p o p h o u s t o nThirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime .org Nov.16,2014 November16,2014 Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime Catholics Should Corner the Market on Gratitude BySefanitMekonnen,NewEvangelizationMinistry The other day, I had the opportunity to spend the day with my friend, Sr. Josephine, who was in town visiting her family. She is a novice with the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth and we had the blessing of being able to catch up. After I had talked her ear off about what the Lord has been doing in my life and in my heart, I took a sip of my coffee and said, “Ok, enough about me; tell me about you. How are you doing? How’s the convent life!?” She suddenly got very emotional and could barely continue. Through the tears she began to try to express in very insuf icient words how incredibly grateful she was for the gift that God has given her. Her gratitude was so great and so deep, she couldn’t even begin to describe it. This is a woman who left a career as vice-president for Bank of America to follow Jesus with total and complete reckless abandon – shouldn’t Jesus be the one that is grateful? Or at the very least, shouldn’t we, the Church, and we, His body, be the thankful ones for a life given in our service? But, here she was before me, nearly undone at trying to share how grateful she was for the opportunity to be the Lord’s Beloved as a consecrated sister. If your family is anything like my family, Thanksgiving is always a time of busyness and hurried activity. There’s just so much to do! Every year my mom and dad are busy trying to get the house ready for all of us to descend upon it. The feast needs to be prepped and cooked, the baking needs to be done. Though it’s always a lot of fun, I’m not always sure how much giving of thanks is happening during Thanksgiving. Sure it’s nice that we always go around the table before we eat and share what we’re thankful for, but I think there’s more. Thisyear,IencourageeachofustoaskGod foralittlebitofthatspiritofgratitudethat Sr.Josephinewassodeeplyexperiencing. Afterall,asCatholics,asaEucharisticpeople, weshouldcornerthemarketongratitude! Ok, lashback to second-grade religion class for a second. Did you know that the word “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving”. So when we gather at Mass to share in the Eucharist, we gather to offer our thanks to God for everything He has given us. We realize that everything that we have and everything that we are is given from Him as pure gift, and so our irst activity of the week is to say thank you and offer it back as our sacri ice of praise. The next time the priest says the Eucharistic Prayer, listen a bit more carefully. It’s basically a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving to the Father for all that He’s given us; including His greatest gift of all, His very son, Jesus Christ. Not just once 2,000 years ago, but every time you receive the Eucharist, you receive Jesus and you’re able to live in deep friendship with him. Truegratitudeisagrace.Thatis,it’sagift fromGod;afruitofprayer. Don’t get scared by these words. Scripture assures us that God is a good father and he wants to give good gifts to his children! Ask God for this gift. Believe me, it’s much better than asking to lose 10 pounds or ind the perfect dress. I mean, he may answer that prayer, too, but to be honest, I think he’ll be much more pleased when we ask him for the grace to be truly grateful. Whatever your circumstances, ask God for the grace to be grateful for what you have in your life and then thank God for it. Maybe you can ind an hour in your day amidst the hustle and bustle of the Thanksgiving holiday to make it to Mass. Or, maybe all you can manage this year is a prayer of thanksgiving that morning. Whateveryoudo,makeitgenuineandGod willhonorit.LetuspraisetheLord,andgive himThanks! -2- Nov.16,2014 Parish Staff Staff & Council Lists / Worship Schedules/Financials Office: (281) 469-2686, [email protected] Pastor: Fr. John Keller Parochial Vicars: Fr. Sebastine Okoye, Fr. Alfonso Delgado Deacon/Pastoral Associate: Chuck Butler Deacon/Pastoral Care: Kenneth Stanley Deacon/Worship: Fred Dinges Deacons: Bill Barnes, Jerry Bazan, John Hagyari, Tim Hartnett, Tom Lattin, Bill Sheffield, Kenneth Stanley, George Trosclair Assistant to the Pastor: Paula Reed Business Manager & IT: Mark Threlkeld Blessed Beginnings Preschool: Stella Brooks, Kathy Cappelle Bookkeeper: Lilia Berkley Childcare: Cecilia Buice Communications: Kerry McGuire Community Life Ministry: Sue Hofmeister Faith Formation Ministry: Jill McAboy, Mary Camarata, Cecilia Maya, Maggie Ragusa Ministry of New Evangelization: Sefanit Mekonnen Outreach Ministry: Susan Gallagher, Ana Garza Ibarra Reception: Jennifer Cantu, Blanca Soto Spanish Ministry: Claudia Angulo Worship Ministry: Dcn. Fred Dinges, Matthew Caporale, Kiersten O’Malley, Sylvia Rodriguez Youth Evangelization Ministry: Matt Regitz, Stephanie Curtis, David Regitz Weekly Worship Schedule WeekendMass Masses are in English unless otherwise indicated (**). Saturday 5 p.m. – Main Church 7 p.m. – Main Church (**Spanish) Sunday 7:30 a.m. – Main Church 9 a.m. – Main Church (*) 10:45 a.m. – Main Church (*) 12:30 p.m. – Main Church (*) 2 p.m. – Main Church (*) (**Spanish) 5 p.m. – Main Church (*) 7:30 p.m. – Main Church (**Spanish) *Childcare available (3months to 4-year olds) **Spanish Masses ______________________________________________________________________ WeekdayMass HeldMonday-Fridayinthe MaryChapel. Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime PrinceofPeaceCatholicCommunity Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 19222 Tomball Parkway, Houston, TX 77070-3510 Phone: (281) 469-2686 Fax: (281) 469-8418 www.pophouston.org Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs., 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri. - Sun., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PARISHMISSION:We, as a Catholic faith community, answer God's call to live out the Gospel through Sacramental worship, formation, evangelization, and serving those in need. PARISHVISION:Full, conscious and active participation in the life of the Catholic Church. FINANCECOUNCILis appointed by the pastor to assist him with ensuring the inancial and administrative affairs of POP are properly conducted, supervised, and reported. Chair is Erin White, Co-Chair, Paul McGuire, and members are Armando Chincarini, Thanh Tam Dinh, Ralph Ellis, Jr., Justin Hebert, Dave Kreiner (Joint Council Representative), Chester Nowak, Jim Schulist, Mary Schulist, Edgar Tavares, and Olga Villasenor. For more information, contact: [email protected]. PASTORALCOUNCILis a discerned group of members who serve as parish liaisons and provide counsel to the pastor. Chairperson is Tim Thibodeau, Co-chairperson, Tammy Lee, and members are Ryan Armstrong, Phillip Bame, Jose Antonio Betancourt, Susan Cline, Nathan Harrison, Laura Hebert, Dave Kreiner (Joint Council Representative), Kelly Perez, Autumn Raynor, Stevee Steeley, and Justin Waltz. For more information, contact: [email protected]. TherewillbenoThursdayMasswithAnointingthis monthduetotheThanksgivingholiday.AboutAnointing oftheSick:Parishionersscheduledforserioussurgeryare encouragedtoreceivetheSacramentoftheAnointingofthe Sickpriortohospitalization.Parishionerssufferingfroma prolongedillnessmayreceivethisSacrament.Contact:Dcn. KennethStanley,[email protected]. Financials Monday, 9 a.m., 7 p.m.* **Spanish Tuesday,6:30 a.m., 9 a.m. Wednesday,9 a.m. Thursday,9 a.m., 7 p.m.* **Spanish Friday,9 a.m., 12:10 p.m. Many thanks to those who generously gave to POP’s Capital Campaign for the renovations to our church. We appreciate your continued support to your parish family. COLLECTIONS (Second Week of November) Weekly _________________________________________________________________________ Confession HeldintheMaryChapel(faceto-faceoranonymous;English &Spanish;appointments available). Monday&Thursday 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Saturday,8:30 – 9:30 a.m. __________________________________________________________________________ Adoration HeldintheReservationChapelintheMainChurch. Monday&Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday&Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. Budget Amount Actual Over/(Under) Fiscal YTD $ 88,000 $1,672,000 119,178 1,643,975 $ 31,178 ($ 28,025) CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION Envelopes Used 842 Loose Checks 271 Automated (monthly) 374 Total Registered Households: 7,840 DSF Goal: $423,000 Pledge: $428,409 Paid: $406,875 Nov.16,2014 WeddingCoordinatorsneeded! -3- Worship ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ThroughNov.28,BookofHopeis by the church’s baptismal font. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nov.18,TaizePrayerService:Beginning at 7 p.m. in the Mary Chapel, join us for this hour-long candle-lit service that uses simple chants, scripture readings, and silence to help one encounter the mystery of God. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ThisThursday,Nov.20,EMHCTraining: Would you like to learn more about becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? Please join us on Thursday,Nov.20, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Church. This will be our last session until after the new year. For questions, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or to learn about additional opportunities to serve, please e-mail [email protected]. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nextweekend,Nov.22,attheSaturday5p.m.Mass,we will celebrate the beautiful Sacraments that bring people into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. Please join us to witness these Sacraments and welcome these new members of our Church family. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Christmasisabeautifultimeinourchurch.Wouldyou liketohelpenhancethebeautyofourworshipspace? Please consider making a donation to purchase poinsettias. A special collection envelope can be placed in the regular collection anytime between now and Christmas or you can stop by the church of ice. They can be donated in honor or memory of someone, to celebrate answered prayers or simply as a way to celebrate the season. Questions may be directed to [email protected]. VIRTUS The Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston’s Safe Environment program consists of two required sexual abuse awareness training workshop for all parish/school clergy, staff and volunteers: 1) “Protecting God’s Children” Workshop includes 2 videos and facilitated discussions focusing on the prevention of abuse and the protection of children and is valid for 5 years; 2) After 5 years, employees/volunteers will need to take the 1.5 hour VIRTUS “Keeping the Promise Alive” Refresher Workshop. Walk-insarenotallowedtoattendtheworkshops;onlinepre-registrationismandatoryatwww.virtusonline.organdthebackground checkmustbecompletedandsigned.For more information, you may visit the “Safe Environment” web pages on either www.pophouston.org or www.acgh.org. ThenextclassesatPOP(English),Saturday,Dec.6: ♦ ♦ ProtectingGod’sChildrenWorkshop – Rm. 212/214 SJC – 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. KeepingthePromiseAliveWorkshop – Rm. 212/214 SJC – 1:30 – 3 p.m. & Daily Readings Monday,Nov.17 9 a.m., Maria Lilia Perez(lv) 7 p.m., Ashley Chen(lv) RV1:1-4;2:1-5/LK18:35-43 Tuesday,Nov.18 6:30 a.m., Shirley Magourik+ 9 a.m., Lola Torres De Espinal+ RV 3:1-6, 14-22/LK 19:1-10 Wednesday,Nov.19 9 a.m., Clara Walker+ RV4:1-11/LK19:11-28 Thursday,Nov.20 9 a.m., Betty Guerin+ 7 p.m., Difuntos Legionarios RV5:1-10/LK19:41-44 Friday,Nov.21 9 a.m., Reynaldo Lataquin+ 12:10 p.m., Rick Kotopka+ RV10:8-11/LK19:45-48 Saturday,Nov.22 5 p.m., Leroy & Brad Felchak+ 7 p.m., Hector Manuel Martinez Rios+ RV11:4-12/LK20:27-40 Sunday,Nov.23 7:30 a.m., Steve Gross+ 9 a.m., Guadalupe Yruegaz+ 10:45 a.m., Vicente Uria+ 12:30 p.m., Enrique Henry Rodriguez+ 2 p.m., People of POP 5 p.m., Richard Rudzinski+ 7:30 p.m., Artemio & Manuela Trevizo+ EZ34:11-12,15-17/1COR15:2026,28/MT25:31-46 Mass Intentions/Worship/Pray For Lists POP is blessed to have many couples celebrating the sacrament of marriage here. That means we need coordinators to help with the rehearsals and ceremonies. Is God calling you to join this ministry? If so, please contact the Worship Of ice [email protected] to ind out more. Pleasenotethatincenseisanancientformofprayer usedintheChurch.POPwilluseincenseatmanyMassesinNovemberandDecember,whicharenotedonour postedworshipscheduleswithanasterisk. Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime (lv)–Living+–Deceased Prayer Lists PleasePrayfortheEternalRest For:Charles Vocelle, brother of Margaret Seibert; Bonifacio De La Paz, friend of Blanca Soto; Charles Ricks; Maria Saucedo; Delores Saucedo; Catherine Hebert, sister of Peggy Price AddedtothePrayerList:Madison Grace Butler, Luke Steely, Tina Skoczen, Alex Skoczen, Ethan Gahman, Leonora (Kathy) Platt, Katie York, Joe Padilla Jr., Pat O'Neill, Donald Nelson, Sue Strapleton, Ed Whittenberg, Rose Jacobsen, Mike Guerino, Christine Hagyari, Santiago Carlos, Margarita Granados de Carlos, Rocio Valdeverde-Smith, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Robert Panagos Upcoming Events Nov.16,2014 -4- Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime “ThirstingfortheLivingGod.Psalm42:2”—Joinusthiscoming Saturday,Nov.22 You might be the only Gospel someone encounters! But, we can’t share what we don’t have. Join us Saturday,Nov.22, as Fr. Jeremiah Shryock, CFR, shares his re lections on the deep hunger for God we all have and how that is only truly satis ied in the Eucharist. Join us at 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Mary Chapel. We will begin with Mass. Childcare is available upon request at [email protected] or (281) 469-2686 (ext. 231) at least 72 hours in advance. Please contact Sefanit Mekonnen at [email protected] for questions. T h a n k s g i v i n g Wo r s h i p S c h e d u l e Thursday,Nov.27 ThanksgivingDay 9 a.m., Mass and Blessing of Food, Main Church 10:30 a.m., Mass and Blessing of Food, Main Church (Spanish)* (Thechurchcampuswillbeclosed afterthe10:30a.m.Mass;there willbenoExpositionofthe BlessedSacrament,Reconciliation or7p.m.Mass.) Friday,Nov.28 DayafterThanksgiving 9 a.m., Mass, Mary Chapel (Thechurchcampuswillbeclosedafter9a.m.Mass) SponsorPaddytheBabyPenguinthatwill begiventochildreninChildProtective Services(CPS)andCatholicCharities. GriefShare Nov.30, isthelastSpecialHoliday Session:The holidays are a particularly dif icult time for those who have lost a loved one. Our inal special session of “SurvivingtheHolidays” will be held onSunday,Nov.30, 2:30—4:30p.m.SJC,Room 211/213.This session is devoted to helping folks get through what can be a very stressful time of the year. The last two regular sessions of the GriefShare program are Dec.7&14, same time and location. For details on this Christ-centered support group, go to “Bereavement Support” on www.pophouston.org or contact POP at (281)469-2686 (Ext. 214) or [email protected]. We offer this sponsorship opportunity to provide comfort to children going through dif icult times, in conjunction with Avon Products. The money collected will be used as a fundraiser for POP. Paddy can be sponsored for $20, and will be available at FellowshipSondayonNov.16,intheCommunityCenter. A representative from CPS (Child Protective Services) will be available to answer questions about adoption & foster parenting. Donation checks payable to Prince of Peace can also be mailed to POP Attn: Deacon Chuck Butler 19222 Tomball Parkway, Houston, TX 77070. Financescausingstressinyourlife? Havingtroublepayingthebills? DaveRamsey'shighly-regardedFinancialPeaceUniversityclass willstartDec.1,7 p.m. in room 215, St. Joseph Center. The class teaches bible-based applications that can permanently remove debt. The cost is minimal and the experience is absolutely life -changing. If you're new to Dave Ramsey, just search the internet for the overwhelming reviews. Text or call Tim McNamara at (832) 646–9636 for more information or register online at daveramsey.com. -5- Nov.16,2014 At times, Prince of Peace has a very busy campus with multiple events and programs taking place consecutively. If finding an available parking space is an issue, please feel free to use the grassy areas, weather permitting, around the north and south parking lots. PLEASEAVOIDPARKING ALONGSIDETHECURBSPAINTEDINRED, WHICHAREDESIGNATEDFIRELANES. Keeping these lanes unobscured at all times is required by federal law in case of an emergency that requires immediate fire, police or ambulance assistance. Thank you for helping us keep our campus compliant with these safety laws and easily accessible in times of emergencies. Nov.15&16&9,Completetheonlineformtodonate foodtotheThanksgivingDinnerprogramat www.pophouston.org Nov.18,TaizePrayerService Nov.19,CatholicDaughtersoftheAmericas Nov.20,ThanksgivingDinnerVolunteerMtg. Nov20,EucharisticMinistertraining Nov.21,ThatManIsYou!(TMIY) Nov.21,“Village”MOMSDiscussionGroup Nov.21,LivingMatrimony Nov.22,ThirstingfortheLivingGod Nov.22,CitizenshipClasses Nov.22&23,Adopt-a-FamilySign-ups Nov.27,ThanksgivingDayMasses/Blessingofthe Food/ThanksgivingDinnerProgram Nov.29&30,Adopt-a-FamilySign-ups Nov30,FirstSundayofAdvent Info/Events/Spiritual Renewal November2014HappeningsatPOP PARKINGLOT SAFETYISSUES PLEASEREAD Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime Retreats,Prayer&SpiritualRenewalOpportunities Dailyat8:30a.m.,LiturgyoftheHours(MorningPrayer): The hymns and litanies of the Liturgy of the Hours integrate the prayer of the psalms into the age of the Church, expressing the symbolism of the time of day, the liturgical season, or the feast being celebrated. Please join us Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. in the Mary Chapel before 9 a.m. Mass. Tuesdays,Nov.18&25,FatimaPrayerGroup: This group is an apostolate of prayer, praying in union with Christ and the rosary with Our Lady of Fatima, for the conversion of poor sinners. We meet every Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. in the Brides Parlor in the Main Church. Contact Betty Waller at [email protected]. Friday,Nov.21,ThatManIsYou!TMIY is an interactive, multi- media men's program focused upon the development of authentic male leadership. The program successively considers men in their relationship to God, to their spouse and to their children. The program content harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. We meet Friday morning sat 5:30 a.m. in the Community Center. Contact: [email protected]. UpcomingWomen’sRetreats(HolyNamePassionistRetreatCenter): Next retreats is Dec.5-7;2015 datesareFeb.27-March1;May15-17(POPsponsored)andJune26-28: Theme: MeetingtheJesusINeverKnew , BecomingCompanionsattheFootoftheCross.Contact: Barbara Storemski, (6² 5) 7¹ ⁰ -8278 or Betsy Lowe, (281) 894-4260 for the POP retreat information. General info: (713) 464-0211, passionist.org/holyname or [email protected]. Jan.16–18,2015,JOINTHEMENOFPOPATARETREAT: Men of the parish are invited to make a retreat at Holy Name Retreat Center. Theme: Meeting the Jesus I Never Knew ~ Becoming Companions at the Foot of the Cross. Contact Jim Vossler, (281) 376-6420 or Mike Brzezniak (630) 470-3130 for more information, or call Holy Name Retreat Center at (713) 464-0211. RegistrationhasbegunfortheWomenintheSpiritRetreat,Feb.6–8,2015: "Comeawaybyyourselvestoadesertedplaceandrestforawhile."Mark6:31 Registration for the Tenth Annual Women in the Spirit retreat begins Sunday,Nov.16, following all Masses at Fellowship Sonday in the Community Center. The retreat will be held Feb.6-8,2015. To secure your place, a completed registration form along with the $45 deposit must be submitted. Total cost for the retreat weekend: $165. Treat yourself to inner spiritual growth, with other women of POP. The WITS retreats are a time for you to re-connect with God and experience what the Holy Spirit has for YOU! Registration forms will also be available in the POP of ice beginning Nov.17. For questions or information, please contact Sharon Brown, (281) 923-1522. Nov.16,2014 -6- Nov.22,CitizenshipWorkshop atPOPneedsEnglish-speakingvolunteers!Local At- torney and Immigration Specialist will provide one-on-one legal assistance, current Immigration issues presentations, and Form N400, in the Community Center at 9 a.m. We need English-speaking volunteers to help us. For questions or to volunteer, contact Mariana Sanchez, (713) 471-5832 or [email protected]. Community Life AttentionPOPMinistryGroups If you’d like to host a Fellowship Sonday held after the Sunday morning and afternoon Masses, please contact Dcn. Chuck Butler, (281) 469-2686 or via e-mail at [email protected]. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nov.19,CatholicDaughtersoftheAmericas: Women, 18 and over, are invited to the meeting in room 209, St. Joseph Center, at 7:15 p.m. Come learn about Catholic Daughters and what this service and spiritually-oriented group is all about. Contact: Theresa Wilson, (713) 826-2053 or Kathie Rutherford, (713) 560-8268. Nov.21,“Village”MOMSDiscussionGroup(Ministryof Mothers): Third Friday of every month 10 a.m.-noon in room 209 of the St. Joseph Center. Discussion of Sunday’s Gospel and topics related to motherhood will take place. Reserve childcare at [email protected]. MOMS is a group of mothers with children of all ages whose mission is to promote Catholic family values through a variety of social, service, and spiritual activities. Contact [email protected] for questions or to be added to the email list. Nov.21,LivingMatrimony: At 6:30 p.m., in room 108 of the St. Joseph’s Center, married and engaged couples are invited to learn about “TheRoadtoSainthoodthroughMarriage–BrianandAmandaLeCompte”.Married saints are not as well known, but have a lot of wisdom and in luence to share. Learn about how the married saints can teach and inspire us to ful ill our vocation in marriage. Please bring a potluck dish to share. Drinks and dessert will be provided. RSVP for childcare at least 72 hours prior to the event: (281) 469-2686 (ext. 231) or [email protected]. Meetings are baby friendly! Visit www.livingmatrimony.org or Facebook. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime Are you called to serve in our Audio/Video Ministry? With POP’s expanded use and reliance on media during the liturgy at our nine Sunday Masses, we desperately need more to serve in our audio/video ministry. To inquire or apply, contact Matthew Caporale at (281) 4692686 or [email protected] . Some audio/video experience is preferred; training may be provided. Becoming Catholic. Thinking About it? PleasecontactMaggieRagusa, (281)469-2686or [email protected]. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dec.7,After9a.m.Mass, BreakfastwithJesus Join us in the Community Center after 9 a.m. Mass for a special appearance by St. Nicholas. Also enjoy a special breakfast prepared by our Knights of Columbus. Come sing Christmas carols with the POP children’s choir and listen to the Greatest Gift of all presented by our Faith Formation class. Children are invited to dress as your favorite Nativity person or animal; angels, Mary’s, Joseph’s, shepherds, lambs, cows, donkeys and especially Children of the Lord, no matter what age, are invited to join in this special celebration. Contact: Mary Camarata, [email protected]. -7- Nov.16,2014 Come one, come all, to the VTF display at Fellowship Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime Sacraments Sonday today. Come and see the Children’s Mass Kit up close and per- BaptismsforInfants&Young sonal, and reserve your check-out time for the kit. Bring your child for some fun activities, and pick up some vocations materials for yourself. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AndrewProject,Nov.22,8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in the Borski Center at St. Mary’s Seminary. If you are between the ages of 14 and 35, and are interested in knowing more about seminary and the vocation to priestly life, please contact one of our parish priests to participate by Nov.17. Oasisisasacredplaceforbusy Adult parentstoexperienceprayer, exploretheirfaith,and indpractical tipsforajoyfullife.Come join us for some fellowship, food, and fun presentations in room 208/210 of the Saint Joseph Center. Oasis coincides with your child’s Faith Formation Monday evenings: 5-6:30 and 6:45-8:15. Childcare provided. Questions, comments: Katie Landry ([email protected]) or (281) 469.2686 (ext. 223). Faith Formation BaptismforOlderChildren(7+yrs): To learn about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Adapted for Children & Youth, contact Maggie Ragusa, [email protected]. FirstReconciliation&First Eucharist:Please contact Mary Camarata, [email protected]. Marriage:Engaged couples desiring to marry in the Church, should contact Paula Reed, [email protected]. Con irmation(High-SchoolYouth): Contact Stephanie Curtis, [email protected]. Con irmation(Adults): The Bible is Not Just any Story—It’s Your Story. Discover How To Catholic adults who have not been Read It, Monday’s 5 p.m. Learn about the major people, places, events and confirmed, contact Maggie Ragusa, themes of the Bible. Join us on Monday evenings, 5 p.m. to 6:30, Room 213, for [email protected]. The Bible Timeline. Materials are recommended, but not required Contact: Kathryn A. Fisher, (281) 851-3180 or ka [email protected]. RiteofChristianInitiationofAdults ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (RCIA):Non-Catholics (non-baptized or Also,fromTheGreatAdventure,joinus7p.m.Mondays! (The King baptized in a non-Catholic and His Kingdom: a Catholic Bible study of Christ through Matthew’s GosChristian denomination) interested in learning pel). See Jesus as the awaited Messiah who ful ills the promises and prophecies about the Catholic faith and possibility of beof the Old Testament, establishes the New Law, and inaugurates the Kingdom of coming Catholic, should contact the Office of Heaven. Contact Kathryn A. Fisher, (281) 851-3180 or ka [email protected]. Adult Faith Formation: Maggie Ragusa,, mragu____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mystics Class is Wednesdays, 9:30 – 11 a.m., St. Joseph’s Center, Room [email protected]. 213. Will read Fr. Ronald Rolheiser's latest book, "SacredFire". It is a vision to a deeper human and Christian maturity. The book explores discipleship and the stages of our lives. Contact: Joan Prime, (281) 469-3676. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CoffeewiththeWordisWednesdays, after the 9 a.m. Mass. Join your fellow parishioners to pray and share the Word for upcoming Sunday. This faith sharing group has as its focus how the Word of God impacts our daily lives and how we are called to carry that impact into the world. Bring your Bible! We will gather in Room 209 in the St. Joseph Center. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CatholicWayBibleStudyisThursdays,10 - 11:45 am, St. Joseph’s Center Room 213. This year the study will be on Romans and Galatians. This is a wonderful, in depth study of these two important Epistles. Contact: Julia Bradford at (281) 748-4124. HolyCommuniontoSick&Homebound:Contact: Dcn. Kenneth Stanley, [email protected]. Faith Formation/Sacraments/Information PleasegivetotheSeminarianCarePackages(byNov.30): VTF is gearing up for our annual Christmas care packages for the seminarians in our Archdiocese and collecting gift cards in increments of $5 to $10 to places like Wal-Mart, Kroger, and healthy fast food places. Please deliver gift cards to the POP of ice labeled “Vocations Task Force, c/o Sarah Haywood,” by Nov.30. Contact: Sarah at [email protected]. Children:Scheduled monthly; parents/Godparents/Sponsors attend 2 preparation classes. Contact: Jill McAboy, [email protected]. AnointingoftheSick: Parishioners scheduled for serious surgery are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick prior to hospitalization. Parishioners suffering from a prolonged illness may receive this Sacrament. Contact: Dcn. Kenneth Stanley, [email protected]. “You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” (I Thessalonians 5:2) Outreach/Other Nov.16,2014 -8-Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime ChristmasAdopt-a-FamilyProgram Sponsorships AvailableNov.23! Adopt a family in need this Christmas and live out the true meaning of Christmas. If you prefer to make an appointment to review and select a family to adopt this year call or e-mail the Outreach Ministry staff beginning Nov. 17, or look for the tables after Masses, beginning Nov.23! TUNAFISH,CANNEDPASTA,CANNED SOUP,SALTINECRACKERS,RAMEN NOODLES,SIDEDISHES,PANCAKEMIX, 2-LBBAGOFSUGAR OutreachNeedsSpecial Vo l u n t e e r s — A r e Yo u C a l l e d ? Our Brown Bag Lenten Project, our Search for a NEW Client Database Program, and our NEW Grant Writing Project are three special projects that need VolPlease donate food to POP’s unteer Champions to lead them Thanksgiving Dinner Program! to success. Do you think that’s Join other POP parishioners in feeding the needy and you? We hope so! Please conhomeless this Thanksgiving at Loaves and Fishes Soup tact Susan Gallagher at (281) 571-4136. Kitchen and various other shelters. Perhaps you may be away this year. Do not to worry; you may still help out by signing up to donate items to feed more than 1,500 people in area shelters and our sister parish, ResurrecSay a prayer for Baby Genesis and our newest baby girl tion. For more information, please contact Sandra Caro at who is unnamed at the time of press. Genesis’ Gabriel An(832) 744-7327 or [email protected] or sign gels, Ana and Christina, visited with Genesis’ mom, as well up online at www.pophouston.org. Please help! as our new baby girl in the hospital, soon after GabrielBabiesBorn! Save the Date: Thursday, Nov. 20 VolunteerMeetingfortheThanksgivingDinner Program,isat7p.m.inRm.108/110oftheSt. JosephCenter. Thanksgiving Loaves & Fishes Dinner Program – we need help at POP that morning! We need people at our church to greet cars, move food donations to sorting areas, work with site captains on food counts and packing into vehicles. This is a great Con irmation Service Project, high school students! Call or e-mail Susan Gallagher at (281) 571-4136, [email protected] to volunteer! Arrive at 8 a.m. and leave by 11 a.m.! “Givethankstothe Lord,forheisgood.”– Psalms, Chapter 118. birth! Everyone was very happy and healthy. The baby will be baptized into the Catholic church soon – Praise God! The Gabriel Angels were able to provide a crib, car seat, stroller and baby start up box (clothing, baby bottles, toiletries, diapers, wipes, bibs, etc.) due to your generosity. Mom and Genesis are very grateful. Our unnamed baby was just born on Nov. 4, weighing in at 6 lbs. and measuring 18”. This mom only recently has slept on a real bed, donated by a very kind and giving member of our parish. When her Angel, Elsa, learned about the furniture going to her Gabriel Mom, she said, “Wow! That’s amazing – God certainly provides!” The pregnant lady and her husband had been sleeping on a twin size mattress on the loor! She has a lot for which to be thankful. God is certainly blessing her little family! Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to serve and do your work. PleaseprayforPrinceofPeace seminarians: Jeff Bame, Nic Ramirez, Jose Alonso, and Jimmy Hawkins -9- Nov.16,2014 Youth Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime Syncis the name for our weekly gathering on Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m., in the Community Center. We __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SingersforSunday5p.m.MassChoir Do you have the desire to sing at the Sunday 5 p.m. Mass? Do you believe God is calling you to serve Him and His Church in this capacity? If so, contact Dave Regitz to discuss the discernment process and give back the voice the Lord gave you! Singers of any age over 14 are welcomed to join. Contact: Dave at [email protected]. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RetreatOpportunities!!! They ill up fast so make sure you log on to our website, www.popyem.org and register for one or more of our retreat experiences this year. Every retreat is listed on the web site with event details, along with costs and deadlines. Here’s your chance to re-connect with God! Here’s what’s coming up: • Jr.HighRetreat(6-8thGrades):Dec.5-7,2014 • Youth/Young Adults/News start off the night with snacks and an opportunity to socialize with friends or make new ones followed by a time of worship, a challenging and inspirational message, small groups and prayer. These nights are open to Jr. High and High School youth, and now parents are invited every week! So many events and programs split the family up, but parents are HANDS DOWN the most in luential people in the lives of our youth. Therefore, youth need parents to take an active role in their faith development at "Sync" and we're con ident that parents, too, will have an opportunity for conversion, formation and community building with other parents. There is no registration and no cost, so grab a bible and a friend or two and come Sync with God. Details at www.popyem.org. ChallengeRetreat:Jan.23-25,2015 Around the Archdiocese GoodWorkingRefrigerator StrakeJesuitOpenHouse,Dec.4Based on over 450 years of Jesuit Wanted – Youth Evangelization Ministry tradition, Strake Jesuit forms young men into intelligent, compassionate, spiritual and responsible Men for Others. Find out what makes Strake Jesuit more than just a school at the Open House, Dec.4, 7 p.m. Take a guided tour, meet members of the faculty and learn more about activities available to Strake Jesuit students. (www.strakejesuit.org) is in need of a refrigerator that is in good working order. If you have one that you’d like to donate, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FrassatiCatholicHighSchoolApplications for 2015-2016 are now available online! To schedule a tour, arrange a shadow day, or for more information, contact Kyle Smith, (832) 616-3227 or visit frassaticatholic.org. Administered by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation, Frassati prepares students to walk on the path of true happiness through a robust college -preparatory curriculum rooted in the Catholic faith. The school currently serves freshman and sophomore students at its 63-acre campus and will add a grade in each of the next two years. BluePrints of Peace Young Adults Our mission is to develop a strong faith foundation for young adults at Prince of Peace using the blueprints of God’s Word, Love, and Works. We invite evePLEASEJOINUS! ryone, ages 18 – 35, single and married alike, to participate in 11/18:Catholicism the life of our parish through Episode9 spiritual, service, and fellowship events. Meetings are held Tues11/25:Nomeeting day nights, 6:45 – 8:30 p.m., in Room 219 of SJC. (ThanksgivingHoliday) HowtoContactUs: [email protected]. www.facebook.com/ BluePrintsOPYA Twitter: @BluePrintsOPYA SavetheDate!Enjoya"ChristmasConcert withBárbaraPadilla”atthePOPMain ChurchonThursday,Dec.18,7:30p.m. Prince of Peace holds a very dear place in the heart of Bá rbara Padilla, 2009’s “America’sGotTalent” irst-runner up and POP parishioner for many years. In an effort to give back to her faith community during the Advent & Christmas seasons, all parishioners, their family and friends, and local community are invited to this special Christmas concert. In addition to traditional Christmas and seasonal selections, Bá rbara will perform songs from her self-titled debut album, “Bá rbaraPadilla”.A special collection will be taken for those who would like to support POP’s Capital Campaign. Contact: Matthew Caporale, (281) 469-2686 or go to www.barbarapadilla.com or facebook.com/barbarapadiva. Horario de Liturgia Misas del Sábado Misa Diaria Las Misas durante la semana, de lunes a viernes, son celebradas en la Capilla María 7 p.m. – Templo (español)** Lunes 9 a.m., 7 p.m.* **Español Misas del Domingo Martes 6:30 a.m., 9 a.m. Miércoles 9 a.m. Jueves 9 a.m., 7 p.m.* 7:30 a.m.–Templo (inglés) **Español 9 a.m.–Templo (inglés)* Viernes 9 a.m., 12:10 p.m. 5 p.m. – Templo (inglés) Ministerio de Liturgia/ Información Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime TrigésimotercerDomingodeTiempoOrdinario -10- Nov.16,2014 16deNoviembrede2014 ____________________________________________________________________________ 10:45 a.m.–Templo (inglés)* Reconciliación Las reconciliaciones son en 12:30 p.m.–Templo (inglés)* la Capilla María (frente a frente o anónimas; inglés y espa2 p.m.–Templo (español)* * ñol.) Lunes, 5:30—6:30 p.m. 5 p.m.–Templo (inglés)* Jueves, 5:30 – 6 :30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.–Templo (español) Sábado, 8:30—9:30 a.m. Adoración ** Se lleva a cabo en la Capilla de (*) cuidado de niños (3 meses a 4 Reservación del Templo Jueves, 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. años de edad) Martes y Miércoles, (**) Misas en español 9:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Misión Parroquial: Nosotros, Como comunidad de Fe Católica, respondemos al llamado de Dios a vivir el Evangelio a través de la adoración Sacramental, la formación, la evangelización y el servicio a los necesitados. Visión Parroquial: La participación plena, consciente y activa en la vida de la Iglesia Católica. MINISTERIO DE LITURGIA LiturgiadelasHoras(Oracióndelamañana): Los himnos y letanı́as de la Liturgia de las Horas integran la oració n de los salmos en la era de la Iglesia, expresando el simbolismo del momento del dı́a, el tiempo litú rgico o de la iesta que se celebra. Por favor, ú nase a nosotros Lunes - Viernes, 8:30 am en la Capilla Marı́a. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1eroal28denoviembre,LibrodeDifuntos: Escriba en el librolos nombres de sus seres queridos fallecidos en el libro que será puesto al frente de la Pila Bautismal de la Iglesia, desde el sá bado1erodenoviembrehastaelviernes28denoviembre. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CAMBIOENELHORARIODELMINISTERIO El Consejo Financiero consiste de voluntarios nombrados DELITURGIA:El 27denoviembreyel25dediciem- por el pá rroco para ayudar a asegurar que los asuntos bre, no habrá Misa de 9 a.m. con Unción, el cual se inancieros y administrativos de POP apropiadamente se celebra el cuarto jueves del mes, debido a las iestas de llevan a cabo, se supervisan y se reportan. El presidente Acció n de Gracias y Navidad. es Erin White, la copresidenta es Paul McGuire, y los miembros son Armando Chincarini, Thanh Tam Dinh, Ralph Ellis, Jr., Justin Hebert, Dave Kreiner HorariodeLiturgiade (Representante del Consejo Conjunto), Chester Nowak, Jim Schulist, Mary Schulist, Edgar Tavares, y OlAccióndeGracias ga Villaseñor. Comuníquese con: [email protected]. El Consejo Pastoral Nuestro es un grupo discernido de miembros que sirven como enlaces para los feligreses de la parroquia y aconsejan al pá rroco. Actualmente, el presidente es Tim Thibodeau y la copresidenta es Tammy Lee. Los miembros son Ryan Armstrong, Phillip Bame, José Antonio Betancourt, Susan Cline, Nathan Harrison, Laura Hebert, Dave Kreiner (Representante del Consejo Conjunto), Kelly Pérez, Autumn Raynor, SteveeSteeleyyJustinWaltz. Jueves,27denoviembre,DíadeAcciónde Gracias 9 a.m., Misa y Bendició n de los Alimentos, Iglesia 10:30 am, Misa y Bendició n de los Alimentos, Iglesia (Españ ol) * (LasInstalacionesdelaiglesiaestaráncerradasdespués delaMisadelas10:30a.m.nohabráExposicióndelSantísimoSacramento,reconciliaciónoMisade7p.m.) ESPIRITUALIDADDELACOMUNION Todas las parroquias de la Arquidió cesis está n desarrollando medidas concretas que se puedan usar para implementar el Plan Pastoral de la Arquidió cesis, cuyo enfoque es la ESPIRITUALIDAD DE LA COMUNION. La Pregunta se tomará de las Escrituras para el domingo y se mostrará en las pantallas antes de la misa y las pantallas electró nicas de afuera. “Vosotrosmismossabéisperfectamentequeel DíadelSeñorhadevenircomounladrónenla noche.”(ITesalonicenses5:2) Viernes,Nov.28,DíadeAccióndeGracias Misa de 9 a.m. Capilla Marı́a (Las Instalaciones de la iglesia estará n cerradas despué s de la Misa de 9 a.m.) Nov.16,2014 16deNoviembrede2014 20 de Enero del 2012 -11- - 11- Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime TrigésimotercerDomingodeTiempoOrdinario Lunes:GrupodeOración, 8 p.m., Capilla María Lunes:Taller de Desarrollo Humano para la Mujer, 9:30 a.m. saló n 212/214 Martes: GrupoGuadalupano, Segundo martes del mes, saló n 209, a las 7 p.m. Martes:EstudioBíblico“LaPequeña Roca”(adultos)a las 7 p.m., salón 208/210 Miércoles: GrupodeMadres, salón 208-210, a las 10 a.m. Jueves: LegióndeMaría, salón 202, 6 p.m. Viernes: ServorumDei, Jóvenes adultos de 18-28 añ os, saló n 213, a las 7 p.m. Viernes: Grupo de Encuentro Matrimonial, salón 109 de 6:30 a 9 p.m. Viernes: Juvenis Dei, Cada primer y tercer viernes del mes, Jó venes de 13 hasta 17 añ os Viernes:Al–Anon,salón 219 de 9 a.m.-12 pm Viernes:EnriqueciendosuMatrimonio1° y 3° viernes del mes, 7 p.m., saló n 219 Sábado: CursillodeCristiandad“Ultreya”, salón 208-210, 9 a.m. ASUNTOSDE SEGURIDADENEL ESTACIONAMIENTO– FAVORDELEER TallerFORO PARALACIUDADANIA 22DENOVIEMBRE CENTROCOMUNITARIO 10A.M.HASTALA1P.M. A veces, Prince of Peace tiene un campus con múltiples eventos y programas ocurriendo consecutivamente. Si el encontrar un espacio disponible para estacionarse es un problema, por favor, puede usar las áreas verdes, si el estado del tiempo lo permite, en los alrededores de los estacionamientos del norte y del sur. POR FAVOR, NO SE ESTACIONE A LO LARGO DE LAS ÁREAS PINTADAS DE ROJO, DESIGNADAS COMO “FIRE LANES”. La ley federal requiere que estos carriles de bomberos estén sin obstrucción en todo momento para alguna emergencia que requiera la ayuda inmediata de bomberos, policía o ambulancia. Gracias por ayudar a mantener nuestro recinto en cumplimiento con estas leyes de seguridad y de fácil acceso en caso de emergencias. Oficina de Administración de P.O.P. P M O : S ,C O ,B A A @ 713-471-5832 M ̃ E , (281) 571-4114. Hastael28denoviembre,estaráElLibrode losDifuntos“laEsperanza”:Los nombres de Ministerio de Español ACTIVIDADES DEL MINISTERIO DE ESPAÑOL ,I . . nuestros queridos difuntos, pueden ser escritos en el libro que estará ubicado cerca de la pila bautismal en el Templo de sá bado 2 de nov. a viernes 28 de nov. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Elpróximo indesemana,22denoviembre, en la Misa del sá bado a las 5 p.m., vamos a celebrar los hermosos sacramentos que traen a la gente a la Comunió n Completa con la Iglesia Cató lica. Por favor, ú nase a nosotros para presenciar estos sacramentos y dar la bienvenida a estos nuevos miembros de nuestra familia de la Iglesia. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LaNavidadesuntiempohermosoennuestraIglesia.¿Legustaríaayudaramejorarla bellezadenuestroespaciodeliturgia?Por favor, considere hacer una donació n para comprar las lores de pascua. Un sobre de donació n especial puede ser colocado en la colecta regular en cualquier momento entre ahora y Navidad o usted puede pasar por la o icina de la iglesia. Las lores pueden ser donadas en honor o memoria de alguien, para celebrar peticiones contestadas o simplemente como una manera de celebrar la temporada. Si tiene preguntas, pueden ser dirigidas a [email protected]. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Porfavor,tengaencuentaqueelInciensoesunaantigua formadeoraciónutilizadaenlaIglesia.POPutilizaráinciensoentodaslasmisasennoviembreydiciembrequese observanennuestroshorariosdeliturgiaanunciadoscon unasterisco. MATACHINES: ¿Quiere unirse al grupo de danza y participar en la celebración de la Guadalupana? Estas cordialmente invitado con tu familia, (niños de 8 años en adelante, jóvenes y adultos). Los ensayos serán los viernes. Por favor póngase en contacto con Jesus Martinez al (832) 517-4773 para mayor información. QuierevivirsuCursillo? Mujeres:Noviembre20al23,2014 LlamaraBlancaO.Angelal(281)800-2022 LlamaraBlancaCabreraa(713)382-1016 EL ARCA El Ministerio de Españ ol le ofrece a travé s del Arca artı́culos religiosos tales como biblias, catecismos, liturgia de las horas, rosarios etc. Venga y visı́tenos para que conozca lo que tenemos para ofrecerle o comunı́quese al Ministerio de Españ ol con Claudia Angulo al (281) 469-2686. Nov.16,2014 16deNoviembrede2014 Información 13 de febrero, 2011 Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime --12- 12- SextoTrigésimotercerDomingodeTiempoOrdinario Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ProgramaCenadeAccióndeGraciaspanes ypeces-VengayAyudeenAccióndeGraciasenlamañanaenlaIglesia!Necesitamos gen- te para recibir a los coches, mueva las donaciones de alimentos a las zonas de clasi icació n, trabajar con los capitanes del sitio en el recuento de los alimentos y de empaquetado en los vehı́culos. Este es un gran proyecto de servicio de con irmació n, de los estudiantes de la high school! Llame o envie correo electró nico a Susan Gallagher al (281) 571-4136, [email protected] para voluntariar! Llegue a las 8 a.m. y se va a las 11 a.m.! "DargraciasalSeñ or,porqueé les bueno."- Salmos, capı́tulo 118. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ¡AdopteunaFamiliaenNavidadPatrocinios MuyPronto!Adopte una familia necesitada en esta Na- vidad y vivirá el verdadero signi icado de la Navidad. Llamar o enviar por correo electró nico al personal del Ministerio de Servicio Social para que pueda hacer una cita para revisar y seleccionar una familia para adoptar este añ o. O, busque las mesas de inscripció n despué s de las misas, comenzando el 23denoviembre! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ¡ElMinisteriodeServicioSocialnecesitaunospocosVoluntariosEspeciales-¿Estassiendollamado?Nuestro Proyecto de Cuaresma de las Bolsas de Papel Ma- rró n, nuestra Bú squeda para un NUEVO Programa de Base de Datos para los Clientes y nuestro NUEVO proyecto son tres proyectos especiales que necesitan Voluntarios Lı́deres para conducirlos al é xito. ¿Piensa que es Usted? Esperamos que ası́ sea! Por favor comunı́quese con Susan Gallagher, (281) 571-4136 si desea ayudar positivamente de manera signi icativa! Reserve la Fecha Nov.18,ServiciodeOraciónTaize:Comienza a las 7 p.m. en la Capilla Marı́a. Una hora de oració n a la luz de las velas con cá nticos sencillos, lecturas de las escrituras y silencio. Ideal para acercarse al misterio de Dios. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Estesábado22denoviembre,“SedientosdeDios vivoSalmo42:2” Acompáñenos este sábado 22 de noviembre de 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. en la Capilla Marı́a, en donde el Padre Jeremiah Shryock, CFR, nos comparte sus re lexiones sobre la gran hambre que tenemos de Dios y como solo la eucaristı́a puede satisfacer ese vacı́o. Comenzaremos con misa de 10 a.m. Contacto Sefanit Mekonnen al [email protected]. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nov.22,ForodeCiudadanía:(senecesitanvoluntariosquehablenyentiendaninglés)Paraesteforo deCiudadaníavendrán:Abogados especializados en Inmigració n, donde le podrá n dar asistencia legal uno a uno recursos para familias inmigrantes, preparació n de la Forma N400. Centro Comunitario 10 a.m. hasta la 1 p.m. Si usted habla inglé s y quiere ser voluntario ayudando en este programa o si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto por favor comunı́quese con Mariana Sanchez, (713) 471-5832 o [email protected]. PorfavorOrepornuestrosseminaristas dePrinceofPeace: Jeff Bame, Nic Ramı́rez, José Alonso, and Jimmy Hawkins Cuálesllamadodel Señorparahacer estatemporadade accióngracias. Acompañ e a otros feligreses este dı́a de acció n de gracias para alimentar a los má s necesitados en el comedor de bene icencia Loaves and Fishes y otros má s. Quizá s estará lejos estos dı́as feriados. No se preocupe, aun puede ayudar donando artı́culos o comida para darle de comer a má s de 1,500 personas en refugios y nuestra parroquia hermana, Resurrecció n. Para má s informació n, puede pedir informació n en las mesas que se encuentran afuera de la parroquia despué s de misa o comunı́quese con Sandra Caro al (832) 744-7327 o [email protected] o puede donar en lı́nea al www.pophouston.org. Programa de la cena de Acció n de Gracias “Loaves and Fishes” Venga y ayú denos la mañ ana de Acció n de Gracias en la Iglesia. Necesitamos a personas que den la bienvenida, mover la comida para surtirla, surtir y empacarla. Esta evento es perfecto para el servicio comunitario para todos los jó venes que necesiten horas. Llame o mande un correo a Tina Kearney al (832) 253-3346 o [email protected] para ser voluntario! Llegue a las 8 a.m. y terminara a las 11 a.m.! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ¡ESTEJUEVESNOV.20! Junta de Voluntarios para el programa de la Cena de Acció n de Gracias, 7 p.m. en el saló n 108/110 en el edi icio San José . PrepáreseparaelBautismodesuhijo(a)…Como padres de un recié n nacido, niñ o pequeñ o (o infante de 6 añ os) nos gustarı́a invitarlos a presentar a su hijo (a) al Bautismo. Su rol como padres y primeros educadores de la fe es la relació n má s importante que su hijo (a) tendrá . A nosotros nos gustarı́a invitarlos a participar en la preparació n de este ministerio vital. POP ofrece una preparació n de dos partes solo para los padres cada mes. Sugerimos que los padrinos tambié n acompañ en a los padres a estas clases de preparació n. Ofrecemos las clases y los bautizos en inglé s y españ ol en grupo una vez al mes. Hay dosclasesdepreparaciónlascualeslosdospadrestienenqueasistirparapoderpresentarasuhijo(a)albautismo.Tienequeinscribirsecontiempoparapoderasistirlasclasesasíquenosedemore quehaycupolimitado. Su primer paso es recoger un paquete bautismal de la o icina de la parroquia o pedir un paquete vı́a email: [email protected]. FuerzadeTrabajoporlasVocaciones ProvisionesparaSeminaristas: La Fuerza de Trabajo por las Vocaciones se está preparando para nuestro evento anual de las Cajas de Alivio de Navidad para los seminaristas de nuestra arquidió cesis. Estamos recaudando tarjetas de regalo en incremento de $5 a $ 10 en tiendas como “Wal-Mart, Kroger” y lugares de comida rá pida saludable. Por favor, entreguen las tarjetas de regalo en la o icina principal denominada “Fuerza de Trabajo por las Vocaciones, c/o Sarah Haywood”. Ultimodı́ael30deNov. Por favor dirijan todas sus preguntas a Sarah en [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Proyecto“Andrew”,22deNov.:Este año el Proyecto “Andrew” será en sá bado por la mañ ana de 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m., en el “Borski Center en St. Mary’s Seminary”. Si usted está entre las edades de 14 y 35, y está interesado es saber má s acerca del Seminario y la vocació n a la vida sacerdotal, por favor contacte a uno de nuestros sacerdotes de la parroquia, para participar en este evento. La fecha lı́mite para registrarse es el 17denov. 28 de Julio del 2013 16deNoviembrede2014 9deMarzodel2014 Abril 22 del 2012 PróximosEventos "UnConciertodeNavidadconBárbaraPadilla” PrinceofPeaceeljueves18deDiciembrealas 7:30p.m. Prince of Peace tiene un lugar especial en el corazó n de Bá rbaraPadilla quien fue la primera inalista en el 2009 en el concurso “America’sGotTalent” y ha sido y es feligré s de nuestra parroquia por muchos añ os. En un esfuerzo por agradecerle a su comunidad de Fe durante la temporada de Adviento y Navidad, todos los feligreses, sus familias y amigos está n invitados a un concierto especial de Navidad el cual se llevara a cabo el dı́a jueves 18 de Diciembre a las 7:30 p.m. en la Iglesia principal de Prince of Peace. Adicionalmente a la selecció n de mú sica Navideñ a y otras apropiadas a esta é poca, Bá rbara tambié n interpretara canciones de su primer disco titulado, “Bá rbaraPadilla”. Esta es una colección de piezas instrumentales intercaladas con partes de sus arias favoritas, piezas clá sicas y canciones de mú sica pop preferidas de Bá rbara. El concierto es gratis, pero durante el concierto se hara una colecta cuyos recaudos irá n totalmente a la Campañ a Capital, “BienvenidoslosSedientosdeFe, Para mayor informació n por favor contacte a Matthew Caporale, en el (281) 469-2686 o al correo [email protected]. Si quiere saber mas de Bá rbara Padilla y su disco por favor visite www.barbarapadilla.com or facebook.com/ barbarapadiva. ATUNENLATADO, PASTAENLATADA, SOPAENLATA, GALLETASSALADAS SOPAMARUCHAN, BOLSASDEAZUCARDE2LBS, HARINAPARAPANQUEQUES MinisteriodeJóvenes Sync es el nombre para nuestra reunió n semanal de los Mié rcoles de 7-9 p.m. en el Centro Comunitario. Empezamos la noche con un refrigerio y una oportunidad para socializar con nuevos amigos seguido de un tiempo para adoració n , un reto e inspirador mensaje, pequeñ os grupos y oració n. No hay inscripció n ni costo, tomen la Biblia y a uno o mas amigos ,vengan a Sync con Dios. Revisen el calendario www.popyem.org Eventos Nov.18,ServiciodeoraciónTaize Nov.20,Juntaparalosvoluntariosdelprograma“Cenade accióndegracias” Nov.22,CLASESDEPREPARACIONPARALACIUDADANIA Nov.22&23,Inscripcionespara“adopte-una-familia”para estanavidad Nov.22,ForoClasesdeCoidadania Nov.27,Díadeaccióndegraciasybendicióndelosalimentos Nov.27,Cenadeaccióndegracias“Loaves&Fishes” Nov.29&30,Inscripcionespara“adopte-a-una-familia” paraestanavidad Nov30,Primerdomingodeadviento NUESTRADESPENSADE ALIMENTOSNECESITA: Décimo Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo TrigésimotercerDomingodeTiempoOrdinario PrimerDomingodeCuaresma Tercer Domingo deOrdinario Pascua --13- 13-- 13- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15deNov.,Sábadode “CONNECT”(MinisteriosdeEvangelización parajóvenes:Formacióndefe):Reemplazando el anterior programa semanal del domingo llamado "Formació n de fe", por la noche para los grados de 6 a 12, "Connect" es ahora un evento de todo el dı́a sá bado, que ocurre só lo dos veces por semestre. Es una oportunidad para construir una comunidad, encuentro con el Señ or y aprender la riqueza de nuestra fe de una manera má s e icaz, evangelista y natural. Contacto: Matt Regitz, en [email protected]. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oportunidades de Retiros!!! Los cupos se llenan rá pido, entre en la pá gina www.popyem.org y regı́strese a uno o má s retiros este añ o. Cada retiro esta enunciado con detalles, costos y plazos. Esta es su oportunidad para re-conectarse con Dios! Esto es lo que continú a: • RetiroparaJr.High(6-8grados):Diciembre5-7,2014 • RetirodeReto(Sophomores):Enero23-25,2015 El total de nuestra Campaña ha alcanzado más de $3,000,000! ESTE FIN DE SEMANA ES FIN DE SEMANA DE COMPROMISO! Las recepciones han terminado y nuestros materiales de la campañ a se han enviado por correo a todas las familias! Las cartas de promesa está n en manos de todos los feligreses registrados. La familia de Prince of Peace pide que usted haga su compromiso HOY! Los regalos de todos los tamañ os son importantes y muy apreciados. No estamos pidiendo donaciones iguales sino sacri icios iguales. Por favor, coloque su sobre de compromiso en la colecta de hoy. NECESITAMOS SU AYUDA! Juntos vamos a hacer de esta campañ a un é xito! Si usted no está registrado actualmente en la parroquia, por favor tome una copia de los materiales y sobre de promesa en el Nartex. SitienealgunapreguntaacercadelaCampañaosiquiere responder,porfavorconsulte connuestroDirectordela Campañaenlao icina,Riley LudlowyReneePolkaal (281)469-2686(ext.265)o [email protected]. AT E N C I O N FELIGRESES! No es demasiado tarde para convertirse en un voluntario. Todos son bienvenidos a asistir a la Capacitació n de Voluntarios y reunió n de asignació n, que se celebrará el martes 18denoviembre a las 7 p.m. en el saló n 108 del Edi icio San José . La reunió n durará aproximadamente una hora. Esta reunió n es para todos los voluntarios que se inscribieron o para aquellos que está n interesaLos Necesitamos! dos en darle seguimiento al contacto de otros feligreses. Gracias de nuevo a todos los feligreses que han donado su tiempo para esta campañ a como voluntarios. Su compromiso, energı́a, y la participació n son muy apreciadas! ¡EL SEGUIMIENTO DE VOLUNTARIOS ESTA POR COMENZAR! Todas las familias que no asistieron a una recepción o presentaron un sobre de promesa serán contactadas! Al responder hoy eliminaremos su nombre de la lista de seguimiento. ¡Por favor, responda hoy! LEGAL SERVICES CHRISTINE K. LINCOLN, Attorney At Law • Wills • Medical Power of Attorney • Adoption • Family Law • Living Wills • Collaborative Law 21161 TOMBALL PARKWAY PH: 281•376•6960 FAX: 281•370•0354 Sam Mitschke, DDS Cosmetic and Family Dentistry 281-370-2500 16000 Stuebner–Airline, Suite 550 12777 Jones Road 281-970-9005 www.thelincolnlawfirm.com Parishioner CILLIS CAR CARE CTR. Complete Auto Repair Goodyear Wrecker Service 890-4190 13650 Schroeder Rd. Houston, TX 77070 Deductible Rewards. Accident Forgiveness. New Car Replacement. Sound good? It’s time you gave me a call. Sal Ortiz (281) 587-0000 1434 FM 1960 W., Ste. D Houston [email protected] Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent Pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company Northbrook, IL © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. [email protected] www.aeaglescreenprinting.com 10% Off first order with ad 10410 Cossey Rd. Houston, TX 77070 ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ T-shirts Polos Caps Aprons Sport Uniforms Church Events Mrs. Veronica Home Daycare Chico Se Habla Español Off: 281.374.0503 (281) 855-2079 Fax: 281.374.0507 [email protected] Pedro Lara Landscaping Commercial & Residential • Lawn Maintenance • Mulching • Flower Beds • Trimming • Pruning • Planting • Sprinklers • Weed Control • Fertilizing • Much More Free Estimates Available 832-347-6482 Pedro Lara 10% OFF First Time & Parishioner 515134 Prince of Peace Church (E) www.jspaluch.com JAMAIL PLUMBING CO. Repairs & Remodeling 24 Hour Emergency Service (281) 351-1236 (281) 463-6500 (281) 444-3070 MPL #16251 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Learn CPR Memorial, Funeral and Cremation Services As our family has always done, we want to serve you and your loved ones today and for generations to come Privately Owned, 4th Generation Provider In-Home Arrangement/Planning Available Houston Area Pre-Arranged Policies Accepted COLLEEN M. BRADFORD, RN AHA CERTIFIED BLS/HEARTSAVER INSTRUCTOR BLS • CPR • FIRST AID FOR HCP’S & EVERYONE 281-807-0862 713-628-3664 234 Westcott, Houston, Texas 77006 713-802-0000 generationsfunerals.com [email protected] www.cprtraininghouston.net Parishioner See Your Ad in COLOR Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.833.5941 Andres Ortiz REALTOR ® JANICE M. PICKETT, Attorney At Law 281-756-7791 281.469.0499 [email protected] www.AndresOrtizRealty.com www.JanicePickettLaw.com 9950 CYPRESSWOOD DRIVE, SUITE 200 KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY Prince of Peace Parishioner The Woodlands The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-833-5941 Specializing in European Car Repair Domestics Always Welcome Family Owned Sales, Service, Installations • FREE Estimates Air Duct Balancing Monday-Friday 8am-6pm Saturday by appt. only • Sunday closed FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY OF YOUR VEHICLE! 9337 Spring Cypress, Spring, TX 77379 www.conciergeautotx.com (832) 404-2682 A portion of the Sales Ticket will be donated back to the Church w/Ad 281-995-9224 • Chiropractic • Acupuncture • Nutritional Counseling • Natural Weight Loss • Wellness Care • Treat allergies, arthritis, back pain, headaches, etc. For Free Consultation 9720 Jones Rd., #250 281-894-2880 www.acrepairman311.com Lic. #TACLB3744E/NCI Certified G &C Griffin & Cain, PLLC, Attorneys at Law Brian Russell Cain • Michael T. Griffin Robert S. Griffin • Jeredith Jones “The Right Lawyer Can Make A Difference” 122 W. Davis St., Conroe, TX 77301 936.539.1011 • 936.593.1002 [email protected] www.griffinandcain.com A/C & Plumbing Services Residential & Commercial Call for Parishioner Discount 832.237.2226 HOMEMADE ICE CREAM & TROLES • ELOTES MEX • JUGOS NATURALES • NACHOS • FRUTAS • TORTAS 12108 Veterans Memorial @ Antoine, Houston 77067 7316 Louetta Ste. B306 @ Stuebner-Airline, Spring 77379 281-895-9416 281-257-2244 1 FREE SM ICE CREAM/TROLE W/$10 OR MORE ORDER W/AD 515134 Prince of Peace Church (D) www.jspaluch.com Serving Texans since 1977 TACLA18606E MPL37612 www.ndchandler.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 QSC-1 Cleaning Concepts • References • Insured • 12 Years Experience Houses & Apartments Weekly • 2 Weeks • Monthly 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Haydee 832-499-8253 Garden Center & Nature’s Gifts Since 1973 281-812-0919 MJ Gold Traders Come by After Mass 6222 Richmond Ave. 315 • Houston, TX 77057 281.440.1050 Martha Giles Assistant Manager 713-396-6702 • 832-242-7836 6111 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Ste. 207 Houston, TX 77069 www.ChampionsDentist.com Custom Work Work Castings Platinum • Gold • Silver 21328 State Hwy 249 • Houston, TX 281-376-1646 • Fax 281-376-2553 • New Patients Welcome • Preventive Care • Digital X-Rays • Crown & Bridge Restorations • Teeth Whitening • Dental Implants • Snoring & Sleep Apnea Treatment www.MJGOLDTRADERS.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Mexican Restaurant & Cantina • Kids Eat FREE on Wed.• B’fast Buffet - Sat. & Sun. 9-12 Affordable Handyman 10% OFF w/Ad 281.414.5266 12015 Perry Road • Houston, TX 77070 HOME REPAIR SERVICE No job too small [email protected] 281-890-6200 10865 Jones Road • Houston, TX 77065 Lunch Specials $6.99 Happy Hour • Mon. - Thurs., Fri. Til 7PM 10% OFF w/Ad 281-469-CELA (2352) • www.celayasseafood.com New and Used Tires Family Owned & Operated Parishioner of P.O.P SUPPLY • GROOMING • WASH 1727 Gessner Houston, TX 77080 713-461-3851 Why Choose ALL NATURAL PET PRODUCTS? • Improves Skin and Coat • Higher Activity Levels • Longer Life • Pets Are Family TAX PREPARATION Mary Greene Owner • 281.251.0041 Larry Hoole, CPA, Former IRS Agent 22454 Tomball Pkwy. • Houston, TX 77070 (Next to Sprouts) Email: [email protected] • fb.com/EarthWisePet Houston 281-469-6600 18725 Telge Rd. Tomball, TX 77377 281-516-7575 IRS PROBLEMS Samantha Kramr, CPA, Parishioner www.HooleKramrCPAs.com PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Brian D. Williams PUSH Wills & Wills & Probate Divorce & Modifications Custody & Adoption Bankruptcy & Law Suit Defense 832.717.0678 5519 Louetta Rd., Suite B [email protected] BDWILLIAMSLAW.COM 515134 Prince of Peace Church (C) 9102 FM 1960 W. Houston, TX 77070 281-807-1227 TA X E S too High? Locally Owned and Operated ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 11319 Jones Rd. Houston, TX 77070 281-477-0090 TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Dr. Earl F. Martin, M.D., P.A. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB 710 Lawrence St. Tomball Tel: 281-351-7155 Fax: 281-255-9471 St. Anne’s Parishioner TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 • Paletas Naturales • Conos • Raspas • Aguas Frescas • Cocktails • Ensalada de Frutas • Nachos • Churros OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Inside: La Hacienda Meat Market & Taqueria COMPRE UNA DOZENA DE PALETAS RECIBA UNA COPA DE NIEVE ARTESANAL NIEVES W/ COUPON 5 347 Dr. 3 -20 Airline 713 tuebner 77379 X 35 S g, T 163 Sprin JAMES P. FOGARTY, MD A & P ELECTRIC Commercial & Residential 281-664-2125 Occupancy Permit, Meter & W. DAVID McCHESNEY, MD Panel Breakers, Short Circuit Call: Ariel 832-266-7937 281-664-2126 TECL-23929 - Se Habla Español • S PORTS M EDICINE • A RTHROSCOPIC S URGERY • J OINT R ECONSTRUCTION 21212 N.W. Freeway, Suite 605 Cypress, TX 77429 13300 Hargrave, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77070 www.advancedosm.com Dan Brooks, Agent Joan Schweppe Law Firm, PLLC • Auto • Home • Life 281-444-4004 281-379-5777 [email protected] 9950 Cypresswood, Suite 200 (249 @ Cypresswood) Family Law Wills Prenups Child Custody Probate Child Support Servning the Northwest Area since 1992 Dental Frontiers & Assoc., P.A. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Anthony S. Garza (Parishioners) 13312 Theis Lane www.dentalfrontiers.com $50 off each new patient on first or a future visit 281-516-7272 Se Habla Español S FOR 2 R$OOM CAR 36D0•INSTALL PET •PA SABINA FALKIN, D.D.S. St. Anne Catholic School FREE NEW PATIENT EXAM OR $50 OFF DENTAL WORK 30TH ANNIVERSARY Pre K - 8th Grade 1111 S. CHERRY ST., TOMBALL *SAT. APPTS. * EMERGENCIES WELCOME *RELAXING GAS * CHILDREN & ADULTS 22545 SH249 @ Spring Cypress 281-379-1919 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” LIMITED TIME average size room HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL K & S Plumbing Co. 2 for 1 Are you Cool Enough? Skate 281-84-SKATE with Ad! www.aerodromes.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! TEXAS CARPET WHOLESALE TEN CARPETAEMOS BARATA Carpet • Sales • Installation • Repair For ✔ Carpet We Make Custom Rugs Any Size sq/ft ✔ Pad www.Texascarpetwholesale.com ✔ & Install • PERSONAL CARE • LIGHT HOUSE CLEANING • MEALS • ERRANDS, ETC... www.homevitalitycare.com 281-580-9955 713-589-6170 Jesus A to Z C. Victor Bonilla Serving All Your Needs Joseph Kenjora Jr. & Eddie Syzdek Jr. Owners Master License No. 9146 & 9149 35 Years Experience Parishioner 99 ¢ 7129 Long Dr. Houston, TX 77087 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL REPAIRS Phone: 713-695-9739 • www.kands-plumbing.com 515134 Prince of Peace Church (B) 281-351-0093 www.stanne-tomball.org PUBLIC SKATING • HOCKEY • LEARN TO SKATE and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers NO DEPOSIT average size room ONLY Se Habla Español [email protected] OFFICE: (281) 970-8814 • Room Additions • Kitchen / Bath Remodeling • Interior / Exterior Painting • Siding and Roofing PERFECTION • Tile - Wood Carpet - Flooring REMODELING CO. • Custom Windows and Doors [email protected] www.perfectionremodelingco.com www.jspaluch.com Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Air Conditioning, Heating, and Home Comfort Specialist • Free Estimates on New Equipment • Financing Available • We Service All Brands • A+ Rating with the BBB $59 Heating Safety Check per system Ronnie & Becky Hoffart Catholic Parishioners TACLA11183C 713-937-4400 www.Hitechmechanical.com www.DimasMexicanGrill.com 18955 State Hwy. 249 • Houston TX 77070 Live Music on Sundays Mon-Wed Banquet Room for 60 with Bar 20% OFF Kids under 12 EatFREE • Burgers • Chicken • Fish • Salads • Soups Across From the Vintage HEB. Discount applies to Food & Non-Alcoholic Drinks Only www.redrobin.com 22455 State Highway 249 281-251-7033 WWW.PREMIER-VISION.NET DON WHITE, CPA 281-807-7773 $1.99 House Ritas Parishioner LICENSED IN THE T REATMENT OF EYE DISEASES BRING IN AD FOR 20% DISCOUNT Ice Cream is Always FREE! • Tax Preparation • Monthly Accounting Services 14132 Schroeder Road 281-890-2554 FAX 281-890-0187 purchase of $40 or more Monday-Friday w/Ad. Dine-In Only. (1 Per Adult) with ad Parishioner Keep Your Family Moving! 281-351-8211 1-800-899-8211 25500 Tomball Parkway (SH 249), Tomball, TX CONSULTANTS IN DENTAL AESTHETICS Michael J. Landry, DDS & Associates 9720 Cypresswood Dr. Ste 200 Houston, TX 77070 281-370-8786 www.HoustonSmileSpa.com Parishioner A Totally Pampering Dental Experience! da Vinci Veneers I Invisalign® I (KOR®) I Whitening I General Dentistry I Same Day Crowns www.parkwaychevrolet.com J. M. Plumbing Sales & Service Cypress-Houston World Commerce Forwarding, Inc. Jesse G. McKinley 281-469-6206 CUSTOMHOUSE BROKER • FOREIGN FREIGHT FORWARDING • CRATING NEW CHILDREN’S BOOK COMING THIS CHRISTMAS “The Night Before The Night Before Christmas” Lic#RMPL13890 JOHN GABRIEL REYES GENERAL MANAGER PH: 281-209-2697 1-800-299-2366 CELL: 281-455-1218 Email: [email protected] www.worldcommfwd.com Lucy Blaszkowski Luxury Travel and Honeymoon Specialist 832-696-9827 [email protected] www.paradiseweddingsandtravel.com Sammy’s Barber & Styling Shop Haircuts for the Whole Family For Appt. Call 444-8873 - Walk-Ins Welcome 6151 FM 1960 West Carrubba Family - Parish Members T.D. Cox Homes, LLC Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Massage. Rehabilitation. Daniel J. Dannug, D.C., CCSP, CAc. Alayna E. Pagnani, D.C. CAc. 9720 Cypresswood Drive Suite 130 Houston, TX 77070 281-809-0100 www.healthprochiro.com Parishioner 515134 Prince of Peace Church (A) Remodeling Tom Cox, President “Serving Montgomery and Harris Counties for over 30 years” Parishioner / St. Simon-Jude 281-364-1800 [email protected] www.tdcoxhomes.com 214 Nursery Rd. The Woodlands, TX 77380 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Thirty-thirdSundayinOrdinaryTime Nov.16,2014 Nov.16,2014/Issue#10 Our Campaign Total has reached over $3 million This Weekend is Commitment Weekend! Receptions are over and our campaign materials have been mailed to every household. Pledge cards are in the hands of ALL registered parishioners. Your POP parish family asks that you make your commitment TODAY. All gifts of all sizes are important and much appreciated. We are not asking for equal giving, just equal sacri ice. Please place your pledge envelope in the collection today. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Together, we will make this campaign a success. If you are not currently registered in the parish, please pick up a copy of the materials and pledge envelope in the Narthex or parish of ice. Ifyouhaveanyquestions aboutthecampaignorabout volunteering,pleasecontact onsiteCampaignDirectors, RileyLudloworReneePolka at(281)469-2686(ext.265) orsendane-mailto [email protected]. Attention Parishioners! It is not too late to become a volunteer. All are welcome to attend the Volunteer Training & Assignment meeting, Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. in room 108, St. Joseph’s Center. The meeting should last approximately one hour. This meeting is for all volunteers who signed up or for those who are interested in We Want making follow-up contacts to other parishioners. Thanks You! again to every parishioner who has donated his or her time to this campaign as a volunteer. Your commitment, energy, and participation are greatly appreciated! Volunteer Follow Up Set to Begin! All families who did not attend a reception or submit a Pledge Envelope will be contacted. By responding today we will be able to remove your name from the Follow-up List. Please Respond Today!
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