Current Bulletin - St. John Vianney Catholic Church

St. John Vianney
1920 Skyview Drive • Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Phone/Telefono (770) 941-2807
Fax (770) 941-5821 • Friary (770) 941-2817
Este sacramento puede recibirlo cualquier
persona que sufra una enfermedad crónica, o
que necesita ser hospitalizada para someterse
a cirugía o por causa de edad. Para recibir el
sacramento lo único es llamar a la oficina, en
caso de emergencia puede llamar a cualquier
Fr. George Sabol OFM Conv.
Pastoral Administrator
Fr. Reto Davatz OFM Conv.
In Residence
Rev. Mr. Frank Przybylek
Rev. Mr. Johnny Rentas
Rev. Mr. Carlos Garcia
Mrs. Sharon Loiselle
Director Faith Formation
Mr. Karl Kuhlken
Youth Minister
Karla Zelaya
Hispanic Secretary
Rev. Mr. Carlos Garcia
Confirmation Coordinator
Ms. Judy Sheridan
Parish Secretary
Maria Laboy
Pastoral Council Facilitator
Mr. Paul Bleess
Finance Council President
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. (Contemporary)
10:30 a.m. (Choir), 12:00 Noon,
Spanish Masses 7:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Monday & Thursday 7:00 p.m. (Lyke Chapel)
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel)
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Spanish)
Friday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel)
First Friday Adoration 8:30 a.m. –7 p.m.
Holy Days and Holidays Consult Bulletin
9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m., evenings by appointment.
Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Any other time by
Anointing may be conferred on anyone who
suffers from a chronic illness, entering the hospital, facing surgery or the infirmities of age. Arrangements must be made by calling the parish
office. In case of emergency, call anytime.
Preparations for the Reception of these Sacraments have special criteria and instructions.
Call the Parish Office for further details.
Para recibir estos Sacramentos se requiere
ciertos requisitos especiales. Se sugiere consultar la oficina parroquial para más detalles.
Familia, matrimonio, casos personales, abuso de
drogas etc. Si hay alguna necesidad de conserjería profesional, el Servicio de Conserjería Católica de la Arquidiócesis esta disponible con dos
Consejeros en nuestra área.
Nosotros, Pueblo de Dios de St.. John
Vianney, como comunidad de Fe, estamos llamados por Cristo a vivir el Evangelio por medio de nuestros actos de fe,
esperanza y caridad. Vivimos unidos como una familia en la fe, compartiendo
nuestra diversidad de culturas, nuestros
dones y carismas y nos esforzamos para
convertirnos en una verdadera comunidad
iluminada y guiada por el Espíritu. Guiada
por El, queremos acercarnos a todos los
hermanos para compartir la Buena Noticia
del Evangelio, nuestra Tradición Católica
Romana y llegar con nuestra presencia
hasta a los hermanos mas alejados físicaespiritualmente de nuestra comunidad,
para que participen en la vida y tareas de
la iglesia.
We, the people of St. John Vianney, as a Catholic community of faith, are called and challenged to be Christ like by living out the
gospel through acts of faith, hope and love. We live united as a faith family sharing our diversity of culture, gifts, ministry and leadership as we move to become a true community of faith. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, as a warm and caring community, our desire is
share the Gospel and Roman Catholic traditions. We reach out to those in spiritual or physical need and encourage full
to live and
and active participation in the life and works of the church.
NOVEMBER 16, 2014
NOVEMBER 17, THROUGH November 23, 2014
Mass Intentions for the Week of
November 17, 2014 November 23, 2014
Monday, November 17
7:00 PM +William Haas: Tom & Bobbie Siler
Tuesday, November 18
8:00 AM +Bill Frearson: the Butler Family
Wednesday, November 19
8:00 AM +Wladyslaw Hedrzak
7:00 PM Rosary Hour
Thursday, November 20
7:00 PM +William Comber: the Noguera Family
Friday, November 21
8:00 AM +Leokadja Zielinski
Saturday, November 22
5:00 PM +Carol Ann Crook
Sunday, November 23
7:00 AM All Parishioners, living and deceased
9:00 AM +Robert Breitbach: His Family
10:30 AM + Patricia Payne: the Dowd Family
12:00 PM +Kathleen Mann - 1st Anniv. of her
death: Michele Ablashi
1:30 PM Rosary Hour
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10,
Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111,
131;Lk 19:45-48
Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6;
1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
Administración de Tesoro
As disciples we are called to be faithful stewards of
Ɵme, talent and treasure.
November 9, 2014 $ 12,034.00
Archdiocesan Seminary $2,553.56
Thank you for your conƟnued generosity!
Please remember SJV in your will and
estate planning!
¡Gracias por su conƟnua
7:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Bible Study
Hispanic Bible Study
Traditional Choir
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Contemporary Choir
Hispanic Choir
7:30 PM
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group Core
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Hispanic Prayer Group
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group
6:00 PM
St. Vincent de Paul meeting
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Hispanic Choir
No morning or evening Rel. Ed. classes
In your prayers: Barb Dormer, Arnold
Flores, Terry Brown, Carolyn West, Frances
Breski, Oneida Chapple, Gwen Miller, Angelica Hernandez-Ortiz, John Deane, Crystal Lash,
Rina Rosa Reyes, Dave Philipp, Beverlee Leo,
Fred Leo, Cooper Hayes, Carlos Handal, Jack
Krueger, Frank Carollo, Michelle Wenzel
Por favor recuerden a SJV en su plani-
Saturday, November 22 - Team #5 — Mike Hentz, Bob
Lash, Tom Lilly and Skip Heinrich
Pro-Life Notes
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you
were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.”
—-Jeremiah 1:5 (NABRE 2010 CCD. Used with
November 16, 2014
The good news of today’s Gospel is the
extravagance of what is being given us.
All we need to do is be faithful in “small
matters.” The cost of fidelity has no comparison to the reward given.
Thirty-third Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Proverbs 31:10-13
Psalm 128
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
Matthew 25:P14-30 or
25:14-15, 19-21
The Book of Proverbs is a collection of wise advice that was used for instruction in
ancient Israel. Traditionally attributed to Solomon (see
1:1) because of his reputation for great wisdom, many of
these sayings were originally intended for young men.
Their inclusion in the biblical text gives them a wider
audience: all people are called to seek and embrace the
way of the wise. In today’s reading we hear of the value
of “a worthy wife”; this text is sometimes read at funerals as a tribute to a woman whose value is “far beyond
pearls” (v 10). The text reminds us of the importance of
associating with good people in our lives.
Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians reminds us that
there is more to life than this world. As Christians we
anticipate “the day of the Lord” (v 2). As believers we
are “children of the light,” and so we are called to live
lives worthy of our status as God’s children; we are
called to “stay alert and sober” (v 6), not becoming distracted by unimportant things or falling into darkness.
The apostle calls us to “encourage one another” (see v
11) in our common faith.
In the parable of the talents, Jesus calls us to
make good use of what we have been given. The talents
given to each of the servants represent a great amount of
money. One talent was equivalent to approximately
6,000 days’ wages. Each servant was given a different
amount, ’according to his ability” (v 15). The parable
focuses on what each one did with the talents received.
The master accuses the third servant of laziness. The
third servant knew his master was demanding, but he
didn’t even put the money to work in what we would call
a conservative financial plan - “in the bank” (v 27) to
accrue interest; he merely buried the talent in the ground
(v 25). Like him, we are called to make good use of
what has been entrusted to us, for one day we will be
called to give an accounting for our actions.
For reflection: What is my belief about the “day of the
Lord”? How can I prepare for it?
Please do not leave bags of clothing for donation in the gathering area. Such donations must be taken to Sweetwater
Mission in Austell or SVDP Thrift Store in Dallas.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry needs the following items: toiletries, paper products, (toilet tissue and
paper towels). If you can donate any of these items,
please deposit them in the bins provided in the gath-
ering area..
Volunteers are needed to help handle the numerous requests for
assistance that come into the St. Vincent de Paul Society. If
you can donate some time to assist in this ministry, please call
the parish office at 770-941-2807.
No More Newspaper Recycling
St. John Vianney has had a
newspaper recycling bin
that served as a small fundraiser for our Council of
Catholic Women for many
years. The recycling company has gone out of business as of 10/15/14. The
bin will be removed very soon and will not be
replaced. We thank everyone who has supported
this fundraiser and we ask that you please continue recycling your newspapers at home.
We are still accepting registrations from students
currently in 8th grade through 12th grade to attend our
Catholic Heart WorkCamp mission. The mission trip
will take place June 21st—June 27th. The mission trip
will be to Hardeeville, SC. You can obtain the
registration form from our website
( . A
deposit of $85.00 is required to hold your student’s place.
We are limited to the first 21 students.
To learn more about this camp:
El horario para las misas en español es el siguiente:
Miércoles 7:00 PM
Domingo 7:00 AM
Domingo 1:30 PM
16 de noviembre
33º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Por las familias: para que sigan el ejemplo de Jesús y
sean testimonio de amor de entrega;
Roguemos al Señor:
“Desde antes de formarte en el seno materno, te conozco; desde antes de nacieras, te consagré como profeta para las naciones”.
— Jeremías 1:5 ( Leccionario © 2011Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de
la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano, se usa con permiso.)
Por favor,
NO dejen bolsas de ropa para
donación en el área frente a la
cocina. Tales donaciones deben
ser llevadas a la misión de
Sweetwater en Austell o a la tienda de SVDP en
Dallas, GA.
Consejo de Mujeres Católicas de la Parroquia
Se reunirán el lunes 24 de Noviembre en el salón St.
John a las 7:30pm.
Invitamos a todas las mujeres de SJV!!!
Estamos aceptando inscripciones de estudiantes actualmente en 8vo grado hasta el grado 12 para asistir a nuestra misión católica corazón WorkCamp. El viaje de la misión
será el 21 de junio – 27 de junio. El viaje de misión será a
Hardeeville, SC. Usted puede obtener el formulario de registro en nuestro sitio web:
Un depósito de $85.00 es necesario para reservar el lugar
de su estudiante. Estamos limitados a los primeros 21 estudiantes.
Para comunicarte con el Padre José a la Parroquia Ɵenen que hacer
lo siguiente:
Marcar el Número 770-941-2807, después
Presionar el # 1 (Inglés), en el momento que escuchen la grabación,
presionar el # 5, al volver a escuchar la grabación
presionar el # 3, es la extensión del Padre.
Horario de oĮcina para servicios en español:
Lunes a Jueves de 9:00am a 1:30pm
Horario de oficina para servicios en
español únicamente los:
Lunes, Martes y Jueves de
9:00am - 1:30pm
10:00am - 1:30pm
Por favor, hagan todo lo posible por venir a misa el Día
de Acción de Gracias con toda la familia.
Pedimos que al asistir a esta misa de Acción de gracias
traigan un artículo no perecedero para ayudar a abastecer
nuestra despensa de comida que ayudará a nuestros hermanos y hermanas necesitados durante los meses de invierno.
Las cestas estarán en el altar
para que coloque los artículos.
"Defiende la Dignidad Humana. Saca la Pobreza
del Mapa".
La colecta de la próxima semana para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano
(CCHD por sus siglas en inglés) necesita de su
ayuda. CCHD fue fundada para erradicar el
ciclo de la pobreza en los Estados Unidos mediante la financiación de organizaciones que
ayudan a la gente a ayudarse a sí mismos.
Cumpliendo con la tradición de mejorar la
educación, la situación de vivienda y el desarrollo económico, CCHD continúa logrando un
impacto positivo en nuestras comunidades.
Por favor considere hacer una contribución
generosa, ya que el 25% de todos los fondos
recaudados se quedan aquí luchando contra
la pobreza localmente en la Arquidiócesis de
Atlanta. Su aporte defenderá la dignidad humana y ayudará a las personas que viven marginadas en nuestra sociedad a
ayudarse a sí mismos.
Por favor considere aportar a
la colecta de CCHD.
Para comunicarte directamente a la oĮcina en español, debes hacer lo siguiente:
Marcar el Número 770-941-2807, después
Presionar el # 1 (Inglés), en el momento que escuchen la grabación: Presionar el #2, al volver a escuchar nuevamente la grabación, Presionar el #6,
en cuanto contesten solo pidan hablar con Karla.
The Archbishops Appeal
pledges for this year are
less than 50% paid off,
we certainly appreciate
your pledges and just
want you to keep this
expense in mind when
you are doing your budgets. Also, to
those good folks who pledged to our new
windows, as you can see, little by little
they are coming into view and we have
about $40,000 pledged that needs to be
paid. As always, your attention to these
matters is a blessing!
The Way for Men Retreat
This is a 3-day retreat for adult male survivors of
abuse offered by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Victim Assistance Program on December 5-7, 2014 at
Carmel Retreat Center in Hoschton, Georgia. The
deadline for registration is November 25, 2014.
Please contact Sue Stubbs at 404-920-7554 or
[email protected] for an application or for more
The Knights of Columbus will be selling homemade food gifts from the Monks at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit after all the Masses on
the weekend of November 22-23. Proceeds
help support the Monastery in their goal to
make all actions and thoughts an expression of
God’s will, where work itself becomes a form of
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Next week’s collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD) needs your help. CCHD was founded
to end the cycle of poverty throughout America by funding
organizations that help individuals help themselves. With a
tradition of improving education, housing and community
economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive
impact in communities nationwide. Please give to the CCHD
NOVEMBER 27, 2014
10:00 AM
Thanksgiving Day is truly an
American HOLYDAY of obligation. We travel to our ancestral homes to be with family
during the weekend of tradition, thanksgiving, story telling
and getting to know one another and of course the afternoon football game with all the turkey leftovers to munch
The first thanksgiving was celebrated in the fall of 1621.
Later Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a day to
give praise and thanks to God. It wasn’t until 1941 that
Congress made this day a national holiday. The Bible tells
us about the Jewish harvest festival Sukkot (Leviticus
23:39-43). Ellen Frankel’s Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols states that the pilgrims based their celebration of
Thanksgiving on this biblical feast. As Catholics, our most
perfect way of saying thanks to God is in the Eucharistic
Celebration of the Mass. In fact eucharist is a Greek word
for thanksgiving. We give thanks to God for his works of
creation, redemption and sanctification.
Please make every effort to come to Mass on Thanksgiving Day at 10:00 AM. Bring the entire family. We are
asking that everyone who attends the Thanksgiving
Mass bring a non-perishable item to help stock our food
pantry that will help our needy brothers and sisters
during the upcoming winter months. Baskets will be
provided on the altar for these items.
Mary’s Circle
CCW (Council of Catholic
will meet on Monday, November 24th at 7:30 p.m.
after 7:00 p.m. Mass
in the St John room.
All women of the Parish are welcome.
Will meet on Wednesday, November 19 at 11 AM in
the Day Chapel to pray the Rosary. Please bring your
lunch and join us for our meeting. Mary’s Circle was
started for the women of the parish who want to be part
of the Council of Catholic Women but are not comfortable driving at night. We would love to welcome new members.
principal imperatives of the common good is the
recognition of the moral order and the unfailing observance of its precepts. A
" firmly established order
between political communities must be founded on
the unshakable and unmoving rock of the moral law,
that law which is revealed in the order of nature by
the Creator Himself, and engraved indelibly on
men's hearts . . . Its principles are beacon lights to
guide the policies of men and nations. They are also
warning lights—providential signs—which men must
heed if their laborious efforts to establish a new order are not to encounter perilous storms and shipwreck."(85)
Excerpt of Saint John XXIII’s
Pacem in Terris
Provided by Justice & Peace
Ministries, Archdiocese of Atlanta
Today we will talk about the true spirit of
Thanksgiving. We will focus on being thankful
this time of year for all the blessings from God,
and we will discuss how materialism can lead us
to greed and envy. We will also discuss the
greatest form of thanksgiving we have, the Eucharist, and how that is our way of gathering with
our church family every week to give thanks to
God. Your child will make a list of things that
they are thankful for to put up in the house; be
sure to ask them about it and hang it somewhere
noticeable. Here are some questions to ask your
child after Edge:
What are some things in your life that you are
really thankful for?
What is your favorite part of thanksgiving?
What should our family’s focus be this time
of year?
What is something we can do as a family to
help someone in need?
Did you know that some children in
our community go home from
school on weekends with very little
food at home? A Gift of Love Services , through the BACKPACK FOOD PROGRAM, furnishes approximately 100 needy children
two meals a day, plus snacks for the weekend (or for
the holidays when they are out of school). Through
your donations, 3 children will be sponsored.
Items needed on continual basis:
Pop tarts
Canned chicken or tuna
Hot & Cold single servings of cereal
Fruit cups
Beanie Weenies
Juice boxes Pudding snacks Applesauce
Mac & Cheese Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers
Milk Boxes (non refrigerated)
Items that children can prepare themselves
Donations can be left in a labeled container
in the lobby.
We have multiple ways to
find out what is happening
at St. John Vianney:
Our website has been updated
with a new calendar.
We have a link on the website
where you can signup for email
Keep checking back—our website will be updated
You can also “LIKE” us on Facebook
Do you have suggesƟons or quesƟons?
Email Chris Butler at [email protected]
SJV Spotlight
St. John Via
The CCW was established in 1958 with a membership of
seven. As a group of ChrisƟan women, we strive to be an
organizaƟon dedicated to the support and friendship of all
members. Not only are we dedicated to this fellowship, but also
to our Church, through the example of ChrisƟan living and
through our many fund raising events.
Our goal is to serve as a channel through which the Catholic Women of our parish, in harmony
with Church teachings, might uƟlize their unique talents in service to God by service to their
fellow man. Thus through ChrisƟan Witnessing, win souls to Christ.
The Council holds regular evening meeƟngs once a month, on the fourth Monday, from August to
May. Evenings consist of business, entertainment and refreshments.
Prayer is an important part of the Councils’ membership.
Each meeƟng is preceded by Mass which is oīered up for the Council members and is a wonderful
ObjecƟves of the CCW
Ÿ To provide our services for SJV’s
parish and nurture a ChrisƟan lifestyle.
Ÿ To foster spiritual development of
the women of the parish.
Ÿ To culƟvate friendship and community spirit through social, cultural,
and educaƟonal programs and
CCW AcƟviƟes
i Blood Drives
i Christmas Cookie Sales
i Women’s Day of ReŇecƟon
i Women and Youth of the Year
i Casino Trip
i Ice Cream Socials
i Bake Sales
As you can see, we are a group of
women dedicated to God, family,
each other, fun and hard work. The council is made up of women of
all ages, backgrounds, professions, and interests.
All women (18 years and older) of the parish are invited and encouraged to become part of this fellowship!
We meet on the fourth Monday of each month immediately following the 7:00PM Mass.
Any quesƟons, please contact the CCW President: Deb Heinrich at [email protected]