October / octubre 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Trigésimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario SAINT MARY’S 3529 Q ST.; OMAHA, NE 68107 Parish Office: 3529 Q Street; Omaha, NE 68107 — Phone: (402) 731-0204 Hours: 8am - 4pm Mon. – Thurs. and 8am - 3pm Friday Pastor: Rev.William E. Sanderson — Secretary: Patricia Vasquez Deacon: Ralph “Bud” Tharp MASS SCHEDULE Mon, Wed, & Friday: 8:00am First Friday of the month All-day Adoration at 8:30am with Benediction at 6:30pm Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am & 10:00am Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help: Wednesday after the 8:00am Mass. CONFESSIONS Mon, Wed, & Friday: 7:45am — Saturday: 4:00pm-5:00pm or by appointment. BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES Please call Rectory for an appointment. Padre, Has enviado a tu Hijo Jesucristo para ser nuestro Sumo Sacerdote, y nos dio el don del sacerdocio a continuar su obra de salvación. Father, You sent your Son Jesus Christ To be our High Priest, And you gave us the gift of the priesthood To continue his saving work. Bendice a nuestros sacerdotes, y que nos dé más de ellos. Que sean santos. Fortalécelos a proclamar el Evangelio de la vida, y a defender los derechos de todos, especialmente de los niños por nacer. Bless our priests, and give us more of them. Make them holy. Strengthen them to proclaim the Gospel of Life, And to defend the rights of all, Especially the unborn. Reúnenos, los sacerdotes y el pueblo a la vida que nunca termina. Te lo pedimos por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén. Bring us, your priests and people To the life that never ends. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. OFFICE Address/Dirección de Oficina: 3529 Q Street; Omaha, NE 68107 Office Ph. / Telé. de Oficina: (402) 731-0204 School Ph. / Telé. de Escuela: (402) 733-3345 Hours/ Horario: 8am - 4pm Mon. – Thurs./ lunes jueves & 8am - 3pm Friday/ viernes MASS SCHEDULE/MISA HORARIO Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00am(English) Saturday: 5:00pm (English) Sunday/domingo: 12:00pm (Español) PERSONNEL: Pastor/Párroco: Rev.William E. Sanderson Secretary/Secretária: Patricia Vasquez Deacon/Diácono: Larry Mruz Evangelization and Catechesis Program Director/Directora de Programa de Evangelización y Catequesis: Erika Ramos CONFESSIONS: ½ hour before each weekend Mass or by appointment. CONFESIONES: ½ hora antes de las misas del fin de semana o por cita. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & BENEDICTION: Saturday 4:00pm BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES please call the rectory. BAUTISMOS Y MATRIMONIOS llame a la oficina. 4513 S. 32ND ST.; OMAHA, NE 68107 FROM THE PASTOR/ DE PARTE DEL PÁRROCO Next Sunday, Nov. 2 is St. Mary’s Golden Harvest Dinner: This is our parish’s opportunity to invite the public to enjoy a good meal and support our parish financially. I hope every parishioner will do his part to help in this effort. Special thanks to all who have purchased raffle tickets and the various chairmen working so hard to make it all happen! ALL SOULS DAY this year falls on a Sunday (which happens to be the same day as St. Mary’s Golden Harvest Dinner). The prayers and readings will supplant the regular Sunday readings and prayers. Every year the Church sets aside this special day for us to remember the souls of all the faithful departed in a special way. You might have noticed a special envelope in your box. If you wish, you may list the names of your departed loved ones you would like to remember on the back and return it in the collection basket. The envelopes themselves will be placed by the tabernacle for the next year. Also, those whose names are listed will be remembered in a Mass every month for the next year on or near the first Friday of the month. This message about the upcoming election on Nov. 4 was presented by “Catholics Called to Witness” (CC2W.org): In generations past, the Church has always been able to count on the faithful to stand up and protect her sacred rights and duties. The current generation of Catholics must do the same. This November Catholics across the nation will be put to the test. Many issues in America require hard work. But how do we know if we are building in vain? As we read in Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” Catholics across the nation will have an opportunity to shape the future for our generation and generations to come. Many issues are at stake but some issues are not negotiable. Pope Benedict XVI said, “ The protection of life … from conception until natural death.” Marriage should be reinforced not redefined. Forcing the Church to buy insurance that goes against her teachings is a violation of religious freedom (guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States). “When the government tampers with a freedom so fundamental, one shudders to think what lies ahead” (Cardinal Timothy Dolan). Your vote will affect the future and be recorded in eternity. Will you vote the values that will stand the test of fire (marriage, life, freedom)? If you have internet access a very powerful video presentation of this message may be found at https:// www.youtube.com/embed/D9vQt6IXXaM (make sure to type everything carefully in your web browser). The video may also be play from a link on St. Mary’s Facebook page. Thank you to the St. Francis Prayer Group for their donation of $970 from the Retreat they held on Oct. 11-12 and $1,938 in offerings from Masses from July—October. Gracias al Grupo de Oración de San Francisco por su donación de $970 del retiro que fue el 11-12 de octubre y $1,938 en ofrendas para las Misas de julio a octubre. St. Teresa of Jesus (whose feast was October 15) wrote: “How different our love would be, how much more like that of heaven, if we really knew our Lord!” Are the practices in your spiritual life helping you to really know Our Lord? Are they shaping your love to be like that in heaven? Repairs at St. Mary’s: I am waiting for the bill for the three trips the roofer made to address issues on the flat roof portions of the church. A different company works on the slate tiles on church and rectory. The cost for those repairs in a few weeks will be $5,643. Please remember that when the monthly repairs collection comes. Fr. Sanderson COMMUNITY NEWS/ ANUNCIOS COMUNITARIOS St. Stanislaus Church Polish Heritage Mass and Harvest Dinner: Sunday, October 19th. Prayers in Polish at 10:15am; Mass at 10:30am with procession in Polish folk costume. Hymns in Polish. Harvest Dinner follows in the parish hall, 41st & J, north entrance, 11am to 3pm. Serving home cooked roast pork dinner with Polish sausage, dumplings and kraut, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, rye or white bread/butter. Adults $8; children $5. Please join us! Surviving the Holidays: At holiday time, many people are dealing with loss and are often caught in a dilemma between the need to grieve and the pressure to get into the spirit of the season. Holidays or not, it is important for us all to find ways to take care of ourselves. This evening provides a great opportunity to learn how others deal with the holidays when you have suffered a loss. Hope to see you there! GriefShare will welcome people facing the holidays after the death of a loved one. DivorceCare will welcome people experiencing the pain of separation or divorce. Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Leo the Great, 1920 N. 102nd St. To register please contact Kay Buhrman: 402-551-9003 ext. 1304 or [email protected]. Attention Business Owners! Kjirsten Finnegan will be working in the parish office from November 3-6 setting up the advertising sponsorships for our bulletin. Please consider advertising in our bulletin as this is how our bulletin is provided to us at NO COST and once costs are met we receive a rebate! If you are interested in advertising your business or would like more information, please call Kjirsten at the parish office 402-731-0204 or on her cell phone 402-312-9955. You may also email her at [email protected]. Thank you for your support! Join thousands of your parishioners and neighbors in receiving eNews & eVents from the Archdiocese of Omaha. Send email to [email protected] to subscribe. Yes, I would like to become a member of: St. Mary’s St. Francis Please circle one Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. Address City Phone (H) State (W) Please drop in the collection basket. Zip ST. MARY’S FALL DINNER Baked Goods are needed for the Fall Dinner Bake Sale. Drop off times are Saturday, November 1st from 9am to 11am or before the 5pm Mass and Sunday, November 2nd during the dinner. We appreciate all your goodies! Bake Sale Committee We need Silent Auction items turned in today, Oct. 26th. Silent Auction Committee appreciates your help with any donation. Ideas for Prizes for Kid’s Games: DVD Player, Kindle, Remote Control Toys, Bicycles (for boys & girls), Laptop Computer, Barbie, Pots & Pans, Dishes, Radio—IPOD, Basketball, Football, Soccer Ball, Wii, Xbox, Playstation, PSP, Nintendo DS. Items needed for Grocery Booth: canned goods; pastas and boxed dinners; paper products; cake mixes, cookies, dessert mixes; cereals & breakfast items; and 2 liter sodas & canned or bottled juices. Other Items needed: Bear Booth needs 120 bears of various sizes. Christmas Booth needs homemade items such as dish towels, embroidery, crotchet, blankets, comforters, or any Christmas themed item. Other: We also need 2-liter soda for games and beverages for the dinner. ST. MARY’S & ST. FRANCIS NEWS October: Month of the Rosary. October 7 was the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The rosary is a favorite prayer of Catholics and a very powerful prayer. The last day for rosary devotions at St. Mary’s will be Tuesday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m. in church. Come join us to pray for your special intentions and to honor Our Blessed Mother. What is the Ignite the Faith Capital Campaign? The campaign is an extraordinary opportunity for all parishioners to play a role in strengthening the Catholic Church in northeast Nebraska. The campaign is focused on raising $40 million to strengthen our Catholic schools and parishes, provide for our priests and support faith formation programs in our parishes. Parishioners are being asked to consider making a gift above All Saints Day Masses will be offered at St. Mary’s Church and beyond their existing support for their parish. This is a on Friday, October 31st at 5pm and Saturday, November 1st unique opportunity to support our archdiocese for years to at 10am. There is no 8am Mass on Friday, October 31st. come. The Archdiocese of Omaha has not run a campaign of this size since the “Archbishop’s Campaign for the New 40 Days for Life: The last Saturday for this is November 1st. Millennium” that took place just after the turn of the century. Praying at the Bellevue Abortion Mill from 10am to 12pm. To date, St. Mary’s has met 39% of their goal of $125,000 and St. Francis has met 9% of their goal of $50,000. St. Mary’s/St. Francis Church is now on Facebook. Find us Remember, 10% of what we raised is coming back to us for and friend us so that you can see what’s going on at both our parish needs. Please continue to pray about how your St. Mary’s and St. Francis of Assisi Churches! family can help us in this important campaign. Remember if you or a family member are entering the For Prayer Requests call Bev Donahue at 402-731-8628. hospital, please call the Rectory at 402-731-0204 and notify us so that we may extend care to you. ST. FRANCIS CCD NEWS / ANUNCIOS DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS La Misa en español de la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos es el viernes, 31 de octubre a las 7pm en la Iglesia San Francisco. También habrá Misas en ingles en la Iglesia de Sta. María el viernes, octubre 31 a las 5pm o el sábado, 1 de noviembre a las 10am. IMPORTANTE: Si usted quiere bautizar a su hijo o hija, celebrar los XV Años de su hija, casarse por la Iglesia, obtener una carta par inmigración, o quiere ser Padrino/ Madrina para cualquier sacramento, es necesario estar registrado y ser miembro activo de la iglesia. Necesita usar sus sobres cada domingo por lo menos 3 meses antes de ser considerado como miembro activo. Ésta es la única manera de gravar su participación en la Misa. Si no tiene sobres o si tiene sobres pero deja de usarlos, no es miembro activo. Así que el padre no le dará ninguna carta ni firmará ninguna forma. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina parroquial. Si quiere mandar decir una Misa para un difunto o para las intenciones de viviente, necesita llamar a la oficina por lo menos 3 meses antes de la fecha para poder apartar la Misa. Son muchos los que llaman y quieren apartar misas y si nos llama con anticipación, es mas probable poder apartar la fecha que usted quiere. La ofrenda regular para la Misa es $10. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina. Para los que quieren presentación de su hijo/a de 3 años necesitan ser miembros activos y su hijo/a necesita ser bautizado/a para una “presentación”. Si su hijo/a no esta bautizado/a se le puede hacer una bendición especial pidiendo que los padres bauticen pronto al niño/a. Para mas información llame a la oficina parroquial. Movimiento Internacional 24 horas de Alcohólicos Anónimos Grupo 24 Horas Omaha. Sesiones diarias. Deja de beber 24 horas, GRATIS. Cuando tu decidas dejar de beber, te esperamos. Llame al 402-306-0957 o mande un correo electrónico al [email protected]. ST. FRANCIS/ SAN FRANCISCO MASSES THIS WEEK Saturday/sábado, October / octubre 25 5:00 pm † Leonard & Stella Pawlusiak (English) Sunday/domingo, October / octubre 26 12:00 pm † María Guadalupe Gallardo Lopez (Español) Tuesday, October 28 8:00 am † Victoria & Jacob Szarad (English) Thursday, October 30 8:00 am † Jerome Lassek (English) Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, viernes, octubre 31 7:00 pm Feligreses de Sta. María y San Francisco de Asís (Español) Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Saturday/sábado, November / noviembre 1 5:00 pm † Frank & Cecilia Siderewicz (English) Sunday/domingo, November / noviembre 2 12:00 pm † José Alfredo López, † Maria de Lourdes Guerrero, † Teodoro López, y Juan Carlos López (Español) LITURGICAL ROLES Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 5:00 pm ST. MARY’S MASSES THIS WEEK Saturday, October 25 5:00 pm † Anton & Catherine Slowik Sunday, October 26 7:30 am People of St. Mary’s & St. Francis 10:00 am † John W. Shook Monday, October 27 8:00 am † Donna Bednarz David Wednesday, October 29 8:00 am † William & Theresa Beckwith All Saints Day Masses Friday, October 31 5:00 pm † Lucille Eggert Saturday, November 1 People of St. Mary’s & St. Francis 10:00 am Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Saturday, November 1 5:00 pm † George & Rose Sabatka Sunday, November 2 7:30 am † Joseph Gushard 10:00 am † Al DuPree Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Deacon Larry Mruz LITURGICAL ROLES Reader of the Word: Cathy Vak Saturday, Nov 1 Sunday, Nov 2 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Mass Servers: Ted Wzorek and Tony Nykiel 5:00 pm A Timmerman/B Donahue 7:30 am Deacon Tharp 10:00 am M Burke/Sr. ML Uchenna Readers of the Word Domingo, 2 de noviembre — Misa de 12:00 Saturday, Nov 1 Sunday, Nov 2 Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles Difuntos Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión: Cliserio Hernández, Mauricio & Sandra Serrano Lectores: Ramón Dávila y Ofelia Franco 5:00 pm Carol Dudzik 7:30 am Diane Rochford 10:00 am Donald Ficenec Mass Servers Saturday, Nov 1 Sunday, Nov 2 5:00 pm C Ramos/D Jimenez 7:30 am Gema & David Ramirez 10:00 am T Gardner/M Ficenec SEVEN DAY VOTIVE LIGHT Monaguillos: Denise A. Cruz, Fátima Dávila, y Mauricio Dávila NEW FISCAL YEAR BEGAN JULY 1, 2014 The votive lights burning by the Statues in the Sanctuary are for: Legal Problems El Nuevo Año Fiscal empezó el 1 de julio del 2014 Week of/Semana de: Oct. 19….……… 5:00pm…… $568.00 12:00pm…. Children/Contribucón de Niños.………... Budgeted/Presupuesto…………………. Difference/Diferencia……………….+/- $ 1,712.21 $ $1,144.21 $128.66 $ $ 1,353.00 359.21 + $ Year to date/Hasta la Fecha…………... $ 396.18 + NEW FISCAL YEAR BEGAN JULY 1, 2014 Week of October 19………... .................... $3,079.50 Budgeted .......................................................... $3,185.00 Difference ........................................... +/-$105.50Year to date ........................................... +/-$2,173.25- ST. FRANCIS/ SAN FRANCISCO MASSES THIS WEEK Saturday/sábado, October / octubre 25 5:00 pm † Leonard & Stella Pawlusiak (English) Sunday/domingo, October / octubre 26 12:00 pm † María Guadalupe Gallardo Lopez (Español) Tuesday, October 28 8:00 am † Victoria & Jacob Szarad (English) Thursday, October 30 8:00 am † Jerome Lassek (English) Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, viernes, octubre 31 7:00 pm Feligreses de Sta. María y San Francisco de Asís (Español) Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Saturday/sábado, November / noviembre 1 5:00 pm † Frank & Cecilia Siderewicz (English) Sunday/domingo, November / noviembre 2 12:00 pm † José Alfredo López, † Maria de Lourdes Guerrero, † Teodoro López, y Juan Carlos López (Español) LITURGICAL ROLES Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 5:00 pm ST. MARY’S MASSES THIS WEEK Saturday, October 25 5:00 pm † Anton & Catherine Slowik Sunday, October 26 7:30 am People of St. Mary’s & St. Francis 10:00 am † John W. Shook Monday, October 27 8:00 am † Donna Bednarz David Wednesday, October 29 8:00 am † William & Theresa Beckwith All Saints Day Masses Friday, October 31 5:00 pm † Lucille Eggert Saturday, November 1 People of St. Mary’s & St. Francis 10:00 am Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Saturday, November 1 5:00 pm † George & Rose Sabatka Sunday, November 2 7:30 am † Joseph Gushard 10:00 am † Al DuPree Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion: Deacon Larry Mruz LITURGICAL ROLES Reader of the Word: Cathy Vak Saturday, Nov 1 Sunday, Nov 2 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Mass Servers: Ted Wzorek and Tony Nykiel 5:00 pm A Timmerman/B Donahue 7:30 am Deacon Tharp 10:00 am M Burke/Sr. ML Uchenna Readers of the Word Domingo, 2 de noviembre — Misa de 12:00 Saturday, Nov 1 Sunday, Nov 2 Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles Difuntos Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión: Cliserio Hernández, Mauricio & Sandra Serrano Lectores: Ramón Dávila y Ofelia Franco 5:00 pm Carol Dudzik 7:30 am Diane Rochford 10:00 am Donald Ficenec Mass Servers Saturday, Nov 1 Sunday, Nov 2 5:00 pm C Ramos/D Jimenez 7:30 am Gema & David Ramirez 10:00 am T Gardner/M Ficenec SEVEN DAY VOTIVE LIGHT Monaguillos: Denise A. Cruz, Fátima Dávila, y Mauricio Dávila NEW FISCAL YEAR BEGAN JULY 1, 2014 The votive lights burning by the Statues in the Sanctuary are for: Legal Problems El Nuevo Año Fiscal empezó el 1 de julio del 2014 Week of/Semana de: Oct. 19….……… 5:00pm…… $568.00 12:00pm…. Children/Contribucón de Niños.………... Budgeted/Presupuesto…………………. Difference/Diferencia……………….+/- $ 1,712.21 $ $1,144.21 $128.66 $ $ 1,353.00 359.21 + $ Year to date/Hasta la Fecha…………... $ 396.18 + NEW FISCAL YEAR BEGAN JULY 1, 2014 Week of October 19………... .................... $3,079.50 Budgeted .......................................................... $3,185.00 Difference ........................................... +/-$105.50Year to date ........................................... +/-$2,173.25- OVER 300 NEW UNITS! ROTH We create Happiness by Inspiring your Lifestyle in your home and Enhancing business Environments. Responsibly 5108 “F” St. • Omaha, NE 68117 90th & L • 592-7072 (402) 731-1234 SELF STORAGE ALMACENES PROPIOS Meineke Car Care Center KEYPAD ENTRY 24-HOUR SECURITY Full Service 14235 U Street • 402-895-3535 5415 S. 44TH ST CALL 408-2222 Tom and Sue Dyrda - Owners Tom Dyrda, Parishioner Bethany Funeral Home “Funeral Service in the Christian Tradition” 82nd & Harrison 593-6100 Contact Kjirsten Finnegan to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2659 Pre-arrangement plans to fit all needs Paul L. Matukewicz A HEARTLAND CONCRETE, L.L.C. + • Driveways • Retaining Walls • Insured • References 16 Years BBB Member 731-2094 (402) 738-1718 www.cmscustomlawn.com 4151 S. 84th St. Omaha, NE 68127 Williams Restoration Company inc. 725 N. 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DON FICENEC Heating & Cooling Calefaccion y Refrigeracion (402) 612-4860 Call Aaron for a FREE estimate on New Install Over 50 Years of Service Complete Roofing Specialist • Gutter & Downspout Installation • Residential & Commercial FULLY INSURED 733-0981 Experienced Agents in Real Estate & Insurance Sales Member of Multiple Listing Service Member of Professional Insurance Agents Call Mark or Joe JOE VUKOV REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY INC. 3415 L St. 731-4317 Attorney at Law 7777 L St. • Ralston, NE 68127 (402) 331-3330 [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL Kjirsten Finnegan at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY, OMAHA A 2C 02-0386 09-15-2014 09:41:58
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