St Mary Catholic Church 4200 88th Street NE Marysville, Washington 98270 360 653 9400 St Anne Mission 7231 Totem Beach Road (No Mail) Tulalip, WA 98271 360 386-7425 Phone: 360 653-9400 Fax: 360 658-7439 Website: Email: [email protected] MAY 03, 2015 V Sunday of Easter Mary, Our Lady of Luján , May 2014 St Mary Mass Times: St Anne Mass Times: Monday, Thursday and Saturday: 9:00 am Wednesday and Friday: 7:30 am Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm (Spanish) Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 10:00 am Wednesday: 9:00 am Thursday: 9:00 am Friday: 9:00 am Sunday: 10:00 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00 pm St Anne Mission News Fr Emmanuel Iweh (360) 386-7425 Email: [email protected] Sunday 10:00 am Saturday 5:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Friday 9:00 am We continue to build and nurture healthy spiritual relationships with our Tulalip family and to support those in need through prayers, outreach and good works of service. Altar Servers and Lectors Needed If you are interested please call Fr Iweh, Bill Topash at 360-386-8808 or Steve Myers at 425-750-0205. Please Include the Following Names in your prayers: Larry Negretti, Larry Martin, Stan Kleisath, Elaine Ruddell, Jules Sicotte, Don Francisco, Costa & Carol Ann Lazzaretti, Jose & Edlin Narvaez, Antonia Seyler, Don Hatch, Brian Thomas. St. Anne’s Healing Mass 1st Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Family and friends ...Welcome. St Anne Needs More Participation! In the after Mass Potluck’s both Saturday and Sunday, as well, as in cleanup. Please bring a DISH to Share with the fellowship of others in the community. Free Health Check Tulalip Tribe will continue free health checks the 1st Friday of every month at 10:00 am in the Sterling Hall. Have your blood pressure and blood sugar tested. This is open to the public! Please bring family & friends! Stewardship of Treasure April 26, 2015 $1507.90 Thank You! St. Mary’s News SVDP-Monday, May 11—Meetings are the second Monday of each month in Parish Hall. Backpack-Is taking orders for Lumpia. Funds will feed the Children. Contact: Dar @ 360-659-3366. Food Bank is looking for volunteers. The Food Donation for 4/2015 was 347 lbs.. Help & Call : 360-658-1054. Pregnancy Aid-Wednesday, May 20th-Meeting in Room 1B-Call Roberta Wolcott @ 360-403-7560. Bautizos Y Quinceaneras– Informacion disponible en la Oficina. Asistencia en espanol llame o visite de 4:30-7:30pm. Viva Mexico Viva Cinco De Mayo MOTHER’S DAY DINNER & DANCE Saturday, May 09, 2015 Doors open at 6 pm Live Band & DJ WINE, DINE & DANCE Tickets: $25.00 Welcome to the Parish Library Parish Library Open: After 8 and 10 am Sunday Masses. Adult Confirmation Preparation Classes Classes begin Thursday, April 9th for 4 consecutive weeks at 7pm in the Parish Hall. If you are an adult who has received Baptism and First Communion but have not received Confirmation, please contact Christian Spencer to register. [email protected] Make joyful sounds of Music! Join our Music Ministry! Everyone is Welcomed All ages are Needed. Questions/Preguntas? Contact: Lester Letoto Email: [email protected] Haga alegres sonidos de la música! Únete a nuestra Ministerio Musical! PRAYER LIST Bea DuFor, Pat & Mark Mantow, Pam Stephson & Family, Hadsell Family & their unborn child, Bill & Connie Stolcis, Chris Stoles & Family, Cheryl & Troy LaBrum & Family, Clifton & Stacy Cowin & Family, Anna M. Diner, Carlefa Sjodin, Beca Hertzog, Richard Jacobs, Rosie Nash, Carol Dollar, Shirley Dockendorf, John De Polo, Crisatomo De Leon, Egidio Paquera, Mary Taylor, Jules Sicotte, Caiden Selia, Jody Labrum, Dianna DeCaro, Nina Gonzales, Antonia Seyler, Caroline Ochs, Margie Manvione, John Swain, Desirae Williams, Lucy Young, Jim Brauch, Pat McCabe, Annabelle Snook, Glenda Snook, Andrea Cantrell, Doris Smith, Rose Coffman, Stephanie Pruitt, Bob Dixon, John D.Graveley, Gary Snook. REST IN PEACE Brian, Joe Abrenilla, Beverly Hill, Salvador Perez, Teresa Puckett, Sabina Cerny, Connie Desrosier, Ervin Leuze, Carlos Felix, Arturo Gomez, Michael Vincent Selden, Amado De Leon, Vincent Meno, Juan Sicotte, Robert Sicotte, Rita Sicotte, Jim Pfeifer, Dennis Mehar, Jeanette McGourty, Juan Ocaya, Maura Ocaya, Rosario Storm, Charles Miller, Deidra Murphy, Gerry Francisco, Doris Smith, Augusto Castro, Estelita Soriano, Ofelia Barajas, Jose Maria Barajas, Guadalupe Lopez, Ann Maria Ramirez de Lamas, Dennis Kendall. Mary Queen of Peace Columbaria A final resting place for our loved ones who desire to be cremated is finally here in our St. Mary Catholic Cemetery. Plan your funeral now. Give 25% down and the remaining balance in 10 mo. installments. Row 1—$ 3,000.00 Row 2—$ 2,800.00 Contact the Row 3—$ 2,600.00 Parish Office for Row 4—$ 2,400.00 more information. From our Holy Father, Pope Francis Pope to new priests: Don’t be a peacock by Ann Schneible Vatican City, Apr 26, 2015 / 12:04 pm (CNA/EWTN News/CNA) Pope Francis presided over the ordination of nearly twenty men to the priesthood on Sunday, where he warned them against being vain priests who live first for their own pleasure rather than for God’s. “A priest is ugly who lives for his own pleasure,” Pope Francis said, adding that such a priest “acts like a peacock.” Pope Francis presided over the Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on Apr. 26, during which he, as the bishop of Rome, ordained 19 men for the Roman diocese. During the ordination Mass, the Pope delivered the standard homily based on the Italian edition of the Pontificale Romanum for the ordination of priests, but digressed from the text several times to offer advice to the men about to be ordained. In these remarks, he said priests should nourish God’s people with their homilies, while making sure they are not bored. Ensure “that your homilies are not boring; that your homilies reach the heart of the people, because they come from your hearts,” he said. “What you say to them is what you have in your heart.” The Pope also warned against proclaiming God’s Word without giving a good example. “Words without example are empty words,” he said. “They are ideas that do not reach the heart, and may even cause injury.” Pope Francis gave the men further advice in executing their responsibilities as priests. After the Mass, Pope Francis delivered his Regina Caeli address from the Papal Palace overlooking Saint Peter’s Square, explaining that the newly ordained priests are called to have a pastoral life based upon the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd, he said, “gives life, has offered his life in sacrifice for all of us.” Papa Francisco presidió la ordenación de casi veinte hombres al sacerdocio el domingo, donde se les advirtió en contra de ser sacerdotes vanas que viven por primera vez para su propio placer y no para de Dios. "Un sacerdote es feo que vive para su propio placer", dijo el Papa Francisco, añadiendo que un sacerdote como "actúa como un pavo real." El Papa Francisco presidió la misa en la Basílica de San Pedro el 26 de abril, durante la cual, como el obispo de Roma, ordenó 19 hombres para la diócesis de Roma. Durante la misa de ordenación, el Papa pronunció la homilía estándar basado en la edición italiana del Pontifical Romano para la ordenación de sacerdotes, pero divagaba en el texto varias veces para ofrecer asesoramiento a los hombres a punto de ser ordenado. En estas observaciones, él dijo que los sacerdotes deben alimentar al pueblo de Dios con sus homilías, mientras se asegura de que no se aburren. Garantizar "que sus homilías no son aburridos; que sus homilías llegan al corazón de la gente, porque vienen de vuestro corazón ", dijo. "Lo que les digo es lo que tienes en tu corazón". El Papa también advirtió contra la proclamación de la Palabra de Dios, sin dar un buen ejemplo. "Las palabras sin ejemplo son palabras vacías", dijo. "Son ideas que no llegan al corazón, incluso puede causar lesiones." Papa Francisco más asesoramiento en la ejecución de sus responsabilidades como sacerdotes. Después de la misa, el Papa Francisco pronunció su discurso de Regina Caeli desde el Palacio de los Papas con vistas a la plaza de San Pedro, explicando que los sacerdotes recién ordenados están llamados a tener una vida pastoral basado el Buen Pastor. El Buen Pastor , dijo, " da la vida, ha ofrecido su vida en sacrificio por todos nosotros. " Religious Education St. Mary’s Faith Formation If your child is making his/her First Communion, please be sure to bring his/her banner back on Wednesday, May 6th, so that we can put them up and the people of the parish can pray for them as they prepare to meet Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time! Youth Ministry For updates, Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter: @Youth_StMarys! Spread the word! Are you going to be from the ages of 16-35 in July of 2016? Do you want to pray with and learn from Pope Francis and spend a week in Poland with a million other young Catholics? Then World Youth Day might be just what you are looking for! But we have to start planning immediately. If you are interested, contact Michael soon at [email protected], or at (360) 653-9400 ext103. Look here in the coming weeks for information about summer opportunities for high school and middle school youth! We’ve got several great events planned. If you are an adult who would like to help out this summer, please contact Michael at the parish. High School Sundays from 6-8pm in the Hall Pray for those receiving Confirmation, and join us for the Confirmation Mass at 7pm, May 6! Junior High Mondays from 6-7:30pm in the Hall Pray for those who are preparing for their sacraments! Readings for Daily Mass May 04 May 05 May 06 May 07 May 08 May 09 ACTS 14:5-18; JN 14:21-26 ACTS 14:19-28; JN 14:27-31A ACTS 15:1-6; JN 15:1-8 ACTS 15:7-21; JN 15:9-11 ACTS 15:22-31; JN 15:12-17 ACTS 16:1-10; JN 15:18-21 Pope Francis Pilgrimage to Philadelphia: September 23 thru September 29 Call Parish Office for details. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: STEWARDSHIP OF Faith Formation Staff Children Faith Formation/Sacrament: (Kindergarten through 5th grade) Debra Hart Email: [email protected] Clase de Formacion para los Ninos: Sabado con Hector Paz Email: [email protected] Marriage Requirements: Registered with the Parish Appt: Fr Lewis 6 months prior April 26,2015 TREASURE: Sacrificial Donations: $ 8,818.23 BackPack: $ 150.00 SVDP: $ 335.00 Pregnancy Aid: $ 120.00 St Joseph House: $ 25.00 Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation & Youth Minister Food Bank: $ 185.00 Michael Schmitz Email: [email protected] Thank you for your Support!! Thank you! Parish Staff (360) 653-9400 Fax (360) 658-7439 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 7:00pm Priest Administrator: Fr. Dwight Lewis 360 653-9400 Ext 109 Email: [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev Emmanuel Iweh 360 386-7425 Email: [email protected] Thirty Minute Appointments: Wednesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm & Thursday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Deacon: Antonio Cavazos Email: [email protected] Pastoral Assistant for Administration: Christian Spencer Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper: Music Director Spanish Choir Gloria Valdez-Guillen Email: [email protected] Lester Letoto [email protected] Amadeo Miramontes [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Eva Wilson Email: [email protected] P. A. for Communications Aldo Barletta Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant Facilities Manager II: Rafael Robles, Jr. Email: [email protected] John Hodgins Email: [email protected]
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