The Parish Community of Our Lady of the Angels founded July 2005 Church of the Immaculate Conception (ICC), est. 1875 Church of Saint Joachim (SJC), est. 1901 Parish Office: 21-23 Bayard Street, Trenton, NJ 08611-1344 Email: [email protected] 609-695-6089 fax: 609-695-4376 ALGO EN QUÉ PENSAR Parish Office Hours: Monday–Thursday -9:00am-8:30pm Friday – 9:00am-5:00pm No Office Hours on Saturday & Sunday Parish Clergy: Rev. Fr. Cesar Rubiano, ext. 119 (Pastoral Administrator) Rev. Fr. Raymond Hughes (Weekend Assistant) Rev. Fr. Philip Cordisco, O.Ss.T Mr. Guido Mattozzi, Deacon Mr. Benito Torres, Deacon Parish Overseers: Mr. & Mrs. Benedict & Clara Gioe Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Maritza Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Barbara Sanna Business Manager: Mr. Edwin Sevillano, ext. 115 Faith Formation: Sr. Carolyn Houck, MPF ext. 121 Pastoral Care: Sr. Domenica Troina, MPF ext. 110 Worship & Music: Miss Yuko Unehara, ext. 106 Mr. Joseph Pucciatti, choir director Ms. Monica Pollich, organist Mr. Alvaro Rivera Office Support Staff: Mr. Walter Muñoz ext. 102 Mrs. Jennifer Campos (eve) ext.100 Ms. Felícita Martínez (eve) ext.127 Facilities Staff: Mr. Joseph Pica ext. 104 Mr. Mario Huitz Mrs. Xinia Monge Un barco de pasajeros fue destruido en el mar durante una tormenta. Solo dos hombres sobrevivieron y pudieron nadar hasta una pequeña isla desierta. Sin saber qué hacer, decidieron rezarle a Dios, pero querían saber cuál de sus oraciones sería la más poderosa. Así pues, decidieron dividir el territorio entre dos y quedarse en lados opuestos de la isla. Lo primero que pidió el primer hombre fue comida. Al día siguiente hubo un árbol lleno de fruta en su lado de la isla y él pudo comer. En el otro lado de la isla el hombre no tenía qué comer. Después de una semana el primer hombre se sentía solo y de nuevo rezó para pedir una esposa. Al día siguiente, hubo otro naufragio y la única sobreviviente fue una mujer que pudo nadar hasta el lado de la isla del primer hombre. En el otro lado de la isla, todavía nada. Luego el primer hombre rezó para pedir techo, ropa y más comida. Cómo magia, todo se le dio. En el otro lado de la isla el segundo hombre todavía no había obtenido nada. Entonces el primer hombre pidió un barco para poder abandonar la isla él y su mujer. En la madrugada ¡encontró un barco atracado al costado de la isla! Ese día él y su esposa abordaron el barco para irse de la isla. Él consideró que el segundo hombre no merecía recibir las bendiciones de Dios ya que Dios no le había contestado ninguna de sus peticiones y lo dejó en la isla. El barco estaba a punto de salir cuando el primer hombre oyó una voz vibrante del cielo que preguntaba, “¿por qué abandonas a tu compañero en la isla?” El hombre le contestó, “Mis bendiciones me pertenecen solo a mí, ya que yo fui quien rezó por ellas. Sus peticiones no fueron contestadas.” La voz le contestó, “¡Estás equivocado! Él sólo tuvo una oración la cual le contesté. Si no fuera por eso, tú jamás hubieras recibido ningunas de mis bendiciones.” El hombre le preguntó, “Dime, ¿qué fue lo que pidió para yo deberle? La voz le contestó, “El oró para que todas tus peticiones fueran contestadas.” Puede ser que todas nuestras bendiciones no sean fruto de nuestras oraciones sino de alguien que ora por nosotros. Cuando Jesús murió en la cruz, ¡Él estaba pensando en todos nosotros! (For the English version please turn to page 10) Page Two 3rd Sunday of Lent 594 Since the beginning of our Lenten journey, with the sign of the cross on our foreheads, we heard, -at least in our Christian circles-, the importance of fasting, prayer and sacrifice. All our life we want and we believe that our lives can be better. To achieve our goals of holiness, we need motivation and support. But why do we find it so difficult to achieve that which means “less”, focus on God “and” sacrifice? Perhaps the answer lies in our individualism. The thought we alone can achieve everything dominates us. This certainly limits not only the grace of God, but also the encouragement and helping hand of the one close to me. Some of you have already heard the news, about the tragic accident that a member of our parish family suffered, on December 14, 2014. It was a regular shopping day that changed the life of one of our students for First Communion Jose Rivas, who lost his toes on one foot. Everything happened so fast at that time ... First responders were there in no time. Now almost 3 months later, we can all reflect on how our life can change in a matter of moments. This week Jose and his dear mother came to our parish, I was very surprised to see the boy walking, because last last week when I visited him he was using a wheelchair. The reason for his visit will be amazing for many of you. Jose, his parents, and siblings, want to support the "WALK OF HOPE” sponsored by Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton, which will be held Saturday, March 28, 2015, and whose goals are to reduce poverty, promote recovery, and strengthen families. Catholic Charities has been a trusted resource since 1913, making sure no one in crisis has had to go it alone. So, don’t participate in the Walk of Hope alone. Invite family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to join our team Our Lady of the Angel “JOSE RIVAS” by making a donation. We in our parish have been blessed with the presence of one of its most important divisions, "El Centro", under the direction of Mr. Roberto Ramirez, where a large number of our parishioners find the necessary response to their needs. Achieving our goals is not as difficult when we have the support of a helping hand, or a serious and responsible Institution on Christian principles as its foundation. Jose and his family, even in the midst of pain and suffering want to support those who are less fortunate than themselves. When we feel that the community is united in a cause like the "Walk of Hope" we know we are not alone. Doing something for others is not just a Lenten duty; it is a personal and right decision. That is why we want to invite you to join this cause. Help Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton, to continue its mission of reducing poverty, promoting recovery and strengthening families by joining the Walk of Hope. They provide everything from housing and food to addiction treatment and domestic violence services to all in need regardless of religious background and assist more than 100,000 people each year in four counties, including Mercer County. Below you will find the link to make your registration and walk with us under our Team Leader Jose Rivas! A Portion of the proceeds will go to "El Centro". Questions? Contact Jenn Leip at 609-394-5181, ext. 1137. You can also register next week after all our weekend Masses. Fr. Cesar Rubiano 594 08 March 2015 WAY OF THE CROSS (BILINGUAL) 6:30PM Every Friday during Lent Immaculate Conception Church The Lectio Divina will be held in the sacristy at ICC on Fridays during Lent. English at 6pm before the Way of the Cross, Spanish after the service. LENTEN REGULATIONS Here is what the Catholic Church in the United States asks of us as baptized Catholics: 1. The next day of fast (only one meal) and abstinence (no meat) is GOOD FRIDAY (3rd April 2015) 2. The other Fridays of lent are DAYS OF ABSTINENCE (No meat). Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast (only one full meal) as above. From the age of 14, people are also obliged to abstain (no meat: this obligation prohibits the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products or condiments of any kind, even though made from animal fat). The obligation, the privilege really, of receiving the Eucharist at least once a year -- often called “Easter duty” --- for those in the state of grace should still be fulfilled during the period from the First Sunday of Lent, February 22nd to Trinity Sunday, May 31st, 2015. MEMORIAL OF ST. PATRICK The Parish Community of Our Lady of the Angels will celebrate the traditional Mass in Irish and English, on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 12:15PM at Immaculate Conception Church. Msgr. Michael Walsh will be the main celebrant. Any further information please call Rosemary McKeever at (609) 588-0482. Please come out and support this wonderful tradition of our Parish. A collection to support our parish will be taken up at the Mass. Di te dice il mio cuore: “Cercate il suo volto”. Il tuo volto io cerco, o Signore. Non nascondermi il tuo volto. (Sal 27,8-9) Page Three IL SIGNIFICATO DEL NOSTRO LA VIA DELLA LIBERTA’ La maggior parte di noi, se ci fosse chiesto “Appare nella Bibbia la frase “I Dieci Comandamenti”, probabilmente sbaglieremmo, perche’ la risposta e’ “no”. “I Dieci Comandamenti” e’ una frase dopo la Bibbia, una frase che si sviluppo’ insieme ad un’immagine di Dio come poliziotto che non si trova nel brano di oggi dall’Esodo La chiave e’ la prima frase: Dio e’ colui che ci libera dalla schiavitu’; seguire la legge o i comandi di Dio e’ la nostra via verso la liberta’. I cambiamoneta che Gesu’ scaccio’ dal tempio non trasgredivano alcuno dei comandamenti, ma nemmeno aiutavano il popolo a trovare la via della liberta’ quando veniva a pregare nel Tempio. Questa e’ un’importante lezione della Quaresima per noi. Dobbiamo fermarci dal chiederci se trasgrediamo o no specifiche regole ed esaminare la nostra vita per vedere se veramente stiamo seguendo una via verso la liberta’ di Dio attraverso Cristo. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Begins this Sunday, March 8, 2015, 2:00am, and ends Sunday, November 1, 2015, 2:00am. Don’t forget to turn your clocks one hour ahead before going to bed on Saturday. LENT & EASTER FLOWERS & DECORATIONS You will find included in your envelope packet a special envelope for Lent & Easter flowers. Please use it to make any contribution and indicate a memorial or dedication for your Lent & Easter decorations. A second collection will be taken next weekend 14/15 March. A memorial list will be published later. FOOD FOR THE NEEDY Our Lady of the Angels Parish will continue to collect food donations for the poor on the third weekend of each month. Next food collection 14/15 March 2015 Page Four 3rd Sunday of Lent SAVE THE DATE Mar. 13 Mar. 14/15 Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 20/21 Mar. 25 Way of the Cross/Lectio Divina Food collection & II Collection St. Patrick’s Day Solemnity of St. Joseph Confirmation Retreat SJC Solemnity of Annunciation of the Lord ANNUAL CAPITAL APPEAL PARISH GOAL: $45,000.00 SOLEMNITY OF SAINT JOSEPH Thursday, 19 March 2015 The month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and foster father of Jesus. He is known as the patron of the Universal Church. During this month, let us turn to him with some sign of devotion, love and veneration. A Solemn Mass will be celebrated at Saint Joachim Church at 7:00PM (Trilingual), with the traditional blessing and distribution of bread. A collection to support our parish will be taken up at the Mass. The OLA Children Choir will be singing at this Mass. Sweet Table will follow in Centennial Hall. IMPORTANT! CONFIRMATION RETREAT INFORMATION Please be advised that the students of Confirmation & R.C.I.A. will be having a retreat in preparation for their Confirmation celebration. The retreat will be held on two days: Friday, March 20, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m, and Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The retreat will conclude with Mass at 4:00 p.m. for all students, parents and sponsors. The location of the retreat will be at Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Saint Joachim Church. ATTENTION: PARKING AT IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Park only in the designated parking spaces or your vehicle will be towed by the company or fined by the Police. If you attend mass at ICC, we remind you there is an ample parking lot entering from Division St with an easy access to the side ramp entrance. Please use this parking lot instead to allow visitors to park in the Chestnut Avenue one. Thank you for your collaboration. 594 READING OF THE DAY THE PATH TO FREEDOM Most of us, if we were asked “Does the phrase ‘the Ten Commandments’ appear in the Bible?” would likely get it wrong, because the answer is “no.” “The Ten Commandments” is a post biblical, phrase that developed along with an image of God as police officer that is not found in today’s passage from Exodus. The first phrase is the key: God is the one who brings us out of slavery; following God’s law or commands is our path to freedom. The moneychangers whom Jesus drove from the temple were not explicitly breaking any of the commandments, but neither were they helping people to find God’s path to freedom as they came to worship at the temple. This is an important Lenten lesson for us. We need to stop asking ourselves whether or not we are breaking specific rules or regulations and instead examine our lives to see if we are truly following a path to God’s freedom through Christ Reading: Job 7:1-4; Second Reading: Corinthians 9:16-19; Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 The law liberates and leads us to freedom. It is to be trusted for it is a source of wisdom. Jesus speaks of the ultimate freedom to be won for us by his being raised up. He is the sign of the power and wisdom of God. From ORDO 2015 REFLECTION QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK ADULT: What kinds of ager are justified for a follower of Jesus? CHILD: Why was Jesus angry? How do you show respect for God’s house? My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor. (Cf. Psalm 25 (24):15-16 594 8 de Marzo de 2015 Página Cinco Desde el comienzo de nuestro caminar en Cuaresma, con el signo de la cruz en nuestra frente, hemos escuchado, -al menos en nuestro ámbito cristiano’, la importancia del ayuno, la oración y el sacrificio. Todos en nuestra vida queremos y creemos que podemos ser mejores. Para alcanzar nuestras metas de santidad, debemos igualmente manejar ésta motivación. Pero por qué se nos hace tan duro lograr aquello que implica “dejar de”, “responder a Dios”, y “sacrificarnos”? Quizá la respuesta está en nuestro individualismo. El pensar que por sí solos podremos lograr todo aquello que nos propongamos. Esto limita ciertamente no sólo la Gracia de Dios, sino también el apoyo y la mano amiga de quien está a mi lado. Algunos de ustedes se enteraron por las noticias o los periódicos, del trágico accidente que sufrió una familia miembros de nuestra Parroquia, el pasado 14 de diciembre. Un día común de compras, cambió la vida del niño José, quien perdió los dedos en uno de sus pies. Todo fue rápido en ese momento…La pronta atención brindada fueron decisivos. Ahora casi 3 meses después, todos podemos reflexionar en como un instante nos cambia la vida. Esta semana José y su querida mamá vinieron a nuestra Parroquia, cuál fue mi sorpresa al ver al niño caminando, pues hasta la semana anterior seguía usando su silla de ruedas. La razón de su visita será increíble para muchos de ustedes. José, sus padres y hermanos, quieren apoyar la “CAMINATA DE LA ESPERANZA”, de Las Caridades Católicas Diócesis de Trenton, que se realizará el próximo Sábado, 28 de marzo 2015, y cuyos logros son reducir la pobreza, promover la recuperación del individuo en todos los aspectos y fortalecer a las familias. Podrán registrarse la próxima semana después de Misa. Caridades Católicas, desde 1913, quiere seguir devolviendo la confianza para que aquellos que sufren una crisis, no sientan que están solos. De ahí, se desarrollaron muchísimos programas para proporcionar alimentos, asistencia financiera, consejería y apoyo individual y familiar. Nosotros en nuestra Parroquia hemos sido bendecidos con la presencia de uno de sus proyectos más importantes, con “El Centro”, bajo la dirección del Sr. Roberto Hernández, en donde un gran número de nosotros hemos podido encontrar una respuesta oportuna y necesaria en nuestra vida. Lograr nuestras metas no es tan difícil cuando contamos con el apoyo de una mano amiga, o una Institución seria, responsable y con principios cristianos. José y su familia, aún en medio del dolor y el sufrimiento que continua, quieren apoyar a aquellos que son menos afortunados que ellos. Cuando sentimos que la comunidad se une en una causa como la “Caminata de la Esperanza”, sabemos que no estamos solos. Dios no nos creó como islas, sino como un CUERPO. Hacer algo por otros no solo es un deber cuaresmal, es un bien personal. La fuerza que crea una fe colectiva es mayor que la de un esfuerzo propio. Es por esto que los quiero invitar para que se unan a ésta causa. Aquí encontrarán el link para que hagan su registración y caminen con nosotros y nuestro Capitán Jose Rivas, por qué otros necesitan tener esperanza! Parte de los recaudos se destinarán a las obras y labor de “El Centro”. Cualquier pregunta pueden llamar a nuestra oficina o a las oficinas de El Centro al 609-394-2056. Padre Cesar Rubiano Página Seis Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar.20/21 Mar. 25 Memoria de San Patricio Solemnidad de San José Retiro de Confirmación SJC Solemnidad de la Anunciación del Señor VÍA CRUCIS Todos los viernes de Cuaresma, en la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción empezando el viernes 20 de febrero de 2015 Lectio Divina en español al terminar el Vía Crucis a las 6:30PM bilingüe. Todos están invitados. COLECTA MENSUAL DE ALIMENTOS Agradecemos a todos aquellos que participan por su generosidad para con nuestros hermanos necesitados. Próxima Colecta de Alimentos será el 14 y 15 de marzo 2015. NORMAS DE LA IGLESIA DURANTE LA CUARESMA Este tiempo que culmina el Jueves Santo (2 de abril), es un tiempo de penitencia, sacrificio, oración y caridad cristiana. Las siguientes son normas específicas de nuestra Diócesis durante la temporada de Cuaresma: 1. Los días de ayuno y abstinencia siguiente es Viernes (Santo 3 de abril) 2. Todos los viernes de Cuaresma son días de abstinencia, es decir que toda persona de 14 años o mayor no deberá comer carne, ni salsas hechas con carne. 3. Los viernes del año, fuera del Tiempo de Cuaresma son designados días de penitencia, (algún tipo de sacrificio voluntario como abstinencia de carne u otros). Aquellas personas entre los 18 y 59 años de edad están obligadas a ayunar, es decir, podrán comer sólo una comida completa al día. Si gozan de buena salud, los mayores de 59 años pueden también hacer este sacrificio. Tengo los ojos puestos en el Señor, porque él me libra de todo peligro. Mírame, Dios mío y ten piedad de mí, que estoy solo y afligido. (Salmo 24, 15-16) 594 LECTURA DEL DÍA CAMINO A LA LIBERTAD La mayoría de nosotros, si nos preguntaran “¿Aparece la frase ‘los Diez Mandamientos’ en la Biblia?” daríamos la respuesta errónea, pues la respuesta es “no”. “Los diez mandamientos” es una frase post-bíblica, que se desarrolló junto con una imagen de Dios como ‘policía’ la cual no se encuentra en el pasaje de hoy del libro del Éxodo. La primera frase es clave: Dios es el que nos sacó de la esclavitud; cumplir las leyes o mandamientos de Dios es nuestro camino a la libertad. Los cambistas a quienes Jesús echó del templo no estaban violando ninguno de los mandamientos, pero tampoco estaban ayudando a la gente a encontrar el camino hacia la libertad de Dios cuando llegaban al Templo a rezar. Esta es una lección de la Cuaresma importante para nosotros. Tenemos que dejar de preguntarnos si estamos o no violando alguna regla o reglamento específico, y en cambio examinar nuestra vida para ver si verdaderamente estamos siguiendo un camino hacia la libertad de Dios por medio de Cristo. ADELANTO DE HORARIO: Les recordamos que este domingo 8 de marzo los relojes se adelantarán una hora por el horario de verano. No se olvide de adelantar su reloj antes de acostarse el sábado. FLORES Y DECORACIÓN DE CUARESMA & PASCUA Usted encontrará incluido en su paquete de sobres de colecta, un sobre especial para las flores de Cuaresma y Pascua utilícelo para hacer su contribución. Una segunda colecta será tomada el fin de semana del 14 y 15 de marzo. La lista de las personas que contribuyeron y sus intenciones se publicaran en el boletín. SOLEMNIDAD DE SAN JOSÉ El mes de marzo está dedicado a San José, esposo de la Virgen María y padre adoptivo de Jesús. San José es conocido como Patrono de la Iglesia Universal. Durante este mes honrémoslo con algún signo de devoción, amor y veneración. El jueves 19 de marzo una Misa Solemne (trilingüe), será celebrada en la Iglesia San Joaquín a las 7:00PM con la tradicional bendición y distribución de panes y recepción a continuación en el Salón Parroquial. Se tomará una colecta. El Coro de Niños de la parroquia cantará en esta misa. Todos son bienvenidos. 594 8 de Marzo de 2015 Página Siete NOTICIAS DE ORGANIZACIÓNES DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOS ÁNGELS Y DE LA COMUNIDAD IMPORTANTE: INFORMACIÓN PARA EL RETIRO DE CONFIRMACIÓN El Retiro de Confirmación se llevará a cabo el viernes 20 de marzo de 2015, de 5:00PM a 9:00PM y el sábado 21 de marzo de 2015 de 10:00 AM a 5:30 PM en la Iglesia San Joaquín. Habrá Misa el sábado a las 4:00 de la tarde para los participantes de retiro, padrinos y padres de familia. Por favor entregar las hojas de permiso en la oficina lo antes posible. LOS CABALLEROS DE COLON Patrocinaran un BINGO para recaudar fondos para la Fundación Sunshine el 22 de marzo de 2015 de 12:00PM a 4:00PM en los bajos de la Iglesia San Joaquín (Centennial Hall). Esta organización apoya a los niños con enfermedades crónicas con su sueño de ir a Disney World. Ganadores de Bingo recibirán boletos para la compra de bolsas/carteras, joyería y regalos que se venderá en el Bingo. BÚSQUEDA DE HUEVOS DE PASCUA organizado por CABALLEROS DE COLON: El sábado 28 de marzo de 12:00 a 2:00PM en la Iglesia San Joaquín. Este evento está abierto para niños de edades 2 a 12 años. (Padre o representante debe estar presente con el niño). Todos los niños que participen recibirán premios. Se servirá un almuerzo ligero al concluir la búsqueda y juegos de pascua. (Café será servido a las personas adultas que asistan). Se requiere reservación por favor llamar a Cezar 609-548-0110 or e-mail [email protected]. COLECTA DE MONEDAS PARA LOS POBRES Nuestra próxima colecta de monedas para los pobres será el fin de semana del 21 y 22 de marzo. Gracias por su apoyo. SOBRES DE OFRENDA Los paquetes de sobres de ofrenda se envían trimestralmente por correo antes del comienzo de cada trimestre. Si usted aun no ha recibido sus sobres de enero a marzo, por favor contacte de inmediato a la oficina parroquial al 609695-6089 y se los prepararemos. Los paquetes de sobres de abril a junio le llegarán a su dirección al final de este mes. ¡Gracias por su generosidad! EL CENTRO DE RECURSOS PARA FAMILIAS Y LA PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOS ÁNGELES Apoyando la familia latina: Charlas para papás Participe en nuestra charla educativa de cómo mejorar la comunicación con sus hijos, pareja, amistades y en el trabajo. Lunes 9, y 16 de Marzo de 6:30p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Las charlas serán en el Salón Parroquial. 21-23 Bayard St. Trenton. Llámenos al 609-695-6089 o 609-394-2056 ext. 3301. Se ofrece refrescos y bocadillos y regalos y sorpresas. Cupo limitado a 25 papas solamente INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LA ANULACIÓN MATRIMONIAL Miércoles 11 de marzo de 7:00PM a 9:00PM en nuestro Salón Parroquial – Centennial Hall EN CASO DE MAL CLIMA, las misas, la oficina y los demás servicios pueden ser suspendidos. Si así fuera, usted puede informarse antes de venir llamando a la oficina parroquial, al 609 6956089. Se dejará un mensaje grabado si la parroquia cancela sus operaciones. CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA ANUAL META PARROQUIAL: $45,000.00 CORRESPONSABILIDAD DE OFRENDA El dinero recaudado en las misas hispanas el fin de semana del 28 de febrero y 1 de marzo fue de $5,425.00. El detalle de la colecta se encuentra en la página 9 del boletín. Por favor recuerden hacer uso de sus sobres de ofrenda, es la mejor manera de llevar la cuenta de sus ofrendas familiares. ¡Mil gracias por su generosidad! Page Eight 3rd Sunday of Lent 594 Worship Schedule REQUESTED BY INTENTIONS Saturday, 07 March 4:00 PM (SJC) English 6:30 PM (SJC) Spanish Intentions of Marianne Vaishnav † Anne & Mario Vicari † Denise Hodanish & Gino T. Strippoli Jr. En acción de gracias a San Pedro & San Pablo † Carmen Vásquez Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de nuestra parroquia Pollich Family Fran & Tony Stancati Frances Romani & Jeannette Strippoli Isidro Vásquez Familia Rodas Vásquez Por la salud de Marcelo González † José Domingo Castro Holy Name Society † Joseph W. Moroze Intentions of Monica & Anneliese Pollich † Katharina Schmidt † Carmen Pantaleoni † Barbara Kinney † Lino Creo † The Wagner family † Alejandro & Dionicio Nieto † Ramon Carabajo † Rosa Alejandrina Ávila Su familia Familia Ronquillo Castro † John L. Lee † Ralph Bencivengo Ed & Jo Bogacz Sam & Lisa Rubino & Family † Marie Babecki † Annie & Michael Riccardo Husband Lucy & Al Mazzagetti † Frank T. Hawrylo † Frederick G. Knott Ed & Jo Bogacz Lorraine Lee † Anna Yola Faraglia † John Lee † Rita Ramírez † Leopoldo Alfonso Rodríguez Kathleen & Lorraine Faraglia Richard & Marie Innocenzi Sr. Carolyn & Sr. Domenica Sus hijos † John L. Lee † Orsola Gervasio Lectio Divina-(English) Way of the Cross (Bilingual) Lectio Divina-(Español) Wife & Family Lorraine Lee † Vincenzo Riccitiello † Joseph A. Pellini † Nicholas & Ellen Capasso † María Rodríguez † Rafael De León † Wife, Carmela Fred & Donna Miele Frank & Marie Capasso Familia Martinez Familia De León † Dominick P. Azzaro † Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de nuestra parroquia † Joseph Potash † Josef M. Pollich † Maryann Cenerino † Joseph Russo † Pauline Capasso † Albert Carmignani † John & Anne Gottlieb † Christian Rodas Por la salud de Rosa Aucapiña JoAnne San Paolo Parroquia Sunday, 08 March 8:00 AM (SJC) Spanish 9:30 AM (ICC) English 11:00 AM (SJC) English/Italian 12:30 PM (ICC) Spanish John P. & Maureen M. Moroze Pollich Family Eva & Katharina Wife, Anna Mom & Dad Mom & Dad Parroquia Isidro Vásquez Hijos y esposa Su hija y nietos Monday, 09 March 12:15 PM (SJC) English Tuesday, 10 March 12:15 PM (SJC) English Wednesday, 11 March 12:15 PM (SJC) English Thursday, 12 March 12:15 PM (SJC) English 7:00 PM (SJC) Spanish Friday, 13 March 12:15 PM (SJC) English 6:00 PM (ICC) 6:30 PM (ICC) 7:30PM (ICC) Saturday, 14 March 4:00 PM (SJC) English 6:30 PM (SJC) Spanish Sunday, 15 March 8:00 AM (SJC) Spanish 9:30 AM (ICC) English 11:00 AM (SJC) English/Italian 12:30 PM (ICC) Spanish Parroquia Wife, Helen Pollich Family Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rubino Consolation Ministers Arthur S. Rogoff Don & Donna Povia Parish Hairy Amezquita Wilson Maza 594 08 March 2015 STEWARDSHIP… A Way of Life Sharing Our Treasure 28 February & 1 march Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship Offering Masses in English Masses in Spanish Envelope Contributions Youth envelopes Loose Money collected Number Registered Households Number Using Envelopes Last Week Average Envelope Contribution Candle offerings Poor Box $14,193.00 $8,768.00 $5,425.00 $11,951.00 $137.00 $2,105.00 1,166 Families 582 Families $20.53 $292.00 $420.00 Page Nine OFFERING ENVELOPES Offering envelope packets are mailed quarterly before the beginning of each quarter. If you have not received your January to March envelopes, please contact the parish office at 609-695-6089 immediately and we will print them in house. The envelope packets for April thru June should arrive to your mailing address by the end of this month. Thank you for your generosity! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE BRING YOUR CHANGE FOR THE POOR BOX Our next coin collection for the poor will be the weekend of March 21-22. Thank you for your support! Be happy in the moment - that's enough. Each moment is all we need - not more. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND PROGRAMACIÓN DE MINISTROS, LECTORES Y MONAGUILLOS 4th Sunday of Lent 4° Domingo de Cuaresma Ritual Occasion Celebración Day/Date/Time/Place Readers Precious Body Precious Blood Altar Servers Día/Fecha/Hora/Lugar Lectores Cuerpo de Cristo Sangre de Cristo Monaguillos Sat, 14 Mar 4:00pm SJC Sab, 14 de mar 4:00pm SJC A. Conte D. Povia Celebrant I Deacon I (BM) A. Barnila L. Bronski D. Povia (CM) L. Baron E. Rhodes Sat, 14 Mar 6:30pm SJC Sab, 14 de mar 6:30pm SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español C. Lopez M. Recinos Celebrante I W. Torres (BM) R. Barrera I. Macario F. Soto (CM) M. Calvo Sun, 15 Mar 8:00am SJC Dom, 15 de mar 8:00am SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español Sun, 15 Mar 9:30am ICC Dom, 15 de mar 9:30am ICC O. Cerna D. Martinez Celebrante I R. Hernández (BM) T. Martinez G. Martinez R. Mora (CM) C. Ortiz D. Pérez J. D Pérez R. Castaldo R. Locane Celebrant I Deacon I F. Berson K. Martinez B. Rodriguez Sun, 15 Mar 11:00am SJC Dom, 15 de mar 11:00am SJC G. Baldassari Celebrant I Deacon I (BM) M. Massi J. Pege G. Persichilli J. Swierczek B. Gioe C. Gioe R. Ponticiello CM H. Amezquita C. Avila Celebrante I N. Sandoval Diácono I M. Albarran R. Contreras P. Lopez C. Mateo J. Rivas J. Abarca J. Bodon E. Bodon M. Artavia A. Cambronero A. Manzanarez H. Mendoza J. Foley G. Fúnez Readings in Italian/Lecturas en Italiano Sun, 15 Mar 12:30pm ICC Dom, 15 de mar 12:30pm ICC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español Page Ten 3rd Sunday of Lent SANCTUARY LAMP (SJC) In Loving Memory of: Vincenzo Riccitiello Requested by: Wife Carmela SANCTUARY LAMP (ICC) For the persecuted Christians We still have sanctuary lamps available for ICC for the week of April 5 Rest in Peace Ida F. Contento Rita Ramirez Sanctuary Guild Cleaning Group # 4 Friday, 13 March Lorraine Lee—Sacristan, Carol Carmignani, Maryann Petrino, Elsie Mimmo, Diane Bonanno. LINEN SCHEDULE Anneliese Pollich & Jean Pucciatti Please pick up linens by Friday, 13 March. Thank you so much for your services! 20-WEEK CLUB DINNER NEXT DRAWING FRIDAY, APRIL 24 2015 To benefit Our Lady of the Angels Parish - $5.00 per week for 20 weeks. Included full course dinner including wine and cash bar, live entertainment cash prizes from $1,000 to $100, the evening of the reception, prize amounts are determined by the number of paid participants for the particular 20 week cycle. Winners need not be present to win. For additional information or to purchase tickets, please contact the parish office at 609-695-6089 and leave a message. You will be contacted by one of the committee members. INCLEMENT WEATHER In case of inclement weather on the weekend, we will have a special recording on the Parish Office number 609-695-6089 with any cancelation in mass schedule, office and other services if necessary. Please remember your safety is important to us! 594 SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea! Only two men survived and were able to swim to a small deserted island. Not knowing what to do, they decided to pray to God, but wanting to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island. The 1st thing the 1st man prayed for was food. The next morning, there was a fruit bearing tree on his side of the island, and he was able to eat the fruit. On the other side of the island, that man had no food. After about a week, the 1st man was lonely and prayed for a wife. The next day, another ship was wrecked, and the only survivor, a woman, swam to his side of the island. On the other side of the island, still nothing. The 1st man then prayed for housing, clothes and more food. Like magic, all of this was given to him. However, the 2nd man still had nothing. The first man then prayed for a ship so that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning, a ship was docked at his side of the island! That morning, he and his wife boarded the ship to leave the island. He considered the 2nd man unworthy to receive God’s blessings and left him behind as none of his prayers were answered. As the ship was about to leave, the 1st man heard a booming voice from above, “Why are you leaving your companion on the island?” The man answered, “My blessings are mine alone, since I prayed for them. His prayers were unanswered!” “You are mistaken! He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of my blessings,” the voice from above advised. “Tell me, what did he pray for that I should owe anything?” “He prayed that all your prayers be answered,” the voice answered. For all we know our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of another praying for us. When Jesus died on the cross, He was thinking of all of us! ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA: Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; To give and not to count the cost; To fight and not to heed the wounds; To toil and not to seek for rest; To labor and not to ask for reward; Save that of knowing that I do your will. 594 08 March 2015 Page Eleven OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS PARISH ORGANIZATION & COMMUNITY PARISHES NEWS ATTENTION ALL ORGANIZATIONS Easter Transmission schedule There will be an early deadline for the upcoming bulletin; items for the weekend of 4/5 April should be submitted no later than Thursday, 26 March. Please email all bulletin announcements to [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation! LADIES OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Next Corp. Comm. will be on Sunday, 5 April at the 9:30 AM Mass at ICC. SENIOR CITIZENS: Seniors meeting Wednesday, 11 March at 12:30PM. Bus to Atlantic City will leave ICC parking yard at 11:00AM on Monday, 9 March. SANCTUARY GUILD: Corp. Communion will be on Sunday, 22 March at 11:00AM. Business meeting to follow. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: Regular meeting scheduled for Friday, 20 March, starting at 7PM; active members are encouraged to attend. HNS support of Stations of the Cross on Friday, 13 March; service volunteers to arrive at ICC by 6:15PM for instructions. TRENTON COUNCIL 355 EASTER PARTY & EGG HUNT Saturday March 28 12pm -2pm Centennial Hall Children and grand children 2-12 yrs. from Our Lady of the Angels & Trenton #355 are invited for an egg hunt and party games! Bring Your Own Basket! Children will receive lunch and prizes from the hunt. (Coffee will be served to all adults in attendance). For more information call, Cezar 609548-0110 or e-mail [email protected]. Join us in facebook FEAST OF ST. JOSEPH DINNER CELEBRATION SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 12:00PM to 4:00PM Stone Terrace by John Henry’s Mercer St., Hamilton Sq., NJ. Red&White Wine/Salad/Red&White Pasta Half Roasted Chicken/Tilapia Rollatini. St. Joseph’s Bread, Soda/Coffee/Tea/Dessert. Music and Dancing with DJ John Rossi. $45.00 per person. Tickets are Nonrefundable. Call Lynn LiMato @ (609)306-7185 for tickets. Sponsored by The New St. Joseph Society of Incarnation St. James Church NOTR DAME HIGH SCHOOL Notre Dame Students learn to apply lessons of faith, leadership and learning to the big test of life. Apply now for all admissions to the Class of ’19. Admissions Test, March 20 8:00AM. For additional information, please contact the Admissions Office at 609-882-7900 ext 139. SPRING GIFT BINGO SUNDAY, 22 MARCH at 1:00PM Sponsored by Trenton Council # 355 Knights of Columbus Door opens at 12:00PM-Food and refreshments available at Our Lady of the Angels-St. Joachim in the Parish Hall. Featuring Gifts from: Mark Pratico Jewelers 609-5856363. Tickets $20.00 which includes, 2 bingo cards for 15 games. (Prize $40.00 per game). Additional cards & 50/50’s available to purchase. Proceeds to Benefit Sunshine Foundation-Operation Dreamlift.Help send a chronically ill child to Disney for the day. Join Our Lady of the Angels Starr bus trip to the Tropicana Casino Atlantic City, NJ to see “A Tribute to Jersey Boys.” Monday, May 11, 2015. $48.00 per person, trip insurance $10.00 per person available. Includes: $150.00 slot play, Matinee Performance and Motorcoach and Transportation. Depart: 10:30AM AMC Theatre. Return: 8:00PM AMC Theater. Reservation: Call Lorraine Lee at 609-586-6749 Vizzoni Pharmacy, L.L.C. now has 3 locations to serve you! Vizzoni’s Pharmacy 1616 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-5784 Allentown Pharmacy 2 S. Main St. Allentown, NJ 08501 Phone: 609-259-6121 Siegel’s Pharmacy 1201 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-8111 Whitehorse Merceville Chapel, LLC Chambers D’Errico & Correnti Funeral Home Joseph A. D’Errico, Mgr. - NJ Lic. No. 3651 2365 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd., Hamilton Joseph A. D’Errico, Dir. NJ Lic. No 3651 Albert D. Correnti, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3538 609-587-9050 825 Chambers Street • Trenton, NJ 08611 • 609-396-3354 Esmeralda’s BRENNA FUNERAL HOME Fashions Sport The Original Since 1929 340 Hamilton Avenue 609-393-2857 Daniel Brenna Founder Frank M. Immordino Owner-Manager, N Lic. No. 3673 609.599.9301 CHIACCHIO Southview Funeral Home Vestidos para Todas las Ocasiones: 10% 990 South Broad Street David C. Chiacchio, Mgr. DESCUENTO 1127 S. Clinton Trenton, NJ 08611 N.J. Lic. No. 3449 Modest Cost / Parking SINCE 1977 609-695-8234 224 WOODLAND ST TRENTON NJ 08611 LIC# 13VH00282500 GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTO RX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or ofce. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 396-4686 609-278-0026 325 Jersey Street Trenton, NJ 08611 Tel: 609.394.3400 A family approach to Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Care Up to 7 days a week short term rehab including Physical, Occupational and Speech therapies post hospitalization Some of our medical specialties include Cardiac, Orthopedic, Respiratory and Post-Surgical Care Admissions accepted 24/7 Please stop by anytime or call to schedule a tour Jardineria/Vivero Se necesitan trabajadores de estacion para trabajar en un vivero. Trabajo al aire libre a tiempo completo. Varias funciones de trabajo: Podado, envios, irrigación, siembra aplicación de pesticidas. Si eres bilingüe y tienes experiencia en jardineria o en el trabajo en un vivero, aun mejor. Para mas información contacta a Medford Nursery al (609) 280-5969 o aplica en persona en nuestras ocinas 560A Eayrestown Rd., Lumberton, NJ 08048 311 Chestnut Avenue, Trenton Toni Gruerio, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2634 393-4966 Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 202 Edgehill Road • Merion Station, PA 19066 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF 20% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Check out our reviews on: 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair John W. Berkenkopf, RPh EPISCOPO’S PHARMACY 393-3017 • All Major Prescription Plans • Visa-Mastercard-MAC-Discover • Free Delivery Licensed & Insured 1.877.490.5599 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major re hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Also available FRANCISCAN MISSION ASSOCIATION Mass Cards. CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Our Family Caring for Your Family 1125 CHAMBERS STREET Buklad Memorial Home 2141 South Broad Street • Trenton Christopher Merlino, Manager/Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 • Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Director, N.J. Lic. #3412 609-695-1868 Buklad Yardville Memorial Chapel 30 Yardville - Allentown Road • Yardville Buklad Memorial Homes, Inc. 594 Our Lady of the Angels ~ Trenton, NJ ~ Rt. Tr Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Manager, N.J. Lic. #3412 Christopher Merlino, Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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