————————————— Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis for February Care for Creation: That we may take good care of creation—a gift freely given—cultivating and protecting it for future generations. Asia: That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— The Irish American Association will meet on Saturday, February 13 at 2PM in Ward Meehan Hall. MENSAJE DEL PARROCO…. Estimados amigos, Con la mayor brevedad posible, quiero compartir información respecto a las reparaciones que tenemos planeadas para mantener nuestra parroquia en buen estado. El trabajo preliminario para instalar un nuevo techo en nuestra escuela está progresando. Estimados de costo de dicha obra están alrededor de $550,000. Como hemos dicho en el pasado, los fondos que recibamos de la campaña Generaciones de Fe se utilizarán para este propósito. Ya he obtenido el permiso necesario de nuestro obispo diocesano para proceder con la instalación, y esperamos que el trabajo comience una vez que el tiempo esté más caliente. Como bien saben, hemos tenido (y seguimos teniendo) problemas con la caldera que provee calefacción a nuestras iglesias. El problema se ha resuelto temporalmente, pero todavía tenemos que tomar pasos significativos y resolver el problema de una forma más permanente. Y así, junto con el personal de la diócesis y otros expertos, estamos analizando propuestas que hemos recibido para instalar una nueva caldera (el costo average que tenemos es de un poco más de $ 100,000). También he recibido información que nuestro magnífico órgano (que es irreemplazable) necesita reparaciones muy necesarias. Estoy trabajando con Mark, nuestro talentoso organista, y otros expertos para decider qué tenemos que hacer (estimados iniciales nos están llegando alrededor de $ 80,000). No creo que haya necesidad de decirles que el mantener una parroquia como la nuestra implica gastos considerables. Ninguno de los dos últimos proyectos mencionados estaban en “nuestro radar” (aunque hemos tenido preocupaciones con el órgano en el pasado). Sé que nuestra generosidad para con nuestra parroquia nos ayudará a llevar a cabo estos proyectos. Con mi agradecimiento, Monseñor García ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Discípulos en La Jornada….Programa de Cuaresma 6 sesiones comenzando la semana del 7 de febrero. Compartiendo en grupos pequeños. Inscripciones los sábados o domingos en la iglesia o en la rectoría durante la semana. Para más información: Contactar a la Hermana Maryann (718-533-9519) ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Retiro de Pareja: Predicador Diácono Jorge González Sábado, 6 de febrero—Salón Ward Meehan—8:30AM—3:00PM Serviremos desayuno y almuerzo (Donación $10.00 por familia) - Tendremos cuidados de niños para que los padres puedan asistir al retiro sin preocupación. Favor registrarse al (718) 429-2333 (rectoría) o al (646) 732-6130 ¡¡¡Todas las familias están bienvenidas (Dale ese regalo a tu pareja)!!! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Intenciones de Oración del Papa Francisco para febrero El respeto a la Creación: Que cuidemos de la creación, recibida como un don que hay que cultivar y proteger para las generaciones futuras. Pueblos de Asia y fe cristiana: Para que aumente la oportunidad de diálogo y de encuentro entre la fe cristiana y los pueblos de Asia. ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Boda en Grupo: Invitamos a las parejas que deseen prepararse para el Sacramento del Matrimonio, llamar a la rectoría para hacer una cita con uno de los sacerdotes. Winter—Spring 2016 Book Series: When St. Francis Saved the Church—Jon. M. Sweeney How a Converted Medieval Troubadour Created a Spiritual Vision for the Ages Thursdays: 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.—February 18th, March 17th, April 21st, May 19th, June 16th Suggested donation is $20.00 which includes the cost of the book. If you have any questions, call Sister Maryann at (718-533-9519) - Register by Feb.1st (pick up book at the rectory); read to page 27 for 1st session -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return form to the Pastoral Ministry Office or Rectory. Registration for the Book Series: When Saint Francis Saved the Church NAME: _____________________________________ PHONE (home)_________________(work)___________________(E:mail)__________________________ (Cash or check payable to the Pastoral Ministry Office) ————————————————————————————————————————————- Deanery Afternoon of Prayer for Liturgical Ministers ~ Save the Date: Sat., April 23rd—afternoon St. Gabriel’s—East Elmhurst Or Saturday, April 30—afternoon St. Leo’s—Corona More information and registration forms to follow in early March. Contact: Sister Maryann at (718) 533-9519 Tarde de oración en el Decanato para ministros litúrgicos ~ Separe las siguientes fechas: Sábado, 23 de abril—en la tarde Iglesia San Gabriel—East Elmhurst O Sábado, 30 de abril—en la tarde Iglesia San León—Corona Más información y módulos de inscripción serán disponible a principios de marzo. Contacte a la Her mana Maryann al (718) 533-9519 —————————————————————————————————————— Marguerite’s Pantry: Febrary 6th and February 7th: Volunteers will be in the vestibule of the Church to collect canned goods and cash donations for Marguerite’s Pantry for those in need of help. Let us be generous! El Dispensario de Marguerite: El 6 y el 7 de febrero: Los voluntarios del dispensario del barrio, estarán en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia para la colecta de comida enlatada y contribuciones monetaria. ¡Seamos generosos ! ————————————————————————————————————————————————Thank you!!! Thanks to your generous efforts, 44 people graciously donated blood during our Blood Drive on December 27th. Big thanks for those who took time out of the their day—-especially during the holidays—— to stop by and help save a life. God bless! Registered donors: 58 ~ Deferred donors: 14 ~ Total units donated: 44 ——————— ¡¡¡Gracias!!! Gracias a sus esfuerzos generosos, 44 personas amablementee donaron sangre durante la Campaña de Donación de Sangre el pasado 27 de diciembre. Muchísimas gracias a todos aquellos que dedicaron parte de su día—-especialmente durante las fiestas——para ayudar con su donación y salvar una vida. ¡Bendiciones del Señor! Donates inscritos: 58 ~ Donantes diferidos: 14 ~ Total de unidades donadas: 44 ————————————————————————————————————————————————- Prayerful Share in the Eucharist: We want to remind you that the bread and wine, the candles, and the flowers used for the celebration of the Eucharist in our Parish, can be donated for a week or more for a special intention, or in memory of a loved one. The intention will be announced in the weekly bulletin, so that other members of the Parish gratefully may join in prayer. Arrangements may be made at the Rectory. Pro-Life Corner: From its earliest days, the development, research, and promotion of the pill were built on lies-lies which continue today. Women are irreparably harmed by those lies. Children are killed by those lies. And society hangs in the balance because America has not been told the truth. Learn more at ThePillKills.org “Before you were born, I consecrated you.” If you think that you may be set apart by the Lord to serve Him as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, contact the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454 or email: [email protected]. We ask our registered parishioners to write in the amount of their contribution on the collection envelopes. . Rogamos a nuestros feligreses inscritos que escriban la cantidad de su contribución en los sobres de la colecta. ================================== “I will sing of your salvation.” Psalm 71 “Mi boca anunciará tu salvación, Señor” Salmo71 “Antes que tu nacieras yo ya te tenia consagrado.” Si tu crees que has sido apartado por el Señor para servirle como Sacerdote, Diácono o en la Vida Consagrada. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Vocaciones al (718) 827-2454 o correo electrónico: [email protected]. The Bereavement Support Group will meet on Thurs., Feb. 11th, 10A-11:30A in the Pastoral Ministry Office. St. Joan of Arc Senior Club will be going to Empire City on February 16th. For further info, please contact Joan DeGregorio at 718-672-8454. El Grupo de Oración El Camino de Jesús se reune a las 7:15pm todos los viernes en la Iglesia de Abajo. Participación Espiritual en la Eucaristía: Les recordamos que las hostias y el vino, las velas y las flores que se usan para la celebración de la Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia, pueden ser donadas por un período de una semana— o más—por una intención especial, o en recuerdo de un ser querido. La intención será anunciada en el boletín semanal, para que los demás miembros de la parroquia— en gratitud por la ofrenda—se unan en la oración. Arreglos pueden hacerse en la casa parroquial. Events elsewhere: Considering Priesthood? Join us for discernment mornings of prayer on Feb. 6th: Spirituality of Diocesan Priesthood (Prayer Life) at St. John Paull II House of Discernment, 341 Highland Blvd., Bklyn NY 11207 Time: 10am-12:30pm—RSVP: [email protected] 718-827-2452—Rev. Sean M. Suckiel A Diocesan Pilgrimage with Bishop DiMarzio: The Holy Doors of Rome, Assisi and the Holy Land in the Jubilee Year of Mercy—Italy portion Sept 15-23 and Optional Holy Land Extension Sept. 23-29. For a brochure call Susan at 1-800-842-4842 Monday Feb. 1 Tuesday Feb. 2 Week of January 31, 2016 7:30am María Henao and Children 9:00am Eleanor Curtin 12:00pm William McCarthy 7:30am For the intentions of Alfonso Millare Family 9:00am Austin J. Gallagher 12:00pm Madeline and John Cavanagh Wednesday 7:30am Gloria Villarreal Feb. 3 9:00am María del Carmen Cerón 12:00pm Carlos Alberto Cruz, Sr. Thursday 7:30am Feb. 4 9:00am 12:00pm 6:30pm Friday Feb. 5 7:30am Eucharistic Prayer League 9:00am In thanksgiving to St. Jude 12:00pm Emilio and Josefina Bacardí Saturday 9:00am Feb. 6 12:00pm 6:00pm 7:15pm Sunday Feb. 7 For the intentions of Josephine Vignali Family Harriot McManus Hal Johansen and Johansen Family José R. Mateus 7:30am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30am 11:30am Bridget McDonagh Jane Blaney Oscar V. Low Levi López and Carmen Roman Ariza For the People of the Parish William Scieller Hernando Mira John McHugh Bella Viteri-Khan and Juan Pablo Wong-Viteri 12:00pm Ellen E. Blake 1:30pm Collective Intentions 6:00pm Helen and Johnny Russell
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