Since 1989. FREE! w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 CLEVELAND & TOLEDO SALES: 419-870-2797 Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email [email protected] January/enero 29, 2016 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 58, No. 22 ‘NO SE ACEPTAN DEVOLUCIONES’, P. 7 Exchange Program exposes Chinese students to life in Ohio, Michigan, & L.A. By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent About three dozen middle 14, attend classes alongside school students from China students from their host famiare getting a taste of life in the lies at Fassett Middle School United States this month in Oregon, Lake Middle through a student exchange School, Woodmore Middle program. The students and four School in Woodville, and of their teachers are staying Rossford Middle School. with host families over a three- Nine students and a teacher are at each school. This is the week period. The students arrived at De- fifth year for the Youth Amtroit Metro Airport on Satur- bassador exchange program. "At each school, we have day, Jan. 16, 2016. They are spending their Chinese New an American student mentor Year holiday break in the U.S. who pairs up with each of the The Northwest Ohio leg of Chinese kids," said Valerie their journey will last until Virag, program director for Feb. 6, when they fly to Los American Cultural Exchange Angeles for a week of Service (ACES). "Those kids sightseeing, and then onward shadow them for the threeweek period that they're here. to China. The students, ages 12 to So they really develop strong friendships with those students, as well as the host families." The students were thrown a welcome party, in the form of a traditional US-American potluck. They'll also attend a farewell party, which will be a traditional graduation ceremony at Fassett Middle School. Many of the schools are hosting special activities, including school dances. For example, a Snowball Dance at Lake Middle School will be decorated in a Chinese New Year theme to make the students feel welcome. "That is as important to them as Christmas is to us," said Ms. Virag. The students hail from the metro-area of Lanzhao in cen- Alexander Lillie, Jr. holding a gift received from 13-year-old Ziming Zhao tral China. The students attend schools nos. 16, 35, and 40. According to Ms. Virag, who visited China last summer, the schools are numbered by the Chinese government, instead of reflecting the name of the communities where they are located. "One big difference they're seeing is that in China, the children don't change classrooms; the teachers do," explained Ms. Virag. "At lunch in China, these kids go home for two hours. They eat lunch. They take a nap, including the teachers, and then they come back to school. So I'm surprised these kids can make (Continued on Page 10) ABOGADO XIncapacidad ~ Disability XSocial Security ~ SSI XCasos de Worker’s Compensation XAccidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión XNegligencia Médica • Parálisis Cerebral • Lesiones causadas en el Nacimiento • Muerte por Negligencia Patrick Merrick La consulta es GRATIS. Hablamos Español. (800) 309-7404 Visit us on Facebook at: La Prensa Página 2 Buscan vínculo entre zika y síndrome que da parálisis Por JENNY BARCHFIELD y MARCOS ALEMAN, Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO, 23 I 16 (AP): Dos países latinoamericanos investigan si los brotes del virus zika, transmitido por un mosquito, están detrás del aumento de una rara y potencialmente letal afección nerviosa que puede causar parálisis y dejar a sus víctimas en soporte vital. El virus zika se ha r e l a c i o n a d o provisionalmente con la aparición de microcefalias, un problema congénito por el que los bebés nacen con una cabeza muy pequeña. Y aunque la forma en que el virus afectaría a los menores sigue sin estar clara, autoridades de Brasil, Colombia y El Salvador instan a las mujeres a evitar riesgos posponiendo embarazos. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos advirtieron a las mujeres embarazadas que reconsideren sus planes de viajar a países donde se han registrado casos de zika, y el viernes ampliaron la alerta a 22 destinos, la mayoría en América Latina y el Caribe. El aumento de casos del síndrome de Guillain-Barré, el nombre con el que se conoce a la afección nerviosa, ha alarmado también a las autoridades sanitarias de la región. La enfermedad causa debilidad muscular, que suele comenzar en las piernas y luego se extiende a los brazos la cara, y puede causar entumecimiento, dificultades para caminar e incluso parálisis de las extremidades. La mayoría de las personas se recupera completamente en cuestión de semanas o meses, pero en los casos severos la vida del enfermo corre peligro porque el mal afecta los músculos utilizados en la respiración. Cualquier persona puede sufrir Guillain-Barré, aunque es algo poco común. Se cree que el síndrome está provocado por una infección—en ocasiones algo tan simple como una intoxicación alimentaria— y ocurre cuando el sistema inmunológico reacciona de manera exagerada y ataca a sus propias células del sistema nervioso. Los investigadores han sospechado del virus desde que en la Polinesia Francesa se observó un aumento en los casos de síndrome de GuillainBarré,asícomodemicrocefalia, coincidiendo con una oleada de infecciones de zika, aunque las poblaciones eran mucho menores que en los brotes recientes. La Organización Mundial de la Salud indicó que las autoridades salvadoreñas reportaron 46 casos de síndrome de GuillainBarré en sólo cinco semanas, del 1 de diciembre al 6 de enero. El promedio para todo el año en el país es de 169 casos. Dijo que de 22 pacientes de los que había información, por lo menos 12 habían tenido fiebre y sarpullido 15 días antes de que desarrollaran el síndrome. Las autoridades brasileñas también confirmaron que están investigando un posible vínculo entre el aumento casi simultáneo de casos de Guillain-Barré y zika, que se detectó por primera vez en el país el pasado mayo. Se cree que el zika pudo haber entrado a territorio brasileño con un turista que asistió al Mundial de 2014 o a una prueba internacional de canotaje ese mismo año. El doctor Antonio Bandeira, infectólogo del Hospital Couto Maia, en la ciudad nororiental de Salvador, dijo que durante la temporada de lluvias del año pasado, cuando los casos de zika estaban en su apogeo, hubo una racha inusual de pacientes con el síndrome de Guillain-Barré. “Hubo muchos casos de zika de febrero a julio y luego desapareció en agosto. En mayo, junio y julio tuvimos 24 pacientes con el síndrome de Guillain-Barré, y ninguno desde agosto”, dijo Bandeira. Agregó que en los años anteriores generalmente sólo veía a dos o tres pacientes con la enfermedad por año. La mayoría de los pacientes habían experimentado también síntomas similares a los del zika, que puede incluir fiebre y aparición de manchas rochas en la piel, agregó Bandeira. Por su parte, el hospital da Restauracao en Recife trató cerca de seis veces más casos de Guillain-Barré de lo habitual, dijo la neuróloga María Lucía Ferreira. Cincuenta de los 94 pacientes atendidos durante la temporada de lluvias fallecieron. A nivel nacional, los casos del síndrome habían sido tan inusuales que el Ministerio de Salud no dio seguimiento a su número exacto. Sin embargo, los funcionarios sanitarios reconocieron el aumento. Albert Ko, profesor de epidemiología en la Escuela de Salud Pública de Yale, dijo que la relación entre el zika y el síndrome Guillain-Barré es “plausible y altamente probable”. Pero la dificultad para diagnosticar el zika y el hecho de que el Guillain-Barré pueda aparecer semanas más tarde han dificultado la confirmación del vínculo entre ambas dolencias. “Aunque muchos de nosotros estamos convencidos y creemos que es altamente probable que el virus del zika causó esta epidemia de Guillain-Barré, y que pueda causarla allí donde se transmita el virus, seguimos careciendo de pruebas realmente firmes para hacer esa diagnosis”, dijo Ko, que realizó investigaciones en el noreste de Brasil durante dos décadas. El zika se originó en África y después de extendió a partes de Asia. Tras su aparición en Brasil, en un primer momento las autoridades sanitarias no se alarmaron ya que parecía ser una forma poco potente de dengue. Pero luego se produjo un auge en los casos de microcefalias: Desde principios de octubre, el país ha registrado 3.893 casos frente a los 150 de 2014. Las autoridades brasileñas están convencidas de que existe un vínculo entre ambos males. Organismos internacionales de salud han dicho que esa relación todavía no ha sido demostrada científicamente, pero se mantienen en alerta e investigando. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos dijeron el viernes que emitían su alerta sobre viajes como medida de “gran cautela”. El gobierno de El Salvador sugirió esta semana que las mujeres no se embaracen durante los próximos dos años, y algunas dijeron que atenderán la recomendación. “Tenemos una gran suerte, mi hijo nació antes de esto”, dijo Fátima Mejía, de 19 años, que acudió a una clínica en Santa Tecla, en las afueras de la capital salvadoreña, para que revisaran a su bebé de 17 días de nacido. “No me voy a embarazar hasta que pase esto; no voy a arriesgar a un niño”. En Colombia, el viceministro de Salud, Fernando Ruiz, dijo a The Associated Press que el país ha registrado 13.531 casos sospechosos de zika y señaló que el número podría incrementarse a medio millón este año. Dijo que por lo menos 560 casos implican a mujeres embarazadas, aunque no se han detectado casos de microcefalia. Ruiz dijo que ha habido 12 casos de personas con el síndrome de Guillain-Barré que antes tuvieron síntomas similares a los de una infección de zika. Marcos Alemán informó desde San Salvador, El Salvador. Los periodistas de The Associated Press Stan Lehman en Sao Paulo, Lauran Neergaard en Washington y César García en Bogotá, Colombia, contribuyeron a este despacho. January 29, 2016 Arum: Pacquiao undercard will be all-Latino reply to Trump’s anti-Latino’s rhetoric By GREG BEACHAM, AP Sports Writer BEVERLY HILLS, Jan. 19, P a c q u i a o - B r a d l e y Julio César Chávez, and 2016 (AP): Boxing promoter undercard at the MGM Pacquiao, the second-bigBob Arum plans to make a Grand Garden Arena are gest current star in the sport. Arum’s plan for the statement against Donald Mexican featherweight OsTrump with an all-Latino car Valdez, Mexican- P a c q u i a o - B r a d l e y undercard on his next big pay- American U.S. Olympian undercard evolved from per-view show. José Ramirez and Mexican both political conviction Arum said Tuesday that he middleweight Gilberto and showmanship—and in classic Arum style, it might will feature all Latino fighters Zurdo Ramirez. on the undercard of Manny Before the 84-year-old not end up being entirely Pacquiao’s third meeting with Arum began his boxing ca- accurate. Shortly after vowing to Timothy Bradley on April 9 in reer in 1965, he was a lawyer Las Vegas. in the DOJ during the put on an all-Latino Arum calls it “the Donald Kennedy and Johnson ad- undercard, Arum acknowledged he is hoping to put a Trump undercard.” ministrations. Arum is no fan of the ReThe Top Rank founder fight on the card for Evgeny publican presidential has been among the sport’s Gradovich, a Russia-born contender’s calls for a wall on top promoters for the ensu- former featherweight chamthe US-Mexico border and the ing half-century, promoting pion. The hook is that deportation of an estimated major fights for the likes of Gradovich’s brawling, cou11 million people living in Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray rageous style has earned him the country without docu- Leonard, Oscar De La Hoya, the nickname “The Mexican mentation. Floyd Mayweather Jr., Russian.” “I want them to know there are a lot of people that have their back and are not going to allow them to be deported,” Arum said. “And if Trump got elected, I would be in the streets with them protesting.” The Harvard-educated Arum has a long background of political awareness mixed with boxing, dating to his early days in the sport as a promoter for Muhammad Ali. He also realizes that Mexican-Americans are the backbone of his sport’s fan base, and Mexico-based beer companies typically are among the biggest sponsors of his megafights whether or not they feature Mexican fighters. Among the top Latino prosHistoric South Initiative pects expected to appear on Supporting Families and Neighborhoods the still-to-be-determined Hi All/Hola Todos!! Happy New Year/Feliz Ano Nuevo!! The next FLOC/Homies Associate Members meeting is Thursday, January 28, 2016 – Doors open at 6pm and meeting starts at 6:30pm – Please make plans to attend and let me know how many will be attending with you. Your support and active involvement is very important, so mark your calendars and get back to me at your earliest convenience. Gracias! Sincerely, Ramón Pérez FLOC LOBOS/Homies Union, 419-243-3456 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa 29 de enero, 2016 Corte Suprema EEUU revisará plan para evitar deportaciones Por MARK SHERMAN, Associated WASHINGTON, DC, 19 I rápidamente una 16 (AP): La Corte Suprema impugnación legal al de Estados Unidos aceptó el programa y hasta el momento martes revisar una orden ha ganado todos los casos en ejecutiva del presidente juzgados. Más Barack Obama para permitir recientemente, en que hasta cinco millones de noviembre, el Tribunal de inmigrantes “salgan de las Apelaciones del Quinto sombras” y trabajen Circuito falló a favor de los legalmente en el país. estados, lo que provocó que Los magistrados dijeron el gobierno federal apelara a que sopesarán desechar la Corte Suprema. sentencias de tribunales El procurador general inferiores que bloquearon las Donald Verrilli Jr. dijo en una acciones ejecutivas de presentación judicial que Obama en momentos en que mantener esas resoluciones se aviva una campaña por las judiciales obligaría a millones candidaturas presidenciales de personas a “seguir ya cargada por el tema. trabajando por fuera de los El caso probablemente registros, sin una opción de sea analizado en abril y se empleo legal para mantener a anuncie una decisión a fina- sus familias”. les de junio, un mes antes de La administración Obama las convenciones de ha alegado que Texas y los nominación presidencial de demás estados ni siquiera los partidos Demócrata y tienen derecho a impugnar el Republicano. plan en tribunales federales. Los inmigrantes que se Los tribunales inferiores beneficiarían con el plan del decidieron que Texas sí tiene gobierno son principalmente el derecho de demandar porque los padres de ciudadanos al menos 500.000 personas que estadounidenses y de viven en Texas calificarían para residentes con permanencia recibir permisos de trabajo y, legal. por lo tanto, podrían obtener El gobierno de Texas licencias de conducir, cuyo lidera a 26 estados en su costo es subsidiado por el mayoría republicanos que estado. “Texas incurriría en han impugnado el plan de millones de dólares de gastos”, inmigración de la dijo el estado en su comunicado administración demócrata. a la Corte Suprema. Hasta el momento, los Los magistrados también tribunales federales se han dijeron que analizarán si alineado con los gobiernos Obama excedió la autoridad estatales al evitar que el que le confieren las leyes gobierno emitiera permisos federales y la Constitución. de trabajo, con lo que los Texas le pidió a la Corte inmigrantes habrían Suprema que no atendiera el comenzado a recibir algunas caso, pero el fiscal general de prestaciones federales. Texas Ken Paxton dijo estar Si al final los magistrados satisfecho de que los respaldan al gobierno de magistrados examinarán el Obama, al presidente le poder constitucional del q u e d a r í a n presidente de usar sus poderes aproximadamente siete sin necesidad de aprobación meses para poner en práctica congresual. “Al decidir sus planes. “Confiamos en escuchar este caso, la Corte que las políticas serán Suprema reconoce la ratificadas como legales”, importancia de la separación dijo la vocera de la Casa de poderes”, opinó Paxton. Blanca, Brandi Hoffine, Funcionarios demócratas y luego de conocerse la acción defensores de los inmigrantes de la corte el martes. elogiaron la acción de la corte. En el centro del debate El líder de los demócratas nacional está el programa en el Senado, Harry Reid, dijo llamado “Deferred Action que “hombres y mujeres for Parents of Americans” respetuosos de las leyes viven (suspensión temporal de bajo el temor constante de ser deportaciones para los pa- separados de sus hijos. Se debe dres de estadounidenses). permitir a estas familias salir de Obama dijo a finales de 2014 las sombras y contribuir que su plan permitiría a las totalmente al país que aman y personas que han vivido en llaman su hogar”. Estados Unidos por más de El futuro de los 11 millones cinco años y que tienen de personas que se calcula que hijos que residen viven en el país sin legalmente en el país “salir autorización se ha discutido de las sombras y cumplir mucho entre los precandidatos con la ley”. presidenciales republicanos y Texas encabezó demócratas. La precandidata favorita en el campo demócrata, Hillary Rodham Clinton, prometió llegar más lejos que Obama para evitar que grandes grupos de inmigrantes sean deportados. El precandidato republicano Donald Trump ha propuesto deportar a todos los que residen sin autorización en Estados Unidos, una idea que fue aceptada por algunos precandidatos republicanos y rechazada por otros. Obama ha alegado que debió actuar por cuenta propia luego de que el Congreso no aprobó una amplia reforma de inmigración. Un programa previo que no ha sido impugnado, llamado “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”, ya protege a los inmigrantes que fueron llevados al país sin autorización durante su niñez. Más de 720.000 jóvenes inmigrantes han recibido permiso bajo ese programa para vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos. La Casa Blanca también dio un giro en sus acciones de control para enfocarse en delincuentes, aquellos que representan una amenaza a la seguridad nacional o a la seguridad pública y personas que cruzaron recientemente las fronteras. El cambio significa que las personas que ya están en el país sin autorización pero que fuera de eso no han violado la ley tienen menos probabilidades de ser deportados. Unas 235.000 personas fueron deportadas en el año fiscal federal que terminó el 30 de septiembre, de acuerdo con el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional. Ese ha sido el número más reducido desde 2006, una caída de 42%, desde un récord de más de 409.000 en 2012. Aun así, el gobierno de Obama fue criticado por demócratas y defensores de los inmigrantes debido a redadas emprendidas este mes y que resultaron en el arresto de más de 120 inmigrantes de Centroamérica que llegaron al país sin autorización desde 2014. Esas personas no están entre los inmigrantes que se beneficiarían del plan de Obama. El periodista de The Associated Press Josh Lederman contribuyó para este despacho Page 3 High court rejects Arizona sheriff’s appeal over immigration - The justices let stand a lower court ruling that said Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio had no legal basis to challenge the program. WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. 19, 2016 (AP): The Supreme Court won’t hear an appeal from an Arizona sheriff seeking to halt President Barack Obama’s plan to spare millions of people from deportation. The justices on Tuesday let stand a lower court ruling that said Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio had no legal basis to challenge the program. Arpaio claimed the program would let more immigrants enter the country illegally, creating a burden on law enforcement from increased crime. A federal judge said Arpaio’s complaints were speculative. The federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., agreed. The high court separately decided to hear another case on Tuesday in which 26 states have challenged the constitutionality of the plan. The federal appeals court in New Orleans last year blocked the program while that lawsuit moves forward. Election-year clash on immigration heads to Supreme Court By MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. expansion of a program that 19, 2016 (AP): The Supreme affects people who came here Court stepped into a boiling illegally as children. That earlier program, Depolitical dispute over immigration Tuesday, setting up a ferred Action for Childhood likely decision in the middle Arrivals (DACA), is not being of a presidential campaign challenged and has resulted in marked by harsh rhetoric about more than 720,000 young immigrants being granted permisimmigrants. The justices agreed to re- sion to live and work in the view whether President Barack United States. When he announced the Obama, acting without congressional approval, has the measures 14 months ago, power to shield from deporta- Obama said he was acting untion up to 5 million immi- der his own authority because grants living in the U.S. ille- Congress had failed to overgally and make them eligible haul the immigration system. to work without fear of being The Senate did pass legislation on a bipartisan vote, but House rounded up. Underscoring the political Republicans refused to put the dimension, the case will be matter to a vote. Texas quickly led a legal argued in April and decided by late June, about a month challenge to Obama’s program before both political parties on behalf of 26 states and has gather for their nominating won every round in court so far. Most recently, in November, conventions. If Obama prevails against the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of opponents led by Republican Appeals ruled in favor of the governors, there would be states, prompting the appeal to roughly seven months left in the Supreme Court. Texas actually asked the Suhis presidency to implement plans that would affect the preme Court not to hear the parents of U.S. citizens and case challenging those rulings, lawful permanent residents, as but state Attorney General Ken well as some people who ar- Paxton said he was pleased the rived in the United States be- justices will examine the president’s constitutional fore they turned 16. “We are confident that the power to intercede without policies will be upheld as law- congressional approval. “In deful,” White House spokes- ciding to hear this case, the woman Brandi Hoffine said Supreme Court recognizes the after the court’s announcement importance of the separation of powers,” Paxton said. Tuesday. The U.S. solicitor general, At issue is the Deferred Action for Parents of Ameri- Donald Verrilli Jr., said in his cans (DAPA) program, which Supreme Court filing that alObama said in late 2014 would lowing the lower court rulings allow people who have been to stand would force millions in the United States more than of people “to continue to work five years and who have chil- off the books, without the opdren who are in the country tion of lawful employment to legally to “come out of the provide for their families.” The administration said shadows and get right with the law.” He also announced the Texas and the other states don’t even have the right to challenge the plan in federal court. The lower courts decided that Texas does have the right, or standing, to sue because at least 500,000 people living in Texas would qualify for work permits and thus become eligible for driver’s licenses, the costs of which are subsidized by the state. “Texas would incur millions of dollars in costs,” the state said in its brief. The justices also said they would consider whether, if the states can pursue their lawsuit, Obama exceeded his authority under federal laws and the Constitution. Some court observers saw in the court’s decision to look at Obama’s power under the Constitution a potentially ominous sign. “It suggests that the court is willing to engage President Obama’s entire use of executive orders,” said Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the nonpartisan National Constitution Center. Still, Democratic officials and immigrants’ advocates praised the court’s action. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said that “lawabiding men and women continue to live in constant fear of being separated from their children. These families must be allowed to step out of the shadows and fully contribute to the country that they love and call home.” The future of the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the country without documentation has been much discussed by Republican and Democratic presidential candidates. Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton has pledged to go further than Obama to protect large groups of immigrants from deportation. Republican Donald Trump has proposed deporting all people who are living in the U.S. without documentation, an idea embraced by some other GOP candidates and dismissed by others. While immigration activists generally have been supportive of Obama, they have criticized his administration for raids this month that resulted in the arrests of more than 120 immigrants from Central America who came to the country without documentation since 2014. Those recent arrivals are not among immigrants who would benefit from Obama’s plan. The raids are part of a shift in the administration’s enforcement actions to focus on criminals, those who pose a threat to national security or public safety, and recent border-crossers. The change means that people who are here without documentation but who are not otherwise violating the law are less likely to face deportation. About 235,000 people were deported in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That was the smallest number since 2006 and a 42 percent drop since a record high of more than 409,000 in 2012. Associated Press writer Josh Lederman contributed to this report. La Prensa—Michigan Página 4 Top young Black and Latino musicians compete for performances, $50,000 cash Detroit, January 11, 2016: The 19th Annual Sphinx Competition for young Black and Latino String Players presented by DTE Energy Foundation and hosted by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the Max M. Fisher Music Center: key artistic partner and exclusive home of the 2016 Sphinx Competition, will bring 20 of the country’s top young Black and Latino string players to Southeast Michigan. Over the past 19 years, Sphinx artists have made more than 250 solo appearances with orchestras around the country, engaged 100,000 young people in schools and community centers nationwide, and reached 5 million in broadcast audiences. This year’s guest artist is Brasil Guitar Duo, an outstanding guitar duo and winner of the 2006 concert artist guild international competition. The Sphinx Competition, to be held February 3-February 7, 2016 at the Max M. Fisher Music Center will feature performances and professional development opportu- nities for all participants. Selected from a national pool of applicants, the 20 Semi-Finalists will compete for more than $100,000 in prizes, performance opportunities with major orchestras across the country, and fulltuition scholarships to leading music institutions. This year’s semi-finalists range in age from 13 to 25, and hail from 13 states. Each year, young Black and Latino string players from around the country audition for the competition, which has awarded more than $1 million in prizes and scholarships since 1998. Junior Division Laureates will compete for first place at the Honors Concert on Friday, February 5th, at 12:00PM. The Senior Division culminates in the Finals Concert Sunday, February 7th, at 2:00PM. Both concerts will be held at Max M. Fisher Music Center. The Honors concert will be held in the Music Box and the Finals Competition will be held in Orchestra Hall. Both the Honors and Finals Concerts will feature the Sphinx Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andrew Grams. The all-Black-and-Latino Sphinx Symphony Orchestra brings together renowned professional musicians from around the country. Tickets to the Finals Concert are available at the Max M. Fisher Music Center box office at or 313-5765111. Ticket prices are $15 for general admission. For group discount information (10 people or more), please contact DeRon Wilson at (313) 576-5111 or [email protected]. EDITOR’S NOTE: The DTE Energy Foundation is the philanthropic arm of DTE Energy. The Foundation directs its contributions and involvement to support initiatives dedicated to developing the human and economic potential of the communities it serves. The Sphinx Organization transforms lives through the power of diversity in the arts. Learn more at Former US Marine released from Iran back home in Michigan By MIKE HOUSEHOLDER, Associated Press FLINT, Jan. 21, 2016 (AP): day how disbelief turned to A former U.S. Marine recently joy when he and three fellow released from Iran in a pris- Americans realized they were oner-swap deal returned to being freed. his home state of Michigan Asked about his 41/2 years on Thursday and thanked in an Iranian prison, Hekmati those who “traveled this road said “it wasn’t good,” but that with me.” his Marine training helped susThe plane carrying Amir tain him. Hekmati arrived at Flint’s Hekmati was born in AriBishop International Airport, zona and raised in Michigan. and he emerged to waiting His family is in the Flint area. He reporters and well-wishers, was detained in August 2011 including members of the on espionage charges. He says American Legion. he went to Iran to visit family “Many people have trav- and spend time with his ailing eled this road with me,” said grandmother. After his arrest, Hekmati, 32, on the tarmac. family members say they were Despite his ordeal, he added, told to keep the matter quiet. “I’m standing here healthy ... Convicted by an Iranian with my head held high.” court of spying and sentenced Hekmati had been at the to death in 2012, Hekmati was U.S. military’s Landstuhl Re- later retried and given a 10-year gional Medical Center in sentence on a lesser charge. Germany since his weekend “I was at a point where I had release. He recounted Tues- just sort of accepted the fact that I was going to be spending 10 years in prison, so this was a surprise and I just feel truly blessed to see my government do so much for me and the other Americans,” Hekmati had told reporters outside Landstuhl. Hekmati and his family deny any wrongdoing, and say his imprisonment included physical and mental torture and long periods of solitary confinement in a tiny cell. He has said he feels lucky and humbled by the support he received from those campaigning for his release. He also has expressed gratitude to President Barack Obama, the U.S. Congress and his other supporters, reserving special thanks for the U.S. Marine Corps. Latino Youth Conference busca presentadores que deseen compartir sus experiencias con la juventud. Por: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa GRAND RAPIDS: El requerimientos, lo único que Comité Organizador de la deben saber es que es una Conferencia Anual de la presentación voluntaria, no Juventud Latina (Latino reciben ningún pago”. En años Youth Conference) invita a anteriores se ha contado con todos los interesados en presentadores de diferentes compartir sus experiencias partes del Estado de Michicon la juventud latina a gan. formar parte, como De entre todas las presentadores, del programa propuestas, se elegirán de la 17ª Conferencia Anual, alrededor de 10 ya que durante para lo cual deben enviar LYC se presentan al menos 10 sus propuestas a más tardar conferencias con diferentes el próximo viernes 5 de temas para que el estudiante febrero. Cabe destacar que pueda seleccionar la que más la Conferencia se llevará a le agrade. “Al día de hoy, ya cabo el 8 de marzo [2016] tenemos varias propuestas y de 9:00am a 2:00 p.m. en estamos seguros que Grand Rapids Community seguiremos recibiendo hasta College Gerald Ford el 5 de febrero. Algunos de los Fieldhouse. temas que han llamado más la Bob & Aleicia Woodrick atención en años anteriores, Diversity Learning Center han sido: Liderazgo, de Grand Rapids Commu- Autoestima, Planeación nity College (GRCC) Financiera, Educación y presenta la Conferencia Preparación para estudiar una Anual de la Juventud Latina Carrera. Es importante que los que fue creada para alentar y interesados manden sus motivar a todos los jóvenes propuestas lo antes posible, a luchar por la excelencia sobre el tema que desean hablar educativa. Se tiene la y nosotros las evaluamos, para esperanza de que esta saber si aceptamos el tema conferencia ayude a que los planteado o les realizamos estudiantes se den cuenta de alguna sugerencia”, agregó que la educación superior es Jennifer A. Smith. necesaria para un futuro Al igual que en años exitoso. pasados, el tema principal de Por eso la importancia de la Conferencia es: El poder de invitar a profesionales que los sueños, El Poder de Soñar. deseen compartir con los LYC celebra la cultura latina, jóvenes sus experiencias a hace hincapié en la través de una presentación importancia de una educación que tenga una duración de e ilumina el poder del sueño de 45 a 50 minutos. Jennifer A. cada individuo. Smith, Apoyo a la Educación Todos los estudiantes de Superior de Bob & Aleicia octavo grado, de las diferentes Woodrick Diversity Learn- escuelas del Condado de Kent, ing Center, dijo que todos son invitados. Entrada los años se realiza un con- Gratuita. Este año se espera curso para seleccionar a los contar con alrededor de 800 a presentadores. 900 estudiantes. “Los interesados nos Favor de enviar todas las envían sus propuestas de lo propuestas a más tardar el que desean hablar y nosotros viernes 5 de febrero al correo revisamos lo que tenemos [email protected] o bien, por para ver si les damos la correo regular a Woodrick Dioportunidad de formar parte versity Learning Center, del programa”, agregó la Grand Rapids Community entrevistada. “La College, 143 Bostwick Ave convocatoria está abierta a NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503todas las personas de la 3295 comunidad que estén Durante LYC se otorgan interesadas en compartir sus becas por un monto de $ 1.000 experiencias con los a los estudiantes del último estudiantes, no hay grado de secundaría que sean L a P r e n s a N e w s pa p e r Aztlán Communications, Inc. Publisher Advertising: Rubén Torres Adrianne Kolasinski Mary DiVeto María Molina Rico 440-320-8221 216-688-9045 313-729-4435 419-242-7744 419-870-6565 Lorain/Cleveland Sales Manager NW Ohio and MI Sales Manager Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Sales, Graphics, Editing Editorial: Adrianne Chasteen II Isabel Flores Arooj Ashraf Kevin Milliken Junior Correspondent Latin America Correspondent Midwest Correspondent Special Contributor Art/Graphics/WebSite: Jennifer Retholtz Graphics & Web Manager Aztlán Communications Inc. SALES: PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176 419.870-2797 or 440-320-8221 E-mail: [email protected] Since 1989 January 29, 2016 www .la pr .lapr Copyright 1989 - 2016 by La Prensa Publications, Inc. Visit us on Facebook at: seleccionados de acuerdo a los siguientes requisitos: Ser de la Herencia Hispana. Estar en una de las siguientes categorías: Logro Académico (GPA de 3.0 o superior) y Progreso Académico (GPA de 2,00 a 2,99). Este año se entregarán cuatro becas el próximo 8 de Marzo, durante la conferencia. La convocatoria fue cerrada el pasado 15 de diciembre. Es importante mencionar que LYC se preocupa por involucrar a los jóvenes en la planeación, por eso cada año lanza una convocatoria para que los estudiantes de octavo a doceavo grado, presenten propuestas artísticas para usar en la promoción del evento. El objetivo del concurso es reconocer el arte de los estudiantes que se centra en la cultura, la herencia latina y el entusiasmo para continuar con la educación superior. Ésta debe ser una obra única tridimensional que refleje el tema de la conferencia: “El poder de los sueños” o “El poder de soñar”. La obra ganadora es utilizada como portada en el programa, afiches y volantes promocionales. Los ganadores de la Conferencia 2016 son: 1er lugar: Jazmín Zavala, Campus Suroeste de la Comunidad. Segundo lugar: Edith Reyes, Union High School. 3er lugar: Halima A. Suleiman, Innovación Central High School. Los premios que recibieron, son: 1er lugar $ 200.00, segundo lugar $ 100.00, y 3er lugar $ 50.00 Cabe destacar que a través de los años, LYC ha logrado alentar y motivar a todos los jóvenes a luchar por la excelencia educativa. Han sido expuestos a voces nacionales que les han dado la motivación necesaria para superar los obstáculos y lograr sus objetivos tanto individuales como comunitarios. LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 29 de enero, 2016 La Prensa—Ohio Page 5 How to qualify for a mortgage when searching for a new home When it comes to deciding the location, size and look of a home, most first time home buyers already have a clear idea of what they want. However, some may need a little more guidance to understand what is needed to purchase the home. “There is so much information available about qualifying for a mortgage that understanding the details can be overwhelming. That is why it is best to make an appointment to talk with a lender so you can understand options available to you,” said Tasha Jacobs, Mortgage Lender at First Federal Bank. There are three major factors that determine if an individual can qualify for a mortgage: down payment, creditworthiness and Debt-To-Income (DTI) ratio. Down Payments – There is a common misconception that you need a 20% down payment to purchase a home, however, there are other options available. Buyers with lower income or higher credit scores can qualify for lending programs that require a smaller down payment. “More of my clients are taking advantage of lower down payment options. With the cost of Private Mortgage Insur- ance (PMI) being more cost effective than a decade ago, new doors are opening for buyers,” said Ms. Jacobs. PMI could be an additional cost to your monthly mortgage payment if you purchase a home with less than a 20% down payment. Creditworthiness – Most homebuyers think that their creditworthiness is purely based on their credit score. While it is an important factor, it is not the only thing that is assessed when applying for a mortgage. To qualify for most lending programs, a buyer will need a credit score of at least 620. A lender will also require buyers to provide a months’ worth of pay stubs, two years of W-2s or tax returns and bank statements for the two most recent months. These additional factors will determine a buyer’s creditworthiness. “We advise buyers to avoid opening new credit cards or applying for new loans before purchasing a home to avoid increased credit debt on your credit history report,” said Ms. Jacobs. Debt-To-Income Ratio Debt-To-Income Ratio is used to measure your ability to manage payments by taking your gross monthly debt divided by your gross monthly income. To calculate, start by adding all recurring monthly debt payments (loans, minimum credit card payments, child support and alimony). This does not include day-to-day expenses like gas and groceries. Next, determine your monthly income factoring in wages, salaries, tips and bonuses, pensions, social security child support and alimony. Finally divide your two totals and multiple by 100 percent. There are many ways to go about obtaining a mortgage. Working with the right lender can make all of the difference. “I spend a great deal of time with first-time home buyers answering questions,” said Ms. Jacobs. “I find that taking the extra time to help them understand their options leads to more confident buyers and makes the home buying experience more enjoyable.” According to its website, “NURTURES is a partnership between the University of Toledo…, Toledo Public Schools, local daycare centers and nursery schools, informal science centers, and community resources, working together to create a complementary, integrated system of science education for preschool through third grade in the Toledo area.” The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library was the venue on Jan. 23, 2016, where a variety of activities were enjoyed by hundreds of students. Visit: Adelante to host pair of information & input meetings, January 27 and 29th By La Prensa Staff The Broadway Corridor Coalition is engaged in a planning process to beautify and bring up that section of the Old South End, a gateway to downtown Toledo, as a point of pride to residents, businesses, and commuters headed to the new ProMedica corporate campus under construction. The Toledo Design Center has been assisting that effort since late 2014. The goal is to create a consensus vision that can be officially adopted by the organizations and individuals represented by the umbrella group as a master plan. The document created will serve as a guide to the continued redevelopment of the neighborhood. The plan is considered a living, breathing document, depending on the input of the stakeholders involved. There are currently master plan recommendations that were built on public forums held over the past 18 months. But those emerging plans need to be thoroughly vetted, according to organizers of the effort. So more input is being sought from neighborhood groups to refine and revise the plan toward a finished Master Plan. On Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016, 10 a.m., Adelante, 520 Broadway St., will host a presentation from the Toledo Design Center and a discussion on the efforts to date. There will also be a Latino Local Conversation on Health at Adelante on Friday, Jan. 29, 10 a.m. This information will ask a few basic questions of participants, including if Latino health has improved for the community’s families since 2011. Another big question needing input s if the Affordable Care Act has improved the health conditions of Latino families in Toledo. That information and input will be compiled into a state report about the health needs of Latino families in Ohio. That report also will cover Latino priority health needs in the areas of capacity building, services, and infrastructure. Walk With Metroparks Up To Four Days A Week January 25, 2016: Everyone, it seems, is counting their steps, perhaps trying to stick to a New Year’s resolution. Metroparks is, too. Now you can walk with a member of park district’s staff four days a week and explore different Metroparks while meeting your personal fitness goals. Good Health is Just a Walk in the Park began last year at Wildwood Preserve and has now expanded to include four parks on four week days. La Chiquita MARKET Tienda Mexicana Productos mexicanos, carnicería, pan todos los días. Los fines de semana: carnitas, barbacoa, birria de chivo, tamales y mucho más. 136 E. Beecher St. Adrian, MI 49221 517- 264-5126 ACEPTAMOS CARDS. ENVIOS DE DINERO EN EEUU Y AL EXTRANJERO The 50 minute walks are free, but registration is requested. Sign up at Schedule: • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 11 a.m. at Wildwood Preserve. Meet at the Visitors Center. • Mondays, 9 a.m. at Pearson. Meet at parking lot 9. • Wednesdays (starting February 10), 6 p.m. at Secor. Meet in the Photography Center parking lot for this after-dark walk. • Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. at Oak Openings Preserve. Meet the Buehner Center, the Mallard Lake Area. Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-241-8284 La Prensa Page 6 Juanes y Legend conmovidos por trato “inhumano” a migrantes Por VALERIA FERNANDEZ, Associated Press PHOENIX, Arizona, 21 I 16 emotivo fue cuando llegaron (AP): La realidad que viven en a un cuarto donde se estaba Arizona los inmigrantes sin dando misa, donde había documentos para residir varias mujeres rezando y se les legalmente en el país conmovió acercaron emocionadas a a los cantantes Juanes y John bendecirlos. Una de ellas pidió Legend, quienes visitaron el “que por favor hablemos por miércoles un centro de ellos, porque ellos tienen la detenciones en el estado y boca cerrada”. “Tengo tres hijos y de escucharon testimonios dentro pensar por un instante que me y fuera del lugar. “Yo les pregunté por qué puede pasar algo así, de estar (soportan todo esto), si Ari- en una cárcel como esa y mis zona tiene una política que es hijos no saber nada de mi vida, inhóspita contra ustedes. Y me me da una angustia tremenda”, contestaron que para ellos es dijo Juanes. El centro de detenciones mucho peor regresar a su país”, dijo Legend en una entrevista que visitaron Juanes y Legcon The Associated Press. “Para end es administrado por la muchos, toda su familia está corporación privada Correcaquí. Muchos temen por su vida tions Corporation of America si regresan a su casa, temen por (CCA) y ha estado en el ojo del sus familias, y esta es la única huracán tras la muerte de dos inmigrantes el año pasado. opción”. “Es una compañía que hace Juanes y Legend visitaron por la mañana el Centro de dinero a través de la detención personas, tiene Detenciones de Eloy, Arizona, de a unos 96 kilómetros (60 millas) correccionales en todo el país de la ciudad de Phoenix, como y centros de detención. Es parte de la campaña bueno para ellos que más gente (hash)FREEAMERICA del sea encarcelada, y cabildean por leyes más restrictivas y cantautor estadounidense. El rockero colombiano se punitivas porque alimenta su unió por invitación de Legend negocio”, dijo Legend. El músico estadounidense a esta iniciativa para protestar contra las corporaciones que destacó que los ciudadanos lucran del encarcelamiento tienen que estar enterados de masivo de personas, en este que las compañías hacen caso inmigrantes en proceso dinero a través de la detención de deportación, y juntos dieron de inmigrantes. “Nuestro dinero como un pequeño concierto en las contribuyentes se está afueras del recinto. Legend dijo que hay una gastando en eso”, agregó. La AP contactó a Correcintersección entre el sistema de correccionales tions Corporations of America estadounidenses y las cárceles y refirieron todas las preguntas privadas que detienen a a la Policía de Inmigración y Aduanas que está a cargo del inmigrantes. “Lo vemos como parte del centro, pero no obtuvo mismo sistema”, dijo Legend. respuesta. La visita de ambos artistas “Para ser claro, ninguno de estos detenidos está allí porque surgió después de que la cometió algún crimen. Su única c a m p a ñ a infracción es que estaban aquí ( h a s h ) F R E E A M E R I C A sin documentos, eso es los que contactara a la Red Nacional los llevó a estar ahí, y no tener de Jornaleros y Jornaleras el dinero para pagar una (NDLON, por sus siglas en inglés) manifestando su fianza”. Ambos artistas realizaron interés por visitar Arizona y un recorrido por las conocer más de la situación. Por la tarde, Juanes y Leginstalaciones del centro, que tiene más de 1.500 personas end escucharon por más de encarceladas que enfrentan un una hora los testimonios de diversos inmigrantes proceso de deportación. “Creo que la oportunidad y impactados por las políticas el sueño de tener una vida migratorias en el país en un mejor, escapar de la violencia salón comunitario de la generalizada en muchos de los organización PUENTE, que países nuestros, no puede aboga por frenar las convertirte en un criminal para deportaciones. Entre ellos llegar aquí. Lo que he estaban una mujer transgénero aprendido hoy es que el trato es que huyó de la violencia en bastante inhumano”, dijo México, un joven que fue Juanes a la AP. “Una reforma deportado directamente del migratoria es más que necesaria, hospital después de sufrir un yo creo que es una necesidad accidente y varias familias que casi ya humanitaria, urgente están pidiendo asilo político para este país que ha sido en Estados Unidos, como alimentado por los María Goméz. Goméz, una joven de 16 inmigrantes”. Juanes dijo que los años, dijo que ella y su familia inmigrantes en Estados Unidos habían sido secuestrados en se han convertido en “esos México. Pudo ingresar al país invisibles que nadie ve pero pidiendo asilo, pero sus hermanos en cambio fueron que están ahí”. Relató que tras ingresar al detenidos cuando solicitaron centro de detenciones se les esa protección y llevan 10 advirtió que si intentaban meses en Eloy con una fianza hablar con los reclusos acabaría de 45.000 dólares que no el tour. Para él, el momento más pueden costear. “Nosotros veníamos a estar felices aquí, pero están peor ahí, se están traumando más”, dijo la joven a los artistas. “Ya no quieren aguantar. Se quieren ir para México, (si regresan) los van a matar y ya no los voy a volver a ver”. Por la mañana, al salir del centro, los artistas dieron un breve concierto sobre un escenario improvisado en el que interpretaron algunas de sus más conocidas canciones ante unas 250 personas. Juanes, acompañado por su guitarra, cantó “Odio por Amor” y “A Dios le pido”; Legend, sentado frente a un piano, “All Of Me” y el clásico de Marvin Gaye “What’s Going On?”. Juan Miguel Cornejo, de 38 años, migrante mexicano que estuvo detenido en Eloy por más de 7 meses hasta que fue liberado en diciembre, habló desde ese escenario. “Mi corazón se me quiebra al ver que están estos edificios ahí”, dijo Cornejo. “Vamos a seguir luchando por la liberación de todos los compañeros”. El sonido de la guitarra de Juanes podía llegar claramente hasta la acera de enfrente, más allá de los alambrados de púa del reclusorio. Juanes y Legend han estado involucrados en activismo a lo largo de sus carreras. Legend lanzó el año p a s a d o (hash)FREEAMERICA y visitó varias correccionales por todo el país. Juanes es también un filántropo que aboga por la paz a través de su organización Mi Sangre y otras de las que forma parte, como ALAS. Ambos cantaron juntos en la ceremonia de los Latin Grammy en el 2008. Por la tarde, cerraron su visita a Arizona con un último concierto para unas 400 personas en las instalaciones de la organización PUENTE, en Phoenix, donde tocaron algunas de las mismas canciones que habían interpretado horas antes. Legend lamentó en la entrevista con la AP la retórica negativa hacia los extranjeros y migrantes en este país en relación a las campañas políticas. Dijo que “los políticos están capitalizando en el temor para conseguir votos”. “Esta nación es una nación de inmigrantes. Mis ancestros llegaron como esclavos, pero la mayoría de la gente vino de otros países, vinieron buscando una mejor vida”, expresó el músico, aclarando que se apoderaron de las tierras de los nativos americanos. “Tenemos que tener cuidado de sentirnos dueños de esta tierra. Cuando nuestros vecinos del sur llegan buscando una mejor vida, tenemos que ser sensibles con el hecho de que nuestros ancestros hicieron lo mismo”. January 29, 2016 Detroit native Glenn Frey, prolific Eagles singer-songwriter-bandleader, dies By MESFIN FEKADU, AP Music Writer NEW YORK, Jan. 19, moody soft rock track, is a 2016 (AP): As the Eagles classic. “Hotel California” was co-founder, singer and songwriter Glenn Frey mas- just one of the Eagles’ tunes tered the mix of rock ‘n’ roll to peak atop the Billboard and country music, and the Hot 100 chart: “Heartache band’s hits—including Tonight,” “New Kid in “Hotel California” and Town,” “One of These “Take It Easy,” both co-writ- Nights” and “Best of My ten by Frey—helped define Love” also went to No. 1. Frey and Henley wrote the 1970s. Frey died Monday of most of their hits and were complications from rheuma- known as one of the top toid arthritis, acute ulcer- songwriting teams. Two of ative colitis and pneumonia the band’s albums would go in New York at age 67. He on to rank among the topwas born in Detroit and selling albums ever released: formed the band with Don “Eagles, Their Greatest Hits Henley in 1971 in Los An- (1971-1975)” and 1976s “Hotel California” each sold geles. Frey and Henley came more than 20 million copies. from humble beginnings af- It’s a rare feat for an artist of ter playing back-up to an- any genre and made the other legend, Linda Eagles the best-selling USRonstadt, and later forming American group of all-time. The band, however, called the Eagles when signing with David Geffen’s Asylum it quits in 1980 in dramatic Records. Their sound would fashion at a political go on to successfully blend fundraiser as threats were exrock and country—some- changed between band memthing others tried but was bers during their performastered by the Eagles. Who mance, which was explored else has won Grammy in the 2013 documentary, Awards—stretched across “History of the Eagles.” Other 1975 and 2008—in the rock, drama followed the group: pop and country categories? After getting a brutal busiThe band released some ness ultimatum from Frey, of the most popular songs of Don Felder left the reunited the 1970s: “Take It Easy,” group; guitarist Bernie written by Frey and Jackson Leadon poured beer over Browne, is irresistible with Frey’s head as he exited the Frey singing lead and the band; and there’s bassist band’s harmonies intact, and Randy Meisner leaving when “Hotel California,” the he didn’t want to sing “Take It to the Limit,” his signature song. After they disbanded, Frey recorded solo albums and achieved hits with the songs “You Belong to the City” and “The Heat is On.” A whopping 14 years after their 1980 breakup, the Eagles were back, and they launched their “Hell Freezes Over” tour, named funnily after the band famously said it wouldn’t reunite “until hell freezes over.” In 1998, the Eagles were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. A year after that, the Recording Industry Association of America named the Eagles to its list of Artists of the Century, alongside the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand, Elton John, and Garth Brooks. Henley said Frey was like a brother to him and the bond they forged 45 years ago was never broken, even during the time the Eagles were dissolved. “We were two young men who made the pilgrimage to Los Angeles with the same dream,” he said, “to make our mark in the music industry.” And that they did. This story has been corrected to say “rock ‘n’ roll” instead of “rock ‘n’ rock” in lead. El Dalai Lama recibe tratamiento de próstata en Clínica Mayo ROCHESTER, Minnesota, 21 I 16 (AP): El Dalai Lama se encuentra internado en la Clínica Mayo en Estados Unidos para recibir tratamiento a un padecimiento en la próstata. La clínica ubicada en Rochester, Minnesota, señaló el miércoles en un comunicado que el líder budista tibetano de 80 años de edad recibe tratamiento para un padecimiento en la próstata “que es común en hombres de su edad”. En el texto se indica que sus médicos no reportan mayor preocupación y se espera que “responda bien al tratamiento y se recupere en su totalidad”. El Dalai Lama había informado previamente de su viaje a Estados Unidos para recibir atención médica en la próstata y realizarse una revisión general de su salud, aunque no tenía “quejas de salud específicas”. En septiembre pasado, él canceló una serie de presentaciones en Estados Unidos ante el consejo de sus doctores estadounidenses, quienes le pidieron descansar durante varias semanas tras una revisión médica. LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa 29 de enero, 2016 El Festival Internacional de Cine de Toledo presenta: “No se Aceptan Devoluciones” de Eugenio Derbez Por: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa Pasan 7 años y TOLEDO, 30 I 16: Como parte del segundo Festival Maggie (Loreto Internacional de Cine de To- Peralta) tiene una ledo, el próximo sábado 30 de relación muy enero a las 4:30pm se estrecha con su presentará la película “No se padre. Al igual que aceptan Devoluciones” (In- muchos niños en structions Not Included), en el este país, se Ohio Theatre and Event Cen- convierte en la ter, ubicado en el 3114 de la traductora de su calle Lagrange. El costo del padre, ya que boleto si se compra con Valentín se resiste anticipación es de $8 dólares. aprender inglés, $10 dólares en caso de por ser un idioma comprarse en la puerta el mismo que no le agrada. lo día de la presentación. Boletos Maggie al disponibles en acompaña trabajo y le ayuda El filme “No se aceptan para darse a devoluciones”, dirigido y entender con los demás. Esta protagonizado por el actor situación permitió que mexicano Eugenio Derbez, muchos hispanos se sintieran hizo historia al convertirse en identificados y recomendaran la cinta de habla hispana que la película. Cuando todo parece ser más recauda en su fin de semana de estreno. La película se perfecto, Julie reaparece, presentó el 6 de septiembre de dispuesta a recuperar a su hija. 2013 en Los Ángeles, Lub- El mundo de Maggy se bock, Memphis, Miami, Min- derrumba no solo por las neapolis, Nueva York, Nuevo mentiras en las que vivió Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, gracias a que su padre quería Seattle, Denver, Detroit y Hous- construirle un mundo perton, entre otras ciudades, con fecto, sino también por conocer a la pareja de su 400 copias. Eugenio Derbez debuta madre. Los padres inician una como director en esta historia lucha legal por quedarse con que habla sobre la paternidad la niña. El mundo perfecto que no deseada que puede cambiar tu vida… para bien. Es un trata de construir Valentín agradable drama-cómico para para su hija, hizo que algunos críticos compararan la toda la familia. “No se Aceptan película con ‘La vida es Devoluciones” muestra la bella’ (‘La vita è bella’, vida de Valentín, un soltero 1997), la cinta con la que mujeriego que vive en Roberto Benigni conquistó Acapulco, Guerrero; en Hollywood y medio mundo. donde disfruta del mar, el sol Una comparación muy y las chicas turistas que comprensible, por el hecho acuden al lugar de de que presenta a un hombre vacaciones. Su vida un tanto irresponsable que transcurre sin preocupaciones se encuentra de buenas a y con mucha diversión, hasta primeras a cargo de un bebé que un día, una mujer de su y se desarrolla una tierna pasado llamada Julie (Jessica relación. Al respecto, Eugenio Lindsay) lo visita con la noticia de que es padre, le Derbez escribió en su sitio deja al bebé en su puerta y web: “La Vida es Bella” me desaparece, dejándolo con su hizo darme cuenta que las grandes comedias están “paternidad no deseada”. Valentín decide hacer lo llenas de corazón. Chaplin, que sea para devolver al bebé Marcel Marceau y hasta y viaja a Los Ángeles en Cantinflas son grandes búsqueda de Julie, pero al no ejemplos para entender que encontrarla y enfrentarse con la gran comedia incluye un una serie de accidentes, un mensaje, algo significativo, importante productor de Hol- algo verdadero” “No se Aceptan lywood (Daniel Raymont) lo contrata para ser doble de Devoluciones” proporciona cine. Ahí es donde Valentín varios elementos cómicos al se ve obligado a madurar y principio y poco a poco van convertirse en un verdadero cambiando con la llegada de padre al encontrar un hogar Julie en la vida de Maggie. El final es completamente para él y su hija Maggie. inesperado y arrancó las lágrimas de millones de espectadores. Por lo que se podría considerar que es una película que reúne tanto elementos de risa, amor, drama y llanto. Entre otras cosas, el éxito de la película se debió a que si bien, Derbez es un desconocido en Hollywood, tiene una enorme cantidad de seguidores hispanos, por sus famosos programas cómicos, como: Al Derecho y al Derbez, Derbez en Cuando, La familia P. Luche, entre otras, que llevan años mostrándose una y otra vez en México, Latinoamerica y Estados Unidos. Eugenio Derbez Nace el 2 de septiembre de 1961. Es hijo de una de las grandes actrices del cine, teatro y televisión en México, Sylvia Derbez, así como de Eugenio González Salas, publicista de gran renombre. Eugenio estudió la carrera de Dirección de Cine en el Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía, y cursó la carrera de Actuación en el Centro de Educación Artística de Televisa. Cuenta con estudios de danza, música y canto. Domina además, tanto el idioma español como el inglés. Debido a su increíble habilidad para transformarse en cualquier personaje que él cree o imite, Eugenio es sin lugar a dudas el actor cómico más reconocido de México y gran parte de Latinoamérica. Ha logrado capturar el mercado hispano en los Estados Unidos; sus fans son miembros no sólo de la comunidad de habla hispana sino de la comunidad hispana de habla inglesa también. Page 7 Latin-focused comedy from new digital studio ‘Mas Mejor’ By FRAZIER MOORE, AP Television Writer NEW YORK, Jan. 19, tries and in this country, and 2016 (AP): You think the working with them to create online comedy supply is online content,” he says. “I good enough? haven’t done enough directWell, now it’s getting ing, where I don’t have to jump better. At least, that’s the in front of the camera, as much call to arms of Mas Mejor, a as I love it.” He’ll be on-camera new comedy studio for digi- for some Mas Mejor videos, tal content powered by “but I like the discomfort of Latino voices, both well- NOT jumping in front of the known and emerging—and camera.” whose name, a joking gram“I think it’s really cool that mar-twisted idiom, trans- we can show that Latins can lates into something like make comedy in both English “More better.” and in Spanish,” says David Launched by Broadway López, a member of the talent Video, which produces pool with two dozen videos in “Saturday Night Live” and the works. “Some of them might many other shows, Mas be very Latin. Some will just be Mejor has assembled a tal- a Latin guy making funny vident lineup of Latino com- eos.” ics, sketch comedians and A good place to start with producers whose videos Mas Mejor is at its own website. will be distributed across There you might find a Mas Mejor’s channels and Latin-centric comic video other social platforms. about girls gone wild as tourAmong the talent roster: ists overwhelmed in Mexico “SNL” alumni Horatio Sanz City, where the motto is: “Live and Fred Armisen. it to believe it—if you can surIn a recent interview, vive it.” Armisen (who, half-VenOr a parody commercial for ezuelan, is already busy that finds with “Portlandia” and Ronaldo, in a satisfied testibandleader duties on “Late monial, declaring, “I used to Night with Seth Meyers”) think I was Mexican. But then says he’s psyched about his I sent my DNA to behind-the-scenes Mas and it turns Mejor responsibilities. out I’m almost half rapist!” “I’m going to be finding A universal topic for lamtalent and comedians in pooning: people who like to Spanish-speaking coun- text while out in public. “Looking at your cellphone while you’re walking is dangerous for you and for the ones around you,” warns a voiceover. “It’s time to stop.” The answer: a “Seeing Eye Dog for Social Media Junkies” as they focus exclusively on their screen. Meanwhile, Armisen and Sanz are onboard in a video reprising their “SNL” roles as Cuban toy collectors who provide Spanish-language commentary, with English subtitles, on handling the American toys they exactingly un-package. What’s next for Mas Mejor in its mission to seed Latino comedy through cyberspace? “I think that we don’t know what it’s actually going to be,” says Armisen, “which is the fun of it. It’s almost like setting up a tent somewhere and building a campfire and, you’re like, ‘I think this is a good spot.”’ To start laughing. EDITOR’S NOTE: Frazier Moore is a national television columnist for The Associated Press. He can be reached at fmoore(at) and at http:// Past stories are available at Online: IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS? SVETLANA SCHREIBER Preguntas o problemas de Inmigración Hablamos español • Asylum • Deportation • Visas • Family • Business • Same Sex Marriage ¡Consulta Gratis! Free Consultation ABOGADA SVETLANA SCHREIBER 2510 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44114 216-621-7292 1-866-553-4643 For consideration of the Deferred DREAM Application, contact us today! LA PRENSA SALES: COLUMBUS & TOLEDO 419-870-2797 or 614-571-2051 Página 8 La Prensa January 29, 2016 La Prensa 29 de enero, 2016 Página 9 Strategic Financial Consulting INCOME TAX SERVICE SERVICIO DE INCOME TAX • • • Trámites de ITIN o Nuestro autorizado por el IRS precertificación velocidades de proceso los documentos o ¿No tiene número de Seguro Social? ¡No hay problema! o Incluye Traducciones Preparación de Impuestos Electrónico Revisión gratuita de sus declaraciones de impuestos de años anteriores o Todavía puede presentar 2012-2013-2014 o Usted puede calificar para un reembolso. ¿Sabia que todavía puede presentar los impuestos, incluso si usted es indocumentado? ¡Reciba lo máximo de su reembolso de Income Tax con o sin un número de Seguro Social! • • • Maria Guel Processing ITIN’s o Our IRS-authorized precertification of qualifying documents speeds process o No Social Security Number? No Problem! o Includes Translations Electronic Processing of Tax Returns Free review of your previous years’ tax returns o You can still file 2012-2013-2014 o You may qualify for a refund Did you know: Even if you are not documented, you can still file? Get the maximum refund – with or without a social security number! Professional Service, and Guaranteed! ¡Servicio Profesional y Garantizado! Open all year to serve you ¡Abierto todo el año para servirle! 738 South Saint Clair St. (419) 407 4142 (SS Peter & –Paul Church) Meet Maria Guel every Sunday at SS Peter & Paul Hall (419) 407 – 4142 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm or by appointment. 2 LOCATIONS 3237 West Sylvania Suite 200 (419) 417 4141 (419) 407 ––4141 Usted puede ver a María Guel todos los domingos en el salón de la iglesia SS Peter & Paul de 9:00am a 2:00pm o bien, realizando una cita previa. La Prensa Page 10 Exchange Program exposes Chinese students to life in Ohio, Michigan, & L.A. (Continued from Page 1) it through our traditional school day without falling asleep, because their bodies are so used to that routine." But the ACES program director also explained the Chinese students are in school until 4 to 6 p.m. each weekday, then head home for about four hours more of studies at home before being granted any free time. Some kids even study until about midnight, she noted. The students also attend fun and education-related activities throughout the region. Two days after their arrival, the Chinese students spent the better part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday at Imagination Station. ACES coordinates those activities, because they are required by China's dept. of education. Other trips will include a visit to the Toledo Zoo's new aquarium, a University of Toledo Rockets basketball game, a nature hike at Maumee Bay State Park, roller skating at Ohio Skate in Maumee, and space-related programming at the Challenger Learning Center in Oregon. Ms. Virag expects the children to be snapping photo after photo during the nature walk, because she did not see many animals on her own trip to China last summer. She also noted you don't hear birds chirping or dogs barking like you'd expect in your own backyard in the United States. "I didn't see 15 animals the whole time I was there and I visited five different provinces," she said. "I saw not even ten birds, two cats, a dog, and a goat chained to a fence. When they come here, they're taking pictures of the squirrels, everything. We could never understand the significance of these animals that we take for granted every single day." One of the big roles of the host families is to help the Chinese students brush up on their conversational English. The students are introduced to a foreign language as early as the first grade, but they only know rudimentary grammar, spelling, and the like. "Even their English teachers' language skills are not 100 percent. By the end of three weeks, it's amazing how quickly their brains sponge up the English and they are giving you full sentences by the third week," said Ms. Virag. "The first week is tricky. You're using a lot of body language and we give them phrases and a chart with basic phrases-are you hungry, are you tired." ACES, now in its 20th year, also administers U.S. State Dept. scholarships to study language abroad for US-American students ages 14 to 17. There has been interest from other countries to expand the Young Ambassador program to include middle school students from México, Perú, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, and others. The stumbling blocks are finding a way to hold the program in the summer and host schools willing to provide language and cultural classes. "If you're ever thinking about visiting someplace abroad, host a student from that country," she said. "Then you'll have formed a bond and someone to visit when you go there." The Chinese students also have attended school board meetings in the Woodmore, Oregon, and Rossford school districts. Seeing local government in action is part of the exchange program. "They don't even get to be in front of people at that level in their country," said Ms. Virag. "They've never even met their city officials. For them, this is a big opportunity." The Chinese students only learned of their host families once everyone was placed. So those students only had three days to shop for gifts for each individual member of their host families. One student even bought a stuffed animal for a young grandchild. "It's really important in this culture to express appreciation to those who are giving them this opportunity," said Ms. Virag. Right now there is no reciprocal agreement to send US-American middle school students to China. But Ms. Virag explained her trip to China last summer was to help set the stage to eventually make the Young Ambassador exchange program a two-way experience. If anyone is interested in becoming a host family or organizing a Latino student exchange program, Ms. Virag encourages them to check out the w e b s i t e or email her directly at [email protected]. Editor's Note: The Chinese New Year is lunar, not solar, and falls on February 8th for the year 2016. More specifically, the Chinese Lunar Calendar is a yearly one, with the start of the lunar year being based on the cycles of the moon. Because of this cyclical dating, the beginning of the year can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. A complete cycle takes 60 years and is made up of five cycles of 12 years each. The Chinese Lunar Calendar names each of the twelve years after an animal. One legend has it that Gautama Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before he departed from earth. Only twelve came to bid him farewell and as a reward he named a year after each one in the order they arrived. The Chinese believe the animal ruling the year in which a person is born has a profound influence on personality, saying: "This is the animal that hides in your heart." The animals (years) are: monkey (2016), cock (2017), dog (2018), boar (2019), rat (2020), ox (2021), tiger (2022), rabbit (2023), dragon (2024), snake (2025), horse (2026), and sheep (2027). One of the host mothers, Trina Myers, was delighted to welcome 13year-old Ziming Zhao, who attended 8th grade at Fassett Junior High School with her son Dorian. In the photo, her grandson Alexander Lillie Jr is holding a gift received from Ziming. January 29, 2016 Clinton y Sanders tienen su debate más acalorado Por LISA LERER y NANCY BENAC, Associated Press CHARLESTON, South ers como candidato “externo” Carolina, 18 I 16 (AP): A sólo y su franco mensaje liberal dos semanas de que se emitan han puesto en peligro la los primeros votos de las ventaja de la aspirante en Iowa elecciones en Estados y ha ampliado la ventaja de él Unidos, Hillary Clinton y en New Hampshire. “Esto no se trata de buscar Bernie Sanders tuvieron su más acalorado debate hasta una forma racional de seguir la fecha, lo que pone en adelante”, dijo Sanders respondió al evidencia la ajustada cuando contienda demócrata argumento de Clinton de que mientras se acerca el caucus los planes de salud de Sanders podrían reavivar una batalla en Iowa. Ambos se enfrascaron en política divisiva. “Se trata de varias ocasiones la noche del tener las agallas para domingo para definir quién enfrentarse a las aseguradoras era más duro con el control de privadas”, agregó el legislador armas y Wall Street y quién por Vermont. Clinton calificó de tenía la mejor idea para el impráctico el plan de Sanders sistema de salud del país. Su acalorada retórica puso de reemplazar el actual sistema en relieve la pregunta central de salud con uno donde el que vuelve la contienda gobierno se convierta en el demócrata cada vez más “pagador único” que competitiva: ¿La pasión de proporcione cobertura para Sanders vencerá a la todos. En lugar de ello, Clinton se practicidad Clinton? Aunque Clinton se dijo a favor de construir sobre mantiene como favorita, el la ley de salud que promovió popular entusiasmo por Sand- el presidente Barack Obama, trabajando para reducir aún más los costos no programados. Clinton también criticó a Sanders por votar varias veces a favor de la National Rifle Association en el Congreso, aunque también lo reconoció porque el fin de semana apoyó una ley que negaría a los fabricantes de armas inmunidad legal. Tanto Sanders como Clinton expresaron su apoyo al acercamiento diplomático de Obama con Irán y su oposición al envío de tropas estadounidenses a Siria. El tercer participante en el debate, el ex gobernador de Maryland, Martin O’Malley, trató de integrarse en la conversación con la esperanza de mejorar sus apagados números en las encuestas, pero le fue difícil destacar. Nancy Benac y Josh Lederman colaboraron para este despacho. Lo que sabemos: Políticas de inmigración de Obama 20 de enero de 2016 (AP): La Corte Suprema aceptó escuchar una impugnación a los planes del presidente Barack Obama en materia de inmigración. A continuación presentamos un vistazo a lo que podría ocurrir al respecto en este año: • Dada la acción de la corte, Obama podría tener una última oportunidad de cumplir su promesa de proteger de la deportación a hasta cinco millones de inmigrantes que residen en el país sin permiso. • Las acciones ejecutivas del presidente fueron pospuestas por tribunales de primera instancia debido a argumentaciones de que Obama había excedido su autoridad. • Se espera que la Corte Suprema emita una determinación sobre los planes del mandatario a fines de junio. • Si la decisión de Obama prevalece, aún podría ser difícil implementar sus órdenes debido a que sólo le quedaría un semestre en el puesto. • Además existe incertidumbre respecto a qué ocurriría si el próximo presidente quisiera revertir las políticas del mandatario sobre la inmigración. • Muchos inmigrantes se sienten abandonados por Obama debido a las recientes redadas efectuadas por su gobierno para deportar a inmigrantes que carecen de permiso de residencia. Interactivo AP: http:// 2013/reforma-migratoria/ Saturday, January 30, 2015 Benefit Baile for Maria Montelongo 4PM – 2AM • $10 Donation 29 de enero, 2016 La Prensa—NE OHIO Tri-C Health, Wellness and Preventative Care Center reopens at Metro Campus for spring semester CLEVELAND: The Community Health, Wellness and Preventative Care Center at the Metropolitan Campus of Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) will reopen for spring semester on Jan. 26, 2016. The care center provides low-cost health care services to uninsured or underinsured adults while giving Tri-C health career students learning and training opportunities in a clinical setting. The center will be open 2-5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan. 26 through April 28. It is located in Room 105 of the Health Careers and Sciences building at Metro Campus, 2900 Community College Ave. in Cleveland. The center is staffed by students studying to be medical assistants, physical therapy assistants, occupational therapy assistants and dietetic technicians. The students work under the supervision of licensed health care providers. Services offered at the center include blood pressure readings, glucose and cholesterol screenings; physical therapy and occupational therapy; physical rehabilitation for daily living; pain management; bone density screenings; nutritional coaching; stress management; and exercise and education programs. No phy- sician referrals are needed. To schedule a visit or to find out about special healthrelated workshops, call 216987-3555. The care center serves as a key part of Tri-C’s allied health career programs. Nearly 2,800 appointments have been booked since the service began in 2009. Tri-C offers free tax preparation services Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) will again offer free personal income tax filing services to qualified taxpayers filing simple returns with a 2015 earned income of less than $62,000. The services will be offered at four campus locations this year. Walk-in assistance on a first-come, first-served basis is available as follows at these locations: • Metropolitan Campus, 2900 Community College Ave., Cleveland. The free tax clinics will run between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturdays from Feb. 6 through March 26 (closed March 19) in the Technology Learning Center, Room 153. Preparation of Schedules C, D and E will NOT be offered at this site. • Western Campus, 11000 Pleasant Valley Road, Parma. The free tax clinics will run between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays from Feb. 5 through April 2 in the Galleria, Room G271. • Eastern Campus, 4250 Richmond Road, Highland Hills. The free tax clinics will run between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturdays from Feb. 6 through April 2 (closed March 19) in the Student Services building, Room 3405. • Corporate College West, 25425 Center Ridge Road, Westlake. The free tax clinics will run 4-7 p.m. Wednesdays from Feb. 3 through March 23 in Room 203. No appointments will be accepted at any of the campuses, and capacity limits are dictated by the number of volunteers offering their services. Returns will be prepared and filed by IRS-certified tax preparers and completed while the taxpayer waits. All returns will be screened for eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit. To qualify for the service, taxpayers must have a 2015 earned income of less than $62,000 and must be filing a simple return. Participants must bring a current photo ID; Social Security cards for each adult and child listed on the return; all 2015 tax documents, including sources of income; support for any deductions and credits being sought; health care verification; prior year tax returns; and bank account and routing numbers to arrange direct deposit of any refund. Those filing jointly must both be present if e-filing. Call 216-987-0606 to hear information on the College’s free tax preparation service or go to Other free tax preparation sites can be found at freetaxprep. CINCO DE MAYO LITTLE QUEEN MEXICAN MUTUAL SOCIETY, Lorain OH, is looking for little girls to run for Cinco de Mayo Little Queen for 2016. She must be of Mexican descent, be between the ages of 5 to 9 years old, and live in Lorain County. The Little Queen will reign in the Annual Cinco de Mayo Parade which takes place on April 30, 2016 and the Coronation which follow. More details on the Cinco de Mayo Celebration to follow. Any family interested in having their daughter run for Queen, should call Marie Leibas, pageant director, @ 440-288-0144 for details and registration. Page 11 Cleveland Metroparks Zoo welcomes twoyear-old male lion “Doc” Animal care staff at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo recently welcomed a new resident to the African Savanna exhibit. “Doc,” a two-yearold male African lion, made the journey from the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, Texas and arrived safely in December. “We are very excited to welcome Doc to the Zoo’s African Savanna,” said Executive Director of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Christopher Kuhar. “Doc is a great addition to the pride. We are planning to exhibit him in the next few weeks.” Following his arrival, Doc spent a routine 30 days in quarantine at the Sarah Allison Steffee Center for Zoological Medicine and was given a thorough physical examination. Recently, he was transferred to the lion building and has begun his introduction to the Zoo’s two female lions, Serena and Nala. Doc was born on January 22, 2014 at the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, Texas to a litter of four with three sisters, Zuri, Amira, and Malika. Doc’s parents and sisters currently all reside at the Caldwell Zoo; Doc was moved to avoid conflict with his father, Ayotunde. As an adolescent male, Doc does not have his full mane yet. As Doc matures, his mane will continue to grow larger and become darker in color. Primarily found in the protected grass- l a n d s south of the Sahara Desert and in parts of southern and eastern Africa, lions have a life expectancy of 14 years in the wild and can live up to 20 years in zoos. They are classified as “vulnerable” in the wild by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Northeast Ohio’s mostvisited year-round attraction, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Parking is free. Located at 3900 Wildlife Way, the Zoo is easily accessible from Interstates 71, 90 and 480. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT LORAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM’S MAIN LIBRARY JOB HELP MONDAYS: Are you seeking help in looking for a job? Come to Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library. The library is offering free drop-in sessions on Mondays from 2 to 4 p.m. You’ll meet with an instructor in our computer training lab and learn how to do all of the following: compose and assemble your own résumé, set up your own email account, attach your resume in an email to a job website, save your resume online, apply for a job online, and set up your own account with online job websites. For more information, call the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1800-322-READ. The Main Library is located at 351 W. Sixth St. in Lorain. LEGO® NIGHT: Do you love to build with LEGO® bricks? All ages are welcome at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Wednesday, Jan. 27 from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. for LEGO® Night. Building supplies will be provided. Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440244-1192 or 1-800-322READ. SATURDAY COMPUTER INSTRUCTION: Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library has two computer classes scheduled on Saturday, Jan. 30. The first is an informal Tech Help session from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Drop in during these two hours to receive one-on-one assistance on any technical concern you may have. Feel free to bring mobile devices with you. Introduction to Social Media is from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. where you’ll learn about virtual communities and networks like Facebook and Twitter. Preregistration is required for both classes and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800322-READ. MINIONS!: Celebrate everyone’s favorite characters at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Thursday, Feb. 4 at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy minion-themed crafts and activities for children of all ages. Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800-322READ. MEXICAN MUTUAL SOCIETY (MMS) 1820 East 28th Street • Lorain, OH 44052 • 440-277-7375 “SAVE THE CLUB!” CAMPAIGN January 2016 FUNDRAISER EVENT CALENDAR Public Welcome! The Mexican Mutual Society (MMS) “SAVE THE CLUB!” Campaign focuses on fundraising events to help sustain the operation of the MMS’s home in South Lorain. Founded in 1928, it is one of the few remaining historical ethnic clubs in Lorain. CELEBRITY BARTENDER EVENT EVERY FRIDAY: Join in the fun on Friday nights from 6-9 pm. with the Celebrity Bartenders as the crowd cheers and the big bell rings as the tip donations role in for the Mexican Mutual Society! Delicious Mexican and Puerto Rican food is available by Cook Chrissie. January 29, 2016. David Graves, Candidate for Lorain County Domestic Relations Judge. 2016 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. Social Membership is open to the public for only $10. Membership forms are available at the Club. MMS Club Hours. Open at 5 pm. Tuesday-Saturday and 1 pm. on Sunday. HALL RENTAL. Call the Club for details at 440-277-7375. FUNDRAISER EVENTS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Page 12 La Prensa January 29, 2016 Would Flint crisis happen in wealthier, whiter community? By ROGER SCHNEIDER and MIKE HOUSEHOLDER, Associated Press FLINT, MI, Jan. 21, bathed in it, there abandonment and pov2016 (AP): Ever since the would’ve been action.” erty. full extent of the Flint Flint residents comThe city is 57 percent water crisis emerged, one plained loudly and often black, and 42 percent of question has persisted: about the water quality im- its people live in poverty. Would this have hap- mediately after the switch The decline of GM jobs pened in a wealthier, but were repeatedly told it “left a lot of people destiwhiter community? was safe. They didn’t learn tute and desperate, and Residents in the former the water was tainted until they feel like their voices auto-making hub—a the state issued warnings a aren’t being heard. It just poor, largely minority year and a half later. Now adds to the frustration,” city—feel their com- families fear for their health said Phil Rashead, 66, of plaints about lead-tainted and especially for the fu- Flint, who is white. water flowing through ture of their children, who Former Flint Mayor their taps have been can develop learning dis- Dayne Walling, who lost slighted by the govern- abilities and behavior his re-election bid in Noment or ignored alto- problems from lead expo- vember amid the water crigether. For many, it ech- sure. sis, said newly released oes the lackluster federal Snyder, who has apolo- emails by Snyder showed response to New Orleans gized for the mishandling that the governor’s staffduring Hurricane Katrina of the situation, did not ers disregarded Flint’s in 2005. respond Thursday to a re- plight because of the “Our voices were not quest by The Associated city’s demographics. heard, and that’s part of Press for an interview. But “There are a number of the problem,” Flint in response to Clinton’s re- indications that concerns Mayor Karen Weaver said marks, he said the former of Flint’s elected leaders this week at the U.S. Con- secretary of state should and faith and community ference of Mayors meet- not make Flint a political leaders were being dising in Washington, D.C., issue. missed as political poswhere she also met with His staff issued a state- turing instead of taken sePresident Barack Obama ment to AP that cited his riously as efforts to adto make her case for fed- efforts in urban areas such dress very real problems,” eral help for her city. as Detroit, which also has a said Walling, who is white The frustration has large black population. An and was first elected mostly been directed at emergency manager ap- mayor in 2009. Michigan Gov. Rick pointed by Snyder led that Frustrations boiled Snyder, who appointed an city through bankruptcy in over at a weekend protest emergency manager to run 2013-14. outside City Hall. Flint. That manager ap“Bringing Detroit back “They would never do proved a plan in 2013 to to a solid fiscal foundation this to Bloomfield. They begin drawing drinking has allowed the city to re- would never do this to water from the Flint River, store services, and we’ve Ann Arbor. They would and the city began doing watched its economy grow, never do this to so the next year. But offi- creating jobs and better op- Farmington Hills,” filmcials failed to treat the cor- portunities,” the statement maker and Flint native rosive water properly to said. Snyder has also “fo- Michael Moore said, reprevent metal leaching cused on improving edu- ferring to much wealthier from old pipes. cation in all our cities, Michigan communities. Snyder, a Republican knowing that students He called for Snyder’s in his second term, was need to not just graduate, ouster and arrest. blasted by Hillary Clinton but graduate with in-deMoore also cited in her remarks after the mand skills as they com- deaths from Legionrecent Democratic presi- pete in a global economy.” naires’ disease recorded dential debate. They also noted in the Flint area over the “We’ve had a city in Snyder’s signing of Med- past two years and only the United States of icaid expansion, which announced publicly last America where the popu- provided health care cov- week by Snyder. The state lation, which is poor in erage to 600,000 low-in- has not linked them to many ways and majority come adults. Flint’s waters, but others African-American, has Flint, a city about 75 disagree. been drinking and bath- miles north of Detroit, is “Let’s call this what it ing in lead-contaminated the birthplace of General is,” Moore said. “It’s not just water. And the governor Motors and once had a water crisis. It’s a racial of that state acted as 200,000 residents. In the crisis. It’s a poverty crisis. though he didn’t really early 1970s, the automaker That’s what this is, and that’s care,” Clinton said. employed 80,000 blue- what created this.” Snyder “had requests and white-collar workers in Roger Schneider refor help that he had basi- the area. Fewer than 8,000 ported from Detroit. Ascally stone-walled. I’ll tell GM jobs remain, and the sociated Press writers you what: If the kids in a city’s population has Jesse Holland in Washrich suburb of Detroit had dropped to just below ington and David Eggert been drinking contami- 100,000, with a corre- in Lansing, Michigan, nated water and being sponding rise in property also contributed. SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 • 419-534-2074 Película “El Americano: The Movie” retoma tema migratorio Por NATALIA CANO, Associated Press MEXICO, 19 I 16 (AP): de la televisión antes que Cuando Ricardo Arnaiz le ayudar con las tareas en el circo propuso a Edward James familiar. Su padre, Gayo, el Olmos trabajar en “El personaje al que interpretó Americano: The Movie”, una Olmos, es el líder de una película animada sobre un parvada, y es amenazado por pájaro mexicano que viaja a un grupo de pájaros malvados Estados Unidos en busca de que buscan apoderarse del un superhéroe para circo. “Cuando supimos que encontrarse a sí mismo, el realizador jamás se imaginó saldría la película de ‘Rio’, que el actor se entusiasmaría exploramos qué personajes tanto con el proyecto que podíamos trabajar, y nos incluso querría sumarse quedamos con aves porque uno como productor ejecutivo. de los mensajes más Olmos vio en la historia importantes del filme es que los de Arnaiz la oportunidad niños sepan que sólo el cielo es perfecta para que miles de el límite”, explicó Arnaiz. “Queremos decirle a los niños mexicanos y de origen mexicano conocieran más a niños que no hay fronteras para fondo sus raíces, pero también los pájaros, que emigran la posibilidad de retomar el libremente del norte al sur”, tema de la reforma migratoria agregó el también realizador del presidente Obama que de la cinta animada “La leyenda permitiría regularizar a de la Nahuala”. Además de Syntek y James millones de indocumentados Olmos, en el filme participaron en Estados Unidos. “íLa política de esta los actores mexicanos Kate del película es preciosa! íRicardo Castillo, Adal Ramones y Pierre (Arnaiz) pegó un jonrón Angelo, la estadounidense Lisa como nunca! Ya lo dice el Kudrow y la banda de música personaje de Erik Estrada en grupera Los Tucanes de el filme (un agente Tijuana. Kate del Castillo no estuvo migratorio): ‘Ustedes podrían volar sin parar, pero presente en la rueda de prensa, sus compañeros vinieron aquí (a los Estados pero Unidos). íQué gusto!”’, dijo aprovecharon para destacar su James Olmos el martes, du- calidad en el terreno profesional rante una conferencia de y humano. La actriz da vida a prensa en la Ciudad de Rayito, la ingenua colibrí que México, donde el actor es cómplice del villano de la méxico-estadounidense historia. Del Castillo es investigada promocionaba el filme. “Hay películas que pegan por las autoridades mexicanas muy fuerte, pero ésta va por fungir como enlace entre el directamente al corazón de capo Joaquín “el Chapo” los niños”, agregó Olmos, Guzmán y el actor quien se mostró emocionado estadounidense Sean Penn, del estreno de “El mientras Guzmán estaba Americano: The Movie” en prófugo de la justicia, para México, programado para el realizar una entrevista recientemente publicada en la próximo viernes. La trama del filme aborda revista Rolling Stone. “Kate (del Castillo) tiene la historia de Cuco, a quien prestó su voz el cantautor toda nuestra admiración y Aleks Syntek, un simpático respeto. íEs una actriz loro que prefiere imitar las increíble!”, dijo Arnaiz. “Lo que hizo con Rayito fue acrobacias de un superhéroe fabuloso, fue un sueño hecho realidad para mí dirigirla. Como artista es increíble, como persona también, espero que muy pronto se aclare todo, tenemos que escuchar lo que Kate tiene que decir, y habrá mucho respeto”, añadió el director. Además de prestar su voz al loro Cuco, Syntek participó en la película animada con dos canciones de su autoría, y dio vida a una simpática ardilla. “Me enamoré del proyecto porque Arnaiz es un mexicano tan tenaz que entendió que no tenía que trabajar para los estadounidenses, sino con ellos”, dijo Syntek. Lisa Kudrow se contagió del mensaje que el director mexicano quería retratar en su filme, y aceptó prestar su voz a un elegante flamenco del zoológico de San Diego que ayudará a Cuco a encontrar al Americano. “Nuestro productor (Alex Flores) me dijo que el hijo de Lisa (Kudrow) iba a la misma escuela que su hijo. Contactó una cita con ella, y llegamos con un jarrón poblano que mi madre compró para llevárselo de regalo”, contó el realizador sobre la estrella de la serie “Friends”. “Le gustó tanto el detalle y todo el esfuerzo lo que hicimos para llevárselo que nos dio el sí”, dijo Arnaiz. Con un presupuesto de 4 millones de dólares, “El Americano: The Movie” es la primera coproducción de cinta de animación realizada en México y Estados Unidos. Arnaiz dijo que tras su estreno el próximo viernes en las salas de cine en México, la película llegará próximamente a Estados Unidos, Centro y Sudamérica, Rusia, Asia y Europa. 29 de enero, 2016 La Prensa – Classified Page 13 ASSISTANT CHIEF PROBATION OFFICER LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN Be a voice for those who need you the most Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE), a non-profit law firm that provides free, high-quality legal assistance in civil matters to low-income individuals and groups in northwest Ohio, seeks an Ombudsman for its Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. This is a new position to expand the Ombudsman staffing. The Ombudsman will receive, investigate, and work to resolve complaints filed on behalf of consumers of long-term care services, primarily in nursing homes. The Ombudsman will also support our volunteer program, provide community education, and systemic advocacy related to long-term care. Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree in social work, social services, a health-related field, or any other related field. Commensurate experience may be considered in lieu of Bachelor’s Degree. Candidates must possess excellent communication and human relations skills, and a demonstrated commitment to advocacy on behalf of consumers of long-term care services. Candidates must have the combined qualities of excellent interpersonal and administrative skills. Computer proficiency required. Daily travel in Northwest Ohio required. Position is based in ABLE’s Toledo office. Salary based on relevant experience. Excellent benefits. Toledo Municipal Court The Toledo Municipal Court is seeking a positive, engaged individual to serve as Assistant Chief Probation Officer. The Assistant Chief Probation Officer supervises daily operations of the Probation Department, including managing staff and implementing and overseeing probation programs. Demonstrated skill in participative management, knowledge of evidence based practices, ability to build consensus for change and ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships in a demanding and fast-paced environment required. Bachelor’s degree in psychology, social work, criminal justice or related field required. Masters degree in psychology, social work, criminal justice or related field or in a management related discipline preferred, but not required. Six (6) years experience in counseling, social work, criminal justice or related work required, including 3 years supervisory or management experience required. Probation experience preferred, but not required. Potential candidates must pass a background check and must be LEADS certifiable. Equal Opportunity Employer. Salary $60,272.37 - $66,969.30. Submit résumé with cover letter describing how you meet the qualifications outlined above by 4:30 p.m., February 8, 2016 to The Court Administrator’s Office (Attn: HR-ACPO), Toledo Municipal Court Judges’ Division, 2nd Floor, 555 N. Erie, Toledo, OH 43604. Email applications not accepted. For complete job description go to Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled . Email cover letter, résumé, and list of references, in Microsoft Word or PDF format, to: Fecha Límite para Inscripción de Electores para la Elección Presidencial Primaria del 15 de marzo de 2016 [email protected] Subject: LTCOP Position Equal access to ABLE’s office is available. Applicants requiring accommodation to the interview/application process should contact the email address listed above. EOE HIRING – Process Operator Positions The BP-Husky Toledo Refinery is currently accepting applications for Refinery Process Operator positions. The Process Operator position involves maintaining, monitoring, troubleshooting and controlling the continuous operations of petroleum refining and process equipment. Starting pay is $30.20 per hour. After completion of a basic training, rate of pay is $32.22 per hour. Application requirements include: • Minimum High School diploma/GED. • Minimum of 12 college credit hours, or prior experience as an Operator in a refinery, chemical or power plant, or military equivalent. • Ability to work rotating 12-hour shifts including days, nights, weekends, and holidays, in an outside all-weather environment. • Willing to participate in pre-employment testing (including drug test) and background check screening that may take several weeks to complete. Preferred requirements include: • Completion of a higher education degree (i.e. Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, etc.) preferred. • Prior production operations experience preferred. • Experience with distillation, filtration, separation, blending, storage, shipping and chemical reaction processes preferred. Applications will be accepted online at from February 1 – February 7, 2016. Use Key Word number (70246BR) to apply for the position online. Formal resume is required for upload to the BP Career Center at time of application. CANDIDATES MUST UPLOAD RESUME FOR FULL CONSIDERATION. WANTED: Laboratory Technician MA 8-15, OCC-1312 Salary $30,383 Minimum Excepted Appointment Location: Brunswick, Ohio Opening: 1/25/16 Closing 2/3/16 (postmarked) Must go to: for instructions Happy Birthday Adrianne! January 27th Por la presente, la Junta Electoral del Condado de Cuyahoga notifica a las personas que deseen votar en la Elección Presidencial Primaria del 15 de marzo de 2016 que deben inscribirse para votar a no más tardar del 16 de febrero de 2016. Pueden inscribirse en la Junta Electoral del Condado de Cuyahoga, en la 2925 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, que abre de lunes a viernes de 8:30 AM a 4:30 PM. Formularios de inscripción de electores estándisponibles en los siguientes sitios: 1. La oficina del Secretario de Estado o cualquiera de las 88 juntas electorales de los condados. 2. La oficina de cualquier registrador delegado del Departamento de Vehículos de Motor de Ohio. 3. Oficinas de agencias designadas que proporcionan programas de asistencia pública o para incapacidades. 4. Bibliotecaspúblicas. 5. Escuelas secundarias públicas o vocacionales. 6. Oficinas del tesorero del condado. 7. Oficinas de agencias designadas: • El Departamento de Servicios del Trabajo y de la Familia • El Departamento de Salud (Incluye el programa de la mujer, infantes y niños WIC) • El Departamento de Salud Mental • El Departamento de Retraso Mental y Desarrollo de Discapacidades • La Comisión de Servicios de Rehabilitación • Cualquier universidad o colegio que es asistido por el estado que provee asistencia a estudiantes con incapacidades Las personas que deseen inscribirse por correo pueden llamar, escribir o enviar un mensaje de correo electrónico a la Junta Electoral y solicitar que les envíen formularios por correo. Estos formularios deben completarse y devolverse a la Junta Electoral antes de la fecha límite indicada arriba. Las personas que deseen actualizar su dirección residencial en-línea pueden hacerlo en el, clic “español” y luego haga un clic en “Actualizar mi dirección”. Esto también debe realizarse antes de la fecha límite indicada arriba. Si una persona ya está inscrita para votar en el Estado de Ohio y desea cambiar de nombre y/o de dirección al Condado de Cuyahoga, puede hacerlo en la Junta Electoral del Condado de Cuyahoga, hasta e incluso el Día de las Elecciones. El Día de las Elecciones, usted puede informar el cambio y votar con una papeleta provisional en la oficina de la Junta Electoral o en el lugar de votación del distrito electoral en el cual está ubicada su nueva dirección electoral. Usted está calificado para inscribirse para votar en Ohio si cumple con todos los siguientes requisitos: 1. Es ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. 2. Tendrá al menos 18 años de edad antes del o el día de la elección general. 3. Será residente de Ohio por al menos 30 días consecutivos antes de la elección en la cual usted desea votar. 4. No está encarcelado (en prisión) por una sentencia de delito mayor según las leyes de este estado, otro estado o los Estados Unidos. 5. Ningún tribunal de sucesiones le ha declarado incompetente para fines electorales. 6. No ha sido privado de sus derechos permanentemente por violaciones a las leyes electorales. POR ORDEN DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA INAJO DAVIS CHAPPELL, PRESIDENTE PAT MCDONALD, DIRECTOR Page 14 Pa13e 12 La Prensa—Classified January 29, 2016 BAKERY FOR SALE Highland Park, MI MLS#215133431 Business, Real Estate, FFE $269,000 With a commitment to improving the human condition, The University of Toledo and University Medical Center are seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: • Social Worker • Therapeutic recreational Specialist • Mental Health Aide • Patient Care Technician • House Supervisor • Staff Nurse • Pharmacist • Sr. Lab Tech • Respiratory Care • X-ray Tech • Instructional Designer The University of Toledo offers an excellent salary and benefit package, which includes the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System for faculty with employer contribution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacation time, tuition to UT is waived for employees and their eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paid holidays. For a complete listing of our openings and desired qualifications or to apply, please proceed to our website at We ask that applications and required documents be submitted electronically. UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers and educators M/F/D/V Ohio Operating Engineers Apprenticeship & Training Program Local 18 4 Year Apprenticeship 2016 Application Dates: January 25,26,27 & February 4,5,6, 2016 Applications will be accepted from 9:00am to 3:00pm Operating Engineers are the men and women who operate and repair the equipment that builds America!!! “Earn As You Learn” We will be taking accepting applications with a $10.00 cash non-refundable fee at the following location Cygnet Training Center Region 2 9435 Cygnet Road Cygnet, OH. 43413 Off of I-75 @ exit 171 (Cygnet Exit) **3 ½ miles EAST on Cygnet Road** 1-888-634-6880 Cardinal Staffing has over 150 openings for local manufacturers! Positions available for general labor and forklift! Must be available to work any shift, pass a drug screen and background check, and have solid work history. Pay ranges from $10-12.65/hour. Go online to or give us a call TODAY at 419-666-8500! EXCELLENT INCOME LOW OVERHEAD LOYAL CUSTOMERS CLEAN & MAINTAINTED STRONG SALES EASY TO OPERATE Family Owned and Operated since 1964. A very special opportunity – do not miss this. Call: Tanya Milosevich, Realtor 248/283-8766 294 East Brown Street, Birmingham, 48009 Lead Account Support Lott Industries, Inc. is currently accepting applications for a Lead Account Support position. This position involves working with our critical customers to manage contracts through customer communication, schedule monitoring, coordinating and expediting Lott Industries’ critical production contracts and related functions. High School diploma required. Experience in an industrial, manufacturing or customer service setting preferred. Must pass pre-employment drug screen and background records check. Ancillary training provided. Send cover letter, résumé, and references by 2/5/16 to: Lott Industries, Inc. Attn: TM 3350 Hill Avenue Toledo, OH 43607 EOE Senior Production Associate Lott Industries, Inc. is currently accepting applications for a Senior Production Associate. This position involves performing detailed and repetitive assembly operations on a variety of products, and provides on-the-job assessment, training, and support to Production Associates. Duties may vary based upon contract and production needs. High School diploma or GED required. Six months experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities OR one (1) year of related college coursework necessary. Experience in production or assembly setting preferred. Must pass pre-employment drug screen and background records check. Ancillary training provided. Send cover letter, résumé, and references by 2/5/16 to: Intersystem Program Director The Lorain County Board of Mental Health seeks a full-time Intersystem Program Director. Successful candidate is expected to develop Integrated Services Partnership (ISP) programs, serve as Project Director for the ISP, and provide access and ongoing utilization management of services funded by the ISP. A Bachelor’s Degree (Master’s Degree preferred) in Social Work or a closely related field with 5 to 10 years progressively responsible experience in a child-serving field. To see the position description on our website, follow this link: http:// Salary is based upon educational background and experience. An excellent fringe benefits package is provided. The application is available at Send completed applications and résumés to Patrice McKinney at [email protected] or at 1173 North Ridge Rd. East, Suite 101, Lorain, Ohio 44055. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2016. EEO/AAP *Free lunch *Community Youth Organizations *Learn Prog about o ur ram S e rv s and Avail ic e s able Lott Industries, Inc. Attn: TM 3350 Hill Avenue Toledo, OH 43607 EOE Place your classified ad in La Prensa (419) 870-6565 SANCHEZ ROOFING Serving East & West Cleveland Accounting Specialist Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority is seeking experienced applicants for an Accounting Specialist. Visit, click on “Finance” link for details. Only online applications received at the above website by Sunday, February 7, 2016, will be accepted. This is a Section 3 covered position. HUD recipients are encouraged to apply and are to indicate on the application if you are a LMHA Public Housing resident or Housing Choice Voucher Program participant. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. NO PHONE CALLS. An Equal Opportunity Employer. House Cleaning Service Preventive maintenance; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 30 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; power washing; Se habla español! Call Pete Sánchez 419-787-9612! • Residential • Commercial Contact Luis: 216-832-1437 Drivers: $3,000.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! Dedicated, Regional, OTR, Flatbed & Point to Point Lanes. Great Pay, (New hires min 800.00/wk)! CDL-A 1 yr. Exp.: 1-855-314-1138 Place your classified ad in La Prensa (419) 870-6565 (440) 320-8221 La Prensa—Classified/Real Estate 29 de enero, 2016 Church Caretaker/Full-time Position in the O.W.E House Keeping, Hospitality, and Maintenance Please apply at IDP, Inc., a manufacturer of steel door frames, seeks several dependable and hardworking individuals for shipping, receiving and packaging. Experience with a forklift is useful but not necessary. Also seeking a hi-lo driver. 3-5 years’ experience required, pay commensurate with experience. Send résumé and references to: IDP, Inc., Attn: Lauren, 21300 W. 8 Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075, or Fax (248) 3524222, or email: [email protected] MOODY MANOR APARTMENTS 2293 ½ Kent St. Accepting Applications For 4 Bedroom Apartments Appliances & Utilities included Hotel Maintenance Position For Busy Hotel Rent Based on Income Repairing and maintaining the interior and exterior of the hotel while following Company standards for quality, cleanliness and guest satisfaction Applications by Appointment 419-241-6985 $10.00 Start Rate/Full Time Apply in Person: Hampton Inn & Suites 5865 Hagman Road Toledo, Ohio Equal Housing Opportunity Page 15 PLA CE PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED IN LA PRENSA (419) 242-7744 Toledo (440) 320-8221 Lorain (313) 729-4435 Detroit Email us at: [email protected] Classified Ads also available online at Registered Nurse Lucas County Children Services is seeking candidates for a Registered Nurse. Education, experience and deadline requirements can be viewed at EOE Valuing Diversity. No phone calls please. JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT PATHWAY, Inc. provides comprehensive services to income eligible customers in Lucas County. APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED: January 18-January 29, 2016 APPLY: PATHWAY, Inc. 505 Hamilton St. Toledo, OH 43604 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. “BILINGUAL CAPABILITY WILL BE GIVEN ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION” Job Developer This position is designed to create and foster relationships with low to moderate income clients as well as ex-offenders and match these clients to various employers. The program will serve 250 income eligible individuals with sustainable employment opportunities in Lucas County. • Provide soft skills training that focuses on resume’ writing, mock interview techniques, character development & computer skills training • Provide comprehensive job development services • Develop relationships with employers to help client’s obtain employment • Match jobseekers to specific job openings and be an advocate for their candidacy • Provide wrap-around-services to help eliminate employment barriers Qualifications: • 1-3 years of sales/marketing experience preferred • Demonstrated communication, analytical and interpersonal skills in a teamoriented environment • Ability to maintain flexibility as needs of grants require • Working knowledge of MS Office • Acceptable driving record and reliable transportation • Education requirements: Bachelor’s degree preferred or equivalent experience Pathway is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Federal and State laws apply to all forms of employment decisions and actions, including pre-employment inquiries and to employment practices Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority And Lorain County Elderly Housing Corporation Affordable Housing Available For Elderly, Persons with Disabilities, and Families Efficiency to 6 Bedroom Units Eligible Applicants pay 30% of their adjusted income toward rent Applications processed online at You may also visit our offices and utilize one of our kiosks located at: 1600 Kansas Avenue, Lorain, OH 44052 440.288.1600 • TDD/TTY 800.750.0750 Autoridad de Vivienda Metropolitana de Lorain Y La Corporación de Vivienda para Los Ancianos Del Condado de Lorain Vivienda Accesible Disponible Para Ancianos, Personas con Discapacidades y Familias Eficiencia hasta dormitorios de 6 cuartos Los solicitantes elegibles pagan el 30% de su ingreso ajustado para el alquiler Aplicaciones procesada en línea en También puede visitar nuestras oficinas y utilizar uno de nuestros quioscos ubicados en: 1600 Kansas Avenue, Lorain, OH 44052 440.288.1600 • TDD/TTY 800.750.0750 Neighborhood Health Association, a Federally Qualified Health Center, is seeking a full time, Manager of Cultural Competency and a full time Senior Services Translator (Spanish/English) NHA offers great work hours: Monday – Friday 8am to 5PM; paid sick and vacation time and a comprehensive benefits package (health, dental, vision, company paid life, continuing education reimbursement and a 403(b) Pension Plan). Manager of Cultural Competency: This position will be responsible for developing and incorporating inclusion initiatives, such as organization-wide diversity training and multicultural events. In addition, it will be responsible for management and coordinating the interpretation and translation needs of the organization. Senior Services Translator: Provides translation services to consumers participating in the Senior Center programs. Also provides assistance and programming support for the center. Advocates on behalf of seniors to obtain community services for clients who request assistance. Please visit our website to view the skills/qualifications for these positions at Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-241-8284 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 January/enero 29, 2016 La Prensa Página 16
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