4TH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15TH, 2015 4º DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 15 DE MARZO, 2015 The mission of Saint Lucy Parish is to lead people to a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. We live our faith by welcoming and serving. Saint Lucy Parish Parroquia de Santa Lucía 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548 Email: [email protected] www.stlucy-campbell.org www.facebook.com/ SaintLucyParish Twitter @StLucyCampbell Office Hours 9AM - 6PM Mon - Thurs 9AM - 5PM Friday Horario de Oficina 9AM - 6PM Lunes a Jueves 9AM - 5PM Viernes School / Escuela (408) 871-8023 Religious Education Educación Religiosa (408) 379-5900 SVDP/Outreach Services Servicos Sociales (408) 378-8086 Office Open: 10AM-11:45AM Mon - Fri Horario de Oficina: 10AM-11:45AM Lunes a Viernes La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía es guiar a la comunidad a una relación transformadora con Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica. Vivimos nuestra fe en el servicio y al dar la bienvenida. MASSES / MISAS Saturdays / Sábados 8AM & 5:15PM (English/Ingles) Sundays / Domingos: 7AM., 9AM, & 11AM, & 6PM (English/Ingles) 1PM & 7:30PM (Spanish/Español) Weekdays / Días de la Semana 8AM (English/Ingles) Holy Days / Días Santos 8AM, 11:30AM (School), 6:30PM, 8PM (Spanish/Español) RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Friday / Viernes (Bilingual/Bilingüe): 7PM to 9PM Saturday / Sábado: 3:30PM to 5PM PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Pastor/Párroco Rev. Kevin P. Joyce (408) 378-2464 x 106, [email protected] Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial Rev. Steve Kim [email protected], (408) 378-2464, x 105 Pastoral Associate / Asociado Pastoral Antonio Ojeda (408) 378-2464 x 107, [email protected] Co-Directors of Faith Formation / Co-Directores de Formación de Fe Irma Alarcón de Rangel (Spanish/Español ) (408) 378-2464 x 102, [email protected] Principal of the School/ Directora de la Escuela Ms. Sue Grover (408) 871-8023, [email protected] Parish Administrator / Administrador de la Parroquia Raymond Langford (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Accounting/ Contabilidad Russ Paige (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Office Manager / Gerente de Oficina Maricela Gallarate (408) 378-2464 x 118, [email protected] Administrative Assistants/ Secretarias Ingi Ibarra (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Evan- Yvonne Franco gelization / Coordinadora del Ministro de (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Erika Alcaraz la Juventud y Evangelización (408) 378-2464 x 104, [email protected] Patty Osorio (408) 378-2464 x 103, [email protected] Andrew Brown (English/Ingles) (408) 378-2464 x 101, [email protected] www.stlucy-campbell.org ADORATION Every Wednesday during Lent: 6PM - 8PM Every Thursday: 9AM - 6PM, Pro-Life Rosary 5:15PM Benediction 5:45 - 6PM Commencing With This Month Of March & Each Month Following Through Out The Remainder Of The Year, A Special Intention Of Adoration Will Be Offered. This Month Intention Is For The Increase In "Religious Vocations" With In Our Diocese & Through The World. When You Pray During Adoration For Priest. Remember To Pray Also For "Holy Priest". As a reminder to all Parishioners, Please Be Sure To Sign The Newly Thursday Adoration "Sign Up" Binder after Each Mass Located At The Front & Rear Of The Church Entrance. By Doing So-You Are Personally Recommitting Yourselves To Spending Some Personal Time With Our Lord Before The Blessed Sacrament. Particularly now during Lent. Thank you to everyone who has already answered the request to participate in the 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal! By supporting our 2015 Diocesan Appeal - Called to Do God’s Work, Together in Christ, we can support the Diocese in multiple ministries which individual parishes could not accomplish alone. If you have any questions about ADA, please call our parish office or visit our diocesan website at www.dsj.org . You can place your contribution in the offertory basket or mail it to the parish office. If we exceed our goal of $183,517, 100% of the funds over the goal come back to our parish!. God bless, Fr. Kevin, Fr. Steve, and Raymond Langford ST. LUCY SCHOOL NEWS: Let's Dine Together at ALDO's: Wednesday, March 18 The next St. Lucy Community Day Out event is at Aldo’s. Both Aldo's locations will donate 20% of the proceeds from both lunch and dinner, dine in and take out. Please mention St. Lucy when placing/paying for your order, no flyer is necessary. All proceeds help support St. Lucy Parish School. Tell your friends! Aldo’s Ristorante 14109 Winchester Blvd. Los Gatos CA 95030 408 374 1808 Aldo’s Cafe 440 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos CA 408 354 0700 St. Lucy School has a few fall openings in various grades. Please give us a call for more information at 408-378-6196 or email [email protected]. Thank you! $183,517 $171,591 559 $162,176 528 $151,610 462 $120,866 359 $97,604 290 $68,000 $40,000 224 113 Christian Singles Fellowship Please join us for dinner on Friday, March 20th at 5:30 pm. We will be meeting at the garret of Los Gatos, 14101 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos. Hope to see you there! e-mail [email protected] LIFE TEEN SUMMER RETREAT St. Lucy’s Life Teen will be having it’s summer camp at Forest Home in Ojai, CA this year. The dates are July 7 through 11. The cost is $275, some financial help is available. A deposit of $75 and the permission slips must be turned in to the office by March 31. Forms available on-line and in the office. Please contact Patty Osorio, our Youth Minister, if you have any questions. Prayer Shawl Ministry: All parishioners are invited to request a prayer shawl/lap throw for themselves or a loved one who has experienced an illness or having surgery. Please send request to [email protected]. Join the St. Lucy's Prayer Chain or submit prayer requests here: [email protected] ADORACIÓN Todos los Miércoles de Cuaresma de 6PM a 8PM Todos los jueves 9AM a 6PM, Rosario Pro-Vida 5:15PM, Bendición: 5:45 a 6PM Comenzando con el mes de marzo, y cada mes a través del resto del año, una intención especial de adoración se ofrecerá. Esta intención mensual es para el aumento de las vocaciones "religiosas" en nuestra diócesis y para todo el mundo. Cuando oramos durante la Adoración por los Sacerdotes, recuerde orar también por el "Santo Sacerdote". Como un recordatorio a todos los feligreses, favor de asegúrese de inscribirse por una hora de Adoración en la Carpeta de Adoración después de cada Misa. Está situada en la parte delantera y trasera de la iglesia en las salidas. Al hacerlo, usted es personalmente cometido a pasar algún tiempo personal con nuestro Señor antes del Santísimo Sacramento. Particularmente ahora durante la Cuaresma. Gracias a todos los que ya han respondido a la solicitud de participación en la Campaña Anual Diocesano de 2015! Mediante el apoyo a nuestro llamado Diocesano, podemos apoyar la Diócesis en varios ministerios que las parroquias no podrían lograr por sí solos. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la ADA, por favor llame a nuestra oficina parroquial o visite la página web al www.dsj.org. Usted puede hacer su aporte en la canasta del ofertorio o por correo a la oficina parroquial. Si superamos nuestra meta de $183,517, el 100% de los fondos arriba de la meta regresan a nuestra parroquia!. Que Dios los bendiga, el Padre Kevin, el Padre Steve, y Raymond Langford $183,517 CAMPAMENTO DE VERANO LIFE TEEN Este año el programa de Life Teen de San Lucy tendrá su campamento de verano en “Forest Home” en Ojai, CA. Sera julio 7 hasta el 11. El costo es de $275, ayuda financiera está disponible. Un depósito de $75 y las formas de permiso tienen que ser entregadas a la oficina a no más tardar del Marzo 31. Las formas están disponibles por internet y en la oficina. Favor de contactarse con Patty Osorio, la Coordinadora de Juventud, si tiene alguna pregunta. NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA PARROQUIAL: Vamos a cenar juntos en casa de ALDO’S: Miércoles, 18 de marzo El próximo evento de Comidas en la Calle es a Aldo’s. Ambos lugares de Aldo donarán el 20% de los ingresos de la comida y la cena. ¡Por favor, mencione a “St. Lucy” al pedir/pagar su pedido. No es necesario llevar un volante. Todos los ingresos ayudan a apoyar al la Escuela. Aldo’s Ristorante Aldo’s Cafe 14109 Winchester Blvd. 440 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos CA 95030 Los Gatos CA 408 374 1808 408 354 0700 $171,591 $162,176 $151,610 559 528 462 $120,866 359 $97,604 290 $68,000 $40,000 224 113 La Escuela de Santa Lucia tiene algunas aperturas para el otoño en varios grados. Por favor llámenos para obtener más información al 408378-6196 o al correo electrónico [email protected]. Ministerio de Mantón de Oración: Invitamos a todos los feligreses que soliciten un manto de oración para sí mismos o para un ser querido que haya experimentado una enfermedad o una cirugía. Por favor, envíe su solicitud a [email protected]. Únete a la Cadena de Oración de Santa Lucia o envíe peticiones para oración al: [email protected] Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa March 16 - March 22 16 de Marzo - 22 de Marzo Monday/Lunes 8AM Robert Dubcich + Tuesday/Martes 8AM Felicidad Ayala + Wednesday/Miércoles 8AM Robert Dubcich + Thursday/Jueves 8AM Special Intention for Matteo Switzer Friday/Viernes 8AM Margaret Nolt + Saturday/Sábado 8AM Cruz & Elvira Casas + 5:15PM Benedicto Gallego + Sunday/Domingo 7AM Joseph Jimenez + 9AM People of the Parish 11AM Jane Johnston + 1PM Eric Vazquez + 6PM Pedro Medina Iturriaga + 7:30PM Hector Alvarez Arriaga + Please Pray for the Deceased: Oremos por los Fieles Difuntos: Perlita Gamilo + Morgan Ochoa + Maria Luisa Contreras + Please Pray for the Sick: Oremos por los Enfermos: Frank San Filippo Gloria Martinez Amy O’Brian Rita Meno Restie Reyes Welcome We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Lucy Parish. We encourage new parishioners to register as parish members and become active in our parish community. Registration forms are available outside the Church, at our Parish Office and on our Web Site. YOUR GENEROSITY IS APPRECIATED PRESIDERS NEXT WEEKEND CELEBRANTES PARA EL PROXIMO FIN DE SEMANA 5:15 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Kevin Joyce MARCH 22ND READINGS LECTURAS PARA EL 22 DE MARZO Fifth Sunday of Lent Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma 1st Reading/1ª lectura: Jeremiah/Jeremías 31:31-34 or/ó Ezekiel/Ezequiel 37:12-14 Responsorial Psalm/Salmo: Psalm/Salmo 51:3-4, 12-15 or/ó 130:1-8 2nd Reading/2ª lectura: Hebrews/Hebreos 5:7-9 or/ó Romans/Romanos 8-11 Gospel/Evangelio: John/Juan 12:20-33 or/ó John/Juan 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday/Lunes: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday/Martes: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday/Miércoles: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday/Jueves: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rm 4:13:16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk/Lc 2:41-51a Friday/Viernes: Wis 2/Sab 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday/Sábado: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Bienvenidos Le damos la bienvenida a los visitantes y recién llegados a la Parroquia de Santa Lucía. Invitamos a los nuevos feligreses a registrarse como miembros de la parroquia y participar activamente en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles afuera de la Iglesia, en la oficina parroquial y en nuestro sitio Web. AGRADECIENDO SU GENEROSIDAD The offertory collection for March 8th totaled $17,737. La colecta del ofertorio del 8 de marzo fue de $17,737. Second Collection for Religious Education: $1,436. Segunda colecta para la Educación Religiosa: $1,436. There will not be a Second Collection next weekend. El próximo fin de semana no habrá segunda colecta. Diocese of San Jose - Office of Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, Ph: (408) 983-0113; Emergency # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected] Diócesis de San José -Oficina de Protección de Niños y Adultos Vulnerables, Tel: (408) 983-0113; Tel. Emergencia # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected] Schedule of Events / Calendario de Eventos Parroquiales This schedule is subject to change. For the most current schedule please visit www.stlucy-campbell.org Este calendario está sujeto a cambios. Para encontrar la versión actualizada Thursday/Jueves: 3/19/2015 Monday/Lunes: 3/16/2015 School - Stations of the Cross Practice Cub Scout Tiger Meeting Grupo de Oración - Choir Practice Scripture Study RICA Church Annex Church PAC-B PAC-A 11:45am 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Tuesday/Martes: 3/17/2015 Vietnamese Prayer Group Confirmation Class Hispanic Committee Meeting Cub Scout Pack 330 Planning Meeting Grupo de Oración - Meeting Choir Practice - 11am Mass Church PAC-A PAC-B PAC-C Conf. Rm. Church 2:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Wednesday/Miércoles : 3/18/2015 Bulk Mailing Bulk Mailing School - 8th Friendship Quilting Children’s Faith Formation - English Adoration Confessions Novena with Rosary Hispanic Children’s Guitar Lessons RCIA RCIA Children’s Faith Formation - RCIC “With One Voice “ - 6:00pm Choir PAC-A PAC-B Annex Lally Church Church Church Lally PAC-A PAC-B PAC-C Lally 9:00am 9:00am 2:00pm 4:00pm 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Scripture Studies AA Meeting Pro-Life Ministry Meeting Benediction School - Talet Show School - Talet Show Spanish - RCIC YLI Monthly Meeting Grupo de Oración - Bible Study Grupo de Oración - Intercedores 7:30pm Choir Practice Hispanic Choir Practice Church PAC-B PAC-B PAC-B Church Gym Annex Lally PAC-A PAC-B PAC-C Lally Church 9am-6pm 10:00am 2:00pm 3:30pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Friday/Viernes: 3/20/2015 St. Lucy Daisy Troop Meeting Stations of the Cross - English Grupo de Oración - Youth Group Despertar Juvenil Stations of the Cross - Spanish Faith Formation Retreat Preparation Lally Church PAC-C Lally Church PAC-A 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm Saturday/Sábado: 3/21/2015 Faith Formation - 2nd Year Retreat Faith Formation - 2nd Year Retreat Faith Formation - 2nd Year Retreat Faith Formation - 2nd Year Retreat Baptisms - English Baptisms - Spanish Choir Practice - 5:15 Choir Gym PAC-A,B,C Annex Lally Church Church Church 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 9:15am 10:15am 4:30pm Sunday/Domingo: 3/22/2015 Bulletin Deadline Announcement: All ads to appear in the bulletin for Sunday, March 29, 2015 (Palm Sunday), must be submitted to the Parish Office no later than 12:00 pm on Thursday, March 19, 2014. All ads to appear in the bulletin for Sunday, April 5, 2015 (Easter Sunday), must be submitted to the Parish Office no later than 12:00 pm on Thursday, March 26, 2014. Catechetics (Preschool) - English Children’s Faith Formation - English Hispanic Children’s Choir Practice Children’s Faith Formation - Spanish Children’s Faith Formation - Spanish Catechetics (Preschool) - Spanish “With One Voice “ - 6:00pm Choir Children’s Faith Formation - RCIC RCIA - Scripture Sharing Life Teen Life Teen Lally Lally Annex PAC-A,B,C Lally Lally Church PAC-C Conf. Rm. PAC-A,B,C Lally 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 11:30am 1:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 7:15pm BEYOND OUR PARISH You are invited… A TIME FOR YOU A RETREAT DAY FOR CAREGIVERS 219 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos 95030 Saturday, March 28, 2015 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Cost: $28. Person - Register by March 25th Hospitality and lunch provided Facilitator: Rosemarie Peoples Sponsored by Catholic Cemeteries A Caregiver’s retreat day focusing upon compassion and care for self while walking with someone who suffers. For more info: call 650-428-3730 x214 or [email protected] MARRIED COUPLES – WANT TO GIVE A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING? Register for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend – it’s the best gift you’ll ever give to each other and your marriage! The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is: Mar 20-22, 2015 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: sanjosewwme.org or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or 408-782-1413 Candlelight Procession, March 27th at 7:00pm from St. Leo Church, 88 Race Street, San Jose to Planned Parenthood at 1691 The Alameda, San Jose for a prayer vigil. Our goal is to change hearts, to end abortion and to help pregnant moms choose life through motherhood or adoption. Daily prayer vigils to end abortion from 8am to 7pm each day from March 5th to April 13th at 1691 the Alameda, San Jose. www.40daysforlife.com/sanjose 408-497-7270 Have you ever thought about becoming a Sister? Single Catholic women ages 18 - 40 are invited to a Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul April 10-12, 2015 in Los Altos Hills, California (Bay Area). If you would like to know more about attending this prayerful and reflective discernment retreat, contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C. at 650/949-8890, 213-210-9903, or email us at [email protected]. Find us on Facebook at: Daughters of Charity Vocations U.S., follow us at Twitter.com/DofCharity or read about us on www.DaughtersOfCharity.com. YOUNG ADULT “MAKING CHOICES-Dealing with Transitions” Retreat: Sat. March 21, 2015 (10am-4pm); for women & men (ages 18-40); at the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose Motherhouse, 43326 Mission Blvd. (entrance on Mission Tierra Pl), Fremont, CA 94539; Facilitators: Sisters Ingrid Clemmensen and Mary Yun; Suggested donation of $15 includes lunch, refreshments and materials (payable at the door); Register online at www.msjdominicans.org or www.bit.ly/YAretreatreg; for more info call 510-933-6335. MÁS ALLÁ DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Concierto con la Hermana Glenda - Marzo 20, 2015 - 7:30pm - Nuestra Señora del Refugio Con mucha alegría y gozo la Oficina del Apostolado Hispano de nuestra Diócesis de San José, les presenta desde España a una gran exponente de la música Católica. Te invitamos esta Cuaresma a vivir una Noche de Reflexión, ¡El Gozo del Evangelio! Formando Discípulos – A través – Canto, Alabanza y Música de la HERMANA GLENDA este 20 DE MARZO DE 2015 A LAS 7:30PM en Nuestra Señora del Refugio, 2165 Lucretia Avenue, San José, CA 95122. ¡Boletos a la venta en la Oficina del Apostolado Hispano! Boletos para menores de 10 años $10 cada uno y boletos para mayores de 11 años $20 cada uno. El concierto será admisión general, las puertas abren a las 7pm. St. Lucy Parish Lenten Schedule 2015 Eventos de Cuaresma 2015 de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía Lenten Morning Mass 8:00 AM Monday—Saturday (English) Fridays of Lent - Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM English February 20 February 27 March 6 March 13 March 20 Tenebrae (Ancient Service of the Liturgy of the Hours & Extinguishing of Candles) 7:30 PM (English with Spanish Translation) March 27 Reconciliation/Confessions Misa por la mañana 8:00 AM Lunes a Sábado (Inglés) Viernes de Cuaresma - Viacrucis 8:00 PM Español 20 de febrero 27 de febrero 6 de marzo 13 de marzo 20 de marzo Tenebrae (Antiguo servicio de la Liturgia de las Horas) 7:30 PM Inglés con traducción al español Viernes, 27 de marzo Confesiónes en Inglés y Español (English/Spanish) Miércoles, 6:00pm a 8:00pm (con Adoración Eucarística) Wednesdays, 6:00pm to 8:00pm (with Eucharistic Adoration) (25 de febrero, 4 de marzo, 11 de marzo, 18 de marzo, 25 de marzo, 1º de abril) (February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25, April 1) Viernes, 7:00pm a 8:30pm Fridays, 7:00pm to 8:30pm (20 de febrero, 27 de febrero, 6 de marzo, 13 de marzo, 20 de marzo, 27 de marzo) (February 20, February 27, March 6, March 13, March 20, March 27) Saturdays, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (February 21, February 28, March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28) Reconciliation Service Including private confession in English & Spanish Wednesday, March 25 - 7:00 pm Sábados, 3:30 pm a 5:00 pm (21 de febrero, 28 de febrero, 7 de marzo, 14 de marzo, 21 de marzo, 28 de marzo) Celebración del Sacramento de Reconciliación Incluye la confesión privada en Inglés y Español Miércoles, 25 de marzo - 7:00 PM There will be NO FLOWERS OR PLANTS IN THE CHURCH DURING LENT. No habrá FLORES O PLANTAS EN LA IGLESIA DURANTE LA CUARESMA. Lent is all about change and change is usually not easy. In order to change we have to leave something behind. What is it that the Lord is asking us to leave behind? Are we willing to take the risk for the promise made by God? These questions are at the heart of the Lenten journey. Cuaresma es cambio y cambiar no es fácil. Para poder cambiar debemos dejar algo atrás. ¿Qué nos pide Dios dejar atrás? ¿Estamos dispuestos a arriesgarlo todo por la promesa que Dios hace? Estas son las preguntas centrales en el camino de conversión de la Cuaresma Lenten Practices Prácticas para la Cuaresma Fast Days Ash Wednesday & Good Friday One full meal, two light meals; no eating between meals. Ages 18-60. Days of Abstinence Ash Wednesday & all Fridays No meat for those over age 14. Días de ayuno Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo Una comida completa, dos comidas ligeras, no comer entre comidas. De 18 a 60 años. Días de abstinencia Miércoles de Ceniza y todos los viernes de Cuaresma Nada de carne para los mayores de 14 años de edad. MAUREEN O’CONNELL Attorney at Law, Parishioner Living Trusts • Wills • Probate Kelley Solberg, Realtor® 408-297-6004 Dr. Cheryl Vicencio Dentistry for Children & Adults • General & Cosmetic Dentistry (408) 255-2222 New Patients Welcome 753 Saratoga Avenue Most Insurance Plans Accepted 16185 Los Gatos Blvd., Ste. 205 Los Gatos, CA 95032 Cell: 408.464.8629 Knowledge Experience Integrity BRE#01359475 PET WATCHER’S PET SITTING SERVICE Loving Personalized Attention to Your Pet(s) and Their Needs in Your Home! Since 1994 Shawnon, Parishioner • 408-819-3100 Your ad could be in this space! Available for Dine in Delivery or To Go. bucadibeppo.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 MARK A. WATSON, DDS PROTECTING SENIORS Parishioner 356-1166 NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... WHY IS IT DARLING-FISCHER MORTUARY Associated with the Los Gatos Memorial Park Garden Chapel Chapel of the Hills 998-2226 354-7740 379-5010 Los Gatos FD 940 Campbell FD 898 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 WHY IS IT? *First Three Months 513459 St Lucy Church In f ant Care ✪ oo esch l Pr n Mentioad h c r chu ive a to rece L ✪ ✪ (408) 379-3184 www.actiondayprimaryplus.com 1125 W. 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