University of Richmond F Letters match LOCATIONS on Route Schedule. TO AN W Bus stop at University of Richmond is located at the Student Commons A CAMPUS DR A Trip THREE CHOPT LIB BI E WEST END G 195 TO AD N O VE BR RO N PS O TH O M BE RR IN G Libbie & Grove Shops Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Y RD VE H TH 10 EL UR LA H HARRISON G AD FLOYD I LE O BR IN KL Capitol 8T ER CE RIV RA S AN N AI M Berrington & Floyd loop served during midday times only ME FR JA C M A G B 9T H RO D BA M LO R VE UL EV AR O Serves BAY M at Transfer Plaza VCU Trip DOWNTOWN RO BO N Retreat Hospital G D HA YD BI N O FL SO N E 12 TH RY CA For additional times and locations not listed, please call 358.GRTC(4782). Map not to scale. 16 Grove see schedule on the reverse side of this guide Local Fares How to read Route Schedules $1.50 Regular Fare TRANSFERS 1. Find the schedule for the day and direction you wish to travel. $0.25 for Regular Fare customers FREE for Reduced Fare customers $0.75 Reduced Fare Obtain your transfer upon boarding the bus. When transferring to a route with a higher fare, present your transfer when boarding the second bus and pay the difference in fares. 2. Timepoints in the schedule match locations on the map. Find timepoints near the start and end of your trip; your nearest bus stop may be between timepoints. Reduced Fare is available to those age 65 and up and people with certain disabilities. Proof of eligibility is required: • GRTC-issued photo ID card; • Medicare card and governmentissued photo ID; FARES ON OTHER ROUTES Route 19 Pemberton and Express Routes have different fare structures. Please see individual schedules for information. • Government-issued photo ID showing that you are 65. GRTC-issued photo ID cards are available by application only. Please contact the Customer Service Center at 358.4782 or visit for an application. All information is subject to change. 3. Read down the columns to see when trips serve each timepoint. Read across to see when each trip arrives at other timepoints. Times shown are approximate. Traffic and weather may cause actual times to vary. Please allow ample time to complete your trip. 16 Grove see timepoint location on route map on the reverse side of this guide WESTBOUND Downtown to University of Richmond WEEKDAY SCHEDULE WEEKDAY SCHEDULE A B D E U Ri nive ch rs mo it nd y o f n& A B Flo errin yd gt o C R Gr obin o v so e n& D L Gr aure ac l & e laz T Pla rans za fer E 5:25 -:- 5:405:476:01 6:13 -:- 6:296:376:52 6:28 -:- 6:446:527:07 6:52 -:- 7:087:167:31 7:16 -:- 7:327:407:55 7:42 -:- 7:588:068:21 8:00 -:- 8:168:248:39 8:24 -:- 8:408:489:03 8:48 -:- 9:049:129:27 9:09 -:- 9:33 9:42 10:00 9:35 -:- 9:5910:0810:26 -:- 10:0110:0710:1610:34 -:- 11:0011:0611:1511:33 -:- 12:0712:1312:2212:40 -:- 1:141:201:291:47 -:- 2:212:272:362:54 3:37 -:- 4:014:104:28 4:08 -:- 4:294:384:54 4:42 -:- 5:035:125:28 5:15 -:- 5:365:456:01 5:41 -:- 6:026:116:27 6:15 -:- 6:316:406:55 6:41 -:- 6:57 7:06 7:21 7:07 -:- 7:237:327:47 7:35 -:- 7:51 8:00 8:15 AM PM T Ba rans y M fer P L Fr aure an l & kli n n& R Gr obin o v so e n& F B Flo errin yd gt o U of nive Ri rsi ch ty mo nd a EASTBOUND University of Richmond to Downtown F 5:556:066:15 -:- 6:28 6:066:186:28 -:- 6:49 6:336:456:55 -:- 7:16 6:577:097:19 -:- 7:40 7:127:247:34 -:- 7:55 7:367:487:58 -:- 8:19 8:008:128:22 -:- 8:43 8:268:388:48 -:- 9:09 8:448:569:06 -:- 9:27 9:089:199:29 -:- 9:46 9:329:439:53 10:01 -: 10:3110:4210:5211:00 -: 11:3811:4911:5912:07-:12:45 12:56 1:06 1:14 -: 1:522:032:132:21 -:2:59 3:10 3:20 -:- 3:37 3:303:413:51 -:- 4:08 4:00 4:15 4:25 -:- 4:42 4:334:484:58 -:- 5:15 4:59 5:14 5:24 -:- 5:41 5:335:485:58 -:- 6:15 6:066:176:26 -:- 6:41 6:326:436:52 -:- 7:07 7:007:117:20 -:- 7:35 AM PM NO WEEKEND SERVICE NO WEEKEND SERVICE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE posting will occur pending State & Local Government Notification As part of GRTC’s continuing efforts to improve our environment, this document has been printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink. GRTC Contact Information Customer Service Center (804) 358.GRTC (4782) Monday through Friday ..... 6:30am – 7:00pm Saturday and Sunday ......... 8:30am – 5:00pm Lost & Found ................. (804) 358.3871 RideFinders ................... (804) 643.RIDE (7433) SPECIALIZED TRANSPORTATION C-VAN/CARE ................. (804) 782.2273 GRTC Transit System Corporate Office Headquarters 301 E. Belt Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23224 RideFinders, A Division of GRTC Transit System The Ironfronts Building, 1013 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219 Actual Holiday Schedule Posting Will Occur Pending State & Local Government Notification. New Year’s Day Lee Jackson Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents’ Day Memorial Day Independence Day Holiday Service Schedule WEEKDAY Local service Downtown Temporary Transfer Plaza Bay M, Grove Ave, University of Richmond 16 Grove Wheelchair accessible January 25, 2015 358.GRTC (4782) EFFECTIVE Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Check our website or call our Customer Service Center at 358.GRTC (4782) for details.
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