Knights Navigator Knights of Columbus - Council 12942 St. Brendan Catholic Community - Cumming, GA Web Page address— Volume 8, Issue 1 Notice By now you should have received an invitation to join our Google Groups account. We have had some issues with the emailing of announcements and newsletters. In order to make sure you receive these communications please join. If you did not receive the invitation please send a email to [email protected] with your request and the email you would like to join with. Baby Bottle Campaign January 2016 Meeting Times Locations Tiempos de Reunión Lugares St Brendan Knights of Columbus Council #12942 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 Council meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM, with light refreshments served before the meeting from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm. The last Friday of the month is a member and guest social meeting starting at 6:30 pm. Our council will again conduct the annual Baby Bottle campaign for the benefit of Whispering Hope. An important first step is the preparation of the bottles for distribution. Las reuniones del Consejo son el segundo Lunes de cada mes a las 7:30p.m., refrescos seran servidos antes de la reunion: 6:30 hasta las 7:15p.m. El ultimo Viernes del mes es una reunion social para los miembros y sus invitados a las This is an assembly line(s) that removes the caps, labels 6:30p.m. the bottles, folds and insert the flyers and package the quantities for each Mass. We will need about 20 volunteers to make this project run smoothly—Knights, spouses, older (grand) children are welcome to participate. Please come and assist—it is not necessary to sign up. Table of Contents .................................... Page Grand Knights Outlook ....................................................... 2/4 Mensaje del Gran Caballero ............................................... 3/4 Your Officers and Committee Chairs .................................... 5 Sus funcionarios y Presidentes de Comisión ...................... 5 Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2015 St. Joseph Food Pantry Information ..................................... 5 Faith Formation Information .................................................. 6 Place: Parish Social Hall Mass for the Unborn and the Stand for Life ......................... 6 Time: 6:00 to 8:30 World Marriage Day Ball ........................................................ 7 The bottles will be distributed at all Masses on January Knights in Action .................................................................... 8 Birthdays ................................................................................. 8 16-17. We will need a distribution captain and 6 Recruiting New Knights ......................................................... 9 Knights for each Mass that weekend to coordinate the Upcoming Exemplifications ................................................... 9 handouts. Please let Curtis Weeks,[email protected] know if you are avail- Reclutando Nuevos Caballeros .......................................... 10 Proximas Iniciaciones .......................................................... 10 able to assist in the distribution weekend. Need a Tux for the 4th Degree in Feb ................................. 11 This project is one of our best acts of Family and Knight of the Month .......................................... 12 Charity and has directly contributed Social ..................................................................................... 13 Reunión Social de los Caballeros de Colón ....................... 13 to saving the lives of the unborn. Message from our Field Agent ............................................ 14 Please assist in its continuing sucMensaje del Agente de Seguros .......................................... 14 cess. Highlights from the DecemberCouncil Meeting ................. 15 Notas de la pasada reunión del Consejo el 14 de Diciembre, 2015 .......... 16 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship ............. 17 Torneo del Lanzamiento del BasketBall de los Caballeros de Coló ......... 17 KoC Brother Knights with a Business ................................ 18 Knights of Columbus January Calendar.................................................................. 19 February Calendar ................................................................ 20 Do you know we have a web site? St. Brendan Council 12942 PAGE 2 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Grand Knights Outlook Brother Knights, Another year is behind us. I hope each of you and your families had a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! I would like to commend Scott Mackie and friends for a great Breakfast with St. Nick, to Mike Artzer and his crew for selling of the Monastery candy and finally to Jim Kirspel and friends for organizing the Christmas Eve parking. All three events were very successful! Thank you to all. I would like to start this year of 2016 with a “Recipe For A Happy New Year.” I received this recipe a number of years ago from a good friend, Bob Grossberg. Bob is now retired; in his business career Bob was in the executive search business. I think this article/poem is a good starting point for the New Year. I hope you agree. Take twelve whole months. Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate, and jealousy. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible. Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one different parts, but don't make up the whole batch at once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients. Mix well into each day one part of faith, one part of patience, one part of courage, and one part of work. Add to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and kindness. Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation, and one good deed. Season the whole with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play, and a cupful of good humor. Pour all of this into a vessel of love. Cook thoroughly over radiant joy, garnish with a smile, and serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness. (Continued on page 4) PAGE 3 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Mensaje del Gran Caballero Hermanos Caballeros, Otro año que queda atrás. Confío en que cada uno de ustedes con sus familias tuvieron una Feliz y Santa Navidad y un Feliz Nuevo Año!! Quiero agradecer a Scott Mackie y sus amigos por el gran desayuno con San Nicholas, a Mike Artzer y su grupo por la venta de los dulces del Monasterio y finalmente a Jim Kirspel y sus amigos por la organización del parqueo la víspera de Navidad. Los tres eventos fueron muy exitosos! Gracias a todos. También quiero empezar este año 2016 con una “ Receta Para Un Feliz Año Nuevo “. Recibí esta receta algunos años atrás de mi buén amigo Bob Grossberg. Bob ya está retirado, en su profesión de negocios Bob se dedicó a buscar ejecutivos. Creo que este artículo/poema es una buena manera de empezar el Nuevo Año. Confío ustedes estén de acuerdo. Tome todos los doce meses. Límpielos de todo lo desagradable, odio y rencor y celos. Déjelos tan frescos y limpios como sea posible. Ahora, parta cada mes en veintiocho, treinta, o treinta y una partes diferentes, pero no los haga todos al mismo tiempo. Prepare una cada dia con los siguientes ingredientes. Mezcle cada dia una parte de fe, una parte de paciencia, una parte de coraje, y una parte de trabajo. Añada a cada dia una parte de esperanza, fidelidad, generosidad y amabilidad. Mézclelos con una parte de oración, una parte de meditación, y una buena obra. Aliñe todo con un poco de buenas intenciones, un poco de diversión, una pizca de juego, y una taza de buén humor. Ponga todo esto en una vasija de amor. Cocínelo bién con un gozo radiante, decórelo con una sonrisa, y sírvalo calládamente, sin egoismo, PAGE 4 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR (Continued from page 2) (Continued from page 3) You're bound to have a Happy New Year. y con alegría. V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Usted está listo para tener un Feliz Año Nuevo. Here we are again, the beginning of another New Year. Take it one day at a time, trust in yourself and be cognizant of the future. As we all learned from Dr. Arthur LafAquí estamos otra vez, empezando otro Nuevo Año… fer (Economist and author of supply side economics), Tome un dia a la vez, confíe en si mismo y esté pendiente the long run is a series of short runs. del futuro. Así como todos aprendimos del Dr. Arthur Laffer ( Economista y autor de artículos sobre economía), el Keep in mind our goals for this year are: camino largo está formado de una serie de caminos pequeños. Achieve STAR Council again. All of our activities must reflect our values of Chari- Mantenga pendiente nuestras metas para este año: ty, Unity and Fraternity. I strongly encourage all our Knights to recruit a new member and you, yourselves, to get higher degrees. Todas nuestras actividades deben reflejar nuestros valores de Caridad, Unidad y Fraternidad. Let take a look at what is coming up: Les recomiendo encarecidamente a todos nuestros Caballeros el reclutar un nuevo miembro y para ustedes mismos, obtener el siguiente grado. Monday, January 11 - - Monthly Business Meeting Alcanzar el premio al Consejo Estrella. Weekend of January 16/17 - - Pass out baby bottles Próximas actividades: to the parishioners of St. Brendan's with the money col Lunes Enero 11—Reunión Mensual de Negocios. lected going to Whispering Hope Fin de semana de Enero 16/17—Entregar los Friday, January 29 - - Monthly Social – I believe this biberones a los parroquianos de San Brendan con el dinero will be our annual chili night. colectado siendo donado al Whispering Hope. Sunday, January 30 - - Fifth Sunday of the month rosary. This saying of the rosary will be dedicated to Vocations to the religious life Weekend of February 6/7 - - Baby bottle Collection Monday, February 8 - - Monthly Business Meeting Wednesday, February 10 - - Ash Wednesday Viernes Enero 29—Reunión Social Mensual- creo es nuestra anual comida de Chili. Domingo Enero 30—Rosario del quinto Domingo del mes. Este Rosario será dedicado a las vocaciones a la vida religiosa. Fin de semana de Febrero 6/7—Colecta de los biberones. Lunes Febrero 8—Reunión Mensual de Negocios. hall Miércoles Febrero 10—Miércoles de Ceniza. Fridays, February 12, 19, and 26 - - Lenten fish Domingo Febrero 14—Donación de sangre en el salon Social. Sunday, February 14 - - Blood drive in the social fries Viernes Febrero 12, 19, y 26—Comida del pescado As you can see we have a lot going on and we need all frito durante la Cuaresma. of our Knights to lend a hand. Please step up and do not wait to be asked. VIVAT JESU, Rick Grand Knight Como ustedes pueden ver, tenemos bastante por hacer y necesitamos que todos nuestros Caballeros nos den una mano . Por favor, ofrézcase y no espere a que se lo pidamos. VIVAT JESU! Rick Gran Caballero K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 5 V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Your Officers and Committee Chairs 2015 - 2016 Fraternal Year Sus funcionarios y Presidentes de Comisión 2015 - 2016 Hermano Officers/Mesa Chaplain/Capellán….Father Matthew Van Smoorenburg, L.C. Associate Chaplain/Diputado de Distrito………Father Jason Brooks Supreme Knight/Caballero Supremo ........................Carl A. Anderson District Deputy/Adjunto del Distrito..................Angelo Sampona State Deputy/Diputado del Estado…………...Mark McMullen Grand Knight/Gran Caballero ..............................Rick Sullivan Deputy Grand Knight/ Diputado Gran Caballero…...Dick Flag Chancellor/Canciller ...........................................Doug Hoffman Warden/Guardián ..................................................John Boehm Financial Secretary/Secretario Financiero……………….…Bob Morris Recorder/Secretario de Actas..............................Charles Perott Treasurer/Tesorero .............................................Steve Herzog Advocate/Abogado ...............................................Chris Burgett Inside Guard/Guardia Interior .........................Mike Underwood Inside Guard/Guardia Interior ...............................Nilton Santos Outside Guard/Guardia Exterior.....................Tom Mastrangelo Outside Guard/Guardia Exterior...........................Chris Baswell Three-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 3 años…....Mike Artzer Two-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 2 años.....Chuck Bogatie One-Year Trustee/Fideicomisario por 1 año..........Dan Jozwiak Lecturer/Lector…..............................................Quinton Skinner Committee Chairs/Presidentes de Comisión St. Joseph Food Pantry Information St. Joseph Food Pantry St. Brendan’s Catholic Community Office: 770 205 7969 Hours for registration and food distribution: Sunday – 1:45 to 3:15 PM Wednesday – 5:30 to 8:30 PM Registration applications: Available in the Church Narthex Program Chairman/Programa Presidente……….…...Dick Flaig Church Director/Director Actividades de la Iglesia..........Vacant For additional information contact: Community Director/Director de Actividades de la Comunidad [email protected] ……...........................................................................Joe Fenton Barbara Gordon – 404-431-9924 Pro-Life Director/Provida Director.......................Charlie Matuza Council Director/Director de Actividades del Consejo .......... ………………………………………………………….Bill Hickman Family Director/Director de Actividades de la Familia............... …………………………………………………...........Scott Mackie Membership Director/Director de Membresía…..Doug Hoffman Youth Director/Director de Actividades de la Juventud ............. ……………………………………………………...Dale Gracyalny Assistant Youth Director/Assistant Director de Actividades de la Juventud……………........................................ Charlie Tullier Newsletter/Boletín informativo........................John Hausknecht Webmaster/Webmaster.....................................Geary Beaulieu Member Benefits/Ventajas de ser miembro Fraternal Benefits Advisor/Beneficios Fraternales de los Miembros……………………………………...…….Stephen Znoj Stephen Znoj—Our Councils Field Agent—Contact Information Stephen J. Znoj Field Agent Knights of Columbus 732 Crescent Cir Canton, GA 30115 770-231-2519 Life Insurance Retirement Long Term Care Disability Income PAGE 6 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Faith Formation Information That Man Is YOU- honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. Come to one session or as many as you can! Meets Saturday 7:30-9:00 AM September 26– April 30, 2016 Location: FFC Great Room Contact: Mike Quercia - [email protected] Men’s Prayer Group – Fridays (7-8AM Faith Formation Center Sun Room) This group provides a forum for men of the parish to gather together to share their faith and discuss their thoughts about daily life as Catholics. Learn to integrate faith and life while meeting with others for great fellowship and prayerful reflection. Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] DIG “Get Grounded” DIG starts with real food- grab a drink and “dig” into true values through the lens of contemporary media. Join the discussion on important things that influence the everyday life of a man. Try it…you will like it….. Satisfaction Guaranteed! 6:30 pm-9:00 pm in the Social Hall Dates: 1/19, 2/09, 3/08, 4/19, 5/10 Mass for the Unborn and the Stand for Life PAGE 7 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR 31st Annual World Marriage Day Ball V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 PAGE 8 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Knights in Action On December 16th, several of our brother knights had dinner at Tam's in Cumming and then went to the Cumming Playhouse to spend a couple of hours that evening listening to the Barbershop group featuring one of our own brother knights, Tom Dorn. State Newsletter Follow the link below and see page 11 of the State Newsletter for an article from our district— District Happenings - “Didjano That. . .” Happy Birthday to all!! Feliz cumpleaños a todos!! If I have missed anyone, please e-mail birthday information to: [email protected] Si he perdido a nadie, por favor envíenos un e-mail cumpleaños: [email protected] CHARLES RICKY FR. JASON JAMES FELIPE JASON DUSTY M. ROBERT JOSE LUIS SCOTT MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER CHRISTIAN KRISTOPHER CHARLES LYLE PAUL WILLIAM ROBERT JEFF ROBERT HENDRICKS III SHIRLEY BROOKS CROMIE ALVAREZ DEL PINO NAVARRO‐DIMM GUNN GRIMALDI ROMERO HERRERA ERB WIGHTMAN GRONOTTE DUMOLIN JANULEWICZ TRACK JOHNSON KRENZER BRAMLETT MORRIS THOMAS HNATISHION 1‐Jan 2‐Jan 3‐Jan 5‐Jan 7‐Jan 7‐Jan 9‐Jan 10‐Jan 12‐Jan 12‐Jan 12‐Jan 16‐Jan 18‐Jan 19‐Jan 20‐Jan 21‐Jan 22‐Jan 22‐Jan 23‐Jan 28‐Jan 28‐Jan 29‐Jan K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 9 V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Recruiting New Knights and Upcoming Exemplifications Recruitment I want to first thank all of you for assisting in our recruiting efforts for the first half of our Columbian year. We have recruited 13 new Knights with our overall goal of 17. We still need to focus on: "One Member, Per Month" for the rest of this Columbian year. I am still working on a few prospective candidates from 2015, however I need your help with recruiting new Knights every month. Our visibility of wearing our Knight’s badges and shirts at mass and other Saint Brendan’s functions is very important. We need to walk the walk and talk the talk with every opportunity we have to gain additional brother Knights. We need to also focus on retention and getting those Knights that have not attended meetings or functions to get involved with the Council. Please welcome our new Knights who made their first degree on December 14th, 2015: Lukas Shoultz John Bueltel Don Anton Dehipitiarachchi Upcoming Exemplifications FIRST DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION January 11th, 2016 Council 12883 St. Monica (1700Buford Hwy NW, Duluth, GA 30097) February 1st, 2016 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) March 14th, 2016 Council 12942 St. Brendan (4633 Shiloh Rd, Cumming, GA 30040) March 28th, 2016 Council 12883 St. Monica (1700Buford Hwy NW, Duluth, GA 30097) Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if you have a prospective candidate. SECOND DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION January 20th, 2016 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) March 16th, 2016 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) May 25th, 2016 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if interested. THIRD DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION January 23rd, 2016 Council 12883 St. Monica (1700Buford Hwy NW, Duluth, GA 30097) February 9th, 2016 Council 6532 St. Thomas Aquinas (535 Rucker Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004) March 19th, 2016 Council 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd, Duluth, GA 30097) Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if interested. FOURTH DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION February 6th, 2016 Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta located at 1775 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth GA 30096. Please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected] if interested. K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 10 V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Reclutando Nuevos Caballeros y Próximas Iniciaciones Quiero primero agradecer a todos ustedes por su ayuda reclutando durante la primera mitad del año Colombino. Hemos reclutado 13 nuevos Caballeros hacia nuestra meta de 17. Necesitamos enfocarnos en : “ Un Miembro cada Mes” por lo que resta del año Colombino. Todavía estoy trabajando en algunos candidatos desde el 2015, pero necesito su ayuda reclutando nuevos miembros cada mes. La visibilidad de nuestra identificación como Caballeros de Colón y las camisetas durante las Misas es muy importante. Tenemos que demostrar lo que somos en cada oportunidad que tengamos de ganar un nuevo hermano Caballero de Colón. Necesitamos enfocarnos también en la retención y en animar a los Caballeros que no atienden a las reuniones o actividades para que se involucren más al Consejo. Le damos la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos hermanos quienes recibieron el Primer Grado el 14 de Diciembre pasado.: Lukas Shoultz John Bueltel Don Anton Dehipitiarachchi Próximas Iniciaciones INICIACION DE PRIMER GRADO Enero 11, 2016 Consejo 12883 St. Monica (1700 Buford Hwy. NW, Duluth, GA 30097) Febrero 1, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd. Duluth, GA 30097) Marzo 14, 2016 Consejo 12942 St. Brendan (4633 Shiloh Rd. Cumming, GA 30040) Marzo 28, 2016 Consejo 12883 St. Monica (1700 Buford Hwy. NW, Duluth, GA 30097) Por favor contactar a Douglas Hoffman [email protected] si está interesado. INICIACION DE SEGUNDO GRADO Enero 20, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict (11045 Parsons Rd. Duluth, GA 30097) Marzo 16, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict “ “ “ “ Marzo 25, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict “ “ “ “ Por favor contactar a Douglas Hoffman [email protected] si está ineresado. INICIACION DE TERCER GRADO Enero 23, 2016 Consejo 12883 St. Monica ( 1700 Buford Hwy. NW Duluth, GA 30097) Febrero 9, 2016 Consejo 6532 St. Thomas Aquina (535 Rucker Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30004) Marzo 19, 2016 Consejo 10633 St. Benedict ( 11045 Parsons Rd. Duluth, GA 30097) INICIACION DE CUARTO GRADO Febrero 6, 2016 Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta ( 1775 Pleasant Hill Rd. Duluth, GA 30096) Por favor contactar a Douglas Hoffman [email protected] si está interesado. PAGE 11 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Need a Tux for the 4th Degree in February FOURTH DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION is scheduled for February 6th, 2016. For more information on the upcoming 4th degree please contact Douglas Hoffman [email protected]. PAGE 12 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Family and Knight of the Month Joan and Bill Hickman were the Knights Family of the Month for December Nilton Santos was the Knight of the Month for December Picture not available as of the sending or this newsletter V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 13 Knight’s Social Reunión Social de los Caballeros de Colón a celebrar el Nuevo Año atendienHelp celebrate the New Year by attend- Ayúdenos do a la Reunión Social de Enero ing the January Social Social Hall Salón Social Friday January 29, 2016 (6:30 PM Socializing-7:00 PM Meal) Viernes Enero 29, 2016 (6:30p.m. para socializar y 7:00p.m. Comida) 6:00 Set Up (Could use some help!!!) 6:00p.m. Preparación del Salón (necesitamos ayuda!!) All Knights, Wives, & Invited Guests Todos los Caballeros de Colón con sus esposas y amigos están invitados Please try to respond if attending [email protected] Response helps us plan the meal, Thank you for providing this information. Por favor de responder si van a asistir a [email protected] Su respuesta nos ayuda a planear la comida. Gracias por darnos esta información. Enjoy the Winter Season with Tra- Disfrute la temporada de Invierno con el tradicional gusto del Festival de Chili ditional Taste of Chili Feast Please note that salad, crackers, Por favor, recuerden que la ensalada, galshredded cheese, and soft drinks will letas, queso y los refrescos serán donados por los Caballeros de Colón sin be provided by the Knights at no cost ningún costo. this time around. For those with last names starting with A-J please bring deserts or Hors d’ oeuvres Para aquellos cuyo apellido empieza por la A hasta la J, por favor de traer postres o aperitivos. This is a BYOB event if you desire something besides soft drinks Usted puede traer su propia bebida si quiere beber algo además de refrescos Mis queridos Caballeros, esposas y amigos están invitados a disfrutar del invierno compartiendo juntos este tradicional evento. Esta es su oportunidad de hacer su plato favorito, o experimentar un nuevo “ Chili “ y compartirlo con sus herpot of your favorite, or a new experimental “CHILI” and manos Caballeros, esposas e invitados. Recuerden que el chili sabe mejor el siguiente dia, así es que prepárense para llevar share it with your fellow Knights, wives, and casa lo que sobre para disfrutarlo después en casa. Conexguests. Remember chili is always better the second day so aión eléctrica estarán disponibles en algunas mesas para que make your choice and plenty knowing you can take what is left usted conecte su vasija de chili mientras usted socializa. Si home and enjoy it again as a family meal. Electric outlets arusted no prepara un chili, recuerde que habrá suficiente ranged on one or more tables will be available to plug in the para que usted participle y disfrute este evento. Esto es crock pots of chili while you socialize. Now if you do not muy importante, porque quienes lo preparen necesitarán make chili remember that there is always plenty so do parsuficientes personas que lo prueben, ya que este es el ticipate and enjoy this event. It is important, because for perfecto acompañante de una buena comida. those who make chili, they need plenty of tasters as this is the real seasoning that makes for a wonderful dish. Este fué un otoño muy ocupado para los Caballeros de Colón. Todos ustedes han trabajado duro para ayudar a que San It has a busy fall and early winter for the Knights. Brendan celebre la Navidad y un Nuevo Año. Gracias. You have all worked hard to help St. Brendan celebrate the Christmas and New Year Seasons. Thank You! Fellow Knights, wives, and invited guests do enjoy the winter season by socializing and joining each other for this traditional supper event. This is your chance to make a crock K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 14 V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Message from our Field Agent Insurance Check-Up for 2015 I hope you and your family had a great finish to 2015. Hopefully, you’ve established a few goals for this year. I’ve learned a great tip regarding resolutions. First, write them down. It’s not too late if you haven’t already done this. Commit your goals to paper and post it someplace you will see it often. Writing down a goal is the first step towards achieving it. It may not make sense at first, but I’m sure you have heard stories of the success this simple task can bring. Whether your goal is to exercise more, give more to charity, read more or watch less television, you’re more likely to accomplish it if you write it down. Second, resolve to have an expert look at your finances. I recommend that you have a team of experts help you, and I would love to be the first you sit with. Let’s schedule some time to meet together, and I, your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, will provide an “insurance check-up” (at no cost!) that will evaluate any gaps in your family’s life insurance protection. Now might be the perfect time to fill those gaps, not later. Keep in mind that unlike many other products, you don’t just need money to obtain life insurance; you also need good health, and no one knows when your health could change. Did I mention my check-up is free of charge? When was the last time you received something for free that could provide value to you and your family for generations? Call me today. Stephen J. Znoj 770-231-2519 [email protected] Mensaje del Agente de Seguros Espero que Usted y su familia hayan pasado un gran fin de año 2015. Espero que haya establecido nuevas metas para este año. He aprendido mucho respecto a resoluciones. En primer lugar, escríbalas. No es muy tarde si aún no lo ha hecho. Escriba sus metas y colóquelas en algún lugar en el que pueda verlas a menudo. Escribir una meta es el primer paso para alcanzarla. Al principio puede no tener sentido, pero estoy seguro de que ha escuchado historias del éxito que esta simple tarea puede producir. Aunque su meta sea hacer más ejercicio, donar más a la caridad, leer más o mirar menos televisión, es más probable que la alcance si la escribe. En segundo lugar, hágase el propósito de que un experto analice sus finanzas. Le recomiendo que tenga un equipo de expertos para ayudarle, y me encantaría ser el primero en analizarlas con Usted. Programemos un momento para reunirnos y yo, su agente profesional de seguros Caballeros de Colón, le proporcionaré una “revisión de sus seguros”, (¡sin costo!) que evaluará cualquier problema en la protección del seguro de vida de su familia. Puede ser el momento perfecto para solucionar esos problemas, no después. Recuerde que a diferencia de muchos otros productos, no sólo necesita dinero para obtener el seguro de vida, también necesita salud, y nadie sabe cuándo esto puede cambiar. ¿Mencioné que la revisión es gratuita? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que recibió algo gratuito que pueda proporcionarle valor a Usted y a su familia durante generaciones? Llámeme hoy. Stephen J. Znoj 770-231-2519 [email protected] PAGE 15 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Highlights from the December 14, 2015 Council Meeting 1. Meeting called to order by GK Rick Sullivan. 2. New knights: John Bueltel, Don Anton Dehipitiarachahi, Lukas Shoultz. 3. Upcoming degree ceremonies: 2nd degree exemplification: 1/20 at St Benedict’s. 3rd degree exemplification: 1/23 St Monica’s. 4th degree exemplification: 2/6 St Monica’s. 4. GK report: Planning sessions have been conducted with fish fry committee. Brother Jerry Fasso discussed marketing opportunities and encouraged new Knights to get involved. Discussed parking for Christmas Mass: Brother Jim Kirspel is leader and provided details for volunteers. PGK Mike Artzer gave a report on the Monastery sale net sales $2,300, he was congratulated on the great success by the Council. Brother Scott Mackie was thanked for the great success of breakfast with Santa. Read thank you letters received for council activities. 5. Knight of the Month: Brother Nilton Santos. 6. Family of the Month: Brother Bill and Joan Hickman. 7. EPIC event parking and security handled, with over 120 teens attending, thanks to Brother Dale Gracyalny and his son. 8. Basketball free throw contest 1/23 at Pinecrest Academy. 9. Respect for life needs help with baby bottles 1/12. 10. PGK Curtis Weeks gave a report on the 40 days for Life volunteer work. 11. Recognized Brother Tom Dorn with the Barbershop quartet performing at Cumming Playhouse. 12. Upcoming events: December 20 Blood drive. December 24 Parking. January 11 council meeting. January 16/17 baby bottle distribution. January 29th Social member prepared chili dinner. January 31th Rosary. 13. Brother Steve Znoj provided insurance update. PAGE 16 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Notas de la pasada reunión del Consejo el 14 de Diciembre, 2015 1. Rick Sullivan, Gran Caballero abrió la reunión. 2. Nuevos Caballeros de Colón: John Bueltel, Don Anton Dehipitiarachahi, Lukas Shoultz 3. Próximas Iniciaciones: Iniciación de Segundo Grado: Enero 20 en St. Benedict Iniciación de Tercer Grado: Enero 23 en St. Monica Iniciación de Cuarto Grado: Febrero 6 en St. Monica 4. Reporte del Gran Caballero: El comité para planear el pescado frito en la Cuaresma se ha estado reuniendo. El hermano Jerry Fasso explicó nuevas oportunidades de mercadeo para que los Caballeros de Colón las utilicen. Se discutió el parqueo durante las Misas de Navidad: el hermano Jim Kirspel nos guiará y dió instrucciones. Mike Artzer, Pasado Gran Caballero reportó acerca de la venta de los dulces del Monasterio, para un total de $2,300.00 y fué felicitado por el éxito. El hermano Scott Mackie recibió agradecimientos por el éxito del desayuno con San Nicholas. Se leyeron cartas de agradecimiento por diferentes actividades del Consejo. 5. El hermano Nilton Santos fué declarado el Caballero del Mes. 6. El hermano Bill y Joan Hickman son la Familia del Mes. 7. El evento EPIC se realizó con los Caballeros organizando y vigilando el parqueadero, asistieron más de 120 jóvenes; gracias al hermano Dale Gracyalny y su hijo. 8. El Torneo del Basket-Ball se realizará el 23 de Enero en el Gimnasio de Pinecrest. 9. El programa Respeto a la Vida necesita ayuda para entregar los biberones el 12 de Enero 10. Curtis Weeks, Pasado Gran Caballero dió el reporte de la actividad 40 dias por la Vida. 11. El hermano Tom Dorn fué felicitado por su participación en la obra Barbershop en el teatro de Cumming. 12. Próximas actividades: Donación de sangre el 20 de Diciembre Parqueo de la Iglesia en las Misas del 24 de Diciembre, Navidad. Reunión del Consejo el 11 de Enero. Colocar los sellos a los biberones el 16 y 17 de Enero. Reunión Social con Chili preparado por los Caballeros el 29 de Enero. Rosario en la Capilla el 31 de Enero. 13. El hermano Steve Znoj, Agente de Seguros, nos dió un reporte sobre los Seguros de Vida. K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 17 V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is scheduled for Saturday, January 23 from 10:00 am – 12 noon at Pinecrest Academy in the lower gym. The contest is open to any boys and girls, ages 9 to 14 years old. The winner of each gender/age group will advance to the District contest, currently scheduled for February 14. District winners will advance to the State Free Throw Championship to be held at the Georgia Tech Gym. Basketball Free Throw Entry/Score Sheet: Link to the Basketball Free Throw Entry/Score Sheet 20Throw/2015%20Basketball%20Free%20Throw%20Entry-Score%20Sheet%20(1).pdf Please contact Dale or Charlie if you are able to help out at the Council contest at Pinecrest. Thanks, Brothers Dale and Charlie Dale Gracyalny – Charlie Tullier – ` Email: [email protected] Phone: (678) 644-8132 Email: [email protected] Phone: (770) 820 6773 Torneo del Lanzamiento del Basket-Ball de los Caballeros de Colón Este Torneo del Lanzamiento del Basket-Ball patrocinado por los Caballeros de Colón está programado para el Sábado 23 de Enero desde las 10:00am hasta las 12:00pm en el gimnasio de la Academia Pinecrest. La competencia está disponible para todos los niños y niñas con edades entre lo 9 y 14 años de edad. El ganador de cada categoría sexo/edad avanzará al Torneo del Distrito, que se realizará el 14 de Febrero. Los ganadores en el Torneo del Distrito irán al Torneo del Consejo de Estado en el Gimnasio de Georgia Tech. Conexión electrónica para obtener la hoja de inscripción y para anotar los resultados: 20Entry-Score%20Sheet%20(1).pdf Por favor the contactar a Dale o Charlie si usted puede ayudarnos en esta competencia en Pinecrest. Gracias Hermanos Dale y Charlie Dale Gracyalny – Charlie Tullier – ` Email: [email protected] Phone: (678) 644-8132 Email: [email protected] Phone: (770) 820 6773 PAGE 18 V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR A list of some of your Brother Knights who have their own business. Let me know if you have your own business you would like to add, send me the information. My email address is: [email protected] Amway Chad Younger/Amway-Independent Business Owner 770-906-3000 [email protected] Ark Pest Control Services, LLC eTherapyDocs Eric Hoell, CEO 678-267-1989 Online Practice Management System for Pediatric Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists e-mail: [email protected] website: Jim Clare—Owner/Operator 770-844-0232 [email protected] Berkshire Hathaway Home Service Georgia Properties Realty Dan Jozwiak Cell 678-327-6621 E mail [email protected] Web Site Circa Capital Travis Raish, CFA 770-500-0888 E mail [email protected] Web Site Fee-Only Financial Planning & Wealth Management, No Commissions. Contact Travis for special offer for Knights Computer Solution Partners, LLC Eric Hoell, CEO 678-267-1989 Technical Services for small to medium sized businesses e-mail: [email protected] website: Margeson High Pressure Cleaning and Renovation Services Inc. Timothy Margeson 770-616-2829 Serving Forsyth County residents and businesses E-mail: [email protected] OliveBranch Games Frederick Hogan - Realtor Harry Norman, REALTORS® Forsyth/Lake Lanier Email: [email protected] Cell 770-310-6001 | Office 770-427-2000 E-Fax: 404-497-5124 Tim Huff 407-414-5211 Family and Christian Board Games e-mail: [email protected] website: Paynet Systems Fred Hogan – Account Manager O: (800) 809-1989 Ext 484 Fax: 888-282-9553 [email protected] HR STAR Consulting Rick Sullivan 678-576-3550 [email protected] The Joint... the chiropractic place BK Dr Bradley Machara 5665 Atlanta Hwy (Hwy 9) Alpharetta, GA 30004 770 292-9292 [email protected] Kids 4 Jesus Plumb Rite Ray Sokolowsky 678-947-1627 [email protected] Six Sigma, Inc. John R. Hriczo, PE / President 770-886-1990 Kathleen Conklin Program Success Consultant P: 877-543-7638 C: 214-732-6063 [email protected] Covenant Appraisals Super Yard Care Ellen's condos in Hilton Head Legal Shield Vanderbilt Securities Greg Northway 770-313-8799 Email [email protected] David Ives 770-596-2847 [email protected] Fred Dri [email protected] listings # 22089 or 87517 exp Realty Vin O'Reilly Associate Broker P: 678-770-6203 [email protected] G. Robert Wilson 770-363-4240 [email protected] Lusk & Company, Inc. William C. Lusk P.E.; Founder/Chairman 678-624-0202 [email protected] John Kovacic Financial Consultant 678-341-5515 [email protected] The Villas at Canterfield Dusty M. Gunn; Executive Director (770) 888-4929 A Retirement Community e-mail: [email protected] website: K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 19 We’re on the Web Knights of Columbus St. Brendan Council 12942 January 2016 Sun V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 10 11 First Degree St. Monica (see pg 9) 12 Baby bottle preparation 13 14 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room Council Meeting Refreshments starting at Social Hall 6:00-8:30 pm 6:30 pm—7:30 pm General Business Meeting - All invited to both out Baby 18 Bottles at Mass 17 Pass 24/31 Fifth Sunday of the Month Rosary 25 16 Pass out Baby Bottles at Mass Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] 19 20 6:30-9:00 pm Optional Mass 6:00 pm See page 9 26 15 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 2nd Degree St. Benedict 27 21 Senior Luncheon 11:30 am (see Bulletin or Parish Website) 22Men's Group Meeting 28 29 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 23 3rd Decree St. 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritu- Monica (see pg 9) al Life Center Sun Room Free Throw 8:30 am Mass for the unborn (see page 6) 6:30 pm Knights Social Chili Social Hall (see page 13) contest See page 17 30 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 K NI G HTS NAV I G AT OR PAGE 20 We’re on the Web Knights of Columbus St. Brendan Council 12942 February 2016 Sun V OLU ME 8 , ISSUE 1 Mon 1 1st Degree St Benedict’s (see page 9) Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 6 4th Degree Gwinnett Place Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life (see page 9) 5 Center Sun Room Contact: Joe Fenton- [email protected] Feb 6/7 Baby Bottle Collection 9 3rd Degree at Council Meeting St. Thomas Refreshments starting at Aquinas 6:30 pm—7:30 pm (see page 9) 8 St. Brendan’s 10 Ash Wednesday 11 Sat 12 Baby Bottle Collection 13 World Mar- Men's Group Meeting 7:00 riage Ball am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life (see page 7) Center Sun Room General Business Meeting - All invited to both 14 Blood Drive 15 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 16 17 18 19 20 Men's Group Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 21 22 23 24 25 26 Men's Group Meeting 27 7:00 am - 8:00 am@ Spiritual Life Center Sun Room 7:30-9:00 am See page 6 28 29
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