415 E EIGHTH ST, NEW ALBANY, IN 47150 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary’s Church of the Annunciation is a parish community bound together by faith in Jesus Christ. We are committed to building God’s kingdom in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. Our vocation by virtue of our sacramental gifts is to minister to one another, evangelize and serve our total community. We dedicate ourselves to loving generosity and to the responsible use of our spiritual and material resources. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM LA MISA EN ESPANOL CADA DOMINGO 12:00 NOON Y 6:00PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 PM Sunday: 9:00 – 9:45AM 11:15– 11:45AM or by appointment SACRAMENTS: BAPTISM, MARRIAGE, ANOINTING & COMMUNION FOR THE SICK (Call the Parish Office) PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION FR. THOMAS MERRILL, OFM CONV., PASTOR Office Hours --Monday – Friday 9:00AM – 3:00PM Rectory/Parish Office Phone Parish Office Fax 944-0417 944-9557 Website: www.stmarysna.org Email: [email protected] THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME † NOVEMBER 16, 2014 St. Mary of the Annunciation † New Albany, Indiana GOD MADE US A FAMILY Stewardship Message…In today’s Gospel, Jesus de- PARISH STAFF REV. THOMAS MERRILL OFM CONV, PASTOR Ruth Houghton, Admin. Assistant Sandra Ignacio, Office Assistant ___________________________________ PASTORAL COUNCIL Chris Morris (Vice-Chair) 948-6267 _____________________________________________ BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please submit articles before noon on Monday. Drop off at Parish Office or email [email protected]. ANUNCIOS PARA EL BOLETINE: Por favor entregar sus anuncios para el boletín mas tardar los Lunes a medio día. Pueden traerlos a la oficina o mandar por correo electrónico a [email protected] ST. MARY’S PRAYERLINE: Prayer requests (petition or thanksgiving), please call Kris Jakoby, 8AM – 8PM, at 502-594-0536 or email [email protected]. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: If a family member is ill, in the hospital, or home-bound short or long term, and wishes to receive communion, please notify the Parish Office (944-0417) and leave information. Definition of an Active Parishioner An active parishioner of St. Mary's Parish is one who: -has completed a parish registration form -participates regularly and actively in the weekend Eucharist -gives time, talent, and treasure through the Parish Stewardship Program. Participation will be measured by: -regular use of the envelope program -participation in the life and activities of the parish -regular participation in the sacramental life of the church Que significa ser miembro de la parroquia? Un miembro activo de la parroquia es alguien que: - ha completado una forma de registro -Participa y es activo cada fin de semana durante la Santa Eucaristiílla. -Da tiempo, talento, y promedio del Programa de apoyo de la Parroquia -Usa los sobres de donaciones regularmente -Participa en la vida y las actividades de la parroquia -Participa en la vida sacramental de la parroquia Para información y para registrarse llamen a la oficina (944-0417) livers the parable of the talents; using the example of money rather than abilities or skills. It’s a story about investments, risks and returns. Stewards understand that God has given them an abundance of spiritual gifts. They know God doesn’t want them to simply receive these blessings and bury them in fear, but to multiply them; to use these gifts to serve Him and others; to spread Christ’s Good News; to go and make disciples of others. Good stewards invest what God has given them in the service of others and are prepared to render an account when the Lord returns. Reflect this week on how you are returning your own God-given gifts back to God with increase. Un memento de Corresponsabilidad...En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús presenta la parábola de los talentos; usando el ejemplo del dinero en lugar de las habilidades o capacidades. Es una historia acerca de inversiones, riesgos e ingresos. Los corresponsables saben que Dios les ha dado una abundancia de dones espirituales. Ellos saben que Dios no quiere que ellos simplemente reciban esos dones y los entierren por temor, sino que los multipliquen; para usar estos dones para servirle a Él y a otros; para expandir las Buenas Nuevas de Cristo; para ir y hacer discípulos a otros. Los buenos corresponsables invierten lo que Dios les ha dado en el servicio de otros y están preparados para rendir cuentas cuando el Señor regrese. Reflexione esta semana sobre cómo está usted devolviendo a Dios con incremento sus propios dones recibidos de Él. OUR SACRIFICIAL GIVING Sunday Collection—November 9 $ # of envelopes used 8,740.99 157 Endowments $ 197.00 St. Vincent De Paul $ 130.00 CATHOLIC CEMETERIES OF NEW ALBANY St. Mary and Holy Trinity Mausoleum at the St. Mary’s Location Contact the Parish Office at 944-0417 for more information. PARISH NEWS RCIA: Father Tom has started the RCIA. If you are still interested you can still register. Classes are being held on Wednesdays at 5:00PM. This is a program for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and those wishing to join the Catholic Church. Adult Catholics who were baptized, but have not received the sacrament of Confirmation are also encouraged to attend. Contact Ruth at the Parish Office for more information (944-0417)or ([email protected]). RICA: Clases de RICA han empezado pero todavía ahí espacio para las personas interesadas. Las Clases son para adultos que necesitan cumplir con los sacramentos o quieren aprender mas de la fe Católica. Clases son Domingos a las 10:00AM. MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The Men’s Bible Study meets Saturday mornings at 8:00AM. All men are invited to join with them in the Sacristy. ESTUDIO BIBLICO: Todos estan invitados a participar en el estudio biblico los Miercoles en la escuela a las 7:00PM. CHOIR: An excellent way to use your time and talent for the lord, here at St. Mary's, would be to join the traditional Choir. We would love to have more voices in our choir to praise the lord at 10:00AM Sunday mornings. We sing on an every other week basis, alternating with the folk group. Christmas is coming, so please call Ruth at the Parish office, and leave your information, or call Jeanne Marie Van Bree at 812-786-6991. Rehearsals are planned to accommodate your schedules. RADA CUTLERY: The Altar Society is taking orders for RADA Cutlery through November 18. RADA carries all types of Knives and kitchen utensils, as well as cookbooks and more. For information or to place an order contact Lisa Mills (981-8207) or (812-7253159). ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING: Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00PM. All Ladies of the Parish are invited to attend the meeting at Trinity Hall. Refreshments will be served. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK November 15—November 23, 2014 Saturday, November 15 4:00PM—†Doug Yarbrough (Birthday) Sunday, November 16 10:00AM— St. Mary’s Parishioners 12:00N—Spanish Mass 6:00PM—Spanish Mass Tuesday, November 18 8:15AM—†Verona Wolfe Wednesday, November 19 8:15AM— Conversion of Wethington Family Thursday, November 20 8:15AM—†Trouy Burke (Anv) Friday, November 21 12:05N—†Elmer Geswein (Anv) Saturday, November 22 4:00PM—St. Mary’s Parishioners Sunday, November 23 10:00AM—†Catherine &William Ernst, SR (W Anv) 12:00N—Spanish Mass 6:00PM—Spanish Mass ______________________________________________________ COMMUNION SERVICES 8:15AM—MON (use ramp entrance) (Rosary at 7:55AM) __________________________________________________________ MEETINGS & SERVICES Sunday, November 16 10:00AM—RICA (Espanol/Spanish) (Adult Ed Room) Monday, November 17 6:30PM—Men’s Club Meeting (Adult Ed Room) Tuesday, November 18 2:30PM—Green Valley Care Center Mass 6:00PM—Altar Society Meeting (Trinity Hall) Wednesday, November 19 1:00PM—Legion of Mary (Conference Room) 5:00PM—RCIA (English/Ingles) (Adult Ed Room) 6:00PM__Guitar Group Music Practice (Church) 6:30PM—CFF Classes/Catecismo (PLC/Escuela) 7:00PM—Edstudio Biblico (Bible STudy)(escuela) Thursday, November 20 7:00PM—Platicas De Bautismo (Baptism talks in Spanish) (Adult Ed room) Saturday, November 22 9:00AM—Men’s Bible Study (Sacristy) 9:00AM—Baptisim Class (English) (Adult Ed Room) 2:00PM—Platicas Martimoniales (Escuela) (Marraige Preperation talks—Adult Ed Room Spanish) Sunday, November 23 10:00AM—RICA (Espanol/Spanish) (Adult Ed Room) 1:00PM—Charla De Salud (Trinity Hall) (Helath Improvement Talk-Spanish) 1:00PM—Armada Blanca (Childrens Rosary)(Iglesia) LITURGICAL MINISTRIES November 22-23, 2014 SERVERS: 4:00PM—Carol Waterhouse, Wanda Case, Elizabeth Scharre 10:00AM—Zoe Ries, Noah Winstead, Natalie Harper READERS: 4:00PM—Lisa Deen, Ernesta Cooper 10:00AM—Brenda Baxter, Shannon Ries, Jan Craig EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: 4:00PM—Martha Ann Mills, Brenda Smith, Debbie Dougherty, David Case 10:00AM—Heidi Weber, Tony Perry, Julie Harper, Sherry Emery, Edna Geswein, Michael Weber, Kevin Cecil GIFTS: 4:00PM— Martin Mills, Martha Ann Mills 10:00AM—Gary Lopp, Vicky Lopp GREETERS: 4:00PM—Ann Sadtler, Brenda Smith 10:00AM—Hilda Carr, Stella Harrington USHERS: 4:00PM—Ana Cherry, Ray Cherry, Victor Cherry, Carol Waterhouse 10:00AM—Jim Emery, Sherry Emery, Gary Lopp, Vicky Lopp, Michael McCabe, Martin Schmelz SACRISTANS: 4:00PM—Connie Perrot 10:00AM—Vicky Lopp, Gary Lopp WELCOME TABLE: 4:00PM—Wanda Case 10:00AM—Sandy Winstead IMPORTANT NOTE: If you cannot attend the Mass for which you are scheduled, it is important that you get a replacement . Thank you for your service to our parish. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS…Thank you to all for taking the time to double check all doors. We are still noticing that the Angel door at the school is being left opened at times. If you let the door close on it’s own it will not latch the lock, you must push it until it locks, so we continue to ask that you double check all doors including the school doors. ATENCIÓN PARROQUIA...Estamos agradecidos con todos por chequear las puertas antes de salir. Todavía notamos que la puerta del la escuela en ocasiones esta abierta. Si dejan que la puerta se cierre sola no se laquea, necesitan empujarla hasta que escuchen que laquea. Por favor les pedimos que sigamos asegurándonos que todas la puertas estén seguras antes de salir. Dear parishioners, Thanks to all of you who made an "in pew" pledge to the United Catholic Appeal this past weekend, and also to those of you who have already directly made a pledge to the appeal. A special thanks to all of you who also helped pass out the envelopes and pencils last weekend. The Catholic Church is truly universal, hence the name "Catholic". It is present throughout the globe, giving assistance to the poor and needy, regardless of race or religion. Over 180,00 needy people were helped by Catholic Charities in central and southern Indiana last year. Even though we do not have our own school, the appeal helps our area Catholic Schools to be able to make Catholic education accessible to everyone, as well as provide training for catechists in parish religious education programs. Our catechists will soon be having such a program. Finally, when we think of all the single mothers with children who would otherwise be homeless right here in New Albany if it were not for Catholic Charities, your contributions benefit those who are most in need right here in our area. Remember, Stewardship is a way of life and a way of thinking. As Saint Paul says: " What you have received, give as a gift. God has blessed us all so much, and we give our best back to Him thought our time talent, and treasure. Thank you and God bless you, Fr. Tom Estimados feligreses, Gracias por su colaboración con la Campaña de Católicos Unidos a través por llenar los sobres con su nombre, apellido, dirección, y la cantidad de dinero que quiere aportar para ayudar la Iglesia en tres dimensiones importantes: Las Escuelas Católicas y Educación y formación de niños, jóvenes , y adultos, apoyo económico para los jóvenes que quieren estudiar para ser sacerdotes y diáconos, y finalmente, para que Caridades Católicas puedan continuar su misión para apoyar a las madres soleteras, mujeres agredidas, los desamparados, y muchas mas necesidades. Gracias en especial a todos los que ayudaron la semana pasada repartir los sobres y lápices. Si acaso no estuvieran presentes la semana pasada para la misa, y ni tuvieron la oportunidad para llenar un sobre, favor decirme o a uno de los servidores. Que Dios les bendiga por su generosidad! Padre Tomás Thirty– third Sunday In Ordinary Time † November 16, 2014 YOUTH MINISTRY More Parish News THEOLOGY ON TAP: Informal gathering for young BULLETIN DEADLINES: Due to the holidays, the company that prints our bulletin has changed the deadlines for our bulletin. Please make a note of the change for bulletin dated Sunday, November 30 all announcements will be due on or before November 20 by noon. Keep an eye out for the deadline changes to come in the month of December. If you have any questions please contact Parish office and speak with Sandra (944-0417 ex 10). adults 22-39 to share and discuss issues of life and faith. Our Fall Series will be It’s All Greek to Me. Tuesday nights at 6:00PM at Fireside Bar & Grill in Sellersburg. For list visit www.nadyouth.org/ Our Ministries/Young Adult/Theology On Tap or [email protected] AQUINAS CENTER RESOURCE SHOWCASE: Attention: Catechists, Teachers, Parents and Group Facilitators…The Aquinas Center will hold a Resource Showcase on November 18, from 3:00-7:00 PM. We have Storybooks, full-length movies and shorter programs, animated films about Mary and about the Saints, music CDs and much more. FAITH, FRIENDS AND FUN: A program for Special Needs Adults, held at the Aquinas Center on November 20, at 7:00PM. Join us for fellowship as we learn about and celebrate Thanksgiving together. For information, contact Christina at 812-246-5044 or by email at [email protected] CATHOLIC STORYTIME: At the Aquinas Center Re- source Library November 19, at 10:00AM and will focus on Giving Thanks. Activities for Children such as stories, DVD programs and prayer, while parents can browse the library, enjoy a cup of coffee. For information contact Christina at 812-246-5044, or email [email protected]. YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MASS: November 16, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mass begins at 6:00PM followed by Tail Gate Party. For Information find flyer at www.nadyouth.org/Our Ministries/High School/ Youth Mass YOUNG ADULTS: (ages 22-39) Join us for a day of service in Campton Ky. November 22. Meet at the CYM offices Contact Marlene [email protected] BREAKFAST WITH SANTA: Our Lady Of Providence Jr.-Sr. High School is sponsoring breakfast with Santa on December 6, from 9:00-10:30AM, including Christmas crafts and pictures with Santa. Call 812-945-3350 for information. DESAYUNO CON SANTA CLOS: La escuela de Our Lady Of Providence en Clarksville, tendrá un desayuno con santa cols para los niños . Dia 6 de Diciembre de las 9:00-10:30AM. Tendrian actividades y fotos con Santa Clos. Para información llamar al 812-945-3350. ANNUNCIOS PARA EL BOLETIN: Durante las siguientes semanas, la compañía que imprime nuestros boletines nos ah puesto nuevas fechas de cuando debemos de entregar nuestros anuncios. Por favor hacer nota de los cambios. Para el boletín del Domingo, Noviembre 30 todos los anuncios deben de ser entregados a la parroquia mas tardar el día 20 de Noviembre a medio día. Les avisaremos de los otros cambios cuando nos acerquemos a las fechas, así es que por favor estén al tentó para asegurarnos que sus anuncios sean anunciados a tiempo. Si tienen preguntas llamen a la oficina y hable con Sandra (944-0417 ex 10). VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED...The Men’s Club still welcoming all the help they can get on November 22, at 9:00AM to clean the heating and cooling vents in the Church. If you would like to help please contact Bill Medlock or call the Parish office to sign up. TODAVIA SE NECESITAN VOLUNTARIOS…El Club de hombres, todavía necesitan voluntarios para ayudarlos a limpiar los registros de calentones de la iglesia el día 22 de Noviembre. Por favor hablar a la oficina para apuntarse. ALTAR SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PARTY: All ladies of the Parish are invited to join in our Christmas celebration on Tuesday December 2, at 6:00PM in Trinity Hall (Cafeteria). The meal will be catered and cost is $12.00 (Pay to St. Mary’s Altar Society, put in collection or drop off at the Parish Office by November 24) There will be an optional $5.00 gift exchange. Join us for good food and fun! If you have any questions or would like information call Parish Office. SAVE THE DATE!!! The Louisville Chorus is coming to St. Mary’s Catholic Church! December 6, 2014 More Information to come!!! St. Mary of the Annunciation † New Albany, Indiana SCRIPTURE AND STUDY THE WORD IN OUR LIVES Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time “Use It or Lose It” When I hear the Gospel reading for this Sunday, I wonder what that third servant was doing all that time, after he buried the talent he was given. Probably nothing. What strikes me is that the word for money in this reading is “talent,” which in our language is an ability or skill. So maybe this parable can remind us to use our abilities and not let them go to waste. It is sad to see someone who is not very good at his job just because he never developed his inborn talents. But if you know what gifts or abilities God gave you, you can develop them to be much more than you expected. A person might be strong and fast, but if she exercises and practices, she could be a great athlete. The same with a spiritual gift. Just having one doesn’t make you a saint. So how do you know what gifts you have? First, ask God in your prayers to show you what gifts you have been given. Find a spiritual director, or even your parish priest, and talk about your life, your strengths and weaknesses. Read about saints and how they used their gifts to serve the Lord. Read the scriptures, especially the Acts of the Apostles or the Letters of Paul (e.g., 1 Corinthians 12:1–11). Listen humbly to friends or loved ones who can tell you what strengths they see in you. Second, look for ways to use your gifts. Check the parish bulletin or website or your diocesan newspaper for activities and organizations that you could take part in. Hospitals, schools, shelters, and nursing homes frequently offer opportunities for volunteers. If one kind of service seems attractive to you, that could be God’s way of telling you to try it. On the other hand, a job that seems very challenging could be what you need to stretch your spiritual muscles. Or you may see a need for some service that you can get started in the parish or community. Just remember that you are called to service by your baptism and confirmation. Don’t bury that calling by procrastinating or being afraid to try. Remember the “useless servant” with the one talent who was fearful and lazy (Matthew 25:25–26). At least he can remind us to use it or lose it. Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY...Durante la época de Jesús un talento representaba una cantidad de dinero extremadamente grande. Sesenta minas eran un talento y una mina equivalía a cien denarios. Hace dos mil años un trabajador promedio en Palestina ganaba un denario diario. Cuando Jesús contó la parábola que escuchamos en el Evangelio de hoy estaba consciente de que su audiencia se daría cuenta de que a cada uno de los siervos se le había confiado una inmensa cantidad de dinero. tienen que ser invertidos. En otras palabras, tienen que ser usados. Cuando se usan ayudan a edificar el Reino de Dios. Traen la paz y el consuelo a los desesperanzados. Traen la buena nueva a los desamparados. Traen alimento y techo a los que no lo tienen. A medida que el año litúrgico va llegando a su fin, esta parábola nos pide evaluar hasta dónde hemos invertido nuestros talentos espirituales. El potencial rendimiento de esa inversión es extraordinario. ¿Cuán extraordinarios son los resultados de nuestra inversión en esos talentos durante este año pasado? Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time —Week of November 16,2014 Theme: Christ calls us to use our gifts for the Reign of God. Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel, the short version Step One: Listen to the Word As you listen once again to this familiar parable, what caught your ear in it today? What image or action from the reading lingers in your memory now? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: Name one talent or gift that God has given you and tell how you have used it. Question for Youth: Name three talents that you have. How can you use these talents in the next week to make someone's life better? Question for Adults: Using Jesus' parable as your starting point, describe in your own words how you are using your own gifts to enrich the reign of God. READINGS FOR THE WEEK November 16-23, 2014 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Thirty-third Sunday In Ordinary Time † November 16, 2014 NEWS FROM ELSEWHERE More Parish News LOOKING FOR A JOB? St. Mary of the Knobs Child Care Ministry is looking for a part-time worker. Call Tracy Jansen, Principal, for details at 812-923-1630. VIGILIA ACTS: 29 de Noviembre a las 7:00PM en la . VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Community Kitchen at 1611 Spring St. in Jeffersonville, needs help once a month on the 4th Tuesday. The shift is from 9:30am1:30pm and any part of that shift would be appreciated. Contact Rick Kopple at 502-751-0527 WORLD COMMUNITY DAY: Church Women United invites women of all traditions of faith to an Ecumenical Service at Holy Family Church, in New Albany on November 22, at 9:30AM. For information call Yvonne Grundy, Local President at 812-949-9424 or Mary McKercher, District Chair 812-948-0297 or Sr. Rose Eichman 812-941-8360. JESSE MANIBUSAN: Join other young adults and Jesse for an evening of music, laughter, and faith! Coffee-house mini-concert sponsored by Young Adults in the Archdiocese of Louisville. November 23, at 7:30. Holy Trinity Youth House, Louisville, Ky For information contact: 502-897-5207. VOLUNTEERS: The Catholic Youth Ministries Office is in need of anyone that would like to volunteer a few hours a week to help with light office duties such as filing, mailings, and assorted odd jobs. If you would be interested in helping, please contact [email protected] or call 923-8355. SERVICE HOURS: Available at Mt St Francis! Get service credit by helping out the friars with a couple of projects. Call 812-923-8817 for more information and to schedule your hours. A DAY OF REFELCTION: Single ladies (ages 14-35) day of reflection with Fr. Matthew Hardesty. November 22, 8:00AM-7:00PM at Our Lady, Queen of the Fiat convent in Simpsonville, KY. For information call 526-1642 or visit wwww.sistersofthefiat.org. Cost is $10.00 that includes lunch & dinner. THE SISTERS OF ST. BENEDICT OF FERDINAND: are offering a program “Eucharist: Called, Nourished, and Sent,” December 6, at 9:30AM at Kordes Center in Ferdinand, Indiana. Presented by Sister Anita Louise Lowe, Registration due December 3. For information and cost, call 800-880-2777, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, or visit www.thedome.org/programs. Iglesia. Tendremos cantos y alabanzas al señor, testimonios y mas. También después tendremos un convivió en la cafetería. Todos son invitados. Para mas información contacten la oficina y hablen con Sandra. ACTS VIGIL: November 29 at 7:00PM in Church. There will be praising and singing to our lord, hearing testaments from our brothers and sisters that have accepted the lord into their hearts and lives. Everyone is invited to come. We will also have a small gathering in Trinity Hall afterwards. This will be in Spanish but we would love to have anyone interested to come join us! For information you may contact Sandra in the Parish office. MARIBEL PARROQUIN: El 5 de Diciembre, después de la misa de Hora Santa, El Equipo del CORE de ACTS ah invitado a Maribel Parroquin para que este con nosotros para hablar y enseñarnos de las maravillas de nuestra Madre María. Ella viene desde México, y estará con nosotros el día 5 y 6. El Día 6 de Diciembre tendrá un evento con los jóvenes, y por la noche tendrá un tema para la familia y matrimonios en la Iglesia de St. Rita en Louisville, KY. Este evento es gratis. Para información llamen a la Parroquia y hablen con Sandra. PLATICAS MATRIMONIALES: Para todas las parejas que están interesados en prepararse para tener un sacramento mas que DIOS nos dejo el día 22 de Noviembre habrá platicas matrimoniales en la escuela a las 2:00PM. Para mas información pueden hablar con la Señora María Elena y su esposo Manuel o también hablar a la parroquia y hablar con Sandra. Spirit of the Season Get ready, St. Mary's Parish again will be participating in the Giving Tree Program set up by HOPE Southern Indiana for Christmas. More information to come! Espíritu de la Temporada Prepárarense, La Parroquia de Santa María de nuevo va a participar en el programa The Giving Tree establecido por HOPE sur de Indiana para la Navidad . Más información por venir! NEW ALBANY AUTO PARTS & MACHINE SHOP 2401 Charlestown Rd. Parts 944-8569 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. LAWYER & CPA Guardianships, Wills & Trusts Jerry L. McCullum HEATING & COOLING LAW OFFICE 3584 SCOTTSVILLE RD Across From Hospital at 1811 State Street New Albany, IN 47150 Shop FLOYDS KNOBS, IN 47119 944-5597 (812) 923-9893 Larry Book tel 812-945-9225 New Albany Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaning “When You Look Good You Feel Good” Certified Garment Care Professional Todd Sillings / Parishioner 945-5519 Corner of State & West St. Jesus A to Z Our Primary Goal is to Provide You Quality Care in a Pleasant Environment Don Forsee, D.D.S. 207 Sparks Ave., Suite 002 • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-282-8467 • Fax 812-282-3067 A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a Vince Hopper glossary of questions to help adults pass on Real Estate Broker their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover (812) 734-6048 $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com [email protected] 206-7451 Auto • Home • Business New Albany, IN 47151-0937 SOUTHERN INDIANA ORAL MEXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS www.KochertInsurance.com (812) 945-0818 37 East 5th Street P.O. Box 937 WOLF GLASS “Satisfied Customer For Over 70 Years” Auto Glass Insulated Glass 308 E. Market New Albany Mirrors/Bevel Shower Enclosures 724 Spring St. Jeffersonville PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB FIDELITY ROOFING CO. Commercial• Industrial • Residential TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Top Quality Roofing Since 1925 H. David Hock - Owner 2046 MCDONALD AVE 944-1774 *First Three Months Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Florist SINCE 1919 New Albany & Sellersburg Orwick Monument Co., Inc. Family Owned Since 1948 Corydon 3255 Hwy 135 NW 800-819-1048 Jeffersonville 2421 Hamburg Pike 578600 St Mary Church www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Owned and Operated by the Boggs Family Since 1969 282-1920 St. Augustine Parishioners FREE Coffee and Cookies! Spring Valley Funeral & Cremation proporciona servicios de funeral para cremación muy económicos. Los precios empiezan a 995.00 dolares. También proporciona servicios tradicionales para entierro por un precio bajo de 5,250.00 dolares. Esto no incluye los costos por un sección de necrológicas ni el cementerio ni el certificado de defunción. Viste nuestra facilidad hermosa hoy y conozca nuestros empleados Mark Wood, Dr. Leslie Knable, Stefanie House, y Gen Gogel. 1217 E. Spring St. 812-941-8477 www.springvalleyfuneral.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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