Welcome to Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church All Souls’ Day Todos los Fieles Difuntos Recuerde sus personas amadas Mass Schedule Horario de las Misas Weekends / Fines de Semana Saturday Vigil—4 PM Sunday—8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon (Spanish), 6 PM Weekdays/Días de Semana Monday through Friday 9 AM Holy Days / Días Santos Holy Day Vigil—5 PM; Holy Day—9 AM, 7 PM Reconciliation (Confession) – Saturdays from 3—3:45 and 5:15PM, Tuesdays and Fridays after morning Mass CCW Retreat Day page 7 Whole Community Event page 4 Fifty-Five & Up page 4 Festival Items page 5 Youth News page 5 Florida Catholic page 6 Servants of Mary page 7 Annual Financial Report page 8 Question of the Week page 12 All Sundays of the year and Holy Days are days of Eucharistic celebration for Catholic Christians (Holy Days of Obligation). Todos los domingos del año y los Días Santos son días de celebración eucarística para todos los Católicos Cristianos (Días de Obligación). Office Hours Horas de Oficina: Monday - Friday 9 AM to 5 PM Lunes - Viernes 9 AM a 5 PM 300 Malabar Road SE , Palm Bay, FL 32907 Phone: 321-725-3066 www.ourladyofgracechurch.com Father Emmanuel Akalue, Pastor Father Aland Jean, Parochial Vicar Father Tom Shea, C.S.C., Religious Priest 2 November 2, 2014 PARISH TEAM/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Father Emmanuel Akalue Father Aland Jean Father Tom Shea, C.S.C William Wanca, Sr. Kevin Crawford Alberto Gutierrez Jack Rhine Vanessa Espinoza-Jara Tracy Flavell Pastor Parochial Vicar Religious Priest Deacon/Pastoral Assistant Deacon Deacon Deacon Assistant Director of Music Office Manager Timothy Jacques Maintenance & Custodial Worker Lynda Parks Receptionist Elizabeth Rivera Director of Music Maria Sierra Youth Minister Jeff Stephen Custodian Parker Ward Receptionist Theresa LeVaugh Wood Pastoral Minister We are here to serve you / Estamos aquí para servirles Week at a Glance Un Vistazo a la Semana Sunday, November 2 9:00 AM K of C Open House Noon Children’s Church 1:30 PM Ultreya 5:00 PM Spanish AA Group 7:00 PM AA 7:00 PM Alateen 7:00 PM Al-A-Non 7:30 PM Youth Group—9—12 Monday, November 3 1:30 PM Centering Prayer 6:00 PM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Spanish Charismatic Prayer 7:00 PM K of C Meeting 7:00 PM K of C Auxiliary Meeting Tuesday, November 4 Voting Precinct—No MEETINGS Remember to vote No olvide votar el martes 4 de noviembre Recuerde: No habrá REUNIONES aquí. Wednesday, November 5 10:00 AM Fr. Emmanuel’s Bible Study 10:00 AM Watercolor & Painting 1:00 PM Vocation Committee Meeting 4:00 PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal 5:15 PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal 5:30 PM Whole Community Stewardship Event 6:15 PM Faith Formation—K—8 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal for 10 AM Mass Thursday, November 6 10:00 AM Adoration 10:00 AM Overeaters Anonymous 7:00 PM Men’s Overeaters Anonymous 7:00 PM Baptismal Catechumenate 7:00 PM Girl Scouts Friday, November 7 10:00 AM Adoration 11:30 AM Loaves & Fishes 7:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Spanish AA Meeting Saturday, November 8 9:00 AM Ministry to the Sick Meeting 10:00 AM OSSM 5:30 PM Veteran’s Dinner Mission Statement / Declaración de Misión We, the Catholic Community of Our Lady of Grace, are called by God to model Christ by evangelizing and catechizing all to the Reign of God. We are giŌed by the Holy Spirit, strengthened by the sacraments, and moved to foster parƟcipatory and beauƟful liturgy. With a loving embrace that encourages reconciliaƟon and healing, we hold close all God’s creaƟon. We are the presence of God, the hearts, voices and hands of Jesus Christ, whose work we conƟnue as He works with us. Nosotros, la comunidad católica de Our Lady of Grace, somos llamados por Dios para modelar a Cristo mediante la evangelización y catequización de todos al Reino de Dios. Estamos dotados por el Espíritu Santo fortalecidos por los sacramentos y movidos a promover una liturgia hermosa de la cual todos participemos. Con un abrazo amoroso que nos lleva a la reconciliación y sanación, mantenemos cercana toda la creación de Dios. Somos la presencia de Dios, los corazones, voces y manos de Jesucristo, cuyo trabajo continuamos mientras Él continua el suyo en nosotros. 3 November 2, 2014 Please remember the following people’s intentions as we gather for Eucharist: "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven … Al acercarnos a la Eucaristía, recuerden por favor las intenciones de las siguientes personas: “Hay bajo el sol un momento para todo y un tiempo para hacer cada cosa …” Saturday, Nov. 1 4:00 PM (B) Patrice Belotte by the Belotte Family †Holger Emmanuel Pedersen, Family, & Friends †the Rendina Family by Maria Moscardino Sunday, Nov. 2 8:00 AM Mass for All Souls by Patti Taylor †Margaret Woehrle by Ed Woehrle †Don Leeds by James & Nicole McCandless †Brigitte Gaujean by Nicole McCandless 10:00 AM †Deceased Members of the Belotte Family †Agnes Uyen Nguyen by her Mom †Sybil Peters Saundeis by Aldwin & Daphne Brown and Alison Cunningham †Jean Claude Calixte by Micheline Calixte 12:00 PM †Frank Rivera by Gladys Silva Deceased Friends of Maria Moscardino 6:00 PM Mass for the People of Our Lady of Grace Monday, Nov. 3 9:00 AM (RH) Carmen Chungafung by Alexia Hope Tuesday, Nov. 4 9:00 AM †Vera DeLucas by Don DeLucas Jr. †Suzette Larsen by her Family Wednesday, Nov.5 9:00 AM †Jorge Montaro by Anita Montaro Thursday, Nov. 6 9:00 AM Friday, Nov. 7 9:00 AM †Holger Emmanuel Pedersen, Family, & Friends Saturday, Nov. 8 4:00 PM †Moss & Keim Families †Dorothy Parks by Lynda & Harry Parks †Kathleen R. Kearney by the Kearney Family Sunday, Nov. 9 8:00 AM †Agnes Samuel by Veronica Samuel †Agnes Uyen Nguyen by her Mom †Jean Payer by her Family †Antonio De La Rosa by the De La Rosas 10:00 AM †Marc Laly & Duchamel Lundi by Gladys Dupont †Odettte Sylvester by Gladys Dupont †Deceased Members of the Charles Family by Marie Claire Charles 12:00 PM Mass for the People of Our Lady of Grace 6:00 PM Tabernacle Candle All Souls in Purgatory by the Belotte Family †Gertrude Deshong by Marie Claire Charles (I) Frank & Grace De La Rosa a For our community members Por los miembros de nuestra comunidad time to heal ….un tiempo para sanar James Callis, Linda McLachlin, Jessica McDuffy, Nicholas, McDuffy, Jack Rhine, Tim Wheatley, Trey Crowley, Jean Katz, Bill & Rhonda Wanca, Donna Viggiano, Giselle Gonzalez a time to die… un tiempo para morir Francisco Senorans, Diane Curran, Rosa Sanchez, KaylaHemby, Rosa Sanchez, Lorenzo Hernandez For those in the military services … Spc. Michael Doyle, Jr., Captain Gerrid Gall, Juspo Melendez, Melanie Lopez, Christian Cardona, Eric Miranda, MSG Jacob Kasarda, Captain Frank Leroy Adams, Peter Tran Please pray for all those listed on our Prayer IMPORTANT Hospital Information: If you are going to the hospital, please speak to the receptionist at the church and let them know when you will be admitted and what hospital you are going to. It would also be very helpful if we knew your room number. Federal Privacy Regulation – HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), prohibits all hospitals from informing churches of a patient’s presence unless the patient gives permission for the hospital to do so. IMPORTANTE: Si vas a estar hospitalizado, notifica en la oficina de nuestra iglesia , en qué hospital vas a estar. Ayudaría además, que posteriormente nos indiques el número de la habitación. La Regulación Federal de la Privacidad – HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), prohíbe a los hospitales dar información de pacientes ,a menos que el paciente lo autorize. Mass Intention Codes: (TG) Thanksgiving (I) Special Intention (W) Wedding Anniversary (RH) Recovery & Healing (B) Birthday † Deceased 4 November 2, 2014 Whole Community Event on Stewardship Let us be thankful for all we have Wednesday, November 5 5:30 PM—lite dinner 6:30 PM—event begins Everyone is invited to come explore what gifts you have to share with others. Come meet other parishioners. Eat, be creative, have fun! Evento de la comunidad en Mayordomía Seamos agradecidos por todo lo que poseemos Miércoles 5 de noviembre 5:30 PM—cena liviana 6:30 PM—comienza la actividad Todos son invitados a venir a explorar los dones que tiene para compartir con los demás. Venga a conocer a otros parroquianos. ¡Aliméntese, sea creativo, diviértase! 55 & UP MINISTRY MONTHLY MEETING All members are invited to our Annual Thanksgiving luncheon and monthly meeting on Thursday, November 13, 2014 in the Servite Community Center. This month we would be entertained by The New Horizon band, which is a full orchestra. The band members are retirees; they hold concerts in Communities performing in many different settings and for large audiences. Please join us to listen and enjoy a group of seniors with their best in music. For the luncheon, please bring a dish that would compliment turkey and ham, which will be provided. Todos los miembros están invitados a nuestro almuerzo anual de Acción de Gracias, el jueves 13 de noviembre 2014, en el Centro Comunitario Servita. Este mes, el entretenimiento estará a cargo de la banda “New Horizon”, la cual es una orquesta completa. Sus miembros son personas retiradas, que ofrecen conciertos en Comunidades, para diferentes ocasiones y para audiencias grandes. Únase a nosotros y disfrute a este grupo brindarnos lo mejor de su música. Para el almuerzo traiga por favor un platillo para acompañar el pavo y el jamón que serán provistos. 5 November 2, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank the Our Lady of Grace community for their help in making the Penny Social 2014 a success. Not only was it a lot of fun, the profit was over $4000. The money from the Penny Social will go a long way in helping us to serve the needs of the community. Many of you helped to make our effort successful, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. God bless you all. Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Our Lady of Grace Conference La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl quiere agradecer a la comunidad de Our Lady of Grace por el éxito logrado en el “Penny Social 2014”. No solamente fue una gran diversión, también hubo ganacias de sobre $4,000. Dichos fondos serán utilizados para ayudarnos a servir las necesidades de la comunidad. Muchos de ustedes cooperaron para que nuestro esfuerzo fuera exitoso, y se lo agradecemos de corazón. Dios les bendiga. Conferencia Our Lady of Grace, de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. Thanksgiving Dinner served here at Our Lady of Grace Thursday, November 27 11:30 AM—1:00 PM All are Welcome! Come share a meal and appreciate all we are thankful for. There will be no Loaves & Fishes on Friday, November 28 Se servirá Cena de Acción de Gracias aquí en Our Lady of Grace jueves, 27 de noviembre 11:30 AM—1:00 PM ¡Todos están invitados! Ven y comparte un alimento y aprecia los motivos de nuestro agradecimiento No Habrá “Loaves and Fishes” el viernes 28 de noviembre We need your assistance. We have a beautiful flag ceremony on Sunday, February 1 as part of the Heritage Mass and parade, but we need someone to coordinate this process. We also need someone to coordinate the book & DVD booth this year. Please call Tracy if you are interested in helping. Necesitamos su ayuda. El domingo 1 de febrero tendremos una hermosa ceremonia de banderas, parte de la Misa de la Herencia y de la parada, pero necesitamos una persona que coordine el proceso. Además este año se necesita un coordinador para el puesto de libros & DVD. Llame a Tracy si está interesado. Honoring all Veterans—All Veterans and families are invited to 4:00 PM Mass with dinner following on Saturday, November 8. Please RSVP to Tim at the church office—725-3066. Honrando a todos los Veteranos – Todos los veteranos y sus familias están invitados el sábado 8 de noviembre a la Misa de 4:00PM, seguido de una cena. Favor de confirmar su asistencia con Tim, en la oficina – 725-3066 Church Flowers A donation was made to the church flowers this weekend in memory of James Anderson by Deborah Anderson. Flores de la Iglesia Se recibió un donativo para las flores de la Iglesia de este fin de semana, en memoria de James Anderson y Deborah Anderson. 6 November 2, 2014 Subscribe today to the Florida Catholic! Stay updated with Diocesan events. The Florida Catholic’s Subscription Appeal is November 8-9. If you have already returned your subscription we thank you. Our parish is assessed a certain amount each year for the paper, so any subscriptions we get help defray this cost. Sign up today!! ¡Subscríbase hoy al “Florida Catholic”! Manéngase informado de los eventos Diocesanos Del “Florida Catholic” el Llamado a la Subscripción será el 8 y9 de noviembre. Si ya ha entregado su subscripción, se lo agradecemos. Nuestra parroquia es responsable de cierta cantidad de periódicos cada año, así que todas las subscripciones que logremos ayudará a disminuír este gasto. Get your 2015 Sunday Missal! Available at our Grace Gift Shop Come and Visit us! Adquiera su Misal Dominical 2015 Y Evangelio y Vida 2015 Ministry to the Sick Reminder Our final quarterly meeting of the year for the Ministers to the Sick will be held Saturday, November 8th in the quad room at 9:00am. New MTS handbooks for 2015 will be available for $5.00. It is a special meeting as Dee Wolfried from Trans Life organ & tissue donation services will be our speaker. Any parishioner interested in this program is invited to attend. Disponibles en nuestro Grace Gift Shop Theme for “In Appreciation of…” Tema para “En agradecimiento…” November 2— all those that have gone before us. 2 de noviembre—todos los que partieron antes que nosotros Recordatorio del Ministerio de los Enfermos Nuestra reunión final trimestral del año de los Ministros de los Enfermos se llevará a cabo el sábado 8 de noviembre a las 9:00 Am, en el “quad room”. El nuevo manual MTS para el 2015 está disponible a $5.00. Está será una reunión especial, ya que se dirigirá a nosotros Dee Wolfried, de Trans Life, servicios de donación de órganos y tejidos. Cualquier feligrés interesado en este programa es bienvenido. 7 November 2, 2014 COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN IS HONORED TO HOST God's Vineyard - Seasons of Our Lives For all women of the parish A Seminar presented by the ODCCW “Personal Development Team” at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Servite Community Center Hall 300 Malabar Rd. SE Palm Bay, FL 32907 November 15, 2014 Registration begins at 8:30 AM Presentation: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM “You are invited to join us as we journey through Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall with the Master Gardener. This all-inspiring path through the circle of life in God’s Vineyard will be a memorable experience.” Registration fee: $10.00 includes: Continental breakfast, lunch and material Reservation deadline: November 7, 2014 Registration Forms: Narthex and Church Office EL CONSEJO DE MUJERES CATÓLICAS SE HONRA EN AUSPICIAR LA VIÑA DEL SEÑOR – ESTACIONES DE NUESTRAS VIDAS Un Seminario presentado por el “Equipo de Desarrollo Personal” del Consejo de Mujeres Católicas de la Diócesis de Orlando, En la Iglesia Católica Our Lady of Grace, Centro Comunitario Servita Calle Malabar #300, SE Palm Bay, FL 32907 15 de noviembre , 2014 Registro comienza a las 8:30 AM Presentación: 9:00 AM a 3:00 PM “Le invitamos a unirse a nuestro viaje a través del Invierno, Primavera, Verano y Otoño con el Maestro Jardinero. Este trayecto, totalmente inspirador a través del círculo de la vida en la Viña del Señor, será una experiencia inolvidable." Cuota Registro: $10.00, que incluye: Desayuno continental, almuerzo y materiales Fecha Límite para Reservación: 7 de noviembre, 2014 Formas de Inscripción: Atrio y Oficina Parroquial Come celebrate the Servants of Mary All Souls Day hosted by the Secular Order on Monday, November 17, at 7 PM. There will be a prayer service in the church to honor the friars who founded our parish and the deceased members of the secular order. All are welcome. Ven a celebrar el Día de los Difuntos de los Siervos de María, auspiciado por la Orden Seglar, el lunes 17 de noviembre a las 7 p.m. Habrá un servicio de oración en la Iglesia para honrar a los frailes que fundaron nuestra parroquia y a los miembros difuntos de la Orden Seglar. Están todos invitados. 8 November 2, 2014 Annual Financial Report July 2013 – June 2014 Dear Parishioners, May the peace and love reign in our hearts always. I thank God for the gradual economic recovery. I pray that each family of our parish will experience progress, so that you will conƟnue to share your blessings with our beloved parish for our ministries, liturgy, evangelizaƟon, building projects, and charity. This report provides you with the feedback on how your generosity in the last fiscal year was judiciously uƟlized for the work of faith, hope and love. May God conƟnue to bless and prosper you and your family which will lead you to a greater commitment to his mission. Amen. Respecƞully, Fr. Emmanuel Akalue Revenue $772,578.00 Through our offertory collections we were able to reseal the driveways and parking spots, build a ramp and votive candle stand in the church, purchase a new sound board and bell system, improve some of our lights with more energy efficient bulbs and have an Appreciation Dinner. The largest accomplishment was reducing the building debt. In the near future we will need to replace the church AC units, the roof on our Servite Building, repaint the entire campus buildings and upgrade to a new phone system, so please continue to tithe to Our Lady of Grace. Time, Talent and Treasure is how we accomplish all things through God. Expenditure $742,366.00 9 November 2, 2014 Worship Building Debt Reduction Balance 7/1/2013 Paid to principal Transfer from checking Heritage Festival Revenue Alive in Christ Balance 6/30/2014 $499,467 $ 63,625 $ 25,000 $ 24,000 $ 39,020 $347,822 Interest paid $ 21,330 Average Weekend Attendance at Masses—1,300 people Average Daily Mass Attendance—40 people Faith Formation Faith Formation for Children (K-8) - 135 Faith Formation for Youth (9-12) - 58 Vacation Bible School—102 Evangelization We continue to be prudent on reducing this debt and we thank you for your continued Baptisms—58 First Communions—35 Confirmations—19 Holy Matrimony—4 Catechumenate—6 Parish Community Our Catholic Appeal Assessment for 2013 was $105,348 and the paid pledges amounted to $115,055, which left an excess of $9,707 which was deposited into our savings to cover the loss from the previous year. The Catholic Appeal Assessment for 2014 is $95,421. We are currently on track to fulfill that assessment with hopefully even some surplus. We are very grateful to you for your continued commitment to Our Catholic Appeal. Registered Families—1,115 Stewardship • • Active Ministries—35 Loaves & Fishes ministry serves lunch to about 220 people every Friday • SVDP serves approximately 554 families per month We celebrated our 14th Annual Heritage Festival in February 2014. This continues to be our biggest fundraiser and a GREAT way to bring our ethnic community together where we do celebrate our diversity. If you have questions about the church finances, please contact Fr. Emmanuel Akalue or Tracy Flavell at the Church Office. You may also contact one of the finance committee members listed below. We will be more than happy to answer your questions. Finance Committee Members Rosivette Rodriguez, Chair; Don Carothers; Vivian Cleary, JoEllen Dessert, Karen Foley, Coral Perez 10 November 2, 2014 11 November 2, 2014 12 November 2, 2014 WEEKLY STEWARSHIP GUIDE / GUIA DE MAYORDOMIA SEMANAL Total Yearly Income Ingreso Anual Total 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% $10,000 $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 $20,000 $20.00 $24.00 $28.00 $32.00 $36.00 $40.00 $30,000 $30.00 $36.00 $42.00 $48.00 $54.00 $60.00 $40,000 $40.00 $48.00 $56.00 $64.00 $72.00 $80.00 $50,000 $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 $80.00 $90.00 $100.00 $60,000 $60.00 $72.00 $84.00 $96.00 $108.00 $120.00 Share the Question of the Week with your family or within your ministry. $12,000-GOAL / Meta $10,750 Comparte la pregunta de la semana con tu familia o en tu ministerio. Offertory Contributions Contribuciones Semanales De Ofertorio October 26, 2014 / 26 de octubre de 2014 Offertory/Ofertorio $10,750 Whom do you know who has entered eternal life? What lasting gifts did that person bring to you? ¿A quién conoce que haya pasado a la vida eterna? ¿Qué regalos duraderos esa persona le dejó? Loose Cash/Efectivo Envelopes/Sobres # of Envelopes Used / #Sobres usados Diocese Seminarian Collection $ 1,814 $ 8,936 350 $900.99 Monthly Building Debt Reduction Report Informe de Deuda Mensual del Edificio Interest paid 10/16/14 $ 1,307 Principal paid 10/16/14 $ 9,000 Debt Reduction Monthly Goal Meta Mensual para reducir la deuda …..$ 10,000 Building Debt as of 10/16/14 Deuda del edificio al 16/10/14 ………… $323,723
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