Cherokee Heights Middle School J a nu a r y 2 0 1 5 Cherokee’s Website Address: 4301 Cherokee Drive Madison, WI 53711 204-1240, Fax: 204-0378 Kevin Brown, Principal Hong Tran, Assistant Principal 31st Annual MLK Youth Recognition Breakfast The Martin Luther King Jr. Youth Recognition Breakfast was held January 18 at Edgewood High School. One of the highlights is the presentation of the 2014 Outstanding Young Person Awards. The awards are presented to students of color who exemplify a commitment to academics, extra-curricular involvement at their school and volunteerism in the community. Congratulations to Cherokee’s 2015 recipients: th 6 grader – Zaryaa Howard th 7 grader – Chavis Johnson th 8 grader – Khadijah Murphy (Front Row, R to L: Chavis Johnson and Zaryaa Howard Back Row, Khadijah Murphy) EARLY RELEASE DAYS Mondays, 1:37 pm February 9, 16 & 23 March 2, 16 & 23 MIDDLE SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES January 30 1 SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY February 6 March 13 Student News 31º Desayuno de Reconocimiento Anual de Jóvenes MLK El Desayuno de Reconocimiento de Jóvenes de Martin Luther King Jr. Fre el 18 de enero en la Escuela de Edgewood High. Uno de los aspectos más destacados es la presentación de los Premios 2015 de los jóvenes sobresalientes. Los premios se otorgan a los estudiantes de color que ejemplifican un compromiso académico, participan en actividades extra curriculares en la escuela y hacen trabajo voluntario en la comunidad. Felicitaciones a los recipientes de Cherokee 2015: 6to grado-Zaryaa Howard 7mo grado-Chavis Johnson 8vo grado-Khadijah Murphy (Joan Shahrani, 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher with Khadijah Murphy) (Dawn Schmid, 6th Grade Teacher with Zaryaa Howard) DIAS DE SALIDAS TEMPRANO Los lunes, 1/37 pm 9, 16, 23 de Febrero 2, 16, 23 de Marzo LAS ESCUELAS SECUNDARIAS ESTARAN CERRADAS PARA LAS CONFERENCIAS DE PADRES/MAESTROS Enero 30 2 LA ESCUELA ESTARA CERRADA PARA DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL 6 de Febrero Conference Info Upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences Dear Cherokee Parents/Guardians: The mid-year conferences are available to students who are at risk academically. Teachers will contact you if they need to schedule an appointment. If you have not heard from a teacher, it means that the team has not scheduled one at this time. If there are any concerns that you need to discuss with your child’s teacher, but have not been notified, please feel free to call that teacher and arrange a time to meet. If you are contacted, your conference time will occur on: Friday, January 30, 2015 ***Note: There is no school for students on Friday, January 30 Las próximas Conferencias De Padres/Maestros Queridos padres/tutores: Las conferencias de mitad de año están disponibles para los estudiantes que están en riesgos académicos. Los maestros se comunicaran con usted si necesita una cita. Si usted no ha oído de un maestro, eso significa que el equipo no ha programado una cita en estos momentos. Si usted tiene alguna preocupación que necesita platicar con el maestro/a de su hijo/a, pero no ha sido notificado, por favor siéntase libre de llamar al maestro/a y hacer una cita para reunirse. Si alguien se comunica con usted, su conferencia se llevara a cabo el: Viernes, 30 de Enero, 2015 ***Nota: No habrá escuela para los estudiantes el Viernes, 30 de Enero 3 Restorative Justice Circles Restorative Justice Circles for Cherokee 6th Graders Cherokee Heights is proud to announce that with the training and support of the YWCA Madison, we will begin Restorative Justice Circles with 6th grade students at the end of January. Sixth grade teachers, Elizabeth Hardy, Gerardo Mancilla and Erica Gottschalk, as well as the Social Worker, Kimberly Stalker-Herron and the nurse, Margaret Corbae, received training on circle facilitation through the YWCA. Restorative Justice is a theory or set of beliefs that informs how communities can resolve problems that have caused harm or damaged relationships. Restorative Justice prioritizes accountability, community healing, what harm was done and what needs to be done to repair the harm. While there are many ways to practice Restorative Justice, the YWCA Madison has trained a group of 6th grade students to use the Circle process. Sixth graders who have been trained include: Haley Wiege, Meredith Gallagher, Noah Schoepoester, Ali Allison, Katie Lor, Josh Godar, Oscar Vega Rojas, Abram DeSantiago, Carsen Cadorette, Aaron Alston , Analilia Garcia-Angles, Zaryaa Howard, Nora Miesbauer, Tiana Wilhelmi, and Elizabeth Newberry. Student circle keepers will facilitate Circles for their peers who may be referred for a disciplinary infraction such as tardiness, insubordination, or peer conflict. Circles will include school staff, YWCA staff, a student ally for the referred student, and any other appropriate people who may have been affected. Circulos de Justicia Restaurativa para los Alumnos del 6to Grado de Cherokee Cherokee Heights está orgulloso en anunciar que con la ayuda y entrenamiento del YWCA de Madison, nosotros empezaremos al final de Enero nuestros Círculos de Justicia Restaurativa para los alumnos del 6to grado. Los maestros del sexto grado, Elizabeth Hardy, Gerardo Mancilla y Erica Gottschalk, como también nuestra Trabajadora Social, Kimberly Stalker-Herron y la enfermera, Margaret Corbae, recibieron entrenamiento del YWCA para poder facilitar los círculos. Justicia Restaurativa es una teoría o forma de pensar que informa como las comunidades pueden resolver problemas que han causado lastimado o dañado relaciones. La Justicia Restaurativa le da la prioridad a la contabilidad, recuperación comunitaria, ver que daño se hizo y ver qué es lo que se necesita hacer para reparar el daño hecho. Ya que hay muchas formas de practicar la Justicia Restaurativa, el YWCA de Madison ha entrenado a un grupo de estudiantes del 6to grado a usar los Círculos de proceso. Los alumnos del sexto grado que se han entrenado son: Haley Wiege, Meredith Gallagher, Noah Schoepoester, Ali Allison, Katie Lor, Josh Godar, Oscar Vega Rojas, Abram DeSantiago, Carsen Cadorette, Aaron Alston, Analilia GarciaAngles, Zaryaa Howard, Nora Miesbauer, Tiana Wilhelmi, y Elizabeth Newberry. Los guardianes de los círculos de estudiantes facilitaran los Círculos para sus compañeros que posiblemente sean referidos para una infracción disciplinaria como llegar tarde, insubordinación, o conflicto con otros estudiantes. Los Círculos incluirán personal escolar, personal del YWCA, un estudiante aliado para la referencia del estudiante, y cual otra persona apropiada que pudo haber sido afectada. 4 Student News 2014 – 2015 Geography Bee Classroom Geography Bees were held throughout the month of November. Cherokee’s qualifying students participated in the All-School Geography Bee held on December 11, 2014. Eighth grader, Andrew Glasgow, was declared the winner of the 2014 Geography Bee . As first place winner, Andrew will complete a written test in hopes of qualifying for the State Geography Bee to be held on March 27th, 2015. Seventh grader, Elizabeth Andrzejewsi was a very competitive runner up. Our third place winner was sixth grader, John Lee . Congratulations to Andrew, Elizabeth, John, as well as our other finalists: ● 6th graders: Meredith Gallagher, Ian Jetzer, Hayden Main, Gemma Cohen, Erick Quinchuchua ● 7th graders: Patricia Oshimura, Lucas Hammer, Michael Heintz, Ella Kunstman, Sarah Besteman ● 8th grader: James Schaak, Sarang Patel , Reid Nachreiner, Rowan Kulp, Oscar Guzman, Kevin Boutelle, Erik Nuenninghoff Log on to to test your geography skills and answer questions just like the ones used in the bee. 2014 – 2015 Abeja Geográfica Las Abejas Geográficas del Salón se llevaron a cabo en el mes de Noviembre. Los estudiantes de Cherokee que calificaron podrán participar en la Abeja Geográfica de Todas-las-Escuelas el 11 de Diciembre, 2014. Del Octavo grado, Andrew Glasgow, fue declarado como el ganador de la Abeja Geográfica del 2014. Como ganador del primer lugar, Andrew completara un examen escrito esperando que el califique para la Abeja Geográfica Estatal que se llevara a cabo el 27 de Marzo, 2015. Los estudiantes del Séptimo grado, Elizabeth Andrzejewsi tomo el Segundo lugar. El tercer lugar pue para el estudiante del sexto grado, John Lee. Felicitaciones para Andrew, Elizabeth, John como también a nuestros otros finalistas: ● ● ● 6to grado: Meredith Gallagher, Ian Jetzer, Hayden Main, Gemma Cohen, Erick Quinchuchua 7mo grado: Patricia Oshimura, Lucas Hammer, Michael Heintz, Ella Kunstman, Sarah Besteman 8vo grado: James Schaak, Sarang Patel , Reid Nachreiner, Rowan Kulp, Oscar Guzman, Kevin Boutelle, Erik Nuenninghoff Entre a la página para evaluar sus habilidades geográficas y contestar las preguntas como las que nuestras abejas estarán contestando. 5 Student News Multico Visits (By: India Niehoff)! Multico visited Cherokee Heights 8th graders Thursday, January 15th. Multico is a group of West high school students who act out a wide range of situations from cyber-bullying to depression to abuse. Despite the serious topics, they were able to keep it fun, upbeat, and easy to understand while still representing the topics. Multico students then returned to the 8th graders homerooms to answer questions about Multico, high school, and life in general. We hope that Multico can visit again! Visita del Grupo Multico (Por: India Niehoff)! Multico visito a los estudiantes del 8vo grado de Cherokee Heights el Jueves, 15 de Enero. Multico es un grupo de estudiantes de la escuela preparatoria West que actúan diferentes situaciones, desde acoso-cibernético hasta la depresión hasta el abuso. A pesar de los temas serios, ellos mantuvieron la plática divertida, con buen ritmo, y fácil de poder entender los temas que ellos estaban representando. Los estudiantes de Multico visitaron los salones de homeroom de los alumnos del 8vo grado para contestar preguntas sobre Multico, la preparatoria, y la vida en general. ¡Nosotros esperamos que Multico nos pueda visitar pronto! 6 Student News French Club Exciting news! After the first two French Club meetings we have 31 members - with the potential for more as we open up the club to 6th graders. Beginning January 29th any 6th grade student who is interested in learning about the French language and French culture may attend. Due to this large number we will need to split the club into two groups. Meetings will continue to be on Thursdays after school but will alternate with 7th and 6th grade one week and 8th grade the next. February Schedule 5th - 7th grade and 6th grade 12th - 8th grade 19th - 7th grade and 6th grade 26th - 8th grade Please look for a letter soon that will come home with your student containing more information on French Club. Club Francés ¡Noticias Emocionantes! Después de las dos reuniones del club de francés, nosotros tenemos 31 miembros- con el potencial de más ya que también tendremos un club para los alumnos del 6to grado. Empezando el 29 de Enero, cualquier estudiante del 6to grado que esté interesado en el lenguaje Francés y en la cultura Francesa pueden asistir. Dado a este gran numero, nosotros necesitamos separar este club en dos grupos. Las reuniones seguirán siendo los Jueves después de la escuela pero se alternara entre los estudiantes del 6to y 7mo grados una semana y los estudiantes del 8vo grado la próxima semana. Horario de Febrero 5 - 6to y 7mo grado 12 - 8vo grado 19 - 6to y 7mo grado 26 - 8vo grado Por favor vea la carta que llegara pronto a casa con la información de su estudiante que tendrá más información del Club de Francés. LMC News! Battle of the Books News: Teams have been formed, the contestants have been reading, but soon it will be time to crown our championship teams. The Cherokee Battle of the Books will be held in the LMC on the th th following dates and times: 6 Grade Tuesday February 17 at 12:15pm, 7 Grade Wednesday February 18 at th 1:00pm, and 8 Grade Thursday February 19 at 1:00pm. After the Cherokee Battle of the Books champions are th crowned they will compete at the district competition on the following dates and times: 6 Grade at Whitehorse th th Middle School on Tuesday March 3rd at 2:00pm, 7 Grade at Toki Middle School on Wednesday March 4 at th th 2:00pm, and 8 Grade at Cherokee Middle School on Thursday March 5 at 2:00pm. Parents are welcome to attend this event. We ask that you check in at the main office before making your way to the LMC. Cherokee Middle School- Where Every Student Has a Good Book in Hand! 7 Misc. News Noticías de la Bibioteca Noticias de la Batalla de los Libros: Los grupos se han formado, los participantes han estado leyendo, pero pronto será tiempo para coronar a nuestros grupos ganadores. La Batalla de los Libros de Cherokee se llevara a to mo cabo en la LMC los siguientes días y horas: 6 Grado Martes 17 de Febrero a las 12:15pm, 7 Grado Miércoles vo 18 de Febrero a las 1:00pm, y 8 Grado Jueves 19 de Febrero a las 1:00pm. Después de la Batalla de los Libros, los ganadores serán coronados y competirán en la competición a nivel distrito durante los siguientes días y horas: to mo 6 Grado Escuela Secundaria Whitehorse el Martes 3 de Marzo a las Martes 2:00pm, 7 Grado Escuela vo Secundaria Toki el Miércoles 4 de Marzo a las 2:00pm, y 8 Grado Escuela Secundaria Cherokee el Jueves 5 de Marzo a las 2:00pm. Se les da la bienvenida a los padres para que puedan asistir a este evento. Nosotros le pedimos que se detenga en la oficina principal antes de que vaya al LMC. ¡Escuela Secundaria Cherokee – Donde Todos los Estudiantes Tienen un Buen Libro en la Mano! CHEROKEE YEARBOOK SALE Name_____________________ Grade__________ If you did not order or pay for a yearbook during registration earlier this year, there is still time. To reserve a yearbook you must pay the $15 cost by February 1. Please bring your money to the Main Office. Don’t delay. There will be a very limited number of extras if you don’t meet the February 1 deadline. If you are unsure if you have already ordered a yearbook, contact the Main Office at: 204-1241, email: [email protected] ) VENTA DEL ANUARIO DE CHEROKEE! Nombre_____________________ Grado__________ Si usted no ordeno o pago por un anuario durante la registración al principio del año, toda vía usted tiene tiempo. Para reservar un anuario usted deberá pagar $15 antes del 1ro de Febrero. Por favor traigan su dinero a la Oficina Principal. Si usted no está seguro de que usted pago por el anuario, por favor deténgase en la Oficina Principal y pregunte. No espere. Habrá una cantidad limitada de anuarios estrás si usted no paga antes del 1ro de Febrero Si no está seguro/a de haber ordenado un anuario póngase en contacto con la Sra. Contrucci al 2041241, email: [email protected] ) 8 COMMON WEALTH DEVELOPMENT JOB SMART & FINANCIAL LITERACY WORKSHOPS Vy Luong, Anna Kollasch, Madeline Sowinski, and Katrina Marty prepare for their interviews. Common Wealth Development is a non-profit organization on Madison’s East side. For years they have presented two workshops four times a year: Job Smart and Financial Literacy. The Job Smart curriculum includes coaching our eighth grade students on successfully applying and interviewing for jobs; providing quality customer service; and effectively problem-solving on the job. The culminating activity is mock interviews with community members recruited by Common Wealth. During the Financial Literacy week students learn about financial skills, including common mistakes made in personal finance, saving, goal setting, budgeting, and financial institution services. The implementation of this program satisfies the goals of MMSD’s new "Academic and Career Planning" requirements. Prior to this school year Cherokee enjoyed the benefits of these extensive, cohesive workshops at no cost. At the present time, eighth grade students will not be able to participate because no funds are available to provide Common Wealth with a stipend for their services. If you are willing to support this opportunity, please indicate that your payment is from a Cherokee donor and forward it to Common Wealth Development, 1501 Williamson Street, Madison, WI 53703. Common Wealth teachers have prepared students, so Issis Hardy is calm and collected. 9 TALLERES DE ALFABETISMO FINANCIERO & TRABAJO INTIGENTE DE LA ASOCIACION COMMON WEALTH DEVELOPMENT Vy Luong, Anna Kollasch, Madeline Sowinski, and Katrina Marty prepare for their interviews. Common Wealth Development es una asociación no lucrativa en la parte Este de Madison. Por años, ellos han presentado dos talleres cuatro veces al año: talleres de Alfabetismo Financiero y Trabajo Inteligente. El currículo del Trabajo Inteligente incluye es entrenar a nuestros estudiantes del 8vo grado en poder aplicar exitosamente y como entrevistar para trabajos; otorgando servicio al cliente de calidad; y efectivamente resolviendo-problemas en el trabajo. Las actividades culminantes serán imitando entrevistas con miembros de la comunidad que serán reclutados por Common Wealth. Durante la última semana de Alfabetismo Financiero los estudiantes aprenderán sobre habilidades financieras, incluyendo errores comunes hechos en las financias personales, ahorros, poner metas, presupuestos, e instituciones de servicios financieros. La implementación de este programa satisfice las metas de los nuevos requerimientos “Académicos y de Planeación de Carreras” de MMSD. Antes de este año escolar, Cherokee pudo disfrutar los beneficios de estos talleres extensivos y cohesivos sin ningún costo alguno. En este momento, los estudiantes del octavo grado no podrán participar dado a que no hay fondos para pagar los servicios que Common Wealth otorga. Si usted está dispuesto a ayudar con esta oportunidad, por favor indique que su pago es de un donador de Cherokee y envíelo a Common Development, 1501 Williamson Street, Madison, WI 53703. Los maestros de Common Wealth preparan a los estudiantes para que Issis Hardy este calmada 10 Calendar/Calendarío Cherokee Upcoming Events 1/26 1/30 2/6 2/9 2/11 2/16 2/23 3/2 3/13 3/16 3/23 3/27 3/30 – 4/6 4/7 th Parent Mtg for 8 Grade Transition @ West High, 6:45 pm Parent/Teacher Conferences - by appointment – No School for Middle Schools 1/26 1/30 2/6 No School – Professional Development Day for staff EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT th 5 Grade parent Mtg @ Cherokee, LMC, 6:30-8:00 pm EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT 2/9 2/11 2/16 2/23 EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT No School – Professional Development Day EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT EARLY RELEASE @ 1:37 for PCT End of 3rd Quarter No School – Spring Break School Resumes Junta de Padres para la Transición de los estudiantes del 8vo Grado en la escuela West High, 6:45 pm Conferencias de Padres/Maestros- Las Secundarias no Tienen Clases NO HAY CLASES – Día de capacitación profesional SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Junta de Padres para los estudiantes del 5 to Grado en Cherokee, LMC, 6:30-8:00pm SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT 3/2 3/13 SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT NO HAY CLASES - Día de capacitación profesional 3/16 3/23 3/27 3/30 – 4/6 4/7 SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT SALEN TEMPRANO @ 1:37 PCT Termina el 3er trimestre NO HAY CLASES – Vacaciones de primavera Se reanudan las clases 8th Grade Parents/Students TH MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2015 – 8 GRADE PARENT MEETING 6:45 pm in the Aud – West High School Course selection, course offerings—including electives, Overview of SLC structure and graduation requirements MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015 – MOVIN’ WEST 7:00 pm in the Aud – West High School Answers about the West experience—extra-curricular activities and the social scene. Padres/Estudiantes del Octavo Grado LUNES, 26 DE ENERO, 2015 – REUNION DE PADRES DEL OCTAVO GRADO 6:45 pm en el Auditorio – West High School Selección de cursos, cursos disponibles—incluyendo cursos electivos, Sobrevista de la estructura de SLC y los requerimientos para la graduación. LUNES, 4 DE MAYO, 2015 – VIAJANDO AL OESTE 7:00 pm en el auditorio – West High School Respuestas sobre la experiencia en West – actividades extracurriculares y la vida social. 11 Cherokee Middle School Auto Attendance: 204-1240 Secretaries Safe Arrival: 204-1247 Diane Blum 204-1246 [email protected] Elizabeth Contrucci 204-1241 [email protected] Assistant Principal Hong Tran 204-1250 [email protected] Principal Kevin Brown 204-1241 [email protected] Counselor Rafael Gomez 204-1276 [email protected] Dean of Students Becky Gilman 204-1336 [email protected] Food Service Keola Exum 204-1323 [email protected] Learning Coordinator Colleen Shapleigh 204-1275 [email protected] MSCR Reginald Lee 204-1273 [email protected] Nurse Margaret Corbae 204-1263 [email protected] Psychologist Steven Honer 204-1257 [email protected] Social Worker Kim Stalker-Herron 204-1269 [email protected] Escuela Intermedia de Cherokee Asistencia: 204-1240 Secretarias Asistencia en – Español: 204-1242 Diane Blum 204-1246 [email protected] Elizabeth Contrucci 204-1241 [email protected] Sub-Director Hong Tran 204-1250 [email protected] Director Kevin Brown 204-1241 [email protected] Consejero Rafael Gomez 204-1276 [email protected] Dean of Students Becky Gilman 204-1336 [email protected] Cafetería Keola Exum 204-1323 [email protected] Coordinadora de Aprendizaje Colleen Shapleigh 204-1275 [email protected] MSCR Reginal Lee 204-1273 [email protected] Enfermera Margaret Corbae 204-1263 [email protected] Psicólogo Steven Honer 204-1257 [email protected] Trabajadora Social Kim Stalker-Herron 204-1269 [email protected] 12 Summer Opportunity College For Kids2 (CFK2) is a program that was developed in response to the success of College for Kids and from requests by families and school districts for current 8th graders as they transition into high school. This one-week, full-day summer program takes place on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus utilizing state-of-the-art facilities and resources. Since classes will be rigorous and active, this is recommended only for students who are highly motivated and are able to self monitor behavior. Participating students will have experiences including admission procedures, leadership, campus exposure, and community building. CFK2 has been developed as an academic experience in active learning for highly motivated students. This one-week summer program includes rigorous academics, demonstrations, tours, and discussions. All courses are taught by UW professors, academic staff, community professionals, and subject area experts with emphasis on hands-on experiential learning. Coursework will include the following STEAM academic areas: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math. Classes will be posted in January. Parents who are interested in having their child participate in College for Kids2 MONDAY-FRIDAY, JULY 20-24, 2015 should contact Richard Hamel, Advanced Learner IRT at: [email protected]. Universidad para Niños2 (College for Kids2) es un programa que fue desarrollado en respuesta al éxito del Colegio para Niños y de las peticiones de las familias y los distritos escolares para alumnos de octavo grado en su transición a la escuela secundaria. Este programa es una semana de verano de día completo y se lleva a cabo en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison utilizando mejores técnicas de las instalaciones y recursos ofrecidos de la universidad. Dado que las clases serán rigurosas y activas, sólo se recomienda para los estudiantes que están muy motivados y son capaces de controlar su propio comportamiento. Los estudiantes participantes tendrán experiencias incluyendo los procedimientos de admisión, el liderazgo, la exposición del campus, y la construcción de comunidad. Universidad para Niños2 se ha desarrollado como una experiencia académica en el aprendizaje activo para estudiantes altamente motivados. Este programa de verano de una semana incluye académicos rigurosos, demostraciones, visitas y discusiones. Todos los cursos son impartidos por profesores de la Universidad de Wisconsin, profesores, profesionales de la comunidad, y expertos de áreas de estudio con énfasis en el aprendizaje práctico vivencial. Curso incluirá las siguientes áreas académicas: Ciencias, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Matemáticas. Las clases serán publicadas en enero. Los padres que estén interesados en tener su hijo/a participe en la Universidad para Ninos2 lunes a viernes, de 20 a 24 jul 2015 deben comunicarse con Richard Hamel, Advanced Learner IRT en: [email protected]. 13 PTO News PTO BUDGET UPDATE: So far this year the PTO fundraising earned about $1750. This total comes from REAP sales ($850), the Fall Box Tops contest ($550) and two school dances ($350). With these funds we've been able to give $1150 to the teachers as gift cards and to help out the custodial staff by co-purchasing (with the district) a new janitor cart. Additionally, we've budgeted $5000 this year for some outstanding and innovative teacher grants. These are in the process of being paid out as the grant winners implement their projects. LOVE OUR SCHOOL BOX TOPS COLLECTION CONTEST The Cherokee Heights PTO is sponsoring our second Box Tops Collection Contest of the year. The rules are simple - clip Box Tops and send them to school with your student by February 20. Home base teachers will collect Box Tops and turn them in at the end of the contest. All students in the top 3 classes that collect the most Box Tops will win a free snack/beverage at the March 20th all school dance. A classroom prize (and bragging rights) will be awarded to the top class. Funds raised through this contest support Cherokee Heights Middle School students, staff and programs. If you have any questions, please contact Amy, [email protected] or the PTO, [email protected]. Thanks for supporting our school! GRANT AWARDS The PTO is pleased to award the following winning staff grants for innovative ideas at Cherokee Heights Middle School this year. We look forward to sharing more details about the great things our staff is doing with these funds throughout the school year. Ms. Stalker-Herron - $220 for movement therapy training in partnership with the Hancock Center. Ms. Corbae - $500 for health office resources, including cab fares for clinic appointments, socks, underwear, deodorant, water bottles, etc. Mr. Belz - $650 to take all 7th graders to see The Hobbit, in conjunction with their reading of the book. Ms. Stalker-Herron and Ms. Briese - $1,000 to supplement resources already secured for the Cougars Cook program. Ms. Kades, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Pfann and Ms. Kurtz - $480 for 8th grade literacy materials. Ms. Fogell - $200 to cover the facilitator stipend for the Parallax Boe-Bot Robot program. Thank you to all of the staff who shared their ideas and applied for grants. We are very lucky to have such dedicated and creative staff at Cherokee Heights. Ms. Stalker-Herron and Ms. Briese - $1,000 to supplement resources already secured for the Cougars Cook program. Cherokee students participate in the Cougar Cook Program. 14 PTO News COUGAR COLOR RUN: Gather your friends, family and neighbors! The first annual COUGAR COLOR RUN is coming to Cherokee Heights on Sunday, May 17. Run Time is 12 pm (check in at 11:30). The FUN RUN (not timed) will be 1 mile around Cherokee. Participants will be sprayed with color throughout the run! This is a great way to raise some money for Cherokee and have a blast with your friends! Pre-registration will be $25 and will include a race t-shirt (white for maximum color exposure, of course) a goody bag, and tons of color along the way! (Race day registration will go up to $30 so you'll want to register early). Registration details and forms will be sent out soon! Encourage your friends and teachers! The class with the most participants will win a prize. Fun and crazy costumes are encouraged. We will need a few high school or older volunteers to spray color, so please watch for the opportunity to sign up for a fun gig. 15
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