Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church Pastor del Valle 600 Beebe Road, Central Point, OR 97502 Office Hours: Monday - 1 - 5 pm Tuesday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Horario de oficina en español: martes a viernes de 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Y después de la 6:00 PM con previa cita. Phone: (541) 664-1050 Fax: (541) 664-9312 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail Ministerio Hispano: [email protected] web site - Iglesia Catolica March 15, 2015 Parish Staff Father Mike Walker - Pastor Father Victor Perez - Parochial Vicar Joyce Marks - Coordinator of Ministries & Volunteers Deacon Felix Garcia - Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Kelsie Whaley - Coordinator of Youth Ministry Jenny Zomerdyk- Office Manager David Knouff - Maintenance Rick Knouff - Maintenance MISSION STATEMENT Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church is a welcoming parish family, who worships together as Disciples, receives Jesus in Word and Sacrament and proclaims the Good News. We commit ourselves to the joyful love of Christ. Our faith is expressed in service to all God’s children. We go out into the world to share and invite others to experience the love of God. Ministries/Ministerios Altar Servers: Jerry Bourgeois 541-826-4676 Augustinian Seculars: Debbie Childs 541-664-8604 Baptism: Megan Sandlin 541-664-3221 Bautismos: Deacon Felix Garcia 541-664-1050 Bereavement Ministry: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 Catecismo: Yolanda Canjura 541-664-1050 Children's Liturgy of the Word: Joyce Marks 541-664 -1050 Ecuentro Matrimonial: Liz & Santos Godinez 541-890-2698 Grief Support: Jenny Zomerdyk 541-664-1050 Hospitality: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Initiation / R.C.I.A.: Joyce Eason 541-664-5910 Knights of Columbus: Dr. Doug Smith 541-773-1414 Legion of Mary: Jim Brick 541-826-4881 Liturgy Coordinator: Diane Orto 541-535-5980 Men's Book Study: Terry Marks 541-826-7924 Ministeno de Jovenes: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Ministry to the Ill & Homebound: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 Music Ministry: Steve Childs 541-664-8604 New Parishioners: Don Krolak 541-879-0319 Prayer Chain: Irene Vaughn 664-2517 or Joyce Eason 664-5910 Religious Education: Joyce Marks 541-664-1050 San Juan Diego: Isabel Martinez 541-301-5570 Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Jan Plunkett 541-499-0382 St. Augustine Conference (S.V.D.P.): 541-646-7879 Young Adult Group: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Youth Ministry: Kelsie Whaley 541-664-1050 Masses/Misas Saturday: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM (Espanol) Sunday: 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM (Espanol) Weekdays Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 12:00 PM Mass 6:00 PM Bilingual 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 12:00 PM Mass 1st Friday or Communion Service Sacraments Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. - 4:00 to 4:45 PM or anytime by appointment Baptisms: Call 3 months prior to the baptism Weddings: Call 6 months prior to the wedding FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT FROM FATHER MIKE: DE PARTE DE PADRE MIKE: This weekend as a followup to our first three homilies in the series. This week we have “Faith and Conversion”. Both of these are simple in some ways and difficult in other ways. I think that for most people faith means “believing in Jesus”. That’s a good start, but it is incomplete in of itself. Faith is something that is not only intellectual but also something that is integrated in one’s whole being and lived out in one’s life. Jesus doesn’t just call our minds to love him and serve him, he calls all of who we are. Therefore, it is a good to consider how every aspect of our being responds in faith. St. Paul simply calls this “Faith working in love” (Galatians 5:6) In other words, Jesus doesn’t just want a bunch of intellectual robots, he wants our love lived out. The same could be said in our treatment of others. We don’t just intellectually believe in our families, we love them and live this love out in our actions. This is the kind of faith that the Lord calls us to. It is a living faith that gives us life, hope, and joy. So how do we get there? This is through conversion. If we would spend more time trying to understand what God wants and how we can love him and live for him, imagine how the world would be? Imagine how we would be? This is just another step in the basic Gospel Message. If we respond in faith, Jesus gives us what we need to come alive in it. But, it is also true that we need to come to him with the type of faith that makes a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. Esta semana hablaremos de “fe y conversión” Ambas son simples en algunos aspectos y difícil de otras maneras. Creo que para la mayoría de la gente la fe significa “creer en Jesús”. Eso es un buen comienzo, pero esto es incompleto en sí mismo. La fe es algo que no es sólo algo intelectual, sino también que se integra en todo el ser y es vivida en la vida de uno. Jesús no se limita a llamar nuestra mente para amar y servir a él, El llama todo lo que somos. Por lo tanto, es bueno considerar cómo cada aspecto de nuestro ser responde en la fe. St. Paul, simplemente llama a esto “La fe que obra por amor” (Gálatas 5: 6) En otras palabras, Jesús no sólo quiere un montón de robots intelectuales, El quiere nuestro amor vivo. Lo mismo podría decirse en nuestro trato con los demás. No nos limitamos a creer intelectualmente en nuestras familias, los amamos y vivimos este amor en nuestras acciones. Esta es la clase de fe que el Señor nos llama a vivir. Es una fe viva que nos da la vida, la esperanza y la alegría. Entonces, ¿cómo podemos llegar allí? Esto es a través de la conversión. Si vamos a pasar más tiempo tratando de entender lo que Dios quiere y cómo podemos amar y vivir para él, imagínese cómo sería el mundo Esto es sólo un paso más en el mensaje básico del Evangelio. Si respondemos con fe, Jesús nos da lo que necesitamos volver a la vida en ella. Pero, también es cierto que tenemos que llegar a él con el tipo de fe que hace una diferencia en nuestras vidas y en las vidas de otros FUNERAL MASS A funeral Mass will be held Thursday, March 19th at 11:00am for Rosaline Wasierski here at Shepherd of the Valley. A luncheon will follow the Mass. The burial will be 2pm at the V.A. Cemetery in Eagle Point. A Rosary and viewing will be at Conger Morris in Central Point on Wednesday, March 18th at 5pm. TALK TO GOD EVERYDAY HE IS LISTENING TO YOU. NO RELIGIOUS ED. OR ADULT CLASSES ON SUNDAY, MARCH 22 DUE TO SPRING BREAK MASS INTENTIONS 12 noon Wednesday, March 18 + Ron Van Domelen page 2 COLLECTION March 9, 2014 - $12,663 March 8, 2015 - $13,260 Accepting Mary as Mother Sometimes I feel that during Lent we don’t talk much about Mary and it appears as though the Gospels do not talk much about her during this time either, not like in Advent. However, in the process of Lent in which we re-focus on putting the law and the love of God in our hearts we can look to Mary as an example to follow. She is an example for us in how she accepted the will of God, walked together with her son to the hill on which He was crucified, and she remained faithful. During this Lent we can reflect on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and unite our sufferings to those of Mary and try to learn from hear to be faithful in our faith, especially in the difficult moments. In the Cross, Jesus gives us His mother as our Mother, to care for her and follow her example. To accept her is to accept the will of the Father in us and with this arrive at being better each day. Deacon Felix Aceptando a María como Madre A veces siento que durante la cuaresma no hablamos mucho de María y es que en los evangelios parecieran no hablar mucho de ella durante este tiempo, como lo es en adviento, sin embargo, en el proceso de poner en nuestro corazón la ley y el amor a Dios, podemos encontrar en María un ejemplo a seguir, acepta la voluntad de Dios, y camina junto a su hijo hasta el monte donde va a ser crucificado y permanece fiel. Durante esa cuaresma podemos pensar en los misterios dolorosos del rosario y unir nuestros sufrimientos a los de María y tratar de aprender de ella a ser fiel a nuestra fe en especial en los momentos difíciles. En la Cruz, Jesús nos entrega a su Madre como nuestra Madre, para cuidar de ella y seguir su ejemplo, aceptarla es aceptar la voluntad del Padre nosotros también y con esto llegar a ser mejores cada Dia. HOMILY SUMMARIES If you have a hard time understanding accents, we are providing a summary of the weekend homily to assist you in following along. They will be next to the headphones on the cafe counter. Please return your copy after the Mass so someone else can use it. Thank you. MINISTRY AND SERVING OPPORTUNITIES: Outreach Minister: If you have a few hours a week to visit and bring communion to a homebound parishioner or two, I will provide the training and your homebound parishioner! If you want to make a huge difference in someone’s life and be filled more than you give, then this is the ministry for you. It has flexibility around your available time, and as an Outreach team, we sub for each other, so traveling is not a problem. None of us feel worthy of this calling, but we are called none the less. In our weakness God is made strong! Contact Joyce Marks at 541-6641050 x107 or joyce@shepherdcatholic. com for more info. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: We have Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 8:30 and 11:00 Mass on Sunday, where we take the children out for 20 minutes to give God’s Word at their level of understanding. This is one of our funnest ministries because the kids are excited to be there! All you need to lead is provided in a two page handout. Presently, our volunteers teach a one Sunday slot a month. If you would like to substitute or be an aid in this ministry, please contact Joyce Marks at 541-664-1050. page 3 Deacon Félix REMEMBER PARENTS We have a nursery for babies through 5 years of age for the 11:00 Mass in the John Module. THIS WEEKS READINGS March 16 March 22 MONDAY Is 65:17-21 Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12, 13 Jn 4:43-54 TUESDAY Ez 47:1-9, 12 Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 Jn 5:1-16 WEDNESDAY Is 49:8-15 Ps 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18 Jn 5:17-20 THURSDAY St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin 2 Sm 7:4-5, 12-14, 16 Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29 Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22 Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24 FRIDAY Wis 2:1, 12-22 Ps 34:17-21, 23 Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 SATURDAY Jer 11:18-20 Ps 7:2-3, 9-12 Jn 7:40-53 SUNDAY Jer 31:31-34 Ps 51:3-4, 12-15 Heb 5:7-9 Jn 12:20-33 CHURCH FAMILIES! Palm Sunday Activity “Resurrection Eggs” Church Hall 9:45 - 10:45 Pre-school and children through 6th grade come with your parents and put together your own dozen of eggs and learn about Passion Week as you do. This is a free event, invite a friend! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. PATRICK’S DINNER & BINGO Tuesday March 17th at 6:30pm This event will be held in Shepherd of the Valley’s parish hall. Pre-Sale Tickets available after each Mass March 7-8th & March 14-15th. Adults $12, Kids 12 & Under $6 for Families $30. Dinner includes traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage with Baby Red Potatoes and Carrots along with Dessert! For any questions contact Chris Erno 541261-1216 or [email protected] PARISH BIBLE STUDY A Parish Bible study will begin the second week of April. Fr. Mike and Fr. Victor will be participating, but will not be leading this study. As this is the Year of St. Mark, we will be starting the Bible Study with the book of Mark. It is not necessary to purchase a study bible, however, we will be using the St. Ignatius Study Bible edited by Scott Hahn. Complete lesson guides are free on-line at the Ignatius website: http://www.ignatius. com/promotions/catholic-study-bible/ LOOKING FOR C.A.R.E. TEAM MINISTERS! This is a telephone ministry where you call a set list of “your” parishioners, like you would call a family member, once a month or so. We are a church family and we like to stay connected with those parishioners going through loss, illness, life changes or loneliness. We are the ears and heart of Christ. If you would like to be on this Team, call Joyce Marks for training and direction. 541-6441050. page 4 soup and stations of the cross Come joins us for Soup and Stations of the Cross - Fridays during Lent. Soup is at 6:00pm and Stations at 7:00pm lenten obligations All Catholics 14 years and older must abstain from meat on the Fridays of Lent and Ash Wednesday. All Catholics between ages 18 and 59 are to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. how to fast: Fast means to eat one full meal; the other two meals that day should be less than the normal amount unless they are already at a minimum for good health. Eating between meals is not permitted; however, liquids including coffee, milk and fruit juices are allowed. Abstinence is not eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent. SENIOR SUNDAY Please join us the 3rd Sunday of each month for Senior Sunday, following the 11am Mass. Come enjoy the food and the fun. NEED A VISIT AT HOME We have parishioners who will be happy to visit you or someone you know at home if you are incapable of coming to church with communion, prayer or just a visit. Call Joyce Marks at the church office 541-664 -1050. GOSPEL BASED DECISIONS Father Mike has put together some of his thoughts on making decisions based on Gospel values and morals. How do we make decisions based on a Christian Gospel standard and be confident that we are doing it correctly? You can find it on the parish website under Fr. Mike’s Blog. GIVE SOMEONE A HUG, A PHONE CALL, A SMILE, A PAT ON THE BACK TODAY, LOVE THEM AS GOD LOVES YOU, BE A DISCIPLE. REFLEXIONES: CÓMO VIVIR LA CUARESMA Cuando el pueblo de Dios se convierte a su amor, encuentra las respuestas a las preguntas que la historia le plantea continuamente. Uno de los desafíos más urgentes sobre los que quiero detenerme en este Mensaje es el de la globalización de la indiferencia. La indiferencia hacia el prójimo y hacia Dios es una tentación real también para los cristianos. Por eso, necesitamos oír en cada Cuaresma el grito de los profetas que levantan su voz y nos despiertan. Dios no es indiferente al mundo, sino que lo ama hasta el punto de dar a su Hijo por la salvación de cada hombre. En la encarnación, en la vida terrena, en la muerte y resurrección del Hijo de Dios, se abre definitivamente la puerta entre Dios y el hombre, entre el cielo y la tierra. Y la Iglesia es como la mano que tiene abierta esta puerta mediante la proclamación de la Palabra, la celebración de los sacramentos, el testimonio de la fe que actúa por la caridad (cf. Ga 5,6). Sin embargo, el mundo tiende a cerrarse en sí mismo y a cerrar la puerta a través de la cual Dios entra en el mundo y el mundo en Él. Así, la mano, que es la Iglesia, nunca debe sorprenderse si es rechazada, aplastada o herida. El pueblo de Dios, por tanto, tiene necesidad de renovación, para no ser indiferente y para no cerrarse en sí mismo. (fragmento del mensaje del papa para cuaresma) PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES Debido a las celebraciones de semana santa, Las pláticas para bautizo en el mes de Abril serán los días 10 y 17 de abril. CONFERENCIA DE INMIGRACIÓN El día 18 de abril tendremos una reunión informativa acerca de la acción diferida para los padres de los niños y jóvenes nacidos en estados unidos. Y que califican para esta acción. El abogado Kevin Stout nos explicara un poco más de que se trata y los pasos a seguir en este momento. page 5 CELEBRACIONES DE SEMANA SANTA Las celebraciones de semana santa serán de la siguiente manera: DOMINGO DE RAMOS: Sábado 28 de marzo: 6:45 PM (español) Domingo 29 de Marzo: 12:45 PM (español) JUEVES SANTO: Jueves 2 de abril: 7:00 PM (bilingüe) VIERNES SANTO: Viernes 3 de abril: 7:00 (Español) VIGILIA PASCUAL: Sábado 4 de abril 8:30 PM (bilingüe) DOMINGO DE RESURRECCIÓN: Domingo 5 de Abril 1:00 PM (Español) VIACRUCIS Tenemos viacrucis todos los viernes a las 6 de la Tarde. Encuentros matrimoniales ¿Te gustaría tener una mejor relación con tu pareja? ¿te gustaría mejorar la comunicación en tu matrimonio? Entonces este es un lugar para ti, el grupo de encuentros matrimoniales se esta reuniendo en nuestra parroquia. Si te gustaría unirte a ellos puedes comunicarte con Liz o Santos Godínez. Al 541 890 2698 Clases de Bautizo: primer y tercer viernes de cada mes en el salón Marcos. Llamar a la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautizo para verificar la fecha (favor de no traer niños a la clase). Confesiones: sábados a las 4:00 PM. O en Cualquier otro tiempo con previa cita. Bodas: llamar con seis meses de anticipación. Ministerio de visitas a los enfermos: por favor llame al 664 1050 para pedir visita a los enfermos y la comunión, ya sea en su casa u hospital. LEGION OF MARY The Legion of Mary at Shepherd of the Valley is presently 5 active members and 35 auxiliary members. Our group is called a (Praesidium) and is named “Our Lady Mother of the Shepherd.” Active members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and services under the guidance of our spiritual director, Fr. Mike. Auxiliary members pray the Legion prayers (Tessera) and rosary daily for the success of the active members. The Legion of Mary is open to all practicing Catholics. We meet every Wednesday at 10:30 in Matthew. Come by and see what we are about. FOOD FOR FAMILIES The Knights of Columbus at Shepherd of the Valley will be conducting a Food Drive for St. Vincent de Paul. To participate bring your donation of Canned Foods and Non-perishable items to Mass on the weekend of March 21-22nd. We’ll have a truck from St. Vincent de Paul to collect the food and transport it directly to their food pantry. The Knights will be handing out flyers after masses on March 14-15th to remind folks to bring food the following weekend. For additional information or any questions please contact Chris Erno- 541-261-1216 or [email protected] PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY This ministry is for any person in our parish, or beyond, who needs prayer, whether it is for physical healing, mental healing, safe travel, employment, thanksgiving, whatever the need may be. It is made up of parishioners who pray for these needs daily. All prayer requests are kept confidential. For more information please call Irene Vaughn at 541664-2517. LOVE THE LORD EVERYDAY AS HE SO LOVES YOU! ROSARY Come say the Rosary every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in the Day Chapel ARE YOU AVAILABLE AFTER MASS If you would like to set up or break down hospitality before and after the Adult Formation class in between Sunday English Masses please contact Joyce Marks at 541-664-1050. HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE Shepherd of the Valley Palm Sunday Vigil: 5:00 pm (English) 6:45 pm (Spanish) Palm Sunday: 8:30 am, 11:00 am English 12:45 pm Spanish Holy Thursday: 7:00 pm Bi-Lingual Good Friday: 5:30 pm English 7:00 pm Spanish Easter Vigil: 8:30 pm Bi-Lingual Easter Day: 8:30, 11:00 am English 1:00 pm Spanish FAMILY FAITH SHARING John 3:14-21 In today’s reading from the Gospel of John, we hear Jesus telling Nicodemus, who is a Pharisee, that the “Son of Man” (Jesus) must be lifted up so that all who believe in Jesus will have eternal life. Jesus says God loves us so much that He gave us Jesus -- and that if we believe in Him, we will be saved. Jesus, who is the light, came into the world. Those who do evil work, hate the light, and do not come toward it. But those who live the truth, come to Jesus, and their actions are reflections of God. God’s love for us is huge! How can you respond to such love? What can you do to show God your thanks for his great gift? page 6 WEEKLY CALENDAR Saturday 12:00pm Monday 12:00pm 7:00pm March 16, 2015 Mass H. Women’s Group Chapel Matt, Jn Tuesday 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm Rm March 17, 2015 Rosary & Divine Mercy Mass St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Charismatic Prayer Grp San Juan Diego Men Catechist Meeting Chapel Chapel Kit, Hall Luke Matt Conf. Wednesday 9:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 12:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm March 18, 2015 Guitar Lessons Legion of Mary Mass Women’s Prayer Group Women’s Social 1pm Choir San Juan Diego Choir RCIA Confirmation Class H. Liturgy Training John Matthew Chapel Matt Hall Hall 1, 2 Hall, 5, 6 Matt, Mk CLOW Chapel Thursday 11:00am 11:45am 12:00pm 4:30pm 6:30pm March 19, 2015 Funeral- Rosaline Wasierski Church Funeral Reception Hall Mass Chapel Admin Council Matt H. Relig Ed Hall 1-8, Mods, Clow Friday 12:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm March 20, 2015 Communion Service Chapel Lenten Soup Kitchen Hall, Kit H. Choir Hall 7, 8 Stations of the Cross Church H. Charismatic Prayer Grp Lk, Jn H. Baptism Class CLOW MONTHLY WOMEN’S SOCIAL Come join us on the third Wednesday of the month for food and conversation. Bring a dish to share. We meet in the Hall after noon Mass. page 7 March 21, 2015 Wedding- Escott/Munoz Church 3:00pm Quinceanera- Lizette Oregon Church 4:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Choir Practice Mass H. Mass Sunday 8:30am 11:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm March 22, 2015 Mass Mass H. Mass Choir Practice H. School Youth Grp Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Lk, Kt, Hall 1 CAN DO PROJECT ARE YOU BRINGING YOUR BOTTLES & CANS TO SHEPHERD OF THE VALLEY? Last week we received $159.15 to add to the project. Remember that Gator Aid and Wine Bottles have no deposit so please don’t include them in your donation. Keep up the good work and the Can Do Project continues to grow. ATTENTION-LAY MINISTERS Please notify Schedule Coordinator Jan Plunkett which of the following Easter Triduum Masses you’ll be available for by Sunday, March 15th. Holy Thursday, April 2, Bilingual Mass at 7pm Good Friday Service, April 3, at 5:30pm Easter Vigil, Sat. April 4, Bilingual Mass at 8pm Easter Sunday Masses at 8:30am and 11am In addition, please notify Jan of your unavailable April weekends (April 11/12, 18/19 and 25/26) by Sunday, March 15th. Call Jan at 541-499-0382. CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY St. Rita’s Retreat Center invites you to join them on Monday evenings during Lent to chant the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. This is a beautiful way to appreciate your relationship with our Savior. It begins at 6:00 PM until approximately 7:00 PM, starting Monday, February 23rd and ending on Monday, March 23rd. Prayer and singing will be led by The Shepherd’s Voice music group from Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church. Please call Father Stephen at 541-855-1333 if you have any questions.
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