Parish Mission Statement We, the faithful of Saint Christopher Parish, animated by the GOOD NEWS of Christ and inspired by the Diocesan Vision, are called to grow as a RECONCILING MULTICULTURAL CHURCH. Nosotros los fieles de la Parroquia, St. Christopher, animados por la BUENA NUEVA de Cristo e inspirados por la Visión Diocesana, estamos llamados a crecer como una IGLESIA RECONCILIADORA Y MULTICULTURAL. Mass Schedule Daily Mass - Monday-Saturday: 7:45 AM Morning Praise Mass: 8 AM & 6:30 PM* *(No 6:30 PM Mass on Legal Holidays) Wednesdays & Fridays 12 PM (Español) Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 PM (English); 7 PM (Español) Sunday Masses: 6:30 AM, 8:15 AM, 10 AM & 5:30 PM (English) 12 PM & 2 PM & 7 PM(Español) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Charismatic Mass (Spanish) First Friday 12 PM Healing Service in Domas Hall First Friday 1:30 PM Filipino Mass First Sunday of the Month 4 PM Gospel Mass Third Sunday of the Month 5:30 PM Holy Day Vigil Mass: 6:30 PM, Holy Day Mass: 8 AM, 12 PM & 6:30 PM Reconciliation Schedule Reconciliation: Every 2nd & 4th Saturday 3:30 PM-5 PM and 1st Friday after the 6:30 PM Mass until 8 PM. Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every Wednesday: 8:45am-12:00pm 1st Friday: 8:45 AM to 10 PM Welcome to St. Christopher Roman Catholic Church 25075 Cottonwood Ave. , Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Fax: 951-247-6477 Phones: Faith Formation 951-571-8346 ● Youth and Young Adults 951-571-8349 ● Asuntos Hispanos 951-571-8345 Preschool 951-571-8347 ● All Other Inquiries 951-924-1968 ● Email: [email protected] 2. OCTOBER 12, 2014 951-924-1968 Pastoral Council Co-chairs - Emma Motte 313-1682 and Jose Luis Zepeda 714-348-4565 Administration Fr. Joven Junio, M.S. Pastor, x102 Priest Moderator of Service, Temporalities Commissions (Evangelization Commission & Religious Ed. Program). Fr. Arlan Intal, M.S. Parochial Vicar, x122 Priest Moderator of Worship & Liturgy, Youth & Young Adults Program. Fr. Eduardo Aguirre, Parochial Vicar x104 Priest Moderator for Hispanic Affairs. Deacon Carlos Morales Moderator for Marriage Convalidation 951-571-8350 Bro. Carlos Martinez x127 Intern Seminarian, Assoc. Moderator for Young Adult Program & Adult RCIA E-mail: [email protected] Marietta Caparas, Bookkeeper, Office Administrator 951-571-8344 Veronica Alcala, Priests’ Secretary, Wedding, Funeral & Anointing of the Sick Information, Mass Intentions, x100 Arturo Amador, Office Assistant & Spanish Translator, x127 Alma Ruiz, Correspondence, Bulletin Editor, Parish Records, 951-571-8352 Dorothy Holland, Baptism, Records Office Aide & Food Bank, x118 Teresa Quirino, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries, 951-571-8345 Dr. Isabel M. Dion, D.Min., Coordinator for English Ongoing Adult Formation, 951-571-8351 Thomas J. Davis, Coordinator for Youth & Young Adult’s Program, x107 E-mail: [email protected] John P. Holbach, Youth & Young Adults Office Assistant, x103 E-mail: [email protected] Faith Formation: 951-571-8346 Jessica Mejia Lara, Coordinator of English Faith Formation, x119 Teresita Felix, Coordinator of Hispanic Faith Formation, Baptismal Preparation & Quinceañera, x112 Cathy Small, Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation & Confirmation, x116 Rosa Ramos, Coordinator of Adult RCIA & Confirmation; Liaison for Marriage Convalidation Program , x114 Pre-School Rebecca Reynoso, Preschool Director, 951-571-8347 Parish Care Harry Perez, Maintenance Linus Santiago, Maintenance Worship Commission Eucharistic Ministers English - Connie Hafer Spanish - Vicente Serna & Irene Serna Lectors English - Lourdes Nery Spanish - Ernesto Ocampo Music Ministry English - Cathy Barnett Spanish - Irma Flores Altar Servers - Luz Mocete Hospitality Ministry Ushers - Manny Padua Ujieres - Ana Patricia Reyes Liturgical Art & Environment Ministry - Ann Santa Ana Filipino Ministry - Maria Abrigo La Salette Sto. Niño - Minda ChanLugay World Apostolate of Fátima El Shaddai - Lina de Mesa Alliance of Two Hearts - Danny Miguel Lord of Pardon - Cesar & Liberty Sánchez Divine Mercy Promoters - Vic Eslava Liturgia de la Palabra para Ninos - Aurora Renteria Liturgy of the Word for Children - Aurora Castanon Technology Ministry– Arturo Amador Evangelization Commission RCIA - Call Faith Formation Office Marriage Preparation - Manuel & Mariana Rivas Baptismal Information, English - Dorothy Holland Baptismal Information, Spanish - Teresita Felix Grupo Resurreccion - Sarita Villela English Cursillo - Michael Pastor Spanish Cursillo - Natalie Orozco Catholics of African Descent Al Garland Jóvenes Para Cristo - Maria Madrigal Min. Prevención y Rescate - Ramon Lopez Encuentro Matrimonial Jesus & Irene Saavedra Consagración a Maria - Rosa Aguilar Legión de María - Milagros Urmeneta Unidos en Cristo - Felipe Gonzalez Fel. Of Catholic Christian Women - Veronica Ortega Dramatización - Leticia Urias On Going Adult Faith Formation, Bible Study Welcome Home to Returning Catholics, - Isabel Dion Small Faith Communities - Inez Cervantes CERS - Rocio Fuentes Bible Study - Maria Davis Spanish Bible Study– Angelina Prado Service Commission Knights of Columbus - Raul Cipres Pro-LIFE - Izzy & Jesse Arreola Food Bank - Dorothy Holland Health Ministry - Jessie Cristobal Cora Jurilla Christian Service - Sarah Vargas-Gomez Funeral Service Ministry - Virginia Soriano Our Lady of the Rosary– Dorothy Holland Rosary Makers- Dorothy Holland Ministry to the Sick - English - Pat Box Spanish - Rocio Fuentes Security/Seguridad - Martin Marcial Ballet Folklorico - Adriana Zaragoza Comité de Solidaridad Social - Jesús & Patricia Holguin Al-anon– Aprender es Vivir— Graciela Senior Social Ministry- Veronica Velez Temporalities Commission Finance Council Chairperson - Josefino Buccat Diocesan Development Chairman - Max Arzu Property Custodian - Eugene Renna Young Adults & Youth Commission Young Adults Ministry (Y.A.M.) - Khoa Nguyen Krazy for Christ (Grades 5-8) - Marisol Flores Lambs of Christ Youth Group (L.O.C.) - Nancy Rafanan Youth Choirs/Bands - Byron Muñoz Jóvenes Caminando en Cristo (J.C.C.) - Cynthia Mendoza Prevencion y Rescate Pastoral Juvenil - Jose Luna Vuelve a Vivir Grupo de Jóvenes - Kristina Lopez Columbian Squires (Young Men ages 10-18)-Sir Eugene Renna Young Men and Women Soccer Teams - Denise Fuentes 287-4379 616-4555 667-0811 616-0994 924-1968 442-0472 751-9624 242-9410 400-8291 538-1977 325-3093 924-1048 243-8573 221-2325 522-9421 247-9057 288-1090 400-1792 940-5758 924-1968 571-8346 201-4841 Ext. 118 Ext. 112 956-7171 275-7745 581-3760 924-5750 656-675-6550 488-5716 337-8438 243-7979 683-1697 626-367-9169 208-2862 544-1993 571-8351 242-5741 486-1771 489-6580 243-9224 990-2639 796-1939 Ext. 118 318-3470 776-3082 616-7789 522-8505 Ext. 118 Ext. 118 924-5443 486-1771 697-6455 269-7102 247-5899 714-222-7829 850-7774 485-7685 242-1002 247-2501 567-8282 529-0882 264-0415 640-1132 490-7737 909-806-5131 966-5015 247-2501 743-4717 WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG 3. InvitaƟon to the Feast Fr. René Butler, MS (Isaiah 25:6-10; Philippians 4:12-20; MaƩhew 22:1-14) At La SaleƩe, Our Blessed Mother said: “In the summer, only a few elderly women go to Mass. The rest work on Sundays all summer long. In the winter, when they don’t know what else to do, they go to Mass just to make fun of religion.” SomeƟmes we use the term “Sunday obligaƟon” to describe the pracƟce of going to weekly Mass. This is unfortunate. That such an obligaƟon exists is true, of course. In fact, the LaƟn text of the Church’s “Canon Law” says literally that “the faithful are obliged.” The opening words of the BeauƟful Lady’s discourse are, “If my people refuse to submit.” Can she be talking about laws and obligaƟons only? Note that the law doesn’t say “Catholics” but “the faithful.” Mary doesn’t say “Catholics” but “my people.” The community of “faithful people” gathers on the Lord’s Day. The only requirement is the wedding garment. The “faithful” are the People of God, those who 1) have faith—perhaps this is what the “wedding garment” represents—2) live their faith, 3) nourish their faith, and 4) celebrate their faith with one another. At La SaleƩe Mary challenges us to do all these things, as she renews the invitaƟon to the Feast. Invitacion a la Fiesta P. René Butler, MS (Isaías 25: 6-10; Filipenses 4: 12-20, Mateo 22: 1-14) En La SaleƩe, Nuestra Sanơsima Madre dijo, "En el verano, sólo unas pocas mujeres mayores van a misa. El resto trabaja los domingos durante todo el verano. En el invierno, cuando no saben qué más hacer, van a misa sólo para burlarse de la religión”. A veces se uƟliza el dicho "obligación de domingo" para describir la prácƟca de ir a misa semanalmente. Esto es lamentable. Que existe tal obligación es cierto, por supuesto. De hecho, el "Derecho Canónico de la Iglesia", dice textualmente que "los fieles están tenidos". La primeras palabras del discurso de la Bella Señora son: “Si mi pueblo no quiere someterse” ¿Acaso estaría hablando de leyes y obligaciones solamente? Tenga en cuenta que la ley no dice "católicos", sino "los fieles." María no dice "católicos", sino "mi pueblo. La comunidad de los "fieles" se encuentra en el día del Señor. El único requisito es de llevar el vesƟdo de bodas. Los "fieles" son el pueblo de Dios, aquellos que 1) Ɵenen la fe-quizá esto se refiera al “estar vesƟdo de fiesta"-2) viven su fe, 3) a nutren su fe, y 4) celebran su fe unos con otros. En La SaleƩe María nos desaİa a hacer todas estas cosas, y nos vuelve a invitar al Banquete. TODAY’S READINGS LECTURAS DE HOY First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (MaƩhew 22:1-14 [1-10]). Primera lectura — El Señor preparará un banquete y secará las lágrimas de todos los rostros (Isaías 25:6-10a). Salmo — Viviré en la casa del Señor todos los días de mi vida (Salmo 23 [22]). Segunda lectura — No importa las circunstancias en las que nos encontremos, nuestras necesidades se resolverán en Cristo Jesús (Filipenses 4:12-14, 19-20). Evangelio — La invitación se ha enviado; todo está listo; vengan a la fiesta (Mateo 22:1-14 [1-10]). The English translaƟon of the Psalm Responses from LecƟonary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, InternaƟonal Commission on English in the Liturgy CorporaƟon. All rights reserved 10-12-2014~10-19-2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13;Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 10-12-2014~10-19-2014 Domingo: Is 25:6-10a; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Fil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] Lunes: Gál 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Sal 113 (112):1b-5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-32 Martes: Gál 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45, 47-48; Lc 11:37-41 Miércoles: Gál 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-46 Jueves: Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Lc 11:47-54 Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lc 12:1-7 Sábado: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18; Lc 10:1-9 Domingo: Is 45:1, 4-6; Sal 96 (95):1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Tes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 4. October 11, 2014 Saturday 5:00 p.m Linda & Dora Avila † 7:00 p.m Roselia Olvero † Patricio Zamarripa † Victor Ibarra † Liborio & Guadalupe Garcia † October 12, 2014 Sunday 6:30 a.m. Calixto Marquez † 8:15 a.m. Dulce Tondecilla † Joseph Michael Karnes (Sp. Int) 10:00 a.m. David & Claudette Monson † Valentino & Pricella Happy 57th Wedding Anniversary 12 Noon Maria Ponce de Rosales † Rosa Jimenez Aguayo † Cesar Muñoz † 2:00 p.m. Alvaro Magdaleno † Familia Carrera (Sp. Int) 5:30 p.m. Anthony Masculino Giralao † David Sotelo Luna † Camille Soliva (Sp. Int) 7:00 p.m. Jose, Miguel, Margarita (Birthday) Monday 8:00 a.m. Blanca Carillo (Birthday) 6:30 p.m. Most. Rev. Bishop Rodolfo Fontiveros Beltran (Healing) Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Arthur Medina † 6:30 p.m. Dennis Abelgas † Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Fr. John Vieira (Sp. Int) 12 Noon Luz Gutierrez Alcaraz (Birthday) 6:30 p.m. Fr. Mariano Fernandez Diaz. (Sp. Int) Thursday 8:00 a.m. Fr. Cris Subosa (Sp. Int) 6:30 p.m. All Souls Friday 8:00 a.m. All Parishioners 12Noon Martin Caro † Daniel Macias † Martin Carillo † 6:30 p.m. Delfina Estrada † Saturday 8:00 a.m. Adabelle Velasco (Birthday) Marco Almonte (Birthday) All Souls 951-924-1968 Sunday, October 12 9 am RCIA Children 11 am RCIA English Adults 1 pm RICA Adultos Spanish 4 pm Spanish Ushers/Dramatization Practice (Rm 1,2) 6 pm Young Adult Group (S McGivney) Monday, October 13 Wednesday, October 15 4 pm Ballet Folkorico (Hall) 4 pm Columbian Squires (N. McGivney) 4:30 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 5 pm Quinceanera/Wedding Rehearsal (Main Church) 6 pm Filipino Choir (S McGivney) 7 pm English Bible Study (N McGivney) 7 pm FCCW (S McGivney 7 pm Adult Confirmation (Rm 12/13) 7 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 7 pm Equipo de Transicion (Conf. Rm) 7 pm Prevencion y Rescate (W Hall) 7 pm Prevencion y Rescate Juvenil (E Hall) Thursday, October 16 9 am Al-anon (Rm 3) 9 am Coro Resurreccion (Rm 2) 10 am ESL (Rm 1) 1 pm Food Bank Distribution 4 pm Ballet Folklorico 5 pm Quinceanera/ Wedding Rehersal (Main Church) 6 pm Dramatizacion (Rm 1) 6 pm Jovenes Caminando en Cristo (W Hall) 6 pm Unidos en Cristo (E Hall) 7 pm Jovenes Para Cristo (Rm 2-4) 7 pm Doctrinal Catechesis (Rm 12-15) 7pm Knights of Columbus (Rm 6) 7 pm Prevencion y Rescate (Conf. Rm) 7pm Spanish Lectors Training (Main Church) 7 pm VAV Core Team (S. McGivney) 7pm Worship Commission (N McGivney) Tuesday, October 14 8:30 am Novena Señor de los Milagros (Chapel) 9 am CERS Meeting (Rm 2) 9:30 am Legion de Maria (Rm 6) 10:30am Spanish Small Faith Community (Rm 4) 1 pm ESL (Rm 6) 4:30 Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 6:30 pm Vuelve a Virvir (W. Hall) 7pm Bilingual Young Adults Meeting (Conf Rm) 7 pm Welcome Home Program (N McGivney) 7 pm English Music Ministry ( Rm 6) 7pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 7 pm Krazy for Christ (E Hall) 7 pm LOC Youth Choir (S. McGivney) Wednesday, October 15 8:30 am Novena Señor de los Milagros (Chapel) 9 am Grupo Resurrecion (Hall) 9 :30 am Small Faith Communities (Rm 4) 10 am English Bible Study (Rm 6) 10 am ESL (Rm 1) 1 pm ESL (Rm 6) 8:30 am Novena Señor de los Milagros (Chapel) 8:30 am Rosary Makers ( E Hall) 9 am CERS Estudio Biblico (Rm 2) 9 am Citizenship Classes (Rm 3) 9am Consagracion a Maria (Rm 1) 11 am CERS Estudio Biblico (Rm 2) 1 pm OLOR Meeting (S McGivney) 4:30 Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 6:30 pm Baptismal Seminar (Hall) 6:30 pm Spanish Lectors (Rm 12/13) 7 pm Comite Guadalupano (Conf. Rm) 7pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 7 pm Teens for Christ (S McGivney) Friday, October 17 8:30 am Novena Señor de los Milagros (Chapel) 9am CERS (Rm 3) 9 am English Small Faith Community (S McGivney) 10 am ESL (Rm 1) 10 am Spanish Small Faith Community (Conf.Rm) 10am SpanishSmallFaithCommunity(Rm2) 4:30 Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 5 pm Praise and Worship Youth Choir (S McGivney) 5:30pm Health Ministry (Rm 14/15) 6:30pm Coro de Ninos (Rm 6) 7 pm Alliance of Two Hearts (Rm 2) 7pm Filipino Choir (S McGivney) 7 pm Encuentro Matrimonial (Rm 3) 7 pm Lambs of Christ (Rm 12/13) 7 pm Padres Ensenando Padres (Rm 1) 7pm Ministros de Eucaristia (W Hall) Saturday, October 18 8:30 am Novena Señor de los Milagros (Chapel) 9 am Home Faith Formation Orientation (Hall) 9 am Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms) 10 am Ministry of the Word Core Team (N McGiveny) 1 pm El Shaddai (Rm 6) 2 pm El Shaddai Youth (Rm 4_) 6 pm Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños (Rm 14/15) Sunday, October 12 9 am RCIA Children 11 am RCIA English Adults 1 pm RICA Adultos Spanish 4 pm Spanish Ushers/Dramatization Practice (Rm 1,2) 6 pm Young Adult Group (S McGivney) WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG 5. 6. 951-924-1968 Arts & Crafts Boutique Our Lady of the Rosary Women’s Group will be hosting an Arts and Crafts Boutique on Sunday, November 9th in Domas Hall from 7 am– 4 pm. Anyone wishing to participate with a table of their own crafts can contact Dorothy Holland at 924-1968, Ext. 118 or Janet Simonetti at 488-0529. If you have items you wish to donate, please call the numbers above. FOOD BANK Thanks to the very generous parishioners of St. Christopher and St. Patrick’s, our food bank was able to feed 96 families this past week. Special thanks to WinCo Foods, Starbuck, and Val Verde School District. We are in need of veggies, pasta, rice, and canned meats. Please no baby food at this time. Gift cards to local grocery stores will also be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Boutique de Arte y Artesanía El Grupo de mujeres Nuestra Señora del Rosario tendra una exposición y venta de arte y artesanías el domingo 9 de noviembre en el Domas Hall de las 7 am a las 4pm. Cualquier persona que desee participar con una mesa de sus propias manualidades puede comunicarse con Dorothy Holanda al 924-1968, ext. 118 o Janet Simonetti al 488-0529. Si usted tiene artículos que desea donar, por favor llame a los números arriba. BANCO DE COMIDA Gracias a todos los parroquianos de St. Christopher y St. Patrick nuestro Banco de Comida tuvo la oportunidad de proveer alimentos a 10 familias la semana pasada. Muchas gracias a WinCo Foods, Starbucks, y al Distrito Unificado de Val Verde. Estamos en necesidad de verduras, pasta, arroz, y carnes enlatadas. Se les agradece donaciones de tarjetas de regalo a los mercados de comida. ¡Gracias! WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG 7. HEALTH AND WELLNESS MINISTRY MINISTERIO DE SALUD Y BIENESTAR Save the Date 2014 White Mass CelebraƟng Healthcare Professionals In RecogniƟon of the dedicated work of Healthcare Professionals with the Most Reverend Gerald R. Barnes presiding October 19, 2014 Mass: 3:00 pm RecepƟon to follow in the Parish Hall Christ the Redeemer Parish 12745 Oriole Avenue, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Please RSVP to Joyce Andrade at (909)475-5476 or [email protected]. Guarde la Fecha Misa Blanca 2014 Celebrando los Profesionales en el Ambiente Medico En reconocimiento del trabajo dedicado de profesionales de la salud con el Reverendísimo Gerald R. Barnes presidir 19 de octubre 2014 Misa: 3:00 pm Recepción a seguir en el Salón Parroquial La parroquia de Cristo Redentor 12745 Oriole Avenue, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Por favor confirmar su asistencia a Joyce Andrade en (909)475-5476 o [email protected]. WELCOME HOME TO RETURNING AND INACTIVE CATHOLICS ! Our door is open all year round for Catholics who are returning and inactive. We also invite ALL who like to refresh and deepen their knowledge of faith.; those who have questions about Catholic teachings and practices. One of the things that the New Evangelization addresses is how to bring the gospel anew to people who are regular attendees at Sunday Mass - The New Evangelization is to help such Catholics to have a deeper encounter with Christ; to be witnesses to their faith; to be fired up with the love for God and for neighbors. In the Welcome Home community we have Catholics who have experienced such grace that they are out there sharing with their relatives and friends their experience and a deepened knowledge of the faith. We meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M. in the McGivney House. For more information call at 951-571-8351. Please leave a message if the phone is not answered because my work schedule is irregular. I only ask that you please speak slowly when you leave your phone number. I always return calls but if I don’t get your number correctly it is because it is hard to understand the number that the caller leaves. ===================================================================================== ADULT FAITH FORMATION ON THE WEB! (INTERNET) - USING WISELY YOUR SMARTPHONES, TABLETS AND LAPTOPS; WHAT DO WE DO??? Choose the website that you want to use from the list in the parish There are two categories on the list: 1. Catechesis (catechism) = Suggestion: Have a notebook for taking down notes. 2. Spirituality/Prayer/gospel = reflection on the gospel and ways of praying IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY: WE MEET ONCE A MONTH IN THE PARISH. T o enrich one another by sharing what we learned. SHARING is facilitated by staff members!. We meet on November 17 at 10:00 A.M. - McGivney House ; 7:00 P.M = Rooms 12-13 Free ESL classes are being offered at St. Christopher . There are two schedules to choose from: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10am11:30am in room 1 or on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1pm -2:30pm in room 6. Please bring a pen and notebook if you plan to attend. La parroquia de St. Christopher esta ofreciendo clases de ingles gratis en dos horarios: lunes, miércoles, viernes de 10am a 11:30am en el salón 1 o martes miércoles de 1 a 2:30pm en el salón 6. Se puede presentar a clase con un cuaderno y lápiz. 8. 951-924-1968 Parent Enrichment Sessions were offered by the following Faith Formation catechist. We are blessed by their commitment to our community of St. Christopher. The catechist for Wednesday were: Dottie Martinez and Cynthia Cienega, Michael, Stan and Lubica Pastor, Rocio Fuentes and Ma. Teresa Serrano, Mayra Solares and Maria Michel, Norma Mendoza and Martha Negrete, Jose and Blanca Salas, Israel and Socorro Garcia, Angelina Prado, For the Thursday group: Flo Pacheco and Iiyshaa Yougnblood, Luz Mocete, Maria Gomez, Sofia Lara and Angelica Mendez, Gloria Armenteros and Rigoberto Cabanillas, Ma. Ruby Renteria and Nicolas Gomez, Gonzalo Prado & Isaura Ruiz. For Friday: Michael and Irma Carlos, Carmen and Edwin Figueroa, Calvin and Lori Pelgone, Cecilia Avalos and Maria Barreto, Alicia Nuñez and Herminia Castañeda, Sarita Cazarez, Jovenes Para Cristo, Sylvia Arboleda and Rosa de los Santos, Anselmo and Maria Peralta, Martin and Lourdes Raygoza For Saturday: Mary Grace Cabasan and Joan Lira, Irma Jacuinde, Veronica Hernandez, Iliana De Luna and Micaela Garcia. Las Sesiones para padres son posibles gracias a la participación de los siguientes catequistas. Ellos son una bendición para nuestra comunidad de St. Christopher. Los catequistas del Miercoles fueron: Dottie Martinez y Cynthia Cienega, Michael, Stan y Lubica Pastor, Rocio Fuentes y Ma. Teresa Serrano, Mayra Solares y Maria Michel, Norma Mendoza y Martha Negrete, Jose y Blanca Salas, Israel y Socorro Garcia, Angelina Prado, El grupo del Jueves: Flo Pacheco y Iiyshaa Yougnblood, Luz Mocete, Maria Gomez, Sofia Lara y Angelica Mendez, Gloria Armenteros y Rigoberto Cabanillas, Ma. Ruby Renteria y Nicolas Gomez, Gonzalo Prado, Isaura Ruiz, Del Viernes: Michael e Irma Carlos, Carmen y Edwin Figueroa, Calvin y Lori Pelgone, Cecilia Avalos y Maria Barreto, Alicia Nuñez y Herminia Castañeda, Sarita Cazarez, Jovenes Para Cristo, Sylvia Arboleda y Rosa de los Santos, Anselmo y Maria Peralta, Martin y Lourdes Raygoza Del Sábado: Mary Grace Cabasan y Joan Lira, Irma Jacuinde, Veronica Hernandez, Iliana De Luna y Micaela Garcia. Faith Formation classes for children/youth will start the week of October 7th thru 11th. A parent needs to accompany the child on the first day of class, everyone will gather in the church. The schedules for all the classes can be found in the parent handbook. Schedules vary depending of the age of the child, don’t for get to bring your class slip. For more information please call 951571-8346. Primera semana de Clases de Formación de Fe para los niños y jóvenes comenzaran la semana del 7 al 11 de Octubre. Un papá tiene que acompañar al niño(a) en el primer día de clase, todos se reunirán en la Iglesia. Todos los horarios se encuentran en el manual de los padres. Los horarios varían dependiendo en la edad del niño, favor de traer la tarjetita que contiene la clase. Para mas información llame al 951-571-8346. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and adapted for children celebrated the Rite of Acceptance and Welcome on September 27st with our catechumens:Keyly Arcos, Sebastian Barragan, Israel Campoa, Dillion and Priscilla De Jesus, Arlene Flores, Zitlali Gonzalez, Andres and Shirley Gutierrez, Ryan Hirsch, Yessica Laguna, Destanie Medina, Juan Moran, Miguel Nieves, Lila Palgone, Jose and Serenity Peña, Jennifer and Jonathan Ramirez, Karolina, Andrew and Keila Ross and candidates: Genesis Aguirre, Maritza Barcenas, Vanessa Casarez, Adrian and Lucia Conejo, Juan Damian, Lisset Garcia, Maritza Garcia, Juan Gonzalez, Eduardo and Guillermo Hernandez, Ramon Lopez, Yaneth Ramirez, Cynthia Rodriguez, Luis Silva . Our catechumens and candidates will join us on October 5th for 10am Mass in English and 12 noon in Spanish. Please make sure to give them a warm welcome. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos y adaptada para niños celebró el Rito de Aceptación el 27 de Septiembre con los catecúmenos: Keyly Arcos, Sebastian Barragan, Israel Campoa, Dillion y Priscilla De Jesus, Arlene Flores, Zitlali Gonzalez, Andres y Shirley Gutierrez, Ryan Hirsch, Yessica Laguna, Destanie Medina, Juan Moran, Miguel Nieves, Lila Palgone, Jose and Serenity Peña, Jennifer and Jonathan Ramirez, Karilina, Andrew y Keila Ross y candidatos: Manolo Acosta, Genesis Aguirre, Maritza Barcenas, Vanessa Casarez, Adrian y Lucia Conejo, Juan Damian, Lisset Garcia, Maritza Garcia, Juan Gonzalez, Eduardo y Guillermo Hernandez, Ramon Lopez, Andy Perez, Yaneth Ramirez, Cynthia Rodriguez, Luis Silva. Los catecúmenos y candidatos participarán el 5 de Octubre en las Misas de 10am en Ingles y 12md en Español. Favor de darles la bienvenida. WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG 9. Prayer and sacrifice are fundamental components in the defense for Human Life. From September 24 to November 2nd, hundreds of thousands of people in more than 500 cities around the world will be joining 40 days for life to pray and fast for an end to abortion. The Diocese of San Bernardino will be supporting this effort by participating in peaceful prayer vigils in front of our local abortion center in Riverside. Please plan on joining your Corona/Riverside community at this peaceful vigil. Prayer Vigil Planned Parenthood 3772 Tibbetts Street Riverside, CA 92506 La oracion y el sacrificion son components fundamentals en la defense de la vida humana. Del 24 de Septiembre al 2 de Noviembre del 2014 cientos de miles de personas en mas de 500 ciudades de todo el mundo se uniran para los 40 dias por la vida en oracion y ayuno por el fin del aborto. La Diocesis de San Bernardino estara apoyando estos esfuerzos a traves de vigilias de oracion pacificas en frente de nuestros centros de aborto en la ciudad de Riverside. Por favor unanse con la comunidad de Corona/Riverside en estas oraciones pacificas. Ubicacion: Planned Parenthood 3772 Tibbetts Street Riverside, CA 92506 For more information please contact: Izzy at (951)796-1939 or visit our webpage at Para obtener mas informacion favor de comunicarse con: Maricela al (951)347-4535 o visite la pagina web Ministry to Widows and Widowers Ministerios para Viudos y Viudas We invite our brothers and sisters who are Widows and Widowers to our first meeting which will be held on October 25, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. in the McGivney House for the English speaking Community. For more information please contact Rita Santos at 951-205-4475 and David Lara Tellez at 951-488-4742. For more information on the Spanish speaking community, please call Teresa Quirino at 951-571-8345. Invitamos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que son Viudas y Viudos a nuestra primera reunión que sera el 25 de octubre de 2014 a las 3pm en la Casa McGivney para la Comunidad de habla Inglés. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Rita Santos al 951-205-4475 y David Téllez Lara al 951-488-4742. Para obtener más información acerca de la comunidad de habla español, por favor llame a Teresa Quirino al 951-571-8345. “THE LORD OF THE MIRACLES” NOVENA FROM OCTOBER 14-22 Every year crowds of all races and social conditions celebrate together the Novena to the “The Lord of the Miracles”, at anyplace where the image of our Lord is found. This October our parish of St. Christopher will exhibit the Holy Image and invites the entire community to the Novena in honor of the Lord of the Miracles who will be waiting with open arms to offer to God our Father the sacrifice of love on the Cross for our sins, pains, worries, illnesses, needs, thanks, offerings, and joy The Novena will take place immediately after the 8 am and 6.30 p.m. Masses from Tuesday, October 14th to Wednesday, October 22rd. At St. Christopher Catholic Church . “SEÑOR DE LOS MILAGROS” NOVENA: DEL 14 AL 22 DE OCTUBRE Cada año las multitudes de todas las razas y condiciones sociales celebran juntas la procesión y Novena del Señor de los Milagros, en donde quiera que se encuentra la Imagen de Nuestro Señor y este mes de Octubre nuestra parroquia de St. Christopher exhibirá la Santa Imagen e invita a toda la comunidad a la Novena en Honor al Señor de los Milagros quien nos espera con los brazos abiertos para ofrecer a Dios Padre su sacrificio de amor en la Cruz por nuestros pecados, dolores, preocupaciones, enfermedades, necesidades, agradecimientos , ofrendas y alegrías. La Novena será del martes 14 de octubre al miercoles 22 de octubre inmediatamente después de terminada la misa de 8 a.m. y después de la misa de 6.30 p.m. en la Parroquia de St. Christopher. 10. 951-924-1968 GROWING IN GRACE, AGE AND WISDOM Luke 2:52 Your ADULT FAITH FORMATION CORNER: Isabel Marinay-Dion, D. Min. CRECIENDO EN GRACIA, EDAD, Y SABIDURÍA Lucas 2:52 Su RINCÓN DE FORMACIÓN DE FE ADULTA: Isabel Marinay-Dion, D.Min. The US Bishops’ Plan for On going Adult Faith Formation; Our Hearts were Burning within Us. El Plan de los Obispos de los EU para el La Formación de Fe Adulta Continua: Nuestros Corazones Ardían por dentro DOMUS DEI ...DOMUS ECCLESIAE (House of God...House of the Church (God’s People) The Sanctuary So far we have reflected on the meaning of the sacred spaces of: the narthex and the nave. We now proceed to the sanctuary. What is the sanctuary? It is the sacred space set apart from the rest of the other spaces in the church where the priest celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It mirrors the Jewish Holy of Holies (where the ark of the covenant is placed in the Tent or Tabernacle) To indicate that the sanctuary is indeed a holy place, it is demarcated by the steps. This change in level symbolizes the climb up the Holy mountain on top of which sits the Temple, the sacred center of Jerusalem. In the sanctuary we encounter Christ’s presence in a) the Altar; b) the Ambo; c) the Presider’s chair. Let us reflect on each of these: Let us begin with the Altar. Just like the walls of a new Church, a baptized person, a confirmed person or an ordained person is consecrated with Holy Chrism so is a new altar , the most impor tant symbol of the pr esence of Christ in the sanctuary. In keeping with the ancient tradition, the altar should be made of stone which reminds us that Christ built his Church on a rock. (Mt. 16:18) (to be continued…) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DOMUS DEI ... DOMUS ECCLESIAE (Casa de Dios ... Casa de la Iglesia (pueblo de Dios) El Santuario El Santuario hasta ahora hemos reflexionado sobre el significado de los espacios sagrados de: el nártex y la nave. Ahora procedemos al santuario. ¿Cuál es el santuario? Es el espacio sagrado apartado del resto de los otros espacios de la iglesia donde el sacerdote celebra el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa. Refleja donde el Arca de la Alianza se coloca en la carpa o Tabernáculo para indicar que el santuario es de hecho un lugar santo, que está demarcada por los pasos. Este cambio en el nivel simboliza el ascenso a la montaña santa sobre la que se asienta el templo, el centro sagrado de Jerusalén. En el santuario nos encontramos con la presencia de Cristo en a) el Altar; b) la Ambo; c) la silla del Celebrante. Reflexionemos sobre cada una de ellas: Comencemos con el Altar. Al igual que las paredes de una nueva Iglesia, el bautizado, confirmado una persona o una persona ordenada se consagraron con Santo Crisma también lo es un nuevo altar, el símbolo más importante de la presencia de Cristo en el santuario. De acuerdo con la antigua tradición, el altar debe estar hecho de piedra que nos recuerda que Cristo edificó su Iglesia sobre una roca. (Mt. 16:18) (Continuará ...) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Celebrating Mary in October Celebrando María en octubre Yes, Mary’s first appearance to the children is that of a weeping, sorrowful Mother enveloped with a bright light. Moreover she wears the symbols of the passion; pincer, hammer and a large chain around her shoulders. But the light that surrounds her is both the light of the resurrection and the tongues of fire at Pentecost. Like the prophets of the Old Testament who make the people aware of their transgressions toward God, and announce hope if they turn to God, so does the Virgin at La Salette . The children narrate that the tears that fell on the cross sparkled light all the more. The light that sur r ounded her and stayed with her all the time that she was speaking with the children is the gift of hope in the resurrection and Pentecost. (to be continued) Sí, la primera aparición de María a los niños es la de un llanto, triste Madre envuelta con una luz brillante. Además ella lleva los símbolos de la pasión; pinza, martillo y una gran cadena alrededor de sus hombros. Pero la luz que la rodea es a la vez la luz de la resurrección y las lenguas de fuego de Pentecostés. Al igual que los profetas del Antiguo Testamento que hacen las personas conscientes de sus transgresiones hacia Dios y anuncian esperanza si se vuelven a Dios, también lo hace la Virgen en La Salette. Los niños narran que las lágrimas que caían en la cruz brillaban luz aún más. La luz que la rodeaba y se quedó con ella todo el tiempo que ella estaba hablando con los niños es el regalo de la esperanza en la resurrección y Pentecostés. (continuará) WWW.STCHRISTOPHERMV.ORG 11. Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 11/12, 2014 There are certain Bible verses ChrisƟan stewards have memorized. One of them is in Saint Paul’s leƩer to the Philippians found in today’s second reading— “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (4:13). Most people define themselves either by their problems or their possibiliƟes. Fearful people wake up each morning ensnared by their problems. ChrisƟan stewards wake up reflecƟng on their possibiliƟes with confidence and hope. Some stewardship reflecƟon quesƟons for the week: What challenges do you back away from because you doubt that you are up to them? What would you aƩempt tomorrow if you were sure God would help you? if you know of someone who needs prayers please call Dorothy at 924-1968 ext. 118. Please be sure to leave a message with the name of the person and the spelling of their name if you get her voice mail. Thank you. David Mora, Richard Cocio, Elia Campos, Francis Hallas, Samuel Herrera, Joseph Marquez, Antero Lopez, Vicente Palacios, Margaret Hastie, Hegina Urquia, Mario Hernandez, Zoe Manzilla, Jesus Ruiz, Frank Hallas, Enrique Caguimbaga, James Rowe, Maria Balvandeda, Fidel Valenzuela, Nentia Maceda, James Todero, & Filimon Carlos . Adrian Vega, Andrew Brooks, Benjamin M. Ayala III, Nicholas Muniz, Carl Apilado, Paul Duenas, Roy Garcia, Andre, Jr. & William Duplessis, Vanessa Nicole Torres, Emily Solorio, Angel Meza, Eric W. Burkemper, Carlos Santana, Timothy, Edward & Carolyn Erb, Miguel Roger Gertz, Jose Ramon Jr., Revey Roberts, Steven Solorio, Jr., Gerard & Michael Stiles, John Duenas, Liliana Miranda, Keith Lopez, Ernesto Cuellar, Kyle Smit, Elbert Rosario, Ricardo Gutierrez, Peter Rocette, Christopher B. Lopez, Renato Angeles, Keith Rivera, Priscilla Sanchez, Juan Carlos Arvizu, Antonio Perez, Zaccary Place, Rosa Acosta, Johnathan LaCour, Dominic & Marcus Fontenot, Cristina Strick, Mark Ito, Lorenzo Fleming, Brian & Brandy Fields, Richard Trujillo, Peter & Edna Torres, Dalton J. Fritz, Randy Garcia, Louis Flores, Raymond Garcia, Eric Darden, Mark , Anthony Arzu, Michael Fenex, Guillermo Jimenez, Jr., Skylarr LaCour, David & Roman Acierto, Amber Rose KellyHerard, Joseph Herard, Daniel Gonzalez, Joseph Karnes, Tom Jack, Juan Huerta, Jennifer De Leon, Robert Stevens, Steven F. Carbajal, Jose Luis Naranjo De Alba, Robby & Christina Preston. Please call the office and ask for Dorothy at ext. 118 to give the name of your loved one who is serving in the military. Please let us know when their service is finished so we can remove their name from the list. Please continue to pray for lasting peace in the world; and for the military priest chaplains who bring the presence of Christ to our loved ones. Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 11/12 de Octubre de 2014 General Collection: $18,300.95 DDF Collection: $2,865.00 You must use your envelopes in order to receive a statement for your taxes at the end of each year. If you have a change of address, please notify the parish office! Hay ciertos versículos de la Biblia que los CrisƟanos corresponsales hemos memorizado. Uno de ellos está en la carta de San Pablo a los Filipenses, lo encontramos en la segunda lectura de hoy—“Puedo hacer todas las cosas a través de Cristo quien es mi fortaleza” (4:13). La mayoría de las personas se definen a sí mismas de acuerdo a sus problemas o a sus posibilidades. La gente temerosa despierta cada mañana atrapada por sus problemas. Los crisƟanos corresponsables despiertan reflexionando sobre sus posibilidades, con confianza y esperanza. Algunas preguntas de reflexión de corresponsabilidad para la semana: ¿de qué desaİos se retractó usted porque dudó que pudiera salir adelante? ¿Qué intentaría usted mañana si estuviera seguro de que Dios puede ayudarle? 12. 951-924-1968 Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) Fondo del Desarrollo Diocesano 2013 We have encouraged you to invest in your faith by supporting the Diocesan Development Fund. Today we rejoice with gladness that you listened to that call to share your financial blessing. Thank you! Please keep sending in your payments. If you have not made a commitment yet this year, please prayerfully consider the important work of our diocese that we as a parish could not do alone by taking a copy of the extra materials we have here at the church. Les hemos exhortado a que inviertan en su fe apoyando el Fondo del Desarrollo Diocesano. Hoy, nos regocijamos de alegría porque ustedes escucharon ese llamado a compartir su bendiciones monetarias. ¡Gracias! Por favor sigan enviando sus pagos. Si aun no han hecho una promesa este año, por favor consideren, guiados por la oración, la importante labor de nuestra diócesis que nosotros como parroquia no podríamos hacer solos y tomen una copia de los materiales adicionales que tenemos aquí en la iglesia. Current Parish Pledges Total: • • • • Diocese Goal: $91,100.00 Pledges Made: $119,371.00 Gifts Received: $89,326.35 Donors: 343 Percent of Goal: 98.05% Total Promesas Parroquial Actual: • • • • Meta Diocesana: $91,100.00 Las Promesas Hechas: $119,371.00 Regalos Recibidos: $89,326.35 Donantes: 343 Porcentaje de Meta: 98.05% We would like to welcome the following families to the parish. These families have registered with the parish in the past week: Queremos dar la bienvenida a las siguientes familias en la parroquia. Estas familias se han registrado en la parroquia en las pasadas semanas: If you are new in our Parish, we extend to you a heartfelt WELCOME! If you have not as yet registered in our parish we have a registration form online on our website: or fill out the form below and we will send a registration form to you. Si usted es nuevo en nuestra parroquia, nosotros les extendemos una BIENVENIDA de todo corazón. Si usted todavía no se ha registrado en nuestra parroquia tenemos el registro en línea en nuestro sitio web: o llene el siguiente formulario y le enviaremos un formulario de registro para usted. Parish Registration Registro Parroquial Welcome to St. Christopher Catholic Church! Please take a moment to complete the following form, and return by mail or drop it in the Sunday collection basket. Bienvenidos a la Parroquia St. Christopher! Para inscribirse como miembro de esta Iglesia llene esta forma y devuélvala por correo o deposítela en la canasta de la colecta dominical. You will be registered only after a completed registration is returned to the parish. Usted será inscrito en esta parroquia una vez que hayamos recibido esta forma. ___ I am new to the Parish ___ Soy Nuevo en la parroquia Name/Nombre ______________________________________________ ___ I am interested in becoming a Catholic Address/Dirección ___________________________________________ ___ Estoy interesado en hacerme Católico City/Ciudad_________________________________________________ ___ I have moved; here is my new address Zip/Código Postal ____________________________________________ ___ Me he mudado; esta es mi nueva dirección Telephone/Teléfono __________________________________________ ___ I am a Young Adult / soy Joven Adulto/a (18-39) BECOME A FOSTER PARENT. HELP A CHILD IN NEED. K.I. CABINET Ark Homes Foster Family Agency Services in San Bernardino and Riverside counties 3 easy steps to start 1. Contact the Ark Homes Agency 2. Complete and pass the application process 3. Welcome the children into your home Refer a Friend & Receive $150 Ark Homes provides a monthly board and care reimbursement up to $6000 (depending on the capacity) • [email protected] Lic #366423827 951-329-8638 GABINETES DE COSINA AL GUSTO, REMPLAZO DEFRENTE SATISFACCION GARANTIZADA ESTIMADO GRATIS 909-948-5747 9645 Arrow Route, Bldg. 5 Suite A • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 - Main Office 24281 Postal Avenue, Suite 110 • Moreno Valley, CA 92553 - Training Center PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 24/7 HELP ................... Your ad could be in this space! ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB FULL THROTTLE MUFFLER TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 951.656.3676 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Catalytic Converters • Flowmaster Magnaflow • Chrometips • Headers • Minor Welding *First Three Months Lowest Prices In Town M-F 8am-5pm • Sat 8am-4pm We Honor Other In Town Muffler Coupons —PARISHIONER SPECIAL— 10% Discount for Other Services Must present coupon —SPECIAL— Catalytic Converters Starting at $129 +Tax On most cars • Must present coupon 23900 ALESSANDRO BLVD., STE. C Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513410 St Christopher Church (C) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Helping Families Achieve Their Dream “Home Ownership” Debbie Demars, Certified Distressed Property Expert CalBRE#01713434 cell 951.333.4396 office 951.601.1170 Use Keyword “Saint” and I will donate 25% of my commission to the Church Town & Country INCOME TAX OPEN YEAR ROUND ADRIANA RANGEL HABLO ESPAÑOL (951) 924-9400 NOTARY PUBLIC 16380 Perris Blvd., Ste. “A”, Moreno Valley (Perris Blvd. & Krameria) CAR WASH Unlimited Starting at Car Washes $ 2999 Open Daily 8AM to 6PM Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. We are back in business...More choices & friendly service... Thank you all. Free Fish Frying Owners Manny & Irma Macmang Dr Deza’s Dental Office Clínica Dental Familiar 23080 Alessandro Blvd. Suite 201 • Moreno Valley, CA 23550 Sunnymead Blvd. 951-243-1600 New Cash Patients Only. 1st Visit Only. Nuevos Pacientes Con Efectivo Solamente. 1ra. Visita Solamente. X-Rays are non-transferable. Excluding Crowns, Dentures, Rayos-X no son transferibles. Bridges & Partials. Se Excluyen Coronas, Dentaduras, ONLY $ Puentes y Parciales. SOLO 20 513410 St Christopher Church (B) Moreno Valley, CA 92553 &IZZY JESSE -697-0909 Exam, X-Rays TREATMENT FREE and Cleaning TRATAMIENTO GRATIS Examen, Rayos-X 20% OFF 951 Y Limpieza (951) 247-7771 • (951) 247-3481 13373 Perris Blvd., Suite 302 & 303-D (Corner Cottonwood Avenue) ® REALTORS® / Hablamos Español ORTHODONTIC CONSULTATION Izzy Arreola Jesse Arreola 951-796-1939 951-796-1913 CONSULTA DE ORTODONCIA BRE #01778227 Low Monthly Payment Plan Plan De Pagos Mensuales Bajos 909-652-9632 BRE #01733570 [email protected] For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Call Rivera’s NEED EXTRA INCOME? Roofing & Repairs 800-690-6124 English Quality Guaranteed FREE 800-705-2436 Spanish TIMATES 951-581-4262 LEAKY ROOF? ES Providing Insurance and Financial Services! Serving All of the I.E. E VANS -B ROWN M ORTUARIES “Catholic family owned and operated.” Thaddeus M. Luyben, Jr. Owner-Parishioner 27010 Encanto Drive, Sun City 679-1114 FD#1225 Se Habla Español PRIMARIA MEDICAL CLINIC Dr. Jose Sanchez & Dr. Fatima Magina BOARD CERTIFIED IN FAMILY MEDICINE Doctors that listen and care! Hablamos Español & Falamos Portugues 245 Terracina Blvd., Ste 101-B Redlands 909-307-0176 Moreno Valley Flower Box Celebrate Summer with Flowers! ◆ Graduation Gifts 4th of July Summertime Celebrations Fresh Arrangements Silk Florals Live Plants Gift Items ◆ 951-653-3171 TOWNGATE CENTER 12625 Frederick Ste. F-2 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 ◆ ◆ State Farm Agent HERMIE ABRIGO 0D35529 (951) 243-0077 State Farm Agent MARIA ABRIGO 0D35530 (951) 782-8450 WWW.HERMIEABRIGO.COM WWW.GETMARIA.COM ◆ ◆ We also speak: Filipino & Spanish ◆ Summer Special $5 Off with minimum $20 purchase. With coupon. Exp August 30, 2014. Not to be combined with any other offer. PAT GOODWIN’S BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICE 34 Years Experience LICENSED TAX CONSULTANT Los Mejores Precios En Llantas y Rines Brakes • Alignment • Shocks & Accessories Chrome Plating • Wheel Repair • Individual • Partnerships • Corporations • Non-Profit 951.657.0130 FILINGS FOR ALL STATES Complete Year-Round Tax & Bookkeeping Service Payroll Processing • Notary Public • SE HABLA ESPAÑOL • 26 Years Same Location 247-2315 3575 N. Perris Blvd. #A, Perris, CA 92571 Open Daily from 11 AM Catering Available Canyon Springs Plaza 60 Fry at Day St. Moreno Valley (909) 683-3363 12065 HEACOCK - MORENO VALLEY Free Service Call For All Parishioners With Repair ELECTRONIC FILING FOR FASTER REFUNDS General Dentistry We Accept Most Insurance 12725 Perris Blvd. Moreno Valley, CA 92553 TEL – (951) 486-0119 FAX – (951) 486-9143 Parishioner Members ADA CDA and Tri-County 513410 St Christopher Church (A) Ad must be present at time of service 877-284-7247 MORENO VALLEY CLINICA MEDICA FAMILIAR Examen Físico Completo y Todas las Vacunas Complete Physical Exam and All Vaccines fre e DR. SUSAN R. REAL-RAZ Noodles • Longanisa Frozen Leaves • Siopao • Boiled Sweets Lumpia • Sauces • Everything! Find Us At Superior Grocers And Other Oriental Stores Near You. gr ati s St. Christopher Dentistry The Filipino food brand you’ve trusted for over 40 years Para niños y jovenes menores de 19 años de edad. For children and young adults under 19 years of age. Aceptamos Medi-cal, Medicare y todo tipo de Aseguranzas. (We accept Medi-cal, Medicare and Private Insurance) 23080 Alessandro Bl., #202 951-697-7866 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 St. Christopher Catholic Church 25075 Cottonwood Ave. Moreno Valley, 92555 Parish Festival 2014 Festival Parroquial 2014 St. Christopher Church would like to give a heart felt THANK YOU to ALL who parƟcipated in this year’s Parish Ministry Fair and FesƟval. It was a great success! A special thank you to the FesƟval CommiƩee, all of the ministries, organizaƟons, the parishioners and sponsors who helped make this event happen. With your help, the parish generated a net income of $20, 431.00! La parroquia de St. Christopher desea darle las GRACIAS a TODOS los que parƟciparon en el FesƟval Parroquial este año. ¡Fue un gran éxito! Le damos un agradecimiento especial al Comité del FesƟval, todos los ministerios, organizaciones, a los patrocinadores y a los feligreses que ayudaron este evento a llevarse a cabo. ¡Con su ayuda, la parroquia pudo recaudar $20,431.00! Raf le/Rifa Winners/Ganadores: 1stPrize:$2,000-AndrewAparicio 2ndPrizeIPad—MelissaTorres 3rdPrize32”TV-ManuelMichel
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