IX International Symposium on the Historical Mining and Metallurgy in SW Europe: Our mining roots. Madrid, 23-26 June 2016. Pick-lever, chalcolithic from El Milagro mine, and Casiano de Prado. Organizers: Spanish Society for the Preservation on the Geological and Mining Heritage (SEDPGYM) Collaborating organizations: Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros de Minas, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Minas y Energía (UPM), Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Minas de Centro, Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos de Minas de Madrid, Ávila, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Salamanca, Toledo, Valladolid y Zamora, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Museo Geominero, Museo Histórico Minero D. Felipe de Borbón, Sociedad Española de Historia de la Arqueología, Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos, Fundación Gómez Pardo, ICOMOS España, Cátedra UNESCO de Patrimonio Minero e Industrial (UPM), Cátedra Atlantic Copper (UPM), Asociación de Vecinos de Otero de Herreros. 1st Circular Oral communications and posters: Communications must not exceed 10 pages of A4 size, double spaced, in font Times New Roman 12 pt. All researchers interested in presenting oral communications or posters are invited to send an abstract (1 page A4) to the Organizing Committee before 15 May. The abstracts will have a maximum length of a sheet in DIN A4, Times New Roman 12. Accepted papers will be published in the Book of Symposium papers. The posters will have A0 size. Registration: Registration fees include Symposium documentation, the Book of Symposium papers, participation in all sessions, social acts and trips mentioned in the program Registration fees: -SEDPGYM Members: 70,00 Є -Members of the collaborating organizations: 100,00 Є -College Students and unemployed: 50,00 Є -Non-Members: 150,00 Є Registration fees must be paid before May 15st 2016. From this date they will have an extra charge of 25 % Payments can be made by check or bank transfer to account of SEDPGYM (all bank transfer charges must be paid by the delegates): ES76-3025-0006-21-1433240078 BIC entidad: CDENESBBXXX Secretary: Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz IES Juan Carlos I C/ San Francisco, 1 28350 Ciempozuelos (MADRID) Tfno.: 0034-655-486092 FAX: 0034-91-8933080 [email protected] Web del Congreso: http://www.sedpgym.org Provisional program: 23 June 2016 (Thursday) 9.00-16.00: Pre-meeting trip: Roman “lapis specularis” mines, Cuenca (Juan Carlos Guisado). 16.00-17.00: Reception at the Madrid Mining School. 17.00-18.00: Welcome and Opening Ceremony and Presentation of Francisco Javier Ayala Carcedo Award. 18-30-20.00: Keynote address (Ignacio Montero) and oral communications 20.00-21.00 h: Welcome cocktail and visit to the Museum of the Madrid School of Mines and Energy. 24 June 2016 (Friday) 9.00 -11.00: Keynote address (Francisco Javier Sánchez Palencia and Almudena Orejas) and communications. 11.30-14.00: Keynote address (Claude Domergue) and oral communications. 16.00-18.00: Keynote address (Alicia Perea) and oral communications. 18.30-20.00: Oral communications 20.00: Poster Session and SEDPGYM Assembly 25 June 2016 (Saturday) 9.00 -11.00: Keynote address (Rob Vernon) and oral communications. 11.30-12.30: oral communications. 12.30-14.00: Keynote address: Tribute to Casiano de Prado in the 150 anniversary of his death (Manuel Santonja). Closing ceremony. 16.00: Visit to the mining-metallurgical materials of the National Archaeological Museum (Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz) 26 June 2016 (Sunday) 9.00: Post-meeting trip: visit the mines of Otero de Herreros, Segovia (Jesús Salas Álvarez). 13.00: Closing cocktail. The Spanish Society for the Preservation on the Geological and Mining Heritage (SEDPGYM) concerned with the history, heritage and culture of mining, decided to organize the IX International Symposium on Historical Mining and Metallurgy in SW Europe: Our mining roots. The aim of this Symposium is to draw together professionals and specialized researchers in these fields, in order to deepen the knowledge, propagate and sensibilize society and establish further strategies for the recovery of our mining roots, promoting the preservation of the rich mining historical heritage. The Symposium will also pay tribute to Casiano de Prado (1777-1866), in the 150 anniversary of his death. Dates: 23-26 June 2016. Place: Madrid School of Mines and Energy Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. C/ Ríos Rosas, 21 (MADRID). Metro: Ríos Rosas (Line 1). Buses: 3, 12, 37, 45, 149. Topics: 1) Mining and Metallurgy in Prehistory. 2) Mining and Metallurgy in Roman times. 3) Mining and Metallurgy in Visigothic and Medieval times. 4) Mining and Metallurgy in Modern and Contemporary Ages 5) Mining heritage, landscape, culture, museums and tourism. Official Languages: The symposium official languages will be Spanish, English and Portuguese Organizing Committee: Octavio Puche Riart (UPM). Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz (U. Castilla-La Mancha) Collaborators in the organization: Isabel Rábano Gutiérrez del Arroyo (IGME) Ester Boixereu Vila (IGME) Luis Felipe Mazadiego Martínez (UPM) José Eugenio Ortiz Menéndez (UPM) Fernando López Cidad (SEHA) Eloy Carrillo García (Museo Escuela I. de Minas) Pilar San Clemente Geijo (SEHA) Gonzalo Lozano Otero. Isabel Arribas Rosado (UPM) Scientific Commitee: Presidente: Enrique Orche García (SEDPGYM) Juan Antonio Antolinos Marín (Univ. Murcia) Luis Arboledas Martínez (CSIC) Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz (U. Castilla-La Mancha) Miguel Ángel de Blas Cortina (Univ. Oviedo) José Manuel Brandão (Univ. Évora, Portugal) José Dueñas Molina (Univ. Jaén) Ángel García Cortés (IGME) Margarida Genera Monells (SEDPGYM) Juan Carlos Guisado di Monti (Museo Escuela Minas) Mark Hunt Ortiz (SEDPGYM) Katia Hueso Kortekaas (A. Salinas de Interior) Luis Mansilla Plaza (Univ. Castilla-La Mancha) José María Mata Perelló (SEDPGYM) Fernando Pedrazuela (J. Comunidades Castilla y León) Juan Aurelio Pérez Macías (Univ. de Huelva) Antonio Pizarro Losilla (SEDPGYM) Octavio Puche Riart (UPM) Christian Rico (Univ. Toulouse, Francia) Jesús Salas Álvarez (Univ. Complutense) Ezio Vaccari (Univ. de Insubria, Italia) Rob Vernon (Univ. de Bradford, Gran Bretaña) María del Mar Zarzalejos Prieto (UNED)
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