NATIONAL SUSTANTIBILITY AWARD 2015 A recognition to your environmental contribution BACKROUND OBJECTIVE: To recognize the strategic guidelines of Chilean en44es having a commitment towards sustainability and environmental care. The Na4onal Sustainability Award is open to all economic sectors. ORGANIZERS: Recyclápolis Founda4on invited two na4onal leaders in their fields to take part in this recogni4on: El Mercurio and Universidad Católica de Chile. ORGANIZERS Juan Jaime Díaz: Sub Director El Mercurio Guillermo Marshal: Prorrector Universidad Católica de Chile Fernando Nilo: Presidente Fundación Recyclápolis VIDEO AWARD 2014 See the video in Vimeo: Here AMBASSADORS InternaHonals: Bertrand Piccard: Psychiatrist, aeronaut and academic. President of the charitable founda4on Winds of Hope. UN Ambassador. NaHonals: John Elkington: world authority on corporate responsibility and sustainable development. He is currently the Founding Partner and Execu4ve Chairman of Volans Consuelo Saavedra: News presenter of Televisión Nacional de Chile, 24 hours. Vice President of Chile’s Women’s Community. MAIN ACTORS ORGANIZERS: BUSINESS PARTNERS: SUPPORTERS: SPONSORS: MEDIA PARTNER: CO-‐SPONSORS: CATEGORIES PRIZE EARTH WATER The place where we live, provider of all living essenHals. Consider the conservaHon and preservaHon of our planet. Related projects in this Category include: • Sustainable construc4on • Building Materials • Recycling or reuse of materials / waste • Investment to improve roads and highways As a basic element of life, this category will reward iniHaHves that promote raHonal use of resources, uHlizing innovaHve technologies to secure their availability for future generaHons. Ini7a7ves in this category include: • Drinking water supply • Desalina4on • Irriga4on • Canal protec4on • Securing water quality CATEGORIES PRIZE FIRE The fire represents energy that enables progress and dynamism, while causes polluHon and climate change. This category includes projects that are aimed at efficient and responsible consump7on of energy resources, like: • Ini4a4ves for sustainable energy produc4on • Use of renewable fuels • Distribu4on and efficient energy transport • Energy op4miza4on mechanisms AIR EssenHal element for the life of animal and human beings. This class is focused on measures to help improving air quality and prevent emissions of CO2 and other gases promoters of climate change. Projects in this Category are related to: • Op4miza4on of combus4on processes • Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) • Improving air quality inside the produc4on sites CATEGORIES PRIZE NEW SUSTAINABLE GENERATIONS PRIZE Addi4onally, ini4a4ves and projects developed by young high school and university students that are aligned with these concepts, will be recognized. Today's youth are the architects of tomorrow's world. What they learn today, tomorrow may apply for the benefit of our environment. This category includes any ac4on that young genera4ons have implemented for the benefit of our environment. The award will consist of a piece of art by the visual ar4st Alfonso Fernández, that represents , in its essence and materiality, the vital elements air, earth, fire and water. AWARD CRITERIA, BASES AND METHODOLOGY TIMES OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: The project should be implemented for at least one year for large and medium companies and ins4tu4ons, from the date of applica4on -‐ In at least six months. For small businesses and high school or university students, this period will be at lest 6 months from the date of applica4on GENERATING SOCIAL, ENVIROMENTAL AND ECONOMIC VALEU: • Innova4on • Replicability • Number of beneficiaries • Corporate reputa4on PwC BASES AND METHODOLOGY: Mathieu Vallart Partner Sustainability and Climate Change PwC has been appointed as a tehnical body to define award methodology, contest bases and selec4on of three finalists per c a t e g o r y , a i m i n g t o e n s u r e c r e d i b i l i t y , t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d reputa4on to the process. PROCESS AND TIMING Define bases and criteria February March Seek for sponsorships February June Announcement and review of applica4ons July August September Evalua4on Selec4on 1-‐10 October 10-‐15 October Award Ceremony 20 October PANEL OF JUDGES Juan Jaime Díaz Sub Director, El Mercurio Claudia Vidal Directora de comunicaciones Recyclápolis CrisHán Rodríguez Editor Economía y Negocios El Mercurio Jorge Bunster Presidente Recycla Guillermo Marshall Ricardo Irarrazabal Fernando Nilo Prorrector UC Vicedecano Derecho UC Presidente Recyclápolis Luis Ávalos Andrés Santa Cruz Juan Pablo Swe\ Presidente PwC Presidente CPC Presidente ASECH AUTHORITIES Ministro de Medio Ambiente Pablo Badenier Ministra Secretaria General de la Presidencia Ximena Rincón Sub Secretaria de Economía Ka4a Trusich AWARD CEREMONY DATE: October 20th 2015. TIME: 19:30 hrs. PLACE: Pon4ficia Universidad Católica de Chile. SALON: Centro de Extensión de UC. ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: 300 people. AWARD PROGRAM • Welcome • Words by Recyclápolis Funda4on • Words by Universidad Católica • Words by El Mercurio • Words by Environment Minister • Interna4onal Speaker • Awards INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER Speaker defined, depending on the resources to be obtained Elon Musk Arnold Schwarzenegger Richard Branson MEDIA PLAN EL MERCURIO • Full coverage in Economics and Business Seccions. • Launch of Award. • Status of Applica4ons. • Vo4ng. • Awards. Examples -‐ Coverage Award 2014 MEDIA PLAN EL MERCURIO • 9 ads -‐ B/W – 19,4 x 14,2 cm – to be published Monday through Thursday. LA SEGUNDA • 3 ads -‐ COLOR -‐ 10 x 25 cm -‐ to be published Monday through Thursday. LA SEGUNDA / Revista Viernes • 1 ads -‐ COLOR – 34,8 x 27,2 -‐ Friday. Loca4on for sponsoring brands Examples – Coverage Award 2014 MEDIA PLAN EL MERCURIO • Special Edi4on • Minimum 6 pages Examples – Special Edi7on/ World Recycling Day and Award 2014 See the Special Edi7on published november 27th 2014: HERE SPONSORS CATEGORIES PlaHnum Gold Silver Bronze DONATION CERTIFICATE OF MUNICIPAL INCOME For all the categories of sponsorship, Recyclápolis Founda4on will provide a Cer4ficate of Dona4on with tax benefits. Art. 46 D.L. Nº 3.063 SPONSORSHIP BENEFIST: PLATINUM Cost: 30.000.000 CLP Presence of the brand: • Award website ( • Social networks Recyclápolis Founda4on. • Launching no4ce. • Media Plan (El Mercurio, Channel 13). • Banner prints and posters. • Award reminders and announcements, including those made for other sub-‐ events under same ac4vity. • Corporate presence during the award ceremony. Jury: Inclusion of a board member on the panel of judges. InvitaHons: 25 invita4ons to the ceremony Award and 5 preferen4al seats. 20% discount to alend paid events organized under the award ac4vi4es. Prize(s) delivery: Present, along with a minister, the highest award to the winner of the first category, by a board member of the organiza4on. Par4cipa4on in the presenta4on of the interna4onal award. Othet: 20% discount to par4cipate in the special edi4on, published under the Award. SPONSORSHIP BENEFIST: GOLD Cost: 20.000.000 CLP Presence of the brand: • Award website ( • Social networks Recyclápolis Founda4on. • No4ces covering. • Media Plan (El Mercurio, Channel 13). • Canvas prints and posters.. • Award reminders and announcements, including those made for other sub-‐events under same ac4vity. • Corporate presence during the award ceremony. Judge Panel: Inclusion of a board member on the panel of judges. InvitaHons: 15 invita4ons to the ceremony Award and 3 preferen4al seats. 15% discount to alend paid events organized under the award ac4vi4es. Present, along with other persons, the prize to a winner of a category, by a board member of the organiza4on (Prize defined by the organizers). Other: 15% discount to par4cipate in the special edi4on, to be published under the Award. SPONSORSHIP BENEFIST: SILVER Cost: 15.000.000 CLP Presence of the brand: • Award website ( • Social networks Recyclápolis Founda4on. • News coverage. • Media Plan (El Mercurio, Channel 13). • Banner prints and posters. • Award reminders and announcements, including those made for other sub-‐events under same ac4vity. • Corporate presence during the award ceremony. InvitaHons: 7 invita4ons to de ceremony Award and 2 preferen4al seats. 10% discount to alend paid events orrganized under the award ac4vity. Prize(s) delivery: Present, along other people, the prize to a winner of a category, by a board member of the organiza4on (Prize defined by the organizers). Other: 10% discount to par4cipate in the special edi4on, published under the Award. SPONSORSHIP BENEFIST: BRONZE Cost: 10.000.000 CLP Presence of the brand: • Award website ( • Media Plan (El Mercurio, Channel 13). • Banner prints and posters. • Corporate presence during the award ceremony. InvitaHons: 4 invita4ons to the ceremony Award. Prize(s) delivery: Present, along other people, the prize to a winner of a category, by a board member of the organiza4on (Prize defined by the organizers). Other: 10% discount to par4cipate in the special edi4on, published under the Award. CONTACTS For more informaHon contact: CLAUDIA VIDAL FERNANDO NILO Directora de Comunicaciones Fundación Recyclápolis Email: [email protected] Tel.: 02-‐2949 2583 / Cel: 569 7 3341721 Presidente Fundación Recyclápolis Email: [email protected] Tel.: 02-‐2949 3040 / Cel: 569 7 7741133 Video Award 2014
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