ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON HIS EMINENCE DANIEL CARDINAL DINARDO ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 6800 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 713-667-9111, FAX 713-667-3453, WWW.SVDP-HOUSTON.ORG November 1, 2015, All Saints Pastor, Rev. Msgr. William Young Parochial Vicar, Rev. Phong Nguyen Deacons, Gus Camacho Dan Pagnano Parish School, 713-666-2345 Fax 713-663-3562 Carolyn Sears, Principal Business Administrator, Meredith Wyzik, 713-663-3549 Director of Music, Daryel Nance, 713-663-3539 Director of Faith Formation, Nick LaRocca, 713-663-3565 MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 6:45 AM and 12:10 PM Saturday: 8:15 AM, Vigil Mass at 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM Spanish Mass: Sunday, 3:00 PM Life Teen Mass: Sunday, 5:00 PM Young Adults Mass: Tuesday, 7:00 PM except No First Tuesday 7 PM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the Church Adoration Chapel, 24 hours, Monday, 7 AM through Saturday, 8 AM CONFESSIONS: Tuesdays, 6-7 PM and Saturdays, 3:30-4:30 PM or call 713-667-9111 for an appointment HEALING AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK second Wednesday of the month after 12:10 PM Mass 1 November 1, 2015, All Saints Letter From The Pastor Dear Parishioners: Our Gospel today has a small detail that often goes unnoticed. Notice that when Jesus goes up on the mountainside to preach the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ — Christ’s manifesto of holiness — he doesn’t take a select group of his disciples. He doesn’t take the crème of the crop, the elite; the more accomplished and gifted — the privileged chosen few showing greatest potential. Rather, Jesus goes up the mountain with ‘the crowds.’ As Christ makes his great proclamation of Gospel holiness, he declared that his holiness is offered to all [Emphasis added] (Peter Cameron, O.P.). During the Second Vatican Council, the Holy Spirit inspired the bishops to set forth to the entire Church the universal call to holiness. Therefore, in the Church, everyone whether belonging to the hierarchy, or being cared for by it, is called to holiness, according to the saying of the Apostle: “For this is the will of God, your sanctification” (l Thess. 4.3; cf. Eph. 1:4). From the very beginning of our Church, God set before each of us the wonderful challenge of living as sons and daughters of God. The eight Beatitudes stand out for us to live if we desire with all our heart to be a disciple of Christ. When we examine the word blessed there are some interesting findings. In Genesis God blesses his creation that seems to imply that God has given his creation power for success, prosperity, fecundity, longevity. The Hebrew word for blessed conveys the idea of being strengthened, of our weakness being compensated for with God’s strength. One of the nouns which derives from this root is the Hebrew word for knee, which is one of the weakest parts of the body; i.e. the English idiom for fear-stricken “weak in the knees.” You can see even in English the relationship between the two words “knee” and “kneel.” In our weakness, we kneel before God and He provides His strength (blessing). Thus, a blessing from God is empowerment to be able to do what is not within our natural capabilities. From God we receive the blessings necessary for you and me to actualize our greatest potential for an eternity in the fullness of the kingdom of love. We currently possess this kingdom even though in a less than full state. Earth is part of heaven and those who are living in the state of grace are saints; in fact, St. Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians, To the saints who are in Ephesus … (Eph. 1:1). So in one-sense All Saints days is our day. It is also the day we celebrate all those whose holiness brought them to the very gate of the fullness of heaven and were recognized by Christ. They were recognized because they lived the beatitudes. Admittedly, not perfectly, through their cooperation with the grace of God made the choices to walk the path of holiness. They are our dads and moms — brothers and sister — friends and enemies — young and old— married and single — religious and clergy — etc. They now stand with the great cloud of witnesses (Heb. 12:1) surrounding the very throne of God beholding the beatitude of his face with their own eyes. They intercede for us with a deeper love than when we saw them in the flesh. This is their day, our day and the souls in Purgatory on which we rejoice that God is with us. Today say a prayer for the saints in Purgatory for their release and to a saint in heaven in thanksgiving for the joy they brought you in this life. They have competed well; they have finished the race; they have kept the faith (2 Tim 4:7). They are where we want to be. We are what they were, saints in training striving to win the crown. May beatitude be yours as well. Pax et bonum, Msgr. Bill 2 Mass Intentions for the Week Taizé Night Prayer November 2 to November 8 Sunday Night-Prayer of the Roman Church using the beautiful music of the Community of Taizé, in France. Monday November 2 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 6:45 AM - ALL SOULS 12:10 PM - ALL SOULS Tuesday November 3, Weekday 6:45 AM - St. Jude League 12:10 PM - Erlinda Simpao †, Paul Bacaling This Sunday, November 1, 7:30 P.M. First Sunday of the Month Here at St. Vincent de Paul Church Wednesday November 4, St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop 6:45 AM - John Fusa Vay † 12:10 PM - Eileen & John Worrall †, The Delea Family We will offer Night Prayer (Compline) of the Roman Church, using the beautiful music of the Community of Taizé in France. Lasting just over a half-hour, it is a beautifully peaceful prayer experience with which to conclude one’s Sunday night in contemplative song. Thursday November 5, Weekday 6:45 AM - Norma McLellan † 8:15 AM - Joseph Guitreau † 12:10 PM - Gina Garcia †, Deceased members of the Howard Family † Friday November 6, Weekday 6:45 AM - Leroy Richard Macklin † 8:15 AM - Rachel Thompson † 12:10 PM - Raymond Tavary, Sr. †, Paul Bacaling Saturday November 7, Weekday 8:15 AM - Legion of Mary † 5:00 PM - Vicente Ramos †, John Houston Echols † K of C Pancake/Taco Breakfast Benefitting Clergy Seminarians Sunday November 8 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 AM - Alice Smith † 9:00 AM - Natalie Luprete & Julia DeGeorge † 11:00 AM - Parishioners 1:00 PM - Carl Triola † 3:00 PM - Alberto Rodriguez † 5:00 PM - Vincent & Caroline Caltagirone † Sunday November 8 8am - 12:30pm All the proceeds from the Taco and Pancake Breakfast are going to support the Clergy Seminarians that are studying to become priests. Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Anyone who has been the victim of sexual abuse by clergy or Church personnel is encouraged to call Sr. Maureen O’Connell, OP at 713-654-5799. Pro-Life Talk at SVdP November 18 The SVDP Respect Life Ministry is pleased to have Fr. Richard Hinkley, from St. Thomas More Parish, give a pro-life talk on Wednesday, November 18 at 7:00 PM in the Good News Room of the Msgr. Jamail Family Center. Please join us for an informative evening. Kindly RSVP to Martha or Hector Garcia at [email protected] or [email protected]. Look for more details in the bulletins on November 8 and 15. 3 Elementary Faith Formation St. Vincent de Paul Life Teen's Mission is to bring teens into a relationship with Christ and his Church. We seek not merely to educate about the faith but to create Missionary Disciples for the Kingdom of God. Through our focus on prayer, the Sacraments, and fellowship through relational ministry, we seek to brings teens into the fullness of Christ and to put them on the path to becoming the person that Christ created them to be. To Register for the 2015-2016 Life Teen Program, please visit us online at or email Joey Muckenthaler for a registration form. The Lord’s Day Program is a faith formation program for children 2 years old through 5 years old. You may choose the 9:00 AM or the 11:00 AM class, and they meet in the Primary School Building. The CCE Program provides faith formation for children in grades 1 through 8. We also have a class for children with special needs. CCE meets 10:30AM - 12:00Noon in the Primary, Intermediate and Middle School Buildings and the Msgr. Jamail Family Center. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION: In order to be ready to start preparation for First Holy Communion, students must complete one full year of Catholic Education, beginning no sooner than First Grade. This requirement may be satisfied by attendance at CCE, Catholic School, or Home School (provided the curriculum consists of daily Catholic Education). Upcoming Life Teen Events November 1st - Sainthood: A How To November 8th - Priorities: Your's vs. God's Email Joey to inquire about our Spring Break Mission Trip Wednesday: Life Teen Tailgate - Come join us in the Youth Room or on the field while we just hang out and have a good time. 6:30-8:00pm DOES YOUR CHILD NEED TO BE BAPTIZED? If your child is over 7 years or older and needs to be baptized, we have an RCIA program adapted for children. In addition to the Sunday CCE classes from 10:30am to 12:00noon, we will meet once a month on a Monday night from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Please talk to Monica for more information about classes. Confirmation Events: November 1st - The Healing Power of Confession November 8th - NO Confirmation Email Joey to inquire about our Spring Break Mission Trip Saint of the Week - Saint Charles Borromeo The name of St. Charles Borromeo is associated with reform. Although he belonged to nobility and was related to the powerful Medici family, he desired to devote himself to the Church. When his uncle, Cardinal de Medici, was elected pope in 1559 as Pius IV, he made Charles Cardinal-Deacon and Administrator of the Archdiocese of Milan while he was still a layman and a young student. After he was ordained a priest at the age of 25, he was consecrated Bishop of Milan. Working behind the scenes of the council of Trent, St. Charles deserves the credit for keeping the Council in session when at several points it was on the verge of breaking up. He allotted most of his income to charity, forbade himself all luxury and imposed severe penances upon himself. He sacrificed wealth, high honors, esteem and influence to become poor. During the plague and famine of 1576, he tried to feed 60,000 to 70,000 people daily. To do this he borrowed large sums of money that required years to repay. Whereas the civil authorities fled at the height of the plague, he stayed in the city, where he ministered to the sick and the dying, helping those in want. Work and the heavy burdens of his high office began to affect his health. He died at the age of 46. Feast Day is Wednesday. From For further information please contact Monica Aquila at 713.663.3528 or [email protected] SVdP School Open House November 8 St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School will host an open house for prospective new students and their parents Sunday, November 8, 2015, 2:30pm. There will be a welcome meeting, a video, a tour of the school and curriculum materials for your viewing. Please use our website to make an online reservation. For further admissions information please visit our school website at SVdP Marian Consecration Retreat 33 Days To Morning Glory Marian Consecration retreat,beginning Tuesday, November 3, 2015, 7-8:30 PM, This retreat will run 6 consecutive Tuesday evenings in the Parish Family Center. There is no charge for this retreat other than the deeply discounted cost of the book ($5). If you already have the book, there is no cost. Payment can be made at the first session. For Registration and Questions: Email [email protected] or call Almanubia Céspedes 281-799-0749. In Christ, Joey Muckenthaler Coordinator of Youth Ministry, SVdP Catholic Church SVDP Youth Ministry Webpage / SVDP Facebook Page Follow us on Instagram @SVDP_YM or Twitter @SVdP_LifeTeen 4 Adult Faith Formation Studies that are free* and open to all. Walk-ins are welcome. All held in the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. *most studies use an optional study guide which is a small fee Mondays: As members of St. Vincent de Paul's Young Adults (SVDPYA), we strive to live out our Catholic faith in both word and deed. We achieve this goal through our service, spiritual formation, and social events in support of one another, our community, and the Church as a whole. Together, we take up the call of bringing Christ into the world! * Reading Group Interior Castles by St Teresa of Avila, 11am, MJFC. For info Elaine Caldwell at 713-667-9111. * St. Padre Pio Prayer Group: Based on Spirituality of Padre Pio, 4th Monday, 6:30pm, Contact Alan Vennix, [email protected] * Catholic Book Club: The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis, 7pm, Contact- Joan Gilliland [email protected] * Faith Study: Beginning Apologetics DVD series, 7pm, Contact Michael Cantu, [email protected] * Divine Mercy Study Group: Prayer & Study Message of Divine Mercy, 7pm, Contact Almanubia Cespedes 281-799-0749 SVDPYA is centered around a 7pm Tuesday evening mass and dinner (except for the 1st Tuesday of the month) along with an array of social and spiritual events. Come join us at one of our upcoming events, or find our group on Facebook by searching "SVDPYA" or email [email protected] to get involved. Tuesdays: * That Man is You Men’s Group: The Spirit of Nazareth, 6am, Contact- Chris Duffel – [email protected] * Bible Study- A Quick Journey through the Bible: Sept. 8th to Nov. 3rd, 7pm, Contact – Nick LaRocca, [email protected] * 33 Days to Morning Glory: Marian Prayer Book by Fr. Gaitley, Nov. 10th –Dec. 8th, 7pm, Contact Nick LaRocca, [email protected] * Adult Confirmation Classes: 8 weeks, Spring 2016, Orientation on March 8th, 7pm, Registration opens in 2016, Contact Nick LaRocca, [email protected] ST. ANNE’S SOCIETY November Gathering – Favorite Things Come and join us as we share a few of our Favorite Things at our November Gathering, we ask you to bring something: a recipe, a new gadget, a gift idea, a time saving idea, or just anything you want to share. And even if you don’t have something to share, please come, because you will come away with some great ideas for dinner or stocking stuffers or a great place to shop. Lunch will be provided and the nursery is free. Thur., Nov. 5, 11am – 1pm, MJFC Main Room / Open to all SAS members and all other moms / Contact: Elaine Fitzgibbon: [email protected] / RSVP required (first and last name) for event and nursery. Our Fall Study is The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by James Martin This book gets 5/5 stars on Amazon and people have loved studying it as a group. Wednesdays starting Sept 2-Dec 2 (excluding 11/24) / 10:30am-Noon / MJFC A and B / Open to all SAS members and all other moms / Contact: Joan Gilliand our primary facilitator RSVP: http:// Norma L. McLellan St. Anne’s Society Bookclub The Girl On a Train by Paula Hawkins, Wed., Nov. 11, 7-9pm, MJFC 208B, Open to all SAS members and all other moms Contact: Joan Gilliland at [email protected] for more book club info. RSVP: MOMS and TOTS Playgroup Need to get out of the house for a bit with your little one? Come join us with our babies and toddlers (0-3years) to play in the nursery and enjoy different toys! Feel free to bring a favorite book to share and read with the little ones! We meet the 2nd Friday of the month. Friday, Nov. 13, 9-11am, MJFC Nursery. Open to all SAS moms. For more info: Lourdes Jea at [email protected]. Thursdays: * Bible Study : Acts, the Spread of the Kingdom by Jeff Cavins, 7pm, Contact- Joan Molinaro, [email protected] * Jovenes de Luz: Hispanic Young Adult Group, de Montfort Consecration 7pm, Contact Jesus Cabrera, [email protected] * Legion of Mary: Marian Prayer Apostolate, 7pm, Contact Serafina Alo, [email protected] * Apostleship of the Cross Prayer Group: Spirituality of the Cross, 7pm, Contact Brenda Maymi-Luna [email protected] Sundays: * RCIA Sessions: To Become Catholic, 10:30am, For more info contact- Nick LaRocca – [email protected] SAVE THE DATE: Parish Lenten Mission Fr. Mike Joly, February 22nd to 24th for more information visit St. Anne’s Society Annual Retreat St. Anne’s Society Save the date! Saturday, January 9, 2016. All moms Annual are welcome. RegistrationRetreat details to come. Saturday, January 9, 2016 Save the date! All moms are welcome. Registration details to come. Reserve your children's spot in the nursery 48 hrs in advance online when you RSVP. 5 Adult Life Ministries Senior Bus Trip The next bus trip, scheduled for November 18, will be to see the San Jacinto Monument and the Battle Ship Texas. Lunch will be at the Monument Inn. The cost of the trip will be $17.00 plus lunch on your own. Boarding time for the bus will be 8:30 am. You may sign up now. Spiritual Direction For an appointment with a spiritual director, call: Eileen Meinert at 713-363-1961, Elaine Caldwell at 713-663-3564, or Sandy Marcello at 713-529-8162. Other Spiritual, Educational and Social Activities Free and Open to Adults Walk-ins welcome; All held in the MJFC (Call 713-663-3564 for more information) Art Class: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 1:00 in 202. Divine Mercy Cenacle: Mondays at 7:00 pm in 205. Apostleship of the Cross: Mondays at 7:30 pm in 206. Centering Prayer: Tuesdays at 10:00 in 206. Christian Meditation: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in 206. John Paul II Study Group: Mondays at 10:30 in 206. John XXIII Study Group: Mondays at 10:00 in 208A. Share the Word Bible Study: Thursdays at 10:30 in 206. Teresians’ Study Group: Mondays at 11:00 in 208B. SVdP Book Club: Second Wednesdays at 10:30 in 206. Opening Doors: Tuesdays at 10:00 in 205. Cards (Canasta): Thursdays at 1:30 in 206. Mah Jongg: Every Monday & Thursday at 12:30 in 206. Mexican Train Dominoes: Thursdays at 1:00 in 206. Italian I: Not available at this time. Italian II: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in 208A. French I: Wednesdays at 9:30 in 208A. French II: Wednesdays at 1:30 in 208A Spanish I: Tuesdays at 1:00 in 208A. Spanish II: Tuesdays at 9:30 in 208A. Spanish, Continuing: Fridays at 9:30 in 208B. Stitch ’N Time: Tuesdays at 12:30 in 208B. Sugar Sticks: Wednesdays at 1:00 in AB. Bridge: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 1:00 in 206. Tai Chi: Fridays at 5:00 pm in MJFC Bus Trips: Once a month on different days. John XXIII Study Group Currently the group is discussing issues related to the family. Come in, have a cup of coffee, and join us on Mondays from 10:00 – 11:30 in Room 208A of the MJFC. Outreach for the Homeless; an opportunity for service to the poor If you would like to join a group of our parishioners who serve the homeless at the Beacon once a month, call Elaine at 713-663-3564 or email her at [email protected]. One group goes on the third Friday and another group goes on the second Monday of the month. You are welcome to join either or both. They work from 11:00 – 1:00 to help serve the noon meal or work in the laundry. Opening Doors: Grief Support Opening doors will not meet again until January 12. To talk to someone individually about a loss you may contact Elaine at 713-883-6564 or [email protected]. Needed: Someone to teach English and another to teach beginning Italian A number of people have expressed an interest in learning English. If you would be interested in teaching such a course, please let Elaine know by emailing her at [email protected] or calling her at 713-663-3564. Language classes are scheduled for an hour and a half one day a week. Although the teachers are not paid, they are greatly rewarded by having students who want to learn and show their appreciation. St. Maria Veneration While St. Maria Goretti is universally known as the Patroness of Purity, her greatest virtue was her unyielding forgiveness of her attacker even in the midst of horrendous physical suffering, a forgiveness that would completely convert him and set him on a path to personal holiness. In March His Holiness, Pope Francis, announced an Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy beginning December 8th. This visit of the major relics of St. Maria Goretti is an effort to prepare and catechize the United States for this great celebration in the life of the Church. For more information go to Wed. Nov. 4 St. Theresa Church, 705 St Theresa Blvd, 77498, 281-494-1156 Public veneration of St. Maria 9am—11:45pm, Solemn Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor: 7pm, Thur. Nov. 5 Catholic Charismatic Center 1949 Cullen Boulevard 77023, 713-236-9977. Solemn Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor: 12 noon in Spanish. Public veneration of St. Maria following 12 noon Mass. Solemn Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor 7:30pm. Public veneration ends 3am Fri., Nov. 6 Fri. Nov. 6 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 6646 Addicks Satsuma Rd. 77084 281-467-7878 Public veneration of St. Maria begins 10am / Solemn Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor: 7pm / public veneration ends 7am Sat. Nov. 7 6 33 Days To Morning Glory Marian Consecration Parish Weekly Retreat The St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church Compassion Ministry invites you to attend the Twentieth Annual 6 Tuesday evenings starting November 3rd, 7-8:30 PM, St. Vincent de Paul Parish Family Center This retreat will run 6 consecutive Tuesday evenings and ends on December 8th, The Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Day of Remembrance This powerful retreat has been advocated by such great saints as St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Blessed John Paul II, all of whom share their meditations with us in the text. In addition to a DVD presentation by Fr. Gaitley for each session, there will be small group discussion based upon reflection questions. Saturday, November 7, 2015 Mass with a candle lighting ceremony will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. to remember and give thanks for your loved ones who have died since November 2014 and for all deceased members of the Parish. There is no charge for this retreat other than the deeply discounted cost of the text ($5). If you already have the text, there is no cost. Payment for the materials can be made at the first session. Buffet lunch will be served after Mass Space is limited, please register as a participant in one of the 3 following ways: Please RSVP by October 30, 2015 Call or email Megan Doherty (713-667-9111) [email protected] • • • • 7 Fill out the online form at Email Nick LaRocca, Director of Faith Formation – [email protected] Call or Text Almanubia Céspedes 281-799-0749 “High Five” to our Generous Underwriters & Donors for Fun Fest 2015! $2500+ Envibe, Inc. / Bank of River Oaks / Larry Martin Real Estate $1500+ Bass Family / Butler-Cohen, LLC / Cammarata Pediatric Dentistry Group $1000+ All State, Adrian Vojvodic / Best Care Cleaning / Gutierrez Family / Musemeche Family / Naegli Family / O’Brien Family / Urso Family / Varkey Family / Village Plumbing & Home Services / West University Ortho, / Anna Marie Salas, D.D.S, M.S. $575+ Berggren & Bouvier Families / Buettgen Boys / The Center for E.N.T. Educational Success Advisors / Garcia-Moreno Family / iKids Inc. / Martha Turner/Margaret Vinson / MLN Service Company / Russell & Smith Ford, Honda & Mazda / SVdP Beer Dads / Sepe Family / Urban Architecture $275+ Ayers Family Mary Ann Beachler Bickham Law Brooks Family Curry Family Davis Family Deutschen Family Drone Family Donoho Construction Fiegel Family Garcia Family Hablinski & Chen Orthodontics Hoffman Family Ron & Anna Osborn Deacon Dan & Mary Pagnano ProSound Ramirez Family Rootes Family Vale Family Drs. George & Lynette Van Buren Yoder Family Donors in Kind: Copy Doctor, Silver Eagle Distributors, ECI Management Group, SVdP Margarita Crew, SVdP Dads Club, That Man is You, Michelle Alesna, Dan Barton, Christine Castillo, Kim & Lewis Coleman, Anh Dang, Maria Dizon, Regina Lantin, Phuong Liebl, Claire & Ricky Lynch, Jim McGrath, Etta Nanquil, Dong Thi Nguyen, David Oubre, Ramirez Family, Amy Tan, & Tuoi Tran Annual Volunteers Extraordinaire: Coach Marion Jones, Beverly Ladnier, Little Family, Reed Williford & Coach Ivory Young Thank you to all Church Staff Members, volunteers, underwriters and donors who gave SVdP Church a “High Five for 75”while planning and putting on Fun Fest & Raffle 2015. It was YOUR generosity of time, talent & treasure that made it a success! A Big “High Five” and Thank You to the Amazing Fun Fest Committee: Bingo Chairs: Tricia Hoffman & Mauria Still / Communications: Janet Cunningham Confirmation Liaison: Debra Pesek / Finance: Dan Bass & Dan Berggren Food & Beverage: Ralph Sepe & Ray Simpson / Games & Rides: Neal Davis & Todd Johnson Vendor market: Susanne Cenatiempo & Tara Monistere Raffle Incentives: Cecile Deutschen & Andrea Vessels / Raffle: Kate Brito, Karen Haysley & Jennifer Rosenfeld Senior Liaison: Carolyn McCairns / ignage: Olguita Rodriguez & Patricia Sayegh Underwriting: Sheila Berggren & Suanne Bouvier / Volunteers: Mireille Marino / Church Staff: Monsignor Bill, Monica Avila, Chris Bolan, Megan Doherty, Pamela Fernandez, Mary Gosline, Laura Hafernick, Phillip Rivera, Meredith Wyzick & ALL the tireless Office & Facilities Staff Members. Plus all of the AMAZING families that come out year after year to man the oh-so-popular food booths! We were blessed with a true Dream Team! These very special people went above and beyond, giving unselfishly of their time and energy, to make our 2015 Fun Fest and Raffle a HUGE success. From the very bottoms of our hearts, thank you! With heartfelt gratitude, Dani Bass & Kimberly Buettgen, 2015 Fun Fest Chairs 8 9 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Saints and Special Observances In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you can show your love for our Lord and your love of your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless, alone and frightened. Call 713-664-5350 for help, or if you are interested in membership in The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Please use the organization link in the Church website ( to access more information on the Society. The St. Jude Chapel Poor Box proceeds are used by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to benefit those in need. Donations may be made at any time. Sunday: All Saints; Daylight Saving Time ends; National Vocation Awareness Week Monday: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) Tuesday: Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time; St. Martin de Porres; Election Day Wednesday: St. Charles Borromeo Friday: First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Today’s Readings First Reading — John’s vision of a vast throng from every nation and people, whose robes had been made white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14). Psalm — Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face (Psalm 24). Second Reading — By God’s love, we may be called God’s children (1 John 3:1-3). Gospel — The Beatitudes: your reward will be great in heaven (Matthew 5:1-12a). SVDP Book Club The SVDP Book Club will meet Wed., Nov. 11, 10:30am -noon, MJFC 206. We'll be discussing Killing Patton by Bill O'Reilly. This book is widely available at Public Libraries, bookstores and online booksellers. New members are always welcome, and we welcome back folks who haven't been with us in a while. For questions, please contact Mary Ann Beachler [email protected] or 713-665-0086. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings For The Week Monday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] The Catholic Chaplain Corps The CCC provides pastoral and sacramental ministry for patients in area hospitals. The PA formation process takes four months and a new series of Classes begins Thur., Jan. 7, 7-9pm. For info and to apply call Rebecca Carrum, 713-471-1828. If after the conversation, you want an application form, one will be sent to you. Complete and return the form by November. 30, 2015. After the form is received, an interview will be scheduled. Would you ever like to LEARN a UNIVERSAL language? It’ll ONLY COST you your TIME!! … the lessons are FREE. St. Pius X High School Open House St. Pius X High School Open House Thur., Nov. 5, 7pm, in the Auditorium. All middle school students and their parents/guardians are cordially invited. You will meet the faculty & staff, see students in action, and tour the school. Discover Music Ministry – ask any Musician after Mass. CCSC Jingle Bell Express With your help 2,500 underprivileged children (infancy to age 15) will receive new toys, books and a holiday food package for his/her family. Donations needed: new unwrapped TOYS, Children’s Books. Volunteers needed for sorting, deliveries, food assembly and distribution 12/7-12 at Bellaire United Methodist Church. For more information regarding Jingle Bell Express, call 713.961.3993 ext. 215 or [email protected]. Incarnate Word Academy Open House Sunday, Nov. 1, 1:30 - 4:30pm. All middle school students and their parents/guardians are cordially invited to attend. There will be a keynote speech at 1:45 pm followed by tours where you can see our beautiful downtown campus and interact with faculty, staff, and students who love IWA! Join us on the Journey! 10 TODAY! Coffee & Donuts in the Family Center Parish Information Following: 7, 9, 11a.m. and 3pm Masses Sunday, November 1, 2015 Hosted by Eucharistic Ministers Teams 1 & 2 Sacrament of Baptism: Children, age 6 or younger requirements: parents registered parishioners, attended baptism class within 3 years and completed forms before baptism can be scheduled. Class fee $25/parishioners, $50/non-parishioners. For info and forms please contact Paulette, [email protected]/713-663-3529. If your child is over 7 years old and not baptized, please call Laura, 713-663-3528. Sacrament of Matrimony: Six to eight months are required for marriage preparation. Please call the Parish Office, 713667-9111 for an appointment with the marriage coordinator. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office as soon as you or someone in your family schedule surgery, hospitalization or suffer serious illness or injury. Sunday Nursery Available Children 1-24 Months. This summer let them play while you pray during the 9am Mass. Ground floor, Monsignor Jamail Family Center. No Fees Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Celebrations His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo will celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass for those who are commemorating their 50th Anniversary years of married life. The Mass will be Sunday, December 20, 2015, 3pm, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway. Couples married in 1965 by the Catholic Church may register for the Anniversary Mass now at ============================================================== Altar Servers: Contact Tom Green, [email protected] Bulletin:. Deadline is 9am, Thur., 10 days before date of bulletin, holiday bulletins at least 1 week earlier. Email to [email protected], fax or drop off articles at the Parish Office. Announcements before or after Mass will not be allowed unless submitted to the church office no later than Wednesday before the weekend of the scheduled event for approval to Maria Gibbs, 713-663-3535 / [email protected]. Facilities Request: Request deadline: two weeks prior to event. Contact Megan at [email protected] or 713-663-3543. Can’t Get to Church? If you or someone you know would like to receive Communion, but are home bound, or in a nursing or retirement residence and unable to get to Mass, call 713-667-9111. Nursery: Ages birth to 2 years during Sunday 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses at the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. St. Jude League Enrollment Membership Cards are available in the Church by the St. Jude Shrine. Teen RCIA: Teens who desire to become Catholic and have not been baptized or received the sacraments, call the Youth Office, 713-663-3524. His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo will celebrate the silver wedding anniversary mass for those who are commemorating their 25th Anniversary years of married life. The Mass will be Sunday, November 29, 2015, 3pm, CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway. Couples married in 1990 by the Catholic Church may register for the Anniversary Mass now at Hospital Architect Needed ============================================================== Fr. John Ugobueze has begun a multi-year project to build a high quality, western-style hospital in a rural area of Nigeria. Right now he needs an Architect and/or Project Engineer with experience in Hospital design and construction to volunteer their expertise. Fr. John is living with us here at St. Vincent de Paul Parish. He is serving as Chaplain at the DeBakey Houston VA Hospital. Before he arrived in Houston, early in his vocation Fr. John served as pastor of a rural Nigerian parish where he personally worked with countless poor, sick, disabled and mentally disabled parishioners who often suffered serious illnesses. Some suffered painful deaths because quality medical services were too far away or too expensive. This hospital project has the blessing of the Nigerian Archbishop of Onitsha, Anambra State. Please volunteer to help Fr. John in moving this work of mercy closer to becoming a reality. You may leave a message for Fr. John at the Parish Office, 713-667-9111 or contact Fr. John at 217-530-2610. New Parishioners: To register, complete and return the Parish Registration form available at the Parish Office, at or complete and return the Parish Information Form below and a Registration Form will be mailed to you. Parish Information Form ____ Change of name/address/phone # ____ Send New Parishioner Registration Form Name _______________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City _____________________ Zip _______________ Phone#(h) ________________ (w)________________ Email _______________________________________ 11 1 de noviembre de 2015 — Todos los Santos LAS POSTRIMERÍAS A nadie le gusta pensar en los últimos momentos de algo, especialmente si se trata de los últimos días de nuestra vida. A pesar de eso, hay un lado de nuestra naturaleza que siente atracción por los pensamientos del fin de la vida en esta época del año. Estamos al principio del último mes del año litúrgico de la Iglesia y el penúltimo del año. La noche cae más temprano cada día. Las hojas caen de los árboles, dejando las ramas aparentemente muertas. El cielo se vuelve gris. Es noviembre. La Iglesia usa estos días que se acortan y los cielos oscuros como el tiempo para recordarnos las postrimerías de la vida. La fiesta de hoy, la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, es el centro de tres días que nos presentan las doctrinas que proclamamos cada vez que rezamos el Credo de Nicea: “Creemos en la Iglesia católica, la comunión de los santos, el perdón de los pecados, la resurrección de los muertos y la vida perdurable”. Y mientras que los días y nuestro corazón parezcan oscuros, las lecturas de hoy están llenas de la luz de la fe. La visión de Juan en el libro del Apocalipsis revela ángeles resplandecientes y santos con túnicas blancas reunidos triunfantemente alrededor del trono de Dios. En el salmo responsorial cantamos sobre nuestro anhelo de ver el rostro de Dios, y en la segunda lectura, Juan escribe que somos hijos de Dios y que veremos a Dios “tal como es”. Esa es nuestra esperanza. Esa es la promesa de Dios. LOS BIENAVENTURADOS En el Evangelio, leemos la fórmula que ofrece Jesús para alcanzar la santidad. “Seremos bienaventurados”, nos dice: si somos pobres de espíritu, si lloramos, si somos pacientes, si tenemos hambre y sed de justicia, si somos compasivos y puros de corazón, si trabajamos por la paz, y si somos perseguidos. Las palabras de Mateo en este Evangelio nos llevan directamente a la primera lectura. “Son los que llegan de la gran persecución: lavaron y blanquearon sus vestiduras en la sangre del Cordero”. Hoy celebramos el triunfo de aquellos que ya contemplan el rostro de Dios. Mañana clamamos para que Dios tenga misericordia de los que están en el purgatorio, quienes, al igual que los que estamos todavía en la tierra, anhelan contemplar el rostro de Dios. Lecturas de hoy: Apocalipsis 7:2–4, 9–14; Salmo 24:1–6; 1 Juan 3:1–3; Mateo 5:1–12a Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Quieres vivir la experiencia de ACTS en nuestra parroquia? Las inscripciones ya están abiertas. Del 12-15 de Noviembre se llevará a cabo el primer retiro de ACTS en español para mujeres. Lugar: Casa de Retiros Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Costo $190. Animate a vivir esta experiencia que te ayudara a fortalecer tu relación con Dios. Para cualquier información comunicarse con: Clara Blankenship 804-878-1479 o Lili Ryan 954-515-7571 También puede visitar la página www. Enséname el camino de la vida, sáciame de gozo en tu presencia”Salmo 15, 11 12 ANHELAMOS VER EL ROSTRO DE DIOS “Esta es la raza de los que buscan tu rostro Señor”. Esta antífona para el salmo responsorial de hoy brinda el tono de la lecturas de hoy. Cuando en la tierra celebramos la victoria de todos los santos, de los que están canonizados oficialmente por la Iglesia y de los sinnúmero que también han llegado al cielo, no sumamos nada a su gloria. Sino que recibimos un motivo más para tener esperanzas. Nosotros, también, anhelamos ver el rostro de Dios y creemos que un día podremos estar entre aquellos cuyas túnicas, como nos dice Juan en el libro del Apocalipsis, han sido lavadas y blanqueadas “con la sangre del Cordero”. El pasaje de la primera carta del apóstol San Juan nos garantiza que somos hijos de Dios y un día veremos a Dios tal cual es. Pero el Evangelio de hoy nos hace pasar del anhelo y la certeza a la acción. Jesús nos dice claramente qué debemos hacer para estar entre los santos. Debemos ser pobres de espíritu, misericordiosos, limpios de corazón, tener hambre y sed de justicia y trabajar por la paz. Entonces, nosotros también veremos el rostro de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Visión de Juan de una muchedumbre de todos los pueblos y naciones cuyas vestiduras habían sido blancleadas con la sangre del Cordero (Apocalipsis 7:2-4, 9-14). Salmo — Señor, este es el pueblo que espera ver tu rostro (Salmo 24 [23]). Segunda lectura — Por el amor de Dios podemos ser llamados hijos suyos (1 Juan 3:1-3). Evangelio — Las Bienaventuranzas: Su recompensa será grande en el cielo (Mateo 5:1-12a). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (2):1-6; Rom 5:5-11 o 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, o lecturas de entre las Misas para los difuntos Martes: Rom 12:5-16b; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:15-24 Miércoles: Rom 13:8-10; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lc 14:25-33 Jueves: Rom 14:7-12; Sal 27 (26):1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lc 15:1-10 Viernes: Rom 15:14-21; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Lc 16:1-8 Sábado: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Sal 145 (144):2-5, 10-11; Lc 16:9-15 Domingo: 1 Re 17:10-16; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mc 12:38-44 [41-44] Los bautismos en español Las pláticas de preparación bautismal en español se ofrecen el primer sábado de cada mes con la excepción de julio. Nos reunimos a las 9:00 a.m. en la biblioteca del Centro Parroquial (segundo piso). Para más información, hablar con Lucie Gardea después de la Misa de español los domingos o al correo [email protected]. Requisitos: • La familia deber estar registrada en la parroquia. • Ambos padres deben asistir las pláticas. • Se requiere una copia de la partida oficial de nacimiento del niño. • Se requiere una copia de un documento oficial de identificación • Se requiere un/una padrino y/o madrina. • Los padrinos deben ser católicos completamente iniciados en la Fe. Deben ser mayores de 18 años. Si son casados, deben estar casados por la Iglesia. Los padrinos deben llevar una vida congruente con la Fe y la misión que van a asumir. • La cuota para las pláticas es $25 para las familias registradas en la parroquia. Si no son parroquianos, el costo es $50. La cuota para personas tomando las clases como padrinos es $10. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Todos los Santos; Cambio de hora; Semana para Promover las Vocaciones Lunes: Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles Difuntos Martes: Trigésima Primera Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; san Martín de Porres; Día de Elecciones Miércoles: an Carlos Borromeo Viernes: Primer viernes Sábado: Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En el Evangelio de san Mateo se encuentra el sermón mas largo de Jesucristo. Abarca tres capítulos y contiene una serie de instrucciones para quienes desean ser sus discípulos. El famoso Sermón de la Montaña, es para Jesús y los cristianos lo que los Diez Mandamientos son para Moisés y los judíos. Jesús proclama la nueva Ley. La Ley de Israel se sintetiza en los Diez Mandamientos, mientras que la ley cristiana se resume en ocho bienaventuranzas. Estas bienaventuranzas son algo extrañas ya que unen cosas completamente opuestas a la felicidad, y las beatifica. Es decir, son cosas aparentemente contradictorias: “Dichosos los que lloran”; “felices los pobres”; “bendito tú cuando te calumnien por causa mía”. Jesús toma lo que la sociedad maldice y lo convierte en camino de bendición, porque nuestros caminos y pensamientos no son los de Dios. Dios ve mucho más de lo que podemos ver o imaginar. Por eso las bienaventuranzas son ocho y no diez, porque más que una ley para cumplir, las bienaventuranzas son la esperanza de un nuevo día. Son la promesa de un nuevo inicio para la humanidad, gracias a Dios. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Jóvenes de Luz St. Vincent de Paul Somos un grupo de jóvenes adultos interesados en profundizar en nuestra fe a través de la formación espiritual, el servicio, y actividades sociales que nos permitan crecer en comunidad buscando imitar el ejemplo de Jesús y las virtudes de nuestra Madre María. Como jóvenes adultos, nos esforzamos en ser luz siendo testigos de nuestra fe y así dar a conocer el mensaje del Reino de Dios desde nuestra vida cotidiana. Nos reunimos todos los jueves a las 7:00 PM en el segundo piso del centro parroquial. Si desean agregarse a nuestra lista de contactos para recibir información acerca de nuestros eventos, pueden enviarnos un correo a [email protected]. ¡Los esperamos! 13
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