Nosotros, Pueblo de Dios de St.. John Vianney, como comunidad de

St. John Vianney 1920 Skyview Drive • Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Phone/Telefono (770) 941‐2807 Fax (770) 941‐5821 • Friary (770) 941‐2817 SACRAMENTO DE UNCIÓN DE ENFERMOS
Este sacramento puede recibirlo cualquier
persona que sufra una enfermedad crónica, o
que necesita ser hospitalizada para someterse
a cirugía o por causa de edad. Para recibir el
sacramento lo único es llamar a la oficina, en
caso de emergencia puede llamar a cualquier
Fr. George Sabol OFM Conv.
Pastoral Administrator
Fr. Reto Davatz OFM Conv.
In Residence
Rev. Mr. Frank Przybylek
Rev. Mr. Johnny Rentas
Rev. Mr. Carlos Garcia
Mrs. Sharon Loiselle
Director Faith Formation
Mr. Karl Kuhlken
Youth Minister
Karla Zelaya
Hispanic Secretary
Rev. Mr. Carlos Garcia
Confirmation Coordinator
Ms. Judy Sheridan
Parish Secretary
Maria Laboy
Pastoral Council Facilitator
Mr. Paul Bleess
Finance Council President
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. (Contemporary)
10:30 a.m. (Choir), 12:00 Noon,
Spanish Masses 7:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Monday & Thursday 7:00 p.m. (Lyke Chapel)
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel)
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Spanish)
Friday 8:00 a.m. (Lyke Chapel)
First Friday Adoration 8:30 a.m. –7 p.m.
Holy Days and Holidays Consult Bulletin
8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m., evenings by appointment.
Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Any other time by
Anointing may be conferred on anyone who
suffers from a chronic illness, entering the hospital, facing surgery or the infirmities of age. Arrangements must be made by calling the parish
office. In case of emergency, call anytime.
Preparations for the Reception of these Sacraments have special criteria and instructions.
Call the Parish Office for further details.
Para recibir estos Sacramentos se requiere
ciertos requisitos especiales. Se sugiere consultar la oficina parroquial para más detalles.
Familia, matrimonio, casos personales, abuso de
drogas etc. Si hay alguna necesidad de conserjería profesional, el Servicio de Conserjería Católica de la Arquidiócesis esta disponible con dos
Consejeros en nuestra área.
Nosotros, Pueblo de Dios de St.. John
Vianney, como comunidad de Fe, estamos llamados por Cristo a vivir el Evangelio por medio de nuestros actos de fe,
esperanza y caridad. Vivimos unidos como una familia en la fe, compartiendo
nuestra diversidad de culturas, nuestros
dones y carismas y nos esforzamos para
convertirnos en una verdadera comunidad
iluminada y guiada por el Espíritu. Guiada
por El, queremos acercarnos a todos los
hermanos para compartir la Buena Noticia
del Evangelio, nuestra Tradición Católica
Romana y llegar con nuestra presencia
hasta a los hermanos mas alejados físicaespiritualmente de nuestra comunidad,
para que participen en la vida y tareas de
la iglesia.
We, the people of St. John Vianney, as a Catholic community of faith, are called and challenged to be Christ like by living out the
gospel through acts of faith, hope and love. We live united as a faith family sharing our diversity of culture, gifts, ministry and leadership as we move to become a true community of faith. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, as a warm and caring community, our desire is
share the Gospel and Roman Catholic traditions. We reach out to those in spiritual or physical need and encourage full
to live and
and active participation in the life and works of the church.
FEBRUARY 1, 2015
Mass Intentions for the Week of
February 2, 2015 - February 8, 2015
Monday: Mal 3:1‐4; Ps 24:7‐10; Heb 2:14‐18; Lk 2:22‐40 [22‐32] Tuesday: Heb 12:1‐4; Ps 22:26b‐28, 30‐32; Mk 5:21‐43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4‐7, 11‐15; Ps 103:1‐2, 13‐14, 17‐18a; Mk 6:1‐6 Thursday: Heb 12:18‐19, 21‐24; Ps 48:2‐4, 9‐11; Mk 6:7‐13 Friday: Heb 13:1‐8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b‐9; Mk 6:14‐29 Saturday: Heb 13:15‐17, 20‐21; Ps 23:1‐6; Mk 6:30‐34 Sunday: Jb 7:1‐4, 6‐7; Ps 147:1‐6; 1 Cor 9:16‐19, 22‐23; Mk 1:29‐39 Monday, February 2 8:00 AM +Leokadja Zielinski
Tuesday, February 3 8:00 AM +Leokadja Zielinski
Wednesday, February 4 8:00 AM Rosary Hour
700 PM +Leokadja Zielinski
Thursday, February 5
7:00 PM +Leokadja Zielinski
Friday, February 6 8:00 AM +Leokadja Zielinski
Saturday, February 7 5:00 PM +Leokadja Zielinski
Sunday, February 8 7:00 AM All Parishioners, living and deceased
9:00 AM +Andy Sneeden: Duane Donovan and
Al Brewer
10:30 AM Rosary Hour
12:00 PM Living Franciscan Friars, sisters, relatives and benefactors
1:30 PM +Leokadja Zielinski
STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Administración de Tesoro
As disciples we are called to be faithful stewards of me, talent and treasure. January 25, 2015 $
Hispanic Ministries $
Thank you for your con nued generosity! Please remember SJV in your will and estate planning! MON.
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Knights of Columbus officers & directors
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Traditional Choir
Hispanic Bible Study
Bible Study
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:00 PM
Contemporary Choir
Hispanic Choir
Epic Church Study
7:30 PM
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group Core
8:30 AM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Hispanic Prayer Group
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Group
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Hispanic Choir
Hispanic Baptism Class
In your prayers: Barb Dormer, Arnold Flores, Terry Brown, Carolyn West, Frances
Breski, Oneida Chapple, Gwen Miller, Angelica Hernandez-Ortiz, John Deane, Rina
Reyes, Dave Philipp, Beverlee Leo, Fred Leo,
Cooper Hayes, Carlos Handal, Frank Carollo,
Larry Connors, Alice Zunt, Lynn Stansbury
¡Gracias por su con
nua generosidad! Por favor recuerden a SJV en su plani‐
ficación de ul ma disposición y testamento. Pro-Life Notes
“It is not only a personal but a social concern
which we must all foster: a concern to make unconditional respect for human life the foundation
of a renewed society.”
—Pope St. John Paul II, The Gospel of
Life (Evangelium Vitae, no. 77) 1995 Libreria
Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
February 1, 2015
4th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Psalm 95
1 Cor 7:32-35
Mark 1:14-20
In Jesus’ first to a synagogue
in Mark’s Gospel, we encounter a key theme in this
evangelist’s writing: Jesus’
authority. This is evidenced both in his words — “the people
were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one
having authority” (v 22) — and in the exorcism of the unclean spirit. Unlike other exorcists of his day, who used
many words while performing exorcisms, Jesus commands
the unclean spirit with just two words in the Greek text, and it
leaves. The brevity of his command illustrates his power
over the spirit.
In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses promises the
people that in the future God will send “a prophet like me” (v
15) to lead the people. This desire for an intermediary between the LORD and the people is based on their experience
of God’s great power on Mount Sinai, mediated through Moses. The people believe that to experience God face to face is
to risk death. God promises to “raise up for them a prophet
… [who] shall tell them all that I command” (v 18). Over the
centuries, this prophetic figure came to be understood as the
longed-for Messiah.
Paul continues to advise the Corinthians with the
expectation of Christ’s imminent second coming, as we heard
last week. His advice to the unmarried, that they should refrain from marrying, is based on the idea that one who is unmarried can dedicate more time to serving the Lord. If the
Lord’s return is near, then focusing on the things of God is
advisable. Though we do not expect Jesus’s return soon, we
still can follow Paul’s advice by making sure our lives have a
sense of balance between worldly affairs and the things of
For reflection: In what ways have I experienced Jesus’ authority? Have I ever experienced God’s liberating power in my life or in the life of another?
To make Ashes
For Ash Wednesday
February 18, 2015
If you have any old palms from last
Palm Sunday, please bring them to
church to be burnt for Ash Wednesday. A basket will be placed by the
Processional Cross in the Gathering
Area for the palm.
In the Gospel today we read that because
Jesus spoke with authority his reputation
spread throughout the surrounding region
os Galilee. As his disciples, we can also
speak with authority when we put our faith
into actions by helping the poor and suffering.
Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by
joining the Society of St. Vincent de paul?
Our St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry needs the following
items: toiletries, paper products, (toilet tissue and paper
towels). If you can donate any of these items, please deposit
them in the bins provided in the gathering area.. THANK
Volunteers are needed to help handle the numerous requests for
assistance that come into the St. Vincent de Paul Society. If
you can donate some time to assist in this ministry, please call
the parish office at 770-941-2807.
February is the month of Love
and the beginning of Lent!
February is the month of Love when
people show their Love for each other
by celebrating Valentines (Feb. 14) by
giving gifts and treating others to all
sorts of entertainment. Then just a few
days later we begin the Season of Lent
which begins with Ash Wednesday (Feb. 18). It is
fitting that we celebrate a holiday devoted to Love
just before we celebrate the passion and death of
Jesus during Lent in the greatest Love Story ever
told. We go out of our way to show our love for
other people for Valentine, but what extra effort do
we do to show our Love in return for the LOVE
that Jesus showed us in His suffering and finally
His death for the LOVE HE HAS FOR EACH OF
US! A good way to show your Love for Jesus is
to come by and pay a visit to Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament on Friday, February 6, 2015
following the 8:00AM Mass and ending with Reposition at 7:00PM. He waits for your visit, so
bring a relative or friend. NOTE: If you would
like to commit to a particular time monthly or have
any questions, please call Herb Blanchard at
678-945-7585or e-mail at [email protected].
El horario para las misas en español es el siguiente: Miércoles 7:00 PM Domingo 7:00 AM Domingo 1:30 PM BIENVENIDOS
1ro de febrero
4º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Por las mujeres y los hombres que sufren a causa
de un aborto: para que encuentren sanación, consuelo y fuerza en los sacramentos y la oración;
Roguemos al Señor:
Por favor,
NO dejen bolsas de ropa para donación en el
área frente a la cocina. Tales donaciones deben
ser llevadas a la misión de Sweetwater en
Austell o a la tienda de SVDP en Dallas, GA.
Cuarto Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario
1ro de Febrero, 2015
"Es una exigencia no sólo personal sino también
social, que todos debemos cultivar, poniendo el respeto incondicional de la vida humana como fundamento de una sociedad renovada".
Moisés dijo al pueblo que “El Señor hará que se
levante para ti, de en medio de tus hermanos, un
profeta como yo. Dios todavía proporciona entre
Su pueblo los dones y talentos necesarios para continuar el trabajo de Su Iglesia.
— San Juan Pablo II, El Evangelio de la vida, (Evangelium vitae, 77) ©
1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Con la debida licencia.
El desafío consiste en hacer que el "sí" de la Iglesia
a la vida sea concreto y efectivo. La batalla será
larga, y necesita de cada uno de vosotros. Poned
vuestra inteligencia, vuestros talentos, vuestro entusiasmo, vuestra compasión y vuestra fortaleza al
servicio de la vida".
— San Juan Pablo II, Homilía, Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, 15 de agosto
de 1993. © 1993 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Con la debida licencia.
¿Qué dones son suyos para compartir?
Estudio Bíblico
En Español
Los Martes a las 7:00PM
*En la Capilla*
18 de Febrero
Horario de Misas:
Español: 7:00AM y 8:00PM
Ingles: 8:00AM, 12:00PM y
Si tienen palmas del pasado domingo de Ramos, por
favor traerlas a la iglesia para que puedan ser quemadas para este Miércoles de Ceniza .
de oficina para servicios en español
Lunes, Martes y Jueves de
9:00am - 1:30pm
10:00am - 1:30pm
ATENCION: El Re ro para alumnos de Sép mo y Octa‐
vo grado será el 13‐15 de Marzo y tendrá un costo de $60.00 Los interesados favor llenar la hoja de permiso que esta al final de este bole n. ADORACION AL SANTISIMO
Viernes 6 de Febrero
8:30AM - 7:00PM
Para comunicarte directamente a la oficina en es‐
pañol, debes hacer lo siguiente: Marcar el Número 770‐941‐2807, después Presionar el # 1 (Inglés), en el momento que escu‐
chen la grabación: Presionar el #2, al volver a escu‐
char nuevamente la grabación, Presionar el #6, en cuanto contesten solo pidan hablar con Karla. The 2015 Archbishops Annual Appeal is now underway. You should be receiving a letter from archbishop
Gregory asking for a pledge
to the Archbishop’s Annual
Appeal. The Appeal funds
the essential ministries of
the Church in our archdiocese — ministries that,
in many cases are of service to our parish. The
theme of the Appeal this year is, ALL THIS IS
2015 Franciscan Seminary Collection
Each year parishes like St. John Vianney, staffed by the
Conventual Franciscan Friars of Our Lady of the Angels
Province are asked to offer their prayers and financial
support for the formation and education of our seminarians; friars preparing for a life in ministry and priesthood.
Next weekend, February 7-8, the second collection is
intended for that purpose; to help the friars prepare these
men for their future life of service. Preparation for the
priesthood is a lengthy (ten years) and an expensive period of education and formation. Please be generous in
helping the Friars prepare future ministers for service in
the church. Thank You!
“Hurting after abortion? (Post Abortion Treatment
and Healing) will be offering Bible Studies in your
area beginning in February that could lead to wholeness and healing following the devastating effects of
an abortion experience. Compassionate, confidential
care is available to women, men, siblings, grandparents and friends. Call our office for further details at
404-717-5557 (voice mail). You can also contact
Mary Ann McNeil via her email at [email protected] or visit our website at”
The Knights of Columbus
are holding a Scout Sunday
Mass at 12:00PM on February 8th
Did you know that some children in
our community go home from school
on weekends with very little food at
home? A Gift of Love Services ,
through the BACKPACK FOOD
PROGRAM, furnishes approximately
100 needy children two meals a day,
plus snacks for the weekend (or for the
holidays when they are out of school). Through your donations, 5 children will be sponsored.
Items needed on continual basis:
Pop tarts
Canned chicken or tuna
Saltines Hot & Cold single servings of cereal
Fruit cups
Beanie Weenies
Juice boxes
Pudding snacks Applesauce
Mac & Cheese Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers
Milk Boxes (non refrigerated)
Items that children can prepare themselves
Donations can be left in a labeled container
in the lobby.
Wow! Another New Year and an opportunity to enjoy your marriage with an experience designed to set the foundation for
a future of loving feelings. Consider joining us the weekend of February 20-22 at
the Atlanta Marriott Norcross. Could be a
wonderful Valentines Gift to each other! Applications for
weekends are available at If you still have questions, call us at
404-372-6637. For Spanish speaking weekends call 770-4251328.
World Wide Marriage Encounter is the largest pro-Marriage
movement in the world. It has received the Franciscan International Award recognizing its effective-ness in celebrating
and supporting Marriage.
You can also “LIKE” us on Facebook Sign up for our email newsle er and receive up‐to‐date informa on on what is happening at St. John Vianney. To sign up: and click on the Newsle er bu on on the right side of the If anyone would like to serve in
any of these positions:
Altar Server, Usher, Gift Bearer, or Lector
Please Contact Alex Boyd BY February 1st and let
him know what
position you are interested in.
Alex Boyd
can be reached at 770-819-1422 or email
at [email protected]
page. Do you have sugges ons or ques ons? Email Chris Butler at [email protected] 7th & 8th Grade
Sign Up for Our Retreat
March 13th—15th
John Tanner Park Carrollton GA
Cost $60.00 per student
Forms and payment due no later March 1st.
Name __________________________________________
Grade __________________________________________
T-Shirt Size______________________________________
Parent’s Name___________________________________
Parent’s Phone__________________________________
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