Transformation Groups and Dynamical Systems May 25th – June 5th, 2015 Nuria Corral, Francisco Ugarte 1. Scientific Program The school was held at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in Lima (Peru). This CIMPA Research School corresponded also to the Eight Edition of the Doctoral Schools organized by the research group ECSING of the University of Valladolid since 2008 and co-organized by the PUCP since 2011. The program of the school was composed by five courses and several talks. During the first week, the courses were given in the morning while the afternoon was dedicated to tutorial sessions and some talks. In the second week, the courses were in the morning and there were talks in the afternoons. Courses: - “Galois Theories” by José Manuel Aroca Hernández-Ros (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain) - “Transformation Groups of Holomorphic Foliations” by Percy Fernández Sánchez (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) - “Algebraic properties of groups of complex analytic local diffeomorphisms” by Lorena López Hernanz (Universidade de Minas Gerais, Brasil) and Javier Ribón Herguedas (Univesidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil). - “Galois grupoid of a racional transformation” by Guy Casale (Université de Rennes I, France). - “About the Cremona Group” by Julie Déserti (Université Paris 7, France) Talks: - “Nodal separators and topological equivalences of holomorphic foliations” by Rudy Rosas (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) - “The combinatorics of postcritically finite polynomials” by Alfredo Poirier (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) - “Space of metrics of constant scalar curvature on 5-dimensional transverse Calabi-Yau manifolds” by Jaime Cuadros Valle (PUCP) - “Classification of Elliptic Foliations” by Liliana Puchuri Medina (Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería – PUCP) - “Soluciones liouvillianas de ecuaciones diferenciales lineales” by Jorge Mozo (Universidad de Valladolid) - “On first integrals for holomorphic vector fields” by Jonny Ardila (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro) - “Desarrollos asintóticos monomials y sistemas pfaffianos” by Sergio Carrillo (Universidad de Valladolid) - “Tiling Spaces as Orbifoliations” by Darío Alatorre (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) - “Soluciones de algunos problemas mal propuestos relacionados con la Hipótesis de Riemann” by Julio Alcántara (PUCP) - “Some results about the Baum-Bott map on the projective plane” by Miguel Zamora (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro) “Conexión sobre fibrados de Clifoord y Spinor” by Elthon Barrantes (PUCP) “Curva polar de una foliación” by Nancy Saravia (PUCP) There were no academic activities on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. There was an excursion to visit Lima in the afternoon of the first week. 2. Infrastructures All the academic activities took place at the Campus of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, which is a very nice and quite place. The courses of the school were given in a classroom in the building “Complejo de Innovación Académica”. This classroom was provided with an electronic blackboard and a video-conference system which allowed the broadcasting of the courses to the University of Valladolid and the Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad Autónoma de México to the nodes of Mexico D.F. and Cuernavaca. Moreover, all the courses were recorded and some of them are already available at the website ucpuva The infrastructures provided by the PCUP were very good. We want to thank the personnel of the PUCP who assisted us with the electronic blackboard and the videoconference system for their excellent work. All the participants had lunch together in one of the restaurants in the Campus of the PUCP. Almost all the participants were lodged at the hotel Melodia, which is located very closed to the Campus of the PUCP. It takes 20 minutes to reach the university on foot. The organization provided also dinner for participants at the hotel. 3. Participants The number of participants to the school was 43: 23 of them living in Peru and 20 coming from other countries (Brazil, Colombia, Spain, France, Mexico). There were 11 women among the participants. Moreover, the school was followed by video-conference by 10 participants in Valladolid, 3 in Cuernavaca and 4 in Mexico DF. 4. Budget CIMPA IMU (International Mathematical Union) Foundation Compositio Mathematica Research Spanish Project MTM- (associated to the University of Valladolid) CNRS (Centre nacional de la recherche scientifique) 6621,83€ 2000 € 2350 € 3300 € 900 € Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu Paris Rive Gauche 1189 € PUCP (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú): DAC,(Science 11000 € departamento) VRAD (Vice President for Administration), VRI (Vice President for Research) RPU (Peruvian university network) 700€ Peruvian Research Projects: Mathematics Initiative: PUCP to Peru 4000€ 70243.0095, Valuations and Hardy fields 2015-0073- (associated to the PUCP) Total 32060,83€ 5. Future Before the beginning of the school, J.M. Aroca, G. Casale, J. Deserti, L. López and J. Ribón have written preliminary notes of their courses that were distributed to the participants. We have created a wikispace where the notes and also the material used during the classes were available to the participants. Moreover, we plan to edit a book with the final versions of notes of the courses. 6. Some photographs Participants First Week Participants Second Week Participants José Manuel Aroca Javier Ribón Percy Fernández- Sánchez Lorena López Guy Casale Julie Déserti N. Corral, J. Mozo, J.M. Aroca, J. Déserti, L. López, J. Ribón, G. Casale, F. Ugarte
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