March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Do you have three hours for Christ? He had three hours for you. Who is Jesus? Today most people agree that Jesus was a historical figure, a first-century Jew who was crucified by the Romans in the city of Jerusalem. Many would even agree that he offered some good moral teachings such as “love your neighbor,” “turn the other cheek,” and “don’t judge.” However, the idea that Jesus is not just a moral or spiritual teacher, but God himself, is as controversial now as it was in Jesus’ own time. It’s much easier to put Jesus into the same category as Buddha, or Mohammed, or Confucius –a spiritual messenger, a prophet, a philosopher, but certainly not divine. However, that is exactly what Christians profess in the Creed –“I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.” Jesus is not just someone sent from God; he himself is “God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father.” This is not just something the early Christians invented. Jesus himself made the claim to divinity. If Jesus is not God, then, as C.S. Lewis famously noted, he is either a liar or a madman. But the fact that he did say that he was God, the I AM of the Old Testament, means that each of us is challenged to make a decision about what we believe. The question Jesus asked the apostles, “But who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29) is the same question he asks each of us throughout the centuries. How we answer his question makes all the difference for our lives. It is the fundamental decision each one of us must make –a decision that will last throughout eternity. Curious about how Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, took on human nature without losing his divine nature? Whether you are new to our church and would like to start a journey to full communion into the Catholic Church or whether you are just looking to deepen your knowledge of the Church and your relationship with God, we invite you to join us for Symbolon. Classes begin the first Wednesday Easter, April 8th. There will be a 10AM and a 6PM session. Space is limited so take that first step of faith and call the office to register. Registration for this session will close March 25th, 541 884-4566. The Three Hours' Agony or Tre Ore is a liturgical service held on Good Friday from noon until 3 o'clock to commemorate the Passion of Christ. Specifically, it refers to the three hours that Jesus hung on the Cross and includes a series of homilies on the seven last words of Christ. Father Barron was invited by Timothy Cardinal Dolan to preside over the Tre Ore service at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, and the content of his presentation will be featured on Good Friday, April 3 here at Sacred Heart. We will start with traditional Stations of the Cross at noon until 1PM and then listen from 1:00PM – 3:00PM to Fr Baron’s short homilies on the seven last words of Christ as he hung on the cross. “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” “I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” “Woman, behold your son.” “Behold your mother.” My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” “I thirst” “Father into your hands I commend my spirit” “It is finished.” Allow the gravity and glory of Christ's crucifixion to bring you ever closer to Him. If you are unable to join us for the full three hours, feel free to come and go as necessary. Knights of Columbus Hall 1910 Green Springs Street 5:00 to 6:30 20 Feb thru 27 Mar 2015 MENU Clam Chowder Fish and Chips Fish Tacos Grilled Cheese Adults $7.00 Children under 12 $3.00 Stations of the Cross Every Friday Evening 6:30 PM Mass 7:15 PM Stations in English 33 Days to Morning Glory For our fourth and final full week we focused on the example and words of another great teacher of Marian consecration: St. Pope John Paul II “The most Marian Pope,” as he’s been called profoundly deepened the Church’s understanding of Marian consecration. Building on the work of the Second Vatican Council, he provided us with a thoroughly biblical treatment of Marian consecration – which he also calls “entrustment”- and hones in on the idea that its Mary’s role to lead us into the mystery of Christ’s redeeming love and self-consecration to the Father. As we move into our final five days we will reflect on the previous weeks and after the review, we’ll find a syntheses of what we’ve learned in a single formula of consecration that aims to capture the essence of Marian consecration. Anyone who would like to pray the prayer of consecration may join together to pray: The Consecration Prayer at both the 6PM Tues Evening Mass on March 24th or 8AM Mass on The Annunciation, Wed, March 25 The rosary will be prayed one half hour before each Mass. Coffee and home baked goodies will be provided after the Wednesday 8AM mass, in the Parish Hall. The consecration prayer will be printed out on card stock, in English and Spanish and will be available to all who have read the book. Diocese of Baker Pilgrimage to Participate in the World Meeting of Families, Papal Visit and Mass Philadelphia, PA September 22-28, 2015 Per person cost $1875 (double occupancy) For further information, see the poster in the vestibule or call 800-653-0017 Canterbury Pilgrimages & Tours, Inc. Lenten Reconciliation Prayer Service…with Individual Confessions will be held at 7PM St. Pius Mon, Mar 23, Sacred Heart, Mon, Mar 30 There are NO CONFESSIONS on Holy Saturday, April 4. Please plan to attend the Reconciliation Service on Monday or call Father Roga before Holy Thursday for an appointment. Missions for Lent The Catholic Diocese of Kigoma, which was created in 1953 is found in the Kigoma region, in the western part of Tanzania, along the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Twenty-Four percent of the Diocese are Catholic, the rest are divide among Christians of Protestant and Pentecostal denominations, Moslems and adherents of African Tradition Religions. There is an influx of refugees from the neighboring countries that took place in the early 1990s especially from DR Congo and Burundi. Currently, Kigoma region has approximately 100,000 refugees who are accommodated in one camps of Nyarugusu in the Diocese. Catholic pastoral and social refugee services program for the itinerant people have been developed in this diocese. The main function of these programs is to offer pastoral care and social services to the refugees and itinerants. In fulfilling these functions the program undertakes the following functions such as catechetical instructions, administration of sacraments, pastoral counselling, peace and reconciliation, rehabilitation, social services The program is underfunded. This year we will be sending our Rice Bowl collection to help these programs do their good work for those in need. If you haven’t already, pick up a rice bowl box from the vestibule and gather up your spare change to help the Kogoma Diocese spread the word of Jesus Christ. 22 de marzo 2015 Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma Mantenga la Quema Chispa El retiro con el Padre José Pineda fue una época de renovación de nuestro espíritu y reavivar nuestra fe. Para continuar con nuestro camino de fe Sagrado Corazón estará presentando Una Sola Fe Solo Un Señor Creencias Católicas Básicas A los que participaron en el Retiro y a los demás al los miembros, de nuestra iglesia y si le gustaría empezar un camino hacia la plena comunión en la Iglesia Católica o si estás buscando profundizar su conocimiento de la Iglesia y su relación con Dios, le invitamos a unirse a nosotros para UNA SOLA FE – UN SOLO SENOR. El programa presenta las creencias y prácticas fundamentales de la fe católica. ¡Atención! Domingo de Ramos Misa comenzará a las 24:15 en el gimnasio con la bendición de las palmas 33 Días hacia un Glorioso Amanecer Para nuestra cuarta y última semana completa nos centramos en el ejemplo y las palabras de otro gran maestro de la consagración mariana: San Juan Pablo II. “El Papa más mariano”, como ha sido llamado, ahondo profundamente la comprensión de la Iglesia sobre la consagración mariana. Tomando como base el proyecto rigurosamente bíblico de la consagración mariana – a la que también refiere como a una “confiada entrega” – y se concentra en la idea de que el papel de María es conducirnos al interior del misterio del amor redentor de Cristo y a la consagración de uno mismo al Padre. Las clases comienzan el primer jueves después la Pascua, 9 de abril, en el Salón Parroquial a las 7:00 PM. Póngase en contacto con el Padre Roga o Ana Ratliff para obtener más información acerca de la clase en 541.884.4566. A medida que avanzamos en nuestros últimos cinco días vamos a reflexionar sobre las semanas anteriores y después de la revisión, vamos a encontrar una síntesis de lo que hemos aprendido en una sola fórmula de consagración que busca captar la esencia de la consagración mariana. Servicios de Penitencia con confesiones individuales… se Cualquier persona que quiera rezar la oración de consagración puede unirse para orar: llevaran a cabo tanto en San Pio X y la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón. Lunes, 23 de marzo: San Pio X, 7PM Lunes, 30 de marzo: Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, 7PM Por favor haga planes para asistir al Servicio de Reconciliación el lunes o llamar Padre Roga antes de jueves Santo para una cita. Estaciones de la Cruz Todos los viernes por la tarde 5:45 PM Estaciones en Español A las 6:30 Misa Oración de consagración en la Misa vespertina 6PM martes 24 de marzo o la 8AM misa en La Anunciación, miércoles, 25 de marzo. El rosario se rezará una media hora antes de cada misa. El desayuno con café serán proporcionados después de la misa de 8AM miércoles en el Salón Parroquial. La oración de consagración se imprimirá en cartulina, en inglés y español, y estará disponible para todos los que han leído el libro. Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church: “We are a people of God, guided by Sacred Scripture, Traditions and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church to live and share the Gospel message of Christ.” LITURGY ASSIGNMENTS March 29, 2015 / 29 de Marzo 2015 AROUND THE PARISH Sun. March 22: Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos Readings: First Reading: IS 50:4-7 Second Reading: PHIL 2:6-11 Gospel Reading: MK 14:1—15:47 Saturday Vigil, March 28, 5:30 PM Acolyte: Ralph Shaima Lector (1): David Bishop Lector (2): Lynh Pohl EMHC: Melissa Cooke, Ann Hawkins Servers: Gabriel Bishop, Camille Schuhmann Sunday, March 29, 9:30 AM Acolyte: Don Metzler Lector (1): Mike Smith Lector (2): Roger Bishop EMHC: Steve & Julie Bruce, Tim & Marie Stanaway Servers: Liam and Delaney Murphy Mon. March 23: **Spring Break – No Youth Group** 7:00pm Penance Service & Confession @ St. Pius X Tue. March 24: 6:00pm Mass Wed. March 25: 8:00am Mass Thur. March 26: **NO MASS AT SACRED HEART** Fri. March 27: 5:45pm Estaciones de la Cruz 6:30pm Mass 7:15pm Stations of the Cross Lectura: Acolyte: Juan Manuel Mendez Lectora: Margarita Vargas Emhc: Catalina Figueroa, Maria Rosario Ortega Servers: Jesus Espinoza, Susana Espinoza Thank You for Your Continued Support of our Parish Parish Assessment 2015 Needed: $51,024 2015 Offering To Date: $8401 Balance Remaining $42,623 Offertory Giving January Budget: $31,000 Last Week’s offering: $4,121 March offering Total: $15,212 Balance Remaining $15,788 The following have asked for our prayers: Manuel Silva, Jason Andre, Amy Spannaus, Bob Kirby, Rex Delayer, Charl0tte McCarthy, Marie Shaima, Kyle Lamson, Agnes Zeeman, Monica Maddox, Nick Valdez, Gloria Mulvhill, Art Alanaiz, Richard Rosco, Joe Cox, Maryetta Shere, Frank Foster, Rose Maupin, George Maupin, Julia and Bennie Rodriguez, Maria N. Valdez, Neil Hurley, Ed Andersch, Rita Sue Dolinsky, John Rosco, Ed Jarecki Repose of the Soul Of: Allen Beil, John Laughlin To add a name to the Prayer Corner, please call Shendy at 882-8065. **NO AM MASS AT SACRED HEART** 5:00pm Knights of Columbus Fish Fry – Knights Hall Domingo, 29 de Marzo, 12:30 PM Primera Lectura: IS 50:4-7 Segunda Lectura: PHIL 2:6-11 Lectura Del Evangelio: MK 14:1—15:47 9:30am Mass **Spring Break – No Religious Education** 12:30pm Misa en Espanol Sat. March 28: 5:30pm Mass Sun. March 29: 9:30am 10:45am 12:30pm Mass Religious Education Misa en Espanol Easter Lillies Donations for Easter Lilies, either via financial gift or physical flowers, are needed for this year’s Easter celebration. If you are able to donate, you can bring your financial donations to the Parish Office at any time, or you can bring Easter Lilies Tuesday- Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or Friday’s 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m, starting Tuesday, March 31st. Your contribution makes our church look glorious and ready for the resurrection day of our Lord. Help Decorate & Make it an Easter Tradition The Altar Society would like to invite you to start a new Easter tradition and come help decorate the church in preparation for Easter on April 4th at 10:00 a.m. decorating the church is a huge undertaking. Any and All help is GREATLY appreciated. Would you consider lending a helping hand? 33 Days to Morning Glory For our fourth and final full week we focused on the example and words of another great teacher of Marian consecration: St. Pope John Paul II “The most Marian Pope,” as he’s been called profoundly deepened the Church’s understanding of Marian consecration. Building on the work of the Second Vatican Council, he provided us with a thoroughly biblical treatment of Marian consecration – which he also calls “entrustment”- and hones in on the idea that its Mary’s role to lead us into the mystery of Christ’s redeeming love and self-consecration to the Father. As we move into our final five days we will reflect on the previous weeks and after the review, we’ll find a syntheses of what we’ve learned in a single formula of consecration that aims to capture the essence of Marian consecration. Anyone who would like to pray the prayer of consecration may join together to pray: The Consecration Prayer at both the 6PM Tues Evening Mass on March 24th or 8AM Mass on The Annunciation, Wed, March 25 The rosary will be prayed one half hour before each Mass. Coffee and home baked goodies will be provided after the Wednesday 8AM mass, in the Parish Hall. The consecration prayer will be printed out on card stock, in English and Spanish and will be available to all who have read the book. Diocese of Baker Pilgrimage to Participate in the World Meeting of Families, Papal Visit and Mass Philadelphia, PA September 22-28, 2015 Per person cost $1875 (double occupancy) For further information, see the poster in the vestibule or call 800-653-0017 Canterbury Pilgrimages & Tours, Inc. Please Patronize our Advertisers: Lenten Reconciliation Prayer Service…with Individual Confessions will be held at 7PM St. Pius Mon, Mar 23, Sacred Heart, Mon, Mar 30 There are NO CONFESSIONS on Holy Saturday, April 4. Please plan to attend the Reconciliation Service on Monday or call Father Roga before Holy Thursday for an appointment. Missions for Lent The Catholic Diocese of Kigoma, which was created in 1953 is found in the Kigoma region, in the western part of Tanzania, along the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Twenty-Four percent of the Diocese are Catholic, the rest are divide among Christians of Protestant and Pentecostal denominations, Moslems and adherents of African Tradition Religions. There is an influx of refugees from the neighboring countries that took place in the early 1990s especially from DR Congo and Burundi. Currently, Kigoma region has approximately 100,000 refugees who are accommodated in one camps of Nyarugusu in the Diocese. Catholic pastoral and social refugee services program for the itinerant people have been developed in this diocese. The main function of these programs is to offer pastoral care and social services to the refugees and itinerants. In fulfilling these functions the program undertakes the following functions such as catechetical instructions, administration of sacraments, pastoral counselling, peace and reconciliation, rehabilitation, social services The program is underfunded. This year we will be sending our Rice Bowl collection to help these programs do their good work for those in need. If you haven’t already, pick up a rice bowl box from the vestibule and gather up your spare change to help the Kogoma Diocese spread the word of Jesus Christ.
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