
Dear Sibley Families:
Welcome to Sibley Elementary School!!! Whether you and your family are new to
Sibley, or you are returning for another year, we are happy to be partnering with you to provide
the best educational experience possible for your children.
Please see the attached drop off map and directions below for morning drop-off and afternoon
pick-up procedures. These procedures should be reviewed with everyone (friends, grandparents,
etc) who will drop-off or pick-up your child this year.
September 2015
Scott Sannes,
Attendance Line
We will be publishing the Sibley Star on or near the 1st of each month (September to May). We
will send it one of two ways. We can send it in your child’s backpack, or you can help us save
and receive the Sibley Star via email. Last year, 90% of Sibley families received the Star by email.
We will send it to the email address you have listed in Skyward. We will also send out weather
related school closing information and other important information via email. Please contact
DeEtte Harris (507-645-3470) in the Sibley Office if you would like a hard copy sent home each
Our elementary day will begin with a student entrance bell at 8:15 a.m. followed by second bell at
8:20 a.m. signifying the official start of the student day. The student day will end at 3:15 p.m.
Creating a safe learning environment in and around school buildings is extremely important. Because of bus loading and unloading, we separate buses and cars in our drop-off areas. We also
have a procedure to follow when visiting the building. Please review the information below with
anyone dropping off and/or picking up your child(ren) at Sibley.
Important Safety Reminders…Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-up
Morning Drop-off
If you choose to drop your child(ren) off at Sibley before school, please follow the directions
below. Please do not drop off or send your children to school prior to 7:55 a.m. The building
will open to students eating school breakfast at 7:55 a.m. All other students will be admitted
at 8:15 a.m. The driveway in front of Sibley is reserved for BUSES ONLY from 7:55-8:20
Dropping off your kindergartner: All kindergarten students should be dropped off in the back
(south side) of the building . Beginning at 7:55 each morning, Shannon Tassava, and educational assistant, will be on duty to meet kindergartners and supervise them in the fenced playground area. At 8:15 a.m. each day, the Tasha will escort all kindergarten students to their
respective kindergarten classroom.
Kindergartners riding the bus: Kindergarten students riding school buses will be dropped off in
the front of the building and met by an educational assistant. These students will be supervised in the front vestibule just outside the office. At 8:15 a.m. each day, Karna Hasse, an
educational assistant, will escort the kindergarten students to their respective kindergarten
Kindergartners who walk: Kindergartners walking to Sibley can go to either location. Please alert
the educational assistant at each respective location so she can look for your child each day.
Grades 1-5
All 1-5 grade students should be dropped off on the south side of the building in the staff parking lot or near the sidewalk
just off Maple Street. This sidewalk will allow for curbside drop-offs if you are heading south on Maple. It is located between the driveway exit and the Special Education Bus/Van driveway near the music room. Students dropped off in this
location will need to walk around the outside of the building to the playground. All students dropped off in the morning
will be supervised by three educational assistants on our playground and brought into the building at 8:15 a.m. each day.
District buses will again drop 1st-5th grade students off students in the front of the building this year. The playground will
be staffed at 7:55 each morning. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL BEFORE 7:55. We cannot
supervise students dropped off before 7:55 a.m.
Please do not enter the music room driveway before or after school. That area is reserved for Handicap Accessible Buses/
Afternoon Pick-up
Students should be picked up in the front of the building. Parents picking up their children after school are asked to wait in
the front entrance until students are dismissed at 3:15 p.m. Students leaving before the 3:15 p.m. dismissal bell must be
signed out by a parent/guardian in the office.
If you choose to enter the building to wait for your child, please remain in the front entrance until the bell rings. Having
your child walk to the front of the building to meet you, near the office, works well for a lot of families.
Again, a Morning Drop-Off Map is attached for your reference.
Visiting the Building
The only unlocked doors during the school day are located at the front of the building. Should you enter Sibley for any reason, other than waiting in the front entrance for your child, you are required to sign-in in the office, complete and pass a
criminal background check and then wear a visitor’s sticker once you’ve been cleared. Once you have signed in, an office
staff member will buzz you in to the classroom portion of the building. The safety of your children is of the utmost importance. We plan to account for every visitor, delivery person, etc. and this increased safety feature allows us to make sure
we make contact with every visitor.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward to a fantastic school year!
Scott Sannes
Queridas familias de Sibley:
¡¡¡Bienvenidos a la escuela primaria de Sibley!!! Sean ustedes nuevos o no en Sibley, estamos felices de poder colaborar con ustedes para lograr la mejor experiencia educativa para sus hijos.
Por favor, consulten el mapa que también les enviamos y las instrucciones para dónde dejar a los niños por las mañanas. Los
procedimientos de dónde dejar a los estudiantes deben conocerlos todos aquellos que vayan a dejar o buscar a los niños a la
escuela (amigos, abuelos, etc.).
Vamos a publicar el boletín de noticias de Sibley Star los primeros días de cada mes (de septiembre hasta mayo). Lo podemos
enviar de dos formas diferentes. Podemos enviarlo en la mochila de su hijo/a, o pueden ayudarnos a ahorrar papel si reciben el
Sibley Star a través del correo electrónico (e-mail) si tienen e-mail. El año pasado el 90% de las familias de Sibley recibió el Star a
través de e-mail. Se lo podemos enviar a la dirección de e-mail que tengan en Skyward. También vamos a enviar la información
sobre los días que la escuela cierra y otra información importante a través de e-mail. Es muy importante que se pongan en contacto con DeEtte Harris de la oficina de Sibley (507-645-3470) para pedirle si necesitan una copia en papel del Sibley Star para
que lo enviemos a sus casas cada mes.
Nuestro día escolar empieza con una campana de entrada de los estudiantes a las 8:15 AM. Hay una segunda campana que suena
a las 8:20 AM que marca el comienzo oficial del día escolar para los estudiantes. El día escolar para los estudiantes termina a las
3:15 PM.
Crear un ambiente seguro para el aprendizaje dentro y fuera del edificio de la escuela es algo muy importante. Debido a que los
autobuses necesitan dejar y recoger a los niños vamos a separar los autobuses y los coches en las zonas de dejar a los niños.
También tenemos unas normas de qué hacer cuando se visita la escuela. Por favor, revisen la información que aparece más abajo
con todos los que vayan a dejar y recoger a los niños en la escuela de Sibley.
Importante información sobre seguridad…Zonas para dejar a los niños por las mañanas y para recogerlos por las tardes
Dejar a los niños por las mañanas
Si deciden dejar a los niños en Sibley antes de la escuela, por favor, sigan las instrucciones que siguen más abajo. Por favor,
no dejen a sus hijos en Sibley antes de las 7:55 AM. La escuela se abrirá a las 7:55 AM para aquellos niños que toman el
desayuno en la escuela. El resto de los estudiantes podrán entrar en la escuela a las 8:15 AM. La zona de la calle enfrente de
Sibley va a estar reservada PARA LOS AUTOBUSES NADA MÁS desde las 7:55 AM hasta las 8:20 AM.
Dónde dejar a los niños de Kindergarten: A los niños de Kindergarten los deben dejar en la parte de atrás, (parte sur), del edificio.
Desde las 7:55 cada mañana. Shannon Tassava, una ayudante, estará en esa zona para estar con los niños y supervisarlos en
la zona de patio de recreo que tiene una verja alrededor. A las 8:15 cada día, Shannon llevará a los estudiantes de kindergarten a sus respectivos salones de clases.
Los niños de Kindergarten que van en el autobús: Los estudiantes del kindergarten que van en autobús se bajarán del autobús en la
parte del frente del edificio y allí los esperará una ayudante. A estos estudiantes los supervisarán en el vestíbulo de la entrada
justo delante de la oficina. A las 8:15 AM cada día, Teresa Hasse, una ayudante, llevará a los estudiantes de Kindergarten a
sus respectivos salones de clases.
Los estudiantes de Kindergarten que caminan: Los estudiantes de Kindergarten que caminan a Sibley pueden elegir cualquiera de
los dos lugares. Por favor díganles a los ayudantes de cada lugar por dónde entrarán sus hijos para que los busquen cada día.
Grados 1-5
Deben dejar a todos los estudiantes de los grados del 1o al 5o en la parte sur del edificio, en el estacionamiento para el personal de Sibley o en la acera/banqueta que sale de la calle Maple. Esta acera/banqueta les permite que puedan dejar a los niños
si van hacia el sur en la calle Maple. Se encuentra entre la zona de salida del estacionamiento y la zona para autobuses y camionetas para estudiantes de educación especial cerca de la sala de música. Los estudiantes que dejen en este lugar tendrán
que caminar alrededor del edificio hasta la zona de recreo. Para estos estudiantes habrá tres ayudantes supervisando el patio
de recreo que los acompañarán al edificio a las 8:15 AM cada día. Los autobuses del distrito dejarán a los estudiantes desde 1º
hasta 5º grado en el frente del edificio de nuevo este año. El patio de recreo tendrá personal desde las 7:55 cada mañana.
estudiantes que lleguen a la escuela antes de las 7:55 AM.
Por favor, no entren por la zona cerca de la sala de música por las mañanas antes o después de la escuela. Esta área está reserva para los autobuses y camionetas con acceso especial para discapacitados.
Recogida de los niños por la tarde
Deben recoger a los estudiantes en el frente del edificio. Les pedimos que esperen a sus hijos en la entrada principal hasta
que los estudiantes salgan a las 3:15 PM. Los estudiantes que salgan antes de la campana de salida a las 3:15 PM deben estar
acompañados por sus padres, madres o tutores que deben firmar en la oficina en el libro de entradas y salidas y salidas de los
estudiantes (sign out).
Si deciden esperar a sus hijos dentro del edificio, por favor, esperen en el frente hasta que suene la campana. A la mayoría de
las familias les va bien esperar a que sus hijos caminen hasta el frente y se encuentren con sus padres en la salida, cerca de la
Les enviamos un mapa con las zonas para dejar a los niños por las mañanas.
Visiting the Building
The only unlocked doors during the school day are located at the front of the building. Should you enter Sibley for any reason, other than waiting in the front entrance for your child, you are required to sign-in in the office, complete and pass a
criminal background check and then wear a visitor’s sticker once you’ve been cleared. Once you have signed in, an office
staff member will buzz you in to the classroom portion of the building. The safety of your children is of the utmost importance. We plan to account for every visitor, delivery person, etc. and this increased safety feature allows us to make sure
we make contact with every visitor.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. A map of the building is also attached to help you navigate your
way around when you are here for Ready, Set, Go Day! September 1st. Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward to a
fantastic school year!
Visitas al edificio
Las únicas puertas que no están cerradas durante el día escolar son las del frente del edificio. Si deben entrar en Sibley por
alguna razón, que no sea esperar en la entrada a que salgan sus hijos, tienen la obligación de firmar en la entrada de la oficina,
rellenar un informe de antecedentes penales (background check) y llevar una etiqueta adhesiva de visitante (visitor´s sticker).
Una vez que hayan firmado, alguien que trabaja en la oficina les abrirá las puertas para entrar a las secciones de salones de
clases. La seguridad de los niños es lo más importante para todos. Queremos saber quiénes son todos los visitantes, todos los
que entregan algo a la escuela, etc. De modo que estas medidas de seguridad nos permiten estar en contacto con todos los
Si tienen preguntas, por favor, no duden en ponerse en contacto conmigo. Muchas gracias por su cooperación, tengo muchas
ganas de que empiece ¡un fantástico año escolar!
Scott Sannes
Traducción: Mar Valdecantos
September 2015
1 Hour Late Start
School Board Meeting H.S. Media Ctr- 7:00 PM
PTO Meeting
6:30 Media Center
1 Hour Late Start
Green Team Meeting
7:30 Mrs. Johnson’s
1 Hour Late Start
Sibley PTO Picnic
School Board Meeting H.S. Media Ctr- 7:00 PM
1 Hour Late Start
Mark your calendars for these upcoming
events! .
October 6:
October 6:
October 9:
October 12:
October 8 & 13:
October 15 &16
October 26
October 28:
October 27:
October 30:
Vision and Hearing Screening
PTO Meeting
Sibley Walk-a-Thon
School Board Meeting
Fall Conferences
No School-Education MN
School Board Meeting
Green Team Meeting
Picture Retakes
Student Council Meeting
2015-2016 Sibley Start and Dismissal Times
First Bell
Class Begins
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
8:15 AM
8:20 AM
3:15 PM
9:15 AM
9:20 AM
3:15 PM
Health Office - Jane Ehlers
Welcome back to Sibley! I am looking forward to caring for your students this year. Some students will need to take medicine
during the school day. It is required that the school have a signed medication permission form by the parent/guardian and the
physician at the time the medicine is dropped off at the school. Forms may be accessed from home on the school district website: All medication must be either in the prescription bottle
from the pharmacy with the student’s name on it or if it is an over-the-counter medication, in the original container. Adults
should bring the medication to the nurse’s office. The school does not supply over-the-counter medications unless it is an
emergency and we have verbal parent permission. Over-the-counter medications (such as non-aspirin pain relievers, cough syrup,
etc.) must also be accompanied by a permission form signed by the parent/guardian for use at school. Aspirin will not be given
unless we have a physician’s permission because of possible complications of Reye’s Syndrome. Cough syrup is recommended rather than
drops due to the danger of choking.
For those students with a diagnosis with Asthma, Seizures, Diabetes, etc.
the district requires care plans to be on file in the Health Office. These
plans need annual updating. If you have questions or concerns, please feel
free to contact me at 507-645-3475. My hours are 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. and
I look forward to caring for your students this year!
Jane M. Ehlers
Skylert/School Messenger System
Northfield Public Schools utilizes this communication system for
general announcements, meal account updates, and emergency
messages. Skylert/School Messenger System uses the information
you have in Family Access for these communications. To find out
more information on this communications system and how to
register please visit
Social Worker News—Noreen Cooney
Welcome back to school, Sibley families!
The beginning of the school year can be very exciting for students. It also can be a very
difficult time for some students.
Separation anxiety may become an issue for students, as they have become used to
spending most of their time at home with
family members and friends.
Returning to school is a transition for all families. The degree of adjustment depends on
the child, but parents can help their
children (and the rest of the family) manage the increased pace of life by planning ahead,
being realistic, and maintaining a positive attitude. Here are a few suggestions to help
ease the transition and promote a successful school experience:
*re-establish meal times and bed times at least a week or two before school starts
*decrease screen time, especially in the morning and replace with reading, puzzle time, or other quiet activity
*attend Ready, Set Go!, encourage your child to talk with the teacher
*practice your before school routine to help ease anxieties
*discuss homework routines and expectations
*prepare for school the night before (homework and snack in backpack, clothes laid out, lunch made)
Adapted from By Ted Feinberg, EdD, NCSP, & Katherine C. Cowan , National Association of School Psychologists
If you have concerns about your child's transition back to school due to significant history or events, please feel free to contact
If your child is in need of school supplies, please check with Northfield’s CAC at 664-3550.
I hope the 2015-2016 is a great year for your child(ren)!
Attendance Reminder
Any attendence issues need to be
reported to our attendence line at
645-3474 before 8:30 the morning
This is in addition to any contact with teacher.
Sibley PTO Update
Welcome back Sibley families! The Sibley PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) aims to create a feeling of community at Sibley
and to help fund the “extras” that the school/staff need.
To kick off the new school year, the PTO is planning an all-school picnic on the lawn near the playground. Please pack a dinner
and join us on September 22nd (rain date September 24th) from 530-730.
We would also like to invite you to our monthly meetings. These are designed for all Sibley
parents to attend. They last about an hour and are a great way to keep current on the happenings at Sibley. The meetings are the
second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Sibley media center. As the 2nd Tuesday of September is also the first day of
school the September meeting will be held September 15th at 6:30.
NEW THIS YEAR….the PTO will be bringing in speakers to talk about parenting topics. Please watch for more information in
coming weeks.
SAVE THE DATE: the annual Walk-a-thon will be held on October 9th during school hours. Parents will be invited to walk with
their students on that day – more info to come!
In the folders that you receive on Ready, Set, Go Day there will be a PTO volunteer form.
There are many events that we would love to have help with and get some new ideas. Please fill
out the form and return it to your classroom teacher if you are able to help. We are also looking
for someone to coordinate the Walk-a-thon. If you are able to do this please contact an officer.
If you have questions or suggestions please contact an officer:
Amanda Tracy – President – [email protected]
Sara Ailabouni – Vice President – [email protected]
Pasha Quaas – Treasurer – [email protected]
Kathy Klein – Secretary – [email protected]
Choir News - Holly Fischer
It's time for 4th and 5th graders to decide whether they will join choir this fall. It's
easy to join because choir meets during school hours. All the 4th and 5th grade classroom teachers will ask their students if they want to join. Then they will compile a
list of choir members in that class and send it to Mrs. Fischer (the choir
director). There is only one requirement for membership in the Sibley choirs: you
have to love to sing! Our fall concert will be November 19. The choirs sing an afternoon concert in the gym for the student body and an evening concert in the Middle
School auditorium for families and any other music lovers who want to come.
Physical Education - Andy Jaynes & Ryan Pietsch
Welcome to a new school year from the Physical Education Department. Hopefully everyone had a fantastic summer! This year
Mr. Jaynes and Mr. Pietsch are back and excited to get the students at Sibley moving and shaking! As always, we have a lot
planned for the school year. Our main goal at the elementary level is to expose students to as many different activities, games, and
skills we can. Our hopes are to excite and educate the students enough for them to be able to make healthy, lifelong activity
choices on their own. As childhood obesity continues to rise and more and more children live a sedentary lifestyle, we make it a
top priority to keep the students as active as possible in our 25 minute PE classes! We also strive to educate the students about
healthy lifestyle choices. In order to be active in PE class, we need the students to bring clean gym shoes with them every day.
These don’t have to be new shoes, but they do need to be clean and stay on the students feet (laces or velcro straps). In the fall we
also like to spend time outdoors. Please be aware that students still need shoes when we go outside. Boots, sandals, crocs, and flip
-flops are not safe choices when being active with other students (think soccer and broken toes...ouch!!!). If you ever have
questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at school using the main school line
or our emails found on the school website. Thanks and let’s get moving!
Mr. Pietsch and Mr. Jaynes
Art Room - Erica Ness
To all 4th and 5th graders, we will be getting sketchbooks to use during the school year. To get you
ready I hope you tried the summer sketchbook challenge. If you did you can bring your sketchbook
on the first day of school. 4th and 5th graders who complete the challenge will earn a prize!
Parents, remember that Beyond Words will be happening again this year and I am excited to make it
even better this year. If you have any interest in helping get ready for the event let me know! If you
are interested in helping out in any other way during the year let me know! I will have a list outside
my room at Ready, Set, Go! day with different volunteer activities, please feel free to sign up if you
are interested. I will also have a list of some items the art room could use some help finding.
I look forward to another wonderful year of art making and learning!
Orchestra News: Natalie Kruger
I am looking forward to another great year in orchestra! Sign-up forms should have been in the classrooms during Ready, Set,
Go Day.
5th Grade: Forms are due back by Thursday, September 10th. Our first morning
rehearsal will be on Thursday, September 17th. All 5th graders in orchestra from all
three elementary buildings rehearse at Bridgewater, 7:15 am. Students need to be
dropped off, and then I have arranged for busing after rehearsal. Small group lessons
will still be held at Sibley during the school day.
4th Grade: Forms are due back by Friday, September 11th. I will be meeting with the
4th grade on the first day of school to talk about orchestra. After students sign-up,
more information will be sent home. Our first rehearsal will be on Monday, September 28th.
Mrs. Kruger
From the Media Center
We are excited to start a new school year with your child! Students start the year by learning how to find books in the Sibley Media Center and how to take care of books. Please help your child by finding a safe place for his or her book(s) in your home. After we have started book checkout, you will be able to check your child’s library account online. From the Sibley website, click on
Media Center. In the middle of the media center page you will see a link for the online catalog. Follow the directions under the
link to access your child’s account--you will need to know your child’s lunch number. First through fifth grade students will have
book checkout with their classroom teacher once a week. Kindergarten students will have book checkout during media class. Books need to be returned the day before book checkout so they can be
checked in. In addition to book checkout, students who attend Sibley will also have media class with
the media specialist twice a week. In media class we focus on literacy, research, and technology. If you
have any questions or concerns during the year please feel free to contact us! We are always looking for
volunteers to help with shelving books in the media center!
Ann Hehr, Sibley Media Specialist
[email protected]
Karen Jensen, Sibley Media Assistant
[email protected]
Community Services September 2015 – Sibley Star Newsletter
Check out some great recreational and enrichment programs for youth this fall with Northfield
Public Schools Community Services! For more information or to register visit
(follow the Community Services link), call 507-664-3649, or stop by our office on the first floor of
the Northfield Community Resource Center at 1651 Jefferson Parkway, Northfield. Scholarships
are available for all programs.
Future Raiders Soccer Camp
$44, grades k – 5, 5 - 6 p.m., W & F, Sept. 2 – 25, Spring Creek Park, Class #: 1253-F15A
Tae Kwon Do for Kids
$74, grades 2 – 12, times vary, T & Th, Sept. 8 – Oct. 27 (skip Oct. 6, 8 & 15), Sibley Cafeteria
(10/13 held at Middle School Aux. Gym) Class #: 4165-F15A (Beginner – white, yellow & orange
belts) Class #: 4165-F15B (Advanced – green & black belts)
Boys and Girls Bowling
$89/new participants; $85/returning participants, grades k – 12, 4 – 5:30 p.m., Th, Sept. 10 – Nov. 12, Jesse James Lanes, Class
Flag Football
$35, grades 2 – 5, times vary, T & Th, Sept. 15 – Oct. 8, Sechler Fields, Class #: 1060-F15A2 (grade 2), Class #: 1060-F15B3
(grade 3), Class #: 1060-F15C4 (grade 4), Class #: 1060-F15D5 (grade 5)
Horseback Riding
$134, ages 8 and older, 4 – 5 p.m., W, Sept. 16 – Oct. 21, Winterhaven Stables, Class #: 1276-F15A
$49, grades k – 8, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Sa, Sept. 19, High School Gym, Class #: 1168-F15A
Adventure Mania – September: Rock Climbing, Vertical Endeavors
$15/person; $50/family of 4+ ($5 extra for climbing shoes) transportation included, ages 4 and older, noon – 4 p.m., Sa, Sept. 19,
Class #: 1112-F15S
Youth Floor Hockey
$20, grades K – 5, times vary, Sa, Sept. 19 – Oct. 10, Middle School Gym, Class #: 1054-F15K-2 (grades k – 2), Class #: 1054F153-5 (grades 3 – 5)
Super Science Saturday Club for Girls
$49/full 5-wk series, $12/single 1-wk class, girls in grades 3 – 6, 10:30 a.m. – noon, Sa, Sept. 26 – Nov. 7 (skip Oct. 10 & 17), Class
# :4372-F15A
Watch Me Draw: Art Explorers – Dazzling 3-D Sampler
$79, grades K – 5, 3:20 – 4:20 p.m., Tu, Sept. 29 – Nov. 10 (skip Oct. 13), Sibley Art Room, Class #: 4374-F15A
Grandmasters of Chess: Fall Season
$89, grades K – 5, 3:20 - 4:20 p.m. M, Oct. 19 - Dec. 14 (skip Nov. 9) Sibley Skylight Commons, Class #: 4340-F15SA
LEGO® X: Enginetics
$69, grades 1 - 5, 3:20 – 4:20 p.m., Th, Oct. 22 – Dec. 3 (skip Nov. 26), Sibley Art Room, Class #: 4439-F15SA
Home Alone Safety Workshop for Children
$34, ages 8 - 10, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sa, Oct. 24, Middle School FACS Lab 221, Class #: 4354-F15A5
KidVentures (School-Age Care)
Looking for before or after school care? Or is your child complaining of being bored at home? Consider KidVentures! KidVentures is located in all three elementary schools and runs from 6:30 AM until the start of school and after school until 6:00 PM.
KidVentures provides a wide variety of enrichment and recreation opportunities that fosters social, emotional, physical, and academic development. For more information or to find enrollment forms, visit the website at:
communityservices/venture/ or call 507-664-3750.
Sibley’s ‘Trash to Cash’ Program Details
Sibley school participates in a number of passive fundraising programs that are all lumped together under the catchy name
“Trash to Cash”. How it works is that you purchase the items that you normally would at the grocery store, clip off the qualifying piece of packaging and send it in with your student. The program coordinator then trades it in for money or credits.
The funds are overseen by the PTO and how to spend it is discussed at and voted on at the meetings.
In a couple of weeks, your student will bring home a letter with all the specifics you need to help out with this project. The
best way to help is to SAVE THAT TRASH! Maybe even get grandparents to save for you as well. Another way to help is
to volunteer to count trash. This is a really easy volunteer position that can be done at home – in your pj’s if you want! A
few times each year your student will bring home a bag of “trash” for you to count and return. If you would like to help with
this please sign up on the green PTO sign-up sheet in the Ready, Set, Go Day folders.
Please see the guide online at: Questions can also be directed to
Sara Ailabouni at [email protected].
Thanks for helping Sibley!
Check out all of the November ac vi es at
the Northfield Public Library
Annual Notifications for the 2015-16 School Year
Annual Notifications
Main Office
Chris Richardson,
Superintendent of Schools
Donita Delzer,
Admin. Assistant to the
Superintendent & School Board
Buildings & Grounds
Business Office
Community Services Division &
Community Relations
Curriculum Office
Child Nutrition Services
Health Services
Human Resources
Payroll Office
Student Services
Technology Services
Student Citizenship Handbook Distributed
The 2015-2016 Student Citizenship Handbook is distributed to all secondary students on their iPad
and the youngest elementary school-aged child in the family. The handbook includes information
regarding expectations for student behavior. The handbook includes a comprehensive list of
regulations for student behavior and consequences for misbehavior. Consequences are consistent but
vary depending on the severity of the offense, the student's grade level and previous violations. The
rights and responsibilities detailed in the handbook apply to students in any school, on district
property, at school bus stops and at school or district events. Consequences may also apply for
misbehaviors which take place at other locations, but which directly affect school programs or
activities. Parents are encouraged to read and review information in the handbook with their
student(s) before finding a place to save it for the school year. Teachers will also briefly review
information in the handbook with students at the start of the school year. If your student's handbook
is misplaced, you can pick up a copy at your student's school. The handbook is also available online
at, under “About the District.”
Northfield Public Schools in Compliance with AHERA
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986 requires the district to notify
parents annually concerning asbestos-containing building materials in the schools, and that the
management plan for each building is available for their review. During the 2014 -2015 school year,
Northfield Public Schools removed mercury containing floor covering the Sibley band room and
asbestos floor tile from High School classrooms. Federal law requires a periodic walk-through
(called "surveillance") every six months of each area containing asbestos. In addition, the law requires
all buildings to be re-inspected every three years after a management plan went into effect. IEA
(Institute for Environmental Assessment) completed this for the Northfield Public Schools in 2013.
For the 2015-2016 school year, Northfield Public Schools does not have any asbestos removal
projects planned. Any questions concerning this notice or an explanation of our Asbestos
Management Plan can be directed to the Director of Buildings and Grounds at 507.663.0610.
The following notice is published pursuant to Minnesota law, "Parents Right to Know Act."
Northfield Public Schools recognizes the importance of our students’ and employees’ health and well
-being. Therefore, we are examining and reducing our use of pesticides and utilizing Integrated Pest
Management techniques in our school buildings and on school grounds to minimize the possible
long-term unknown health effects of pesticides. Northfield Public Schools will make available, in the
school district office, for parents and employees, the estimated schedule of application of pesticides
classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as designated under the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. Parents may also request that the school district notify
him/her prior to the application of such pesticides on a day different from the days specified in the
notice. If a person would like to be notified prior to application, please provide an email address or a
name and telephone number to the Buildings & Grounds Department at 507.663.0610.
Indoor Air Quality
Northfield Public Schools continues to improve an indoor air quality management plan for the
district. The management plan is based on the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA) “Tools for
Schools.” It addresses policies and procedures that will be used in the schools to address indoor air
quality issues. The plan’s goal is to provide indoor air quality that contributes to a favorable learning
environment for students, productivity for teachers and staff, as well as an environment that is as
healthy as possible. However, the intent of the plan is not to solve all indoor air quality concerns in a
school, rather the intent is to provide a road map to assist in managing indoor air quality. The
Indoor Air Quality Committee has joined the Health and Safety Committee to review and
continually update the management plan. If you have any questions concerning indoor air quality, or
would like to see the EPA Tools for Schools checklists, please contact the District Indoor Air
Quality Coordinator at 507.663.0610.
Special Education Services Available at all Schools
Federal and state laws guide the school district in identifying, evaluating and serving students with disabilities. Northfield Public Schools serves
students with disabilities from birth through age 21. A team of special educators, general educators and families work together to develop an
Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for students who meet the criteria for services. The IEP team considers the student’s present level of
performance, identifies educational needs and develops goals to meet those needs. The team determines the educational program that will serve
the student in the least restrictive setting. Northfield Public Schools provides a continuum of services for students with disabilities. Most students
receive special education in their neighborhood school. The district also has specialized, center-based programs for students who need more
support. For more information on identifying, evaluating and providing service to students with disabilities, contact your child’s school principal
or Cheryl Hall, Director of Special Services, at 507.645.3410.
District in Compliance with State-Required Background Checks
Parents and community members are always encouraged to apply as an employee or volunteer at their student's school and/or with the
Northfield Public Schools. Volunteers provide a valuable service to students and staff. Minnesota Statute requires a school hiring authority to
request a criminal history background check on all individuals who are offered employment in a school and on all individuals, except enrolled
student volunteers, who are offered the opportunity to provide athletic coaching services or other extracurricular services to a school, regardless
of whether any compensation is paid. Parents and community members who volunteer on a regular basis must complete a background check
before serving students affiliated with Northfield Public Schools.
Data Privacy Practices
Pursuant to the requirements of state and federal law, the following constitutes the Northfield Public Schools Annual Notification to parents and
students regarding data privacy practices. Northfield schools maintain educational records on all students to help plan the student's educational
program, communicate with parents/guardians, and comply with state regulations. Student records include information such as standardized
achievement and ability test data, grades, attendance records, health/medical records and evaluation by professional staff.
Except in limited circumstances authorized by law, most information from student records will not be released to members of the public without
the written permission of the student's parent or guardian, or of the student, if he or she is 18 or older. District policy guarantees parents/
guardians (and students 18 and older) the right to examine the contents of their own student's records except those items that are, by state or
federal law, made confidential. Parents/guardians (and students 18 and older) have the right to challenge the accuracy of these records and also
the right to authorize or deny release of records requested by a third party. The district forwards educational records of students to other schools
and school districts in which the student seeks or intends to enroll upon request of that school or school district. Parents are not notified prior to
this transfer.
This review of the data privacy rights of students in the educational records maintained by Northfield Public Schools is intended only to be a
summary of the district policy and applicable state and federal law. The policy can be found at Questions should be addressed to: Dr. L. Chris
Richardson, Superintendent, Northfield Public Schools, 1400 Division Street South, Northfield, MN 55057 or by calling 507.663.0629.
Notice of Designation of Directory Information
School districts are required by state and federal law to notify parents and students that certain information contained in a student’s education
record may be made public without prior written consent. The Northfield Public Schools designates the following as “directory information” and
may, in accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act, release the following directory information without permission unless the district has
been notified that it should not be released.
Student’s name, address, telephone number
Parent’s name, address, telephone number
Student’s date of birth
Student’s major field of study
Student’s dates of school attendance, grade level completed, enrollment status
Student’s participation in officially recognized activities/sports
Student’s height and weight, if a member of an athletic team
Middle and High School Student Athletic Physical Examination Expiration Date
Student’s degrees, honors and awards received
Student’s most recent educational agency or institution attended
Student’s photograph(s), videotapes and other visual representations for school-approved publications, yearbooks, newspapers, public
presentations and web pages.
A parent/guardian of a student or an eligible student (18 years of age or older) may object to the listed directory information being disclosed
without the parent/guardian or eligible student’s prior written consent except to school officials as provided under federal law. In order to make
all directory information private, the parent/guardian or eligible student must submit a completed Denial of Release of Directory Information
(Appendix C to Policy 515-Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records) to your student’s building principal or the Superintendent of Schools. This
designation will remain in effect for the current school year only.
Federal and state laws require all school districts to provide military recruiters, upon request, with the name, address and telephone number of all
11th and 12th grade students within 60 days after the date of the request unless the parent or eligible student (students over 18 years old and not
a dependent) requests that the information not be provided without written permission. If you do not want Northfield Public Schools to release
your student’s name, address and telephone number to a military recruiter, you must complete Appendix D (Denial of Release of Information to
Military Recruiters) to Policy 515-Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records. Please note that if you previously submitted a Denial of Release of
Directory Information (Appendix C), it alone will not be sufficient. The law requires that a specific denial of access to military recruiters be
made. In order to make all directory information about a student private to the public in general, including military recruiting officers, the
parent/guardian or eligible student must complete Appendix C and Appendix D.