Saint Anne Catholic Church 106 11th. Ave. N.E., Ruskin, FL 33570 Parish Office and Faith Formation ℡ 813-645-1714 813-645-5570 MASS SCHEDULE Week-end Masses Sunday Vigil: Sat. 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. (Español) 5:00 p.m. Week-day Masses Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. (Rosary 7:25 a.m.) Thursday: 7:00 p.m. (Español) Healing Mass First Wednesday 8:00 a.m. First Saturday Mass: 10:00 a.m. followed by Rosary and Reconciliation RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:15 p.m. Thursday: 6:15 p.m. or by appointment ADORATION Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00 a.m. to noon PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Closed 12 - 1 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. - Noon Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Noon Contact Parish Office for: • Sick or Homebound Visits • Baptisms • Marriages (6 months prior to desired Wedding date) • Annulments • Convalidations November 2, 2014 From the Pastor PARISH STAFF Pastor Very Rev. John F. McEvoy, V.F [email protected] Assisting Priests Msgr. Antonio Diez Today we, the Church, celebrate the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) and all during the month of November we are called to remember our brothers and sisters who have gone to their rest. In the book of Maccabees we reflect on Judas, the ruler of Israel, who acted in a very excellent and noble way in praying for his dead soldiers, as he had the resurrection of the dead in view. It was a holy and pious thought. “Thus, he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from … sin.” Deacons Ed Smith, Deacon Coordinator Dale Bacik Patrick Frye James Maubach Based on this practice, the Church Catechism teaches, “All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; after death, they undergo purification so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of Heaven (1030).” The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect. Office Administrator Patti Marzilli Rooted in ancient Christian tradition, this feast dates back to the 10th Century. In 1915, Pope Benedict XV granted the privilege of celebrating three Masses today for the following: one Mass for a particular intention, one for all the faithful departed and a third for the pope’s intentions. [email protected] Bookkeeper Diana Coker [email protected] Administrative Support Erica Brezina [email protected] Sharon Hinkebein [email protected] Regina Poirier Faith Formation Cindy Cyman, Coordinator [email protected] Michelle Melendez Siobhan Timp, CYM [email protected] Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator Linda Parkansky [email protected] Masses this weekend are for the faithful departed. The 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass is a special Eucharistic celebration in which we remember all the parishioners of Saint Anne Parish who died during the last year. There is a special booklet printed for us to remember them. In front of the altar there is a book of the dead listing all the departed of Saint Anne Parish going back to 1956, the year the Parish was established. Also listed in this book will be the names of the faithful for whom you requested on your envelopes to be prayed for in November. At the entrance of the church is another book for you to write in the names of family members or friends who have traveled life’s journey with you. At all Masses in November these will be remembered until the Feast of Thanksgiving. The Feast of All Souls’ Day is an opportunity for the Parish to thank the members of the Bereavement Ministry, who help our parishioners cope with the loss of their family members. It is a Spiritual Work of Mercy to pray for the living and the dead. The Bereavement Ministry consists of four main ministries: the Lazarus Society, which prays at all funeral Masses in the Parish; the Resurrection Choir, which sings at all funerals with Wayne, our organist; the Liturgical group, which helps in preparation of the funeral service, preparing the Church and helping in other various liturgical functions; and the Martha Society, which helps prepare receptions in Saint Joachim Hall after the funeral Mass. Music Department Wayne T. Warren, Director Plant Manager Orasio Ramon Plant Assistants Joshua Carmona Marty Derosier Maria Galarza Eternal Rest Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May This weekend, the souls of the faithful departed, daylight through the mercy of God, rest in savings Ɵme peace. Amen. ends. Remember to Yours in Christ, set your clocks Father John back one hour St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 Page 2 MEETINGS/EVENTS SATURDAY 1 SUNDAY 2 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. MONDAY 3 TUESDAY 4 WEDNESDAY 5 THURSDAY 6 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. FRIDAY 7 SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY 9 Grief Recovery (FFC 5) English Class (FFC 9) AA (FFC 10, 11) Adult RCIA (CR) Elem FF & Mass (FFA, FFC, CH) MS/HS Mass & FF (CH, FFA) Mass & RCIA for Children/Teens (CH, FFC) Cub Scouts (SJH) Boy Scouts (FFC 4, 5) Marian Lecture (FFC 10,11) Children’s Choir PracƟce (CH) KOC MeeƟng (FFC 10, 11) AA (SJH) Spanish Kateri Group (FFC 4, 5) Adult Choir PracƟce (CH) 1st Communion Prep (SJH) Parish Nurses (FFA 1) Adult RCIA (FFC 4, 5 ) Spanish RCIA (FFC 6) MDS (FFC 7) Al-Anon (FFC 8, 9) AA (FFC 10, 11) Bible4Tots (FFC 1) Bingo (SJH) English BapƟsm Class (FFC 10) NA (FFC 4, 5) NaƟonal Men Make Dinner Day 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. >>>>>> >>>>>> 8:20 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Grief Recovery (FFC 5) Spanish BapƟsm Class (FFC 4, 5) English Class (FFC 9) AA (FFC 10, 11) Egg Rolls Sale (GZ) Blood Pressure Clinic (SJH) Adult RCIA (CR) Elem FF & Mass (FFA, FFC, CH) MS/HS Mass & FF (CH, FFA) Mass & RCIA for Children/Teens (CH, FFC) CH-Church, CY-Courtyard, SJH-St. Joachim Hall, GZ-Gazebo, FFA-Faith FormaƟon Annex, FFC-Faith FormaƟon Center, CR-Conference Rm MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, November 1 10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 Benefactors of the Parish John M. Horvath JusƟna Horvath Sunday, November 2 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. All deceased listed in the All Souls’ Booklet Rose & John Smith & Angie Noto Antonia Oguendo Bonet All listed in the All Souls’ Booklet Roslyn Carter Her Daughter Monday, November 3 8:00 a.m. Zdenka Gast Marie Belote Tuesday, November 4 8:00 a.m. Stanislawa & Jerzy Gnoinski Danecki Family Wednesday, November 5 8:00 a.m. Claire Hoerl Fred Hoerl Thursday, November 6 8:00 a.m. Father John and all priests of the Deanery 7:00 p.m. Alicia Maria Romero Carmelite Parishioners Raymond & Alicia Gonzalez Friday, November 7 8:00 a.m. Clifford Ames Cora Ames Saturday, November 8 4:30 p.m. Dorothy Webster Claude & Beverly Webster Sunday, November 9 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. This week’s altar flowers are donated in loving memory of Patrick McEvoy, Patricia McEvoy, Rhea Baker, and David Baker. BY Sue Hunt John Samson People of the Parish Paulina & Demeter Simek Tom & Diane Mizerek Sharon Teufel Knoblich Family Grief Recovery Meetings For those who have lost a Loved One Saturday Mornings at 10 AM in FFC 4 Contact Anne McGuire at 813-633-8638 or the Parish Office to participate. Page 3 Let us pray for those listed and their caregivers EUCHARISTIC ADORATION WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS AFTER 8:00 A.M. MASS. HEALING MASS 8:00 A.M. MASS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 ALL SAINTS’ DAY, SAT., NOV 1 First Saturday Mass at 10 AM Sunday Vigil Mass at 4:30 PM NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year ALL SOULS’ DAY, SUN., NOV. 2 Usual Sunday Mass Schedule Liturgy for members of St. Anne who died this past year. Cora Ames Jen Bacik Mary Barry Bonnie Carroll Antonio Castillo Clyde Childers Diana Coker Carl Combs Livia Combs Alfredo Cortez William Doran Kristen Drago John Duperer Susan Ellsasser Carrie Evans Diana Fenwell Catherine Gander Georgie Galusha Lucia Gautier Patricia Haskins Sister Kathleen Keck Norvert King Michael Langjahr Russell Lynn Helen Malay Jay Marzilli Dylan Maubach Ann McAfee Donna McDaniel Winnie McEvoy Donna Mulson Sharron Nabak Mike O’Brien Clint Paskert Mary Reed Keely Riveria Cindy Rolewicz Nancy Showen Jane Sullivan Bernice Wolfrom Call the Parish Office with your prayer requests. Let us pray for all deceased listed in the All Souls’ Memorial Booklet Destroy the false gods in your life which prevent you from serving the one true God. Let us pray for the Clergy of the Parish and the following: 11/02 11/03 11/04 11/05 11/06 11/07 11/08 St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 Rev. C. Timothy Corcoran Rev. Gerald A. Hendry Rev. Henry Riffle For Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life Rev. John Tapp Rev. John D’Antonio Felipe Gonzalez, Seminarian Parish Prayer Loving Father, We, the living stones of St. Anne Church, warmly welcome all God’s children into our community. We are committed to following Christ’s example by using our time, talent and resources in reaching out to the poor, feeding the hungry and creating a legacy of faith and hope for future generations. Together, as a parish family, we hope to continue growing in God’s Grace and Love. We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen. Saint Anne, Mother of Blessed Virgin Mary, Pray for us. Page 4 APA As we participate in the Annual Pastoral Appeal to help others, we give thanks to our God for the gifts and blessings we have received. THURSDAY NIGHTS St. Joachim Hall 2014 GOAL $ 141,697 444 PLEDGES $ 126,016 CASH RECEIVED $ 121,882 BALANCE DUE $ 15,681 Saint Anne Catholic Church (1956 - 2016) Diamond Jubilee Pilgrimage LOURDES & ITALY 11 DAYS: Mù 18 – 28, 2015 $3949 roundtrip from Orlando VisiƟng: Lourdes, Avignon, Nice, Florence, Assisi & Rome, including VaƟcan City plus a papal audience. Doors open at 5:30 PM Early Bird Games at 6:30 PM Regular Games at 7:00 PM October 25 & 26 OFFERTORY 397 Identified Gifts $15,369.43 ON-LINE GIVING 42 Contributors $1,400.00 This week’s 2nd collecƟon is for DEBT REDUCTION Next week’s 2nd collecƟon is for PARISH OUTREACH St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 For a brochure & more informaƟon contact Sandy Oƫno (813) 641-3029 or (813) 957-7454 Email: soƫ[email protected] Egg Rolls Next Sunday Online Giving Support Phone: 800-348-2886 Ext 4 Email: [email protected] DEADLINE for November 16 bulleƟn is Wednesday, November 5. Send e-mail to: bulleƟ[email protected] Page 5 Ushers & Usherettes Needed for Weekend Masses Contact Linda in the Parish Office Join Fr. John on Monday, November 3, at 7 PM in FFC 10, 11 walk where Mary walked For informaƟon contact Linda in the Parish Office. • • • • See what life was like for Mary, and experience what she felt at each dramaƟc moment in Scripture. Visit the groƩo of Mary's home in Nazareth, the cave where Christ was born in Bethlehem, the site of Our Lord's victory on the Cross, and other rarely-seen places in the Holy Land. See the significance of Mary as you explore the Biblical roots of our beliefs about her. Deepen your devoƟon to Mary as you discover our Blessed Mother in a uniquely-personal way. Advent Bible Study with Deacon Dale Bacik Tuesday Mornings 9 AM FFC 10, 11 Beginning November 25 URGENT NEED. If you feel called to prepare the altar and church for liturgical feasts, contact Father John today! BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK NEXT SUNDAY (The Parish Nurses are also available in FFA every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9-Noon) THE GIVING TREE PARISH CHRISTMAS PARTY Saturday, Dec. 6, at Apollo’s Bistro Give a Christmas giŌ to a child in need. Beginning November 29 Rosary & Prayer Shawl Makers If you know someone who needs a Rosary or Prayer Shawl contact Joyce at 941-228-1987 or at [email protected]. St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 St. Anne Gift Shop Maureen and Ann invite you to check out the unique gifts available at the St. Anne Gift Shop. Open before and after most weekend Masses. Christmas is around the corner; get your gifts now! Page 6 Fall Festival Children’s Choir Practice Tuesday, November 4 6:00 PM in Church For children kindergarten age and up. 1st Communion Prep for Parents & Students Wednesday, November 5 6:30 PM St. Joachim Hall FAITH FORMATION BE THE LIGHT Sundays 10 AM Mass - 12:30 PM MS/HS RCIA Assistant Teacher, 7-8 Grade ConfirmaƟon Assistant Teacher, and HS ConfirmaƟon Assistant Teacher are urgently needed. Contact Cindy in the Parish Office ORGAN CONCERT with Wayne & Friends BIBLE4TOTS Tots and parents are invited to join us on Thursday mornings at 9:30 in FFC 1. Learn about Jesus, sing songs, play games, do craŌs, and connect with other parents and tots. Contact Cindy in the Parish Office for informaƟon. Friday, November 14 7 PM in Church Including performances by: St. Anne Children’s Choirs Yetta Bednarz Ed Chaubin Henry Danecki Keith Rasmussen St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 Don’t forget that attending Sunday 10 AM Mass is part of Faith Formation. Page 7 Abortion left you feeling empty and alone? Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats will help you deal with the emoƟonal and spiritual pain of aborƟon. Register now for the Nov. 14-16 retreat in Tampa Bay. Call 813-924-4173 Mass of the Angels Catholic Charities and the Diocese of Saint Petersburg invite you to attend a special Mass in remembrance of children (born and unborn) who have gone to be with the Lord. Mass will be on Sat., Nov. 8, at 11 AM at the Bethany Retreat Center in Lutz. Families are invited to bring a photo of the lost child to be displayed in the reception hall. Contact Barb Hertz at 727-893-1314 Ext. 210 to RSVP, for information or to have child’s name added to the program. St. Joseph’s Hospital-South, opening in Riverview at 6901 Simmons Loop in 2015, seeks compassionate, dedicated volunteers to help make this state-of-the-art facility a welcoming, relaxing place for patients and visitors. Service areas include: • Pastoral Care. • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. • The Gift Shop. • Ambassadors in the Emergency Department. • Ambassadors on Patient Care floors. • Ambassadors in Surgical Waiting areas. • Escorts/runners throughout the hospital. • Clerical. Complete and submit an application online at ChasƟty is for Lovers Book Launch Sat. Dec 6, 1-3 PM Christ the King Church in Tampa Check out Fr. John Anglin’s book at and his blog at The book tells of his encounters with amazing people who form the Church. This would make a great Christmas giŌ! The book, authored by Arleen Spenceley, is about pracƟcing the virtue of chasƟty in a culture that calls it impossible. Basic Conversational English Learn to speak English - All Welcome Every Saturday, 7-9 PM, in FFC 9 Contact Steve Byrne with questions. Phone: 917-539-3800/E-mail: [email protected] National Vocation Awareness Week November 22-9 For 8th graders & their family Information 813-870-0860 Facilitated by Anne McGuire Grief Recovery Specialist Information 813-633-8638 COFFEE & DONUTS Resources in English and Spanish are available at www.spvocaƟ Tampa Catholic Open House Thursday, Nov. 6 4:30 or 7 PM (2 sessions) 4630 N. Rome Avenue Divorced and Separated Recovery Meetings the 2nd Wednesday of every month beginning in January. Jesuit High School Open House Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 7 PM 4701 N. Himes, Tampa Information 813-877-5344 St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 After the 8 & 10 AM Sunday Masses This week hosted by the Communication and Bereavement Ministries KOC MeeƟng Tuesday, Nov. 4 7 PM FFC 10, 11 Officers’ MeeƟng at 5:45 p.m. InformaƟon GK Tom Gaitens 941-725-4450 Page 8 MINISTERIOS REUNIONES/EVENTOS 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:20 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SABADO 1 DOMINGO 2 10:00 a.m. LUNES 3 MARTES 4 MIERCOLES 5 JUEVES 6 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. VIERNES 7 SABADO 8 DOMINGO 9 Recuperación de Duelo (FFC 5) Clase de Inglés (FFC 9) AA (FFC 10, 11) Adultos RCIA (CR) Elem FF & Misa (FFA, FFC, CH) MS/HS Misa & FF (CH, FFA) Misa & RCIA para Niños/Adolescentes (CH, FFC) Cub Scouts (SJH) Boy Scouts (FFC 4, 5) Lectura Mariana (FFC 8, 9) PracƟca Coro Niños (CH) Reunión KOC (FFC 10, 11) AA (SJH) Grupo Español Kateri (FFC 4, 5) PrácƟca Coro Adultos (CH) 1era Comunión Prep (SJH) Enfermeras Parroquiales (FFA 1) Adultos RCIA (FFC 4, 5 ) RICA Español (FFC 6) MDS (FFC 7) Al-Anon (FFC 8, 9) AA (FFC 10, 11) Bible4Tots (FFC 1) Bingo (SJH) Clase BauƟsmo Inglés (FFC 10) NA (FFC 4, 5) Día Nacional de Hombres que hacen la Cena 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. >>>>>> >>>>>> 8:20 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Recuperación de Duelo (FFC 5) Clase BauƟsmo Español (FFC 4, 5) Clase de Inglés (FFC 9) AA (FFC 10, 11) Venta de Egg Rolls (GZ) Clinica Presión Arterial (SJH) Adultos RCIA (CR) Elem FF & Misa (FFA, FFC, CH) MS/HS Misa & FF (CH, FFA) Misa & RCIA para Niños/Adolescentes (CH, FFC) -Iglesia, CY-Patio, SJH-Hall de San Joaquín, GZ-Gazebo, FA-Anexo Formación de Fe, FFC-Centro Formación de Fe, CR-Salón Conferencias Este domingo finaliza el ahorro de luz de día. Recuerde de regresar sus relojes una hora. St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 Inglés Básico de Conversación Aprenda a hablar inglés Sábado, Cada sábado 7-9 PM en FFC 9 Si Ɵene preguntas contacte a Steve Byrne. Teléfono: 917-539-3800 E-mail: [email protected] MONAGUILLOS Si ya hiciste tu Primera Comunión y deseas Servir al Señor y su pueblo como Monaguillo (Altar Server), pídele a tus padres que se pongan en contacto con Erica en la Oficina de la Parroquia 813-645-1714. Se necesitan acomodadores para las misas de fin de semana. Contacte a Linda en la Oficina de la Parroquia. BIBLE4TOTS Para Padres y Tots Cada jueves por la mañana a las 9:30 AM en FFC1 Les queremos invitar a ser parte de nuestro grupo de parejas MDS. Nos reunimos todos los miércoles a las 7:30pm, en el edificio de formación de fe, salón #7. Y también a nuestro próximo Diálogo Matrimonial a celebrarse del 21 al 23 de Noviembre de 2014. Para más información, favor de comunicarse con los Coordinadores del Grupo, Sola Y Waldy al 813-523-0231. EVENTOS Misa de Sanación a las 8 AM el miércoles, Nov. 5 Egg Rolls el próximo domingo Clínica de Presión Arterial el próximo domingo FesƟval de Otoño Noviembre 14-16 Jueves 5-10 PM $1 Noche Viernes 5-11 PM Sábado 12-11 PM Domingo 4-10 PM $20 brazales cada día Concierto de Organo con Wayne & Amigos Viernes, 14 de noviembre, a las 7 PM en la Iglesia Misa de los Angeles Caridades Católicas y la Diócesis de St. Petersburg lo invita a asisƟr a una misa especial en recuerdo a los niños (nacidos y no nacidos) que se han ido con el Señor. La misa se llevará a cabo el sáb. 8 de nov. a las 11 AM en el Bethany Retreat Center en Lutz. Se invita a las familias a traer una foto del niño que han perdido para ser colocada en el hall de recepción. Contacte a Barb Hertz at 727-893-1314 Ext. 210 para RSVP, para información o para añadir el nombre del niño al programa. Page 9 Del Parroco Oración de la Parroquia Dios Amoroso, Nosotros, las piedras vivas de la Iglesia de Santa Ana, les damos cordialmente la bienvenida a todos los hijos de Dios dentro de nuestra comunidad. Estamos comprometidos a segur el ejemplo de Cristo al usar nuestro tiempo, talento y recursos en alcanzar a los pobres, alimentar al hambriento y crear un legado de fe y esperanza para futuras generaciones. Juntos, como una familia parroquial, esperamos continuar creciendo en la Gracia y el Amor de Dios. Te lo pedimos por Cristo, nuestro Señor, Amén. Santa Ana, Madre de la Santísima Virgen María Ruega por nosotros. Formación de Fe Prep 1era. Comunión Miércoles, Nov. 5 Hall de San Joaquín No Olvide Asiste a la misa de domingo de 10 AM Misa de domingo es parte de la clase de Formación de Fe. Hoy nosotros, la Iglesia, celebra la conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos (Día de Todos los Difuntos) y durante todo el mes de noviembre se nos llama a recordar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que han partido a su descanso. En el libro de los Macabeos reflexionamos en Judas, el gobernante de Israel, quien actuó de una manera excelente y noble orando por sus soldados muertos, al tener la resurrección de los muertos a la vista. Fue un pensamiento santo y piadoso. “Al grado que él expió por los muertos para que ellos pudieran verse libres de … pecado.” Basado en esta práctica, el Catecismo de la Iglesia enseña, “Todos los que mueren en la gracia y amistad de Dios, pero aún purificados imperfectamente, se les asegura desde luego la salvación eterna; después de la muerte ellos pasan por la purificación para así alcanzar la santidad necesaria para entrar a la alegría del Cielo (1030).” La Iglesia le da el nombre de Purgatorio a esta final purificación de los electos. Enraizado en una antigua tradición Cristiana, esta fiesta data del siglo décimo. En 1915, el Papa Benedicto XV concedió el privilegio de celebrar hoy tres misas por lo siguiente: una misa por una intención particular, una por todos los fieles difuntos y la tercera por las intenciones del papa. Las misas de este fin de semana son por los fieles difuntos. La misa de las 10:00 a.m. es una celebración Eucarística especial en la cual recordamos a todos los feligreses de la Parroquia de Saint Anne quienes han fallecido el pasado año. Hay un folleto especial impreso para que ustedes los puedan recordar. En el frente del altar hay un libro con la lista de los nombres de los fallecidos en la Parroquia de Saint Anne desde 1956, año en que fue establecida la Parroquia. En este libro también estará la lista de los fieles por quienes ustedes pidieron en los sobres que se orara en noviembre. En la entrada de la iglesia hay otro libro en el cual usted puede escribir los nombres de familiares y amigos que han caminado con usted el camino de la vida. En todas las misas de noviembre ellos serán recordados hasta la Fiesta del Día de Acción de Gracias. La Fiesta del Día de los Fieles Difuntos es una oportunidad para que la Parroquia pueda agradecer a los miembros del Ministerio de Duelo, quienes ayudan a nuestros feligreses a sobrellevar la pérdida de los miembros de su familia. Es un trabajo espiritual de misericordia orar por los vivos y los muertos. El Ministerio de Duelo consiste de cuatro ministerios principales: La Sociedad de Lázaro, quienes oran en todas las misas de funeral en la Parroquia, el Coro de Resurrección, quienes cantan en las misas de funeral con Wayne, nuestro organista; el grupo Litúrgico, quienes ayudan a la preparación del servicio funerario, preparando la Iglesia y ayudando en otras funciones litúrgicas; y la Sociedad de Martha, quienes ayudan a preparar las recepciones en el Hall de San Joaquín después de la misa funeraria. ElDescansoEterno Dales el Descanso eterno, Oh Señor, y que brille para ellos la luz eterna. Que las almas de los fieles difuntos, a través de la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz. Amen. Suyos en Cristo, Padre John Semana Nacional de Concientizacion de Vocaciones Noviembre 22-9 Recursos en Inglés y Español están disponibles en www.spvocaƟ DIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS, SABADO, NOV. 1 Misa a las 10 AM, Misa de vigilia de domingo a las 4:30 PM NO es un Día Santo de Obligación este año DIA DE LOS SANTOS DIFUNTOS, DOMINGO, NOV. 2 Horario usual de misa de domingo Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos a las 10 AM Mass Reserve la fecha: Concierto de Organo en Nov. 14, Festival de Otoño en Nov. 13-16, Fiesta de Navidad de Parroquia en Dec. 6 St. Anne Catholic Church, November 2, 2014 Page 10
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