Latest Fatima Focus - Our Lady of Fatima Parish

Fatima Focus
Our Lady of Fatima Parish Community
6 Cottonwood Road - Manorhaven, New York 11050
Parish Mission Statement
Firmly rooted in our Roman Catholic tradition,
we, the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima are a
welcoming, caring and inclusive community of
believers. We seek to bear witness to Christ’s love
for all in our lives, in our community and in our
We strive to continue the mission of Jesus through
worship and in our educational, spiritual and
social justice programs and in our commitment to
We are a collaborative, diverse, multi-cultural
parish dedicated to reaching out to all God’s
people, especially those in need.
All are welcome in this parish.
Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Sat.: 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish)
Mon. - Fri: 8:00 AM
Sun.: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM (Family Liturgy),
11:30 A.M.
Eve: 7:30 PM - Day: 8:00 AM
Rectory Office: Mon. - Fri.: 9 AM - 12 Noon & 1 - 5 PM;
Sat.: 9AM - 5PM Sun.: 9 AM - 1PM
Rectory Phone: 767-0781
Rectory Fax: 767-2981
Religious Education: 944-8322
Convent: 883-1762
Parish Outreach: 883-3903
(See page 2 for further Parish information.)
Parish Staff
Parish Ministries
Reverend Steven J. Peterson, Pastor
Sister Gerri O’Neill, O.P. Director Faith Formation
Sister Kathy Somerville, O.P. Director Parish
Social Ministry
Arthur Candido, Deacon
Helen Mochwart, Music Director
Barbara Minerva, Business Manager
Altar Servers:
Deacon Arthur Candido (516)883-8032
Altar Server Schedule:
Jane Candido (516)883-8032
Baptism Preparation:
Rev. Steven Peterson (516)767-0781
Yvonne Calabrese (516)883-4817
Building & Grounds:
Christopher Bollerman (516)767-0781
Communication to the Sick:
Deacon Arthur Candido (516)883-8032
CaringHands Prayer Chain:
Marge Walsh (516)767-2936
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion:
Leonor Sanchez (516)708-1202
Faith Formation Board:
Dan Trunk (516)883-3329
Finance Council:
Frank Murphy
S. Kathy Somerville, O.P. (516)883-3903
Barbara Minerva (516)883-7652
Moderator: S. Kathy Somerville, O.P.
Schedule: Jane Candido (516)883-8032
Liturgy & Spirituality:
Rev. Steven Peterson (516)767-0781
Helen Mochwart (516)883-4415
Offering Counters:
Helen Raduazzo (516)883-8869
Pastoral Council:
Agatha Cotilleta (516)570-0925
Alicia Kellso (631)219-4552
Parish Trustee:
Ruth Masarik (516)883-4080
Michael Raduazzo (516)883-8869
Small Faith Communities:
Sister Gerri O’Neill, O.P. (516)944-8322
Michael Raduazzo (516)883-8869
Janina Krach (516)883-8444
Parish Website:
Office Personnel
Rectory Secretaries:
Jose Machuca
Leonor Sanchez
Faith Formation Secretary:
Patricia Devine
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 4:45pm or by
Baptism: Please contact the rectory four to six
weeks in advance for information and
Marriage: Those planning a wedding should
contact the rectory at least 6 months in advance
Anointing of the Sick: Every 4th Sunday of the
Month (11:30am Mass)
Our Lady of Fatima Novena: Mondays following
the 8:00am Mass.
Rosary: After Daily Mass
Apostolado Hispano
Misa en Español: Los Sábados a las 7:00pm.
Bautizos: El 4 Sábado del mes durante la misa
en español. Los padres deben llamar a la
rectoría, (516)767-0781, al menos dos meses
Confesiones: Llamar y hacer cita (516)767-0781
Matrimonio: Parejas deben llamar a la rectoría,
(516)767-0781, al menos 6 meses antes de la
fecha del la boda.
March 8, 2015
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Monday, March 9th
8:00 a.m. The People of the Parish
Tuesday, March 10th
8:00 a.m. Michael Cantelmi
Wednesday, March 11th
8:00 a.m. Michael Cantelmi
Thursday, March 12th
8:00 a.m. Peter Cahir
“You shall not covet” is a difficult
commandment to keep in our consumer
society, but as Christian stewards, we
know that we are the recipients and
caretakers of God’s many gifts. May this
realization that all is gift help us to be less
resentful of the gifts of others.
Friday, March 13th
8:00 a.m. Dolores Raimo
Saturday, March 14th
5:00 p.m. Guistina Penna
7:00 p.m. James H, Shaw Jr. III
March 1st: $Unaviable
Sunday, March 15th
8:00 a.m. Grace Larkin
10:00 a.m. Rosario Cotilletta
11:30 a.m. James Cummings
Vicky Affrunti, Ryan Armstrong,
Ruth Anne Barret, Bree Bellavita,
Rose Bennett, Michele Bischoff,
Baby: Darian James Bogin, John
Bradley, Virginia Cantino, Raleigh
Capozzi, Mary St. John Clark, Anne Keily-Cohen,
Maryann Dishuc, Michael DiLeo, Kyle Faticone, Charlie
Fertitta, Patrick Finnegan, Kathryn Giulitti, Kathleen
Grace, Florence Gramarossa, Marie Hayes, Michael
Katz, Rita Knizewski, Kathleen Lewis, Pat Lopilato, Rita
Marchese, Angela Mazzella, Norma Mazzeo, Elaina
McLoughin, Dolores Messina, Katherine Mitchelle, Don
Mochwart, Melba Molson , Andy & Ronnie Mosby ,
Charles Murphy, Seraphina O’Brien, Jesse Nesbit, Li
O’Donnell, George O’Krepkie, John Orr, Glenn Petersons,
Gia Pometta, Elaine Poster, Harold Poole, Vivian
Puglisi, Lena Rella, Nancy Scialpi, Diana Schmeltzer,
Justin Simeon, Jim Simonsen, Raymond Shea, Amy
Smith, Eileen Smith, Joan Smith, Linda Crum Smith,
Angela Starchich, Annie Tolentino, Carlos Torres,
Margaret Marie Trinko, Carla Vario, Marilyn ZahnVeritzan, Mary Whol, Andrew Wholykowski and all
who are homebound or have special needs.
Thank you for your generous sacrificial
giving! Your faithful sacrificial giving each
week helps Our Lady of Fatima to continue
our Pastoral Ministries and care for our
parish buildings.
Fr. Steve
Mass Schedule
March 14th
March 15th
5:00 PM ~ Fr. Steve
7:00 PM ~ Misa Hispana
8:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve
10:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve
11:30 AM ~ Fr. Steve
March 8, 2015
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“Make your hearts firm” (Jas 5:8)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and every believer. Above
all it is a “time of grace” (2 Cor 6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not
first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1 Jn 4:19). He is not aloof from us. Each
one of us has a place in his heart. He knows us by name, he cares for us and he seeks us out
whenever we turn away from him. He is interested in each of us; his love does not allow him to
be indifferent to what happens to us. Usually, when we are healthy and comfortable, we forget
about others (something God the Father never does): we are unconcerned with their problems,
their sufferings and the injustices they endure… Our heart grows cold. As long as I am
relatively healthy and comfortable, I don’t think about those less well off. Today, this selfish
attitude of indifference has taken on global proportions, to the extent that we can speak of a
globalization of indifference. It is a problem which we, as Christians, need to confront.
When the people of God are converted to his love, they find answers to the questions that
history continually raises. One of the most urgent challenges which I would like to address in
this Message is precisely the globalization of indifference.
Indifference to our neighbor and to God also represents a real temptation for us Christians. Each
year during Lent we need to hear once more the voice of the prophets who cry out and trouble
our conscience.
God is not indifferent to our world; He so loves it that he gave his Son for our salvation. In the
Incarnation, in the earthly life, death, and resurrection of the Son of God, the gate between God
and man, between heaven and earth, opens once for all. The Church is like the hand holding
open this gate, thanks to her proclamation of God’s word, her celebration of the sacraments and
her witness of the faith which works through love (cf. Gal 5:6).
But the word tends to withdraw into ourselves and shut that door through which God comes into
the world and the world comes to him. Hence the hand, which is the Church, must never be
surprised if it is rejected, crushed and wounded.
God’s people, then, need this interior renewal, lest we become indifferent and withdraw into
ourselves. Next week will look at some biblical texts for our reflection.
(Will continue in the next bulletin)
March 8, 2015
 Please remember that the Fridays of Lent
are days of abstinence.
Readings for the Week
meet on MONDAY, MARCH 9th, at 7:15 PM in the
Monday, March 9th
 2 Kings 5:1-5ab
 Luke 4:24-30
Tuesday, March 10th
 Daniel 3:25, 34-43
 Matthew 18:21-35
Wednesday, March 11th
 Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9
 Matthew 5:17-19
Thursday, March 12th
 Jeremiah 7:23-28
 Luke 11:14-23
Friday, March 13th
 Hosea 14:2-10
 Mark 12:28-34
Saturday, March 14th
 Hosea 6:1-6
 Luke 18:9-14
Sunday, March 15th, 2015 ~ FOURTH
First Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23
In the first reading, the chosen people of
God are free to return to Israel.
Second Reading: Ephesians 2:4-10
In Ephesians we hear of God’s rich mercy.
Gospel Reading: John 3:14-21
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Jesus teaches in the Gospel that God sent
him as a sacrifice to save us. He compares
his being lifted up on the cross to the bronze
serpent lifted by Moses to heal the Israelites.
The reflection question for this week is:
In the Opening Prayer, we make a “confession of our
lowliness” and acknowledge that God alone is the
author of all mercy and goodness.
 The LITURGY COMMITTEE will meet in
TUESDAY, MARCH 10th, at 7:30 PM in the
Our next HOLY HOUR will be on
THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, from 7:00 PM until 8:00
PM in the church. All are welcome!
OF THE SICK will be celebrated SUNDAY,
MARCH 22nd, at the 11:30 AM Mass. All are most
welcome to celebrate this sacrament of healing and
prayed this Friday following the 8:00 AM Mass in
English and at 7:15 PM in Spanish.
 You are welcome to bring your old palm to
church and place the palm in the basket which will
be placed in the sanctuary by the organ.
celebrated every SATURDAY from 4:00 PM until
4:45 PM. All are welcome to celebrate this
sacrament of forgiveness, peace, and healing.
Please remember that the holy water fonts
are emptied during the season of Lent. They will be
refilled again on Holy Saturday morning following
Morning Prayer. Please remember the
recommendation that during the season of Lent we
do not place flowers by the shrines to Mary, St.
Joseph, St. Anthony and the Sacred Heart.
 “We must not imagine that the way of self
denial is always a way of tranquility and
uninterrupted peace. It does not resolve all the
doubts and deliver us from every care as if by
magic. Self denial attunes us to the Spirit of God
and the Spirit may not always sing a tune that
harmonizes with our nature. There may be terrible
discords instead of tranquil harmonies. Self denial
March 8, 2015
brings order into our lives sometimes in the form of
an apparent disorder, and we may sometimes have
to find peace as best we can in the midst of
confusion.” (Thomas Merton)
“Whatever may be the model and measure
of self-denial that God asks of us (and this is a
matter that cannot really be decided without prayer
and spiritual direction), all Christian asceticism is
characterized by wholeness and by balance. Christ
admits no division.” (Thomas Merton)
“I sing as I arise Today!
I call on my Creator’s might:
The will of God be my guide,
The eye of God to be my sight,
The word of God to be my speech,
The hand of God to be my stay.
The shield of God to be my strength.
The path of God to be my way.
(St. Patrick Fifth century)
 FAITH DIRECT: Please consider helping
Our Lady of Fatima Parish to save some money by
switching to FAITH DIRECT. It makes sure that
your weekly sacrificial support of the parish is here
no matter what the weather is like or if you have to
be away for the weekend. It helps simplify your
giving and also cuts down our use of paper
envelopes. You can sign up online by going to Our parish code is NY303. You
can also sign up by mailing an enrollment form
which is available in the parish office.
Many thanks to our parishioners who have made a
donation or pledge to the Catholic Ministries Appeal
for 2015. You generous support of the important
annual appeal is very much appreciated. Your
support of the annual appeal helps provide pastoral
services to so many people in need. It also
provides for the formation of those preparing to
become deacons and priests for our parishes. If
you have not as yet made a gift or pledge for 2015
please consider doing so in the coming two or three
weeks. Our goal for 2015 is $29,600. Envelopes
are available in the entranceway to the church.
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 The PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on
Wednesday, March 11th, at 7:30 PM in the
meet on TUESDAY, MARCH 17th, at 7:30 PM in the
The FINANCE COMMITTEE will meet on
TUESDAY, MARCH 24th, at 7:30 PM in the
COLLECTION – Next week, our parish will take up
The Catholic Relief Services Collection. This
Collection supports six Catholic agencies benefiting
millions of vulnerable, displaced and impoverished
families and individuals around the world. From
direct humanitarian service to helping victims of
human trafficking and working to reunify families,
the funds from this Collection make a real
difference in lives across the globe. How will you
help? Next week, please support The Catholic
Relief Services Collection and Jesus in disguise.
Community Life
Dear Friends,
This weekend we celebrate the Third Sunday of
Lent! Easter will be here before we know it!
Hopefully spring brings beautiful weather and
an end to the snow! Next Sunday will be Laetare
Sunday, which marks the half way point of Lent!
This weekend there is a choice of Masses. The
first choice is for the readings of the Third
Sunday of Lent, the second choice is for those
parishes who have people preparing for the
sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation,
and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. This year we
have no catechumens (those preparing for the
sacraments of initiation) at the Easter Vigil, so
we will use the first set of readings this weekend
and for the coming weekends as well, when there
will also be a choice of the Masses for the
Sunday. We do have parishioners preparing for
March 8, 2015
the celebration of Confirmation and First
Eucharist, but they are baptized already. They
will celebrate their Confirmation and First
Eucharist on the Feast of Pentecost (May 24th).
On this Sunday the ancient authors set before
the praying assembly two of the most important
institutions of the Jews: the Law and the Temple.
By faithfulness to the Law the Jewish people
sincerely surrendered themselves to God’s will,
which they sincerely believed was found in the
Law. By their reverence to the Temple, its
rituals, its feasts, and its sacrificial system, the
Jews expressed their gratitude for God’s
presence among them. But by the time of Jesus
these two foundational stones for the Jews, the
Law and the Temple, had changed from a simple
response to God, to a complex and mystifying
system as more and more laws and rituals were
added on to the original blessing bestowed upon
them by God.
The Law of the Decalogue (the Ten
Commandments) was transformed by a
multiplicity of laws that required the
interpretation of “experts.” The simple Meeting
Tent of the wilderness was a far cry from the
Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus. The
Temple was indeed an impressive structure.
Jesus enters into this beautiful Temple and
proclaims: “Stop making my Father’s house a
marketplace.” He is not against the Temple per
se, but objects to the desecration of the Holy
Place by a marketplace mentality that took
advantage of the poor. For Jesus the care of the
poor is not an afterthought, it is the primary
responsibility of those who would be his
In an article in CELEBRATION, a noted
scripture scholar, Luke Timothy Johnson, is
quoted and the quote is worthy of our
consideration. Johnson suggests that we compare
the front and back of the typical Roman Catholic
church. In the front (the sanctuary) all is neat,
correct and orderly. Everything creates an
atmosphere of reverence and solemnity. In the
vestibule another world thrives! Bulletin boards,
announcements, chances are sold, sign up lists
abound, announcements are attached to bulletin
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boards! The back is about the nitty-gritty of
parish life. Johnson says that to maintain the
whole church as the Father’s house and the place
where the body of Christ meets to pray, it is
necessary to unite the front and back of the
church in a creative tension so that each
transforms and compliments the other.
Jesus goes on to proclaim that He is indeed the
Temple. Jesus’ words remind us that we too are
the Temple of the living God! We are holy and
God dwells within each of us. As the living
Temple of God we are called to focus ourselves
not on the transient, but on the transcendent, not
to focus on ourselves, but on God and all those
whom God places on our way to love and serve.
May these days of Lent fill all of us with
abundant grace and peace!
Fr. Steve
remember that the baby bottles are due back next
weekend, MARCH 14th & 15th. Please place the
baby bottles in the empty crates by the doors of the
 HOSPITALITY SUNDAY will be held on
SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd, following all the Masses
on Sunday in the Parish Center. Please join with
other parishioners after Mass for hospitality and
fellowship after Mass. All are welcome.
On Friday, March 27th, we will hold our annual
making of Palm Crosses and Easter Baskets event
at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. All are welcome!
SUPPER will be held on MONDAY, MARCH 30th,
at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. Please save the
date and plan on joining with other parishioners to
celebrate this holy night.
March 8, 2015
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We are planning to have a wedding anniversary
mass on Sunday, April 26th, at the 11:30 AM Mass.
This Mass is for all those couples who are
celebrating a significant anniversary this year. You
decide if it is a special one for you.
If you would like to be part of this celebration
and/or would like to help with the planning, please
call or email Jane Candido at 883-8032 or
[email protected] as soon as possible.
Thank You. Happy Anniversary!
Faith Formation
 The READING GROUP will meet on
SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd, at 3:00 PM. In the sacristy.
The book for March will be: JESUS: A
PILGRIMAGE, by James Martin.
Parish Social Ministry
FOOD PANTRY – Thank you to all those who
have donated to Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry.
Please remember to check the expiration
dates on all your donated items.
Toiletries are always welcome! 
From Small Beginnings, Come
Great Things.
Where did the time go? Six years, the first group of
CaringHands Card Ministry began. Seven
dedicated women sat at a table and began to recycle
old used cards into beautiful new cards that were
sent to the sick and homebound of family and
friends of our parish. We meet every Wednesday
afternoon from 12:30 PM till 3:30 or 4:00 PM
depending on how much work there was to do or
how many cards were needed. We have never taken
a week off all these years as this is an ongoing
ministry. The sick don’t take time off. Our first
mailing consisted of 9 cards. We had to do a lot of
research and find contact people related to the name
on the sick list. After several months and weeks of
publicity in the Focus we were able to make our
lists of the names on the Sick and Homebound list.
We followed up with phone calls checking on our
people. We made it possible for them to choose
whether or not they wanted their name in the Focus
or just be mentioned as Sick or Homebound.
And so it began…Today we send monthly cards to
every name on the list and to those who chose
prayers and cards only. Our mailing has grown to
about 70 cards a month. Our Ministry continues to
grow. When we remove 2 names from our list, we
add 3 more.
What can you do to help? First, your prayers are
desperately needed. I have often stated that our
cards are signed in your name – Our Lady of Fatima
Family! Second, we are in need of used greetings
cards such as birthday, anniversary or any occasion.
Cut off the front and save for us. If you receive
cards in the mail, don’t discard them; we will take
them with envelopes. We always need envelopes!
All donations can be left at the rectory with
CARINGHANDS name written on the bag.
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards
in our parish who make a conscious effort
to simplify their lives by reprioritizing
and getting back to basics.
March 8, 2015
Queridos amigos,
Este fin de semana celebramos el tercer domingo de
Cuaresma. La Pascua llegará antes de que lo
conozcamos. Esperamos que la primavera traiga
tiempo bueno y un fin a la nieve. El próximo
domingo será el Domingo de Laetare, el punto
medio de la Cuaresma.
Este fin de semana hay dos opciones para la misa.
La primera opción tiene las lecturas del tercer
domingo de Cuaresma; la segunda opción es para
aquellas parroquias que tienen candidatos que se
preparan para los sacramentos de iniciación
(Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía) en la Vigilia
de Pascua. Este año no tenemos candidatos (los que
se preparan para los sacramentos de la iniciación),
pues vamos a utilizar la primera opción este fin de
semana y para los próximos fines de semana cuando
también habrá una selección de Misas para el
domingo. Tenemos feligreses que están
preparándose para la celebración de Confirmación y
Primera Comunión, pero ya son bautizados.
Celebrarán su Confirmación y Primera Eucaristía en
la fiesta de Pentecostés (24 de mayo).
En este domingo los autores antiguos ponen ante la
asamblea de oración dos de las instituciones más
importantes de los judíos: la Ley y el Templo. Por
su fidelidad a la Ley los judíos se rindieron
sinceramente a la voluntad de Dios, que ellos creían
sinceramente que se encontró en la Ley. Por su
reverencia al templo, sus ritos, sus fiestas, y su
sistema de sacrificios, los judíos expresaron su
agradecimiento por la presencia de Dios entre ellos.
Sin embargo, en el tiempo de Jesús, estas dos
piedras fundamentales de los judíos, la Ley y el
Templo, habían cambiado desde una respuesta
sencilla a Dios hasta un sistema complejo y
desconcertante mientras agregaron mucho más
leyes y ritos a la bendición original otorgado a ellos
por Dios.
La Ley del Decálogo (los Diez Mandamientos) se
transformó por una multiplicidad de leyes que
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exigían la interpretación de "expertos". La tienda
sencilla de reunión del desierto estaba muy
diferente del templo de Jerusalén en la época de
Jesús. El templo era de hecho una estructura
impresionante. Jesús entra en esta estructura
hermosa para mirar el templo y proclama: "No
conviertan en un mercado la casa de mi Padre". Él
no está en contra del templo en sí, pero se opone a
la profanación del lugar santo por una mentalidad
de mercadeo que se aprovechó de los pobres. Para
Jesús, el cuidado de los pobres no es una idea del
último momento; es la responsabilidad primaria de
aquellos que serían sus discípulos.
En un artículo en la revista, CELEBRATION, se
cita un experto de las Escrituras, Luke Timothy
Johnson. La cita es digna de nuestra consideración.
Johnson sugiere que comparamos la parte delantera
y la trasera de una iglesia católica romana típica. En
la parte delantera (el santuario) todo está limpio,
correcto y ordenado. Todo crea un ambiente de
reverencia y solemnidad. En el vestíbulo otro
mundo prospera. Los tablones de anuncios, los
avisos, se venden boletos de rifa, listas para
inscribirse, etc. La parte trasera está preocupada por
la vida diaria de la parroquia. Johnson dice que para
mantener toda la iglesia como la casa del Padre y el
lugar en el que el cuerpo de Cristo se reúne para
rezar, es necesario unificar la parte delantera y la
trasera de la iglesia en una tensión creativa para que
cada parte transforma y complementa la otra.
Jesús sigue proclamando que él mismo es
verdaderamente el Templo. Las palabras de Jesús
nos recuerdan que nosotros también somos el
templo del Dios vivo. Somos santos y Dios vive
dentro de cada uno de nosotros. Como templo vivo
de Dios somos llamados a enfocarnos, no en lo
transitorio, sino en lo trascendente, no centrarnos en
nosotros mismos, sino en Dios y todos los que Dios
ponga en nuestro camino para amar y servir.
Que estos días de Cuaresma llenen a todos nosotros
con gracia y paz abundantes.
Padre Steve
March 8, 2015
SEMANALES – Por favor, continúen
ayudándonos y hagan un esfuerzo de traer al
menos una lata de comida cuando vengan a la
Misa. Harían una gran diferencia para nuestra
despensa. Necesitamos tuna, salsa para
espagueti, cereal, aceite, frijoles, lentejas,
garbanzos, macarrones con queso, frutas y
vegetales enlatados, arroz, mantequilla de aní,
jugo. Mil gracias por su apoyo tan grande.
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de
Declaración de Misión Parroquial
Arraigados firmemente en nuestra tradición
católica romana, nosotros, la parroquia de
Nuestra Señora de Fátima, somos una
comunidad de creyentes que acoge a todos,
cuida de todos e incluye a todos.
Intentamos dar evidencia del amor de Cristo
para todos en nuestras vidas, en nuestra
comunidad y en todo nuestro mundo.
Nos esforzamos en continuar la misión de
Jesús por medio del culto y por medio de
nuestros programas de educación,
espiritualidad y justicia social y en nuestro
compromiso de corresponsabilidad de la vida
Somos una parroquia colaboradora, diversa
y multicultural, dedicada a extenderse a todo
el pueblo de, especialmente a los más
¡Todos son bienvenidos a esta parroquia!
Marzo 13º – La Cena Anual de Sopa, está
programada para el Viernes, 13 de Marzo. Si usted
quiere cocinar una sopa, por favor llame a Jane
Candido, (516)883-8032 o puede escribir por
correo electrónico: [email protected]
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 Vía Crucis serán todos los viernes durante
la cuaresma a las 7:00 PM en español.
La próxima semana nuestra parroquia realizará la
colección Católica de Socorro. Esta colecta financia
a seis agencias católicas que benefician a millones
de familias y de individuos vulnerables,
desplazados y empobrecidos en todo el mundo. Los
fondos provenientes de esta colecta marcan la
diferencia en muchas vidas alrededor del mundo ya
que éstos sirven para prestar servicios humanitarios
directos, ayudar a las víctimas del tráfico humano y
a reunificar familias. ¿Le ayudaras? La próxima
semana, por favor, apoya la Compaña Católica de
Socorro ya que estarás ayudando a Jesús con otro
 Consejo Hispano – El Consejo Hispano
tiene su próxima reunión el martes, 7 de abril,
comenzando a las 7:00 PM en la rectoría de la
Ministros Hispanos – Todos los ministros
hispanos (Lectores, Ministros de Eucaristía,
Consejo Hispano, Acomodadores, y Músicos) tiene
una reunión con el Padre Steve el martes, 21 de
abril, comenzando a las 7:00 PM en la Iglesia.
 Voluntarios – Nuestra Parroquia esta en
necesidad de Ministros de Eucaristía, Miembros
para el Consejo Hispano, Monaguillos/as o algún
tipo de servicio comunitario. Si usted está
interesado en dar comunión durante la Misa
Hispana o repartir a la comunidad, ser parte de un
grupo de la comunidad de Port Washington, ser un
Lector para leer durante la Misa, o tal vez quiere
que su hijo/a sirva a Dios, por favor, llame al
(516)883-6910 y hable con José para más
Alcoholics Anonymous
Meet for a closed step meeting every Sunday
starting at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center.
Welcome to Life…
March 8, 2015
St. Joseph Renewal Center
1725 Brentwood Road
Brentwood, New York 11717
631-273-1187 Ext. 123
A Spiritual Gathering of Women – March 10th at 10:00 am
until noon – Offering $15.00 – Presenters:
Tina Cafaro & Joan Vessio
Mid-Lenten Day of Prayer – March 11th starting at 10:00
am until 3 pm – Offering $45.00 includes lunch
Presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ
Men 2 Men Gathering – March 14th – starting at 8:00 am
until 9:30 am – Offering $20.00 incl. breakfast
Presenters: Michael Dunne & participants from the
11th Step Prayer – March 22nd – starting at 2:00 pm until
4:00 pm –Free will offering – Presenters: Josephine
Daspro, CSJ & Linda Oristano
The Catholic Learning Center
12 Ryder Court
Dix Hills, New York 11746
Professional therapy, provided by New York State licensed
therapists, is available to our parish and 148 other parishes.
This program, under the directions of Dr. George Giuliani, has
been conducted in the diocese for the past 41 years for the
convenience of parishioners. Services are provided by the
Catholic Counseling Center a proprietary professional
corporation, which is independent of an not controlled or
supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies,
including Medicare, are honored. Confidential information
and appointments are available by calling Dr. Giuliani at
(631)243-2503 or go to our website at:
Ronkonkoma Cenacle
310 Cenacle Road, PO Box 4005
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-0430
NEW!!! Tuesday, March 17th, at the Retreat Center
10:00 am – 1:30 p.m. (Arrivals at 9:30am- Soda bread
Celebrating St. Paddy’s Day at the Cenacle!
Presenter: Sr. Kathryn Madden r.c.
Shamrocks, shillelaghs and leprechauns are some of the
symbols of St. Patrick’s Day.
Who was St. Patrick, and what is this early spring
holiday and feast day of the Church about? It will do
your Irish heart and soul good to join us for a morning of
lilting inspiration followed by a traditional luncheon of
corned beef and cabbage! Offering: $35 Includes lunch!
Page 9
The Diocese of Rockville Centre
Golden Wedding Liturgy
“This spring, couples that have been married
fifty years or more will be honored at
liturgies on Sunday, April 19 at the Church
of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and
on Sunday, April 26 at the Church of Maria
Regina in Seaford. Both liturgies will begin
at 2:30 PM.
Couples may register for ONE liturgy.
Registration forms and complete instructions
can be obtained at the rectory.
Registration must be received by the Office
of Worship by April 6 for the April 19
liturgy and by April 13 for the April 26
There will be additional celebrations in the
fall for those who may find that more
convenient. If you have any questions you
may call 516-678-5800, extension 207.”
There will be reserved seating for the registered
couples only. Family and friends will be seated on a
first come-first served basis.
After the liturgy, there will be an opportunity to
have a photo taken with the celebrating bishop if
you wish.
You will be mailed a complimentary photo and
certificate approximately four to six weeks after the
Please mail completed form to:
Office of Worship
Diocese of Rockville Centre
P.O. Box 9023
Rockville Centre, New York 11570
March 8, 2015
Page 10
Summary of Our Parish Leadership
Community Meeting (February 25th)
The members of the Commission noted the impact of the recent poor weather on Mass attendance and,
consequently, in the reduced weekly collections. This underscores again the need to remind parishioners of
the benefits of Faith Direct both to the parish and to those unable to get to Mass. In contrast, the income from
Faith Direct is steady and assured and makes financial planning easier for our parish. A commission member
suggested as a possible alternative to Faith Direct or weekly envelopes that we suggest monthly giving via one
check for the month.
We reviewed the status of our fund raising efforts for our three projects: restoration of our parish church, Parish
Social Ministry (Outreach) and Faith Formation (Religious Education). We are in the process of getting new
cost estimates for the restoration of the church. The balance of the needed funds will be raised by our ongoing
fundraising efforts.
There are some personnel changes on the Administration Commission. Beth Ann Koslowski was welcomed as
our sixth member of the commission. Mike Raduazzo has served for six years as a parish trustee and Ruth
Masarik has served for nine years as a trustee. Mike has decided to step down as a trustee and Ruth has
completed the maximum number of terms as a trustee. In the coming weeks two new trustees will be
We also discussed several upcoming parish events, including the Parish Mission and plans for Pentecost
Sunday when we celebrate the many gifts showered upon our parish by our caring and loving God.
Liturgy & Spirituality
Liturgy Corner: We spoke about the Liturgy Corner for January and February and thank you to Jane Candido
and Janina Krach for submitting them. Leonor Sanchez will prepare the Liturgy Corner for March, Helen
Mochwart will do April, Kay Barry will do May, and Dorothy Schneider will do June. We also spoke about the
parish response to Liturgy Corner and will perhaps send out a survey to see if people are reading it and if there
are any topics that people would like to see in the Liturgy Corner.
Food Procession: The basket of food is part of the Offertory Procession. The ushers are asking
parishioners to bring up the basket of food and the process is working smoothly. Leonor will decorate
the basket for Lent.
Holy Hour: The weekly Holy Hour for Lent began on Thursday, February 19th, and will continue for the
season of Lent. It takes place in the church from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM. All are welcome!
Parish Retreat: We spoke about a Retreat in the Fall, but realized that it will be when ARISE
TOGETHER IN CHRIST will be getting underway. We spoke about a Day of Renewal for all parish
ministers possibly being held at the seminary in Huntington.
We reviewed our procedure for the Feast of Pentecost. The procession with our ministry banners will take
place both on May 23rd (the Vigil of Pentecost) and May 24th (the Feast of Pentecost).
We also suggested that members of the commission visit other parishes and bring back ideas and suggestions
for Our Lady of Fatima Parish.
Community Life
We continued our conversation about welcoming new parishioners. We are planning our first Welcome Mass
for the weekend of Hospitality Sunday in May. Once again we are planning on having our Palm Cross and
Easter Basket evening on March 27th, in the Parish Center. We reviewed the upcoming Hospitality Sundays for
March, April, and May.
March 8, 2015
Page 11
This year we hope to initiate a Mass of Thanksgiving for those who are going to be graduating from High
School in June. The Mass will be followed by a brunch in the backyard of the rectory. Our annual brunch at the
Port Washington Yacht Club is scheduled for May 17th. Our hope is to have the annual raffle at the brunch, a
50/50, a quilt to raffle off, and some gift baskets. We are preparing for our Pentecost celebration on the
weekend of May 23rd & 24th.
Faith Formation
Report on cancelations due to weather: The weather has been a hiccup this month. Parent/Catechist
conferences were cancelled. Three class sessions were canceled due to the weather. The annual winter break
week was also another week for the cancelation of Faith Formation. In spite of the weather our Family Time
attendance has been extraordinary.
Prayer Support: In January we invited parishioners to pray for the children who are part of our Faith Formation
programs. The feedback was very positive.
Arise Together in Christ: Is still in the planning process. The process includes a part for families and for teens.
Renovations: We discussed our hopes and dreams for the Parish Center and our programs. In the coming
weeks we will review our proposed plan and decide on how to prioritize our goals. We will revisit this item at a
future meeting.
Tuition: Many thanks to all those who have contributed to our scholarship fund.
Confirmation: Bishop Dunne will be with us for the celebration of Confirmation this year. The Confirmation
Retreat is planned for April 29th, at Our Lady of Grace Retreat Center.
Parish Social Ministry
New Members for the Parish Social Ministry Commission: The number of parishioners on the PSM commission
has been decreasing for several reasons. We discussed ways to reach out and welcome new members. It was
decided that each remaining member will focus on recruiting a person to become a part of the PSM
Upcoming Projects: An Orange Bag Drive will be held on April 18th, from 10 AM until 2 PM. The 7th, 8th, &
9th grade students will be involved in this drive. With the closing of King Kullen we will be concentrating on the
two entrances to Stop & Shop. It is a very busy store with a great deal of traffic and due to the proximity of the
entrances to the flow of traffic we will need additional adult supervision. We are asking any parishioner who
would be able to assist with the supervision to call the PSM Office. You would not have to stay for the entire
morning and afternoon, whatever hours you could cover would be greatly appreciated. If you can help please
call Sister Kathy (883-3903). The School Supply Drive will be held on the weekend of May 2nd and 3rd.
Students will speak at all the Masses and along with adults will be at the doors of the church to collect
donations. The Village of Manorhaven is having a food drive for PSM. The Sons of Italy will participate in this
food drive. Grace’s Table is tentatively set for Wednesday, April 1st. This event helps us feed those who are
need as we approach the Easter celebration. The details will be published in FOCUS. Volunteers will be
needed to help with this event.
How to expand our Existing Programs: The Caring Hands Committee had a Mass celebrated for all the sick
and homebound. We hope to have another Mass celebration for the sick and homebound in the near future
and arrange for their attendance at the Mass as well. Finally, we discussed the need to increase the
parishioners’ interest in the work of PSM as well as their active participation in this important ministry.
March 8, 2015
Page 12
One of the traditional Lenten practices for many Catholics is the praying of the Stations of the
Cross on Friday. The “Via Crucis” is prayed every Friday in English at 8:30 AM and in Spanish at
7:15 PM. The Stations of the Cross will be prayed on the following days: March 13th, 20th, & 27th
This year we will have a HOLY HOUR on the THURSDAYS of Lent (12th, 19th, and 26th) from 7:00
PM until 8:00 PM. All are most welcome!
The annual PARISH SOUP SUPPER will be held on FRIDAY, MARCH 13th, at 6:30 PM in the
PARISH CENTER. All are welcome!
The annual SEDER SUPPER will be held on MONDAY, MARCH 30th. The Seder Supper will be
held in the PARISH CENTER and will begin at 6:30 PM.
The Sacrament of PENANCE is celebrated on the Saturdays of Lent from 4:00 PM until 4:45 PM.
In addition to these days, the sacrament of penance will also be celebrated on THURSDAY,
MARCH 26th, from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM and again from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Penance will
also be celebrated on MONDAY, MARCH 30th, from 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM .
There will be a COMMUNAL CELEBRATION of the sacrament of penance on TUESDAY, MARCH
31st, at 7:30 PM. All are most welcome to celebrate the sacrament of penance during the season
of Lent as we prepare for the feast of Easter.
On FRIDAY, MARCH 27th, we will hold our annual making of Palm Crosses and Easter Baskets
event at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. All are welcome!
PALM SUNDAY is MARCH 29th. It marks the beginning of Holy Week. It commemorates the
entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.
 5:00 PM Mass (Saturday, March 28th) English & 7:00 PM (Saturday, March 28th) Spanish
 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM Mass (Sunday, March 29th) English
There will be a Rehearsal for Holy Week on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st, starting at 7:00 PM.
On HOLY THURSDAY (April 2nd) we celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the evening. On
this night we have the washing of the feet to remind us of the call to humble service. Holy
March 8, 2015
Page 13
Thursday marks the beginning of the most holy days of the liturgical year. These three days are
known as the Sacred Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil). The Holy
Thursday Mass will be bilingual.
 Morning Prayer starting at 9:00 AM – The Church sets aside different times each day for
prayer. It is known as the Prayer of the Church or Liturgy of the Hours. These times of
prayer are meant to remind us of the presence of God throughout the day and call us to
place oneself in the presence of God. Morning Prayer during the Triduum is prayed
communally. It consists of psalms from the Hebrew Scriptures and readings from the
Scriptures as well as intercessions for the universal church.
 8:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual)
 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 10:30 PM.
GOOD FRIDAY (April 3rd) we remember the Passion and Death of the Lord. The liturgy consists
of the Liturgy of the Word (including the singing of the passion), the veneration of the cross, the
intercessory prayers and the distribution of Holy Communion. Mass is not celebrated on Good
Friday. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence.
9:00 AM – Morning Prayer
10:00 AM – Stations of the Cross in the Church
Noon – Outdoor Stations of the Cross
3:00 PM – Liturgy of the Passion and Death of the Lord in English
7:00 PM – Liturgy of the Passion and Death of the Lord in Spanish
HOLY SATURDAY (April 4th) we celebrate the Easter Vigil at 8:00 PM. The vigil includes the
lighting of the Easter Fire, the readings from the Hebrew Scriptures, the singing of the Gloria and
the proclamation of the Easter Gospel. Following the Gospel the sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation, and Eucharist are celebrated, the baptized renew their baptismal promises and
bless themselves with the Easter Water. The Mass continues as usual and ends with our being
sent forth to proclaim the Resurrection of the Lord.
 9:00 AM – Morning Prayer
 8:00 PM – Easter Vigil
EASTER SUNDAY (April 5th) we proclaim the Resurrection of the Lord. Today we renew our
baptismal promises and rejoice in the gift of God’s infinite love!
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM Mass in English & 1:00 PM Mass in Spanish
The Great 50 Days of the Easter Season begins!
The Lord is truly Risen!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
March 8, 2015
Page 14
Servicios Durante la Cuaresma, 2015
Todos los Viernes de la Cuaresma, a las 7:15 de la noche en español.
Los sábados de Cuaresma de 4:00 a 4:45 PM
El Jueves, 26 de Marzo, las confesiones se celebrarán de 4:00 PM a 6:00 PM
Un servicio Comunal de Reconciliación se celebrará el 31 de Marzo a las 7:30 PM en la iglesia
Domingo de Ramos (29 de Marzo)
Sábado: 5:00 PM (en Inglés) y 7:00 PM (en Español)
Domingo: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM y 11:30 AM.
Jueves Santo (2 de Abril)
Oración Matutina a las 9:00 AM (en inglés).
Misa bilingüe de la Cena del Señor a las 8:00 PM
Adoración del Sagrado Sacramento hasta las 10:30 PM
Viernes Santo (3 de Abril)
Oración Matutina a las 9:00 AM
Via Crucis 10:00 AM (adentro de la Iglesia)
Via Crucis 12:00 PM (afuera de la Iglesia)
Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor a las 3:00 PM (Inglés)
Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor a las 7:30 PM (Español)
Sábado Santo (4 de Abril)
Oración Matutina a las 9:00 AM
Misa de la Vigilia Pascual a las 8:00 PM
Tome nota de que el sábado Santo no hay Misa de 5:00 PM ni a las 7:00 PM
Domingo de Pascua (5 de Abril)
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM y 11:30 AM
Misa en Español a la 1:00 PM
¡Los Grandes 50 días de la temporada de Pascua comienza!
¡El Señor ha resucitado verdaderamente!
¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya!
March 8, 2015
Page 15
Please join us for “THE SEDER SUPPER”
The celebration of God’s Liberation of the Hebrews
MONDAY, MARCH 30th, 2015
BY: 03/25/15
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March 8, 2015
Page 16
Our 8th Annual Soup Supper is this Friday,
March 13th!
Please join us at the center at 6:30 p.m.
Come share scrumptious soups & crackers in observance of Lent.
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Meet new people, break
bread, share your faith.
We will have a guest speaker.
Collection of toiletries for those less fortunate*.
"Free will offering" to be donated to homeless
Please R.S.V.P. by March 10th, 2015 to Jane Candido @ 883-8032 or
email: [email protected]
*You can drop off toiletries before the supper at the
rectory of just bring them to the supper.
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