Name _______________________________________________________________________________
Date ________________________________________________________________________________
1. La oración condicional va introducida por IF, pero estas oraciones tienen 2; tacha el que sobre.
a) If I win the lottery, if I will give you some money.
b) If I will do my homework if I have time.
c) If they invite me, if I will go to their party.
d) If you will pass your exams if you study a lot.
e) If I will buy a T-shirt if I go on holidays.
2. Traduce las oraciones del ejercicio 2.
a) ______________________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________________________________
d) ______________________________________________________________________________
e) ______________________________________________________________________________
3. Completa estas oraciones condicionales con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.
a) If you (cut) _________________________ your hair short, you will look pretty.
b) You (feel) __________________________ more energetic if you do more sport.
c) If they watch the film, they (like) _______________________________ it.
d) If David buys those trainers, he (not have) ______________________________ any money.
e) If we (miss) ______________________________ the bus, my dad will take us.
4. Completa estas oraciones condicionales con el Present Simple o el futuro con WILL o WON’T de
los verbos entre paréntesis.
a) If it (rain) _______________________, we (not go) _______________________ out.
b) My teacher (be) ______________________ angry if I (not study) _______________________ .
c) If the weather (be) ____________ good tomorrow, we (drive) ________________ to the beach.
d) If she (post) ________________ the letter now, they (receive) ________________ it tomorrow.
e) I (go) _______________________ with you if I (have) _______________________ time.
f) If we (pollute) ______________________ the sea, all the fish (die) _______________________.
5. Escribe oraciones condicionales con la información que aparece abajo, como en el ejemplo.
a) it’s sunny / we go on a picnic
If it’s sunny, we will go on a picnic
we go on a picnic / we play football
we play football / my team win
b) I study hard / I not fail the exams
I not fail the exams / my parents be happy
my parents be happy / I be happy too