Fatima Focus Our Lady of Fatima Parish Community 6 Cottonwood Road - Manorhaven, New York 11050 ourladyoffatimapw.org www.facebook.com/ourladyoffatimapw ourladyoffatima.wordpress.com Parish Mission Statement Firmly rooted in our Roman Catholic tradition, we, the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima are a welcoming, caring and inclusive community of believers. We seek to bear witness to Christ’s love for all in our lives, in our community and in our world. We strive to continue the mission of Jesus through worship and in our educational, spiritual and social justice programs and in our commitment to stewardship. We are a collaborative, diverse, multi-cultural parish dedicated to reaching out to all God’s people, especially those in need. All are welcome in this parish. Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Sundays Weekdays Sat.: 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish) Mon. - Fri: 8:00 AM Sun.: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM (Family Liturgy), Holydays 11:30 A.M. Eve: 7:30 PM - Day: 8:00 AM Rectory Office: Mon. - Fri.: 9 AM - 12 Noon & 1 - 5 PM; Sat.: 9AM - 5PM Sun.: 9 AM - 1PM Rectory Phone: 767-0781 Rectory Fax: 767-2981 Religious Education: 944-8322 Convent: 883-1762 Parish Outreach: 883-3903 (See page 2 for further Parish information.) Parish Staff Parish Ministries Reverend Steven J. Peterson, Pastor Sister Gerri O’Neill, O.P. Director Faith Formation Sister Kathy Somerville, O.P. Director Parish Social Ministry Arthur Candido, Deacon Helen Mochwart, Music Director Barbara Minerva, Business Manager Altar Servers: Deacon Arthur Candido (516)883-8032 Altar Server Schedule: Jane Candido (516)883-8032 Baptism Preparation: Rev. Steven Peterson (516)767-0781 Bereavement: Yvonne Calabrese (516)883-4817 Building & Grounds: Christopher Bollerman (516)767-0781 Communication to the Sick: Deacon Arthur Candido (516)883-8032 CaringHands Prayer Chain: Marge Walsh (516)767-2936 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Leonor Sanchez (516)708-1202 Faith Formation Board: Dan Trunk (516)883-3329 Finance Council: Leonel Galvez, (516)883-1666 Gardening: S. Kathy Somerville, O.P. (516)883-3903 Barbara Minerva (516)883-7652 Lectors: Moderator: S. Kathy Somerville, O.P. Schedule: Jane Candido (516)883-8032 Liturgy & Spirituality: Rev. Steven Peterson (516)767-0781 Music: Helen Mochwart (516)883-4415 Offering Counters: Helen Raduazzo (516)883-8869 Pastoral Council: Agatha Cotilletta (516)570-0925 Alicia McGrath (516)754-9692 Parish Trustee: Mike Barry (516)883-5950 Maria Carpinelli (516)767-1822 Small Faith Communities: Sister Gerri O’Neill, O.P. (516)944-8322 Ushers: Michael Raduazzo (516)883-8869 Websites: Janina Krach (516)883-8444 Parish Website: www.ourladyoffatimapw.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/ourladyoffatimapw Blog: ourladyoffatimapw.wordpress.com Office Personnel Rectory Secretaries: Jose Machuca Leonor Sanchez Faith Formation Secretary: Patricia Devine Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 4:45pm or by Appointment Baptism: Please contact the rectory four to six weeks in advance for information and appointment. Marriage: Those planning a wedding should contact the rectory at least 6 months in advance (516)767-0781. Anointing of the Sick: Every 4th Sunday of the Month (11:30am Mass) Devotions Our Lady of Fatima Novena: Mondays following the 8:00am Mass. Rosary: After Daily Mass Apostolado Hispano Misa en Español: Los Sábados a las 7:00pm. Bautizos: El 4 Sábado del mes durante la misa en español. Los padres deben llamar a la rectoría, (516)767-0781, al menos dos meses antes. Confesiones: Llamar y hacer cita (516)767-0781 Matrimonio: Parejas deben llamar a la rectoría, (516)767-0781, al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha del la boda. January 10th, 2016 Page 1 Monday, January 11th 8:00 a.m. Sebastian Pennisi Tuesday, January 12th 8:00 a.m. The People of the Parish Wednesday, January 13th 8:00 a.m. Robert Aridas ` Jesus, whom God called “my beloved Son,” is also the “servant” of whom Isaiah speaks in the first reading. We who are baptized in Christ must follow His example and use our time and resources in the service of God and neighbor. Thursday, January 14th 8:00 a.m. Christie Aridas Friday, January 15th 8:00 a.m. Grace & Greg Cappuccino SUNDAY COLLECTION Christmas: $32,680.00 December 27th: $3,868.00 January 1st: $1,254.00 January 3rd: $3,857.00 Saturday, January 16th 5:00 p.m. Robert McSweeney 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Community Sunday, January 17th 8:00 a.m. Kathryn Peterson 10:00 a.m. Peter Sanchez 11:30 a.m. Rose & John Capobianco Prayers for Our Sick Your prayers are requested for: Rick Atkinson, Ryan Armstrong, Bree Bellavita, Rose Bennett, Michele Bischoff, Virginia Cantino, Anthony Carpinelli, Mary St. John Clark, Baby: Maya Contreras, Charlie Crum, Gerri De Feo, Michael DiLeo, Judy Falco, Kyle Faticone, Patrick Finnegan, Rose Galli, Kathryn Giulitti, Florence Gramarossa, Josie Johnson, Rylia Laber, Kathleen Lewis, Rita Marchese, Norma Mazzeo, Baby Joseph Michael McCroarw, Catherine McEneaney, Michael & Matthew McEnaney, Elaina McLoughin, Don Mochwart, Charles Murphy, Mary Nagle, Carol Nesbit, Jesse Nesbit, George O’Krepkie, Seraphina O’Brien, Terry Olivo, Dean Peterson, Glenn Petersons, Theresa Pontillo, Harold Poole, Emily Radice, Ana Romero, Diana Schmeltzer, Jim Simonsen, Eileen Smith, Angela Starchich, Annie Tolentino, Jim Tomlison, Carlos Torres, Margaret Marie Trinko, Carla Vario, Marilyn Zahn-Veritzan, Darlene Vignec, Vincent Vutarelli, Mary Whol, Andrew Wykowski and all who are homebound or have special needs. Thank you for your generous sacrificial giving! Your faithful sacrificial giving each week helps Our Lady of Fatima to continue our Pastoral Ministries and care for our parish buildings. Peace, Fr. Steve Mass Schedule January 16th & January 17th Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 PM ~ Fr. Steve 7:00 PM ~ Misa Hispana 8:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve 10:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve 11:30 AM ~ Fr. Steve The reflection question for this week is: Luke says the people were filled with expectation for the coming of the Messiah. WHAT FILLS MY HEART WITH EXPECTATION TODAY? January 10th, 2016 WORSHIP The SACRAMENT OF PENANCE is celebrated on Saturday afternoon from 4:00 PM until 4:45 PM. All are most welcome to celebrate this sacrament of healing and forgiveness. We are urged to move quickly beyond the intimate scene of Jesus‘ birth toward the more challenging vision of his baptism. In short, we are asked to move in the direction of life itself: from concern for intimacy to concern for community. A Christian parish become its best self when it accepts the challenge of community. The parish community, as the real expression of a local church, cannot limit its attention to the search for justice and intimacy among its own members; it must be prepared to take up the cross, standing against evil and injustice wherever they exist in the world. This may seem like a harsh message for the Christmas season, but in fact it is the church’s message at all times, in all seasons. There is, ultimately, only one mystery Christians celebrate: the paschal mystery, Jesus’ dying and rising in a new human community called “church.” The SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK will be celebrated on SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th, at the 11:30 AM Mass. All are most welcome to this celebration of healing and forgiveness. The LITURGY COMMITTEE will meet on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, at 7:30 PM in the SACRISTY. ADMINISTRATION FAITH DIRECT: As a New Year gets underway please consider using FAITH DIRECT in 2016. Enrollment forms are available in the Parish Office. You can also enroll on line at www.faithdirect.net. Our parish code is NY 303. The STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE will Page 2 meet on TUESDAY, JANUARY 12th, at 7:30 PM in the SACRISTY. The PARISH OFFICE will be closed on MONDAY, JANUARY 18th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th, at 7:30 PM in the RECTORY. The LEADERSHIP COMMUNITY will meet on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27th, at 7:30 PM in the PARISH CENTER. The COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE will meet on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, at 7:15 PM in the PARISH OFFICE. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who answer their baptismal call to believe with joy by placing their gifts and resources, their very selves, at God’s service not only in the Church, but in the world! COMMUNITY Dear Friends, This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. As I wrote last weekend, this feast brings the Christmas season to fulfillment. On Monday morning we return to Ordinary Time. The feast that we celebrate this weekend is focused on God’s grace, forgiveness, reconciliation and mercy. The reading from Isaiah speaks words of comfort to his exiled contemporaries. The prophet’s words are words of God’s tenderness. Isaiah proclaims that God is January 10th, 2016 strong and powerful; yet God chooses to love and care for sinners as a shepherd gathers his flock to himself, because God is first and foremost a God of mercy! We are invited to pray over these words of Isaiah and to rejoice for all that God has worked in the course of history. God indeed works wonders! In the second reading from Titus we are reminded of all that God has done for us in Christ, everything grace has accomplished, all the graces that are showered upon us in the birth of baptism. These are all due to God’s mercy. Because of God’s mercy we are justified, and have become heirs in the hope of eternal life. This letter was probably written by a disciple of Paul to the church in Crete at the end of the first century. Some of the issues that were a concern were the presence of false teachers who threatened the orthodoxy of the faith: church structure, community relations and belief. The author tells the readers to live in a manner worthy of the grace of salvation, temperately, justly, devoutly, eager to do what is good. Today we celebrate the baptism of Jesus and with gratitude recall the many acts of God’s mercy showered upon us. The question for us today is: “How do we respond to God’s mercy”? The response should include our most diligent effort to be a more sincere reflection of the God whose mercy creates and sustains us. People around us should hear our words, look at our lives and know immediately to whom we belong. Our promises of renunciation and belief should be evident in the lifestyle we cultivate. Since, through baptism, each of us is initiated into the life of the one God, Father, Son and Spirit, we are called into relationship with one another. This relationship makes us responsible for one another in a most profound way! Page 3 May this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord fill us with gratitude for all that God has done for us! May this feast remind us of the bonds that join us together and make us truly one! Peace, Fr. Steve FAITH FORMATION The READING GROUP will meet on SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th. The book for January is: A BRIEF HISTORY OF SEVEN KILLINGS by Marlon James. We meet at 3:00 PM in the SACRISTY. All are welcome! The OLDER CONFIRMATION GROUP will meet on MONDAY, JANUARY 11th, at 7:15 PM in the PARISH OFFICE. Our preparation for Season 2 of “Arise Together In Christ” continues. This weekend is Sign-Up for: - All who participated in Season 1 if you plan to continue to participate in Season 2 - We extend an invitation to our parish Community to participate in Season 2 as a gift to yourself during our season of Lent. Small groups meet once a week for 6 weeks starting with February 7th. Questions --- call: Trish Walsh 516- 582-5795 Sister Gerri 516- 944-8322 January 10th, 2016 Page 4 OUTREACH Parish Social Ministry FOOD PANTRY – Thank you to all those who have donated to Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry. Please remember to check the expiration dates on all your donated items. Toiletries are always welcome! CARINGHANDS CORNER As we reflect about signing up for season two of ARISE Together in Christ, we would like to tell you a true story about one of our parish homebound. A few years ago, she had an automobile accident which led to a bad stroke. In this time she suffered from all the pain and injuries of the accident. On top of that, the stroke placed many obstacles and hardships for her to overcome. Healing had to come then for both the accident injuries and the stroke. She spent many weeks in rehab persevering and pushing herself to the limits. After many weeks she returned home and was managing fairly well. Unfortunately, she had a fall which set her back with even more months for healing. Soon the doctors decided to operate on her back and the tough road of moving forward began again. Through all this she kept her faith knowing she was not alone feeling the prayers of Our Parish Family. Our prayers enabled her to feel God’s strength within her. Yes, there were moments when she felt like giving up but she managed to surrender and continue to help herself get well, knowing God was not finished with her just yet. God had a plan and she was a part of it. Returning home again with an aid and physical therapy, her climb back up the mountain began again. During this time Eleanor, our CaringHands Spiritual Companion to the sick, visited her and so God’s plan continued to be in action. The first session of Arise was forming and small groups were being created. Our dear sister wanted to be a part of an Arise small group but was not yet mobile to travel to someone else’s home. Instead of giving up, she asked Eleanor if a small group could be arranged to meet at her house. This was a great idea and at the start of season one, an ARISE small group meet at her home each week. This enabled our sister not only to be a part of Arise but become a host home to a group which filled her days with a purpose. From what we hear, the group bonded very well and became close with one another and they will continue to meet together in the coming Session Two. This special lady is still homebound and has needs for healing and so we will continue to keep her in prayer and yet she continues to be strong in her faith and overwhelmed with the love of her Parish Family. We share this story so you have some insight as to how strong our prayers affect those in need. We carry them each day as they struggle with their illness and afflictions. CaringHands Ministry prays that by sharing this information you will be reminded of the Spiritual New Year Resolution we hope you decided to make for this new year of 2016. It’s not too late to join our CaringHands Prayer Chain. If you were not a part of the first session of Arise Together in Christ, we urge you to join Session Two. Many of us at CaringHands found it to be an important part of our Faith Journey. If you feel you can’t get out at night, try hosting a group in your home like our dear friend has done. Healthy or sick, you can make a difference and our prayer can make it happen. God Bless you. UN MENSAJE DE NUESTRO PARROCO Queridos Amigos, Este fin de semana se celebra la fiesta del Bautismo del Señor. Como escribí la semana pasada, esta fiesta cumple la temporada de Navidad. Por la mañana del lunes volvemos al tiempo ordinario. La fiesta que celebramos este fin de semana se centra en la gracia, el perdón, la reconciliación y la misericordia de Dios. January 10th, 2016 Page 5 La lectura de Isaías habla palabras de consuelo a sus contemporáneos en exilio. Las palabras del profeta son palabras de la ternura de Dios. Isaías proclama que Dios es fuerte y poderosa; sin embargo, Dios elige amar y cuidar a los pecadores como un pastor reúne a su rebaño a sí mismo, porque Dios es ante todo un Dios de misericordia. Se nos invita a orar sobre estas palabras de Isaías y regocijarnos sobre todo lo que Dios ha hecho en el curso de la historia. ¡Verdaderamente Dios hace maravillas! el estilo de vida que cultivamos. Dado que, por el bautismo, cada uno de nosotros es iniciado en la vida del único Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu, somos llamados a una relación el uno con el otro. Esta relación nos hace responsables unos de otros en una manera muy profunda. La segunda lectura de Tito nos recuerda de todo lo que Dios ha hecho por nosotros en Cristo, todo lo que la gracia ha logrado, todas las gracias derramadas sobre nosotros en el nacimiento de bautismo. Todos estos se deben a la misericordia de Dios. Debido a la misericordia de Dios somos justificados y somos convertidos en herederos de la esperanza de la vida eterna. Esta carta probablemente fue escrita por un discípulo de Pablo a la iglesia en Creta en el final del primer siglo. Algunos de los asuntos que le preocuparon eran la presencia de maestros falsos que amenazaban la ortodoxia de la fe: la estructura de la iglesia, las relaciones comunitarias y las creencias. El autor dice a los lectores que deban vivir de una manera digna de la gracia de la salvación, con moderación, con justicia, con devoción, con ganas de hacer lo que es bueno. Paz, Padre Steve Hoy celebramos el bautismo de Jesús y con gratitud recordamos de los muchos actos de la misericordia de Dios derramada sobre nosotros. La pregunta para nosotros hoy es: "¿Cómo respondemos a la misericordia de Dios?" La respuesta debe incluir nuestro esfuerzo más diligente para ser una reflexión más sincera del Dios cuya misericordia nos crea y nos sostiene. Las personas que nos rodean deben escuchar nuestras palabras, mirar nuestras vidas y saber de inmediato a quien pertenecemos. Nuestras promesas de renuncia y fe deben ser evidentes en Que esta fiesta del Bautismo del Señor nos llene de gratitud por todo lo que Dios ha hecho por nosotros. Que esta fiesta nos recuerde de los lazos que nos unen y nos hacen verdaderamente uno. The theme of John’s preaching was: “One more powerful that I is to come after me. I am not fit to stop and untie his sandan straps. I have baptized you in wáter, he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.” During that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. Immediately on coming up out of the wáter he saw the sky rent in two and the Spirit desdending on him like a dove. Then a voice came from the heavens: “You are my beloved Son. On you my favor rests.” January 10th, 2016 APOSTOLADO HISPANO Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima Declaración de Misión Parroquial Arraigados firmemente en nuestra tradición católica romana, nosotros, la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, somos una comunidad de creyentes que acoge a todos, cuida de todos e incluye a todos. Intentamos dar evidencia del amor de Cristo para todos en nuestras vidas, en nuestra comunidad y en todo nuestro mundo. Nos esforzamos en continuar la misión de Jesús por medio del culto y por medio de nuestros programas de educación, espiritualidad y justicia social y en nuestro compromiso de corresponsabilidad de la vida parroquial. Somos una parroquia colaboradora, diversa y multicultural, dedicada a extenderse a todo el pueblo de, especialmente a los más necesitados. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a esta parroquia! ASSISTENCIA PARROQUIAL SEMANALES – Por favor, continúen ayudándonos y hagan un esfuerzo de traer al menos una lata de comida cuando vengan a la Misa. Harían una gran diferencia para nuestra despensa. Necesitamos tuna, salsa para espagueti, cereal, aceite, frijoles, lentejas, garbanzos, macarrones con queso, frutas y vegetales enlatados, arroz, mantequilla de aní, jugo. Mil gracias por su apoyo tan grande. CLASES de INGLES: Las clases de inglés comenzaron la semana pasada. Por favor, pase a la Oficina de Ayuda durante la semana para registrarse. El costo de registración es de $20 dólares. Para más información llame al 516.883.6910. Page 6 IHM Spirituality Center Presents “His Mercy is From Age to Age” The Gospel of Luke in the Year of Mercy” BY Msgr. Rich Henning In this presentation, we will consider an overview of the Old Testament and New Testament language of mercy. As the Gospel of Luke is highlighted during the Year of Mercy, we will also take a look at its particular witness with regard to the eternal mercy of God. Pope Francis has declared this is “The Year of MERCY” Msgr. Rich Henning Rector of the Seminary of Immaculate Conception, Huntington Director of Scared Heart Institute Past St Peter’s Associate (1992-1997) Msgr. will come address our questions & share his brilliance! Come for a brief power-packed talk and social to follow, with Msgr. Henning Date: Tuesday January 19, 2016 Time: Doors open at 7pm Talk: 7:15-7:45pm. Refreshments to follow Place: St Peter’s IHM Center (Blue Door) 1317 Port Wash Blvd RSVP: Mary Nuzzolese 883-2782 [email protected] Free will offering appreciated. Walk-ins welcomed January 10th, 2016 Page 7 Our Lady of Fatima Parish Outreach A Christmas Thank you…….to……… ….our Fatima Community…… Who took an ornament(s) from the Giving Tree and/or Who adopted a family ….our Port Washington Community…..and beyond……… Churches and Synagogues…Community Synagogue Lutheran Church or Our Savior/Grace Guild United Methodist Schools……………………Child’s World Schreiber Letter Club Civic……………………… .Kiwanis Club Lions Club Polish-American Cultural Association Businesses……………….. American Business Associates Chateau Briand Delux Transportation Douglas Elliman Real Estate McKessan Business Performance Service Scott’s Miracle Gro Tweezerman Religious Groups……… … Columbiettes Knights of Columbus Hospitals………………… . Cancer Institute of St. Francis North Shore University St. Francis/Anesthesia Dept. Foundations……………… Peter & Jeri Dejana Family …… Because of you 82 families were blessed this Christmas; 58 were adopted and 24 received gifts cards from our Giving Tree….and those who were alone this Christmas received a Christmas dinner delivered by some small Santa’s best elves Family Owned & Operated Since 1905 AUSTIN F. KNOWLES, INC. 767-0123 516-883-2159 Martha M. Knowles, Lic. Mgr. *Carpet*Hardwood*Vinyl*Laminate Free Estimates 49 Manorhaven Blvd., Pt. Washington www.AnthonysWorldOfFloors.com *Est. 1972 *Member of BBB * license #H1503670000 New American Bible Family Life Edition Words of Christ in Red Presentation Page Pope Benedict XVI and The Vatican The Succession of Popes The Celebration of the Eucharist Scripture Readings for Our Wedding Day In the Arm’s of God White Lexotone Edition with silver-gilded page edges C/O $ 79.95 The Church Bulletin, Inc. 200 Dale Street W. Babylon, NY 11704 Enclosed please find check/money order for $ ______ to cover the cost of _________ (quantity) copies of the Heirloom Family Bible, to be shipped post paid to: Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City _______________________ State ____ Zip _____________ EST’D 1883 James Rafferty, Lic. Manager 1570 Northern Blvd., Manhasset (1/4 Mile E. of Shelter Rock Rd.) Funeral Home BOB’S QUALITY AUTO 128 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050 Tune-Ups • Brakes Transmissions • Exhaust Complete Engine Rebuilding Road Service • Foreign Domestic “List With Us for Prompt Action with Personalized Service” JEAN CASELLA • BROKER 883-3505 • 944-6653 NYS Inspection • NYS Diesel 66 Sintsink Dr. East, Pt. Washington www.accentsonrealestate.com MAIDENBAUM PROPERTY 917 Pt. Washington Blvd. TAX REDUCTION GROUP, LLC Pt. Washington 944-7171 [email protected] Office: (516) 336-8622 Over 25 Years of Experience 124 Plandome Road Manhasset 627-9360 Two Names You Can Trust® GREENVALE PHARMACY & HOMECARE Wheelchairs • Hospital Beds Diabetic & Ostomy Supplies Michael Raduazzo FREE Delivery 621-2260 5 No. Blvd. Greenvale Fairchild Sons - Incorporated Your Family Can Turn To Our Family 627-2000 FUNERAL DIRECTORS #238 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • www.thechurchbulletininc.com
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