Knights Navigator Knights of Columbus - Council 12942 St. Brendan Catholic Community - Cumming, GA Web Page address— Volume 7, Issue 12 Notice By now you should have received an invitation to join our Google Groups account. We have had some issues with the emailing of announcements and newsletters. In order to to make sure you receive these communications please join. If you did not receive the invitation follow this link to send a request to join.!forum/koc12942 Then select “Subscribe to this group” Message from the Editor Have a Very Merry Christmas! December 2015 Meeting Times Locations Tiempos de Reunión Lugares St Brendan Knights of Columbus Council #12942 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 Council meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM, with light refreshments served before the meeting from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm. The last Friday of the month is a member and guest social meeting starting at 6:30 pm. Las reuniones del Consejo son el segundo Lunes de cada mes a las 7:30p.m., refrescos seran servidos antes de la reunion: 6:30 hasta las 7:15p.m. El ultimo Viernes del mes es una reunion social para los miembros y sus invitados a las 6:30p.m. Table of Contents .................................... Page Do you know we have a web site? Knights of Columbus St. Brendan Council 12942 Grand Knights Outlook ....................................................... 2/4 Mensaje del Gran Caballero ............................................... 3/4 Your Officers and Committee Chairs .................................... 5 Sus funcionarios y Presidentes de Comisión ...................... 5 St. Joseph Food Pantry Information ..................................... 5 Faith Formation Information .................................................. 6 Christmas Mass Schedule ..................................................... 6 World Marriage Day Ball ........................................................ 7 Knights in Action .................................................................... 8 Polish Dinner/Aprons ............................................................. 9 Brother Mike Church .............................................................. 9 Birthdays ................................................................................. 9 Recruiting New Knights ....................................................... 10 Upcoming Exemplifications ................................................. 10 Reclutando Nuevos Caballeros .......................................... 11 Proximas Iniciaciones .......................................................... 11 Family and Knight of the Month .......................................... 12 Message from our Field Agent ............................................ 13 Mensaje del Agente de Seguros .......................................... 14 Highlights from the November Council Meeting ................ 15 Notas de la Reunión del Consejo el pasado Noviembre 9, 2015 . 15 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship/EPIC .... 16 Torneo del Lanzamiento del BasketBall de los Caballeros de Coló ......... 16 EPIC – Join the Journey ....................................................... 17 EPIC- ÚNASE AL VIAJE ....................................................... 17 KoC Brother Knights with a Business ................................ 18 December Calendar .............................................................. 19 January Calendar.................................................................. 20 PAGE 2 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Grand Knights Outlook Brother Knights, November has been a very busy month, particularly for our Fourth Degree Sir Knights. Let me begin by congratulating James Borzak on becoming a Fourth Degree Knight on November 14th. Mike Artzer and I went along with James as Observers. That evening and the next day, Joe Fenton had everyone organized to have an Honor Guard to walk the veterans into church and then after mass to have a collection taken up for the veterans. This year we collected over $1600 for the veterans, a new record amount. This money will be split in half and will be going to the VA Hospital in Decatur, GA and the other half will go to Frontline Faith to purchase MP3 Players for active duty personnel. Following that successful event, Chris Burgett organized our first Mass for Deceased Knights. We had a twelve man Honor Guard to escort Lynn Martiny and Donna Sock into Church. We gave both ladies some flowers. At the prayer of the faithful, Fr. Octavio read all of the names of our deceased Knights. Thanks a lot to Deacon Luis and Kelle Russo for helping us organize this event. Two days later we were back with two Honor Guards for our 130 young people who were confirmed on Saturday, November 21st. Finally, we ended the month with the fifth Sunday of the month rosary. It was dedicated to Pope Francis' dedication for this new Liturgical Year as the Year of Divine Mercy. We had eight Knights, some of their wives and a couple of parishioners. Now we are ready and working in December. Scott Mackie headed up the breakfast with St. Nick on Sunday, December 6th. Mike Artzer is heading up our monastery candy sales on Sunday December 6th and the weekend of December 12th and 13th. Jim Kirspel is organizing our Christmas Eve parking. Jim is going to need help. In the background, we had some organizational meetings for our Lenten fish fries. We are getting Knights in charge of marketing, set-up, serving, busing the tables, cooking inside and outside, cleanup, and washing dishes. We are hopefully going to add a couple of new wrinkles to this year's fish fries. John Gehrts and Chris Bell are working on a drive-thru concept where our customers drive over to St. Brendan's and pick up their order without leaving their car. Meanwhile Bob Morris is looking into a charge card option for paying for their meals. Keep in mind our goals for this year are: Achieve STAR Council again. All of our activities must reflect our values of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. I strongly encourage all our Knights to recruit a new member and you, yourselves, to get higher degrees. Let take a look at what is coming up: December 6, Weekend of December 12/13 - - Sale of Monastery confections and fruit cakes Sunday, December 6 - - Breakfast with St. Nick (Continued on page 4) PAGE 3 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Mensaje del Gran Caballero Hermanos Caballeros, Noviembre ha sido un mes muy ocupado, particularmente para los Sir Knights del Cuarto Grado. Quiero empezar por felicitar a James Borzak quién se convirtió en un Caballero del Cuarto Grado el pasado 14 de Noviembre. Mike Artzer y yo lo acompañamos como observadores. Esa noche y el siguiente dia, Joe Fenton organizó la Guardia de Honor para acompañar los Veteranos en la Iglesia y después de la Misa haciendo la colecta por los Veteranos. Se recibieron $1,600.00 para los Veteranos y es un nuevo record. Este dinero se repartirá entre el Hospital de Veteranos en Decatur, GA y Frontline Faith para la compra de grabadoras MP3 para militares activos en el servicio. Después de tan exitoso evento, Chris Burgett organizó la primera Misa por nuestros hermanos fallecidos. 12 hermanos conformaron la Guardia de Honor para escoltar a Lynn Martiny y Donna Sock dentro de la Iglesia. Flores fueron donadas a cada una . Durante la oración de los fieles, el Padre Octavio leyó los nombres de todos los miembros fallecidos de nuestro Consejo. Gracias a Deacon Luis Carlos y a Kelle Russo por su ayuda organizando esta actividad. Dos dias más tarde volvimos con la Guardia de Honor por nuestros 130 jóvenes quienes recibieron su Confirmación el Sábado 21 de Noviembre. Finalmente, terminamos el mes con el Rosario en el quinto Domingo del mes. Fué dedicado al Papa Francisco por consagrar este nuevo Año Litúrgico como el Año de la Divina Misericordia. Estuvieron presentes participando 8 Caballeros con sus esposas y algunos parroquianos. Ahora estamos listos para trabajar en Diciembre. Scott Mackie dirigió el desayuno con Nicholas el pasado Domingo 6 de Diciembre. Mike Artzer estará dirigiendo la venta de los dulces del Monasterio durante los fines de semana del 6 y el 12-13 de Diciembre. Jim Kirspel está organizando la actividad del parqueo durante las Misas del 24 de Diciembre por la Vigilia de Navidad y necesita ayuda. Tuvimos reunione para hablar del pescado frito durante la Cuaresma. Estamos designando Caballeros para ayudarnos con la propaganda, preparación, servir y asistir las mesas, cocinar dentro y fuera del Salón Social, limpieza y lavado de platos. Añadiremos un par de ideas para este próximo pescado frito de Cuaresma. John Gehrts y Chris Bell están trabajando en una idea, donde nuestros clientes hacen la orden y la recogen sin bajarse de su vehículo. Mientras tanto, Bob Morris está averiguando la opción de recibir tarjetas de crédito para pagar por la comida. Recuerden nuestra metas para el próximo año: Lograr el premio al Consejo Estrella de nuevo. Todas nuestra actividades deben reflejar nuestros valores de Caridad, Unidad y Fraternidad. Encarecidamente le recominedo a todos nuestros hermanos que recluten a un nuevo miembro y que ustedes mismos reciban el próximo grado disponible. Próximas actividades: Diciembre 6 y 12 y 13 venta de dulces del Monasterio. Domingo Diciembre 6, desayuno con San Nicholas. PAGE 4 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR (Continued from page 2) Monday, December 14 - - First Degree Exemplification and monthly business meeting in the Social Hall December 24 - - Christmas Eve Parking for the 4:00 pm mass and 6:00 pm mass Monday, January 11 - - Monthly business meeting V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 (Continued from page 3) Lunes Diciembre 14, iniciación de Primer Grado y reunión regular en el Salón Social. Diciembre 24 estaremos controlando el parqueo desde la Misa de las 4:00pm hasta la Misa de las 6:30pm. Lunes Enero 11, reunión mensual de negocios. Fin de semana de Enero 16-17, entrega de Weekend of January 16/17 - - Pass out baby los biberones a los parroquianos de San Brendan bottles to the parishioners of St. Brendan's y el dinero colectado será donado a Whispering with the money collected going to Whispering Hope. Hope Viernes Enero 29, Rosario del Quinto Domin Friday, January 29 - - Monthly social go del Mes, dedicado a orar por las vocaciones a la vida religiosa. Sunday, January 31 - - Fifth Sunday of the month rosary. This saying of the rosary will De nuevo, como ustedes pueden ver tenemos be dedicated to vocations to the religious life bastante actividad y necesitamos que todos nuestros Caballeros nos den una mano. Por faAgain, as you can see we have a lot going on vor, ofrézcase y no espere hasta que alguien lo and we need all of our Knights to lend a hand. solicite. Please step up and do not wait to be asked. Vivat Jesu! VIVAT JESU, Rick Rick Gran Caballero Grand Knight K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 5 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Your Officers and Committee Chairs 2014 - 2015 Fraternal Year Sus funcionarios y Presidentes de Comisión 2014 - 2015 Hermano Officers/Mesa Chaplain/Capellán….Father Matthew Van Smoorenburg, L.C. Associate Chaplain/Diputado de Distrito………Father Jason Brooks Supreme Knight/Caballero Supremo ........................Carl A. Anderson District Deputy/Adjunto del Distrito..................Angelo Sampona State Deputy/Diputado del Estado…………...Mark McMullen Grand Knight/Gran Caballero ..............................Rick Sullivan Deputy Grand Knight/ Diputado Gran Caballero…...Dick Flag Chancellor/Canciller ...........................................Doug Hoffman Warden/Guardián ..................................................John Boehm Financial Secretary/Secretario Financiero……………….…Bob Morris Recorder/Secretario de Actas..............................Charles Perott Treasurer/Tesorero .............................................Steve Herzog Advocate/Abogado ...............................................Chris Burgett Inside Guard/Guardia Interior .........................Mike Underwood Inside Guard/Guardia Interior ...............................Nilton Santos Outside Guard/Guardia Exterior.....................Tom Mastrangelo Outside Guard/Guardia Exterior...........................Chris Baswell Three-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 3 años…....Mike Artzer Two-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 2 años.....Chuck Bogatie One-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 1 año..........Dan Jozwiak Lecturer/Lector…..............................................Quinton Skinner Committee Chairs/Presidentes de Comisión St. Joseph Food Pantry Information St. Joseph Food Pantry St. Brendan’s Catholic Community Office: 770 205 7969 Hours for registration and food distribution: Sunday – 1:45 to 3:15 PM Wednesday – 5:30 to 8:30 PM Registration applications: Available in the Church Narthex Program Chairman/Programa Presidente……….…...Dick Flaig Church Director/Director Actividades de la Iglesia..........Vacant For additional information contact: Community Director/Director de Actividades de la Comunidad [email protected] ……...........................................................................Joe Fenton Barbara Gordon – 404-431-9924 Pro-Life Director/Provida Director.......................Charlie Matuza Council Director/Director de Actividades del Consejo .......... ………………………………………………………….Bill Hickman Family Director/Director de Actividades de la Familia............... …………………………………………………...........Scott Mackie Membership Director/Director de Membresía…..Doug Hoffman Youth Director/Director de Actividades de la Juventud ............. ……………………………………………………...Dale Gracyalny Assistant Youth Director/Assistant Director de Actividades de la Juventud……………........................................ Charlie Tullier Newsletter/Boletín informativo........................John Hausknecht Webmaster/Webmaster.....................................Geary Beaulieu Member Benefits/Ventajas de ser miembro Fraternal Benefits Advisor/Beneficios Fraternales de los Miembros……………………………………...…….Stephen Znoj Stephen Znoj—Our Councils Field Agent—Contact Information Stephen J. Znoj Field Agent Knights of Columbus 732 Crescent Cir Canton, GA 30115 770-231-2519 Life Insurance Retirement Long Term Care Disability Income PAGE 6 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Faith Formation Information That Man Is YOU- honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. Come to one session or as many as you can! Meets Saturday 7:30-9:00 AM September 26- December 19 Location: FFC Great Room Contact: Mike Quercia - [email protected] Men’s Prayer Group – Fridays (7-8AM Faith Formation Center Sun Room) This group provides a forum for men of the parish to gather together to share their faith and discuss their thoughts about daily life as Catholics. Learn to integrate faith and life while meeting with others for great fellowship and prayerful reflection. Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] DIG “Get Grounded” DIG starts with real food- grab a drink and “dig” into true values through the lens of contemporary media. Join the discussion on important things that influence the everyday life of a man. Try it…you will like it….. Satisfaction Guaranteed! 6:30 pm-9:00 pm in the Social Hall Dates: 10/13, 11/10, 12/3, 1/19, 2/09, 3/08, 4/19, 5/10 Christmas Mass Schedule Thursday, December 24 4:00 pm Vigil Mass 4:30 pm Vigil Mass at Pinecrest Academy* 6:30 pm Vigil Mass 7:00 pm Vigil Mass at Pinecrest Academy* Friday, December 25 10:00 am Mass 11:30 am Mass 1:00 pm Mass in Spanish 8:30 pm Vigil Spanish Mass 11:00 pm Christmas Mass *Pinecrest Address: Pinecrest Academy 955 Peachtree Pkwy, Cumming, GA Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel PAGE 7 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR 31st Annual World Marriage Day Ball V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 PAGE 8 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Knights in Action—Polish Dinner (Picture provided by Joe Fenton) PAGE 9 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR Polish Dinner The 2015 issue of the Polish Dinner was very successful. We netted over $2700, everyone had great fun and we created an atmosphere that helps so much in creating community for St Brendan's Catholic Church. The income is a record and we feel that it will be a good goal for the future for our fund raising efforts. Many thanks to all who participated, especially those who helped with making the Polish dishes. That was a tremendous effort and was very time consuming. Jerry Frasso & Bill Hickman Aprons—Missing—Please Return V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Brother Knight Mike Church Brother Knight Mike Church in New Orleans. He had a radio show on XM radio and has moved to present a free service at Veritas Radio Network found at the website Please post this information in the Newsletter. Mike is a conservative Christian Historian that many people of faith will enjoy and appreciate. Although the radio show is broadcast live, All segments may be listened to at any time on the internet site. Information provided by: Bother Knight Jack Hriczo, I am missing several deep red aprons used at the Polish Dinner that we keep and use exclusively for the dinners. There is a small white tag in the back that has my name on it. If you happen to have one, just send me an email and we can work out a transfer. Bill Hickman [email protected] Happy Birthday to all!! Feliz cumpleaños a todos!! If I have missed anyone, please e-mail birthday information to: [email protected] Si he perdido a nadie, por favor envíenos un e-mail cumpleaños: [email protected] KYLE DALE FRANK CHET JOHN QUENTIN GARY JEFF TIMOTHY GUY DAVID A. ANTHONY R. RICK WEEKS JAMES CISZEK NADOLSKI BOEHM SKINNER GAMET LEE MARGESON TOMPKINS MARINO ZAK BEELEN 8‐Dec 9‐Dec 11‐Dec 14‐Dec 15‐Dec 18‐Dec 19‐Dec 18‐Dec 20‐Dec 22‐Dec 24‐Dec 29‐Dec 31‐Dec K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 10 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Recruiting New Knights and Upcoming Exemplifications Recruiting New Knights and Upcoming Exemplifications Recruitment Please review each of these video links. These are well done videos to aid us in our recruitment strategies. We will be hosting a first degree on December 14th. Please let Douglas Hoffman know if you have anyone he should contact with membership information. Knights of Columbus Informational Video The Power of One Recruit Upcoming Exemplifications FIRST DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION December 14th, 2015 Council 12942 St. Brendan (4633 Shiloh Road, Cumming, GA 30040) January 11th, 2015 Council 12883 St. Monica (1700Buford Hwy NW, Duluth, GA 30097) February 1st, 2015 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if you have a prospective candidate. SECOND DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION January 20th, 2016 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) March 16th, 2015 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if interested. THIRD DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION January 23rd, 2016 Council 12883 St. Monica (1700Buford Hwy NW, Duluth, GA 30097) February 9th, 2016 Council 6532 St. Thomas Aquinas (535 Rucker Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004) March 19th, 2016 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if interested. FOURTH DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION February 6th, 2016 (location and details to be announced). Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if interested. PAGE 11 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Reclutando Nuevos Caballeros de Colón y próximas Iniciaciones Reclutamiento Por favor, vean estos enlaces para videos. Estos videos están bien elaborados con estrategias para ayudarnos a reclutar. Estaremos haciendo un Primer Grado el 14 de Diciembre. Por favor de informar a Doug Hoffman si saben de alguien interesado para que el lo contacte y le de información. Video Informativo de los Caballeros de Colón El Poder de Reclutar Uno Próximas Iniciaciones INICIACIÓN DE PRIMER GRADO Diciembre 14, 2015 Consejo 12942 St. Brendan (4633 Shiloh Rd. Cumming, GA 30040) Enero 11, 2016,Consejo 12883 St. Minica (1700 Buford Hwy. NW, Duluth, GA 30097) Febrero 1, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd. Duluth, GA 30097) Por favor avisar a Douglas Hoffman [email protected] si tiene un candidato. INICIACIÓN DE SEGUNDO GRADO Enero 20, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd. Duluth, GA 30097) Marzo 16, 2016 Por favor avisar a Douglas Hoffman [email protected] si tiene un candidato. INICIACIÓN DE TERCER GRADO Enero 23, 2016 Consejo 12883 St. Monica (1700 Buford Hwy. NW, Duluth, GA 30097) Febrero 9, 2016 Consejo 6532 St. Thomas Aquinas (535 Rucker Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30004) Marzo 19, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd., Duluth, GA 30097) Por favor avisar a Douglas Hoffman [email protected] si tiene un candidato INICIACIÓN DE CUARTO GRADO Febrero 6, 2016 (El sitio será anunciado oportunamente). Por favor avisar a Douglas Hoffman [email protected] si tiene un candidato PAGE 12 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Family and Knight of the Month Jane and Dale Gracyalny were the Knights Family of the Month for November Joe Fenton was the Knight of the Month for November PAGE 13 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Message from our Field Agent An Ethical Responsibility In 2015, the Knights of Columbus was named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute for the second year in a row. This is a tremendous honor and achievement that all Knights should be proud of. You are part of a fraternal benefit society that puts integrity above all else. But tremendous though it is, being one of the world’s most ethical companies is not just an achievement; it’s our legacy and our responsibility. We won’t settle for less. We owe it to our founder, to our Church, and to our members. As a business, the Knights of Columbus holds a unique place in the world. Writing in Columbia, the Supreme Knight reflected on that uniqueness, noting that: Whether we consider the development of our insurance products, the investment strategies that support them, or the outstanding agents who make them available to our brother Knights, our Catholic fraternal “business” model is truly unique in today’s marketplace. We do not divide the world among consumers and customers, shareholders and stakeholders, union members and management. Instead, our business decisions are measured by a fraternal calculus: What is best for our brother Knights and their families? There’s a certain counterculturalism inherent in this approach, which is part of what makes the label of “World’s Most Ethical’ so rare. “Some may say that this is a kind of idealism that cannot compete in the real world of business,” the Supreme Knight continued. “On the contrary, the tremendous success we have achieved in recent years demonstrates that our approach is the height of what I would describe as Catholic realism. We deal with real persons, not with economic abstractions. Our focus is on the person who is always worthy of respect and who always should take precedence over profit.” That focus stems from our roots. It is our responsibility to continue the business in a way that Father McGivney intended. He founded this organization so that a caring community of Catholic families could come together and protect widows and orphans from financial devastation upon the death of the bread winner. Our mission remains the same 133 years later. That’s why from our founding to the present day, we are and have been an unapologetically Catholic company. For us, this means that we must conduct our business in accordance with Catholic principles. We have established a strict screening process for our investments, and we refuse to invest in companies that deal in abortions, contraception, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, for-profit health care that pays for any of the aforementioned, and pornography. We are an organization by brother Knights, for brother Knights. We don’t worry about stock price, shareholders, or corporate takeovers. We don’t obsess over profit margins and golden parachutes. We worry about doing what’s right for our members and their families. After all, we’re brother Knights too. We rigorously train our agents and hold them to the highest ethical standards. Our Agent Code of Ethics is modeled after the Ten Commandments. Among its commandments is “Thou shall present, honestly and accurately, all the facts necessary to enable a member to make an informed decision.” “Our fraternal ties to our members,” it goes on to say, “make it more incumbent on us, in our dealings with them, to assure that their interests are uppermost in our minds as we provide solutions to their financial needs. It all boils down simply to the golden rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” After all, we are our brother’s keeper. That’s our commitment to you. And that’s our commitment to conducting our business in line with Church teaching, and in line with the vision of our holy founder. We are honored that the Ethisphere Institute has yet again acknowledged that commitment. It is what makes doing business with the Knights of Columbus truly different. Let’s talk soon to see how the Knights of Columbus can help protect you and your family. Stephen J. Znoj Field Agent 770-231-2519 [email protected] PAGE 14 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Mensaje del Agente de Seguros Una Responsabilidad Ética En el 2015, los Caballeros de Colón fueron catalogados como una de las Compañías en el Mundo con Mayor Ética, por el Instituto Ethisphere por segundo año consecutivo. Este es un gran honor y un gran logro, del cual los Caballeros de Colón están muy orgullosos. Usted es parte de una sociedad de beneficios fraternales(Fraternidad) que pone su integridad por encima de todo lo demás. Pero esto es mucho más que un logro; es nuestro legado y nuestra responsabilidad. No lo dejaremos de hacer por nada. Se lo debemos a nuestro fundador, a nuestra Iglesia, y a nuestros miembros. Como una empresa, los Caballeros de Colón ocupan un único sitio en el mundo. El Supremo Gran Caballero escribió en la revista Columbia acerca de esta distinción: “Si consideramos el desarrollo de nuestros productos de seguros, las inversiones que los apoyan, o los excelentes agentes que los hacen disponibles a nuestros hermanos Caballeros, el modelo de nuestras actividades Fraternales Católicas es único en el Mercado hoy en dia. Nosotros no dividimos el mundo entre consumidores y clientes, accionistas e inversionistas, miembros de la unión y administración. Por el contrario, nuestras decisiones de negocios se miden con un cálculo fraternal: Qué es lo mejor para nuestros hermanos Caballeros y sus familias”. Hay algo en contra de nuestra cultura general en este análisis, que es lo que nos convierte en algo raro “Una de las Compañías en el Mundo con más Ética”. “Algunos dicen que este es un tipo de idealismo que no puede competir en el mundo real de los negocios”. El Supremo Gran Caballeros continua. “Por el contrario, el tremendo éxito que hemos tenido en los años recientes demuestra que nuestro modo de operar es de la más alta calidad en el mundo que llamo Realismo Católico. Nosotros trabajamos con personas reales, no con situaciones económicas. Nuestro enfoque es en la persona quién siempre merece respeto y quién está primero que cualquier utilidad económica”. Este enfoque sale de nuestras raices. Es nuestra responsabilidad el continuar los negocios de la manera como el Venerable Padre Michael J. McGivney lo intentó. El fundó esta organización para que una comunidad preocupada de Familias Católicas pudiera unirse y protejer las viudas y los huérfanos ante la ruina financiera después de la muerte del padre de familia. Nuestra misión permanece igual después de 133 años de fundados. Por esa razón, desde nuestra fundación hasta el presente, somos y hemos sido una orgullosa Compañía Católica. Para nosotros, esto significa que tenemos que manejar nuestros negocios de acuerdo a nuestros principios Católicos. Hemos establecido un estricto proceso para nuestras inversiones y nunca invertimos en compañías que trabajan con abortos, anticonceptivos, clonación de seres humanos, investigaciones con células de embriones humanos, programas de salud con ánimo de lucro que pagan por los anteriores servicios y la pornografía. Somos una organización para hermanos Caballeros, por hermanos Caballeros. No nos preocupamos por los precios en la bolsa de valores, los accionistas o por compañías que se unan. No nos obsesionamos con los márgenes de utilidad y paracaidas dorados. Nos preocupamos por hacer lo que es correcto por nuestros miembros y sus familias. Después de todo, somos también hermanos Caballeros de Colón. Rigurosamente entrenamos nuestros agentes y les exigimos las más altas normas éticas. Nuestro Código de Ética para nuestros agentes tiene como modelo los 10 Mandamientos. Entre sus mandamientos está: “Debe presentar, honesta y correctamente, todos los factores necesarios para permitirle al miembro hacer una decisión bien informada”. “Nuetros lazos fraternales con nuestros miembros” dice, “nos obliga, en nuestras negociaciones con ellos, a asegurarnos que sus intereses están en nuestra mente por encima de cualquier cosa, cuando les proveemos soluciones a sus necesidades financieras. Todo se reduce a la regla de oro-No hagas a los demás lo que no quieras que te hagan a ti”. Después de todo, somos el protector de nuestro hermano. Ese es nuestro compromiso con usted. Y ese es nuestro compromiso conduciendo nuestros negocios de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia, y de acuerdo con la visión de nuestro fundador. Nos sentimos honrados con el hecho de que el Intituto Ethisphere haya reconocido nuestro compromiso de nuevo. Esto es lo que hace el trabajar con los Caballeros de Colón realmente diferente. Hablemos pronto para ver como los Caballeros de Colón pueden ayudarle a protegerse a usted y a su familia. Stephen J. Znoj Agente de Seguros 770-231-2519 [email protected] PAGE 15 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Highlights from the November 9th Council Meeting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The Grand Knight congratulated everyone on the success of the Polish dinner. Several special guests attended the Polish dinner, Father Flood, State Deputy, and District Deputy. The Knight of the month was Joe Fenton. The Family of the Month was Jane and Dale Gracyalny. The Knight of Columbus Insurance hit $100 billion of insurance in force. Joe F. gave a status on the Polish dinner. He also requested Honor Guards for the veterans at all masses this coming weekend. The Knights will be collecting money for the veterans programs at the masses. A mass for the deceased Knights from our council is scheduled for 11/19, a request for Honor Guard at this mass. A request for Honor Guard for the Confirmation Masses on Saturday 11/21. Scott M. discussed the upcoming breakfast with St. Nick to be held on 12/06. Charlie T. gave a status on the soccer shoot out, we had one boy get 3rd in the state. He also requested help for security at the upcoming EPIC night for the teens. Charlie T. mentioned the Free Throw Contest will be scheduled in late Jan. at Pinecrest gym. Charlie M. gave a status on the Respect for Life activities. He also stated that the baby bottle collection will be coming up and he will need help labeling the bottles and then handing them out at the masses. Bob M. gave a status on the projects that the Tinkers have been working on. The Grand Knight reviewed the upcoming schedule for the rest of November and December. The blood drive is scheduled for 12/20. A request for parking help at the Christmas masses was made, further instructions to be defined. The insurance agent gave a short talk on the insurance programs. Notas de la Reunión del Consejo el pasado Noviembre 9, 2015 1. El Gran Caballero felicitó a todos por el éxito de la Comida Polaca. 2. Varios dignatarios asistieron a la Comida Polaca, Fr. Flood, State Deputy and District Deputy. 3. Joe Fenton fué designado el Caballero del Mes. Jane Y Dale Gracyalny fueron designados la Familia del Mes. 4. Los Seguros de Vida de los Caballeros de Colón alcanzaron la cifra de $100 Billones en seguros de vida vigentes. 5. Joe F. informó acerca de la Comida Polaca. Pidió la Guardia de Honor para los Veteranos en todas la Misas del próximo fin de semana. 6. Los Caballeros estarán colectando dinero para los programas de los Veteranos en las Misas. 7. Tendremos una Misa por los Caballeros fallecidos de nuestro Consejo el 19 de Nov. y se pide la presencia de la Guardia de Honor. 8. Se require la presencia de la Guardia de Honor en las Confirmaciones del 21 de Nov. 9. Scott M. explicó el desayuno con San Nicholas del 6 de Diciembre. 10. Charlie T. informó acerca del torneo del Futbol-Soccer, un joven de nuestro Consejo quedó de tercero en la prueba del Estado. Pidió ayuda para la seguridad de los jóvenes en la noche EPIC. 11. Charlie T. informó que el torneo del lanzamiento al BasketBall se realizará al finalizar Enero en el gimnasio de Pinecrest. 12. Charlie M. informó acerca de las actividades por el Respeto a la Vida y que el proyecto de la colecta con el Biberón empezará pronto, ahora necesita ayuda con los sellos para marcarlos y distribuirlos en las Misas. 13. Bob M. informó acerca de los proyectos en los que están trabajando los Tinkers. 14. El Gran Caballero revisó el calendario de actividades para lo que falta de Noviembre y Diciembre. 15. La próxima donación de sangre sera el 20 de Diciembre. 16. La Iglesia ha solicitado ayuda con el parqueo durante las Misas en Navidad. 17. El Agente de Seguros dió una breve explicación acerca de los programas del departamento de Seguros. K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 16 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is scheduled for Saturday, January 23 from 10:00 am – 12 at Pinecrest Academy in the lower gym. The contest is open to any boys and girls, ages 9 to 14 years old. Contestants will shoot 15 free throws. The winner of each gender/age group will advance to the District contest, which consists of 25 free throws. District winners will advance to State Free Throw contest. Last year, the State Free Throw Championship was held at the Georgia Tech Gym. Basketball Free Throw Entry/Score Sheet Link to the Basketball Free Throw Entry/Score Sheet 20Throw/2015%20Basketball%20Free%20Throw%20Entry-Score%20Sheet%20(1).pdf All brother knights are invited to help out at the Council contest at Pinecrest. Thanks, Brothers Dale and Charlie Torneo del Lanzamiento del BasketBall de los Caballeros de Colón Este torneo se celebrará el Sábado 23 de Enero desde las 10:00am hasta las 12:00pm en el Gimnasio bajo de la Academia Pinecrest. La competencia está disponible para niños y niñas con edades de 9 hasta 14 años de edad. Los concursantes lanzarán 15 lanzamientos a la canasta. El ganadorde cada grupo avanzará al torneo de Distrito, el cual consiste en 25 lanzamientos a la canasta. Los ganadores en el torneo de Distrito avanzarán al Torneo del estado. El pasado año, la competencia del estado se realizó en el Gimnasio de Georgia Tech. Formulario para registrarse y marcar los puntos iniciales: Utilicen el siguiente enlace para obtener la registración 20Entry-Score%20Sheet%20(1).pdf Todos nuestros hermanos Caballeros están invitados a ayudar en el torneo del Consejo en Pinecrest. Gracias, Hermanos Dale y Charlie K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 17 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 EPIC – Join the Journey The Faith Formation Ministry has asked the Knights for our help with traffic control and security at the next EPIC event on Sunday, December 13 from 5:30pm – 9:00pm at the Warehouse on Post Road across from Midway Park. Sponsored by St. Brendan’s, EPIC is an evening of live music, friendship, and inspiring values in a safe friendly place for high school students….. EPIC is a great place for teens to make new friends, have some fun and grow in their love for Christ. If you are interested in helping with traffic control and security at EPIC, please e-mail Dale Gracyalny [email protected] All volunteers for EPIC must have a current background check on file with St. Brendan’s. Knights of Columbus EPIC Traffic/Security Volunteers Needed Sunday, December 13 5:30pm – 9:00pm (EPIC hours 6-8:30) The Warehouse, 5095 Post Road Cumming, GA (across from Midway Park) Upcoming EPIC events…February 21, April 10, May 1 EPIC- ÚNASE AL VIAJE El Ministerio de Formación de Fe ha pedido a los Caballeros de Colón ayuda con el control del tráfico y la seguridad durante el próximo EPIC el Domingo 13 de Diciembre desde las 5:30pm hasta las 9:00pm en el Warehouse en Post Road al frente de Midway Park. Patrocinado por San Brendan, EPIC es una tarde de música en vivo, amistad, y valores inspiradores en un seguro y amistoso sitio para los estudiantes de High School….EPIC es un gran sitio para que los jóvenes hagan nuevas amistades, se diviertan y crezcan en su amor por Cristo. Si usted está interesado en ayudar controlando el tráfico y la seguridad de EPIC, por favor escriba a Dale Gracyalny: [email protected] Todos los voluntarios de EPIC tienen que tener al dia el chequeo de su vida pasada archivada en San Brendan. Knights of Columbus EPIC Tráfico/Seguridad Necesita Voluntarios Domingo Diciembre 13 5:30pm- 9:00pm (Horas de EPIC 6:00pm-8:30pm) The Warehouse, 5095 Post Road, Cumming, GA (Al frente de Midway Park) Los próximos EPIC serán: el 21 de Febrero, 10 de Abril y 1 de Mayo, 2016 PAGE 18 V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR A list of some of your Brother Knights who have their own business. Let me know if you have your own business you would like to add, send me the information. My email address is: [email protected] Amway website: Margeson High Pressure Cleaning and Renovation Services Inc. Chad Younger/Amway-Independent Business Owner 770-906-3000 [email protected] Ark Pest Control Services, LLC Jim Clare—Owner/Operator 770-844-0232 [email protected] Berkshire Hathaway Home Service Georgia Properties Realty Dan Jozwiak Cell 678-327-6621 E mail [email protected] Web Site Circa Capital Travis Raish, CFA 770-500-0888 E mail [email protected] Web Site Fee-Only Financial Planning & Wealth Management, No Commissions. Contact Travis for special offer for Knights Computer Solution Partners, LLC Eric Hoell, CEO 678-267-1989 Technical Services for small to medium sized businesses e-mail: [email protected] website: exp Realty Vin O'Reilly Associate Broker P: 678-770-6203 [email protected] Timothy Margeson 770-616-2829 Serving Forsyth County residents and businesses E-mail: [email protected] OliveBranch Games Tim Huff 407-414-5211 Family and Christian Board Games Frederick Hogan - Realtor Harry Norman, REALTORS® Forsyth/Lake e-mail: [email protected] website: Lanier Email: [email protected] Paynet Systems Cell 770-310-6001 | Office 770-427-2000 Fred Hogan – Account Manager E-Fax: 404-497-5124 O: (800) 809-1989 Ext 484 Fax: 888-282-9553 HR STAR Consulting Rick Sullivan 678-576-3550 [email protected] The Joint... the chiropractic place BK Dr Bradley Machara 5665 Atlanta Hwy (Hwy 9) Alpharetta, GA 30004 770 292-9292 [email protected] Kids 4 Jesus Kathleen Conklin Program Success Consultant P: 877-543-7638 C: 214-732-6063 [email protected] [email protected] Plumb Rite Ray Sokolowsky 678-947-1627 [email protected] Six Sigma, Inc. John R. Hriczo, PE / President 770-886-1990 Super Yard Care Covenant Appraisals David Ives 770-596-2847 [email protected] Ellen's condos in Hilton Head Greg Northway 770-313-8799 Email [email protected] Legal Shield Fred Dri [email protected] listings # 22089 or 87517 G. Robert Wilson 770-363-4240 [email protected] eTherapyDocs Lusk & Company, Inc. Eric Hoell, CEO 678-267-1989 Online Practice Management System for Pediatric Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists e-mail: [email protected] William C. Lusk P.E.; Founder/Chairman 678-624-0202 [email protected] Vanderbilt Securities John Kovacic Financial Consultant 678-341-5515 [email protected] The Villas at Canterfield Dusty M. Gunn; Executive Director (770) 888-4929 A Retirement Community e-mail: [email protected] website: K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 19 December 2015 Sun V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 We’re on the Web Knights of Columbus St. Brendan Council 12942 Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Monastery 6 7 Breakfast with St. Nick Monastery Confections and Fruit Cakes sale 13 Monastery Confections and Fruit Cakes sale EPIC 5:30 See page 17 8 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9 6:30-9:00 pm Optional Mass 6:00 Contact: Joe Fenton- jopm [email protected] See page 6 Confections and Fruit Cakes sale 10 12 11 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 Monastery am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Confections and Center Sun Room Fruit Cakes sale Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 14 1st Degree (see page 10) St. Brendan’s 15 16 17 Council Meeting Refreshments starting at 6:30 pm—7:30 pm General Business Meeting - All invited to both 20 Blood Drive Monastery Confections and Fruit Cakes sale 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 18 19 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 Monastery Confections and Fruit Cakes sale 25 26 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 20 We’re on the Web Knights of Columbus St. Brendan Council 12942 January 2016 Sun V OLU ME 7 , ISSUE 12 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 10 12 11 First Degree St. Monica (see pg 10) 13 14 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Council Meeting Refreshments starting at 6:30 pm—7:30 pm General Business Meeting - All invited to both out Baby 18 Bottles at Mass 17 Pass 24/31 Fifth Sunday of the Month Rosary 25 15 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 16 Pass out Baby Bottles at Mass Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 19 20 6:30-9:00 pm Optional Mass 6:00 pm See page 10 26 2nd Degree St. Benedict 27 21 22Men's Group Meeting 23 3rd Decree St. 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritu- Monica (see pg 10) al Life Center Sun Room Free Throw Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 28 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 contest See page 16 29 Men's Group Meeting 30 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Knights Social 7:30-9:00 am See page 6
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