Bulletin - Saint Rose of Lima Parish

St. Rose of Lima Parish
Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima
In Christ, We are Bread for one another:
Broken… we gather.
Nourished… we reach out.
En Cristo, Somos Pan para cada uno:
Lo Dividimos… Nos Juntamos.
Alimentados… tendemos la mano.
Judgement or Blessings?
November 16, 2014
In today’s parable, three servants are given different talents. Two increased what
they had. One did nothing and was condemned. This parable acknowledges that
we are not born equally talented, for although we are created equal in human
rights, we have different intellectual abili es, physical strengths and skills. We
are born with different social opportuni es, advantages and gene c
inheritances. We are entrusted with different talents, with the expecta on that
we will produce abundantly, no ma er the “quan ty” or the “quality.”
We o en compare ourselves to very talented people, minimizing and forge ng
about the very real and worthwhile gi s we have also received. In doing this, we
show lack of self-acceptance - forge ng how blessed we are by the unique
talents God has given us. Instead of using our talents, we think about the ones
we don’t have that we see in others, secretly wishing to be like they are. Our
talents might not be spectacular, but they are real, important and unique gi s
that make us who we are.
The parable asks, are we using our talents and resources in the service of God,
His Church and others? The man in the Gospel who was given the least was not a
bad man. He did not steal or squander the money. His only crime was that he
buried the money in the ground and did nothing with it. Two things that keep us
from using our talents are “fear” and “inac vity.” We talk, we plan, we make
resolu ons… but our plans never get trac on. We can live in a spiritual
tomorrow that never quite becomes today.
The lesson is clear. All three individuals received talents. For two of them, those
talents became “blessings.” For one, it became a “judgment.” Two were
rewarded for their faithfulness, trust, courage and ac vity. The third was judged
for his unfaithfulness, fear, lack of trust and inac vity. Who is this third servant?
Could it be you or me? Whatever talents we have been given by the Lord are
meant to be our contribu on to the life of the Church and our personal, unique
way to powerful discipleship. Big or small, those talents can turn the de in
someone’s life - they can be a vehicle of Christ’s grace to others.
Reflect on your gi s. Maybe you have a gi for friendship, for organiza on, for
leadership, for spiritual strength, for empathy, for loyalty, for bridge-building, for
helping, for teaching, for giving advice, for consola on, for deep prayer… It may
be the gi of money or possessions that could bring blessings to others.
Whatever the talents and resources we have been given, are we using them in
the service of the Lord?
The talents we have are gi s. When we use them to
compare ourselves, to others they become a judgment.
When we use them in the service of the Lord, they
become blessings.
11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1024
 PHONE: 301-948-7545  FAX: 301-869-2170
 EMERGENCIES (A er Hours): 301-355-8191
 WEBSITE: www.strose-parish.org
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Monday-Friday................................... 8:30 am (English)
1er Viernes ........................................ 7:00 pm (Español)
Sunday............................................... 7:15 am (English)
1er Dimanche................................... 10:00 am (Français)
2nd Sunday ........................................ 5:00 pm (Tagalog)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday Vigil ..................................... 5:00 pm (English)
Sunday...... 8:45 am (English) & 11:15 am (English + ASL)
Domingo ........................................... 1:00 pm (Español)
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Thursday........................ 7:00-9:00 pm (English/Español)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday ..................................... 4:00-4:30 pm (English)
Domingo .................................... 2:15-3:15 pm (Español)
Bap sm Classes
Begin while pregnant or awai ng adop on. Bap sms
will not be scheduled un l clases have been completed.
Parents MUST pre-register to a end. Two sessions are
required. 2014: November 8 & 15 2015: TBD
Clases para Bau smo
Comience cuando este embarazada o esperando una
adopción. Los Bau zos no se podrán programar hasta
que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres
TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones
se requieren. 2014: noviembre 8 y 15 2015: enero 10 y
17, marzo 14 y 21, mayo 2 y 16, sep embre 12 y 19,
noviembre 7 y 14
Church / Iglesia
2nd Sunday / 2o Domingo ................................. 12:30pm
Stephen Ministry
Ralph Bally, 301-873-0487
Julie Diaz, 301-519-8654 (Español)
Accessibility / Fácil Acceso
Hearing systems, accessible sea ng, large print worship
guides and an ASL interpreter (11:15am) are available. /
Aparatos ampliadores de sonido y asientos accesibles
están disponibles.
Woodlands Room Rental / Eventos de Alquiler
Maria Cris na Peano, [email protected]
Christ the King/Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
Cycle A - November 22/23, 2014
Historic Chapel:
Sun., 7:15 am Fr. Quinn Conners
Sat., 5:00 pm
Sun., 8:45 am
Sun., 11:15 am
Sun., 1:00 pm
Fr. Tony Krisak
Fr. Quinn Conners
Fr. Agus n Mateo
Fr. Agus n Mateo
Ezekiel 34:11-12,15-17
1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28
Ma hew 25:31-46
Liturgical Ministers:
Team C
Remembering the Faithful Departed
During the month of November, we remember and pray
for the faithful departed, especially those for whom we
celebrated a funeral or burial at St. Rose in the past year.
We display our Book of the Dead near the entrance of the
Church and the Historic Chapel; recorded on the pages of
this book are the names of those for whom we held
funeral services or buried in our cemetery. There are also
pages for wri ng in your deceased loved ones.
Bread Bakers:
Group 12
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Bap sm / Bau zo
Sebas án Jowell Machado Princess Mary B-Mensah
Kur s Dominic B-Mensah Diego López Navarro
Dyland Andreson Bonilla Villatoro
RCIA Rite of Acceptance (Catechumen):
Ayanna Maertens (11/9)
† Deceased
Tue., 11/18 8:30 HC
Wed., 11/19 8:30 HC
Thu., 11/20 8:30 HC
Fri., 11//21 8:30 HC
Sat., 11/22 5:00 CH
Sun., 11/23 7:15 HC
Sun., 11/23 8:45 CH
Sun., 11/23 11:15 CH
Sun., 11/23 1:00 CH
* Living
Mary Ann Usavage, by Jane Usavage Johnson
Rev. Msgr. John R. Pennington III
Adam Demuth, by Deacon Leo & Elaine Schneider
Carol Demuth, by Deacon Leo & Elaine Schneider
Margaret Sartoris, by Jackie Ventura
Susan Linton, by Deacon Leo & Elaine Schneider
Henry Jalle e, by Deacon Leo & Elaine Schneider
Kenneth Lee Kennedy, by Maria & Mario Checchia
Maria Teresa Ipina, by granddaughter Sandra
Those who are sick / Aquellos quienes están enfermos:
Dante Aleman Jr., Stephen Ashman, Lucia Auquilla Tacuri, Laurie
Bailey, Barb Bartle , Mary Lou Beane, Jean Brady, Leonard Brown,
Elaine Bygrave, Vanessa Cadevilla-Peano, Lois Carnes, Honorate
Cigangu, Crisanto Cornejo, Dean Evanovich, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick,
Marco Garcia, Antonia Giuliano, Marguerite Gius , Dayana Gomez,
Andrea Testani Gordon, Bing Inocencio, Ingrid Jones, Anne Krause,
Jacob Landsteiner, Yi Liu, Dagoberto Lovos, Rodolfo Padilla Luque,
Michael Mahsetkey, Karen Mallen, Oscar Marimon, Alfonso Mar nez,
Carlota Mar nez, Josie Ma ero, Michael McCarthy, Katy Orellana,
Maria Esthela Orellana, Bob Placious, Anthony Reid, Marilyn
Rodriguez, Larry Sakkestad, Walt Seglem, Mary Shay, Claudia Tyrrell,
Barbara Videll, Kay Volo, Nick Walters, Kathy Wing, Vernon Wingate
and Bobby Wolski.
Those who have died / Aquellos que han fallecido:
Joanne Biro, mother of Steve Biro
Joan Meyer, mother of Wayne Meyer
Join us for Mass on Thurs., Nov. 27 at 10:00am. Liturgical
Ministers are asked to sign up on the list by the liturgical
ministers sign-in table.
Evening Prayer with Flower of Carmel
Wed., Nov. 19, 7:00pm, Historic Chapel. Join the St. Rose
Flower of Carmel Lay Carmelite Community for evening
prayer. INFO: Beth Fisher, fl[email protected]
or 301-972-3406
Advent Morning of Prayer:
My Soul In S llness Waits
Sat., Dec. 13, Duggan Room, 8:00am - Hospitality &
Registra on. Fr. Mateo will present “What is
Contempla ve Prayer?” and Deacon John will speak on
“What is a Holy Hour?” The morning will end with
Eucharis c Adora on.
COST: $5. INFO: Balkissa
Abdoulaye, [email protected]. Flyers are in the
Church Foyer.
Ligh ng the Advent Wreath
You and your household are invited to light the Advent
Wreath before a weekend Mass during Advent, which
begins on Nov. 29. Sign up as an individual, a household,
or a small faith group, etc. Sign-up sheets are by the
Ministry Sign-in Table in each worship space.
La Iluminación de la Corona de Adviento
Usted y su familia están invitados a encender las velas de
la Corona de Adviento antes de una misa de fin de
semana durante el Adviento, que comienza el 29 de
noviembre. Registrarse como individuo, una familia o un
grupo pequeño la fe, etc. Hojas de inscripción están
disponibles acerca de las mesas para ministros en la
iglesia y en la capilla histórica.
Veronica's Ministry Seeking New Members
Veronica Ministers ritually clean and prepare linens used
at Mass. This is a wonderful ministry for those with me
constraints or small children, as it can be done from
home. INFO: Val Hildebrand, [email protected]
Advent Resource Sale
Next Weekend
Nov. 22/23, a er All Masses
Beau ful Advent Calendars
Decorated Advent Wreaths
Advent Candles ($4.00/set)
Children’s Advent Ac vi es
At Home with the Word ($8 each)
There are lots of beau ful new items,
with a variety of styles to suit every taste.
Reunión: Primera Comunión
Reunión para padres de los niños que harán la Primera Comunión este
año será el dίa domingo 16 en los salones Duggan a las 11:30am-12:40pm
para catecismo de domingo y lunes. INFO: Ivonne Salazar, 301-948-7545
x234 o [email protected]
Comfort & Consola on: Care of the Sick & Dying
The Bishops of Maryland have released this mely pastoral le er, which
helps us talk with family and caregivers on end-of-life issues. It re-focuses
a en on on the founda onal principles of the Church’s approach to the
care of the sick and dying. Originally published in 2007, the newly revised
booklet is available at www.mdcathcon.org/publica ons, along with a
summary Q & A brochure, a Legal Guide with prac cal advice for
comple ng an advance direc ve that reflects Catholic principles, and a
Catholic Declara on for Health Care Decision Making form which may be
used for documen ng end-of-life direc ves.
O.W.L.S. Potluck Luncheon
Tues, Nov. 18, 12:00-2:00pm, Duggan Room. Calling all
Older, Wiser, Loveable Seniors! Join us for lunch,
camaraderie, and to learn about the work of Pax Chris at
St. Rose, presented by Bob Cooke. Bring a dish to share.
Friends welcome! RSVP: Linda, 301-963-1269; Kathy, 240683-4582; [email protected].
Las Posadas
Invitamos a las familias Hispanas para que se registren en
las “Posadas” que es parte de nuestra tradición en la
Parroquia. La Primer Posada sera el 16 de Noviembre a las
7:00pm y la ul ma el 23 de Noviembre. REGISTRACIÓN:
Ivonne Salazar, 301-948-7545 x234 o [email protected]
End of Life
The Department of Life Issues of the Archdiocese has compiled a series of
four flyers to aid reflec on on end of life issues and what it means to have
a hopeful and holy death. Copies of these flyers are on the table in the
Church. Visit the website h p://www.adw.org/transformfear for these
and addi onal resources.
Catholic Cemeteries
Cemeteries help us recognize the uniquely Chris an understanding of
death. They are holy ground where our dearly departed await the
resurrec on of the body and where we remember and pray for them in
the hope that we will follow in their steps. Not the scary sites depicted in
Hollywood movies, cemeteries are a peaceful, prayerful place. Visit our
cemetery to pray for our dead and to learn about our parish founders.
NOV. 15/16
Place your order a er Masses!
Pick up at the Parish Centre on Nov. 29/30.
Sizes: 6” pot, 8” pot, 10” pot & Tree
Colors: Red, White, Pink, & Marble
Christmas Hotline
301-948-7545 x310
[email protected]
Have you considered taking a shi as a group?
You can have fun together while showcasing your ministry or commi ee!
NOV. 15/16
Lots of hands are needed!
Many shi s are available.
Donate your me and talent
for one of our largest fundraisers!
Food for volunteers is greatly appreciated:
Send in soups/stews/baked goods, etc.!
Dorothy Day Shelter Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver meals for 20 women
living at the Dorothy Day Shelter in Rockville, on various days once a
month or every other month. This is a good ministry for a group;
meal prepara on can be shared among several people. INFO: Susan
Hayduk, 301-869-0697
Welcome Pack Collec on
Help create “Welcome Packs” for immigrant children and teens
arriving in Montgomery County. On the weekends of Nov. 15/16 and
22/23, please drop off your dona ons of toiletries or school supplies
to the specially marked boxes located in the Foyer.
Holiday Basket Giving: Sign Up This Weekend
Sponsored by our Outreach Ministry in coopera on with the City of
Gaithersburg and Germantown HELP, this direct-service project is a
wonderful way to share your blessings with local families in need.
Please stop by the table a er Mass today to sign up to provide a
Thanksgiving Basket this year! INFO: Lori Kirkland, 301-9212626 or l [email protected]
Gifts From the Heart
Looking for an alternative to traditional gift-giving during the holiday
season? Instead of buying a gift for someone who has much, “buy”
an alternative gift listed in our brochure and you’ll get a card to send
to your loved one! Pamphlets will be available starting the weekend
of November 29/30. Deadline to order is December 14. INFO:
Regina, [email protected]
Time, Talent & Treasure Commitments
It’s not too late to return your commitment forms! If you forgot
to bring them to Mass, bring them next weekend or send them
in to the Parish Office! WILL YOU GROW ONE STEP THIS YEAR?
Compromisos de Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro
No es demasiado tarde para volver a sus formularios de
compromiso! Si usted se olvidó de traerlos a misa, traerlos el
próximo fin de semana o enviarlos a la oficina de la parroquia!
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday / office closure,
please observe these deadlines to submit bulle n items:
Bulle n dated Nov. 22/23:
Fri., Nov. 14, noon (normal deadline)
Bulle n dated Nov. 29/20:
Mon., Nov. 17, noon (early deadline)
Bulle n dated Dec. 6/7:
Mon., Dec. 1, 9:00am (late deadline)
Fall Shape Up Day Par cipants & Leaders
Ministry to Prisoners
We need at least one guitarist and two more song leaders to help
with either the Spanish or English Sunday Service at the jail in Boyds,
every 3 weeks. No special skills required; just reasonable ability to
carry a tune and willingness to serve this forgo en popula on.
NOTE: Our service falls on Team B week. INFO: Ted Vorburger, 301947-0827; Remi Bauer, [email protected] or 301-948-7545 x235
Ministerio de Prisiones
Estamos buscando, al menos, un guitarrista y dos cantores
dispuestos a ayudar en los servicios en Ingles o en Español en la
carcel del Condado localizada en Boyds, una vez al mes. No se
necesitan ninguna preparación especial, basta con ser capaz de
cantar y desear servir a estas personas olvidadas. INFO: Ted
Vorburger, 301-947-0827
Thanks to all who organized and par cipated in our
annual Fall Shape Up Day! The gardens and grounds
look great, and are all ready for winter! Your efforts
make a big difference!
November 1 - 7, 2014
Your Gi s to the Lord
Offertory........................................................... $22,458
Mortgage Reduc on............................................ $3,575
Capital Campaign ................................................ $4.659
Social Ac on Fund .................................................. $100
Gi Cer ficate Profit .............................................. $289
Our Weekly Tithe
Parish Poor Box ................................................... $1,123
Ac on in Montgomery (AIM) .................................. $500
Financial Fact
Combined Federal Campaign: Chari es & Life Issues
Each fall, millions of Federal employees are invited to donate to one
or more chari es. If you are concerned about giving to an
organiza on that promotes the dignity of life and has prac ces
consistent with Catholic values, please consider naming one of
these: Birthright of Washington DC, Catholic Chari es, Catholic Relief
Services, Catholics for Housing Inc., Catholics United for Life, or The
Gabriel Network. INFO: h p://www.all.org/chari es
Fiesta was another great success! This year’s event
contributed approximately $20,043 (income less
expenses) to our general opera ng fund. Thank you to
the many, many parishioners whose me and talent
made Fiesta possible again this year! We couldn’t do it
without you!
PARISH OFFICE .........................................................301-948-7545
Not all mee ngs & events
appear on this calendar!
Rev. Agus n Mateo Ayala.......... x 229 / [email protected]
Deacon John Liu......................... x 226 / [email protected]
Deacon Al Opdenaker ........................... [email protected]
Deacon Leo Schneider.............................. [email protected]
Diácono Mario Moreno [email protected]
K-5 Religious Educa on / 1st Penance / 1st Eucharist
Susan Joseph .................................... x 245 / [email protected]
6-12 Religious Educa on / Confirma on / Youth Ministry
Rosemary Holt ...................................... x 224 / [email protected]
K-5 Educación Religiosa
Ivonne Salazar .................................. x 234 / [email protected]
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:15 pm
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
2:15 pm
7:00 pm
K-5 Religious Educa on (LLCH/LR/BR2)
Thomas Merton Contempla ve Prayer (PAR)
Centering Prayer Group (HC)
K-5 Educación Religiosa (LLCH/BR/LR)
Accommoda ng Hearts Recep on (PCW)
Youth House Band Rehearsal (YC)
Grupo de Jovenes (LR)
Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR)
Adult House Band Rehearsal (YC)
10:00 am
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Taichi Intermediate Prac ce (PCW)
6-12 Religious Educa on (LR/BR/YC/DGN1)
K-5 Educación Religiosa (RTH/JE/SAR/IS/STP/STJ)
Stephen Ministry Supervision (DGN2/STP/STJ)
10:00 am
4:45 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:45 pm
Taichi Beginner’s Class (PCW)
Daisy/Brownie/Junior/Cade e Girl Scouts (DGN/STP/STJ)
K-12 Religious Educa on (LLCH/LR/BR/YC/PCW)
K-5 Educación Religiosa (RTH/JE/DGN/IS/STP/STJ)
Book Club: Rediscover Catholicism (KD)
Scripture Ins tute (STJ)
Liturgy & Adult Faith Forma on
Chris ne Jeffrey ................................ x 230 / cjeff[email protected]
Social Concerns
Sherry Moitoza ...............................x 228 / [email protected]
Remi Bauer ........................................ x 235 / [email protected]
Youth & Children’s Music
Jeannie Vanover ....................240-506-0258 / [email protected]
Mary Carey ....................................... x 221 / [email protected]
Administra ve Assistants
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Tania Murphy ................................. x 223 / [email protected]
Liz Sullivan ....................................... x 232 / [email protected]
Maintenance Team
Ken Fisher.......................................... x 287 / kfi[email protected]
Rafael Cas llo .............................................. rcas [email protected]
Pastoral Council Liaison
Steve Ring............................ 301-977-0495 / [email protected]
Finance Council Chair
Paul Riekhof ...........................................................301-990-1815
Bulle n items due at noon, 2 Fridays before publica on date!
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Serving Grades K-8, Upper Montgomery County Parishes
Michael Friel, Principal ............................................301-869-0940
Website ................................................www.maryofnazareth.org
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Girl Scouts (STJ)
MOHO - Ministry of Hanging Out (YC)
Musician Forma on (CH)
Taichi Beginner’s Class (PCW)
French Choir Rehearsal (KD)
Liturgical Ministries Commi ee (BR2)
Evening Prayer with Flower of Carmel (HC)
Flower of Carmel Lay Carmelite Community (DGN2)
Comité Hispano (DGN1)
9:30 am
10:00 am
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Eucharis c Adora on un l 9:00 pm (HC)
Taichi Intermediate Prac ce (PCW)
Challenge Club for Girls (BR)
Boy Scouts (PCW)
Adult Choir Rehearsal (CH/KD)
Confessions/Confesiones un l 9:00pm (HCRR)
Taller de Oración y Vida (STJ)
Special Needs Catechists & Mentors Training (DGN)
Kni ng & Croche ng Ministry (STP)
10:00 am Parish Playgroup (OLCC)
7:00 pm Grupo de Oración (DGN1)
7:30 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
4:00 pm
Men’s Group (CH)
Church Cleaning Ministry (CH/CF)
UNITAS Retreat (BR/LR)
Lector Forma on: Team C (CH/HC)
Confessions (CHRR)