October 19 de Octubre , 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Welcome/Bienvenidos Fr. Pedro Espinoza Pastor/Párroco English Mass M, W, Th, & F—8 AM Saturday—5:00 PM Sunday—8 & 10 AM Andres Larraza Deacon/Diácono Misa En Espanol Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacramento de Reconciliación L, Mier, Vier—5:30 PM Friday after the 5:30PM Mass Jue—7PM Viernes despusés de la Misa de 5:30PM Sábado—7PM Domingo—12PM y 7PM (or by apt. / o por cita) Office Hours | Horarios De La Oficina Mon. / Lun. 10:30 AM—6:00 PM | Tue. / Mar.—Fri. / Vie. 9:00 AM—6:00 PM (Closed from / Cerrada de 12:30 PM-1:30 PM) Content/Contenido Intentions and Prayers/ Intenciones y Oraciones 2 Finances, AMA/ Finanzas y PAM Colorful Run/Carrera de Color 3 Rel. Ed./Catecismo Youth & Young Adults /Jovenes y Jovenes Adultos Announcements/ Anuncios 4 Announcements & CATHOLIC APPS Anuncios & APPS CATOLOCOS 5 Announcements/ Anuncios 6 Reflection/ Reflexión 7 L os ganadores de la PG 6 Rifa están anunciados PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a multicultural community of faith, called by God to be transformed into Christ’s image. We are moved by the holy spirit to live the Gospel as we serve our neighbors with passionate love and humility. We acknowledge and value the dignity of each person as we build unity through diversity. www.olorc.org facebook.com/olorc LA MISION DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Somos una comunidad multicultural de creyentes llamados por Dios a ser transformados en la imagen de Cristo. Somos movidos por el Espíritu Santo a vivir el evangelio al server a nuestro prójimo con amor apasionado y humildad. Reconocemos el valor y la dignidad 11140 Preston St. Castroville, CA 95012 | 831-633-4015 | Fax 831-633-4653 | [email protected] Mass IntenƟons Intenciones De Misa Prayer List Lista de Oración SATURDAY/SÁBADO ♦ October 18 de Octubre, 2014 5:00 Jesus Soria (A†), Julio E. Tabije (B†) 7:00 Joel Estrada Ruvalcaba (†), Cristina Salas (†) Carla Yadira Diaz Salvador (11) Rogelio Aparacio (11) Connie Martinez (11) Raul Orozco (11) Pauline Bigby (12) Merc Baumann (12) Donald Baumann (12) Emiliano Martinez (12) Jim Carrigan (12) Yadira Salinas (12) Angie Flores (12) Yadira Salinas (12) Rene Salinas (12) Dori Parker(12) Tom Nord (12) Thomas Cho (12) Susan Guidotti (12) John Guzman (12) Cathy List (12) SUNDAY/DOMINGO ♦ October 19 de Octubre, 2014 8:00 Pro Populo 10:00 Mary Jo, Fatima & Fil Silva, In honor of St. Joesph(SI) 12:00 Atilano Espinoza (A†) 7:00 Eric Curiel (†) MONDAY/LUNES ♦ October 20 de Octubre, 2014 8:00 Rufina Najeras Hernandez (†), Eleuterio Doroteo Caballero (†) 5:30 Modesto Mendez (†), Juan Diaz (†), Fidel Gonzalez (IE) TUESDAY/MARTES ♦ October 21 de Octubre, 2014 8:00 COMMUNION SERVICE 5:30 SERVICIO DE COMUNION WEDNESDAY/MIÉRCOLES ♦ October 22 de Octubre, 2014 8:00 Frankie S. Reynolds (B, SI) 5:30 Gerardo y Silvia Santos (IE), En Acción de Gracias a la Virgen THURSDAY/JUEVES ♦ October 23 de Octubre, 2014 8:00 Ana Brenda Basurto (SI), Janet Basurto (SI), Guadalupe Basurto (SI) 7:00 Juan Santos (IE) FRIDAY/VIERNES ♦ October 24 de Octubre, 2014 8:00 Alberto Basurto (SI), Alfredo Basurto (SI), Maria Cruz (SI) 5:30 Adalberto Lopez (†) SATURDAY/SÁBADO ♦ October 25 de Octubre, 2014 5:00 Casiano Martinez Lopez (†) 7:00 Adalberto Lopez (B†) SUNDAY/DOMINGO ♦ October 26 de Octubre, 2014 8:00 Lopez-Ramirez Family (SI), Lopez-Gonzalez Family (SI), Lopez-Aguilar Family (SI) 10:00 Frank Marquez (†), Oscar Perales (†) 12:00 Pro Populo 7:00 Jesus Hernandez (C) Page 2 Tom Lopez (12) Augustin Buonacuore (12) Rosaline Marie Kevern (12) Lorenzo Gutierrez Jr. (12) Juan y Angelita Rivera (01) Pedro Galvan (01) Mela Galvan (01) Nelly Ponce (01) Lupe Bocanegra (01) Mercedes Padilla (01) Garcia Family (01) Russ Family (01) Turner Family (01) Flanders Family (01) Tinajero Family (01) Joe Geisler & Family (01) Robert Geisler (01) Sammy & Kathy Russ(01) Joseph Arizmendez(01) Arizmendez Family(01) Stella Jauregui (01) Jami Lipman (01) Lena Lednick (01) Amy & Frank Reynolds(01) Velia Fuentes (01) George Crowley (01) Laura Wright (01) Dora & Alfredo Andrade(01) Mel & Sue Hengen (01) Ed Owens & Family (01) Tom Lopez (01) Ellyatt Family (01) Ramon Cortez (01) Janyse & Chris Cabatu (01) Lori Oneil (01) This list is on a 90 day basis, the # following each name indicates the month in which they will be removed. Esta lista está basada de 90 días, el # que sigue cada nombre indica el mes en que se eliminara. Deceased (†) Difuntos Please pray for our brothers & Sisters who have passed especially the following/ Oremos por nuestros hermanos y hermanas que han fallecido en especial los siguientes * Dorothy Hay Lathum 07-25-14 * John A. Acevedo 08-13-14 * Benigna Gonzalez 08-15-14 * Robert Calderon 08-24-14 * Tom Lopez 09-08-14 * Jean Wasielewski 09-24-14 That they may rejoice with the Risen Lord. Que se regocijen con el Señor Resucitado. Military ♦ Ejercito Please pray for our parishioners, relatives & friends of our Parish family who are serving their country including/Por favor oren por nuestro feligreses, familiaresy amigos de nuestra familia parroquial que estan sirviendo a su pais, incluyendo: * Darryl Aquino (12) This list is on a 30 day basis, the # following each name indicates the month in which they will be removed. Esta lista esta en una base de 30 diaz, el # que sigue cada nombre indica el mes en que se eliminara. FINANCIAL REPORT ♦ REPORTE FINANCIERO Upcoming Second Collection ♦ Segunda Colecta Próxima October / Octubre 11-12 • First Collection / Primera Colecta • Children’s Collection/Colecta de Niños $149.30 • Bake Sale / Venta de Pan $80.26 $4,629.73 1. Propagation of the Faith / Propagación de la Fe 1. October / Octubre 18-19 2. Capitol Improvement / Mejoras Capitales 2. October / Octubre 18-19 AMA // PAM Updated from the August 2014 report/Actualizado del Reporte De Agosto 2014 Total Collected/Total Colectado Pledge/Prometido Parish/Parroquia One Time Gifts Amount Paid on Pledges Total Collected Amount Paid on Pledges Our Lady of Refuge, Castroville $25,758.32 $6,217.50 $31,975.82 $6,217.50 Total Total Promised one % of Goal Goals Pledges times and Promised pledges $3,947.50 $10,165 $35,923.32 $15,300 234.79% Unpaid Pledges NOW TIL OCT. 8TH REG. 1 GET 1 HALF PRICE 2 FOR $33 2 FOR $18 Exercise your faith Page 3 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain It. 1 Corinthians 9:24 “My Promise, My Faith” Faith-Based Programs and the Girl Scouts TO SERVE GOD WHEN: Starting September 19th (Friday Nights) WHERE: Richard’s Hall TIME: 6:00-7:30 pm For more information Contact: Jenny Kurtz Membership Manager GSCCC at: [email protected] or call 831-633-4877x9775 "Mi Promesa, Mi Fe” Programas basados en la fe Y las Girl Scouts PARA SERVIR A DIOS Fecha: a partir de 19 septiembre (viernes por la noche) Lugar: Salon de Richard Hora: 6:00-7:30 pm Para más información llamar a Jenny Kurtz, Gerente de Membresía GSCCC al 831-633-4877 Ext. 9775 o [email protected] Y oung Adult Group 18-35 or young at Time 7-8:30PM El Sembrador El Primer sábado de cada mes es la Misa y Asamblea para el ministerio de El Sembrador Location Our Lady of Refuge Office Parish NEXT Dates November 5 December 3 Contact ic Brenda Ramirez ol 831-206-1335 th a C O BENEFIT CONCERT Elisabeth Von Trapp, from the family whose story inspired The Sound of Music, will be performing a benefit concert for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Monterey at the Old Mission in San Luis Obispo on Friday, Nov. 14th at 7 p.m. Admission is $50. Proceeds will assist those in need throughout our Diocese. For tickets: www.CatholicCharitiesCentralCoast.org, or (831) 233-3307. Page 4 ur mission: We are youth who are motivated and excited to be part of a community. We strive to see God in one another in order to form friendships and grow in our faith. God has called each and everyone of us to serve as He served whole heartedly and there’s no age limit for when you can start! “My commandment is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15-12 CONTACT: MYRA GONZALEZ (831) 345-4362 or NICO SANDOVAL (831) 240-5816 Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm YOUTH GROUP Location: Youth Room (13-HIGH SCHOOL) Youth Events: Youth Group Dates: Nov 8 - Diocesan Youth Day Time 7:00pm-9:00pm October 23 November 6 & 20 December 4 & 18 Oct 25 - 5K Colorful Run/Walk Jul 19-Aug 1, 2016-WYD Poland More information in regards to upcoming events and community service opportunities can be found at the parish office or after youth group. M OST POPULAR APPS P OPULAR IN CATHOLIC BIBLE NOW R ISING STARTS IN BIBLE APP Volunteers Needed Se Ocupa Voluntarios We would like to complete the church bathroom renovation before thanksgiving. If you are interested in donating your talent whether that be in painting or tiling. Please give Brenda a call in the office even if you have already provided your information, please call to confirm your continued interest. Thank you. Nos gustaría completar la renovación del baño de la iglesia antes de la acción de gracias. Si usted está interesado en donar su talento ya sea en la pintura o alicatado. Por favor dar Brenda una llamada en la oficina, incluso si ya ha proporcionado su información, por favor llame para confirmar su interés continuo. Gracias. Contact: Brenda Ramirez - 831-633-4015 Page 5 H ELP HOST AN INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENT: LEONARDO Service opportunity! EF High School Exchange Year is in immediate need of a family willing to host an international exchange student currently attending North Monterey HS. Leonardo from Italy loves music! He has been playing the guitar very seriously since he was little and has even won awards for his performance! This is an excellent opportunity to share your home, community, and America! Please contact Angie Redford for more information at 208-890-3502 or [email protected] 1. Karen Bennet 2. Cindy & Greg Stefani 3. Carlos Franco Jesus Jesus Also thanks you!! también te da las gracias!! U A n agradecimiento muy especial a todos los very special thank you to everyone who que ayudaron a apoyar la Cena de jamón y helped support the Ham and Chicken Dinpollo !!! Gracias por tu corazón de servidumner!!! Thank you for your heart of servitude, bre, su participación, sus donaciones, y po ser parte de your participations, your donations, and for being a nuestra comunidad!!!! No podemos dar las gracias lo part of our community!!!! We cannot say thank you suficiente, pero esperamos que Dios los bendiga a toenough, but we hope God blesses all of you abundant- dos ustedes en abundancia. Si no aparece su nombre a ly. If your name is not shown below please call the continuación por favor llame a la oficina si gusta recioffice if you wish to receive thank you letter. bir una carta de agradecimiento. (especialmente para (Especially for tax-deductible donations) donaciones para usarla para sus impuestos) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ocean Mist Marlene Alderate Nancy Mcfeeters Le cia Zavala Randal G Jones and Molly Edwards/Castroville Chiropra c Clinic Kathy Smith Alice Soliven Art Mcloughlin & Family Beibz on signs Gaby Geisler Vicky Reynoso Shirley and Joe Pintacura Martha and Domenic Muzzi Division Private Security Dolores Igaz Dolores Garcia Leo Lambert Castroville Printworx Castroville Round Table Kathryn Knauff Margaret Romero Julie & Sal Gargone Page 6 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Teresa Rodriguez Hugo and Dolores To no Karen Antle Rose Tolen no Guadalupe Garcia John Barrientos Toni & Dennis Hibbs Marie Durichek Pat Stefanie Oania Family Borchard Farms Mission Linen Claudio’s Bakery Don Albertson & Family Eva & Victor Sigala Lou Calcagno Jacqueline Bartley Gabriel y Margarita Alicia y Rigo Lopez Monica Linares Norma Florez Frank & Graciela Tidwell Margaret Romero Ruben Nunez ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Vicky Reynoso Cele y Eliseo Lourdes Roberto Ornelas Marta Huerta Rosalio Y Salud Porras Lupita Cas llo Pat Stefani Richard & Linnda Klos Mary Romero Eric Farr & Family Diana & Jess Estrada Lore a & Charly Rider Ewalt Dana & Max Payne Jesse Mata ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ann & Bob Herendeen Barbara Bi ner Barbara Hughes Jack & Cole e Rule Nancy Ausonio Linda Hobson Dulce Lustre & Family Ed Wilcox Dee Ferris ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ George Sweeney Family Tranquilino Tiscareno & Family Sally Reynolds PA System & DJ Volunteers Talent Show Volunteers ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Forever 7 Dance Berenice Estrada Oscar Ruiz Mayra Gonzalez Nico Sandolval Youth Group Ministry All who Par cipated!!// Todos los que par ciparon! All who volunteered in any way!!//Todos los que ayudaron en cualquer manera El Sembrador Ministry Escuela de Evangelizacion Ministy Torres Family Deacon Andres Larraza and Claudia Larraza Barbershop Quartet Sr. Jaise Thomas ♦ ♦ Sr. Cris na Bortolo Ed Mitchell Lori Mendoza Sarah Mendoza Mendoza Family Efren & Claudia Rodriguez and Family Mog Cabatu and Family Thank you to everyone!!! So sorry if I missed any names (know you are s ll appreciated greatly) ♦ Gracias a todos! Perdon si se me paso unos nombres (todovia son muy valorados) EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD The first reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lord’s “anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the LORD and there is no other,” says God (Isaiah 45:5). Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect due his position, but everything belongs to God. In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that our call and the power to be faithful come from God. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 LOOK WHO’S TALKING When money speaks the truth is silent. WORDS AND ACTIONS When people hear us speak God’s word, they marvel at its beauty and power; when they see what little impact it has on our daily lives, they laugh and poke fun at what we say. —Anonymous second-century Christian —Bl. John Paul II Director of Liturgy & Music: Music Coordinator: Servers/ Acolytes: Eucharistic: Lectors: Ushers: Stewardship: Retrouvaille: Gift Shop: Altar Society: Cursillo: Adoration: Highway Clean Up: Italian Catholic Federation: Chair of Finance : Forever 7 Dance: Page 7 Children’s Choir: Youth Group: Bread Ministry: MIRA QUIÉN HABLA Cuando el dinero habla, la verdad calla. PALABRAS Y OBRAS Cuando la gente nos oye hablar sobre la palabra de Dios, se maravillan ante su hermosura y poder; cuando ven cuan poco impacto tiene en nuestra vida diaria, se ríen y hacen bromas sobre lo que decimos. —Anónimo del siglo II d.C. FAMILY As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. Baptisms: Bulletin & AMA: Rel. Ed.: Marriage Encounter: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Ef 2:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 12:13-21 Martes: Ef 2:12-22; Sal 85 (84):9ab-14; Lc 12:35-38 Miércoles: Ef 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lc 12:39-48 Jueves: Ef 3:14-21; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lc 12:49-53 Viernes: Ef 4:1-6; Sal 24 (23):1-4ab, 5-6; Lc 12:54-59 Sábado: Ef 4:7-16; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 13:1-9 Domingo: Ex 22:20-26; Sal 18 (17):2-4, 47, 51; 1 Tes 1:5c10; Mt 22:34-40 —Proverbio ruso —Russian proverb Business manager & Young Adults: TODO PERTENECE A DIOS La primera lectura del profeta Isaías tiene que ver con el rey persa Ciro, al que Dios llama “elegido”. Ciro merece este título ya que acabó con la cautividad de los judíos en Babilonia. No obstante, Jesús nos recuerda que fue Dios quien dio a Ciro su poder. Quizás sea un gran rey pero, “Yo soy el Señor, y no hay otro igual”, Dios dice (Isaías 45:5). El Evangelio de hoy también está relacionado con el poder mundano. En el pasaje de Mateo vemos como los fariseos intentan con artimañas que Jesús hable mal del emperador. Su conocida respuesta es la perfecta réplica. Al igual que los reyes de la antigüedad, el César debe ser respetado dada su posición pero todo pertenece a Dios. En la segunda lectura, Pablo da las gracias por todos los que son fieles a Jesucristo y su Evangelio. También él nos recuerda que nuestra llamada y el poder de ser fieles provienen de Dios. LA FAMILIA Así como la familia avanza, así avanza la nación y así avanza todo el mundo en el que vivimos. —Beato Juan Pablo II Brenda Ramirez Nico Sandoval Nico Sandoval Sr. Jaise Thomas Bob & Anne Herendeen Sandra Gonzalez Paul Ruiz Gloria Wilcox Sandra Gonzalez Kathryn Knauf Manuel Osorio Carlo Cortopassi Lisa Brom John & Diane Corgait Barbara Hughes Richard & Linda Klos Cindy Stefani Gloria Wilcox Amelia Dorado Leonora Barlow Carlo Cortapassi Berenice Estrada Cindy Stefani Myra Gonzalez Deborah Sober 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 663-2452 633-4015 261-6604 633-3597 633-4015 663-6799 663-2803 633-2130 663-5839 479-1260 633-6240 663-2312 633-5012 633-5397 633-3448 633-4015 632-6310 254-0253 578-1995 345-4362 521-0993 Manejadora de Negocios: Bautizos: Bulletin/ PAM: Catecismo: Encuentro Matrimonial: Liturgia y Música: Monaguillos: Eucaristia: Lectores: Enfermos/ Ancianos: Consejo De Finanzas: Retrouvaille: Sociedad Guadalupana: Grupo de Oracion: Sociedad Santa Marta: Grupo De Envangelizacion: San Pablo de Colores Cursillo: Adoracion Al Santisimo y Clase: de Biblia Groupo De Jovenes: Ministerio de Pan: Coro de Niños: Brenda Ramirez Nico Sandoval Nico Sandoval Hr. Cristina Bortolotti Marta y Jose Huerta Sandra Gonzalez Alicia Medina Sandra Gonzalez Jose Cornejo Monica Linares Bertha Castillo Lucia Marquez Oscar Ruiz Jose Cruz Susana Cruz Lucia Marquez Dulce Lustre Guadalupe Martinez Ana Garcia Julia Calderon Ruben Nuñez Myra Gonzalez Deborah Sober Lidia Serrato 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 633-3104 633-4015 632-0263 633-4015 633-4925 540-8905 633-4504 633-3921 633-4015 915-9248 383-4576 633-3921 794-1163 633-1856 633-4015 262-4087 566-8055 345-4362 521-0993
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