Saint Louis Catholic Community - Saint Louis Catholic Church

Saint Louis Catholic Community
7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844
[email protected]
One Church One Family
[email protected]
Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Fr. Biju Vells
Rev. Fr. Fredy Yara
Vicar Emeritus (Retired)
Rev. Fr. Michael Kish
Administrator of the Mission of
St. Augusitine of Hippo
Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo
Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney
Rev. Mr. John Peremenis
Rev. Mr. John Green
Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon
Rev. Mr. Alex Lam
Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias
Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes
Rev. Mr. George Labelle
Rev. Mr. José Villena
School Principal
Mr. Edward Garcia
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Jeannie Modroño
Director of Youth Ministry
Mr. Mark Witkowski
Director of Music
Mr. Juan Salazar
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los miercoles - 7:00 PM
Bautismos - En Español el último
domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM.
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday
when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call
the Office TWO months in advance.
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Remember the Departed
daughter of Claudio & Elizabeth Ravinet
Ricardo Mayan
Franklin Saa
James King
Lázaro Juncos
William Martinez
Jane McKeon
Luis Magallanes
Cici Culverhouse
Aloma Ahkin
Vivian Malave
Lisa de Angelis
Pablo Arevalo
Wendy McLendon
Nereida de Arrocha Chris, Sara & Tyler Kern Reinaldo Meléndez
Isabel Avila
Alejandro Baldelomar Luis DeVarona
Oliver & Mary Ann Kerr Angela Mitchell
Alba Diaz
Nora Bendheim
Isabella Morales
Mary Kilcoyne
Verónica Bermúdez Xioriliz Diaz
Francisco Morejon
Gerry Knowlan
Lorraine Ditzel
Jeannette Bernard
Leonardo Moreno
Robert Kopp
Juan Estrada
Ida Blount
James Morris
Pat Krupczak
Maria Eugenia Bolaños Vincent Evans
Michael Mulsford
Rose Kruszewski
Giana Brendeke
Eddie Fung
Dana Munsey
Joseph Kuethe
Milka Brown
Joe Garcia
Patricia Murphy
Helen Labime
Joyce Bryan
Bertina Garcia
Ana Carolina Nacif
Josh Lane
Mary Glynn
Jerry Byrne
Rodney Oziemski
Esperanza Lara
Joanne Calfo
Daisy Guerrero
Jim Petee
Robert Leschhorn
Margaret Caruso
Dorothy Haiduven
Javier Piñeda
Anne Lintner
Angelita Castillo
Robert Hall
Dorothy Phelan
Evelyn López
Keith Chin
Manuel Haramboure Manolito López
David Pritchard
Gary Havas
Sandra Chung
Shawn Rice
Isabel Luperón
Carlos Comptis
Alyse Hernández
Bryce Richardson
Adelina Muzaurieta
Jim Connell
Salvador Hernández Harrison Margulies
Remberto Rodríguez
Michael Connor
Andrés Hidalgo
Rolando Rodríguez
Matthew Martin
Pray for the Sick
Norman Hinton
James Houck
Carole Howard
Aida Jackson
Irene Johnson
Clara Romero
Graciela Rosas
Rubén Rotulo
Josephine Sánchez
Jesse Santera
Jimmy Sarandis
John Shubeck
Joseph Schneider
Eleanor Simons
Colin Smith Pita
Ernest Steinhilber,III
Isah Marie Tomas
Aurora Van de Water
Andrés Ulaje
Pedro Verastegui
Ivanna Vidal
Concepción Villaborres
Aisha Wade
Chris Warren
Elizabeth Woods
Patty Young
Nick Zwatney
Giancarlo Zamora
Please remember to
contact the Parish Office
when it is appropriate to
remove a name from this
list or they will be removed
after two months. To provide the Eucharist
at home for ill parish
members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at
305-251-7335 or the
parish office at
Si estas enfermo o
impedido de asistir a la
Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa,
puedes comunicarte con
Adriana Morales,
Ministry to
The Sick
Humanities Ministry
Thanksgiving Project
Humanities Ministry
is accepting monetary
donations for Thanksgiving.
If you would like to donate, we will
be in the Rotunda after all the
Masses October 18 & 19 and
November 1 & 2
Ministerio de
Humanidades estará
recogiendo donaciones el Día
de Acción de Gracias durante el
fin de semana de octubre 18 y
19, noviembre 1 y 2.
You are cordially invited to our St. Louis Covenant School
9th Annual Gala
Saturday, October 18, 2014
7:00 PM
Dadeland Marriott
9090 S Dadeland Blvd
Miami, Fl 33156
For more information please email
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Retiro de Emaús Para Hombres
17, 18 y 19 de Octubre
Los hermanos del Ministerio de Emaús te invitan al próximo retiro de Emaús. Este retiro se hace
solamente una vez en la vida. Si todavía no has disfrutado de esta preciosa experiencia, no dejes pasar esta gran
oportunidad de tener un encuentro personal con nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Invita a tus seres queridos para que
se unan a nosotros en este retiro. Nos anticipamos en darte la bienvenida y estaremos a tus órdenes para que
tu experiencia sea de verdadero crecimiento espiritual. Estaremos recibiendo inscripciones en la Rotonda de
San Luis después de las misas. También puedes comunicarte con las siguientes personas encargadas del retiro.
¡Esperamos tu Llamada!
Robert Puyada (305) 804-4199
[email protected] Jorge Cuervo (305) 318-7704
[email protected] Juan Alberto (786) 229-0826
[email protected]
Healthy Habits for Parenting Teens
Speaker’s monthly series Presents:
Feeding The Body and Soul
Date: 10-21-2014
Time: 7:30- 9:00 pm
Where: St Louis Catholic Church - Assembly HallFor more information call:
Ana Stanham 786 423 4701
Sylvia Sánchez- Vegas 305 496 1301
Speaker: Rosina Pellerano MD & Angélica González LMHC
• The
Faces of Eating Disorders, Nutrition Truths and Recovery
Would you like variety and pizzazz?
This Pantry Staple is
brimming with international
recipes compiled from our
own parishioners’
kitchens and sprinkled with
helpful culinary tips!
Great gift idea!
Visit us in the Rotunda or at
the bookstore!
Columbiette Baby Shower
October 18th 12 PM - 3 PM
Columbiette’s 5th Annual Baby Shower to benefit the
Sunset Respect Life Office. Date is October 18th- 12
Noon - 3 PM. Cost is $15 per person plus a small new
unwrapped baby item (diapers, clothing, blankets,
towels, toys,toiletries etc).
There will be a
There will be games,
raffles and a Chinese
Auction with many
beautiful baskets to
To reserve your ticket or ask any questions please call
Betty Quinn at (305)281-3014
Lecturas Del Dia
PRIMERA LECTURA (Isaías 25: 6-10)
Bajo el símbolo de un suculento banquete ofrecido a muchos, el profeta describe la salvación de Dios
para todos los pueblos.
SEGUNDA LECTURA (Filipenses 4: 12-14, 19-20)
San Pablo desde la cárcel agradece la ayuda económica recibida de los cristianos de Filipos. El ejercicio del servicio
sacerdotal no puede hacerse sino desde Cristo, por Cristo y para Cristo. Esta autenticidad no puede impedirla ni la cárcel, ni
la persecución ni la muerte.
EVANGELIO (Mateo 22: 1-14)
La parábola describe la oferta de Dios y la inapetencia de sus preferidos, pero Dios no retira su proyecto, sino que amplía
su oferta a todos.
Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu
8 y 9 Noviembre
Paz, Perdón, Sanación, Libertad...
…son algunos de los regalos que el Señor nos tiene preparados siempre que se lo pidamos. Toma esta
oportunidad de abrir tu corazón al Espíritu Santo a quien el Señor nos dejó para que nos diera vida en abundancia.
Te invitamos a recibir estas y muchas más bendiciones en el Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu que será los dias
8 y 9 de Noviembre.
Para más información puedes llamar a:
Orielle Joya 786-488-4298, Maria Elena Chacon 305-510-8077 y Frank Maguiña 786-597-2358
Holiday Bazaar and Fun Day
November 16th 8 AM - 6 PM
Join us in the Field.
We will have many many vendors at the Bazaar as well as food, entertainment, games and rides.
It is a great place to start your Christmas shopping!
All proceeds go to the Capital Campaign.
For vendor application or questions contact:
Bonnie Rodriguez at (305)794-1524 or Betty Quinn at (305)281-3014
Only One Hour
Our Lady adored Jesus from the very first moment of conception through the Holy Spirit in
her womb to the end of her earthly life when she was assumed into Heaven. She continued her earthly
adoration throughout Jesus earthly life. The early Church Fathers wrote that after Jesus ascended
into Heaven, St. John, the beloved Apostle, would have provided the Eucharist for Our Lady as he
cared for her. If Our Lady spent most of her days and nights in Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament can we not as parishioners come face to face with our Creator in the Adoration Chapel?
To sign up for an hour e-mail us at [email protected] or call 786-242-0481.
Solo Una Hora
Nuestra Señora la Virgen María adoró a su Hijo Jesús desde el mismo inicio de su concepción por medio del Espíritu
Santo en su vientre virginal, hasta el fin de su vida terrenal cuando fue elevada al cielo. Ella continuó esta Adoración de su
Hijo durante los 33 años que El vivió en la tierra. Los Primeros Padres de la Iglesia han escrito que después de la Ascensión
de Jesús a los cielos, San Juan, el discípulo amado, proveyó la Eucaristía a la virgen mientras la cuidaba durante toda su vida.
¿Si, en efecto, Nuestra Señora pasó la mayor parte de sus días y noches en Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento, nosotros sus
seguidores no podríamos compartir una hora, cara a cara con nuestro Creador en la Capilla de Adoración?
The One Church One Family
Capital Campaign
This project is only possible because of the generosity of the good people of God. Thank you to all those who have
supported and partnered with us in building a better future for St. Louis Catholic Community. We are so grateful for
your support.
Capital Campaign Project Continues!
The Capital Campaign team continues to work on the sanctuary and FC renovations and remodeling. Very soon we
will have a totally new look in our Church sanctuary space and Family Center area!
Brick Campaign
Donate to Our Capital Campaign Project!
Help Build Our Future! Leave a Lasting Legacy…..Commemorate, Memorialize, Appreciate.
Be part of our Brick Campaign!
St. Louis Catholic Community would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in our Capital Campaign in a very
personal way by designing your own customized brick. The bricks will be used to pave the walkway leading into our
new Fellowship Center, allowing you to make a permanent contribution to our future.
Engraving options are endless and include:
Your family name
To honor someone special
To commemorate a loss
To recognize a student, past or present
To bring attention to your business
To recognize a special event such as an anniversary
To show appreciation for a teacher or member of the clergy
To cite scripture
Our vision is to expand in order to meet the needs of our growing and evolving parish and community. This brick
campaign will help us raise additional funds towards the building project. Purchasing a brick is a meaningful way to
participate in our Capital Campaign while leaving a lasting legacy at St. Louis.
Brick prices are as follows:
4x8 “Traditional Brick” = $1,000
8x8 “Legacy Brick”= $2,500
For more information, please visit our campaign website at:
contact Angélica Santibañez, Campaign Director, at 305. 238.7562, ext. 7033
To make an online pledge commitment or campaign payment,
please click here:
Stay Connected With Us!
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Sunday/domingo Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time
Oct. 12th
Is 25: 6-10; Phil 4: 12-14, 19-20; Mt 22: 1-14
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereeavement Ministry
+ Elizabeth & Richard Jephson/Nora Robbins
8:15 am
In Thanksgiving
9:30 am
Pilar Carson - Happy Birthday
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Prish Priests
+ Richard & Mary Salnave/Jack & Alta Salnave
12:30 pm
+ Maritere Rosso/Loving Family
St. Louis Community/Beatrice Osorio
5:30 pm
Denny Pino/Gordon & Alicea Families
7:15 pm
+ Arturo Sesaua/Daza Family
Thursday/jueves St. Hedwig, religious/
St.Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin
Oct. 16th
Eph 1: 1-10; Lk 11: 47-54
6:30 am
+ Anuncia Betancourt/Loving Family
8:30 am
+ Anibal Gagliordone/Shakespeare Family
Francis Garcia Page - Happy Birthday
Oct. 13th
Gal 4: 22-24, 26-27, 31 5:1; Lk 11: 29-32
6:30 am
+ Eline Maurice & Fitheas Jean/Abel & Danielle Denis
+ Oconel & Ornela Denis/Abel& Danielle Denis
8:30 am
+ Gustavo & Silvia Miranda/Loving Daughter
Mark Mamert - Special Intention
St. Luke, Evangelist
Oct. 18th
2 Tm 4: 10-17; Lk 10: 1-9
8:30 am
Alexandra Distin/Elizabeth Distin
Christopher Distin/Elizabeth Distin
5:30 pm
+ Eusebio Carbot/Anamary Mesa
+ Denis Carter/Loving Wife
Tuesday/martes St. Callistus, I, pope-martyr
Oct. 14th
Gal 5: 1-6; Lk 11: 37-41
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Newton Lalanne/Loving Sister
Mark Mamert - Special Intention
Sunday/domingo Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Oct. 19th
Is 45: 1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1: 1-6; Mt 11:15-21
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Ministry
+ Armando Belisario/Pam Page
8:15 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
9:30 am
+ John Martin Hughes/Loving Family
+ John & Johanna Panek/Loving Family
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Thomas Manning/Loving Wife
12:30 pm
+ David Mussehl/Bud De Porter
Fred Brendecke - Happy Birthday
5:30 pm
+ Eva Reyes/Elizabeth Prada
Isabel Avila/Elizabeth Prada
7:15 pm
+ Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday/miércoles St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin-doctor
Oct. 15th
Gal 5: 19-25; Lk 11: 42-46
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
Special Intention
7:00 pm
+ Ana Luna/Laura Luna
+ Jesús Murillo/Loving Family
Next Week’s Schedule
5:30 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Ball/Cervantes Varela/Germenos
Martínez E./Diaz A.
St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop-martyr
Oct. 17th
Eph 1: 11-14; Lk 12: 1-7
6:30 am
+ Souls In Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Alex Pattinson/Loving Mother
Perez Family/The Coffee Club of St. Louis
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Zoraida Torres (305-562-8961)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche
Keeping It Real
Manteniéndolo Real
Many of us righty feel that we know St. Paul fairly well,
his story, his personality, his passion. After all we hear his
words on most Sundays of the year as the second reading
at Mass. After Jesus himself we would have to say that St.
Paul gave shape to Christian preaching, theology and worship
more than any other New Testament figure. We know him,
we know about him.
You could also say that a pilgrimage in the “footsteps of St.
Paul” can make him even more real. Our forty-four pilgrims
have have been amazed at St. Paul’s strength and stamina.
For example, we traced part of his Second Missionary Journey
from his landing at Neapolis in eastern Greece, through his
subsequent preaching missions in Thessaloniki, Philippi,
Berea, all the way to Athens and Corinth. We traveled in
air-conditioned comfort with meals and lodgings secured.
He covered those hundreds of miles, sometimes on foot,
often exposed to the elements. He arrived at a city with no
prearranged reservations; he just went to the synagogue
or looked around to find someone to talk to about Jesus.
Often enough he was driven out of those cities. He had
made enemies: Jews resented his heretical views about a
new messiah; pagans feared that his preaching would divert
customers from their lucrative idol making businesses. Kicked
out of one town he would go to another; imprisonment or
beatings did not deter him from his mission to preach Christ
crucified and risen from the dead. Visiting the cities where he
preached, celebrating Mass there, reading the New Testament
scriptures about his experiences– all this has made the man
Paul more real and tangible.
A big take-away from the trip for me has been the courage
and faith of St. Paul. He felt driven by his love for Jesus and
his care for the new Christian church communities. He gave
up a comfortable career as a Jewish leader to preach what
seemed to many to be a strange message about an unlikely
crucified messiah. Yet he loved that Jesus and the people who
would come to believe in Jesus. He spent himself bringing
the gospel to people who did not even know how much they
needed Christ. He often risked life and limb in service to Christ
and the Church; he would crown his work with a martyr’s
death in Rome.
In these areas of Greece and Turkey we not only visited
sites associated with Christian history but also world history.
The Persian empire, the empire of Alexander the Great, the
pagan Roman Empire, and the Christian empires of the West
and the East, the Ottoman empire– all of these powers that
dominated once history are themselves now only history,
memories of the past. The Kingdom of God proclaimed by
Jesus and served by St. Paul remains. Its preaching began
what has become today the largest religion in history. The
crucified Messiah, the struggling apostles, the suffering
martyrs of the first century– all these heroes left of legacy of
faith and courage that challenges us to give our very best as
we follow the examples of their commitment and generosity.
En realidad, muchos de nosotros creemos que
conocemos a San Pablo bastante bien, su historia, su
personalidad, su pasión. Después de todo escuchamos sus
palabras casi todos los domingos del año en la segunda
Lectura de la Misa. Después de Jesús, podemos que decir
que San Pablo es la figura que más nos ha marcado como
Cristianos, su prédica, su teología y su adoración, mucho
más que cualquier otra figura del Nuevo Testamento. Lo
conocemos, sabemos de él.
También podemos decir que el peregrinage de
“siguiendo los pasos de San Pablo” lo pueden hacer aún
más real. Nuestros cuarenta y cuatro peregrinos han estado
sorprendidos de la fuerza y la estámina de San Pablo. Por
ejemplo, seguimos parte de su Segunda Jornada Misionera
desde su llegada a Neapolis, al este de Grecia, y su
subsiguiente misión de prédica en Tesalonia, Filipo, Berea
y continuando hasta Atenas y Corinto. Nosotros viajamos
confortablemente con Acondicionador de Aire y comidas,
además de alojamiento seguro. El cubría esa misma distancia
de cientos de kilometros, la mayor parte de tiempo a pie y
expuesto a las inclemencias del tiempo. El llegaba a una
ciudad sin prévia reservación; él se presentaba en la sinagoga
o buscaba una persona con quien hablar sobre Jesús. La
mayoria de las veces le echaban de las ciudades. El había
hecho muchos enemigos: los Judíos resentían su punto
de vista sobre el nuevo mesías; los paganos temían que su
prédica distrajera a los clientes de su lucrativo negocio de
idolatrias. Lo botaban de una ciudad y se iba a otra; ni la
prisión ni los golpes lo amedrentaban para siguir adelante con
su misión de predicar sobre Cristo crucificado y resucitado
de la muerte. Visitando las ciudades donde él predicó,
celebrando Misa en esos lugares, leyendo las escrituras del
Nuevo Testamento sobre sus experiencias - todo esto ha
hecho que el hombre Pablo sea más real y palpable.
Algo que me impactó de este viaje ha sido el coraje y la
fe de San Pablo. A él lo impulsaba su amor por Jesús y el
cuidado de la nueva Iglesia Cristiana y sus comunidades; él
coronó su labor con el martirio de su muerte en Roma.
En Grecia y Turquía, no sólo hemos visitado los lugares
asociados con la historia Cristiana, sino también con la
historia del mundo. El imperio Persa, el imperio de Alejandro
el Grande, el imperio pagano de Roma y los Cristianos del
este y el oeste, el imperio Otomano - todos estos poderes
que una vez en la historia dominaron, hoy sólo son historia,
memorias del pasado. El Reino de Dios, proclamado por
Jesús y servido por San Pablo aún continua. Sus prédicas
dieron comienzo a lo que hoy es la religión más grande de la
historia. El Mesías crucificado, la lucha de los Apóstoles, el
sufrimiento de los que fueron martirizados en el primer siglo
- todos estos héroes dejaron un legado de fe y coraje que nos
reta a nosotros a dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos mientras
seguimos su ejemplo de compromiso y generosidad.