St. Clement Parish 750 Calhoun Street Hayward, CA 94544 Phone: 510-582-7282 Fax: 510-582-1875 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Office Hours/Horario de la Oficina: Mon./Lun: 10am—3pm Tues./Mar—Fri/Vier: 10am—5pm Sat./Sab: 9am-2pm Sun./Dom: Closed St. Clement Catholic School Phone / Tele: 510-538-5885 School Website: Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral Rev. Rolando Bartolay Parochial Administrator/ Administrador Parroquial Ext. 4 [email protected] Mr. Manuel Moya Deacon / Diácono Ext. 0 Angelica Castillo Office Staff / Equipo Personal Ext. 0 [email protected] Kevin Virrey Office Staff / Equipo Personal Ext. 0 [email protected] Andres Gonzalez Music Director / Música Director Ext. 7 [email protected] Janette Thompson Faith Formation English (Ingles) Ext. 3 [email protected] Ofelia Servin Ext. 8 Faith Formation Spanish (Español) [email protected] Erwin Villanueva Ext. 6 Youth Ministry & Confirmation/ Ministerio Jóvenes y Confirmación [email protected] Rev. James Sullivan (In Residence) [email protected] Anne Crowthers School Principal [email protected] 510-538-5885 Ministries / Ministerios Society of St. Vincent de Paul: 510-582-1382 SPRED (Special Religious Education): English: Violeta Lantin-Sosa 510-673-4118 [email protected] Spanish: Belem Reta 510-856-7228 [email protected] Latino Ministry: Humberto Sanchez [email protected] Mass Schedule / Horario de la Misa Daily Mass / Misa diario: First Friday Mass / Misa Primer Viernes Saturday / Sábado: Sunday / Domingo: 8:00am 8:30am (Wednesday) 7:00pm (Bilingual) 5:00pm (English) 8:00am (English) 9:30am (Spanish) 11:00am (English) 12:30pm (Spanish) 6:30pm (English) Holy Days: As announced. Check our website or call 510-582-7282 ext. 2 Días Santos: Como anunciados. Buscar website o llamar 510-582-7282 ext. 2 Reconciliation / Reconcilación: Saturday/Sábados: 3:30pm—4:30pm Baptism / Bautismo Celebrated monthly. Need to be registered parishioners for at least 3 months. Se celebran mensual. Deben ser parroquianos registrados. Filipino Ministry: Aida Geronimo [email protected] We welcome you to the parish of St. Clement . . . all who worship with us, parishioners, and visitors. To register as a parishioners registrations are scheduled every third Saturday of the month at 10am. Please read the bulletin for the next registration date, visit our website, or call the Parish Center. Bienvenidos a la Parroquia de San Clemente . . . Vengan a celebra con nosotros, parroquianos, nuevos residentes, y pasajeros. Para inscribirse como un parroquiano, registraciones son a las 10am cada tercer sábado del mes. Por favor vean el boletín para el siguiente día o llamen al Centro Parroquial. Marriage / Matrimonio Contact the Parish Office 6 months in advance. Por favor comunicarse con la oficina parroquiol con 6 meses de anticipo. RCIA / RICA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a program for adults wishing to become Catholic or complete their Sacraments in the Catholic Faith. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos es un programa para adultos deseando recibirse como Católica a completar sus Sacramentos en la Fe Católica. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario January 31, 2016 Faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. -- 1 Corinthians 13:13 THE GREAT HYMN TO LOVE It is doubtful that Saint Paul, when he sat down to write what we now know as the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, knew that he was penning what was to become one of the keystones of Christian ethics. In this brief passage, he set down ideals about love that have held fast through the centuries. Sometimes we may think that because these are ideals to which we aspire, we are excused from them in our daily living. But what Paul was writing was a letter to his friends, providing them with some sound advice about what it meant--and still means--to live in love, day by day, as a follower of Christ. We find in his words to his friends a broadening of the great commands of Jesus to love God and neighbor. Today we hear what this love must look like in our own actions, and how it ought to guide our relationships with others. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. . EL GRAN HIMNO AL AMOR Cabe dudar que, cuando san Pablo se sentó a escribir lo que ahora conocemos como el capítulo trece de la primera carta a los corintios, supiera que lo que estaba escribiendo se convertiría en una clave principal de la ética cristiana. En este breve pasaje, ha consignado ideales sobre el amor que se han mantenido firmes en el transcurso de los siglos. A veces pensamos que porque estos son sólo ideales a los que uno aspira, estamos libres de no practicarlos en nuestra vida diaria. Lo que Pablo estaba escribiendo era una carta a sus amigos, dándoles buenos consejos sobre lo que significaba y todavía significa- vivir en el amor, día a día, en seguimiento de Cristo. Encontramos en las palabras a sus amigos una ampliación del gran mandamiento de Jesús de amar a Dios y al prójimo. Hoy en día escuchamos cómo este amor debe expresarse en nuestras acciones, y cómo debe regir nuestras relaciones con los demás. Ahora tenemos estas tres virtudes: la fe, la esperanza, y el amor; pero el amor es la mayor de las tres. -- 1 Corintios 13:13 READINGS FOR THE WEEK/LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA: Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71; 1 Cor 12:31 -- 13:13 [13:413; Lk 4:21-30. Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday’s Readings/ Lecturas del próximo Domingo: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11 St. Clement Faith Formation Directors Mrs. Janette Thompson and Mrs. Ofelia Servin will be retiring from their positions at the end of this school year. They have served our church and community with love and passion for many years, and we wish them good luck as they look forward to their retirement. We thank Janette Thompson and Ofelia Servin for all the love and service they have given to St. Clement. More announcements will be made later in the year regarding their retirements and faith formation. Directores de Formación San Clemente Fe La señoras Janette Thompson y Ofelia Servin se jubilarán de sus posiciones al final de este año escolar. Ellas han servido a nuestra iglesia y la comunidad con el amor y la pasión por muchos años, y les deseamos buena suerte ahora que se jubilarán. Agradecemos a Janette Thompson y a Ofelia Servin por todo el amor y el servicio que han prestado a San Clemente . Más anuncios se harán a finales del año con respecto a sus jubilaciones y la formación en la fe. Amanda Vernon Concert: You and your family are invited to see internationally-known recording artist Amanda Vernon in concert on Sunday February 21 @ 4 pm at St. Clement inside the church. She will share her original music and give the faith-filled stories behind the songs. There is no charge for the concert. There will be a free-will offering at the end of the concert. For more info, visit St. Clement Catholic School School Open Enrollment: Registration for the 2016-2017 school year begins. There will be open enrollment for grades TK through 8th. Contact: 510-538-5885 or visit to the school website: Open House: Sunday, January 31, 2016 Join Saint Clement Catholic School as we begin our celebration of Catholic Schools Week at the 11am Mass on Sunday, January 31st, 2016. Following the mass, current St. Clement families and prospective families are cordially invited to our Open House from 12:45pm—2:45pm. Meet the Principal, Vice Principal, faculty and staff, School Board and Parent Club, tour our campus and visit classrooms. HAVE FAITH in your child’s future… Find out “where faith and community bring excellence” at St. Clement Catholic School. National Catholic Schools Week Jan. 31– Feb. 6 2016 Theme: “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” Our school observes the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses, and other activities for students, families, parishioners, and other community members. Schools focus on the value of Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities, and nation. Inscripciones abiertas de la Escuela: Las inscripciones para el año escolar 2016-2017 comienzan. Habrá inscripciones abiertas para los grados de TK a 8vo. Contacto: 510-538-5885 o visite el sitio web de la escuela: Escuela Abierta: Domingo, 31 de enero de 2016. Únete a la Escuela Católica de San Clemente mientras comenzamos nuestra celebración de la Semana de Escuelas Católicas en la misa de las 11am del Domingo, 31 de enero de 2016. Después de la misa, las familias actuales de San Clemente y las posibles familias están cordialmente invitadas a nuestra Casa Abierta de 12:45 pm2:45. Conozca a la Directora, a la Subdirectora, al personal docente y administrativo, al Consejo Escolar y al Club de Padres, de un recorrido por la escuela y visite nuestros salones. Averigüe "donde la fe y la comunidad llevan a la excelencia" en la Escuela Católica Clemente. Semana Nacional de Escuelas Católicas – Del 31 de Enero al 6 de Febrero del 2016: Lema: "Las escuelas católicas: Comunidades de Fe, Conocimiento y Servicio". Nuestra escuela observa la celebración anual de la semana con misas, casas abiertas y otras actividades para los estudiantes, las familias, los feligreses, y otros miembros de la comunidad. Las escuelas se centran en el valor que la educación católica ofrece a los jóvenes y sus contribuciones a nuestra iglesia, nuestras comunidades y nuestra nación. Like us on Facebook… See’s Candy Sale: “Please Help Support our Faith Formation programs by buying SEES Candy Bars. You may buy after Mass on January 30-31 or call the Parish Office. Candy Bars are $2.00 each or $48.00 for a box of 24 (containing 3 different kinds=dark chocolate with almonds, plain milk chocolate, and milk chocolate with toffee bits). You may also request a box of only one kind. Questions or concerns. Call Janette Thompson @ 510 582-7282 x 3. Candy Bars make great Valentine Gifts… See’s Candy: “Por favor, ayude a apoyar nuestros programas de Formación de Fe comprando barras de chocolates SEES Candy. Usted puede comprar después de la misa el 30-31 de enero o llame a la Oficina Parroquial. Las Barras de chocolate cuestan $2.00 cada una ó $48.00 por una caja de 24 (que contiene 3 tipos diferentes = chocolate negro con almendras, chocolate con leche, y chocolate con leche con pedacitos de toffee ). Preguntas o inquietudes. Llame a Janette Thompson @ (510) 5827282 x 3. Las barras de chocolate son un regalo perfercto para San Valentín ... Confirmation Retreat: The Youth Confirmation Candidates will be on Retreat this weekend of January 29th—31st (Fri.-Sun.) at Redwood Glen Camp in Loma Mar, CA. Please pray for our 39 youth candidates who are preparing for Confirmation. The World Day of the Sick Mass The annual World Day of the Sick Mass will be held on Saturday, February 6 at 11:00 am at The Cathedral of Christ the Light. Those who are sick or ill and their families, caregivers, and healthcare providers are invited to observe this day with the religious and lay people from the Diocese of Oakland. More information: El Día Mundial de la Misa de Enfermos se celebrará el sábado 6 de febrero a las 11:00 am en la Catedral de Cristo la Luz. Aquellos que están enfermos y sus familias, cuidadores y profesionales de la salud se les invita a observar este día con los religiosos y laicos de la diócesis de Oakland. Más información: RETROUVAILLE MARRIAGE HELP: Febr uar y 26-28 Jeff & Donna Heusler 510-276-4118 Retrouvaille is designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. The Retrouvaille Program consists of a weekend experience combined with post weekend sessions. The program, which emphasizes communication, provides the tools to help put marriages in order again. The program offers the opportunity for couples to rediscover each other and examine their lives together in a new and positive way. The program has been highly successful in saving hurting marriages, even bringing reconciliation to couples who have already separated or divorced. Bulletin Deadline: Any items for the bulletin must be in by Monday, at 3pm to be consider ed for publication. Fecha límite para el Boletín: Cualquier artículo para el boletín deben entregarse el lunes a las 3pm para ser considerado para su publicación. WALK FOR LIFE Thank you to our St. Clement Parishioners who joined the 12th Annual Walk For Life in San Francisco last Saturday, January 23. Faustina: Messenger of the Divine Mercy Viewing Sunday, January 31, 7:00 pm Castro Valley Performing Arts Center 19501 Redwood Rd., Castro Valley, CA Contact: Our Lady of Grace Parish Office Phone: 510-537-0806 E-mail: par [email protected] g Website: www.lgcv.or g In Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy, audiences experience the spirit and life of the Polish mystic Saint Faustina paired with a parallel modern-day story that offers audiences a personal connection to St. Faustina via the current moral issues of our time. St. Faustina’s personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a world-wide devotion to Christ’s Divine Mercy, and many audiences of the film have called the production a “wake-up call.” Tickets are $15 for Adults and $12 for Seniors and Youth (17 and under). A discount price of $40 is offered to families of four. This film is suitable for those who are 12 or older. For more information, contact Our Lady of Grace Parish Office. Registration in Parish & Welcome to Newcomers: O loving God, help us to be masters of the weapons that threaten to master us. Help us to use science for peace and plenty, not for war and destruction. Show us how to use atomic power to bless our children’s children not blight them. Save us from the compulsion to follow our adversaries in all that we most hate, confirming them in their hatred and suspicion of us. Resolve our inner contradictions, which now grow beyond belief and beyond bearing. They are at once a torment and a blessing; for if you had not left us the light of conscience, we would not have to endure them. Teach us to be long-suffering in anguish and insecurity, teach us to wait and trust. Grant light, grant strength and patience to all who work for peace...grant us prudence in the proportion to our power, wisdom in proportion to our science, humanness in proportion to our wealth and might, And bless our earnest will to help all races and peoples travel, in friendship with us, along the road to justice, liberty and lasting peace. (Merton’s Prayer for Peace) Registro en la Parroquia y Bienvenido Nuevos: For all those who wish to become members of the parish, Para todos quellos que dessen convertirse en miembros de la registration will be Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 10:00am parroquia registros serán sábado, 20 de febrero 2016, a las in Fran Wright Hall. 10:00am en el salon de Fran Wright. MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES de la MISA: WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date Time Mass Intention Date Time Ministry / Event Place 1/30/16 Sat. 5pm Domingo Bobila Sr.+ Eufrosina C. Denoga+ Didsy & Mario Jayubo+ Joel Señoran + Sun– 1/31 12:45pm Catholic School Week School Open House School Mon-2/1 1/31/16 Sun. 8am 3:30-9pm CYO Practice 7pm Coro de Ninos MH C Tues-2/2 3:30-9pm CYO Practice MH Wed-2/3 3:30-9pm CYO Practice 6:30pm Esperanza Viva/ Gpo. De Oracion MH C/ FWH Thurs-2/4 3:30-9pm 7pm 7pm 8pm MH C C C Fri– 2/5 3:30-9pm CYO Practice 7pm Firs Friday Mass & Adoration MH C Sat– 2/6 9am 3:30pm 7pm PC-CR C FWH Delia Nicholas (Health) Reynaldo Gallardo Limson+ John Bud Gennoy+ Fabian Abellana+ 9:30am For the People of God Richard McMahon (Birthday) 11am Rey de Vega (Thanksgiving) Paula Talaga+ Dominga Canlas+ 12:30pm Rigoberto Rafael Montes+ 6:30pm 2/01/16 Mon. 8am Brigada Salanga (Birthday) 2/02/16 Tues. 8am Joe Ruiz+ 2/03/16 Weds. 8:30am Joseph B. Silva+ 2/04/16 Thurs. 8am Regalado Umale+ 2/05/16 Fri. 8am 7pm Elodia Rodriguez Reyes+ Salvador Maciel + 2/06/16 Sat. 8am STEWARDSHIP/ CORRESPONDENCIA: WEEKLY GOAL/META SEMANAL: 10,000.00 FIRST COLLECTION/ PRIMERA COLECTA: “Your Obligation/Su Obligación: $7,497.00 01/25/16 SECOND COLLECTION/SEGUNDA COLECTA: “Your Generosity/Su Generosidad: Debt Reduction $1,224.00 01/25/16 Second Collection this Weekend: The Second Collection this weekend, January 30-31 is for St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you for your continued support that make it possible to help those who come to our parish in need. Segunda Colecta este fin de semana: La segunda colecta este fin de semana 30 y 31 de enero será para San Vicente de Pablo. Gracias por su continuo apoyo que hace posible ayudar a los que vienen a nuestra parroquia en necesidad. CYO Practice RICA Holy Hour Choir (English) Legion of Mary Confessions Baptism Class (Spanish) PRAY FOR THE SICK/ OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS… Libby Laris, Ron Saunders, Ann Saunders, Ruben Rodarte, Sandro Sangiacomo, Miguel Angel Castillo, Mike Rohman, Jane Rohman, Jeff & Marie Saunders, Shanna Del Toro, Justin Del Toro, Lillian Saunders, Tom Laris, Jane Laris, Carlos Gonzalez, Maria Herrera, Belina Dominguez, Deacon Manuel Moya, Bob Rush, William Ylanan, Myron Weber, Gerald Wilkom, Nila Kearney, Concepcion Prestoza, Ester Arellano, George Galanido, Colleen O’Connor, Alma Acu, Juanita Estella, Pedro Suarez, Llana Ganal, Gloria Desouza, Baylon Pererra, Kathy Peterson, Doris Peterson, Molly A. Moniz, Pete Villanueva, Francisco Garcia, Steven Uyeda, Fe Maravilla, Anhk Goodson, Leocario Hernandez, Wayne Robinson, Andrea Dizon, Mari Cardona, Arthur Gonzalez, Leo Vigil, Josephine Hamaker, Carrie Rodriguez, Raymond Cabral, Henry Pereira, Norberto Dimaano, Fr. Vincent Brylka,Patricia McConnell, Sophia Garcia, Rufina Mora, Rosy Pereira, Peg Connelly, Amelia Garcia, Ernesto Pagkalinawan, Judy McKenny, Oscar Penaflor, Augustine Morales, Sylvia Ramirez, Juanita Estrelles, Richard Boles, Dennis/Maritas Cruzada, Cherry A. Cruzada, Nelia Quintos, Gerardo Ramos, Ann Georgia Crystal, Candida Tiglao, Lupe Orozco, Anne Rogers, Cordilia Jaramillo. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED/ OREMOS POR LOS FALLECIDOS… Erwin Villanueva + WORKSHOPS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED A LOSS by Fr. Padraig Greene: Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services is here for you as an extension of your parish, accompanying you on your grief journey. . . . you are not alone. Our ministry to hurting families responds to the call of Pope Francis, the Catholic Church is for healing wounds and warming hearts. Holy Angels – Sorensen Chapel: 1140 ‘B’ Street, Hayward, CA 94541 on the Second Thursday of Each Month - 7:00PM For more information call (510) 581-1234. Holy Angels - Cooper Chapel 1580 Fruitvale Avenue, Oakland, CA 94601 Fourth Saturday of Each Month - 11:00AM For more information call (510) 533-4114
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