St. Genevieve Roman Catholic Church cÜÉvÄt|Å|Çz à{x ZÉáÑxÄ Éy ]xáâá V{Ü|áà á|Çvx DKKL cÜÉvÄtÅtÇwÉ xÄ XätÇzxÄ|É wx ]xáâvÜ|áàÉ wxáwx DKKL 4835 W. Altgeld Street, Chicago, Illinois 60639 Prayer for our parish O God, you have made us the Church of your Son, Jesus. Make our diverse parish a family of one heart and mind in love toward you. Strengthen our capacity to serve one another. Our Mission We, the Roman Catholic Community of Saint Genevieve, are inspired by the Holy Spirit to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ by worship, ministry and evangelization. Nuestra Misión En Saint Genevieve, somos una Comunidad Católica Romana inspirada por el Espíritu Santo a vivir el Evangelio de Jesucristo por medio de la alabanza, el ministerio y la evangelización. Grant our community life and work, that may be an example to all about us. Bless our parish mission by your love to do your will. Acknowledge the intercession of St. Genevieve, our patroness; And keep us secure in your mercy. Amen. October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Oración por nuestra parroquia Oh Dios, Tú, nos has hecho el templo de tu hijo Jesús. Haz que la diversidad de nuestra parroquia, sirva para que seamos una familia, de un sólo corazón y mente por amor a Ti. Danos la fuerza y la habilidad de ser servicial con los demás. Concédenos vida y trabajo, para que nuestra comunidad pueda ser un ejemplo para todos. Bendice nuestro apostolado, para que por medio de tu amor hagamos tu voluntad. Acepta la intercesión de nuestra patrona, St. Genevieve, y en Tú misericordia, guárdanos y protégenos. Amen VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: FOLLOW US ON: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/St.GenevieveParish/likes Page Two October 19, 2014 The Cardinal’s Column Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. October 5 - 18, 2014 The Most Rev. Blase Joseph Cupich: ninth Archbishop of Chicago The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has graciously appointed as ninth Archbishop of Chicago the Most Rev. Blase Cupich, presently the Bishop of Spokane, Washington. The process sometimes seemed lengthy, perhaps, but the Holy Father acted when he felt he had enough information to make the right choice for our archdiocese. The relationship between a bishop and his diocese is like that between Christ and the church, between a husband and wife. It takes time to think about whether or not it will be a good “fit” and then it takes more time to grow into it and create something new and beautiful. Our life in Christ together with and under the direction of Archbishop Cupich will be shaped by his dedication to the faith, his love for Christ’s people, his quick and insightful intelligence and his varied pastoral experiences. His life, in turn, will be shaped by what we bring to him. I am sure that each of us will be praying for him in the months to come, as he is already praying for us. For myself, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for my years as archbishop of Chicago. I am grateful to God, of course, who blessed me with this calling, but grateful as well to the millions of Catholics and others in our community who have been so good to me and so dedicated to the mission of the church here. I have often been edified by witnessing the working of God’s grace in people’s lives. Many to whom I have ministered in these years have become close to me, others I recall only by a facial gesture or a remark remembered, but many paths have been crossed and I find great satisfaction when someone reminds me of a talk I had with them or of a time I counseled them or prayed with them. I have spent more time in recent years asking for help for the poor than directly helping the poor, but I’ll be back in the confessionals and on the food lines in the coming years. Care of the poor, especially through Catholic Charities and the St. Vincent de Paul Societies, has always claimed a great part of our resources here, and it is done joyfully and generously. There have been receptions and award dinners and graduations and confirmations and a thousand and one other occasions — usually joyful — that have sustained my faith and, I hope, strengthened the faith of others. Support of the schools and the religious education programs remains strong. I am blessed with many active councils, whose advice is both comfort and challenge. The Post-Conciliar lay movements have taken root here. The formation of people in Christ in our seminaries, our deacon programs, our lay ecclesial ministry formation processes, our catechetical conferences, our collective and personal habits of prayer and devotion, along with the regular sacramental discipline of the parishes, assure me that the next archbishop will have many faithful men and women to help and guide him in his role as high priest and shepherd of the Archdiocese of Chicago. (Continue on page three) Page Three October 19, 2014 I must especially thank with all my heart the priests and deacons of the archdiocese, those incardinated here and those helping temporarily. In particular, I am grateful to my auxiliary bishops and to all who, at different times during these 17 years administrated the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centers so well, always looking for ways to improve, to direct all our energies toward the goal of the new evangelization. Men and women religious are found in key roles throughout the archdiocese and have established a strong personal presence among those who are often overlooked or marginalized: the poor, the unborn, the migrants, the imprisoned. If one picks up an Archdiocesan Directory and glances through the columns of ministries and offices, one cannot help but be struck by the breadth of the church’s outreach. These activities establish the network of relationships we call Catholic communion. These various ministries I’ve seen in action as I’ve visited each of our parishes through the years. Friendship among fellow Christians we can now, thank God, take for granted, and I have also made many friends in the Jewish community and among Muslims and followers of other religions, even secularists and, I would like to think, among the media! There is as well an important and growing group of surgeons, physicians, nurses, medical technicians, physical therapists and hospital personnel who deserve my gratitude. Finally, those who have become my personal staff have shared my life and brought me much joy. The Albertine Sisters have made the Archbishop’s Residence, which was built as the Archdiocesan Chancery Office in 1882, a prayerful and welcoming house for many hundreds of visitors, and they deserve the gratitude of the entire archdiocese. The list of those to whom I have reason to be grateful is very long, even without mentioning any particular names. The list will continue to be rehearsed in my heart. This is a good place, because there are a lot of good people here. I look forward to continuing to be part of it all, but in a very different role. Along with gratitude in my heart, there is a certain sense of relief, knowing that my responsibilities will now be taken up by someone with fresh eyes and ears and with strength enough to rethink the various tasks. There is also a sense of regret for the times when I didn’t measure up to the job, when opportunities were lost, mistakes were made and people hurt. I can honestly say to myself and to the Lord that I have never deliberately hurt anyone, even as I know I sometimes struggled with my own impatience and fits of ill-temper. For these occasions and for letting people down, I have asked God’s forgiveness and I ask for yours. Archbishop Cupich will be installed as archbishop here on Nov. 18, as the church is preparing to enter the Season of Advent. The reason for our Advent hope is, of course, the coming celebration of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. But this Advent, in this archdiocese, the new archbishop will be a sign of hope for me and you and for many others. May God give us the grace to finish the tasks at hand now and the zest to begin something new with great joy in November. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Please join us every first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the church, as we honor Our Blessed Virgin Mother, Mary, in a Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Our Blessed Mother along with her Divine Son have helped to provide strength, comfort and even miracles to the faithful for centuries. The Novena is Bilingual English/Spanish Novena a Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Acompáñenos el primer miércoles de cada mes, a las 6:00 p. m. en la Iglesia, a rezar la novena a Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro. La Novena se reza en Inglés/Español. Page Four October 19, 2014 Healing Mass at St. Genevieve Church With a special guest Carmelo Cortez on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 7:00pm Misa de Sanación en la Parroquia St. Genevieve Con un invitado muy especial Carmelo Cortez el Martes, 28 de Octubre, 2014 a las 7:00pm Page Five October 19, 2014 ALL FUNDS COLLECTED WILL BE USED FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE BAPTISMAL FONT Fiesta de Disfraces El Grupo Filipino de la parroquia San Genevieve Les hace la cordial invitación a su Fiesta de Disfraces . El viernes, 24 de octubre, 2014 a las 6:00pm. En el Lone Tree Manor Banquet Hall 7730 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles, Illinois 60714 Donacion: $35.00 por persona Haga su cheque a nombre de la Parroquia St. Genevieve, Ministerio Filipino. Para mayor información contacte a las siguientes personas. Mel Sonon, 773-517-2231 Tess Soriano, 773-706-4879 Vel Guffey, 773-.319-6246 T odo lo recaudado será para renovar la Pila Bautismal Page Six October 19, 2014 Present BREAKFAST BRUNCH & FLEA MARKET Sunday, November 2nd., 8:00am to 3:00pm in Maher Hall. Flea Market tables are available for $10.00 each. SUNDAY BREAKFAST & FLEA MARKET Sunday Flea Market 8AM-3PM. Breakfast, after 8:30 and 10:00 AM Masses, Breakfast ticket: $5.00 per person. Raffles for Turkeys and other prizes will be held throughout the day. Call Bill Kinder at 773-235-9743 for more information or to reserve a table. presentan DESAYUNO Y TIANGUIS Domingo 2 de noviembre de 8:00 AM a 3:00 PM en el Maher Hall. Puede rentar la mesa para el Tianguis por solo $10.00. DOMINGO Tianguis de 8AM-3PM. Desayuno después de las misas de 8:30 & 10AM solo $5.00 por persona. También tendremos rifa de pavos y otros premios durante el día. Para mayor información o para reservar su mesa para el tianguis, Llame a la rectoría al 773-237-3011. Page Seven October 19, 2014 CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE Patroness of Puerto Rico The Committee of Our Lady of Divine Providence cordially invites everyone to join us on the following days: Friday, November 14th, 2014: Archdiocesan Annual Mass in honor of Mary, Mother of the Divine Providence, will be at St. Mark Parish, 1048 N. Campbell Avenue, Chicago, on Friday, November 14th at 7:00 PM. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez Nieves from the Archdiocese of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Saturday, November 15th, 2014: The Annual Breakfast in Honor of Our Lady of Providence will be on Saturday, November 15th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at White Eagle Restaurant, 6839 N. Milwaukee Avenue in Niles Illinois. Sunday, November 16th, 2014: Our Lady of Divine Providence Annual Mass at St. Genevieve Church will be celebrated on Sunday, November 16th at 12:00 NOON by Rev. Vidal Martinez, O.S.M. from Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica. There will be food and refreshments for sale in Maher Hall after Mass. CELEBRACION EN HONOR A LA VIRGEN DE LA DIVINA PROVIDENCIA Patrona de Puerto Rico El Comité de Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia les hace una cordial invitación para que nos acompañen en los siguientes días: Viernes, 14 de noviembre, 2014: La Misa Anual en Honor a Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia se llevará a cabo el viernes, 14 de noviembre a las 7:00pm en la Parroquia de St. Mark, 1048 N. Campbell, en Chicago. Dicha celebración estará a cargo del Arzobispo Roberto González Nieves de la Arquidiócesis de San Juan Puerto, Rico. Sábado, 15 de noviembre, 2014: El Desayuno Anual, en Honor a Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia, tendrá lugar el sábado, 15 de noviembre de 10:00am a 1:00pm en el Restaurante White Eagle localizado en el 6839 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, Illinois. Domingo, 16 de noviembre, 2014: La Misa Anual en Honor a Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia, en la Parroquia St. Genevieve se llevará a cabo el domingo, 16 de noviembre, a las 12:00 NOON y sera celebrada por el Padre Vidal Martínez de la Basílica de Our Lady of Sorrows. Habrá comida a la venta, inmediatamente después de misa, en el Maher Hall. Page Eight October 19, 2014 We would like to thank Melissa McGlynn and her Youth Group for cleaning the parish pantry and organizing the food on the shelves. You did an excellent job. Our pantry looks great. Thank you very much for donating your time. God Bless you. Nos gustaría agradecer a Melisa McGlynn y a su Grupo Juvenil por el excelente trabajo que hicieron al limpiar la despensa de la parroquia y ordenar toda la comida en las repisas. La despensa quedó muy limpia y ordenada. Gracias por donar su tiempo y que Dios las bendiga. Articles for the bulletin of November 23rd, 30th & December 7th are due in the Rectory by Friday, November 14th at 10:00am. If you would like to, you may email it to: [email protected] Special Thank you to Father Bradley Schaeffer for celebrating Mass at St. Genevieve Church on October 5, 2014 at 8:30am. Fr. Bradley is a Jesuit and graduate of St. Genevieve School. His mother still attends church here! La fecha límite de anuncios para el folleto de la parroquia del 23 y 30, de noviembre y El 7 de diciembre es el viernes, 14 de noviembre a las 10:00am Yo soy el Señor. No tendrás otro Dios Traiga sus anuncios a la Rectoría o si lo desea, puede enviarlos por email a: [email protected] Page Nine October 19, 2014 Collection: October 11/12, 2014 Colecta: 11/12 de octubre, 2014 Sunday Offering………………..….….$5,438.00 (Ofrenda Dominical) Second collection: Education………....$2,522.00 (Segunda Colecta: Educación) Total collection………………….…....$7,960.00 Weekly goal/Meta semanal……....…...$12, 250.00 Deficit/Déficit...……………...…..…...$4,290.00 Thank you for your generous support of St. Genevieve Parish Gracias por su apoyo tan generoso a nuestra parroquia. II. Wendy Tafoya & Raul Valdez II. Lourdes Fernandez & Manuel Jara SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 7:00 — Francisco Velasco by Friend 8:30 — Sister Theresa Obremski by Friend 10:00 — People of Saint Genevieve Church Sister Theresa Obremski by Frances Kaleta 12:00 PM Hortencia Silva by Family Gonzalo Avila Vilchiz by Family Juan Sanchez by Family Consuelo Sanchez by Family 7:00 PM Maria de Lourdes Vanegas Sandoval Miguel Silva by Family MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 8:15 — For the sick of our parish 7:00 PM Por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:15 — Emma Renteria by Family 7:00 PM Intencion especial para Sergio Alejandro Rodriguez Solis en su cumpleaños WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 8:15 — For the men & women in the military service 7:00 PM Por los hombres y mujeres en el servicio militar THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 8:15 — For the sanctity of priests 7:00 PM Por la santidad de los sacerdotes FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 8:15 — For souls in Purgatory 7:00 PM Por las almas en el purgatorio El Grupo Carismático Les invita a su Circulo de Oración Todos los viernes a las 7:00 PM en el Maher Hall Natural Family Planning Center for Women Doctor, Jose Furlin, 773-725-2100 Método Natural de Planeamiento Familiar Centro de mujeres Doctor, José Furlin, 773-725-2100 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 11:30 — Baptisms (Spanish) 5:00 PM Anita Mota by Family 7:00 PM Joel Verdugo by Family SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 7:00 — Hortencia Silva by Family 8:30 — Sister Jean Michael Rafferty 10:00 — People of Saint Genevieve Church Ida Wojcicki by Frances Kaleta 12:00 PM Miguel Silva by Family 7:00 PM Saturnino Pule by Family Page Ten Sunday, November 9, 9AM-11AM School Hall 4854 W. Montana This is a Marriage Workshop offered by the Marriage Encounter group at St. Genevieve Church. This workshop has proven to help couples in their relationship with each other and with their children. We also have a day care available for your kids. Some of the topics discussed at our meetings are: communication between husband and wife, we offer solutions for conflicts and problems within the family and we talk about discipline and love for our children. We also have a group for the children of the couples who assist the workshops and want their adolescent children to participate. They must be 12 years or older to participate. The topics for them are: how to improve communication with their parents, self-esteem, addictions and their relationships with others. For more information, please call, Abigail or Ruben Olivarez at 708-716-0349. October 19, 2014 All the men & women serving in the Armed forces of our union, especially: Recemos por todos los hombres y mujeres en las fuerzas armadas de esta union, especialmente por: Paulo Amparo, Sgt. Renato Amparo, Jose Alvarez, Carlos Arce Jr., Sherwin Bolahan, Ulises Corado, Officer Henry Creque, Mayra Creque, Jose De Jesus, Gustavo Delgado, Jeff Eirich, Sgt. Emerald Galindez, Sgt. Everett Galindez, Alex Garcia, Luis Gonzalez, Rafael Gonzalez, Sgt. Christine Kmiecik, David Kmiecik, Victor Lezama, Michael Brian Medina, Freddy Muñoz, Dexter Musgrave, David Nolasco, Luis Ochoa, Richard Pacheco, Marta Pagan, Ector Peña, Eliseo Peralta, Esteban Perez, Ivan Perez, Nelson Rocha, Nelson Rodriguez, Spc. Miryan V. Sarabia, Marco Antonio Soto, Ruben Soto, Heather A. Stiles, Sgt. Hector Valdez, Miguel Valdez and Henry Villacrusisi. Pray for the Sick of our Parish Recemos por los Enfermos de nuestra Parroquia Domingo, 9 de noviembre, de 9-11AM en el Salón de la Escuela 4854 W. Montana El Grupo de Matrimonios de la Parroquia St. Genevieve te ofrece la oportunidad de participar en estos “Talleres de Formación” que te ayudarán a mejorar la relación en pareja y también la relación entre padres e hijos. Algunos temas que se tratan en las reuniones son: Comunicación en el matrimonio, Solución de conflictos y problemas, disciplina y amor para los hijos, etc. También se ofrece una formación para los hijos de los padres de familia mayores de 12 años, para ayudarles con: la comunicación con sus padres, el autoestima, las adicciones y de cómo relacionarse con otras personas, etc. Para más información, comuníquese con Abigail o Rubén Olivarez al 708-716-0349. Raul Pichardo, Lorena Perez, Judith Petrusich, Juan Miguel Esparza, Andrea Solis, David Cerda Villanueva, Veronica Perez, Luz Villalobos, John Terek, Gloria Graffia, Elixir Sarabia, Roberto Rodriguez, Jesus Rodriguez, Maria Arroyo, Sam Forsberg, Lina Kroenke, Janelly Nieves, Lillian Lopez, Magda Marin, Ruben Perez, Ricardo Alvarez, Joe Peck, Daniel Vasquez, Gene Klocek, Ninure Saunders, Leona Drews, Jean Juske, Richard Juske, Jeannette O’Connell, Giovanna Perez, Debbie Dixon, Ashley Jensen, Brian Barth, Richard Wojcicki, Irene Stanko, Mary Zajac, Francis Malecke, Robert Hallas, Evelyn Gruetering, Shirley Crallie, Salvatore Carbonelli, Jose Montoya and Pamela Fricano. NOTE: Please notify the rectory if you would like your name to be removed from the sick list. NOTA: Avísenos a la rectoría si desea remover algún nombre de la lista de enfermos. All Inclusive Burial Packages Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Monuments and Markers Opening Spring 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Section 5400 N. Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60630 An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 773-478-5400 Est. 1902 Llame Hoy Mismo Para Ahorrar Dinero En Sus Polizas de Casa y Auto! 800-566-6150 • Casey Laskowski & Sons Funeral Home 4357 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 773-342-1900 [email protected] Find us on Facebook Family Owned & Operated 4 Large Chapels • Ample Parking 4540-50 W. Diversey 773-777-6300 Pre-Need Plans Suburban Locations Available Mark P. Hanson, State Farm Agent Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 La Voz Hispana Music Lessons Escuela De Musica ACORDEON, SAXOFON, TROMPETA, BATERIA, PIANO, GUITARA, ETC. LVH INCOME TAX SERVICES 20% OFF COUPON PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... For Tax Services $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 2514 N. Laramie Ave, Chicago, IL 60639 CALL TODAY 773-836-9201 Se Habla Español ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Saranecki Bros. CATERING SPECIAL EVENTS HOT BUFFET PICK UP OR DELIVERY 4720 W. Armitage 237-1983 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 773-471-1444 000659 St Genevieve Church Te Estamos Buscando • Trabajos de Fabrica • Ensamblando • Operador de Montacarga • Produccion • Operadores de Maquinas • Empacando Proveemos 3 Turnos / 7 Dias a la Semana / 365 Dias al Ano Llamanos o Visitanos a una de nuestras officinas locales para mas informacion 4700 W. Diversey Ave. Chicago, IL 60639 7209 W. 63rd St. Summit, IL 60501 773-282-7788 708-496-1630 Community Savings Bank 4801 West Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60641 773-685-5300 Deposits Insured by F.D.I.C. Total Service Connection Line - 773-685-3947 Hablamos Español • Mowimy Po Polsku For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Saint Genevieve Catholic Church 4835 W. Altgeld, Street Chicago, IL 60639 Parish Staff REV. SALVADOR DEN HALLEGADO, Pastor/Párroco REV. ORLANDO FLORES, Associate Pastor/Vicario REV. STEPHEN LESNIEWSKI, Resident/Residente FAUSTINO VILLASEÑOR, Deacon/Deacono MARY CORRIGAN, School Principal CARLOS ESPINOZA, Director of Religious Program VANESSA BALDWIN, Business Manager SUZANNE McBRIDE, Music Director Rectory Administration PINA ESPARZA, Office Manager/Bulletin Editor JUAN ESPARZA, Office Secretary SUNDAY MASSES—MISAS DOMINICALES: Saturday 5:00 PM, English; 7:00 PM, Spanish. Sunday 8:30 AM & 10:00 AM, English; 7:00 AM, 12:00 PM & 7:00 PM, Spanish. Sábados 5:00 PM, Inglés; 7:00 PM Español Domingos 8:30 AM y 10:00 AM, Inglés; 7:00 AM, 12:00 PM y 7:00 PM, Español. WEEKDAY MASSES—MISA DIARIA: Monday-Saturday 8:15 AM, English; Lunes a Sábado 8:15 AM, Inglés Monday-Friday 7:00 PM, Spanish; Lunes-Viernes 7:00 PM, Español. HOLY DAY MASSES—MISAS EN DIAS FESTIVOS: Please check Sunday bulletin for Holy Day schedule. Para horarios de misas en Dias de Precepto, consulte el folleto de la parroquia. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION-CONFESIONES: Saturday 4:00-4:50 PM or by appointment Sábados 4:00-4:50 PM; Domingos 11:00-11:50 AM; 6:00-6:50 PM o con cita previa. Llame a la rectoria. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM—BAUTISMOS: English Baptisms: 3rd Saturday Please come to the Rectory to register. Bautismos en Español: 2do. & 4to. Sábado Venga a la oficina a registrarse. RECTORY/RECTORIA: 4835 W. Altgeld St., Chicago, IL 60639 Phone/Teléfono: 773-237-3011. Office Hours: Mon & Tue, 1:00 PM-8:00 PM Wed-Fri, 9:30 AM-8:00 PM (Closed 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM for lunch) Saturday, 9:30 AM-2:00 PM; Sunday: Closed Horario: Lunes y Martes, 1:00 PM-8:00 PM Miercoles-Viernes, 9:30 AM-8:00 PM Cerrado diariamente de 12:00 MD a 1:00 PM Sabados, 9:30 AM-2:00 PM Domingo, Cerrado SCHOOL/ESCUELA: 4854 W. Montana Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 Phone/Teléfono: 773-237-7131. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM/CATECISMO: 4834 W. Montana Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 Phone/Teléfono: 773-637-6086. Office Hours/Horario Tuesday-Friday/Martes a viernes 12noon– 8:00 PM SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE—MATRIMONIOS: Please call the Rectory at least six months in advance. Llame a la rectoría con 6 meses de anticipación. NEW PARISHIONERS/NUEVOS FELIGRESES: We welcome all newcomers to register at the rectory. Les damos la bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses y les pedimos que se registren en la rectoria lo antes posible.
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