ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 4400 Beulah Road • N. Chesterfield, Virginia 23237 PASTORAL STAFF PERSONAL PASTORAL Rev. Msgr. Michael Schmied Pastor, ext. 1121 Diocesan Website: US Conference Catholic Bishops: PARISH OFFICE HOURS • HORAS DE OFICINA Rev. Denis Jacinto Masín Parochial Vicar, ext. 1126 [email protected] Priests’ Residence Residencia De Los Sacerdotes PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION— MARCH 29, 2015 Rev. Mr. Eric Broughton Phone: 804-275-7962 • Fax: 804-271-4604 Website: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday • Lunes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 9608 N. Verlinda Court N. Chesterfield, VA 23237 Telephone (778-4842) Deacon, 721-2019 “BEFORE ALL ELSE LIVE TOGETHER ONE IN HEART AND MIND AND HONOR GOD IN ONE ANOTHER” St. Augustine of Hippo • 430 A.D. St. Augustine Church • 1973 A.D. Rev. Mr. Christopher Corrigan Deacon, 381-1058 Rev. Mr. Al Hallatt Deacon, 551-0746 Katharine Anderson, ext. 1115 (part-time/medio tiempo) Coord. of Outreach;Justice & Peace Coordinadora de Relaciones Humana y Justicia & Paz Eileen Brown, ext. 1113 MASS SCHEDULE - HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sábado, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30* and 11:15* a.m. Domingo, 8:30* y 11:15* a.m. (Inglés) *Children’s Liturgy of the Word Domingo, 1:15* p.m. y *Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños 6:00* p.m. (Español) Bilingual leaflets available • Folletos bilingües para todas las misas Daily Masses (see inside schedule) • Misas Diarias (ver horario adjunto) RECONCILIATION—CONFESIÓN: Saturday–Sábados 4:15 p.m.–5:15 p.m. BAPTISM AND MATRIMONY: Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. You must be registered in the Parish. For weddings, a lead time of at least six to nine months is required in order that a proper preparation may be made for the celebration of the Sacrament. BAUTIZOS Y MATRIMONIOS: Llame a la oficina para hacer los arreglos necesarios. Debe ser miembro inscrito en la parroquia. Para Matrimonios puede hablar con cualquiera de los Sacerdotes (Padre Miguel ó con el Sr. Fidel Rubio). Llame al menos seis—nueve meses antes de la fecha deseada para comenzar la preparaciones necesarias de este Sacramento. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Communally celebrated during weekday and weekend liturgies. If any parishioner is seriously ill at home or in the hospital, please call the Parish Office to arrange for Communion, Confession, or the Anointing of the Sick. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: Celebración comunal durante la semana o durante las misas del fin de semana. Si una persona perteneciente a la parroquia esta seriamente enferma, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para hacer los arreglos necesarios para la Comunión, Confesión y Sacramento de los Enfermos. NEW CATHOLIC PARISHIONERS–NUEVOS MIEMBROS CATOLICOS Please come to our NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING AND REGISTRATION, normally held the third Sunday of each month. Come to our Poor Box Breakfast, immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, after which you will be assisted through the registration process. Favor de venir a la Orientación e Inscripción Que normalmente es el tercer domingo del Mes después de la misa de 8:30 a.m. (en ingles) y después de las misas de 1:15 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. (en español). MISSION STATEMENT “The Mission of St. Augustine Church is to be a Parish Family Inspired by the Love of Jesus Christ, Celebrating the Goodness of Life, Bringing the Good News and Ministering to the Needs of All.” “La misión de la Iglesia deSan Agustín es la de ser una Parroquia inspirada por el Amor de Jesucristo, Celebrando lo Mejor de la Vida, Llevando Las Buenas Noticias y Atendiendo a las Necesidades de Todos.” Pastoral Associate for Christian Formation Asociada Pastoral de Formación Cristiana Angy Corrigan, ext. 1117 Pastoral Associate for Youth & Young Adult Ministry Asociada Pastoral de Jóvenes y Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos Fran Kuzma, ext. 1120 (part-time/medio tiempo) Christian Formation Assistant— Asistente de Formación Cristiana Fidel Rubio, ext. 1122 Pastoral Associate for Hispanic Ministry Asociado Pastoral del Ministerio Hispano Caroline Honings, ext. 1112 Business Manager/Accountant Gerente de Oficina/Contadora Parish Life Coordinator - Coordinadora de Vida Parroquial Mary Jo Gorman, ext. 1111 (part-time/medio tiempo) Parish Administrative AssistantAsistente Administrativa de la Parroquia Minerva Vega, ext. 1114 Bilingual Receptionist Recepcionista Bilingüe Wanda Alvarado, ext. 1110 (part-time/medio tiempo) Bilingual Administrative Assistant— Asistente Administrativa Bilingüe Fredy Montoya, cell# 240-4331 [email protected] Maintenance, Mantenimiento Joe Oatman, (804) 641-8419 Alvaro Maldonado, 237-4890 Parish Musicians - Músicos Parroquiales Vic Owen, (804) 425-7170 Finance Council Chairperson Presidente del Consejo Financiero ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH HOLY WEEK Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Domingo de Ramos en la Pasion del Senor Sunday, March 29 Domingo, 29 de Marzo 8:00am Programa de Alfabetización Aux. Bldg. 8:30am Mass w/ Dismissal (Children’s Liturgy) Church 9:00am RICA Retiro PC 1/2 11:15am Mass Church 1:15pm Misa (Liturgia de niños) Church 6:00pm Misa (Liturgia de niños) Church, Rm 8 Monday, March 30 Lunes, 30 de Marzo 10:00am Individual & Family Counseling (CCC) Outreach Ctr. 6:00pm Chrism Mass Cathedral 7:00pm Reunión de Directiva JPC Rm 8 7:00pm Guadalupano PC 1/2 7:00pm Renovación Carismática Hall Tuesday, March 31 Martes, 31 de Marzo 9:30am Bible Study Group PC 1/2 9:45am James House Outreach Ctr. 6:30pm Triduum Rehearsals Church 7:00pm Via Crucis Practice Hall 7:00pm Jovenes Para Cristo Aux. Bldg. Wednesday, April 1 Miércoles 1 de Abril Thursday, April 2 Juéves, 2 de Abril HOLY THURSDAY 7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual) Church Rice Bowl Collection Special Collection for Parish Outreach Friday, April 3 Viernes 3 de Abril GOOD FRIDAY 12:15pm Stations of the Cross (English) Church 3:00pm Vía Crucis en Vivo/Living Stations of the Cross (Spanish) 7:30pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (Bilingual) Church Special Collection for The Holy Land Saturday, April 4 Sábado, 4 de Abril HOLY SATURDAY 11:30am RICA Ensayo PC 4 12:00n Noon Day Prayer / Rehearsal Church 8:00pm The Great Easter Vigil (Bilingual & Reception Church/Hall Sunday, April 5 Domingo, 5 de Abril EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 2nd Collection: Special Easter Collection 8:30am Easter Mass Church 11:15am Easter Mass Church 1:15pm Misa de Pascua Church 6:00pm Misa de Pascua Church Fr. Mike and Fr. Denis will be away for Easter Week. There will no Daily Mass on April 7th,8th or 9th. Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa 5:30pm Richard Diamond 8:30am Summers & Jenness families 11:15am Pat Melley 1:15pm Jose Victor Contreras 6:00pm Feligreses Tues. Mar. 31 9:00am Bill & Ann Schmied Weds. Apr. 1 12:15pm Parishioners Thurs. Apr. 2 7:30pm Rev. Dr. Gene Corrigan Sat. Apr. 4 8:00pm Shirley Brown Sun. Apr. 5 8:30am Lewis Bettinger 11:15am Shirley Louise Fanelli 1:15pm Kevin Portillo (3 yr presentation) 6:00pm Feligreses denotes deceased parishioners, family members and/or friends; denota feligreses fallecidos, miembros de la familia y/o amigos). Sat. Mar. 28 Sun. Mar. 29 Pray For/Oremos Por... Jack Alexander, Harris & Noah Bacon, B.B. Beecher, James Bentley, Dr. Charles Blair, Irene Borgman, Carolyn Bowers, Ron & Eva Boyce, Ron Buchanan, Martha Buenrostro, Tom Burgess, Ralph & Marge Boucher, Doris Brule, Frank & Anne Butler, Sharon Louise Bricker, Mary & Frank Cancilla, Edwin Caryl, Tony Cason, Theresa Chavez, Erma Clark, Elizabeth Clements, Wayne Cooper, Helen J. Cordova, Michelle Cortez, Osvaldo Ruiz Cortes, Un-Sun Coston, Chris Craig, Ron & Sherry Crawford, Norma Cranford, Pat Crocker, Marianne Crostic, Helen Crowder, Jerry Daniels, Will Davis, Theresa Dayton, Cleon Deaner, Sandra Diamond, Rylan Doe, Julie & Lorrie Donald, Mary Epps, Kathie, Brian & Skip Evans, Mary Farrell, Gene Fens, Mildred Fernandez, Beverly Gersuk, Jay Giblin, Joe Ginther, Louise Giovahnett, Doris Gizzi, Armando Gomez, Carmen Olga Gonzalez, John Goode, Carmen Green, Arlene Hallatt, William Hamilton, Jeff Hamm, Judy Harvey, Paul Hermsen, Peter John Hidalgo, Jack Howe, Emily Michele Hubbel, Kathleen Hughes, Pat Hylton, Dulce Infante, Juan Jacinto, Delores Johnson, Jim & Gerri Jones, Jackie Kelo, Uni Kemp, Pat Krieter, Caroline Laing, Louis Lindsey, TJ Locke, Susan McQuagge, Arnoldo Martinez, Dale Matanic, Leticia Matton, Linda Mehalko, Ellen Metasavage, John Mikos, Delores Mosby, Dr. Noel Owers, Anthony O’Neil, Brenda Don Pepe, Robert Paleo, Jim Peilecke, Carl Pendell, Emma Parks, Margaret Phelps, Jean Pole, Martha Ann Quillian, Bob Quirin, Angel Rae, Padre Gildo Ramirez, Nadia Ramirez, Chris Rich, Carol Lee Rigo, Jose Roa, Josie Roach, Betty Rodgers, Juana Rodriguez, Martie Sars, Dave Schutte, Elizabeth Scott, Jeanne Scott, Ken Scott, Devin Scott (Military), John Setaro, James Shannon, Suki, Bo & Sammy Simpson, Renee Smith, Charles Sobrito, Sarah Spain, Robert Steinbrecher, Danny Stephens, Art Stevens, Jennifer Stivers, Danni Strano, J. T., Brian Tarantino, Josh Tarkington, Linda Terrell, Kara Thackston, Tony Toler, Tina Towe, Adriana Melchor-Vale, Harold VanLeeuwen, Arlene Vogel, Heather Wagstaff, Christina Walters, Brenda Waters, Ann Weaver, Jean Webster, Barbara Whitaker, Billy Wirt, Dean Yates, Hali Yun. Pastoral/prayer cards may be found in the church pews and Parish Information Center. Readings for the Week of March 29, 2015 Easter Vigil Reception—Parishioners are asked to bring in finger foods for our Great Easter Vigil Reception. Let’s celebrate our newly baptized and confirmed members as they come to the Table of the Lord for the first time! It is the season of the Easter Basket. Many will face an empty Easter Basket and an empty food basket. Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday are special celebrations where our St. Augustine Easter basket can be the shopping cart overflowing with food for those in need. Let's fill the cart and help our food pantry serve many during the Easter season. ****************************** Our 2nd Collection for the St. Augustine Building Fund will be taken the weekend of April 12th. Please use your envelope to fulfill your pledge by placing the monthly amount pledged in the second collection. Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/ Mk 14:1--15:47 or 15:1-39 Monday: Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9/Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21 Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42 Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10 -13, 15-18/Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Rom 6:3-11/Mk 16:1-7 Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 ©Liturgical Publications Inc For prayerful preparation during the week before Sunday Mass, visit PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD'S PASSION CHRISTIAN FORMATION WORSHIP ENCOUNTER THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL Year Two: Focus on the Domestic Church –Marriage & Family An Invitation to Triduum All are invited to three liturgies which help us experience what is offered us in the new Passover. Each liturgy helps us enter more deeply into the mystery and meaning. Triduum consist of the three Holy days that separate Lent from Easter. Our long journey to the font culminates in the Easter Triduum. These three days draw us into the mystery of our salvation. Whatever we are doing these days, our prayers and liturgies can help us be open to the graces the day offers. Each morning, we can pause to acknowledge the meaning of the day ahead. Each night, we can give thanks. Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion "They began to be distressed and to say to him, one by one, Surely it is not I?" During this dramatic scene at the Last Supper, we can picture Judas Iscariot, the betrayer, trying to play up his innocence as long as possible. He knew he had already betrayed Jesus, and if he joined in the "who, me?" ritual, he was just putting on appearances. But what about the others? The rest of the Twelve were deeply disturbed by the idea that they might betray Jesus. As we know, however, when push came to shove, Peter's fear of betraying Jesus was trumped by fear for his own life. "I do not know this man about whom you are talking," he said in order to protect himself. But notice Peter's reaction when he realized what he'd done: "He broke down and wept." How different was humble Peter's response from that of prideful Judas, who acted as if he hadn't done anything wrong: "Who, me?" Both men were unfaithful to the Lord, but only Peter immediately felt real sorrow, what we traditionally call contrition, for his sin. The betrayers in today's Gospel readings are not just these two men. We also follow the crowd who hailed Jesus one day with "hosannas!" and a week later nailed him with their angry "crucify him!" How quickly our faith can turn fickle. For some of us, it may be easy to condemn the crowd and Judas and Peter, thinking that we would never do such a thing: "Who, me?" But today, let us resolve not to be so proud as to think we are perfect disciples. Let us have the humility of Peter who wept over his imperfections and, ultimately, repented of his sins. Only when we acknowledge that we need God's help will we be able to hail him and praise him as he truly deserves.©Liturgical Publications Inc Deacon Corner (By Deacon Al): Lent is a time to get good at being a Christian. We become a better Christian when we listen to and hear from God. He finds a way to use us. He s able to work through us. It is through this process that we can discover our true purpose in life. So if we get really good at being a Christian, or at least we think we are, and still have not found a true purpose, what do we do next? Getting really good at being a Christian means we stop thinking about "self"all the time. Take the focus off "self"and look for ways to be a blessing to someone else. There is no better way to receive help and direction in our own lives than to focus on someone else. It seems completely opposite of what the world would tell us to do or act. After all, if we do not look out for number one, then who will? Well, that would be God. When we focus on someone else's business, God will focus on ours. It means planting seeds in great soil, and then simply waiting for God to bring a harvest into your life. Lent is a good time for planting seeds in good soil. Worship Corner: Invitation to Communion. The priest then shows us the Body of Christ and invites us to come to the table: “Behold the Lamb of God....Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” The members of the assembly now approach the altar in procession. Communion. As God fed our ancestors in the desert on their pilgrimage, so God gives us food for our journey. We approach the minister who gives us the Eucharistic bread with the words “The Body of Christ,” and we respond, “Amen.” We then go to the minister with the cup who gives it to us with the words “The Blood of Christ,” to which we again profess our “Amen.” Believe Out Loud! Live Your Faith! After-L.I.F.E. At the top of the mountain God says, "This is my beloved son. LISTEN to him.” This covenant, Jesus, is God’s final covenant with the people. “Listen to him.” We follow Jesus into the waters of baptism. We make a personal covenant with God. Lent reminds us to prepare to renew our baptismal promises at Easter. A time to reflect and renew. Do I live my life according to the Gospels? Do I “listen to him”? EveryWoman is an evening reading/study group on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month for women of all ages exploring ways and words of wisdom. Call Eileen Brown at Ext. 1113 for more information. WINGS’ (Women In God’s Spirit)— This is a weekly ministry for the women of the parish. Please feel free to join us any Wednesday morning at 9:45am in the parish hall for a warm welcome! Call Sharon Harrison at (804) 683-7199. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Elementary Sunday L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday). We need 1st grade teacher/help for 9:45am and 4:30pm sessions. Contact Fran Kuzma in the office to help. (Training provided) The next sessions are April 12th and 26th. Parents are always welcome to sit in and/or help with any session with their child. The 8th World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia is scheduled for September 22-27th and our Holy Pope Francis will be attending. This prayer is for the World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015: God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united in one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph Pray for us! Parents: Year 2 of the Diocesan Evangelization Pastoral Plan is Focusing on the Domestic Church. This means that it is in the context of the family that we first learn who God is and how to prayerfully seek His will for us.” Pray and begin to teach these prayers with your children this Lent Week 4: Talk about the Ten Commandments and Act of Contrition Week 5: Pray the St. Michael and Guardian Angel Prayers Week 6: Pray together the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Children’s Liturgy of the Word is the opportunity for our children to experience the Word of God at their level. Contact Fran Kuzma at 2757962 ext. 1120 to help. YOUTH Our next EDGE/LIFETEEN session will be held this Monday, April 22nd, from 6:30-8:30pm. Our topic: The Four Marks of the Church—Apostolic Young Adult Retreat- Live by the Spirit: Want to get away for the weekend? Want to meet new people? Want to spend some time in prayer and reflection? If you said yes to these questions you should consider signing up for the Young Adult Retreat April 18 weekend. Details below. What: Young Adult Retreat- Live by the Spirit When: Fri, April 17, 2015 at 8 pm to Sunday April 19, 2015 at 10 am Where: Bear Creek Lake State Park Price: $25 if you sign up by March 31st. $35 after that with Final Deadline April 10th. More Info and Registration Link: SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 JUSTICE & PEACE PARISH LIFE _ U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops— Pax Christi USA Network—A Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace. Individual and Family Counseling is available at St. Augustine on Mondays with a counselor from Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Contact Ms. Rodriguez Perez at 804-285-5900 for an appointment. Fees are based on a sliding scale. CARITAS (Congregations Around Richmond to Assure Shelter) is at St Augustine this week! Our guests arrive at 6pm each night and return to Richmond at 5:30am thank you to all who are helping. You may call Kathy Jones at 986-9627 to find out where help is still needed. Operation Rice Bowls will be collected during the Procession at the Holy Thursday Mass. God of all people, hear us as we join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in need. Bless our Lenten fasting, learning, and giving. May your generous love for your people be our guide as we reach out to all who live with hunger and poverty. Amen Visit for more information about Operation Rice Bowl. The FOOD PANTRY—We are in constant need of bottled or canned fruit juice, canned peas, mixed vegetables, tomatoes and carrots, canned fruit, and toilet paper. Dry beans, shampoo, bar soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, rice, instant potatoes, Sunny D, syrup, pancake mix, grape and strawberry jelly are all examples of items we always need that can be purchased for just $1.00 at the Dollar Store! Thanks for all your continued support. Saint Augustine’s Military and Peace Corps Prayer List—If you know someone who is in the military or Peace Corps and would like us to pray for them, please call 804-751-8618 or email me at grandmatexasbell@ RECYCLING HINT: Boxes and packing such as styrofoam, bubble wrap, cardboard forms, etc., may be accepted by packaging businesses. MEDICAL SERVICES BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN—At St. Augustine Church on Tuesdays 8am - 4pm. Please arrive early to get an appointment. This service is offered only to those who do not have medical insurance. CROSS-OVER–CLINIC—108 Cowardin Avenue, Richmond, VA 23224 Telephone 233-5016. SHERBOURNE METHODIST CHURCH—Mon. & Tues. 9:30am— 2:30pm. Tel: 233-5016 and 249-4004. 26195 Sherbourne Rd. Richmond, Va 23237, off Jefferson Davis Hwy. __________________________________________________________ The Vocations Website can be found at A Spanish language site is available at Site elements include discernment resources for men and women, respectively, aids for promoting a vocation culture within the home, and a range of tools for educators, youth leaders and vocation directors including prayers, videos, best practices, lesson plans and vocation awareness programs. Parishioners planning or changing parish membership please notify the parish office so we can update our parish Data System. For all parish activities please refer to the parish The St. Augustine's Women's Guild would like to thank our parishioners and guests for your generous support of our Christmas and Easter Bazaars. Congratulations go to our raffle winners. John Bierowski won the Christmas Basket of Cheer, and the winners of the Easter Quilt raffle were Bruce Scott and Terry Tuck. Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.” Take time to reflect on what God is asking for your marriage. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are 17-19 Apr 2015 in Fredericksburg or 26-28 Jun 2015 in Richmond. For more information or to apply, visit our website at or contact us at [email protected] or 757-483-3209. Join the Knights of Columbus, Council 6189 after all masses on the fourth Sunday of each month for coffee & donuts. There will also be information about the Knight’s mission in support of our church. End of Life Seminar: Saturday, April 25, 2015 at St. Gabriel Catholic Church, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. "Life is sacred, from conception to natural death." Seems pretty clear, until it isn't. Are you curious, concerned, or just plain confused about living wills, hospice care, clinical decision-making, or dying with dignity, either for yourself or for your loved ones? Come hear renowned Catholic Bioethics expert Father Tad Pacholczyk and local trust and will attorney, Mr. Ken Edwards, speak and answer questions from a Catholic perspective concerning the moral and legal issues surrounding the end of life. Sign up on our Facebook page (St. Gabriel Respect Life "End of Life Seminar") or by email to [email protected]. The seminar is free, but we request your RSVP for planning purposes. Sponsored by our Knights of Columbus, the Respect Life Ministry, and the Diocese of Richmond. St. Gabriel Catholic Church, 8901 Winterpock Road, Chesterfield. WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP Sacrificial Offerings: Sunday/Holy Day Building Fund Total Sacrificial Offerings Year to Date Budget Over/(Under) Budget Included above: 03/22/15 Year to Date 13,389 $ 589,413 78,416 $ 13,389 $ 667,829 ……………………… 694,450 ………………………. $ (26,621) $ Not Included above: Catholic Relief Services $3,263, Catholic Virginian $251 Holy Father $20, Rice Bowl $6 BULLETIN DEADLINE—Mondays by 12:00 noon...Please email Mary Jo at [email protected] and Minerva Vega at [email protected] or call the parish office at 804 275-7962. PARROQUIA SAN AGUSTÍN ALERTA DE NIEVE Y HIELO: Si las escuelas del Condado de Chesterfied cierran debido al mal tiempo, los eventos para los niños y jóvenes adultos serán canceladas en nuestra Parroquia. Para otros eventos, consulte con su coordinador. Por favor revise también el mensaje telefónico de la oficina para información sobre cierre de la oficina y cancelaciones. THOU SHALT NOT PARK... NO ESTACIONARÁS Con nuestros estacionamientos recien restaurados y pintados, por favor estacione sólo en espacios de estacionamiento válidos. No estacione los carros en las áreas destinadas para los bomberos (pintadas de Amarillo), o en la grama. ¡LOS ESTACIONAMIENTOS PARA PERSONAS DESCAPACITADAS SON Una Invitación al Triduo Estamos invitados a trés liturgias que nos ayuda a experimentar o que se nos ofrece en la nueva Pascua. Cada liturgia nos ayuda a entrar mas profundamente en el misterio y el significado. El Triduo consiste de los tres dias Sagrados que separa La Cuaresma de La Pascua. Nuestro largo viaje a la pila bautismal culmina en el Triduo pascual. Estos tres Estos tres días nos atráen al misterio de nuestra salvación. Cualquier cosa que estámos haciendo estos días, nuestras oraciones y liturgias puede ayudarnos a estar abiertos a las gracias que el día nos ofrerece. Cada mañana, Cada mañana, podemos hacer una pausa para reconocer el significado del día por delante. Cada noche, podemos dar gracias. SOLO PARA LAS PERSONAS DESCAPACITADAS! Gracias por su cooperación. Para los feligreses que están con planes de ser nuevos miembros en otra parroquia, favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial, para que podamos actualizar nuestro systema de miembros. Noche de Alabanza y Adoración Con la Hermana Glenda Viernes, 1 de Mayo En nuestra parroquia De 7:30pm a 11:15pm Donación $15 (menores de 12 entran gratis) Comparta con los Caballeros de Colón, Consejo 6189 después de todas las misas el cuarto domingo de cada mes. Proporcionarán café y donas. También habrá información sobre la misón de los Caballeros en apoyo de nuestra iglesia. LIBRERÍA PADRE RICARDO SEIDEL Recepción de la Vigilia Pascual—Le pedimos a los feligreses que traigan bocadillos a nuestra Recepción de la Gran Vigilia Pascual. ¡Celebremos a nuestros miembros recién bautizados y confirmados al presentarse a la Mesa del Señor por primera vez! Es la época de la Cesta Pascual. Muchos se enfrentanán a una cesta de Pascua vacía y una canasta de alimentos vacía. Juéves Santo y el Domingo de Pascua son celebraciones especiales donde nuestra Cesta Pascual de la Iglesia St. Augustine puede ser el carro de la compra lleno de alimentos para los necesitados. Llenemos el carro y ayudemos a nuestra despensa de comida para que sirvan a muchos durante la temporada de Pascua. ****************************** Nuestra Segunda Colecta de los Fondos para el Edificio será el 12 de abril. Por favor utilice el sobre para cumplir su promesa de poner la cantidad mensual comprometida en la segunda colecta. Los invitamos para que nos visiten en el local que se encuentra en nuestro Centro Pastoral y compren Biblias, libros, rosarios, estatuas, música cristiana y muchos artículos religiosos. Gracias por su colaboración COLECTA SEMANAL Para su enriquecimiento espiritual...Invitamos a los feligreses que visiten la Biblioteca/Salón de Leer del Nuevo Centro Pastoral durante las horas de la oficina 9:00am—4:00pm. Ofrendas Sacrificatorios: 03/22/15 Hasta La Fecha Domingo/Día Sagrado $ 13,389 $ 589,413 Fondos para el Edificio 78,416 Total Ofrendas Sacrificatorios $ 13,389 $ Presupuesto Hasta la fecha ……………………… Alcohólicos Anónimos Si consideras que tienes problemas con tu manera de beber, El grupo de Alcohólicos Anónimos le puede ayudar. Reuniones son todos los miércoles, de 7:00pm a 9:00pm en: El Centro Sagrado Corazón 1400 Perry Street Richmond, VA 23224 Para más información llama a José al 804-249-0474 o al 804-230-4399 Presupuesto Positivo/ ………………………. $ (Negativo) No Incluido arriba: Catholic Relief Services (Servicios Católicos ) $3,263, Periódico - Católico Virginiano $251 Santo Padre $20, Rice Bowl $- Plato de Arroz $6 667,829 694,450 (26,621) Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor 29 de Marzo, 2015 El Padre Miguel y el Padre Denis estarán fuera de la oficina la semana después del domingo de Pascua. No Habra Misa Diaria el 7, 8, o 9 de abril. Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa Sábado, Mar. 28 Domingo, Mar. 29 5:30pm Richard Diamond 8:30am Summers & Jenness families 11:15am Pat Melley 1:15pm José Victor Contreras 6:00pm Feligreses Martes, Mar. 31 9:00am Bill & Ann Schmied Miércoles, Abr. 1 12:15pm Feligreses Juéves, Abr. 2 7:30Pm Rev. Dr. Gene Corrigan Sábado, Abr. 4 8:00pm Shirley Brown Domingo, Abr. 5 8:30am Lewis Bettinger 11:15am Shirley Louise Fanelli 1:15pm Kevin Portillo (Presentación de 3 años) 6:00pm Feligreses denota feligreses fallecidos, miembros de la familia y/o amigos). REFLEXIONES Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor Llegamos a la Semana Santa. O Semana Mayor, como muchos le llamamos a este tiempo del año litúrgico tan especial, ya que es el culmen de nuestra vida de fe. En este domingo, como durante el Triduo Pascual, la liturgia nos invita a vivir rituales diferentes de lo que habitualmente hacemos durante el año. Por lo tanto, es necesario prestar atención especial para que no se nos haga rutina. Conviene que revisemos con cuidado esmerado las lecturas, símbolos y especialmente la liturgia del Triduo Pascual. Los catecúmenos deben de estar preparados para que, con entusiasmo, participen de la celebración desde la bendición de los ramos hasta la Vigilia Pascual. Con nuestros cantos de júbilo del hosanna, que literalmente significa "sálvanos", y el Kyrios, cuyo significado es "Señor", damos inicio a la entrada triunfante del Señor a Jerusalén. Él entra humildemente montado en un burrito, según nos dice la Escritura, pues llega buscando la paz. Imagínate tú mismo entre la gente de ese día, agitando las palmas y lleno de gozo por haber visto al Mesías. ¿Cuáles son sus esperanzas del Mesías al llegar a Jerusalén? ¿Qué haremos esta Semana Santa para acompañar al Señor? Dios viene a nosotros humildemente, sin forzarnos, enseñándonos que su amor es sin medida. La victoria triunfante de Jesús en la cruz es muestra de humildad, no de poder. Sin duda alguna, el Reino que Jesús nos ofrece por medio de la cruz es distinto al que nosotros muchas veces deseamos. Al acompañar a Jesús en este Domingo de Ramos palparemos algo nuevo: Dios y su Reino se nos han acercado. ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Lecturas para la semana del 29 de marzo de 2015 Domingo: Mc 11, 1-10 o Jn 12, 12-16/Is 50, 4-7/ Flp 2, 6-11/Mc 14, 1--15, 47 o 15, 1-39 Lunes: Is 42, 1-7/Jn 12, 1-11 Martes: Is 49, 1-6/Jn 13, 21-33. 36-38 Miércoles: Is 50, 4-9/Mt 26, 14-25 Jueves: Misa del Santo Crisma: Is 61, 1-3. 6. 8-9/Ap 1, 5-8/Lc 4, 16-21 Misa vespertina de la Cena del Señor: Ex 12, 1-8. 11-14/ 1 Cor 11, 23-26/Jn 13, 1-15 Viernes: Is 52, 13--53, 12/Heb 4, 14-16; 5, 7-9/Jn 18, 1--19, 42 Sábado: Vigilia pascual: Gn 1, 1--2, 2 o 1, 1. 26-31/Gn 22, 1-18 o 22, 1-2. 9-13. 15-18/Ex 14, 15--15, 1/Is 54, 5-14/Is 55, 1-11/Bar 3, 9-15. 32-4, 4/Ez 36, 16-28/Rom 6, 3-11/Mc 16, 1-7 Domingo siguiente: Hch 10, 34. 37-43/Col 3, 1-4 o 1 Cor 5, 6-8/Jn 20, 1-9 o Mc 16, 1-7 o Lc 24, 13-35 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Quiere celebrar sus Quince aquí en la Parroquia? Estos so los Requisitos: 1. Ser miembros inscritos de la parroquia (no menos de 6 meses) y que atiendan con regularidad a la misa 2. Debe haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo y Eucaristía. 3. Debe estar participando en el programa de Educación Religiosa. FORMACIÓN CRISTIANA PROGRAMA DE VIDA (L.I.F.E) (Viviendo en Fe Cada Día) Necesitamos maestros de tercer grado para las sesiones de las 2:45pm y las 4:30pm lo mas pronto possible. Llame a Fran Kuzma en la oficina si quiere ayudar (le daremos entrenamiento). Recuerde, los padres siempre son bienvenidos para estar en la sesión con su hijo(a), y/o ayudar en la sesión. ¿Desea bautizar a su bebé? Las inscripciones para bautismos son todos los miércoles de 3:00 - 7:00 pm y los juéves de 2 - 4pm. Los padres deben ser miembros inscritos en la parroquia. Por favor traiga con usted una copia del certificado de nacimiento del menor y la información de los padrinos. Para más información, ver los folletos de bautismo colocados en el salón de información. RENOVACIÓN CARISMÁTICA Invitamos a toda la comunidad a la asamblea que tenemos los sábados a las 7:00 pm. Ven y descubre el gran amor de Jesús. MINISTERIO DE JOVENES PARA CRISTO - JPC Dios esta levantado Jóvenes valientes y usándolos para sus propósitos...! Atiende al llamado que DIOS te hace Hoy!! ¡Recibe a Jesús en tu corazón, únete al Ministerio de Jóvenes para Cristo.! Ven y descubre el Amor de Dios desde tu Juventud. Nos reunimos todos los miércoles a las 7pm en el Salón Parroquial. Para más información hable con el coordinador del Ministerio Gustavo Pérez, o llame a la oficina Parroquial con Fidel Rubio al 804 275 7962. EMAÚS—Estamos invitando a todos ustedes a que se reúnan a nosotros para compartir el evangelio los miércoles de 7pm a 9pm en el salón #9.
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