August 23, 2015 - Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time S AINT L AWRENCE THE M ARTYR C ATHOLIC P ARISH AND E DUCATION C ENTER 1971 S T . L AWRENCE D RIVE S ANTA C LARA , CA 95051 T EL . N O . 408-296-3000 F AX N O . 408-296-3100 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Website: Celebrating Our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service “Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; You have the words of everlasting life.” John 6:63c, 68c Fr. Ernesto Orci Pastor [email protected] Fr. Gener Geronimo Parochial Vicar [email protected] PARISH OFFICE 1-408-296-3000 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION 1-408-893-9353 Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-296-0208 [email protected] Giuliana Barragan Office Manager [email protected] YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Vickie Wallace Office Assistant [email protected] ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (Pre-K - 8th Grade) Sr. Graciela Ramos, MESST Pastoral Minister [email protected] Noel Fisico Music Coordinator 1-408-869-8254 [email protected] CATECHETICAL OFFICE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz Catechetical Director [email protected] Patrick Sylvester - Coordinator [email protected] 1-408-296-2260 Monica Argenti - Principal [email protected] CHILDREN’S CENTER 1-408-296-8077 Teen Center & Extended Day Care Sue Herbelin - Director ACADEMY M ASS TIMES Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) 12 Noon 1:30 PM (Mass in Spanish) 6:00 PM (Youth Mass) American Sign Language (ASL) Mass 6:30 PM (In the Parish Hall) 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month Saturday 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) Monday – Friday ● 8:30 AM Reconciliation Saturday ● 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Or by appointment Eucharistic Adoration Thursday 9:00 AM – 8:45 PM Solemn Benediction 8:45 PM Devotions 1-408-296-3013 Rosary – Monday to Saturday ●After the 8:30 AM Mass (English) Phil Dolan - President [email protected] Rosario en Español ● Martes 6:30 PM en Capilla Bridgit McGarry - Principal [email protected] Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday Chapel Open Daily ● 8:15 AM 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Elbow Sunday Liturgy Corner by Deborah Ferry (Taken from commentary on today’s Second Reading) This is our last week reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. Ephesians is the great Pauline letter about the church. It deals, however, not so much with a congregation in the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor as with the worldwide church, the head of which is Christ. Sundays where this reading appears are sometimes called “Elbow Sunday,” in reference to various spouses elbowing each other. Let us look for a deeper understanding…Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is his treatise on the Church, so it is fitting that even in speaking about marital relationships he utilizes the analogy of Christ’s relationship with his bride, the Church. The opening line sets the tone, for there Paul calls for the mutual submission of one to another. All that follows must be heard in that context – none is greater than the other, for all are members of Christ’s body, the Church. No real or imagined notion of superiority has a place within the Christian community. Women are called to submit to their husbands in the same life-affirming way that the Church submits to Christ. The subordination of the Church to Christ never demeans its members, but results always in the affirmation of our innate dignity. Paul spends far more time tutoring husbands who bear the great responsibility of loving their wives as Christ loves his Church. Such love is never self-indulgent, but always self-sacrificing, for Christ gave his life for the Church. That willingness to extend oneself for the love of the other is the model of spousal love Paul gleans from Christ. But Paul goes even further: a man’s love for his wife must at least equal his love of himself; he must nourish and cherish her as he nourishes himself and as Christ nourishes the Church. Finally, Paul alludes to Genesis, reminding us that man and woman become “one flesh” in marriage – a great mystery that somehow expresses the relationship between Christ and his bride. LuckofSt.Lawrenceisback!TicketsAreAvailableattheParishOf ice The first drawing will be on Youcanbe August 28, 2015 for a $2,500 Prize. The irst Remember that each ticket you buy Luckywinner now gives you 10 chances to win. Please return your sold ticket stubs with payment to the Parish Office since the sooner you turn in your sold tickets, the more chances you have to win the prizes money. Tickets must be returned to the Parish Office on August 26 before 4:00 PM for the drawing on August 28, 2015. August 23, 2015 - Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 2 Assumption $ 795.00 5:00 PM $ 1,299.00 08/15/2015 - Saturday 08/16/2015 - Sunday Silencio que no comprendo, pero respeto y que en silencio guardo con tantas lágrimas por cerrarme a entender que Tú también hablas en cada silencio. Enséñame a ser espacio infinito donde tu silencio sea vida; decúbreme la belleza de buscarte en el Cielo aun sin palabras, más mirándote y dejándote ser mi eternidad, mi todo y Cielo. Señor del silencio, del sin tiempo y de lo eterno; hazme gustar de las esperas y del saber que en este silencio, Tú no dejas de escucharme y prestarte a cada grito de amor que desde mi corazón sin cesar a Tí se eleva. Guarda mis palabras en la profundidad de tu Pecho y hazme sentir la paz infinita de saberte amar en el silencio. Silencio de Amor, que brota de tu Corazón abierto. 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 6:00 PM Mail In ACH/CC Total Stewardship Offering Goal - Assumption Goal - Stewardship Variance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 781.00 1,235.00 1,102.00 818.52 1,243.95 805.00 8,079.47 1,200.00 8,400.00 (1,520.53) Notes: Stewardship is defined as the total collections from the regular weekly masses Saturday 5:00 pm vigil, Sunday (8:00 am,10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm and 6:00 pm). Special Masses (i.e. Christmas and Easter) are also included and will be reflected in the chart during those specific weeks. Second collections and stipends are excluded from this data. The ”Goal" numbers reflect the approved Parish budget for the 2015/2016 fiscal year. Year-To-Date Stewardship July 1, 2015 - August 17, 2015 $66,364 Actual YTD Variance - ($3,836) $70,200 Goal $- $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 August 30, 2015 Fund for Church Loan Payments and Maintenance Sé mi Compañero, en las noches oscuras donde solo siento el latir acompasado de mi corazón sin sosiego que busca un poco de paz refugiándose en tu Corazón que arde de amor eterno. Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time “In today’s first reading, Joshua challenges the people to decide whom they will serve. Recalling God’s faithfulness to them and to their ancestors, the people declare, “We also will serve the Lord, for He is our God.” May we, too, be mindful of God’s gifts to us and renew our commitment to serve Him with grateful hearts.” See Joshua 24:18 Enséñame tus tiempos, hazme amar tus silencios, que comprenda día a día que los que en verdad se aman solo hablan con el silencio. Sé mi consejero, hoy, aquí... en este silencio para que no me aturdan los días, ni muera de frío creyendo que no estás conmigo. Vigésimo Primer Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario “En la primera lectura de hoy, Josué desafía a la gente para que decida a quién va a servir. Al recordar la fidelidad de Dios para con ellos y sus ancestros, la gente declara, “Por eso, nosotros también serviremos a Yavé: Él es nuestro Dios.” Que nosotros, también, estemos atentos a los regalos de Dios a nosotros y renovemos nuestro compromiso de servirle a Él con corazones a gradecidos.” Ver Josué 24:18 Ven Amigo, abrázame con prisa pues de frío y dolor mi alma te necesita. Arrúllame con ternura melodía de paz... que aunque será silencio, mi corazón la entenderá pues habla de Amor, que es eterno. Autor: Padre Guillermo Serra, L.C Excerpt from Stewardship By The Book by: Sharon Hueckel Office for the Protec on of Children and Vulnerable Adults Office of Financial Services Diocese of San Jose Anthony Gonzalez Phone: 1-408-983-0113 Fax: 1-408-983-0147 Emergency line: 1-408-983-0141 E-mail: protec [email protected] August 23, 2015 - Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 3 If you suspect financial mismanagement or misconduct in your parish, school, or in the Diocese of San Jose, please contact: EthicsPoint or hotline 888-325-7863 Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23, 2015 Sunday Joshua 24: 1-2a, 15-17, 18b / Ephesians 5: 21-32 or 5: 2a, 25-32 / John 6: 60-69 (122) 8:00 AM + Brian Smith + Teresita Roldan Durban 10:00 AM + Volta Family 12:00 PM + Myrna Panelo + Jose Lopez + Carlos Lopez Freddie Viera - Happy Birthday for the 1:30 PM 6:00 PM People of Saint Lawrence August 24, 2015 Monday Saint Bartholomew, Apostle Revelation 21: 9b-14 / John 1: 45-51 (629) 8:30 AM + Josefina Cordova and + Maria Del Rosario Zamora August 25, 2015 Tuesday Weekday - Saint Louis; Saint Joseph Calasanz, Priest 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8 / Matthew 23: 23-26 (426) 8:30 AM August 26, 2015 Wednesday Weekday 1 Thessalonians 2: 9-13 / Matthew 23: 27-32 (427) 8:30 AM + Tiffany Summer Evans August 27, 2015 Thursday Saint Monica 1 Thessalonians 3: 7-13 / Matthew 24: 42-51 (428) 8:30 AM + Josefina Cordova and + Maria Del Rosario Zamora August 28, 2015 Friday Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8 / Matthew 25: 1-13 (429) 8:30 AM August 29, 2015 Saturday The Passion of Saint John the Baptist 1 Thessalonians 4: 9-11 (430) / Mark 6: 17-29 (634) 8:30 AM + Jorge Gonsalves 5:00 PM + Ardan Jonver Ligan August 30, 2015 Sunday Twenty - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Deuteronomy 4: 1-2, 6-8 / James 1: 17-18, 21b-22, 27 / Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (125) Has someone you know and love lost the faith? On the last Sunday of each month a Mass is offered for them. Please join our Saint Monica Sodality. There are no dues and no meetings, only your prayers are required. Send your names of loved ones to be remembered to Mary Ann Miller c/o The Saint Lawrence Parish Office. She will add these names to our special album and a prayer card will be given to you. Please pray each day that all of our loved ones will return to God. Sign-up to schedule a visit from the Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Fatima in your home. A statue of the Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Fa ma travels from home to home and remains in the home for one week subject to extension upon request for addi onal one week. Please contact the Legion of Mary, Mario de Guzman at 408-646-4498 August 23, 2015 - Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 4 Considering Becoming Catholic? Adults (18 years or older) / Children (7 - 17 years old) For more informa on, please call Eleanor De Paz Cateche cal Director at 408-296-0208 or E-mail [email protected]. August 24 Family, Culture and Church Plan now to attend FAITH beyond 2000 and give your ministry and your spirituality a boost! For more information, please contact Eleanor de Paz, Catechetical Director at 1-408-296-0208 or [email protected] OnFire Nor Cal Jam 2015 Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Marine World) in Vallejo Saturday, September 19 Carpool from St. Lawrence at 7:00am Enjoy a faith-filled day with family and friends! Celebrate morning Mass, enjoy rides, all you can eat lunch buffet, speakers, evening concert, and 2 hours exclusive ride me a er the park closes to the public. For more info, visit h p:// Tickets are $50 each Parking is $5 if purchased ahead of me If you would like to a end, e-mail Eleanor at [email protected] or call the parish office at (408) 296-3000. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Saint Lawrence Pool Area cÄxtáx cÜtç YÉÜAAA Our Parishioners, Friends, and Family Albert Apostol Mohamed Aslam Rommey Avila Mary Ann Babcock Stan Boben Eleanore Brennan Diane Byrd Robert Carag Avelina Carrillo Maria Cendejas Al Chiara Phil Donahue Chet O’Donnell James Donnelly Mimi Eilrich Jesse Espinosa Nellie Gonzales Lincoln Groner Gabriela Guillen John Hallett Mikey Hallett Mercedes Hardison Hubert Jansen Marilyn Kirchoff Brooks Levine Jubilee Liebich Henry Garcia Tereann Senados John Funkhouser Wen Wen Hsiu Anthony Ligot Ann Lizotte Marilyn Mara Patrick McMahn Mackena Naki Pat Naki Thanh Nguyen Virginia Olenak Barbara Orason Ernie Ortiz Hilda Peralta Rosalie Perez Luchie P. Qugana Arturo Presa Yolanda Romero Rose Salamanca Dina Carag Santella Erma Schriver Jonathan Seepersad Tien Takul Arlene Thompson Nilda Timbs Matthew Carag Vakili Lina Velasco Chuck Worley Alma Zamora Come and Join Us! The Friendship Club invites Adult Members of St. Lawrence to the following events: Thursday; September 10, 2015 Let’s Play Bingo! Bring your own Sandwich. Drinks will be provided. Thursday; October 8, 2015 Catered Luncheon and Participate in a Raffle Cost: $20 Thursday; November 12, 2015 Let’s Play Bingo! Bring your own Lunch. Drinks and Dessert will be provided. Place: Parish Hall Time: 12 noon December - Christmas Luncheon. Date and Restaurant to be announced in future Bulletin. For more Informa on, Contact Mary Ann Miller at 408-887-3675 “Mary’s life shows that God accomplishes great deeds through those who are the most humble.” Pope Francis @Pon fex $3/session August 23, 2015 - Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 5 PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE AT 408-296-3000 Baptism of Infants At least two months in advance before the desired date of Baptism. Marriage At least six months prior to the desired date of the Wedding Ceremony. Anointing of the Sick A priest should be called to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing when someone becomes seriously ill, is weakened by years, or is preparing for surgery. Communion is brought to all members of our community who are ill or homebound. Bautismos para bebes y niños menores de 7 años Llamar por lo menos con dos meses de anticipacióna de la fecha para el Bautizo. Matrimonio Llamar por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación de la fecha que desean para la boda. Unción de los Enfermos Un sacerdote debe ser llamado a celebrar el Sacramento de la Unción cuando alguien llega a ser gravemente enfermo, es debilitado por años, o está preparándose para una cirugía. Presentación Lleguen a la misa del tercer domingo con los niños que quieren tengan su presentación. La ceremonia se llevará a cabo antes de terminar la Misa del tercer domingo por medio de una bendición especial. Confirmación (Preparación en Ingles) Adolescentes en el 9º grado de escuela o más avanzados que desean recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, por favor de llamar al tel. 408-893-9353 o enviar un e-mail a Elizabeth Sanville: [email protected] Para adultos católicos (mayores de 18 años) que desean recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, por favor llamar al tel. 408-340-0846 o enviar un e-mail a Therie Velasco: [email protected] Quinceañera Misa para quinceañera debe ser programada por lo menos con cuatro meses de anticipación. Por favor llame a la oficina o envié un e-mail [email protected] Intenciones para una Misa Si desea ofrecer una Misa por alguien en especial, por favor venir a la oficina, en horas avilés. Comunión a los Enfermos La Comunión se puede llevar a los miembros de nuestra comunidad que están enfermos o no pueden salir de la casa o del hospital por edad o enfermedad. Ministry FOR THE FOLLOWING: Coordinator WWW.SAINTLAWRENCE.ORG E-Mail Address Altar Servers Anna Chitwood Art and Environment Margaret Haselden [email protected] 408-296-3000 Bulletin Giuliana Barragan [email protected] 408-296-3000 Children's Liturgy of the Word Anna Chitwood [email protected] 408-241-0836 [email protected] 408-472-7864 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Mike Piccardo [email protected] Phone Number 408-241-0836 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Jennie De La Cerda [email protected] 408-296-3000 Hospitality Ministers and Ushers Stan Spence [email protected] 408-245-1485 Hospitality Ministers and Ushers Jackson Chun [email protected] 408-745-7328 Lectors Deborah Ferry [email protected] 408-296-3000 Mass in Spanish Manuel Hernandez [email protected] 408-410-9124 Mass Scrip Elia Morgan [email protected] 408-718-9331 Ministry to the Sick and the Homebound Jessie Garibaldi [email protected] 408-243-1975 Music Ministry Noel Fisico [email protected] 408-869-8254 Parish Finance Council Mark Tarcha [email protected] 408-668-5650 Parish Pastoral Council Joseph Raja [email protected] Sacristans Vickie Wallace [email protected] 408-984-1142 Social Concerns Terry Jelley [email protected] 408-296-3000 St. Vincent de Paul Society Terry Jelley [email protected] 408-296-3000 Stewardship Offering Counters Michelle Varnau [email protected] 408-296-3000 Stewardship Offering Counters Nicole Chun [email protected] 408-296-3000 August 23, 2015 - Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 6 2015-2016 REGISTRATION FOR ALL CATECHETICAL PROGRAMS IS OPEN NOW Registra on will be done online only on our parish website For inquiries or to schedule an in-person registra on appointment, call 408-296-0208 or email [email protected] Program descrip ons are available on our parish website or pick-up a flyer at the ves bule. (Sunday School PreK-5TH Grade, PreparaƟon for First Communion and ConfirmaƟon, Middle School Youth Ministry , High School Youth Ministry, Young Adult, Adult FormaƟon & Becoming Catholic (RCIA Process)) Saint Lawrence Academy is pleased to announce that the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA) granted the high school with a full six-year accreditation status. The faculty and staff at Saint Lawrence Academy did an outstanding job addressing the educational improvement as outlined by the previous Self-Study. Their intentional, intensive, and courageous look at the school during the past 18 months of the self-study process is highly commendable. The Visiting Team highlighted the herculean efforts of the school community and their diligent work presents itself most fully in being awarded the full six-year accreditation term. The school administration, faculty and staff are very grateful to all of our constituents for their efforts in assisting the creation and execution of a comprehensive plan to guide the school now and into the future. Congratulations on a well-deserve accreditation term. 2015-2016 REGISTRACIÓN ABIERTA PARA TODOS LOS PROGRAMAS DE CATECISMO. La Registración será solamente en línea en la página de internet de nuestra parroquia Para preguntas o para hacer una cita para registrar “en persona” llamada 408-296-3000. La descripción de los programas están disponibles en la página de internet en o puede obtener un volante con la información en el ves bulo de la Iglesia. (La preparación para la 1ra comunión será los Domingos, de igual manera de PreK- hasta el 5th grado y también la Confirmación, Grupo Juvenil de Primaria, Grupo Juvenil de Secundaria, Jovenes adultos, Formación de adultos y en el proceso de ser Catolico) August 23, 2015 - Twenty - First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Page 7
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