Español 1 Avancemos 1.2 Summative Assessment: PRACTICE

Español 1
Avancemos 1.2
Summative Assessment: PRACTICE
Nombre:______________________________________ Hora:_____
A. Listening (10 points)
You do not need to do anything with this section, but be aware that the first page of your exam
with consist of listening passages.
B. Reading Comprehension (5 points)
Read Rosa’s journal entry about her first day in his new school. Then complete activity C.
¡Hola! Me llamo Rosa. Yo soy estudiante nueva. En general, me gusta mucho la escuela. Tengo
muchos amigos nuevos. Mis amigos son muy simpáticos y cómicos. Yo paso un rato con ellos en las
clases. Mi clase favorita es la clase de historia. ¡Es muy interesante! Después de las clases, mis
amigos y yo andamos en patineta. Mi maestro de historia se llama Señor Álvarez. Es muy alto y
simpático y él tiene pelo castaño.
Read the following statements and write the letter of the correct answer on the line.
_____ 1. Rosa likes school…
a. …a little
b. …a lot
_____ 2. Rosa’s new friends are…
a. …pretty
b. …smart
c. …tall
d. …funny
_____ 3. After class, Rosa and her friends …
a. …ride bikes
b. …go skateboarding
c. …draw
d. …watch TV
_____ 4. Rosa’s history class is…
a. …very boring
b. …very interesting
c. …kind of boring
d. …kind of interesting
_____ 5. The teacher is…
a. …short
c. …athletic
b. …nice
d. …young
Writing (10 points)
D. Definite Articles
Write the correct definite article in Spanish that agrees in number and in gender with the
object listed. (el/la/los/las)
_____ plumas
_____ amiga
_____ gato
_____ cuaderno
_____ escritorio
_____ computadora
_____ fútbol
_____ maestros
_____ hermana
E. Indefinite Articles
Write the correct indefinite article in Spanish that agrees in number and gender with the
object listed. (un/una/unos/unas)
_____ deportes
_____ amiga
_____ pupitre
_____ puerta
_____ libros
_____ teléfono
_____ ventanas
_____ escritorios
_____ maestra
Vocabulario y Gramática
F. ¿Cómo son? (15 points)
Write a complete Spanish sentence to describe each picture. Be sure to include:
*the correct form of the verb ser
*the adjective describing them (do not repeat an adjective/description)
*the correct number and gender of the adjective
1. Yo_________
2. Paco__________
3. Tú ____________
4. Ellas____________
5. Nosotros___________
G. Opposites//Opuestos
Write the opposite of each of the following adjectives. (5 points)
1. cómico
2. perezosos
3. Lola no es fea. Es_____________________________.
4. Tito y Héctor no son grandes. Son_____________________________.
5. Carmen no es desorganizada. Es__________________________________.
H. Preguntas personales - Answer the following sentences with a complete Spanish sentence.
Think carefully about who is being asked the question and what is being asked. These are not
yes/no questions. They are all asking for a specific piece of information. (6 puntos)
3= Answers the question in a complete Spanish sentence without any errors, and includes extra grammatically correct and
logical information. (crédito extra)
2= Answers the question in a complete Spanish sentence without any errors
1= Message can be interpreted but due to grammatical errors does not accurately answer the question
0 = Answer was incomplete: incomprehensible; illogical: used English
1. ¿Cómo se llama tu mejor amigo? ¿Cómo es tu mejor amigo/a? (Incluye 3 cosas=Include 3
2. ¿Qué hace una persona artística?
3. ¿Qué hace una persona atlética?
I. ¿Cómo eres tú? (11) Write a paragraph describing yourself in Spanish. Use complete
Spanish sentences. You should have sentences describing your physical appearance and your
personality. You can also say what you are not. Try to use some conjunctions and modifiers
such as y, un poco, muy, pero, etc. Use a rich variety of vocab and write as much as you can.