Saint Raphael Catholic Church 5444 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara, CA, 93111 Phone (805) 967-5641 Fax (805) 964-2988 Website: Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time — August 30, 2015 Welcome the word that you have received and Reciban la palabra sembrada entre ustedes, y become doers of the word, not hearers only pongan por obra lo que dice la palabra y no se (James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27). Pastor Msgr. Jon Majarucon Associate Pastor Rev. Lucio Juarez Retired Priest Rev. Frank Colborn Deacons Dcn. Wayne Rascati Dcn. Stephen Montross Pastoral Associate M. Noël Fuentes conformen con oírla (Santiago 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27). Confession Saturdays: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Masses Monday through Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday and Friday: 12:05 pm Saturday: 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday: (English) 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm Life Teen Mass (Español) 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of every month for 24 hours, concluding with Benediction St. Raphael School 160 St. Joseph St. Santa Barbara, CA 93111-2367 Michelle Limb, Principal (805) 967-2115 Page Two Saint Raphael Church August 30, 2015 ~ Calendar Highlights This Week ~ Sunday, August 30 SVDP “Fifth Sunday Collection”, after all Masses Religious Education Registration Tuesday, September 1 Escuela de Evangelizacion, 7:00 pm, PC, MP Room Friday, September 4 24 Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament begins after 12:05 pm Mass Grupo de Oracíon, 7:00 pm, Church Saturday, September 5 Benediction, 8:00 am Liturgical Ministries Environment: Maria Cabrera 964-9485, Mary & James Lac 964-3592, Sharon Marshall 968-3420 Eucharistic Ministers : Mass: Marcia Greiten, 705-8924 To the Sick/Homebound: Lesley Masuda, 453-0742 Lectors: Charles Kriech, 967-8886 Music: Dorothy Turner 968-0683, Bob & Patty Burnham 569-5858, John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1 Sacristans: Marie Lundfelt 687-4313 Ushers: Parish Office Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick — If someone is at Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital, a nursing home, or homebound, and needs Eucharist brought to them, please contact Lesley Masuda at 453-0742. Anointing of the Sick — Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament that is offered to those who may be seriously ill or dying. If you or someone you know wishes to be anointed, call the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641 and one of the priests on duty will arrange a time to visit you in your home, nursing home, or hospital. Funeral Ministry — St. Raphael Parish Staff is here to serve you, your family, and friends during this time of planning. Contact the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641 for info. Pastoral Guidance — To set up a pastoral care appointment to speak with one of our Priests, Deacon, or our Pastoral Associate, please call the Parish Office at (805) 967-5641 and explain that you would like an appointment. Mass Intentions August 29— September 4, 2015 Aug 29 Sat Vigil 5:30 pm Sandra Joyce Tang (D) Aug 30 Sun 7:30 am Our Parish Community 9:30 am Deceased members of Knights of Columbus 11:00 am Angela Toyama (D) 12:30 pm Flavio Gutierrez (D) 5:30 pm Terry Strickler (D) Aug 31 Mon 8:00 am Joseph Polzin (D) Sept 01 Tues 8:00 am Noel Fuentes and daughter, Lisa (L) 8:00 am James Montgomery (D) Sept 02 Wed 12:05 pm Bob Covell (D) Sept 03 Thurs 8:00 am Safety of all travelers Sept 04 Fri 8:00 am Karina Jimenez-Everette & family (L) 12:05 pm Lourdes Perez (D) Financial Information Priest Help — We are very blest to have Fr. Remmy Kimboa come to celebrate the sacraments with us again this year during September and October while Fr. Lucio and Msgr. Jon take their annual one month long vacations. If you would like to make an extra donation to help us in providing for Fr. Remmy and other priests who come to help us with sacraments (Fr. Frank, Penance Services, Religious Education First Sacraments), please make the check payable to “St. Raphael Church” and on the memo line put “Priest Help”. Thank you for your support of our priests! Parish Giving — Sign up for electronic giving! Safe and secure! Please visit our website: or call Jacqui Leicht in the Parish Office, 967-5641 x101. Property Improvements — In the next several weeks and months you may be noticing some property improvements around the parish grounds. We will be replacing the roof on the Rectory building and its garage. We will also be slurry coating the parking lots. If you would like to make an extra donation to help us pay for these and other projects please make the check payable to St. Raphael Church and on the memo line put “Property Improvements” or “Prop Imp”. Thank you for helping us keep our property in good working order. On the Cover — Belisarius Asking For Alms, Jacques-Louis David, painted in 1781. Photo by Remi Jouan, March 2007, source: commons, Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Help Needed Attention: All Parishioners — The Lector Ministry is in dire need of new members, especially for the Saturday Vigil, and the 7:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday Masses. No experience necessary — training will be provided. Call Charles Kriech at 967-8886. Thank you. Would You Like to Teach Religious Education? — The Religious Education Program is looking for a Year 1 teacher. Teaching experience helpful, and we will provide VIRTUS training. If you can help on Wednesday nights, 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm, please contact Karen in the Religious Education Office, 967-1641 ext 3. Please call Noël Fuentes at 683-9090 ext 7 for the following: Ministry to the Sick Coordinator Needed — Less than 10 hours a year! Training provided! Part-time Office Help Needed — Basic computer skills, night and weekend availability, and Spanish speaking required. Safeguard the Children — We have an immediate need for a Safeguard the Children Chairperson. Two meetings a year, and the Chairperson role has clear, documented and concise guidelines. Bulletin Board Ministry — Do you have about an hour a week to help us with posting and decorating our bulletin boards? This ministry of communication helps the Parish Office and Community by posting events here in our community. Parish Community News “Fifth Sunday” Collection — St. Vincent de Paul “Fifth Sunday” Collection is this weekend (August 29-30). Members of St. Vincent de Paul will be outside the church after all Masses collecting donations. Thank you! Eucharistic Adoration — Please join us on Friday, September 4, (and every first Friday of the month) for Eucharistic Adoration. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 12:05 pm Mass on Friday, September 4 until Solemn Benediction at 8:00 am on Saturday, September 5. We will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy together at 3:00 pm on Friday. For more info, call 967-7391, or email [email protected]. Raffle Tickets! — Parish Festival raffle tickets go on sale starting next weekend! Win great prizes: $500 cash, an iPad, 2 shopping sprees and more! Tickets for the raffle are on sale after all the Masses on the three weekends before the Festival and also during the Festival. More “Parish Community News” on page six. Page Three Need Sacraments? Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist/Holy Communion, Marriage, Holy Orders/Priesthood, Confession/Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick: Contact Maria Romero in the Parish Office: 967-5641 x100 Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation (Holy Communion, Confirmation): Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Bible Study: Melissa Colborn, 964-4570 Confirmation, Youth: John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1 Early Childhood Education: Cecilia Marks, 968-6008 Preschool: Jo Bittner, 967-4435 Religious Education (CCD): English Coordinator: Karen Froelicher, 967-1641 x3 Bilingual Coordinator: Ana Cervantes, 967-1641 x4 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 School: Principal, Michelle Limb, 967-2115 website: Youth Ministry/LifeTeen: John Vasellina, 964-3466 x1, [email protected] Vocations, Parish Rep: John Switzer 967-8049 Altar Servers: Bruce Schumikowski, 964-4465 & Karen Froelicher, 967-1641 x3 Bereavement: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Nancy Panizzon, 964-5462 End of Life: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Religious Education is About to Begin —Grades 1 through 6. Enroll your child now — classes begin Wednesday, September 16. If your child has already received the sacraments, they can continue their faith formation with classes at their grade level, or if your child needs to receive sacraments, let’s get them started! Call Karen in the R.E. Office: 967-1641 ext 3. RCIA/Adult Faith Formation — This year we will be combining our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and our Adult Faith Formation Course (AFF). RCIA is for anyone who is not Catholic but is interested in becoming Catholic. No experience is necessary! Our AFF is for those people who have been away from the church but are baptized Catholic and may need the sacraments or Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, or any Catholic who would like to brush up on their faith. We will begin October 20 and finish with the reception of the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night, March 26. Registration is required before the course begins. Please contact Noël Fuentes at (805) 683-9090 ext 7 or email: [email protected]. Page Four Saint Raphael Church Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Judith Aguirre Deb Altomare Nick Altomare Jose Ayala Theresa Baran Arturo Barrios Donald Benn Betty Blinde Kevin Boever Al Borgaro Bert Bradley Joanie Brennan Fritz Cahill Carolyn Calandro Bella Caracheo Irma Carrasco David Carrell Fr. Frank Colborn Michael Contreras Juanita Corona Mauricio Cuevas Patricia Dana Marge Dana Rocio de la Pena Irene Dorado Dennis Dziubek Pat Dzierski Joan Easterbrook Connie Every Mary Faila Gracie Fisher Roy Fong Christian Franzen Jessie Gonzales Magdalena Graciano Maria Elena Gutierrez Virginia Lee Hallagan Bill Hensel John Hensel Roberto Hernandez Rocky Honer George Hopping Mary Hopping Phyllis Hudson Yolanda Jimenez George Karg Austin Joseph Keefe Aiko O. King Joel Lopez Mrs. Charles Lundfelt Ann Magenheimer Kristin Mahon Maria Martinez Laurie May Michael Mina Catherine Morris Camille Moynihan Roxanne Nomura Cinder J. Nooney Jose Nungaray Teo Nungaray Lorena OrtizSchneider Guadalupe Paz Patricia Perez George Pinedo Lucy Placencia Patricia Polzin Tom Puerling, Sr. Terry Pugh Lydia Rangel Knud Rasmussen Hal Rich Socorro Rivera Gerardo Rodriguez, Jr. Salvador Roman Mary Lou Romero Maria Rosas Donna Saar David Schrader Pat Schrader Roy Schrader Kathy Skelton Mildred Sternot Dennis Tokumaru Juan Valle Ma. Del Carmen Velasco R. Bruce Wilroy Kay Yuncker Victoria Zakaras Do you know of someone who is no longer in need of being on this list? Wish to add immediate family? Contact the Parish Office: 967-5641. Let us throw ourselves into the ocean of God’s goodness, where every failing will be cancelled and anxiety turned into love. — St. Paul of the Cross Saint Raphael Festival Fun Facts — Do you remember all the different names the Parish Festival has had? It has been around for almost 50 years and has been called Fun-O-Rama, Parish Picnic and finally, the St. Raphael Parish Festival. Do you know of a company that would like to be a sponsor of our annual Festival? If so, or if you would like to help with the festival, please email Ed Leicht at: [email protected]. The Festival is September 27. August 30, 2015 Sociable Seniors We are looking forward to the Oktoberfest Luncheon on October 21, and expect it to be a big success. For more information about the Sociable Seniors, call Eleanor Palazzo at 968-5240, or Paul Robillard at 967-8860. The Senior Travelers Remember: Santa Anita Oct. 22 and Cinderella Dec. 9. Call Eleanor or Max Keller (967-8296) for info on scheduled trips, with ideas and suggestions for short “day trips”, or with any questions. For information on longer trips, call Joan Magenheimer (967-5444). Spirituality & Fellowship Divine Mercy: Martha Avila 964-4945. Meets monthly (usually 3rd Tuesday of the month) at 7:00 pm, in the church. Eucharistic Adoration/Exposition: Margaret Priest 967-7391 Healing of Families: Dcn. Stephen Montross 964-9152 Intercessory Prayer: Cecilia Marks 968-6008 (En), Marina Rodriguez 722-8933 (Sp). Meets Tuesday, 7:00 pm, in the church “crying room”. Operation Outreach: Beth Fairfield 964-7919 Praise and Worship: Barbara Flynn. Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, in the Conference Rm. Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Group: Meets Thursdays, 8:30 am, in the church “crying room”. Rosary Makers: Janet Fanucci 886-9723 St. Joseph Men’s Prayer Group: Bob Marks 968-6008. Meets Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, in the church. St. Raphael Bowling League: Joanne Anderson, 967-8645 or Eleanor Paulazzo, 968-5240 Sociable Seniors: Eleanor Palazzo 968-5240, Paul Robillard 967-8860 The Gathering: Marie Mlodzik 967-4330 Service & Outreach Holiday Food Baskets: St. Vincent de Paul 683-8535 Martha’s Ministry: Mary Penza 967-9609 Mary’s Meals: Parish Festival: Ed Leicht 681-0969, Glenn Schiferl 964-6013 Respect for Life: Rita Duley, 964-0121 Safeguard the Children: Msgr. Jon Majarucon 967-5641 Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650 Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -with charity you give love... ― Mother Teresa Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Five St. Raphael School Saint Raphael Youth Ministry Philosophy St. Raphael School is committed to the intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of each child. The Gospel values guide all learning and instruction. St. Raphael School is a close community providing numerous opportunities for faith formation and focuses on service to our local community. Mission Statement St. Raphael School was founded when God answered a Daughter of Charity’s prayer. To this day, our mission is consistent with that of our founding Sisters: to educate all children in preschool through eighth grade in mind, body and spirit by imparting the values of Jesus through a rigorous curriculum, devoted faculty and an actively involved parent community. Vision St. Raphael School provides phenomenal educational programs in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. Our Catholic faith is embedded in all content areas and we focus our lessons on the intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of each child, preparing them to be lifelong learners. Our curriculum is rigorous and is taught by caring, dedicated, and highly qualified educators. St. Raphael School is committed to striving to empower all students to strive for excellence while learning to live and adjust with this ever-changing, technologically diverse world. Leading Teens Closer to Christ High School Life Night: Sunday Evening Life Nights are on-going throughout the summer. 5:30 pm teen Mass and then Life Night. ♦ ♦ ♦ Summer Games are ongoing! Confirmation and EDGE registrations in August. Confirmation registration packets for year 1 and year 2 are available at the Parish Office, after the 5:30 pm Teen Mass, or by calling the Youth Ministry Office. For information on any of the teen programs, contact: John 964-3466 x1 or Shanelle 964-3466 x2. For Teens Interested in Getting Baptized and / or Making First Communion We have a special sacrament class just for teens. This is for all teens in 7th grade and older. Classes start in October. Call John at 964-3466 ext. 1 for more information or with questions. Angie Toyama/Terry Strickler Fund — The "Angie Toyama/Terry Strickler Fund" supports the LIFETEEN® program at St. Raphael. It helps provide financial assistance to teens for costs of the different camps and conferences Donations can be made to St. Raphael Youth Ministry with “Angie Toyama” or “Terry Strickler” in the memo line. Drop off donations at the Parish Office, or mail to St. Raphael Church. Thank you! Religious Education Registration Begins Today! Protecting Our Children Resources to help keep kids safe. In addition to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ website,, and, the website of a child safety training program utilized throughout the archdiocese, the website of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children offers dozens of wellproduced informational brochures covering a broad range of child safety topics. Go to to find helpful information about child safety. For particular help you may call the Director of Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650. Today, August 30, after all the Sunday Masses, we will be having open registration for our Religious Education programs (Early Childhood, Grades 1-6, EDGE, High School Confirmation, and LIFETEEN®). Please register your child early to avoid late fees! Page Six Saint Raphael Church August 30, 2015 Parish Office and Catholic Community News Parish Staff and Temporary Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs.: 8:30 am to 7:30 pm Tues.: 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm Fri.: 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm Sat. & Sun.: CLOSED After hours emergency pager: 897-6371. Bulletin Submissions — Please submit items no later than Friday, at Noon, nine days prior to the intended Sunday bulletin. Parish organizations have priority. Items must be emailed or typed clearly on paper. No phonein announcements please. Announcements may be edited for space. Email: [email protected]. Parish Information Bulletin: Deborah Correio, [email protected] Business Manager: Noël Fuentes, 683-9090 x7 Finance/Accounting: Jacqui Leicht 967-5641 x101 Finance Council: Ed Leicht—Chairman 681-0969, Robert Zaida, Joe Salcedo, Andrew Ochsner Online Giving: Jacqui Leicht 967-5641 x101; internet: https:// Parish Council: Pat Pigatti—Chairman 685-8794, Lee Alfano, Susana Almazon, Kelly Almeroth, Jeff Barkhorn, Stephanie Carlyle, Mario Coronado, Maureen Dougherty, Cindy Hagon, Jesus Lopez, Christie Rojo, Bruce Schumikowski, Linda Varesio, Craig Wines Reception: Maria Romero 967-5641 x100 Website: Deborah Correio, [email protected] Follow Noël on Facebook — Noël Fuentes, our Pastoral Associate, will be in Western Europe from Sept 1-30. She will be bringing our Parish Community along to all the holy places; praying for all of us and bringing our needs along to offer them to God. Follow her on our parish Facebook page: straphaelsb. Please pray for her, too! Parish Community News (cont’d from page 3) A Free Movie & Ice Cream Sundae! — Presented by “Operation Outreach”, in honor of Grandparents Day. Sunday September 13, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Grandchildren/grandparents — come enjoy the classic movie “Toy Story” and an ice cream sundae. We hope that our youth and other parishioners will seek out “grandparents” that may not have family nearby and “adopt” them for a day out. This will be a fun way to honor our grandparents! RSVP by September 10. Beth Fairfield: [email protected] or 964-7919. In Our Community 24-Hour Help Line/Crisis Intervention: 692-4011 or (800) 400-1572 Always Our Children: Support group for parents of LGBTQ children, Joe & Kathie Schneider 687-4338 Catholic Charities Santa Barbara: 965-7045 Community Counseling Center: 962-3363 Engaged Encounter: Hospice of Santa Barbara: 563-8820 Jail Ministry (Restorative Justice): Michael Ledisa (213) 705-5510 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: John Kirk 967-5996 4th Degree: Ed Barrier 886-0190 Marriage Encounter: Jeanine and Russ Walker 648-4244 Medical Network: Supporting unplanned preganancies, 967-9096 Rachael’s Vineyard: Post-abortion support for women and men (866) 272-2435 Rescue Mission: 966-1316 St. Vincent de Paul Society: 683-8535 Santa Barbara Pastoral Region Office: Msgr. Michael Jennett, Episcopal Vicar 682-0442 Scouting: Boy Scouts: Glenn Schiferl, 964-6013, Cub Scouts: Mark Vampola, 968-9815 Girl Scouts: Stephanie Carlyle 968-6505, Jame Flint 962-6395 Venture Crew: Joe Bauer, 967-2211 Visiting Nurse and Hospice: 965-5555 Wider Catholic Community "Great Fathers of the Church" Bible Study — Begins September 15, 9:00-11:30 am, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, 21 E. Sola Street (Martin Brewer Center). There will be a $15 donation for materials. Questions/registration: Gerry Nordsieck at 967-9739, [email protected]. Silent Retreat Weekend — At the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra October 23-25. Transportation by bus is available. Contact Marcia Greiten at 967-6326 or Cheri Hoffman at 733-1951. [Ladies Retreat Group]. Worldwide Marriage Encounter — Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance, renew your sacrament. Attend the next WWME weekend November 14-15 at St. Jude in Westlake Village or November 20-22 at the Best Western in Canoga Park. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker, (805) 648-4244 or go online: In Need of Help? Call St. Vincent de Paul 683-8535. Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario La Iglesia de San Rafael Pagina Siete Noticias de la Parroquia Tradición Información Parroquial La tradición es la memoria humana a largo plazo, mantenida no en piedra sino en la interrelación humana. Sin esta memoria activa, los lazos de relaciones y de afecto se debilitan y se deshacen. Las comunidades se separan tan de seguro como caen los edificios abandonados. Después de participar en acontecimientos, celebraciones y hasta en pequeños ritos, comentamos lo bueno que es el reunirnos y recordar. Las lecturas de hoy nos recuerdan aquellos fundamentos que van más hondo que la voluntad humana para relacionarse. Hoy escuchamos sobre la voluntad divina de relacionarse con nosotros —de ser nuestro Dios tal como nosotros somos llamados a ser el pueblo amado de Dios. Hoy recordamos en tres lecturas y de tres maneras los lazos de la alianza que nos establece como pueblo, y las obligaciones y responsabilidades que expresan lo más hondo del alma. Tú eres mío. Yo soy tuya. Estas son palabras de Dios que crearon a un pueblo, tan seguramente como “Hágase la luz” creó el sol y la luna y todas las estrellas. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lecturas De Hoy Primera lectura — Moisés ordena al pueblo guardar los mandamientos de Yavé porque así serán conocidos como pueblo sabio e inteligente (Deuteronomio 4:1-2, 6-8). Salmo — ¿Quién será grato a tus ojos, Señor? (Salmo 15 [14]). Segunda lectura — Reciban la palabra sembrada entre ustedes, y pongan por obra lo que dice la palabra y no se conformen con oírla (Santiago 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27). Evangelio — Lo que nos hace impuros son las maldades que salen de dentro, de nuestro propio corazón, no las cosas de afuera (Marcos 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23). Los Santos y Otras Celebraciones domingo: Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario jueves: San Gregorio Magno viernes: Primer viernes sábado: Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado ¿Necesita Ayuda? Recuerde llamar al 683-8535, San Vicente de Paul. Escuela de Evangelización (EDE): Sergio Lopez, 569-8726, Andres Flores, 683-0389 Guadalupanos: Carlos Valenzuela, 680-5990 Comite de Liderazgo Hispano: Jesus Lopez, 685-9427 Ministros de la Eucaristía: Misa: Carlos Sanchez, 570-1838, y Estela Santos, 683-6542 Para Los Enfermos: Carlos Sanchez, 570-1838 y Anna Lopez, 689-5087 Liturgia Dominical Para Niños: Ester Lopez, 895-4099 Ujieres/Hospitalidad: Bernardo Lule, 964-9194 Evangelización: Grupo de Oración: Jesús Lopez, 895-4099 Horas de Oficina (horario temporal) — lunes, miércoles y jueves: 8:30 am a 7:30 pm martes: 8:30 am a 11:30 am y 12:30 pm a 7:30 pm viernes: 8:30 am a 11:30 am y 12:30 pm a 5:00 pm sábado y domingo: CERRADO El festival de la Parroquia será el 27 de septiembre que incluye una rifa con grandes premios: Que son $500 dólares en efectivo un iPad, 2 SHOPPING SPREES y muchas mas. Los boletas de la rifa estarán en venta después de la misa tres fines de semana antes, al igual que en el festival. Formación en la Fe — La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles a través del Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelización (IPE), un programa de formación en la fe de tres años, ofrece clases mensuales de un fin de semana al mes en el área de espiritualidad, teología, pastoral y formación humana. La sede de reuniones es en la Parroquia de San Rafael. Para más información: Sergio López (805) 689-5087 ([email protected]) y Ana López (805) 895-2027 ([email protected]). Protegiendo a Los Niños Recursos para ayudar a los niños a mantenerse seguros Además de la página de Internet de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles,, y, la página de Internet del programa de entrenamiento en seguridad de los niños utilizada por la Arquidiócesis, la página de Internet del Centro Nacional de Niños Perdidos y Explotados ofrece docenas de folletos informativos que cubren una amplia gama de asuntos sobre la seguridad de los niños. Visite y encontrará más información sobre la seguridad de los niños. Para obtener ayuda puede llamar a directora del Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650.
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