DIVINE MERCY PARISH Parish Office: 108 West Cherry St. Shenandoah, PA 17976 Phone: 570-462-1968 Fax: 570-462-1388 E – Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday – 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM Tuesday – Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Rev. Msgr. Ronald C. Bocian, Pastor Fr. Charles J. Dene, In Residence Fr. Johnson, Parochial Vicar Sr. Marietta, OSF, Parish Outreach Coordinator, Phone: 570-462-2306 Mission of Divine Mercy Parish: Divine Mercy Parish is a Eucharistic Community, a people diverse in background united together as Catholic Christians around the altar of the Lord. We are nurtured by the Sacraments and sustained by prayer. Our mission is to fulfill our Baptismal promises by proclaiming the message of the Gospel in our lives by our commitment to faithfully love and serve the Lord and one another. Parish Membership: The Parish Community of Divine Mercy welcomes all individuals and families who have moved into the parish. Contact the Parish Office at your earliest convenience. We would like to meet with you and see to it that your presence in the parish is properly registered. All parishioners are urged to notify the Parish Office of a change of address or telephone number. All parishioners should be registered in our files Misión de la Parroquia de la Divina Misericordia: Parroquia de la Divina Misericordia es una comunidad eucarística, un pueblo, diverso en origen, unidos juntos como Cristianos Católicos en torno al altar del Señor. Somos alimentados de los Sacramentos y sostenidos por la oración. Nuestra misión es cumplir nuestras promesas bautismales, proclamando el Evangelio en nuestras vidas por nuestro compromiso de amar fielmente y servir al Señor ya los demás. Afiliación Parroquial: La comunidad parroquial de la Divina Misericordia les da la bienvenida a todos los que se han movido en la parroquia. Solicitamos que registre sus nombres en la Parroquia. Le pedimos que notifique a la Oficina Parroquial de un cambio de dirección o número de teléfono. Todos los parroquianos deben estar registrados en nuestros archivos. Sacramental Information: Baptism: For infant Baptism, parents must be registered and active members of the parish for at least (2) months. Parents need to call the Parish Office to make an appointment with the Pastor or Parochial Vicar to arrange for Baptisms. All Catholic Godparents must be fully-initiated practicing Catholics who are living by the Church’s teaching on marriage. Non-Catholic Godparents must be Christians, actively practicing their faith. Please call the Parish Office for additional information. Información Sacramental: Bautismo: Por el bautismo de los niños, los padres deben llamar a la oficina para hacer una cita con el sacerdote para organizar bautismos. Todos padrinos católicos deben ser católicos practicantes que viven según la doctrina de la Iglesia sobre el Matrimonio. Los padrinos no católicos deben ser los cristianos que participan activamente su fe. Por favor, llame a la oficina de la parroquia para información adicional. Marriage: In order to properly prepare for marriage, it is expected that the couple contact the Parish Office for an appointment as soon as they are engaged and prior to making other arrangements. After meeting with one of the priests, the couple should contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life Formation at 610-289-8900 x 221 to register for the FOCCUS inventory. The FOCCUS inventory should be taken online within two weeks of the first meeting with the priest. After discussing the FOCCUS inventory with the priest, the couple should register online for marriage preparation classes. These classes must be taken at least six (6) months prior to the wedding date. Sacrament of the Sick: If you need a priest to anoint a family member after office hours, please call: Catholic Charities Immigration Outreach Office/Servicio De Fr. Jose Johnson at 570-462-1916 ext. 26 or gración Continua Msgr. Bocian at 570-462-1968 ext. 7 Catholic Charities Immigration Outreach Office Jennifer Clerici, 218 W. Cherry St., Shenandoah, PA 17976 Phone: 570-462-3585 :o [email protected] Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Wendy S. Krisak, M. A., NCC, LPC – Direct Telephone: 1-800-791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sister Meg Cole,S. S. J., M.S., LMFT- Diocese of Allentown 2145 Madison Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017- 4642 Phone: 1-610-332-0442, ext 19 Fax:1- 610-867-8702 E-Mail: [email protected] Matrimonio: Con el fin de prepararse adecuadamente para el matrimonio, se espera que la pareja debe ponerse en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial para una cita tan pronto como están comprometidos y antes de hacer otros arreglos. También es necesario ponerse en contacto con Oficina de Matrimonio y Formación de la Vida Familiar de la Diócesis al 610-289-8900x221 para registrarse en el Inventario FOCCUS. Para obtener más información, por favor hable con el sacerdote. Sacramento de los Enfermos: Si usted necesita la Unción de los Enfermos a un miembro de su familia, después de horas de oficina, por favor llame : Padre Jose Johnson al 570 462-1916 ext 26 o Mons. Bocian a 570- 462-1968 ext 7 Oficina de Inmigración de las Caridades Católicas Jennifer Clerici, 218 W.Cherry St, Shenandoah, PA 17976 Teléfono 570 462-3585 :o [email protected] Coordinador Diocesano de Asistencia a las Víctimas: Sra. Wendy S. Krisak, MA, NCC, LPC. Telefónica : 1-800- 791-9209 Coordinador Diocesano de Ambiente Seguro: Sr. Meg Cole,SSJ., M.S., LMFT- Diocese de Allentown 2145 Madison Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18017- 4642 Phone: 1-610-332-0442, ext 19 Fax: 1-610-867-8702 E-Mail: [email protected] Our Catholic Schools Trinity Academy, Sr. Mary Ann Spaetti, IHM, Principal, 233 W. Cherry St., Shenandoah Nativity BVM High School, Mrs. Lynn Sabol, Principal , One Lauten Hill Rd., Pottsville Marian High School, Sr. Bernard Agnes, IHM, Principal, 166 Marian Avenue, Tamaqua St. Joseph Center for Special Learning, Mrs. Julia Leibensperger, Principal Phone 570-462-3927 Phone 570-622-8110 Phone 570-467-3335 Phone 570-622-4638 Divine Mercy Parish Mass Schedule for the Week of December 27, 2015 Monday, December 28, 2015 Anthony Sherman by Val Sajone Dr. Stanley G. Rakowsky Ed. D. by Theresa & Keith Knipe & Family 6:45 AM 8:00 AM DM DM 6:45AM 8:00 AM DM DM Tuesday, December 29, 2015 Sister Marie Edwardine by Val Sajone Living & Deceased Members of Divine Mercy Parish 6:45 AM 8:00 AM DM DM Wednesday, December 30, 2015 Good Health & Healing For Sister Grace Marie by Sisters Irene Pietkiewicz by Family Thursday, December 31, 2015 – Eve of Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 4:30 PM DM Albert Sterner by Family Friday, January 1, 2016 – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 7:30 AM SC For All Those Remembered In Our Memorial Fund 10:00 AM SC Lucille Segal Thomas by Parents 12:00 PM DM For All Those Buried In Our Parish Cemeteries Misa En Espanol 4:30 PM DM 7:30AM SC 10:00AM SC 12:00 PM DM Misa En Espanol Saturday, January 2, 2016 Dorothy Karpovich – 2nd Anniversary In Heaven by Husband, Ray Weekly Collections for 12/13/15 Divine Mercy Parish Regular Plate Dues Maint./Repair Fuel Candles Trinity St. Vincent dePaul Christmas Christmas Decorations Christmas Flowers Immaculate Conception Retired Religious Poverty Relief Christmas Wafers $3626. $763. $2714. $458. $140. $472. $50. $21. $1067. $596. $665. $1425. $460. $10. $243. Due to the Holidays, weekly collections will be published in a future bulletin. Sunday, January 3, 2016 Alberta Zarcufsky by Diane & Ed M/M Francis Vinsko Living & Deceased Priests – Diocese of Allentown January Lotto Mistake There was a printing mistake for January 17th. The amount should be $75.00 NOT $750.00. MASS BOOK ADDITIONAL MASSES NOW AVAILABLE & CANDLE BOOK OPEN FOR 2016 You may now schedule additional Masses for 2016. Please contact the office at 570462-1968 if interested. Remember, the Mass Book fills up quickly! If you would like to have a candle lit on a special day in either of the parishes, it is important that you notify us as soon as possible. The dates fill quickly. Misa del Año Nuevo Tendremos una Santa Miisa el viernes, 1 de enero, a mediodía! ¡Todos son bienvenidos! to the parishioners & friends of Divine Mercy Parish from Msgr. Bocian, Fr. Johnson, Fr. Dene and the parish office staff. New Year’s Day Parish Office Hours The office will be closed from noon on Thursday, December 31st and New Year’s Day, January 1st. The office will reopen on Monday, January 4th. Feliz Año Nuevo Nosotros, los sacerdotes y el personal de la parroquia Les deseamos a todos un Feliz Año Nuevo! Oramos para que el Señor pueda caminar con usted durante todo 2016! 0218 DM – Page 2 December 27, 2015 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Divine Mercy Memorial Fund In memory of: Frank Miskell $5 Casimir & Joseph Puza Connie Anczarski $25 John & Rita Bobbin & Family $20 Al, Cathy & Alfie Bronk $20 Leo & Linda Breznik $20 Bernard & Donna Karpovich & Daughter, Maria $20 Tim & Carol Twardzik $10 Walukiewicz Oravitz Fell F. H. $10 Rose Marie & Rose Ann Bonkowski $10 Louise & Tricia Palubinsky $10 Donna & Francis Kalenkoski & Family $10 M/M Francis McAndrew $10 Raymond Karpovich $10 Susan Bobbin $10 Leo & Karen Kayes & Family $10 Michele & Dave Krusinsky & Family $10 Mary Wishnefsky & Family $10 Stan & Diane Gurecki & Family $10 John & Dottie Gurecki & Family $10 George Lesko $10 Joe & Donna Palubinsky $10 Mary & Ron Luscavage $10 Rusnock Family $10 John & Kathy Sinkiewicz $5 Leona Ratomski $5 Gino & Justine Monahan $5 Mary Ann & John Matino Lottie Anczarski $10 Ron & Mary Luscavage Gerald Grochowski $20 Friends of Jerry $10 Jack & Dolores Gallo In Loving Memory Of Our Parents, Emmett & Mary Oravitz & Anthony & Maria Pronio $5 Mary Ann & Al In Loving Memeory Of Our Brothers & Sisters, Carlo, Madalda & Josephine & Bob & Jerry $5 Mary Ann & Al Deb Najunas $20 Paul & Barb Bernotas & Family Good Health & God’s Blessings For Joseph Zagrosky $20 Paul & Barb Bernotas & Family Special Intention $5 Anonymous Health & Blessings For Joestelle $5 Mom Mom & Papap DEVOTIONAL LAMPS Divine Mercy Sanctuary Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sacred Heart St. Joseph OLMC St. Casimir Sanctuary Czestochowa Czestochowa Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Blessed Mother Special intention by Maria Rittle6766 In memory of Frances & Edward Hughes by Jerry & Gerri Special intention by G. God’s blessings & good health for James, Louise & David Heckard by Gerri & Jerry Flynn Good health & God’s blessings for Beverly Savakinas by Charlotte Zarcufsky Litwak In memory of Violet Hobin by husband, Jimmy In memory of James & Marie Flynn by Jerry & Gerri In memory of the deceased of the Kanick family by Theresa In memory of M/M Nunzie McAloose by Marion Delance & family Special intention by AMS In memory of Mary, Andrew & Loretta Straka by Elaine Fell In memory of George & Helen Fell by daughter, Elaine In memory of Eugene Straka by sister, Jennie & family In memory of Zkosky, Hughes & Flynn Families by Jerry & Gerri Healing & God’s blessings for Eugene Pappert by Jean Sherako In memory of Mildred & Edward Hanley by Jean Sherako Special intention by Ed & Kay Z. In memory of Vincent Bindie, Our beloved son, brother & uncle Good health & God’s blessings for Agnes Ferguson by Ed & Fran Domkus In memory of Helen & Albin Zancusky by daughter, Joan In loving memory of Rose & William Norris by daughter, Cathy & family In memory of Father Charles Sperlak by Fran & Maria Macus Special intention by Joan Zancusky In most loving memories of Travis McGee by Vince McGee, family & friends In most loving memories of Sondra McGee by Vince McGee, family & friends In most loving memories of Bryan Shedaker by Vince McGee, family & friends Good health & God’s blessings for Fran & Teresa Green by Gino & Maryann Bruni Good health & God’s blessings for Mary Mickalonis by Gino & Maryann Bruni Good health & God’s blessings for Joseph & Mella Ciotola by Gino & Maryann Bruni Good health & God’s blessings for Pam & Ed Cizauskie by Gino & Maryann Bruni Peace & good health for J.M., S.M., M.M., A.M. by M/M John Maskornick In loving memory of Eleanor Mackey by friend, Evelyn In loving memory of Frank Macus by Fran & Maria In memory of Lucille Segal Thomas by mom & dad Special intentions by Marguerite Oravitz Fell & family For TJL & AAL by TPL In memory of Tom & Jennie Lazor by Diane & Tom Special intentions, in thanksgiving & good health for Msgr. Bocian & Father Dene Good health & God’s blessings for Anna Malia by Gino & Maryann Bruni In memory of Helen Marchick & Joseph Swies by Gino & Maryann Bruni 0218 DM – Page 3 December 27, 2015 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Health & Blessings For My Mom $5 Angelica Christmas Blessings & Good Health For Msgr. Bocian $10 H. Grochowsky Family Free English Classes will be held on the following days: Monday & Wednesday 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM Schuylkill Education Council 1 West Centre St. Mahanoy City, PA Call the Lifelong Learning Center 570-628-5761 to register. Fr. Walter Ciszek Prayer Group will meet every Monday at 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. at the Father Ciszek Convent, 18 East Oak Street, Shenandoah. Una importante información sobre Bautizos A partir de ahora, usted tiene que visitar a la Oficina Parroquial al 108 West Cherry Street para reservar las fechas para los bautismos. Nuestro hermano Christhian dará sólo las clases de bautismos. Por favor, recuerde que es muy importante que registre su nombre en la parroquia para que su niño sea bautizado. Para obtener más información, hable con Cristhian. Hay los formularios de inscripción en la entrada de la iglesia. Parish Dues for 2016 for Divine Mercy Parish are now payable for any registered parishioner 21 years of age and older at the parish office, 108 West Cherry St. If dues are paid by January 31, 2016, dues are $ 50.00 per individual. If paid after January 31, 2016, dues are $ 60.00 per individual. Divine Mercy Chaplet will be held every Friday at 3:00 PM at Divine Mercy Church. Please note: There will be no Divine Mercy Chaplet on New Year’s Day, January 1st . The Chaplet will resume on Friday, January 8th. St. Casimir Candles Continued…. Blessed Mother In memory of George Homich by M/M Thomas Bachike Blessed Mother In memory of Lazor, Smith, Oliver & Narsavage families by M/M Thomas Bachike Altar For the souls of Antonio Perez Gonzalez by Sanchez family Altar In memory of the living & deceased members of the Schlack & Volousky families by Bob & Liz Altar Special intentions by TJL Altar In memory of my sister, Irene Schreppel by Marie Kakelesek Diocesan Information If a Prenatal Diagnosis is Poor…You are not alone. There is help. The Diocese of Allentown has a network of concerned parents and professionals who have experienced or worked closely with issues surrounding poor prenatal diagnosis. For support, contact: Sr. Janice MarieJohnson,. Johnson@allentown diocese.org or 610-289-8900 x 245. Victim Assistance Coordinator The Diocese of Allentown provides assistance to anyone who, as a minor, was sexually abused by a priest, deacon, or employee/volunteer of the Diocese/Parish. Parents, guardians, children and survivors of sexual abuse are invited and encouraged to contact the Diocese of Allentown for more information about this program. The fullness of compassion should be extended to these victims by the Church. Victim Assistance Coordinator—Direct Telephone Number: 1-800-791-9209. To learn more about the Diocese of Allentown’s Youth Protection Programs, Sexual Abuse Policy, and Code of Conduct, please visit www.allentowndiocese.org and click on “Youth Protection ” in the upper right hand corner of the page. A financial report for the month of October 2015 Income $ 49,956 Expenses $ 47,271 Insurance $ 9,287 Trinity $ 6,666 Assessments $ 6,135 Total Income $ 49,956 Total Expenses $ 69,359 Income Over Expenses - $19,403-- This shows a loss of $ 19,403 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Schuylkill Medical Center: Fr. Zelonis, Catholic Chaplain to the hospital, is asking EMs from the local parishes to distribute Holy Communion to hospital patients one or two days a month—or more, if you are willing. Although there are several openings, the most urgent needs focus on the South (“Pottsville”) campus, especially Fridays. Hospital will provide necessary training and immunizations. Please call Fr. Zelonis at 570-429-0701. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Any eighth grade student in Catholic, public or private school who is registered in a parish of the Diocese of Allentown is eligible to apply for a one-year partial scholarship of $1,000 to be applied toward tuition at a diocesan high school. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of participation in activities/service to school, parish and community; special honors; leadership positions; academic achievement and recommendations by the school principal and pastor. When completed, please forward your application to your eighth grade teacher to have them complete the “Academics” section, no later than Friday, January 8, 2016. EIGHTH GRADE PRINCIPAL Please indicate your recommendation below then forward the application to the applicant’s pastor by Friday, January 22, 2016. Completed Applications Are Due By Friday, February 5, 2016 At: Diocese of Allentown and Office of Education 0218 DM – Page 4 December 27, 2015 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Food Donations We are continuing to collect food for the food bank which distributes food from the Parish Office. Please bring your donations of non-perishable food to any of our churches on the weekend or drop your food donations off at the parish office during office hours. Thank you for your generosity. The Keys To Holiness Holiness will help us to get to Heaven and comes when we surrender to God's will and put all of our trust in him. Courage. During the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), Jesus said, "blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are they who mourn," and promised that when we turn to God in times of trial, we will be comforted and cared for. Trusting God in difficult times takes courage. Discipline. Jesus makes it clear that we must apply the correct principles to our habits and use God’s laws as our standards. When he talked about "the meek, the merciful, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness," he was giving us a ruler. We are to measure our behavior against these standards to see if we are on the right path to holiness. Endurance. Only a true follower of Christ can put the Sermon on the Mount fully into practice. It takes endurance to combine holy inner attitudes with these outward actions and keep it up for life. Los Sacramentos de los adultos Si un adulto está en la necesidad de los sacramentos, estamos organizando clases para prepararlos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el padre José o Maurcia Meza. Misa dominical La Misa del domingo es una obligación. Es la ley de la Iglesia. Es tambien uno de los Diez Mandamientos. Por favor,Vengan a asistir a la Misa todos los domingos con sus hijos. Trinity Academy Pre Kindergarten Registration Trinity Academy Pre-School sponsored by the Divine Mercy Parish has a few remaining spaces for the 2015-2016 school year. Children must be 4 years of age by October 15. Parents have the option to enroll their child in our regular preschool program (three half-days) OR our Kindergarten Prep program (three full-days.) The preschool program provides basic instruction to help your child grow as they prepare for kindergarten. The Kindergarten Prep program is an extension and enhancement of the activities that are used in the preschool program and will include additional activities such as computer, library and gym. For more information or to enroll your child, contact Christine Zuber Fannick, Advancement Director, at 570-462-3927. Classes begin September 8, 2015. Trinity Academy 10th Anniversary Lottery Calendar Are you looking for a unique gift or stocking stuffer? Do you like to try your luck with the lottery? Trinity Academy has a great solution. 2016 Annual Lottery Calendars are on sale now! You can purchase a 3 digit number for $25 and have 365 chances to win. Prizes are as follows : $25 each week day and $50 on weekends. The third Sunday of each month will have a prize of $100. A special prize of $250 will be awarded to the winning number on June 10, 2016 in celebration of the completion of Trinity Academy 's 10th school year. Tickets can be purchased from any student or at the school office. Please call 570-462-3927. Trinity Academy is in need of an adult to supervise "Trinity Cares," the after school care program. Hours are 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM on some days, but hours vary day by day according to family needs. Interested? Call Sr. Mary Ann at 570-462-3927. Late Registration for CCD For public school children will take place before CCD classes at Trinity Academy School. Prices: $40.00 for the first child and $ 75 for 2 or more children. at Trinity Academy School. First time students need baptismal certificates. COMMUNITY EVENTS & FUNDRAISERS Knights of Columbus Council 618 will have bingo at St. Stephen's Hall, Shenandoah. Doors open at noon, bingo starts at 2:00PM. Food and refreshments available. For info. call 462-4485 or 590-1188. Bingo dates for 2016: January 10th and 24th, February 21st and 28th , March 13th, April 17th, May 15th and 22nd, June 12th and 26th, July 10th and 24th, August 7th and 28th, September 11th and 25th, October 9th and 16th, November 6th and 13th, and December 4th. Shenandoah Knights of Columbus Council 618, 201 West Cherry St. will have a hoagie sale, second Tuesday of each month - $4.00 each, the new pick up time is between 9 AM until sold out at the Knights Home, 201 West Cherry Street, Shenandoah. Call to pre order 590-3270, 590-1188 or 462-1430 – Dates for 2016: January 12th, February 9th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 14th, July 12th, August 9th, September 13th, October 11th, November 8th and December 13th.. Thank you for supporting the Knight of Columbus a non-profit organization. Knights of Columbus Council 618, Devil Crab & Fish Dinner will be held on Good Friday, March 25th. More information to follow. .Parish Events & Fundraisers Divine Mercy Parish – Homemade Three Cheese Pierogies are now available for sale. Cost $ 7.00 per dozen. 0218 DM – Page 5 December 27, 2015 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph CEMETERY NOTE Please help us to keep all of our cemeteries looking nice and well maintained throughout the fall and winter months. Please remove and take home any flowers, planters, wreaths or baskets you placed on the graves. Flowers, baskets, logs & planters left on the graves will be removed & disposed of. Decorations, statues, and stepping stones should be removed permanently and if left will be disposed of. The cemeteries close daily at sunset, the gates will be closed during the winter months to prevent vandalism & trespass. Thank you for your cooperation. Registro parroquial Como feligreses, todos tenemos que ser registrado en la parroquia. Y si usted ha cambiado su dirección y número de teléfono, por favor, tenga en cuenta a la oficina parroquial. Como feligreses, tenemos la responsabilidad también pagar nuestras cuotas mensuales en el sobre de su recepción en el correo. Si usted no recibe los sobres de la parroquia, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia y dar su dirección.Si usted no paga nada, la Computadora en la oficina de la parroquia mostrará su familia como inactivo. Por lo tanto, es importante que usted paga sus cuotas parroquiales. Esta comunicación es de Monseñor Bocian, el Mayor Pastor de la Parroquia. “And With Your Spirit” Explained When a man is ordained a priest, the Holy Spirit comes upon him, enabling him to perform the sacred rites of the Mass and consecrate the Eucharist. When we respond, "And with your spirit," we acknowledge that since God works through the priest offering the Mass, it is actually Jesus Christ who is the head of the community gathered together, and it is his Spirit who is leading the Liturgy, regardless of who the particular priest may be. Santa Claus Santa Claus viene hoy para dar regalos de Navidad para los niños. Él se reunirá con ustedes después de esta Misa! Year of Mercy Jesus Is Love, And Stands Vigil Over My Life Beaten, betrayed, and hung from a cross, he cries out to his Father to forgive us. He cries out for my salvation and covers me in his mercy. I weep at the price paid for my eternity, humbled by his graciousness, and long to live his command: “Ber merciful, just as (also) your Father is merciful” (Lk 5:36). I focus my thoughts on him and yearn to exist in a place where it is his face, not mine, that shines through every encounter. I seek his direction and pray his will be done. I cast out my fear of making a mistake, and pray, if I miss an opportunity, he will afford me one more chance. Despite my prayers and pleas, at times I find fault, press on in my timing, and become consumed with worldly desires. I breathe the tainted air of judgement, wallow in what I’ve decided should’ve been, and fixate on my needs. Even though I am blinded and lose sight of his commands, he stands firm. The weight of the world leave me exhausted, and the realization that I have strayed chokes me. I fall to my knees and beg for forgiveness. In that instant-that very moment- he renews and reminds me of a love far greater than worldly definition. He does not begrudge missed opportunities and selfish actions. He is merciful, and restores footing. He forgives and wipes clean my stains. – Pope Francis Circulo de Oracion Por favor, ven a participar en el círculo de oración todos los viernes a las 7 de la noche en la Rectoria de Anunciacion. Why Do Catholics Do That? What Are Charisms? Charisms are special spiritual gifts given to some of the Church’s members. St. Paul explains charisms as the gifts that the Holy Spirit distributes among us, such as healing, prophecy, working miracles, and uttering wisdom (1 Corinthians 12). Other charisms include papal infallibility and priestly celibacy. Religious orders have charisms such as teaching or nursing. These charisms are not rewards for personal holiness, but are freely distributed among the faithful to be used for the good of all. What Does The Image Of The Sacred Heart of Jesus Mean? The image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a symbol of Christ’s love for us. It is often a heart surrounded by flame, pierced by a lance, topped by a cross, and circled by a crown of thorns. Jesus’ love for us burns bright and intense like a flame. His heart is pierced by the lance representing our sins and the crown of thorns and the cross remind us of the death he suffered to bring us life. Mass Matters Jesus said, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” (John 6:53). Don’t miss a single Sunday or Holy Day opportunity to have Jesus’ life within you. 0218 DM – Page 6 December 27, 2015 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Confesiones El sacerdote está disponible para escuchar confesiones todos los domingos antes de la Misa del mediodía. Por favor, venga a hacer uso del Sacramento de la Reconciliación y reciba la gracia sanadora del Señor! Grow In Love For God This New Year The more we know God, the more we love him. It naturally follows because of who he is. But we can’t love someone we don’t know. When making New Year’s resolutions, consider adding a plan for deepening your knowledge of God. Learn and study our faith. The Catholic Church leads us to God and we have two millennia of inspired Church teaching to help. For a start, the prayers and readings at Mass remind us of what we know about God. To go deeper, we can turn to the works of many reliable Catholic authors. For example, The Catholic Way by Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, uses easy-to-understand language to explain many wonderful aspects of our doctrine and practice. (Your pastor may have more suggestions.) Pray constantly. The better we know God, the more time we will want to spend with him but life can interfere with formal prayer. Pope Benedict recently advised, “Offer everything you do to the Lord, ask his help in all the circumstances of daily life and remember that he is always beside you." Make prayer a constant, two-way conversation with God. Choose joy over happiness. Happiness comes from pursuing the rewards of this world. Joy is pursuing those of the next. Happiness never lasts. Joy lasts forever but can only come from knowing and loving God. The Bernadine Franciscan Associates Prayer Group will meet on Thursday, January 7th at 6:00 PM at the Annunciation Rectory. Please Support the Annual Fund for Retired and Infirmed Priests of the Diocese of Allentown Thank you to those who gave so generously to the “Chosen, Blessed, Shared” annual fund. Everyone can support the retired priests of our Diocese by making a gift to the Endowment Fund for the Care of Retired Priests. This special fund is used to directly support retired priests in good standing including the future costs of their healthcare, insurance, housing and sustenance. Please return your gift using the envelope you received in the mail or from the brochures in the vestibule of the churches. These envelopes may be returned in the mail or in the collection basket at Mass. Your generosity supports retired priests from all 5 counties of our Diocese! Marian High School Church Bulletin News Marian High School Now Accepting Registrations for 2016-2017 Marian Catholic High School is now accepting applications for enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year. The application fee for incoming freshmen is $125.00. Transfer grants are available to upper classmen and application fees are $125.00. Application forms are available at the school or by visiting our website at www.mariancatholichs.org, located under the admissions tab. For additional information contact Director of Admissions, Mrs. Teresa Sheer at 570-668-2225 ext. 2217. The Board of General Jurisdiction at Marian High School recently voted to have the tuition rate reflect no increase for the upcoming school year. Marian High School is a coeducational secondary school of the Diocese of Allentown, founded in 1954, a year dedicated to the Blessed Mother and known as “The Marian Year,” to continue the educational efforts of St. Jerome High School, Tamaqua. The school offers the same rich tradition of a Catholic education to students from all of the existing Roman Catholic and Byzantine Catholic churches in those two counties, and also extends to lower Luzerne County as well, while extending a welcome to students from other faiths too. We have opened our Shadowing Program for any student in the public school who is interested in seeing what the Marian family is all about. Please call the Studies Office to set up a shadow date (570-668-2225, ext. 2217). Open House 2016 The 25th Annual Open House program for prospective students (7th & 8th grades) and their parents will be held on Sunday, January 31st at Marian High School. “Catholic Schools: “Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service” is the 2016 theme. The program begins at 1:00 p.m. with registration, tours, discussions, booth displays and door prizes. The program concludes at 3:00 PM with a drawing of $500.00 toward tuition for the 2016 2017 or 2017 – 2018 school year. (Must be present to win) Anyone needing information, please call the Development Office at (570) 467-0641. Rosario Tenemos Rosario cada domingo a las 11.30 am aqui en la Iglesia. St. Peter Damian Born in 1072, Peter was orphaned at a young age. He escaped poor treatment by one brother when the other took him away to school where he trained to become a professor. Peter practiced strict penances and spent many hours in prayer. Soon he left teaching to became a Benedictine. Pope Stephen IX made Peter cardinal of Ostia and he instituted reforms and ended many abusive practices in the Church. He wrote extensively and was declared a Doctor of the Church. 0218 DM – Page 7 Oravitz 40 North Jardin St., Shenandoah, PA 17976 HAHNER BROS. ROOFING & SHEET METAL WORK 570-462-9333 • 570-462-1710 • 570-874-2294 • Fax 570-462-4264 All Types of Roofing Shingles, Rubber, Metal, Slate Free Estimates • Fully Insured Emergency Services • Repairs 622-6150 • 3rd Generation Family Owned Est. 1910 E.T. Everett & Sons 1893 Celebrating Our 101st Year MAHANOYEstablished CITY SHENANDOAH HGTS. Stephen F. Oravitz, Pres. Serving Area Communities with Four Generations of Bradley J. Oravitz, Supv. Personalized, Dignified Service at Affordable Prices 570-773-0210 570-462-0334 Stephen F. Oravitz, F.D. At-Need & Pre-Need Arrangements, Cremation Customize designs & etchings Arrangements Assistance with Veterans, Social Security, Black Lung & Insurance Benefits Home for Funerals, Inc. 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