Holy Trinity Catholic Church 101 Walt Banks Road / Peachtree City, GA 30269 Parish Office (770) 487-7672 Faith Formation (770) 487-0175 Hispanic Ministry (770) 487-5352 Preschool (770) 631-4380 Website www.HolyTrinityPTC.org E-Mail [email protected] December 27, 2015 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm Vigil 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 1:45 pm Español 4:30 pm LifeTeen Daily Mass Schedule Mon. - Thurs. 9am & 6:30 pm Friday Noon & 6:30 pm Saturday 9 am Holy Hours of Adoration Fri: 12:45pm - Sat 9am in Sanctuary Rosary Mon.-Thurs. & Sat. after 9am Mass Mondays after the 6:30pm Mass “Rosary for Life” Fridays at 11 am in the Adoration Chapel Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays at 3pm Reconciliation Fridays, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Saturdays, 9:45 am - 10:30 am or by appointment with a priest. Healing Mass Schedule 2nd week of each month Tuesday @ 6:30pm & Friday @ 12 noon January 12 & 15 Pastor: Father J ohn Mur phy Parochial Vicars: Father Dair o Rico, Father Pavol Br enkus Deacons: Ter r y Blind, Tony Cuomo, Gene Dicker son, Mar k Fr iedlein, Mar k Sholander Deacons Emeritus: Ben Gr oss, Mike Landaiche, Don Kelsey, Tom Zawor ski Holy Trinity Catholic Church Mass Intentions Saturday 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Sunday 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 1:45 pm 4:30 pm Monday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Tuesday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Thursday 9:00 am 6:30 pm Friday 9:00 am 12:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Sunday 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 1:45 pm 4:30 pm = Deceased December 26 Christie Walden (SI) Fr. John Batykefer (SI) Michael Humphries (SI) December 27 Cecilia Baran Parish Family Katie Guarnaccia Jack Curcio Juan Suárez Antonia & Eugenio Dias December 28 Embrace Mass Yolanda Ruhe (SI) December 29 Shirley Fox Edelmira Peña December 30 Juda Smaltz Bob & Grace Huether December 31 Alex Bookalam Herminia Villamor January 1 Joe Troisi Alice Conley January 2 John Turner Parish Family Mezosi & Ulversoy Families January 3 Grace Scollo Andres Ricards Sarah Fox-Klein Joseph Troisi Leticia Ustman de Muñoz Melissa Fisher (SI) = Special Intentions The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 or Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10; Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17; Lk 2:41-52 Mon The Holy Innocents, Martyrs 1 Jn 1:5-2:2; Ps 124:2-3, 4-5, 7cd-8; Mt 2:13-18 Tues Saint Thomas Becket 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Wed 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-8a, 8b-9, 10; Lk 2:36-40 Thurs Saint Sylvester I, Pope 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-12, 13; Jn 1:1-18 Fri Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Sat 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; Jn 1:19-28 Sun The Epiphany of the Lord Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Rejoice in the Lord always! Great in our midst is the Holy One of Israel, a mighty savior. It is he whom John foretold; it is he who will baptize in the Holy Spirit. Peachtree City, Georgia December 27, 2015 Jean Addison, Tom Aishton, Alba Barone, Mary Barth, Julie Church, Dcn. Gene Dickerson, Katie Dodgen, Bernardo Espinosa, Remember Migdalia Fernández, Sr. Evelyn Marita Figuora, Bridget File, Jim Grant, in Prayer Jerry Greenwell, Margaret Hohenberger, Jean Hohl, Tom Illingworth, Betty Jorgensen, Phil Kelley, Dcn. Don Kelsey, Daniella Kurek, Dcn. Mike Landaiche, Anne Lange, Maria Lynas, Kristi Martin, Damon Oliver, Neisa Pamfil, David Phillips, Magali Piñiero, Bob Poticny, Myrna Richardson, George Schum, Peggy Sholander, Henk Smit, Tommy Stroud, Kathy Szegedy, Katie Tramonte, Irene Vázquez, Don Ventura, Connor Vogel, Philip Wandra, Mae Wise, Helen & Tom Zaworski Please pray for those who have died Rudi Denninghoff and all the wonderful caregivers During the holidays, the bulletins are printed in advance to meet deadlines. Names called in to the Parish Office for bulletin publication may be delayed. Names may also be added to the Prayer Intention Book in the back of the Sanctuary. Visiting the Sick. With the gr owing concer n for people's pr ivacy it becomes increasingly more and more difficult to know if our parishioners are sick, in the hospital or even in Hospice care. If you know of someone or if you would like for us to visit someone, please contact Deacon Mark Sholander at (678) 466-1708 or MSholander@ HolyTrinityPTC.com. The Parish Offices are closed until Monday, January 4. The Priests, Deacons, and Staff of Holy Trinity wish you a Blessed and Happy New Year! The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Friday, January 1, 2016 Holy Day of Obligation Mass Times Wednesday, December 31 Vigil Mass: 6:30pm Thursday, January 1 9am & 12pm The First Friday Seniors Luncheon crew is taking a very well-deserved rest from the holidays! Therefore, there will be No Luncheon in January. Join us again on Friday, February 5! Thanks for your generosity! ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Offertory / Ofrenda FY2014/2015 Offertory Weekly and Actual to Date Ofertorio: Semanal y Cifra Real Offertory / Ofertorio November 29, 2015 $47,670 To Date Actual / Cifra Real $1,016,813 Prior Year Comparison 11/30/14 Total envelopes/loose checks: 483 Total on-line payments: Total envelopes mailed in: 7 Total registered families: Upcoming Second Collections: January 3 - Mortgage Payment / Debt Reduction January 24 - Archdiocesan Hispanic Ministries To sign up for Online Giving, please contact Michelle Gadoury at [email protected] or (678) 466-1707 $961,277 134 2,727 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Holy Trinity welcomes our newest parishioners! Samantha Alongi Sergio & Maria de Lourdes Martinez Arron & Kristi Kochanowicz The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be held Monday, December 28, 12pm-6pm, in Loreto Hall. Donors should be 18+ years of age (16 with parental permission). For answers to your questions, to signup or to volunteer to help, contact Ron Plues at (770) 487-2590 or [email protected]. The ladies who prepare breakfast on Wednesdays, missed everyone last week. Therefore, there WILL be a Wednesday Morning Social this week! St. Christopher Hellenic Orthodox Church will be holding a Vasilopita and Covered Dish Dinner here in the St. Faustina Room on Saturday, January 2, 6:30pm10:30pm, to benefit St. Basil Academy, an orphanage of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. In appreciation of our hospitality, we are cordially invited to join them! Bring a dish to share based on your last name: A-G - Pasta, Rice, or Potato Dish H-M - Dessert T-Z - Vegetable or Vegetable Casserole N-S - Salad After dinner, bread baked by the ladies of St. Christopher will be auctioned to benefit the St. Basil Academy. To RSVP, contact Alec MacDougall at [email protected] or (770) 486-0580. is the Feast Day of St. Basil. It’s a sweet bread with different recipes from different Greek islands. Fr. George may tell the story of St. Basil, give each person a piece of bread from one of the loaves . The remaining loaves will be up for auction! The Giving Tree. St. Vincent de Paul Society extends a huge thank you to the Parish of Holy Trinity. Know by your enormous generosity that you gave 79 families a very bright Christmas. We wish you a very Holy and Merry Christmas season. Thank you! A Baptismal Preparation Class will be held on Sunday, January 10, at 10am in the Library. Classes are held on the 1st Sunday of each month, unless the first Sunday falls on a holiday weekend. Babes in arms are welcome. Contact Kathy Boats at (678) 466-1701. Thoughts From this Sunday’s Readings by Fr. John Previous reflections can be found on his blog at FrJohnMurphy.blogspot.com Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. By Catholic standards this feast is relatively new, instituted by Pope Leo XIII in 1892. Concerned by the breakdown of family life at the end of the 19th century, Pope Leo XIII wanted to promote the sacredness of family life and to present the Holy Family as the model for all Christian Families. Pope Benedict XIV extended the Feast to the whole Roman Church in 1921. Family breakdown is as great a problem today as it was in 1892. In fact, it probably is a far greater problem. The pressure on families today sometimes seems overwhelming. The problem is so huge that back in 2005 the US government initiated a Healthy Marriage Initiative with funding of $150 million each year. At the same time the US Conference of Catholic Bishops launched the National Pastoral Initiative for Marriage to call attention to the meaning and value of married life for the Church and for society. The crowning achievement of the Initiative was the Bishops' 2009 pastoral letter, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan. And, just a few months ago our Holy Father, Pope Francis called a Synod on The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World. What amazed me was the amount of press coverage the Synod received. It seemed as if the whole world The week I was reflecting on the Feast of the Holy Family, the Vatican released the English translation of the final document. It is available at: www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_doc_ 20151026_relazione-finale-xiv-assemblea_en.html . In the introduction our contemporary Church Leaders wrote, “Even amidst joys and trials, the family is the primary and fundamental ‘school of humanity.’ Despite signs of a crisis, in various contexts, in the institution of the family, the desire to form a family remains vibrant among the younger generations.” Quoting from an address by Pope Francis in Philadelphia the Church Fathers write,” So great was his love that he [God] began to walk with mankind, he began to walk alongside his people, until the right time came and then he gave the greatest demonstration of love: his Son. And where did he send his Son? To a palace, to a city, to an office building? He sent him to a family. God came into the world in a family. And he could do this because that family was a family with a heart open to love, a family whose doors were open.” (Francis, Address at the Feast of Families, Philadelphia, 27 September 2015). When I consider the Holy Family as a model for all Christian families I am astounded by their closeness to and faith in God who was the center of their lives. God directed the lives of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. They listened to God. They were obedient to his word and they obAlmana(h) Ministry. Small groups will be forming in J anuary served God’s commandments and laws. God centered families can for all who have turned in a questionnaire. It’s not too late to be withstand the challenges, hardships and sorrow thrown in their path. included! Just complete the questionnaire and return it to the col- On this Feast of the Holy Family, lets thank God for our families and lection box both of which can be found in the Vestibule. We need pray that all families have God at their center. With God in charge all families can be Holy Families. your feedback to help make Almana(h) - A Widowed Ministry a success! For more information, you can also e-mail Arlene at [email protected]. God our Father, we give you all thanks and praise that you chose for your Son a human family. Through the prayers and example of Mary and Joseph, may we too learn to make room for Jesus in our life, that he may grow up in us day after day and make us more like him. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia Nuestro Ministerio Hispano 770-487-5352, 770-487-7672 Exts. 303 678-466-1703 (Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. - lunes a jueves; 11:00 am a 1:00 pm - domingos) en español: domingos 1:45 pm Confesiones: todos los viernes a las 5:30 pm, sábados 9:45am, o por cita llamando al 770-487-7672 Ext. 311. Bautizos: Favor de llamar o pasar por la Oficina parroquial para anotarse para la plática o para información sobre los bautizos. Donaciones de Sangre: por la Cruz Roja Americana, en Holy Trinity, el lunes 28 de diciembre, 12pm-6pm, en el Loreto Hall. Monaguillos- Misa en español Reunión de Adiestramiento ¿Te gustaría participar como monaguillo en la Misa en español? ¿Ya participas como monaguillo en la Misa? Te invitamos a que nos acompañes a la reunión / taller de adiestramiento para todos los monaguillos, los que ya participan en la Misa y a los que les gustaría participar en la Misa en español. ¿Cuándo? ¿Hora? ¿Dónde? sábado, 16 de enero del 2016 10am – 12 del mediodía Iglesia Holy Trinity Después del adiestramiento nos reuniremos en el Loreto Hall para un pequeño convivio. Favor de anotarse con Elsie en la Oficina Parroquial. Clases de Certificación Básica para Catequistas: ofrecidas por el Sr. Luis Guzmán, de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta, a las 7pm, en el Salón #105 en el Edificio de Formación de Fe. 13 de enero: Histor ia de la Iglesia 20 de enero: Cr eencias de la Iglesia 27 de enero: Las Escr itur as 3 de febrero: Desar r ollo de la Fe y la Mor al Más información: 678-466-1704. Pláticas quinceañeras: Si su hija cumple 15 años en el 2016 y le gustaría que se celebre una Misa por este motivo, es requisito que su hija asista a las pláticas de preparación. Las pláticas se ofrecerán el 28 de enero, el 4 y 11 de febrero, de 5-6pm, en el salón 204 del Edificio de Formación de Fe. Más información y para inscribirse, favor de pasar o llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. Clases de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL): comenzando el 11 de enero del 2016, se comenzará una nueva sesión los lunes y viernes, de 6-8pm, en el salón 103 en el Edificio de Formación de Fe. NO habrá guardería disponible. Las oficinas de la Parroquia estarán cerradas hasta el 3 de enero del 2016. Reabrirán el 4 de enero a las 8am. San Vicente de Paúl: Línea de ayuda: 678-466-1750 ó 770-487-7672 Ext.450 December 27, 2015 Reflexiones sobre las lecturas de este domingo del Padre Rico. 27 de diciembre 2015 Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia Una Familia Sagrada: A veces un sencillo cambio en el orden de las palabras nos ilumina un aspecto de las cosas que no habíamos visto. Hoy celebramos a una familia "sagrada", y, desde luego, lo primero que preguntamos es: "¿que no eran sagradas todas las familias?", a lo cual Dios nos respondería prontamente: "¡Por supuesto! Tal es mi designio, tal es mi deseo, tal es mi plan para el mundo". La familia es sagrada porque nace de Dios. Es anterior al Estado y a sus leyes, y por supuesto, va primero que los acuerdos entre los mismo Estados o las conveniencias de las empresas o asociaciones humanas. De Dios viene toda paternidad, nos enseña Pablo (Ef 3,15). Dar origen a la vida humana es asemejarse demasiado a Dios, y por ello es preciso que la paz, la bondad y la sabiduría de Dios abunden allí donde ya se hizo presente su magnífico poder. Honra a tu Padre: Este mandamiento realmente despierta muchas preguntas. ¿Cómo es posible honrar a un papá que ha sido irresponsable, o injusto, o cruel, o que simplemente ha desaparecido huyendo se sus responsabilidades mínimas? Para responder necesitamos algunos criterios bíblicos. Ante todo, la Escritura jamás nos invita o permite que sea honrado lo que ofende a Dios. Honrar al papá no es celebrar lo que él es simplemente porque él lo es. Este mandamiento, como todos, por lo demás, requiere de nosotros luz, y discernimiento. Así que, aunque en todo lo demás fallaren, es claro que en el misterio de ser instrumentos de la vida hay siempre un misterio de donación en que Dios se ha hecho presente, y por tanto requiere nuestra gratitud y honra. La Familia en el pensamiento de San Pablo: La segunda lectura de hoy nos ayuda a situar la vida de familia en el conjunto del mensaje cristiano. Lo primero es que cada miembro de la familia se reconozca como "elegido" por Dios, sumergido en la gracia, bañado por el perdón, fortalecido en la paz, iluminado por la Palabra, lleno de motivos de gratitud y gozo. Sin esta base, la familia será pacto de intereses no santuario del amor divino. Otro modo de decir esto es: en la medida en que reconocemos que la gracia nos hermana en Dios y nos hace familia de Dios, llegamos a ser familia humana. No pensemos entonces que la sola intensidad de los sentimientos, así se trate de sentimientos muy poderosos de pareja o de paternidad, basta: todo lo humano necesita ser sanado, y todo lo que ha de ser sanado ha de serlo en Cristo Jesús. Sobre esta base se comprende que en la familia hay un misterio de complementariedad que es propio de la vida cristiana entera. ¿Qué es la familia, según este profundo planteamiento del apóstol? Es la expresión del amor cristiano sanando, bendiciendo y fecundando los orígenes mismos de la vida humana. Amén. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Jim Cunliffe Donald Czarnecki Rosalie & Chester Czarnecki Leonora Daskawicz Peter Daskawicz Marty Daugherty Cosmo Dellanno Marion E. Demarest Yvette W. Demarest Bertie & Jeff Denney Carolyn & Frank Denney Tommy Denney Rudi Denninghoff Fred & Anita Destadio Martha Dung Amelia & Tomás Doreste Eliska Marie Guillory-Dorsey Felix Joseph Dorsey Dorothy Dowling Rose & Albert Dunfee Calvin & Adabelle Duvall Herbert Edelmann John JT. Elfer, Jr. Solomae Evans Connie & Joe Falisi Irina Farfan Finfinger Family Angelo & Elena Fiorini Archie Fiorini Elena Fiorini-Tagert Peter & Edith Fiorini George & Mary Fox Margaret Fry Dad & Mom Gannon Charles David Beuerlein Antonia Garcia Maria Gaxiola Giordano Family John Blatt Margaret & Al Giusti Margaret Buco Peter Glowacki Helen & Harry Buehrle John & Martha Goebeler Tom Buehrle Margaret & Robert Burns Jim & Irene Golden Fr. John F. Golden Cleo & Richard Callen William & Bridie Golden Clara & Harold Callen & Family Tramonte Family Carmen M. González Jane Carroll Diannia Grant Joe Carroll Adela Grimaldo Eugenia Cartagena Ed & Gloria Grohs Theresa Castellano Adelino Gurol Janet Castgro Zislow Gwozdz Domenic Cerame Bob Halpin Andrew & Ruby Chmiel Ray & Ruth Hale Gary Bergen Henry & Ann Cicci Hanlin Babies Cindy Cohran Margaret Hannan Claire Conant Nicholas Jack Hartman John Conant Haupt Family Perry Conant Armin & Dorothy Heine Richard Conant Ed Holland Lee Connelly James & Mary Hollins, Sr. Bella Costa Hollins Brothers Michael Costa Freita Holsted Patrick Cotrona Elizabeth & Andy Hornyak Forney & Violet Huffman Warren & Darrell Huffman D. L. Huggins Froilana Alberto Gabriel Alberto I Genaro Alberto Irene Calagan Juliana Alberto Nicario Alberto Paula Galagan Renato Alberto Mrs. Joan Allgaier Phyllis Gerard Allan Joe & Josephine Skripets Jack & Vera Allen Jane Anesta Mary Frances Arnold Vicki Atkins Amado Ayala Josefina Ayala Maria Flores de Ayala Quincy Baines Betty J. Baker Wanda Ballantyne Catalina Balomaga Fructoso Balomaga Macario Balomaga Maximina Balomaga Victorino Balomaga Bandzi Family Stan Barras Zola Barras Ralph Bates Jean Bathgate Angus & Lois Begley Eddie & Angela Bergen Marie Hymel Joseph & Anna Jackson Jackson Siblings Mack & Irene Jender Dennis Jensen Jones & Niebrzydowski Families Juliano Family Christmas Flowers In Memory / Honor Of Tom Kippenberger Joseph & Mary Kivlehan Andrew Niederhausen Patricia Ochoa Mary H. Ogg Dale Knesel Ambrose & Juliana Okoro Bill Koberick Dorothy Ann ONeill Helen Kopecky Jack ONeill Joanne Koshalek Jim & Jeanne O'Neill Kulaga / Bottita Family Marcelino Pajarin Theresa Kurtz Clorinda Palacios Carl J. LeBeau, Sr. Judith Palmieri Coy James LeBeau John Paquette Adele Lentine Barbara Pearson Dr. James Lentine Kenneth Pearson Lenze Family Arturo Perez León Family Peter Phi Richard Lopez Poetzl Family Peg MacPherson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Powers Kelsey L. Mackell, Jr. Bill Pritchard Elizabeth Madison Margaret Pritchard Patrick Madison William Pritchard Dolores Magaña Grace Baro Pruitt Ruthie S. Mahon Ramón Quinones, Jr. Ramón Quinones, Sr. Maleski Family Luz Ramirez Marsh Family Elsie G. Ramos Catherine M. Martin Anna Ravina Don Martin William Ravina John W. Martin, Sr. Reddick Family Carolyn S. Mastin Andres Ricards Peter B. Mastin Jack Robinson Harry & Mildred McCann Gregorio Rodriguez McCarte Family Hortencia Rodriguez Victor McDougal Joseph & Mary Ropers William A. McKenzie, Sr. Beatrice Rose Edward J. McLane Catherine & Phil Rose Joseph McMahon Joseph A. Roth, Sr. McReynolds Family Michael & Marie Sacco Juanita Meeks Toni & Lewis Sanlor Eugene Mertz Rosemary Schroeder Paula Mertz Joseph & Violet Senger Mary Merick Rosemary & Wayne Shaffer Merick & Dunfee Family Don Shea Mezosi, Gentile & Risso Mary Shutt Families Sica & Zipay Families Mills Family Jeanette Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mintzer Margaret C. Smith Frank & Helen Moore Carolyn Snyder Jerome Morgan Frank & Angie Soldovere Stephens Family & Family Grady Stimpson Takayoshi Nagashiba William Stroud Jim Neidert, Sr. Elmer Sturm Jimmy Neidert Paul Sullivan Mary Jean Neidert John & Mary Louise Sweeney Mary & Henry Neidert Joseph & Estelle Szolek Ruby & Bob Neugebauer Helen & James Tanguay Lucas Nguyen Urszula Targonski & Family Poppop & Nanny Tartal Marian Thur & Family Mr. Rudy Triana Carol Trullinger Ronnie & Eva Trussell Families Allan Uy Chu Sam Uy Mariano Uy Ping Bon Uy Rosario Uy Shi Ngah Uy A. Manuel Vazquez Julia Velsmid Michael Velsmid Gloria Vilas Bonnie Voegele Mary Cay Warren Helen Warren Jack & Alice Weber Eunice K. Weis Harry Weis Eunice R. Weiss Joseph A. Weiss Josephine Weiss Louis E. Weiss, Sr. Louis Weiss Ed White Carrick & Betty Joe Godsey Wilcox Sue Wild Willenborg Family Rose Quinn Willi Betty & Glen Willoughby Anna May Worley Herb Worley Yevcak Family Josh Zampedro Emma & Lyle Zink Boon Lau, Surai, Vanna, Nong, Dana, Carolyn All the People in Paris & California Giuseppina, Joseph, Maria, Vingenzo, Angela & Francesca Deceased Members of the: Benigo Family Del Busto Family Hadzick Family Ricards Family Stackler Family Our Parents Every effort was made to ensure names are correctly spelled and included. Due to deadlines, this may not have been possible. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia December 27, 2015 Christmas Flowers Offerings Given by: Brice & Margaret Abell Pamphile & Ayedihin Aguegue Ernesto & Juventina Aguirre Arletta Alberto Glen & Mary Jean Allen Jack & Nancy Allen Brian & Tina Arnold Lailani Balomaga Harold & Elaine Baro Sal & Adele Benigno Leo & Maria Berger Myrl & Camille Board James & Roseann Brandtjen Alan & Maredith Buco Tim & Rosy Burns Robert & Dee Callen Michael & Michelene Cappas Thomas & Janice Carty Gloria Castellanos Armando & Laura Castro Michael & Anne Chrzanowski Rose Chumbres Ed & Jean Cicci Molly Clark Joseph & Lorraine Conant Frank & Paulette Cotrona Janet Daugherty Frank & Sandi Destadio Andrew & Shirley Dias Argemiro & Marlene Diaz Alfredo & Sachiko Doreste Craig & Linda Dowling Thomas & Nancy Dunphy Linda Duvall Alice Elfer Bud Ellis Henry & Maria Farfan Wayne & Mary Ann Farley John & Deanna Finn Albert & Diane Fiorini Bridget Forsyth Thomas & Kathleen Fox Patrick Gannon Jose & Martina Garcia Perry & Sara Gard Marie Georganakis Tony & Debby Giusti John & Gloria Goebeler Herbert Goeden James & Jane Golden Alex & Paula Gooseff Ed Grant Amos & Marcia Grimes Edward & Nancy Hadzick Richard & Carol Hahn Madelyn Halpin Joseph & Joan Hanlin Dwight & Elizabeth Hartman Emil & Rita Heitzman Richard Heser Edward & Mary Hindy Janet Holland Edith Huffman Darwin & Robin Huggins Benjamin & Clara Hupka Bob & Barbara Jackson Daniel & Celine Jackson Steven & Diane Jender Richard & Susan Juliano Kevin & Elizabeth Keyser Mary Kay Kippenberger Randy & Phyllis Klimetz Virginia Knesel Judy Kocienski Michael & Margaret Koscho James & Diana Kulaga Arthur & Dorothy Lally Eddie & DeeDee Lapid Anthony & Pauline Laubernds Carl & Jennie LeBeau Kevin & Michele Lenze Eleanore Lindelof Maria MacConnie Steven & Jaye MacPherson Brian & Lucy Maes Tom & Sandy Mahon Thomas & Kimberlea Makins Pat & Aileen Malneritch Barry & Sharon Marcum Lanny & June Marsh George & Lisa Martin Glenn & Jennifer Martin William Hervey & Jan Mastin Joe & Sandra McCann Julia McDougal Kevin & Debbie McFarland Janet McKenzie Betty Jane McLane Sharon McLellan Bernard & Cathy McMullen Walcut & Bernadette Metzger Rudolf & Amelia Mezosi Elizabeth Milcheck Alan & Elisabeth Millsaps Christopher & Barbara Mitchell Larry & Angelica Moore Diane Morgan Anthony & Eileen Morrissey Gabino & Oliva Nape Mary Navarro Paul & Peggy New Tim & Mary Newton John & Virginia Nieber Robert & Karen Niederhausen Michael & Robyn Norman Jerry & Patti O’Hara Casimir Okoro Martin Olaharski Kevin & Janie O'Neill Herb & Judy Owen Leonardo & Rosita Pajarin Mark Pearson Justina Peralta Huy & Diem Phan Girtie Poetzl Chuck & Marie Powers Marcia Poynter Antoinette Pritchard Hector Ramos-Vega Betty Ramsdell Dorothy Ramsdell Richard & Clara Reed Cheri Reid Dennis & Nancy Reisen Gary & Maxine Ricards Suzanne Rice John & Jacklyn Ringhausen Jorge & Cenaida Rios Trudy Robinson Jose & Alice Rodriguez Leslie & Grace Rose Eileen Roth Adalberto & Brisa Salinas Richard & Kathleen Schmidt Jay Schroeder Richard & Katherine Senger Jeff & Lisa Shlapak James & Elizabeth Slattery Phillip & Noemi Smith Judy Spell Pawel & Elizabeth Stec William & Denise Stroud Sean & Tammy Sulkowski John & Choojit Sweeney Jerry & Adelaide Taylor Jeff & Christine Terrell Luis & Ana Torres Tony & Connie Tramonte Brian & Carolyn Triana Domenico & Maria Troia Eva Trussell Patricia Turczany Eduardo & Gabriela Varajas Mike & Joan Velsmid Arthur & Trish Vlastnik John & Karen Vogtner Creighton Warren Hersh & Rose Webb Louis & Cindy Weiss Steve & Debbie Wilcox Russell & Gina Wilson Daniel & Michelle Worley John & Mary Ann Yevcak William & Susan Zeller John & Violet Zipay The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph AN OVERVIEW OF CATHOLIC MORALITY For more information or to register for anything on this page or the next page contact Terri Thomas 678-466-1739 or [email protected] New women can join at any time. What the World Needs & Catholics Need to Know Presenter: Deacon Mark Friedlein Wednesday evenings in January January 6, 13 & 20 6:30-9:00 PM in Loreto Hall Childcare is available WALKING TOWARD ETERNITY 8 Weeks on Sundays 8:45-10:15 AM Begins January 24 LOCATION: Adult Faith Room Putting Your Faith into Practice Walking Toward Eternity is an inspiring series designed to help participants live their faith more fully. Daring to Walk the Walk, the first series of Walking Toward Eternity, introduces seven key virtues and outlines practical steps for living them out in daily life. You will learn how to walk in: Love, Forgiveness, Humility, Prayerfulness, Faithfulness, Sacrifice, Thankfulness What is Walking with Purpose? Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Women’s Bible study program. Walking with Purpose aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Personal Testimonies “I am truly blessed to be part of this wonderful group of Christ-filled spiritual women. The Holy Spirit has been working overtime in my life since I joined this group. They have helped hold me up. I look forward every week to being with the “girls”. We open our hearts up to each other.” “The women in our group are an amazing bond and strength resource. The unconditional love that pours from the hearts of women brought together in Christ is immeasurable. Without WWP and by extension the ability to grow in my faith with these women, I would not have had the spiritual ability to handle the challenges this year has brought into my life. I have found joy where there would have been none otherwise. Thank you.” “Lord, Teach Me To Pray” (LTMTP) is a three-part prayer series, rooted in Ignatian spirituality and designed to help women and men learn how to pray. The three parts are taken in succession. Each part is a prerequisite for the next part. Part I, Praying Christian Virtues (12 weeks), introduces Ignatian prayer and spirituality in the way that St. Ignatius himself introduced people; i.e., by structuring their initial prayer experience around the Christian Virtues. Part 1 is conducted in a small group experience with two trained facilitators. Each group will meet for two hours once a week for prayer, faith sharing and introduction to the methods of Ignatian prayer. Everyone will receive Scriptures on the virtues to use daily at home for 15 minutes of private prayer. Holy Trinity Catholic Church LECTIO EUCHARIST 10 weeks Sundays 4:00-6:00 PM Begins January 24 or Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 PM Begins January 27 Peachtree City, Georgia December 27, 2015 In Honor of this Jubilee of Mercy we will offer Wisdom & Works of Mercy We will use: The One Thing is Three + You Did it to Me by Fr. Michael Gaitly 10 weeks Mondays 11:15 AM -1:15 PM Begins January 25 The Last Supper. Communion. The Great Feast. Bread and Wine. The Holy Eucharist. Jesus said “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood.” Some say they’re merely symbols of remembrance. Others say they’re really the Body and Blood of Christ, but can’t explain how that’s possible. The Eucharist is the center-point of the Mass–but why? The answers are here. Renowned teacher Dr. Brant Pitre guides us through Scripture, history, and Church teaching to illuminate the wonder and miracle of the Eucharist. With deep insight, Dr. Pitre gives a fresh perspective for understanding the mystery that is the Eucharist. This class begins with The One Thing is Three, which helps us understand the concept of communio (communion) by explaining its three points: Communion with the Trinity; Transforming Communion with Christ; and the Mission of Communion. Followed by Y ou Did it to Me, which not only helps readers identify practical ways of living out the works of mercy, but helps them understand a “scriptural approach” to mercy as well. “It is my burning desire that during this Jubilee, the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy” (Pope Francis). To register contact Terri Thomas 678-466-1739 or [email protected] A Journey of Conversion For those wanting to be Catholic Those needing to complete their Sacraments Anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Helping you to live a Gospel inspired life in an increasingly secular world Have you been coming to Mass for awhile and think, “what does it mean to be Catholic?” Are you interested in finding out what Catholics really believe? Join us for Inquiry. Now might be the perfect time to join us. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm. All sessions are informal and completely commitment free. Contact Joanne @678-466-1738; [email protected] Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family: “Teach us the sanctity of human love, show us the value of family life, and help us to live in peace with all men” (Alternate Opening Prayer Cycle C) RCIA Classes resume January 6, 2016 Our RCIA classes in the New Year will center on the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church “The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian’s life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life.” Jan 6 Baptism & Confirmation Jan 13 The Eucharist Jan 20 Reconciliation & Anointing of the Sick Jan 27 Matrimony & Holy Orders Need information on Annulments or Convalidations? Contact Joanne @ 678-466-1738 or [email protected] for confidential counseling. Thinking about becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Faith? Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia December 27, 2015 Holy Trinity Catholic Church www.HolyTrinityPTC.org Holy Trinity YOUTH MINISTRY News Formación de Fe Hispana: Ministerio de Los Jóvenes Middle School High School ATTENTION! For more details about these activities and more Youth Ministry news, go to htptc.com. Youth Ministers can be reached by email. Heather Garger: [email protected]. Megan Vilardi: [email protected]. The 2nd Annual Holy Trinity’s Got Talent Audition Request Show will be held February 6, 2016 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Type of Act: _________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ Time of Audition – please circle –you will receive a call about exact time for audition. Wednesday January 6 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 Thursday, January 7 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 Auditions open to all 6th graders to 106 years old. Please supply accompaniment music. Mics will be supplied if needed. There will be no Faith Formation classes from December 20 through January 3. Classes resume on January 10. No habrá clases de formación de fe el 20 y 27 de diciembre y 3 de enero. Life Teen Kickoff—January 10 All Middle and High School teens are invited to our Life Teen Kick Off on January 10 from 6:007:30p.m. featuring Paul J. Kim. Les invitamos a todos los jóvenes de la secundaria y preparatoria al comienzo de Life Teen el 10 de enero de las 6pm a 7:30pm presentando a Paul J. Kim. Apostolic Experience. Men’s Shelter on Thursday, February 4. Registration opens January 7. Contact Heather for more information. YAG Holy Trinity Youth Adult Group Have a wonderful Christmas break! $5 for food. Register in Faith Formation office. We will meet Holy Trinity at 6p and return at 10p. Deadline to register is January 10. Para este evento inscríbase en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Saldremos a las 6:00pm y volveremos a las 10:00 pm. Puede ir a xltatlanta.com para más información y listado de eventos. Costo: $5 para comida. Our next YAG study will begin on January 7th. For more information about the Spring Semester of bible studies, contact Megan! [email protected] Cell:772-214-7134
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